AAMD :: Volume #23

#2207: Impudent and shameless! Tears to pieces the facial skin! Three skulls

Chapter 2207 is impudent and shameless! Tears to pieces the facial skin! Aggrievedness of three skull spirit clan Dark Species!( Sought subscription) 第2207章厚颜无耻!撕破脸皮!三头骨灵族黑暗种的憋屈!(求订阅) Three skull spirit clan Dark Species were also asked by Wang Teng this righteous appearance ignorant. 三头骨灵族黑暗种也被王腾这幅理直气壮的样子问懵了。 Absorbed the source of such many core to be rational? 多吸收了如此之多的核心之源还有理了? Three skull spirit clan Dark Species coldly is staring at him, the bone carboxyl opens the mouth to say again: You and I and others cooperated, the source of core should divide equally, you actually absorbed the sources of so many cores, really some did not speak the custom.” 三头骨灵族黑暗种冷冷的盯着他,骨羧再次开口道:“你与我等合作,核心之源本该平分,你却多吸收了这么多的核心之源,实在有些不讲规矩了吧。” This is what words, the source of that core is you absorbs to me, I just am the absorption quick little.” “这是什么话,那核心之源是你们自己给我吸收的,我只不过是吸收的快了一点点而已。” Everyone depending on the skill, you are not respectively good, blames me.” Wang Teng laughs at one, light say/way. “大家各凭本事,你们自己不行,怪我喽。”王腾嗤笑一声,淡淡道。 „......” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species have not thought that he will say, is shocked at the scene, the soul fire in eye socket enlarged several times, the empty eye socket entire will fill up, the pitch-dark piece, is staring Wang Teng, suddenly does not know unexpectedly should say anything. “……”三头骨灵族黑暗种没想到他会这么说,当场愣住,眼眶内的魂火都放大了数倍,将空洞洞的眼眶整个都填满了,黑漆漆一片,瞪着王腾,一时间竟是不知该说什么。 Has never seen the so impudent and shameless person! 从未见过如此厚颜无耻之人! What's wrong, I said isn't right? If you can absorb, absorbs, I have not been blocking you.” Wang Teng sees three skull spirit clan Dark Species to be blown by oneself , to continue the resentment to say. “怎么,我说的不对吗?你们要是可以吸收,也去吸收啊,我又没拦着你们。”王腾见三头骨灵族黑暗种被自己镇住,继续怼道。 You!!!” “你!!!” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species suddenly feel aggrieved incomparable. 三头骨灵族黑暗种顿觉憋屈无比。 If they can the source of so unscrupulous absorption core, but also serves a need like this cautiously? Also serves a need to do so many steps to come? 它们要是能够如此肆无忌惮的吸收核心之源,还用得着这样小心翼翼的吗?还用得着搞出这么多的步骤来吗? This fellow speaks irresponsibly and sarcastically. 这家伙真是站着说话不腰疼。 However they are also very helpless, just still in the heart ridiculed that the opposite party has not experienced, the source of unexpectedly direct absorption core, courts death simply. 不过它们也是非常无奈,刚刚还在心中嘲笑对方没见识,竟然直接吸收核心之源,简直是找死。 Finally in the end, the ignorant person unexpectedly is they. 结果到头来,无知的人竟是它们自己。 Hits the face! 打脸啊! The scarlet fruits hit the face! 赤果果打脸! The opposite party do not fear source of that wild energy shape bone demon tree core completely, can absorb directly. 对方完全不惧骨魔树核心之源那狂暴的能量形态,直接就能够吸收。 Although they do not know how he achieves, but the fact puts at now at present, very obvious clown turned into them. 尽管它们都不知道他到底是怎么做到的,但如今事实摆在眼前,很明显小丑就变成了它们自己。 „The source of core we absorb laboriously, why makes you occupy the big end, if illuminated you saying that more many that who absorbed, whose was, that this cooperation also had what significance.” Bone cold sound said. “我们辛辛苦苦吸收来的核心之源,凭什么让你占大头,如果照你这么说,谁吸收的越多,便是谁的,那这合作还有什么意义。”骨喀冷声道。 In its heart is also angry incomparable. 它心中亦是愤怒无比。 From the beginning it is planning, wants to have sole possession of the source of this core. 一开始它就在算计,想要独吞这核心之源。 But the present to this situation, it also can only repress uncomfortable in heart, waits for the time, embezzles part the source of that core again quietly. 只不过如今到了这种情况,它也只能按捺心中的不爽,等待时机,再将那核心之源悄悄吞没一部分。 Bone bo is it, the bystander is not naturally able to determine that it absorbed the sources of many cores. 骨砵是它的,外人自然无法确定它吸收了多少核心之源。 Has very big feasible space. 这其中有着很大的可操作性空间。 Therefore saw Wang Teng to absorb the sources of massive core, in its heart sui the bone carboxyl and bone was more uncomfortable, to was naturally almost impossible to conceal the situation that to the Wang Teng anger. 所以见王腾吸收了大量的核心之源,它心中比骨羧和骨濉还要不爽,对王腾的愤怒自然是到了几乎无法掩饰的地步。 This special is the source of its core. 这特么都是它的核心之源啊。 Such casual cheap this does not know the fellow who at present where braves, how making it be able to accept. 就这么随随便便的便宜了眼前这个不知道从哪里冒出来的家伙,让它如何能够接受。 At this moment its blade the heart of Wang Teng had. 此刻它刀了王腾的心都有了。 The bone carboxyl looked at a bone , in the heart is a little strange, always felt that this fellow compares it also to want the angry appearance, for what? 骨羧看了一眼骨喀,心中有点古怪,总感觉这家伙比它还要愤怒的样子,为了啥? That then does not cooperate.” At this time, the Wang Teng vision was desolate, spooky saying. “那便不合作了呗。”这时,王腾目光冷淡,幽幽的说道。 The source of such good thing bone demon tree core, making him not absorb, this does not joke with him. 骨魔树核心之源这么好的东西,让他不吸收,这不是跟他开玩笑呢嘛。 He has roughly found out the functions of these ancestor in any case now, even with these skull spirit clan Dark Species cooperation, cannot absorb bone demon tree the source of core. 反正他现在大体已经摸清楚了那些祖物的作用,就算不与这几头骨灵族黑暗种合作,也可以吸收骨魔树的核心之源。 Even if starts the pit ahead of time they, does not affect anything, was short of three tool people at most. 就算是提前开始坑它们,也不影响什么,顶多就是少了三个工具人而已。 Strikes to kill these three high-rank demon sovereign levels bone spirit clan Dark Species, he had confidence, he does not want to stimulate to the bone demon tree now. 击杀这三头上位魔皇级的骨灵族黑暗种,他还是有把握的,如今他只是不想刺激到骨魔树而已。 Do not look that now the bone demon tree had been alarmed, but he can determine, this bone demon tree has not recovered completely. 别看如今骨魔树已经被惊动,但是他可以确定,这骨魔树并没有完全复苏。 How otherwise to allow these three skull spirit clan Dark Species and he absorbs the source of core here recklessly. 否则岂会容许这三头骨灵族黑暗种和他在这里肆意的吸收核心之源。 Perhaps in the bone demon tree eye, they is really similar to the ants to be the same. 也许在骨魔树眼中,他们真的就如同蝼蚁一般。 Now these ants lie on its body absorb sap, although it wants to drive away them, but does not have to be serious. 如今这几只蝼蚁趴在它的身上吸取“树汁”,它虽然想要将他们赶走,但也没有太当回事。 It looks like very terrifying bone demon root hair attack in three skull spirit clan Dark Species and Wang Teng, in the consciousness of bone demon tree, possibly is only the scratching with the finger titillation? 在三头骨灵族黑暗种王腾看来十分恐怖的骨魔根须攻击,在骨魔树的意识当中,可能只是搔搔痒呢? But if he hits with three skull spirit clan Dark Species, causing the bone demon tree to recover thoroughly, that situation was different. 但是如果他与三头骨灵族黑暗种打起来,导致骨魔树彻底复苏,那情况就不一样了。 Naturally, this is only has the possibility, the bone demon tree and may not recover thoroughly. 当然,这只是有可能,骨魔树并不一定会彻底复苏。 But Wang Teng has carried out drives the criterion of ten thousand years of ship carefully, naturally does not want to fall into the extremely passive position by oneself. 只不过王腾一直奉行小心驶得万年船的准则,自然不想让自己陷入太过被动的境地之中。 Now looks how these three skull spirit clan Dark Species chose, if they do not know the good and evil, that do not blame him. 如今就看这三头骨灵族黑暗种如何抉择了,如果它们不识好歹的话,那就不要怪他了。 These ideas flash past in the Wang Teng mind, he looks to three skull spirit clan Dark Species vision, immediately has the cold light to flash through. 这些想法在王腾的脑海中一闪而过,他看向三头骨灵族黑暗种的目光之中,顿时有着寒光闪过。 Does not install, laid cards on the table, I must kill you.” “不装了,摊牌了,我要弄死你们。” Thinks that a look of blade person, cannot keep. 想刀一个人的眼神,是藏不住的。 Didn't three skull spirit clan Dark Species direct hemp, this fellow press the repertoire to play a card? 三头骨灵族黑暗种直接麻了,这家伙怎么不按套路出牌? They in fact simply do not want to tear to pieces the facial skin at this time, reason that just matter will raise, is wish makes him restrain a point. 它们实际上根本没想在这个时候撕破脸皮,之所以将刚刚的事情提出来,就是想要让他收敛一点。 They do not attach great importance to face-saving? 它们不要面子的吗? Was absorbed the sources of so many cores, if thinks so, a few words did not say, then they became the ornaments. 被吸收了这么多的核心之源,如果就这么看着,一句话都不说,那它们岂不是成了摆设。 However they have not really thought that Wang Teng opens the mouth not to cooperate, this fellow clearly knows the fearfulness of bone demon tree, but also dares to do that what energy is difficult to be inadequate has to be inadequate? 但是它们真没有想到王腾一开口就是不合作了,这家伙明知道骨魔树的可怕,还敢这么做,难不成是有什么底气不成? Said is cheating them radically? 还是说根本只是在诈它们? Suddenly, three skull spirit clan Dark Species vision are somewhat surprisedly are uncertain, but they conceal is very good, the vision is coldly as before is staring at Wang Teng, as to become the pressure with this way to other party, making him admit defeat. 一时间,三头骨灵族黑暗种的目光都是有些惊疑不定起来,但它们掩饰的很好,目光依旧是冷冷的盯着王腾,似乎想要用这种方式给他造成压力,让他服软。 They after all are high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species, three add, feared that cannot be victorious a mid-rank demon sovereign level. 它们毕竟是上位魔皇级黑暗种,三个加起来,难道还怕打不过一个中位魔皇级。 Therefore even if Wang Teng has shown the good strength and talent, in their hearts still has a big assurance, was not worried that Wang Teng can turn out their palms. 因此即便王腾已经展现出了不俗的实力和天赋,它们心中也是有着不小的把握,丝毫不担心王腾能够翻出它们的手掌心。 What a pity they were doomed to want. 可惜它们注定是想多了。 If makes Wang Teng know that their ideas, this moment estimate will smile directly. 如果让王腾知道它们的想法,此刻估计会直接笑出来。 Little guy, but also is very self-confident! 小样儿,还挺自信! It seems like you do not want to cooperate.” The Wang Teng vision is spooky, strikes an attitude to take back two ancestor. “看来你们也是不想合作了啊。”王腾目光幽幽,作势就要收回两件祖物。 Especially that bone bell, his spirit read the strength to break, the grating ting then stopped instantaneously, all around bone demon root hair immediately crazy bombardment. 尤其是那骨铃,他的精神念力一断,刺耳的铃声便瞬间停止,四周的骨魔根须当即疯狂的轰击而来。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Three skull spirit clan Dark Species move aside, was coated in the defense of ancestor by that bone demon root hair bombardment, immediately the bellow is unceasing, the defense cover fierce tremor, above black rune/symbol writing disrupted. 三头骨灵族黑暗种一个躲闪不及,被那骨魔根须轰击在了祖物的防御罩上,顿时轰鸣声不断,防御罩剧烈的颤动起来,上面的黑色符文都碎裂了许多。 And under the great strength of that bone demon root hair, three skull spirit clan Dark Species their ancestor, was being rumbled to fly dozens meters away. 并且在那骨魔根须的巨力之下,三头骨灵族黑暗种连带着它们的祖物,都被轰飞了数十米远。 !!! 啪!啪!啪! The bone bo empty shadow above bone top of the head was also shaken to fly horizontally, the black whisker that in the bo mouth extends breaks to open, is unable to absorb bone demon tree the source of core again. 骨喀头顶之上的骨砵虚影亦是被震得横飞了出去,砵口之中延伸出的黑色触须纷纷断裂而开,无法再吸收骨魔树的核心之源。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! These bone demon root hair have not given up, is in hot pursuit as before, dense and numerous speeds away toward three skull spirit clan Dark Species. 那些骨魔根须并未就此放弃,依旧穷追不舍,密密麻麻的朝着三头骨灵族黑暗种疾驰而来。 This moment these three skull spirit clan Dark Species are runs about to deal with completely, therefore had not discovered that bone demon root hair has not attacked Wang Teng unexpectedly. 此刻这三头骨灵族黑暗种完全是疲于应付,因此并未发现那骨魔根须竟然没有攻击王腾 Naturally, Wang Teng also set the example, the figure flashed, then sped away to go toward the bone demon tree behind. 当然,王腾也做了做样子,身形一闪,便朝着骨魔树后方疾驰而去。 He is disinclined to pay attention to these three skull spirit clan Dark Species again, making the bone demon root hair accompany them quite to go fun. 他懒得再理会这三头骨灵族黑暗种,让骨魔根须陪它们好好玩去吧。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species just evaded the attack of this wave of bone demon root hair, is wanting to say anything to Wang Teng, had actually lost the Wang Teng trail, immediately in the heart is startled. 三头骨灵族黑暗种刚刚躲过这一波骨魔根须的攻击,正想要对王腾说什么,却已然失去了王腾的踪迹,顿时心中一惊。 Disappears!” “不见了!” Which did that fellow go?” “那个家伙去哪儿了?” Damn, we died by the pit, the bastard said unexpectedly tears to pieces the facial skin to tear to pieces the facial skin, born in the year of the dog?” “该死,我们被坑死了,那混蛋居然说撕破脸皮就撕破脸皮,属狗的吗?” We are the high-rank demon sovereign level exist, a bastard face does not give us.” “我们好歹是上位魔皇级存在,那混蛋一点面子都不给我们。” Does not know where braves, does not seem to know us, our three in clan, although is not well-known, but the good and evil also has existence of given name, hasn't it listened?” “也不知道从哪里冒出来的,好像根本就不认识我们,我们三个在族内虽然不是人尽皆知,但好歹也是有名号的存在吧,它难道就没有听过?” When, you also had the thoughts to pay attention to some not to have, without his bone bell, we are unable to resist the attack of bone demon root hair.” “都什么时候了,你还有心思关注这些有的没的,如果没有他的骨铃,我们根本无法抵挡骨魔根须的攻击。” Scoundrel!” “混账!” ...... …… Three skull spirit clan Dark Species send greetings the exchange fast, is unable to resist the bone demon root hair that attacks to come unceasingly shortly, in the heart seriously is startled and anger. 三头骨灵族黑暗种快速传音交流,眼看根本无法抵挡那不断侵袭而来的骨魔根须,心中当真是又惊又怒。 They have not thought that Wang Teng does not instigate them, a word did not break the cooperation at earliest convenience. 它们都没有想到王腾根本不怂它们,一言不合就打破了刚才的合作。 Didn't he want the source of core? 难道他就不想要核心之源了吗? Three skull spirit clan Dark Species are puzzling, in heart aggrieved must spit blood. 三头骨灵族黑暗种百思不得其解,心中憋屈的要吐血。 Bone carboxyl, you did not say that you do have the means to affect the consciousness of bone demon tree?” Bone turns the head to look to the bone carboxyl, immediately asked. “骨羧,你不是说你有办法能够影响骨魔树的意识吗?”骨喀转头看向骨羧,当即问道。 My method can only affect the moment, to absorb some bone demon trees the sources of core, needs the bone bell of opposite party.” Bone carboxyl helpless shaking the head said. “我的手段只能影响片刻,如果想要多吸收一些骨魔树的核心之源,还是需要对方的骨铃。”骨羧无奈的摇头道。 Damn, can we only lead by the nose by him?” A bone angry fist rumbles, pounded a bone demon root hair unexpectedly. “该死,难道我们就只能被他牵着鼻子走?”骨喀愤怒的一拳轰出,竟是将一根骨魔根须砸了开去。 Bang! 轰! However it does not feel better, the entire body also flew upside down. 不过它也不好受,整个身躯随之倒飞了出去。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! The rear area also has the bone demon root hair attack to come, to want its winding immediately, the bone vision to shrink, in the hand the long bow appears, a ripple fire had/left several black light arrow arrows. 后方立刻又有骨魔根须侵袭而来,想要将其缠绕,骨喀目光一缩,手中长弓出现,一连射出了数道黑光箭矢。 Arrow Yakami is twining black rune/symbol writing, lends the source principle aura. 箭矢上缠绕着黑色符文,散发出本源法则气息。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Bone demon root hair were blocked, some breaks, some appearances fissure, but quick speeds away toward bone . 一道道骨魔根须被挡住,有的断裂,有的出现了裂痕,但很快又朝着骨喀疾驰而来。 At this moment, it realizes hard to deal with these bone demon root hair truly. 这一刻,它才真正体会到这些骨魔根须的难缠。 Some root hair, by its strength, are unable to rumble unexpectedly thoroughly broken, this also was too rather odd. 只是一些根须而已,以它的实力,竟然无法彻底轰碎,这未免也太离谱了。 Before beside the bone demon tree, it had also once fought with this bone demon root hair, although at that time equally felt very thornily, but they had not used the full power at that time, therefore they always felt oneself can deal with this bone demon root hair. 之前在骨魔树之外,它也曾与这骨魔根须交过手,当时虽然同样觉得十分棘手,但它们那时也并未动用全力,所以它们始终觉得自己能够应付这骨魔根须。 Until the present, reality ruthlessly gave on them a class. 直至如今,现实狠狠的给它们上了一课。 That bone demon root hair is more terrifying than the claw of bone demon, at all is not the common method can crush. 那骨魔根须比骨魔之爪还要恐怖,根本不是寻常手段能够击碎的。 Thinks again before Wang Teng, can crush the bone demon root hair unexpectedly with ease, in the bone heart is the vibration, the power gap of they and opposite party unexpectedly is so bigger? 再一想到王腾之前竟能够轻松击碎骨魔根须,骨喀心中更是震动不已,难道它们与对方的实力差距竟然这么大? ...... …… How does not raise three skull spirit clan Dark Species distressed, another side that bone demon root hair pursues, Wang Teng circles the rear area of bone demon tree core. 不提三头骨灵族黑暗种被那骨魔根须追的如何狼狈,另一边,王腾已是绕到了骨魔树核心的后方。 He does that nothing but is to give that three skull spirit clan Dark Species profound lessons, making them know, was not he leaves them is not good, but was they leaves him is not good. 他这么做,无非是想要给那三头骨灵族黑暗种一个深刻的教训,让它们知道,不是他离开了它们不行,而是它们离开了他不行。 It is not seven ancestor, his ancestor adds is also seven, does not compare them to be few. 不就是七件祖物吗,他身上的祖物加起来也是七件,不比它们少。 Moreover he also has space class ancestor, can be used to absorb bone demon tree the source of core. 而且他也有空间类的祖物,能够用来吸收骨魔树的核心之源。 That is, if Wang Teng wants to absorb bone demon tree the source of core, by his strength, can accomplish only, does not need that three skull spirit clan Dark Species. 这就是说,如果王腾想要吸收骨魔树的核心之源,单靠他自身的力量,就可以办到,根本不需要那三头骨灵族黑暗种 Previously cooperated with them, but is wish makes them take the lead in front, he was good because of behind picks up a bargain. 先前之所以与它们合作,不过是想要让它们在前面打头阵,他好在后面捡便宜。 Now picks cheaply, how also found out to absorb the source of bone demon tree core, naturally no longer needed them. 如今便宜捡了,也摸清楚了如何吸收骨魔树核心之源,自然就不再需要它们了。 How many Dark Species, are uses certainly up throws, must them, when the treasure same does supply? 几头黑暗种而已,当然是用完就扔喽,难道还要把它们当宝贝一样供起来? At this time Wang Teng looked to the property panel, the corners of the mouth exudes a curve. 此时王腾看向属性面板,嘴角不由泛起了一丝弧度。 Demon bone: 425000 / 500000 ;( Fifth-order) ; 【魔骨】:425000/500000;(五阶); Deep god body: 320000 / 500000( fifth-order) ; 【冥神体】:320000/500000(五阶); Shadow talent: 28000 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 【阴影天赋】:28000/50000(五阶); Although three talents as before are the fifth-order levels, not separation of husband and wife, but their attribute values actually all were raised much. 三种天赋虽然依旧是五阶层次,并未破镜,但它们的属性值却俱是提升了不少。 And Demon bone With Deep god body These two physique talents, increased hundreds of thousands points of attribute values. 其中【魔骨】和【冥神体】这两种体质天赋,都是足足提升了十几万点属性值。 Must know that these two physique talents the attribute value is difficult to be raised, if not this period of time he met several Demon Venerable level Dark Species, absolutely does not have the opportunity to promote. 要知道这两种体质天赋的属性值可是非常难提升的,这段时间若非他遇到了几头魔尊黑暗种,根本就没机会提升。 Even so, the attribute value of promotes is also limited, the attribute value that might as well this absorption bone demon tree the source of core increases comes a lot. 即便如此,所提升的属性值也非常有限,还不如这次吸收骨魔树的核心之源所提升的属性值来得多。 This was terrifying. 这就非常恐怖了。 After all he absorbed some bone demon trees the sources of core, really has such effect, is it possible that this bone demon tree the source of core is more precious than the attribute value that the Demon Venerable level does have? 毕竟他只是吸收了一些骨魔树的核心之源而已,竟然有如此奇效,莫非这骨魔树的核心之源比魔尊级存在的属性值还要珍贵? Shadow talent The attribute value of improvement are also many, has more than 20,000 point. 【阴影天赋】提升的属性值也非常多,足足有两万多点。 On this day bestowed on him is also just collected the attribute air bubble to promote bone demon tree here, but in the attribute value of fifth-order level was 800 points, now reaches 28000 points all of a sudden, this attribute value was not then raised instantaneously. 这天赋他也是刚刚在骨魔树这里拾取到了属性气泡才得以提升,不过之前在五阶层次的属性值不过是800点,如今一下子达到了28000点,这属性值可不就是瞬间便提升上去了。 Previously he guessed that decided from this bone demon tree trunk however can also promote Shadow talent, Also is confirmed now. 此前他就猜测从这骨魔树身上定然还能够提升【阴影天赋】,现在也算是得到了证实了。 In the Wang Teng heart somewhat is excited, these three talents are to him important, now can promote rapidly, he naturally cannot let up such good opportunity. 王腾心中不禁有些兴奋,这三种天赋对他而言都非常重要,现在可以快速提升,他自然不能放过这么好的机会。 From just absorbed the experience of source of core, so long as he absorbs one wave again , to promote to accomplish to six step levels three talent simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform completely. 从刚刚吸收核心之源的经验来看,他只要再吸收一波,将三种天赋齐齐提升到六阶层次完全是能够办到的。 This was flamboyant sends greatly. 这就牛逼大发了。 So the opportunity, only happens by happy circumstance. 如此机会,可遇不可求啊。 Moreover besides the promotion of these three talents, he also felt that own soul source and life source also obtained a big promotion. 而且除了这三种天赋的提升之外,他还感觉到自己的灵魂本源和生命本源也是得到了不小的提升。 Although use ancestor will lose the soul source, but this bone demon tree the source of core can supplement directly, is completely the positive cycle. 动用祖物虽然会损耗灵魂本源,但这骨魔树的核心之源直接就可以补充回来,完全就是良性循环啊。 Wang Teng will hide in the space crevice immediately, then takes out all ancestor, the preparation starts to absorb bone demon tree the source of core. 王腾当即将自己藏于空间夹缝之中,而后取出所有祖物,准备开始吸收骨魔树的核心之源。
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