AAMD :: Volume #23

#2206: Three talents also promote! Forcefully absorption

The Chapter 2206 three talents also promote! Forcefully absorption! Three skull spirit clans are shocking!( Sought subscription) 第2206章三种天赋同时提升!强行吸收!三头骨灵族震惊!(求订阅) The unusual strength transmits from that black whisker, making Wang Teng surprised exceptionally. 奇特的力量从那黑色触须当中传来,让王腾惊讶异常。 To be cautious, he has not started to absorb this strength, but through the induction of white bones pipeline, has been able to feel the particularity of this strength. 为了谨慎起见,他还未开始吸收这种力量,但通过白骨管道的感应,已是可以感觉到这力量的特殊性。 This white bones pipeline by his Demon bone The talent extends, is similar to his limbs to be the same. 这白骨管道是由他的【魔骨】天赋延伸而出,就如同他的肢体一般。 The instance when that energy passes from the black whisker, he felt that own soul source and life source shivered slightly. 当那股能量从黑色触须当中传过来的瞬间,他就感觉到自身的灵魂本源和生命本源微微颤动了一下。 Obviously, his soul source and life source of this strength to has the greatest advantage. 很显然,这种力量对他的灵魂本源与生命本源有着莫大的好处。 Moreover not only so, he felt that within the body transmitted different kind palpitation. 而且不仅仅如此,他感觉体内传来了一阵别样的悸动。 This palpitation is weak, is not clear, he cannot determine that this palpitation came from where. 这种悸动非常微弱,并不清晰,以至于他并不能确定这种悸动到底来自于哪里。 But is actually a little certain...... 但有一点却是可以肯定…… „Can this energy as if promote my some talent?!!” In the Wang Teng eye none flashes, in the heart was somewhat astonished. “这股能量似乎可以提升我的某种天赋?!!”王腾眼中精光一闪,心中有些惊异了起来。 Not is only good to the life source and soul source extremely, but can also promote some talent, this energy was too rather flamboyant a point. 不但对生命本源和灵魂本源极有好处,还可以提升某种天赋,这种能量未免太牛逼了一点吧。 The source of core! 核心之源! This is bone demon tree the source of core!! 这就是骨魔树的核心之源!! If not that three skull spirit clan Dark Species, he has thrown at this time toward the bone demon tree core. 如果不是那三头骨灵族黑暗种在,他此时已经朝着骨魔树核心扑上去了。 Such good thing, who can bear. 这么好的东西,谁忍得住啊。 No wonder source of that three skull spirit clan Dark Species the core to this bone demon tree so never forgets, even if takes the so big risk, must stroke the bone demon tree the tiger must. 难怪那三头骨灵族黑暗种对这骨魔树的核心之源如此念念不忘,即便是冒着这般巨大的风险,也要捋一捋骨魔树的虎须。 Conversion is he, it is estimated that will also take risk to try. 换成是他,估计也会冒险一试。 Absorption!” “吸收!” Wang Teng has not hesitated again, immediately let loose the resistance, starts special energy that absorbs in the middle of that black whisker to fill to come. 王腾没有再迟疑,当即放开了抵抗,开始吸收那黑色触须当中弥漫而来的特殊能量。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, a boundless energy blasts out in the body of Wang Teng, such as the mighty current flows in his all the limbs and bones, rolling continuous. 刹那间,一股磅礴的能量在王腾的身体之中炸开,如洪流般在他的四肢百骸之内流淌,滚滚不休。 Also when that feeling, compares unexpectedly has not entered in his body wants to be wilder time, cannot compare completely. 那种感觉,竟然比未曾进入他身躯之中时还要狂暴许多倍,前后完全不能相比。 The energy state of just then like the brook calmly flowing, looked like general that installed simply. 刚刚那如溪流般静静流淌的能量状态,简直就像是装出来的一般。 Just likes a female man of whole body muscle to wear the ancient costume, a gently beautiful peaceful appearance, deceives the ghost. 犹如一个满身肌肉的女汉子穿着古装,一副柔美安静的模样,骗鬼呢。 The Wang Teng eye stares, immediately felt the entire body transmits the feeling of intermittent painfully swollen, that energy as if not explode not giving up his body brace. 王腾眼睛一瞪,顿时感觉整个身躯都传来阵阵胀痛之感,那能量仿佛不将他的身躯撑爆不罢休似的。 Grass!( A plant)” “艹!(一种植物)” In his heart could not bear explode a swearing, did not have to think oneself unexpectedly by an energy suspending one, this was anything. 他心中忍不住爆了一句粗口,没想到自己居然被一股能量给摆了一道,这算什么事儿啊。 The bone carboxyl, bone , bone sui three skull spirit clan Dark Species also detected that his condition some were not right, looked, immediately in the eye all reveals stunned. 骨羧,骨喀,骨濉三头骨灵族黑暗种也察觉到了他的状态有些不对,纷纷看了过来,随即眼中皆是露出一丝错愕。 What is this fellow doing? 这家伙在搞什么? He directly absorbed bone demon tree the source of core unexpectedly, such headstrong? 他居然直接吸收了骨魔树的核心之源,这么莽的吗? At this time, that black whisker has also inserted in their bodies, but they have not absorbed immediately, but stimulates to movement ancestor, making that dense and numerous black rune/symbol writing twine above their bodies. 此时,那黑色触须也已经插入它们的身躯之中,但它们并没有立刻吸收,而是催动祖物,让那密密麻麻的黑色符文缠绕在它们的身躯之上。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! 嗡!嗡!嗡! These black rune/symbol writing flash suddenly, a powerful strength arrives immediately on the bodies of three skull spirit clan Dark Species, rich black light also covers them. 那些黑色符文急剧闪动,一股强大的力量顿时降临在三头骨灵族黑暗种的身上,浓郁的黑光随之将它们笼罩。 Un?” Wang Teng scolded turns over to scold, in fact the situation is not bad, at this moment the thoughts paid attention to that three skull spirit clan Dark Species. “嗯?”王腾骂归骂,实际上情况却并没有那么糟糕,此刻还有心思关注那三头骨灵族黑暗种 He soon then discovered their unusual condition. 他很快便发现了它们的异状。 These three skull spirit clan Dark Species actually do not have first to absorb bone demon tree the source of core, but conducted quenching it through the strength of ancestor. 这三头骨灵族黑暗种竟然没有第一时间吸收骨魔树的核心之源,而是通过祖物的力量将其进行了淬炼。 Wang Teng obviously felt the source of that core had anything to be stripped, later through the black rune/symbol writing relation, was absorbed by that several ancestor. 王腾明显感觉到那核心之源当中有什么东西被剥离了出来,随后通过黑色符文的联系,被那几件祖物所吸收。 What that several ancestor did absorb?” “那几件祖物吸收了什么?” His vision concentrates, the heart somewhat vibrates. 他目光一凝,心头有些震动起来。 These ancestor can quenching bone demon tree the source of core unexpectedly, even is some absorption strength. 这些祖物竟然可以淬炼骨魔树的核心之源,甚至是吸收其中的某种力量。 He felt that oneself as if underestimated strengths of these bone spirit clan ancestor, they do not look that simple like the surface, decides the mystery that however also has what him not to know. 他感觉自己似乎还是低估了这些骨灵族祖物的力量,它们并不像表面看起来那么简单,其中定然还有什么他所不知晓的奥秘。 But at this time does not think obviously these things time, at this time his within the body the source of core already even more wild, feeling that the quite one type must lose control. 但此时显然并不是想这些事情的时候,此时他体内的核心之源已经越发狂暴,颇有一种要失控的感觉。 Snort!” “哼!” Wang Teng cold snort/hum, opens immediately Swallows day to bite Magical powers. 王腾冷哼一声,立刻开启了【吞天噬地】神通。 Bang! 轰! Strength of the powerful incomparable swallowing erupts in his within the body various places, no matter his flesh, is the skeleton, or his soul body, as if the incarnation swallows the beast to be the same for the nihility, starts the source of crazy absorption that core. 一股强大无比的吞噬之力在他的体内各处爆发,不管是他的血肉,还是骨骼,亦或是他的灵魂体,仿佛都化身为虚无吞兽一般,开始疯狂的吸收那核心之源。 Then...... did not have then! 然后……就没有然后了! Even the source of this core again how wild, cannot resist Wang Teng Swallows day to bite The magical powers, any strength in its front, radically is not anything. 就算这核心之源再如何狂暴,也是抵挡不住王腾的【吞天噬地】神通,任何力量在其面前,根本都不算什么。 In the meantime, the Wang Teng body cannot help but presented some response. 就在此时,王腾的身躯不由自主的出现了某种反应。 Shadow talent, opening! 阴影天赋,开启! Deep god body, opening! 冥神体,开启! Two the talents of opening, at this time just like not receiving anything stimulated, is simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform opens unexpectedly. 两种并未开启的天赋,此时宛如受到了什么刺激,竟是齐齐开启。 Then, these two talents and physicals presented the radical sublimation and transformation in this moment unexpectedly, like receiving some invisible nourishing, must from the current condition jump to a higher level. 而后,这两种天赋与体质竟然在这一刻出现了剧烈的升华与蜕变,如同受到了某种无形的滋养,要从当前的状态跃迁到更高层次去。 Not only so, he opened Demon bone The talent, presented the sublimation and transformation at this time. 不仅仅如此,他原本就开启的【魔骨】天赋,此时也是出现了升华与蜕变。 The skeleton shiny smooth of even more Wang Teng within the body, in its surface, has the innumerable black traces to reappear, sends out the strong darkness evil strength, there is an demon prestige beyond description. 王腾体内的骨骼越发的莹润,在其表面,更有无数的黑色纹路浮现而出,散发出强大的黑暗邪恶之力,有一种难以形容的魔威。 Meanwhile, the skeleton that its body surface condenses also had the change unexpectedly, the above skeleton becomes the shiny smooth similarly, clear incomparable, just like one fine actually fierce artware. 与此同时,其体表凝聚的骸骨居然也随之出现了变化,上面的骸骨同样变得更加莹润,晶莹无比,宛如一件精致却又狰狞的艺术品。 This skeleton surface is also has the strange black trace to spread, winds to crawl like black spirit snakes, lets person scalp tingles sufficiently. 这骸骨表面同样是有着诡异的黑色纹路蔓延而出,如同一条条黑色灵蛇蜿蜒爬行,足以让人头皮发麻。 This!!!” A Wang Teng startled no small matter. “这!!!”王腾一惊非同小可。 Three talents also transform! 三种天赋同时蜕变! Although had felt that this bone demon tree the source of core can promote some talent, but has not actually thought that can promote three talents unexpectedly simultaneously. 尽管早就感觉到这骨魔树的核心之源可以提升某种天赋,但却没有想到竟可以同时提升三种天赋。 Shadow talent! 阴影天赋! Demon bone talent! 魔骨天赋! And even is the deep god body of deep god clan! 乃至是冥神族的冥神体! This is simply inconceivable. 这简直不可思议。 The shadow talent and demon bone talent accepts, before after all Wang Teng, actually fortunately obtains the corresponding attribute air bubble bone demon tree here, Shadow talent With Demon bone The talent promoted much. 阴影天赋和魔骨天赋倒是还好接受一些,毕竟王腾之前就已经在骨魔树这里得到了相应的属性气泡,将【阴影天赋】和【魔骨】天赋提升了不少。 But source of even/including this core Deep god body Can promote, somewhat went beyond his expectation. 但这核心之源连【冥神体】都可以提升,着实有些超出了他的预料。 7 Deep god body But deep god clan Dark Species unique physique! 七【冥神体】可是冥神族黑暗种特有的体质! But deep god clan Dark Species is mysterious and powerful existence, this point fears anybody to know, their physicals can it be that are so also easy to promote. 而冥神族黑暗种又是何等神秘与强大的存在,这一点恐怕任何人都知晓,它们的体质又岂是那么容易提升的。 Feared that is bone spirit clan Dark Species cannot believe that this bone demon tree the source of core can promote deep god clan Dark Species Deep god body. 怕是骨灵族黑暗种自己都不敢相信,这骨魔树的核心之源可以提升冥神族黑暗种的【冥神体】吧。 This special has surpassed the color line well! 这特么都已经超出了种族界限了好吧! How does this bone demon tree form?” “这骨魔树到底是如何形成的?” Although it truly can absorb dead the deep strength, but the source of its core can promote Deep god body, This seriously is incredible.” “虽然它确实可以吸收死冥之力,但其核心之源可以提升【冥神体】,这当真是让人难以置信。” Wang Teng has to plant not the real feeling as before, always thought that this bone demon tree was too a little flamboyant. 王腾依旧是有种不真实的感觉,总觉得这骨魔树有点太牛逼了。 He is seeks to leave the means of ruins of this perishing bone, leaked a space crack to be good to him casually, how to meet so terrifying existence? 他不过是来寻找离开这亡骨之墟的办法而已,随便漏一个空间裂缝给他就行了,怎么就遇见了如此恐怖的存在? Did the ruins of this perishing bone a little show due respect for the feelings? 这亡骨之墟是不是有点太给面子了? Show due respect for the feelings, he cannot certainly let up such good opportunity...... 这么给面子,他当然不能放过这么好的机会啊…… Absorption! Gives me to absorb ruthlessly!” “吸收!给我狠狠的吸收!” Wang Teng eye bright scary, Swallows day to bite The magical powers opened the pinnacle, the source of bone demon tree core crazy absorption that black whisker transmitted. 王腾眼睛亮的吓人,【吞天噬地】神通开启到了极致,疯狂的吸收那黑色触须当中传送过来的骨魔树核心之源。 Another side, bone is also absorbing the source of core, but felt suddenly anything, the soul fire in eye socket jumped suddenly, some looking with amazement to top of the head bone bo empty shadow. 另一边,骨喀同样正在吸收核心之源,但突然感觉到了什么,眼眶内的魂火骤然一跳,有些骇然的望向头顶上空的骨砵虚影。 It feels, the bone bo source of core was pulled by strength attracting forcefully unexpectedly. 它感觉到,骨砵之中的核心之源竟然被一股力量硬生生的吸扯了出去。 How is this possible??!! 这怎么可能??!! In the bone heart vibrates, feels is inconceivable, unexpectedly some people can in the middle of the bone bo source of core attract to pull, this special simply damn. 骨喀心中震动,感觉非常不可思议,居然有人可以将骨砵当中的核心之源吸扯出去,这特么简直见鬼了。 It never listened to say this matter. 它从未听过说这种事。 Also can some people compete for the source of core to be inadequate with ancestor? 还有人可以与祖物争夺核心之源不成? Must be so odd! 要不要这么离谱啊! Who is?” “是谁?” In bone heart dignified, induced carefully, the vision framed instantaneously above a black whisker, looked following this black whisker, unexpectedly was that skeleton life! 骨喀心中凝重,仔细感应了一番,目光瞬间定格在其中一条黑色触须之上,顺着这条黑色触须看去,竟然是那个骸骨生灵! The soul fire in its eye socket shrinks suddenly, the vision is staring at Wang Teng stubbornly, as to see that his details are ordinary. 它眼眶内的魂火骤然一缩,目光死死盯着王腾,似乎想要看出他的底细一般。 What a pity depends on its strength, how can also see through the camouflage of Wang Teng. 可惜就凭它的实力,又如何能够看穿王腾的伪装。 Regardless how to see, that is a strange skeleton life, seeming like even somewhat is not wonderfully average, does not have any unique element. 无论怎么看,那都是一个奇奇怪怪的骸骨生灵,看起来甚至有些平平无奇,没有什么特殊之处。 However in the meantime, it felt suddenly anything, in the eye revealed unbelievable. 然而就在此时,它突然感觉到了什么,眼中不由露出一丝难以置信。 Very powerful big demon bone aura!” “好强大的魔骨气息!” His Demon bone The talent is more powerful than me and bone carboxyl.” “他的【魔骨】天赋难道比我和骨羧还要强大。” What background is this fellow??!” “这家伙到底是什么来头??!” Thoughts flash through in the bone heart fast, its vision flashes rapidly, but is actually not able to completely understand Wang Teng, in the heart raises to be aggrieved and helpless. 一个个念头在骨喀心中快速闪过,它目光急速闪动,但却始终无法看透王腾,心中不禁升起一丝憋屈和无奈。 This strange fellow looks like general that braves baseless, they know nothing about it. 这个奇奇怪怪的家伙就像是凭空冒出来的一般,以至于它们对其一无所知。 Moreover, this thinks that the opposite party is only the mid-rank demon sovereign level, from the beginning some of its many contempt, who knows that is so unexpectedly powerful. 而且,本以为对方只是中位魔皇级,一开始它多少有些轻视,可谁知道竟然如此强大。 At this moment, in its heart to dreading of Wang Teng was more intense. 这一刻,它心中对王腾的忌惮更加强烈了一些。 Just now sees Wang Teng to act, it does not dare to belittle Wang Teng again, at this moment was needless saying that that type Demon bone The aura showed that the talent of opposite party is very powerful, cannot be underestimated. 方才看到王腾出手,它就已经不敢再小觑王腾,此刻就更不用多说了,那种【魔骨】气息说明对方的天赋十分强大,更是不容小觑。 Bang! 轰! At this time, the bone bo empty shadow above bone top of the head vibrated suddenly, exuded the sound of thundering. 这时,骨喀头顶之上的骨砵虚影突然震动了起来,发出轰鸣之声。 Damn!” In the bone eye socket the soul fire vibrates, in the heart cursed one. “该死!”骨喀眼眶内魂火震动,心中不由咒骂了一声。 The unusual condition of bone bo is getting more and more fierce, this is because was absorbed the sources of too many core, caused the bone bo uncontrolled resistance. 骨砵的异状越来越剧烈,这是因为被吸收了太多的核心之源,导致骨砵不受控制的反抗了起来。 The strength of this resistance makes bone fall into passively, just supplemented from the source of core a soul source that again suction by ancestor, making him not be almost able to control this ancestor. 这种反抗之力让骨喀陷入被动,刚刚从核心之源当中补充回来的一点灵魂本源,再次被祖物吸走,令他差点无法控制这件祖物。 Cannot, break to me this way!” “不能再这样下去,给我断!” Bone reacts immediately, separated instantaneously unilaterally black whisker that connects Wang Teng. 骨喀立刻做出了反应,瞬间单方面的断开了连接王腾的黑色触须。 It did not even hesitate to destroy that black whisker forcefully, rather than took back it, this made its soul source consume were more. 它甚至不惜强行毁去了那条黑色触须,而不是将其收回,这令它的灵魂本源消耗更多了一些。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The bone carboxyl and bone sui also felt anything, but they did not know concretely what's the matter, only thinks that was that bone bo had what problem, immediately in the heart congealed, looked to bone . 骨羧和骨濉也感觉到了什么,但它们并不知道具体是怎么回事,只以为是那骨砵出现了什么问题,顿时心中一凝,纷纷看向骨喀。 He is absorbing the bone bo source of core forcefully, this fellow has the strangeness!” “他在强行吸收骨砵之内的核心之源,这家伙有古怪!” Bone has not concealed, the vision is gloomy, immediately passes message to the bone carboxyl and bone sui said. 骨喀没有隐瞒,目光阴沉,当即传音对骨羧和骨濉说道。 What?!” “什么?!” The bone carboxyl and bone sui two skull spirit clan Dark Species hears word, are the feeling somewhat is inconceivable. 骨羧和骨濉两头骨灵族黑暗种闻言,都是感觉有些不可思议。 Unexpectedly some people can absorb bone demon tree the source of core from ancestor forcefully! 居然有人可以从祖物当中强行吸收骨魔树的核心之源! Moreover that ancestor is not the opposite party is also controlling! 而且那件祖物还不是对方在掌控! Does this matter sound a little feeling of magic? 这事听起来怎么有点魔幻的感觉? It is not they do not believe that but was this matter a little surpassed their cognition , no one can snatch the source of core with ancestor. 不是它们不相信,而是这件事着实是有点超出了它们的认知,从来没有人可以与祖物抢核心之源的。 What you said is real?” The bone carboxyl vision looked at Wang Teng one dignifiedly, immediately looking of doubt to bone , passes message asks. “你说的是真的?”骨羧目光凝重的看了王腾一眼,随即又狐疑的望向骨喀,传音问道。 Was its suspicion this fellow misappropriated the source of core, then framed by planting stolen goods on to that strange skeleton life. 它不禁怀疑是不是这个家伙私吞了核心之源,然后栽赃给那个陌生的骸骨生灵。 They do not know the opposite party in any case, moreover does not know that bone bo absorbed the sources of many cores specifically, this was also not bone said that anything was anything. 反正它们也不认识对方,而且也不知道那骨砵具体吸收了多少核心之源,这还不是骨喀说什么就是什么。 If not the present situation is very critical, they will be will not allow bone one person to control that bone bo absolutely alone, absorbs bone demon tree the source of core. 如果不是现在情况十分危急,它们是绝对不会允许骨喀一人独自掌控那骨砵,去吸收骨魔树的核心之源的。 Bone gawked, immediately responds the bone carboxyl is thinking anything, in heart helpless, depressed wants to spit blood. 骨喀愣了一下,立刻反应过来骨羧在想什么,心中无奈,郁闷的想吐血。 It has not begun, this almost must bear one black pot. 它都还没动手呢,这就差点要背上一口黑锅了。 Special mother's this anything matter. 特娘的这都什么事。 It is not good, it does not carry this pot absolutely. 不行,它绝对不背这口锅。 In the bone heart deeply inspires immediately, looks that the bone carboxyl that coldly said: Will not have the mistake, did not believe yourself to induce his aura, if did not absorb the sources of massive core, how his aura likely had the so huge change.” 骨喀心中顿时深吸了口气,冷冷的看着骨羧道:“不会有错,不信你自己感应了一下他身上的气息,如果不是吸收了大量的核心之源,他身上的气息又怎么可能发生如此巨大的变化。” The bone carboxyl nature has felt Wang Teng aura, but in the information by bone words was just startled, this does not have first to respond. 骨羧自然已经感觉到了王腾身上的气息,只不过刚刚被骨喀话语中的信息惊到了,这才没有第一时间反应过来。 Now after opposite party's reminder, an induction, quick detects Wang Teng aura change again. 如今经过对方的提醒,再一感应,很快就察觉到了王腾身上的气息变化。 In its heart is startled. 它心中不禁又是一惊。 On this fellow has so intense demon bone aura unexpectedly! 这家伙身上的竟有如此强烈的魔骨气息! Perhaps such talent, must surpass it. 此等天赋,恐怕都要超过它了。 Suddenly, the vision of bone carboxyl is somewhat complex, dreaded that has one to envy, in the shock is mixing with an envy, in the heart is not very tranquil. 一时间,骨羧的目光有些复杂起来,忌惮中带着一丝羡慕,震惊中又夹杂着一丝嫉妒,心中很不平静。 The boundary of this fellow seemingly compares them to be low, but is the mid-rank demon sovereign level, finally the talent compares them to be strong unexpectedly. 这个家伙的境界看起来比它们还要低,不过是中位魔皇级而已,结果天赋居然比它们还要强。 So the talent, absolutely possibly is not generation of the nameless, but they have actually never heard existence of this person. 如此天赋,绝对不可能是籍籍无名之辈,但它们却从未听说过此人的存在。 Where does he brave? 他到底是从哪里冒出来的? You absorbed the sources of too many core!” “你吸收了太多的核心之源!” Silent, the bone carboxyl depressed in the heart finally not the tranquil mood, the opens the mouth that suddenly coldly said. 沉默了一下,骨羧终于是压下了心中不平静的情绪,突然冷冷的开口道。 What do you mean?” Wang Teng naturally knows oneself made anything, under three skull spirit clan Dark Species vision, in the heart many are a little embarrassed, but cannot recognize at this time absolutely instigated, therefore then vision no fluctuation is looking at each other with them, coldly to say. “什么意思?”王腾自然知道自己做了什么,在三头骨灵族黑暗种的目光下,心中多少有点不好意思,但这时候绝对不能认怂,于是便目光毫无波动的与它们对视着,冷冷回道。 Did not absorb source of the core, has anything at the worst, makes much ado about nothing. 不就是多吸收了一点核心之源吗,有什么大不了的,大惊小怪。
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