AAMD :: Volume #23

#2205: Decayed! The spiritual impact of bone bell! Deriving

The bone carboxyl is not silly, they and at present this skeleton life is not only the cooperation, is gambling. 骨羧并不傻,它们与眼前这骸骨生灵既是合作,又是一场博弈。 both sides pull in the limit. 双方都在极限拉扯。 Whose energy looked at fully. 就看谁的底气更足一些了。 But is very obvious, their energy are inferior to the opposite party. 而很显然,它们的底气不如对方。 They the unnecessary soul source cannot consume, only has absorbs bone demon tree the source of core earlier, has the opportunity to escape from here. 它们已经没有多余的灵魂本源可以消耗,唯有早点吸取骨魔树的核心之源,才有机会从这里逃出去。 Was inferior that you first do begin?” At this time, Wang Teng opened the mouth to say. “不如你们先动手?”这时,王腾又开口道。 Bone and bone sui were a little aggrieved, want to say anything, but bone carboxyl already, when first reacted. 骨喀和骨濉有点憋屈,想要说什么,但骨羧已经当先做出了反应。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, it transferred her soul source directly, pours into two ancestor, making it erupt radiant black light. 刹那间,它直接调动了自身的灵魂本源,注入两件祖物之中,令其爆发出璀璨的黑光。 Innumerable rune/symbol writing fills the air from ancestor, twines in ancestor all around. 无数的符文从祖物之中弥漫而出,缠绕在祖物的四周。 This time, it no longer keeps the hand obviously, must do wrestles finally. 这一次,它显然已经不再留手,要做最后一搏。 Because it knows that they simply do not have other opportunities, if misses this time, when the soul source consumes too many, perhaps even seven ancestor in the hand, cannot do to the bone demon tree. 因为它知道它们根本没有其他的机会,如果错过这一次,等到灵魂本源消耗太多,就算有七件祖物在手,恐怕也奈何不了骨魔树。 But it does that is also giving Wang Teng to look, making him know, it to the sincerity, has then visited him to display fully. 而它这么做,也是在给王腾看,让他知道,它已经给足了诚意,接下来就看他表现了。 This is also compelling Wang Teng to begin. 这也是在逼王腾动手。 Everyone knows that reassignment ancestor the strength needs the soul source, but the soul source of everyone is limited, particularly the strength is weaker, the soul source will be then weaker. 谁都知道调动祖物的力量需要灵魂本源,而每个人的灵魂本源都是有限的,尤其是实力越弱,灵魂本源便会越弱。 Therefore their opportunities are actually not many. 所以它们的机会其实并不多。 Now it does not keep the eruption soul source of hand, if the opposite party does not follow, when the time comes looked how he deals with the offensive of bone demon tree. 现在它已经毫不留手的爆发灵魂本源,如果对方不跟上,到时候看他如何应对骨魔树的攻势。 Only if he does not want to cooperate. 除非他根本就不想合作。 But this probability is small, in the present so critical situation, it does not believe that the opposite party can also escape by one's effort. 但这种几率非常小,在如今这般危急的情况下,它不相信对方还能够凭借一己之力逃出去。 This like a gambling house, follows, everyone may win, with, the lost probability is not bigger. 这就像一场牌局,跟上,所有人都有可能赢,不跟,输的几率更大。 Without a doubt, bone carboxyl in gambling. 毫无疑问,骨羧是在赌。 It bets Wang Teng certainly to follow, will not fall the chain at this time. 它赌王腾一定会跟上,绝不会在这个时候掉链子。 Begins!” “动手!” After erupting own soul source, the bone carboxyl looked to bone and bone sui, coldly opens the mouth to say. 爆发出自身的灵魂本源之后,骨羧又看向了骨喀与骨濉,冷冷开口道。 Bone and bone sui see this, was not good to say anything again, immediately also transfers the strength of own soul source, poured into the middle of respective ancestor, made its eruption. 骨喀和骨濉见此,也不好再多说什么,当即也是调动自身的灵魂本源之力,注入各自的祖物当中,令其爆发。 A each article ancestor float above their top of the heads, lent the ancient and dark aura. 一件件祖物漂浮在了它们的头顶之上,散发出古老而黑暗的气息。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bone demon root hair bombardment comes, to fall above rune/symbol writing of ancestor semblance, erupts the sound of intermittent fierce thundering. 骨魔根须轰击而来,落在祖物外表的符文之上,爆发出阵阵剧烈的轰鸣之声。 But suddenly, cannot rumble the defense that unexpectedly broken three skull spirit clan Dark Species ancestor form. 但一时间,竟然没能轰破三头骨灵族黑暗种的祖物形成的防御。 What a pity the bone demon root hair in this piece of space truly was more and more, now all gathers to come, greatly did not strike the stance of them killing does not give up. 可惜这片空间之中的骨魔根须确实是越来越多了,如今全都汇聚而来,大有一副不将它们击杀不罢休的架势。 Bone carboxyl, bone , in bone sui heart dignified incomparable, vision spooky looks to Wang Teng. 骨羧,骨喀,骨濉心中凝重无比,目光幽幽的看向王腾 Wang Teng can guarantee, if at this time he did not begin, these three skull spirit clan Dark Species will flush to go all out with him absolutely, rather die than must draw him to front the back. 王腾敢保证,这个时候他如果不动手,这三头骨灵族黑暗种绝对会冲过来跟他拼命,宁死也要拉他垫背。 That look, infiltration person especially. 那眼神,格外的渗人。 Wang Teng does not have the pit luckily temporarily their plan, or now on pit their roads, harvests finally the time. 幸好王腾暂时没有坑它们的打算,或者说现在只是在坑它们的路上,还不到最终收割的时候。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart light smiles, without plays jokes upon these three skull spirit clan Dark Species again, how long they could not have supported. 王腾目光一闪,心中淡淡一笑,也没有再戏耍这三头骨灵族黑暗种,它们已经支撑不了多久了。 He transfers the soul source in within the body immediately, poured into two ancestor. 他立刻调动自己体内的灵魂本源,注入了两件祖物之内。 An inexplicable depressed feeling wells up his heart suddenly. 一种莫名的郁闷之感突然涌上他的心头。 Just supplemented the full soul source, must use. 刚刚补充满的灵魂本源,又要动用了。 How he felt that recently was old must use the strength of soul source? 他怎么感觉最近老要动用灵魂本源之力呢? Whose soul source is not serious of treasure, how to his here, to turn into the casual use? 谁的灵魂本源不是宝贝的不得了,怎么到他这里,就变成随随便便使用了? Always thought that a little not right is the fertilizer four? 总觉得有点不对劲是怎么肥四? Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! As the soul source pours into, the bone bell and bone claw in his hand erupt rich black light immediately, strength of the rich ancient darkness came zero distance contact with his soul body suddenly. 随着灵魂本源注入,他手中的骨铃和骨爪顿时爆发出浓郁的黑光,一股浓郁至极的古老黑暗之力突然与他的灵魂体来了个零距离接触。 Un?!” In the Wang Teng heart is startled. “嗯?!”王腾心中一惊。 Before attained ancestor, although can also feel meaning of the ancient darkness, but actually cannot compare with feeling at this moment completely. 之前拿到祖物时,虽然也能够感觉到其中的古老黑暗之意,但与此刻的感觉却完全不能相比。 When somewhat looks like him actually the psychic force wells up bone to inter the body in the middle of the bottle, the feeling of appears. 倒是有些像他将精神力涌入骨瓶当中时,所出现的感觉。 It looks like by strength of package that ancient darkness, the feeling that his soul body some must be assimilated, had an ancient meaning by own soul. 就像是被那古老黑暗之力包裹,以至于他的灵魂体都有些要被同化的感觉,让自身的灵魂出现了一丝古老之意。 This ancient meaning, is somewhat similar to the ancient times will that Wang Teng grasps, is the strength of will integrated the strength of years. 这种古老之意,与王腾所掌握的远古意志有些相似,都是一种融入了岁月之力的意志之力。 However two as if some differences. 但是二者似乎又有些区别。 This ancient meaning seems passing one type indescribably decayed with deathly stillness, making the meaning of pure ancient vicissitudes somewhat strange. 这种古老之意仿佛透着一种无法形容的腐朽与死寂,让原本纯粹的古老沧桑之意变得有些奇怪。 Naturally, its strength of infection is also as if more fearful. 当然,它的感染之力似乎也更加可怕。 If the common soul body long time contacts this ancient strength, feared that will be by meaning of corrosion that decayed deathly stillness, finally will make the soul present decayed and deterioration. 寻常的灵魂体如果长时间接触这种古老之力,怕是会被那种腐朽死寂之意侵蚀,最终让灵魂出现腐朽与衰败。 This is fearful. 这非常可怕。 The soul source is a basis of life, if even the soul source presented decayed and deterioration, that was almost incurable. 灵魂本源是一个生灵的根本,如果连灵魂本源都出现了腐朽与衰败,那几乎是没救了。 Do not say also has the meaning of darkness, if the common bright universe life by this strength contamination, were it is estimated that not used a while, will degenerate into the dark lifeform. 更不要说其中还有着黑暗之意,寻常的光明宇宙生灵如果被这种力量沾染,估计不用一会儿,就会沦为黑暗生物。 Wang Teng has not thought that use bone spirit clan ancestor, will have such situation unexpectedly. 王腾没有想到动用骨灵族祖物,竟然还会出现这样的情况。 The strength of darkness does not have any to him actually, but that ancient strength actually cannot be underestimated, this strength will look like soon the decayed old fogy to pour into goods own strength, making it so-called ancestor. 黑暗之力对他而言倒是没有什么,但是那种古老之力却不容小觑,这种力量就像是一个即将腐朽的老家伙将自己的力量注入到了一件物品当中,令其成为了所谓的祖物。 Therefore in the middle of this ancestor strength was ordinary on such as that decayed old fogy, was full of decayed and deterioration. 所以这祖物当中的力量就如那腐朽的老家伙一般,充满了腐朽与衰败。 „Don't they fear this strength?” Wang Teng frowns, in heart some anxieties. “难道它们就不怕这种力量?”王腾皱起眉头,心中有些疑虑。 Dark Species not does not fear, even if they are the dark lives, must also receive this type decayed and influence of deterioration strength is right. 黑暗种也并非什么都不惧,它们纵然是黑暗生灵,应当也会受到这种腐朽与衰败力量的影响才对。 The soul of does not have any life can withstand the corrosion of years. 没有任何生灵的灵魂经得起岁月的侵蚀。 That decayed with strength of deterioration, although is not the strength of true years, but to a certain extent, contaminated a strength of years, similarly was hard to prevent. 那腐朽与衰败的力量虽然不是真正的岁月之力,但从某种程度上来说,也算是沾染了一丝岁月的力量,同样难以阻挡。 No matter how said, cannot make this strength affect my soul source.” “不管怎么说,不能让这种力量影响我的灵魂本源。” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart had the resolution immediately, coldly smiles. 王腾目光一闪,心中顿时有了决断,不禁冷冷一笑。 This so-called bone spirit clan ancestor wants to affect him, may also miss many scales. 这所谓的骨灵族祖物想要影响他,可还差了不少档次。 I must have a look at ancestor of this bone spirit clan but actually whether to shake the strength of my will.” “我倒要看看这骨灵族的祖物能否撼动我的意志之力。” Wang Teng secret cold snort/hum, in the heart resounds one to drink suddenly lightly: Fifth-order Supreme dark will, Opens to me!” 王腾暗暗冷哼一声,心中骤然响起一声轻喝:“五阶【至尊黑暗意志】,给我开!” Bang! 轰! Strength of the boundless will erupts in within the body loudly, suppresses all in the chaos star territory. 一股磅礴的意志之力在其体内轰然爆发,于混沌星域之内镇压一切。 Above his soul body raised immediately an unapproachable supreme meaning, filled pure dark and evil, even is indescribable. 他的灵魂体之上顿时升起了一股无可匹敌的至尊之意,充满了纯粹的黑暗与邪恶,甚至是不可名状。 Conceited! 唯我独尊! This will is the conceited dark will, dominates above any dark will. 这种意志便是唯我独尊的黑暗意志,凌驾于任何一种黑暗意志之上。 At this moment, ancestor fills the air, but the strength of ancient darkness as if felt anything, avoided unexpectedly automatically, does not dare to approach Wang Teng the body of soul again. 此时此刻,那祖物当中弥漫而出的古老黑暗之力仿佛感受到了什么,竟是自动避开,不敢再靠近王腾的灵魂之体。 Thinks that this considers as finished.” “以为这样就算完了。” In the Wang Teng heart laughs at one, in the eye flashes through an indifferent meaning. 王腾心中嗤笑一声,眼中闪过一丝冷漠之意。 Meaning that this ancestor a little bullies the weak and fears the strong. 这祖物有点欺软怕硬的意思啊。 Has not erupted in him Supreme dark will When wants to bribe the body of his soul, now saw that he is not affable, then wants to treat as avoidance nothing happened. 在他没有爆发出【至尊黑暗意志】之时,就想要染指他的灵魂之体,现在看到他不好惹,便想当做什么都没有发生的避开。 In this world has such good matter? 这世界上有这么好的事情? Bang! 轰! Wang Teng the strength of gathering of soul comes, formed terrifying the strength of will instantaneously, suppresses to go toward that ancestor. 王腾的灵魂之力汇聚而来,瞬间形成了恐怖的意志之力,朝着那祖物之中镇压而去。 Buzz! Buzz! 嗡!嗡! No matter that bone bell, is that bone claw, is the intense vibration, as if felt what terrifying strength, in which the strength of ancient darkness actually loomed the sign of submitting. 不管是那骨铃,还是那骨爪,俱是激烈的震动起来,仿佛感受到了什么恐怖的力量,其中的古老黑暗之力竟然隐隐出现了臣服的迹象。 The strengths in two ancestor become cautious, lingering that very flattered in Wang Teng all around, protected his at the same time, does not dare to approach him. 两件祖物内的力量变得小心翼翼,十分谄媚的萦绕在王腾的四周,保护他的同时,又不敢靠近他。 That feeling, looks like...... the goddess licking dog! 那种感觉,就像是……女神的舔狗! Then right.” Wang Teng smiles lightly, finally was at heart comfortable. “这才对嘛。”王腾淡淡一笑,心里终于是舒坦了。 Thinks that his solemn bright universe Heaven's Chosen, how may be acted bashful by only two ancestor, that became the huge joke. 想他堂堂光明宇宙天骄,怎么可能会被区区两件祖物拿捏,那岂不是成了天大的笑话。 Only then he acts bashful the share of this ancestor. 只有他拿捏这祖物的份儿。 Ancestor in the final analysis dying thing, so long as the strength is more powerful, can its control. 祖物说到底只是死物而已,只要力量比对方强大,就可以将其控制。 He does not think from the beginning a trivial dying thing can affect him. 他一开始就不认为一件区区死物能够影响到他。 All these is a long story, in fact is the flash . Moreover the bystander is unable to notice that Wang Teng to the matter that two ancestor handle, three skull spirit clan Dark Species are also quite far from him, is more impossible to feel anything. 这一切说来话长,实际上不过是一瞬间,而且外人也无法看到王腾对两件祖物所做的事情,三头骨灵族黑暗种距离他又比较远,更不可能感觉到什么。 Therefore looks like in them, was Wang Teng stimulated the strengths of two ancestor. 所以在它们看来,就是王腾激发了两件祖物的力量。 This makes in their hearts relax finally. 这让它们心中终于是松了口气。 No matter how said, the opposite party is willing to cooperate with them, has not torn to pieces the facial skin in this time. 不管怎么说,对方是愿意和它们合作的,并没有在此时撕破脸皮。 The worst case scenario has not appeared. 最坏的情况并未出现。 At this moment, ancestor that three skull spirit clan Dark Species ancestor and Wang Teng put out adds, happen to achieved seven, seven ancestor sending out the strength, attacked the bone demon root hair that came to resist all around entirely outside. 此刻,三头骨灵族黑暗种的祖物和王腾拿出的祖物加起来,正好达到了七件之多,七件祖物散发出的力量,将四周侵袭而来的骨魔根须统统抵挡在了外面。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bellow resounds through unceasingly, the defense cover that ancestor forms is vibrating, above rune/symbol Wengeng shivers fiercely, as if will disrupt momentarily. 轰鸣声不断响彻,祖物形成的防御罩在震动,上面的符文更是剧烈的颤动起来,似乎随时都会碎裂。 Thus it can be seen, even if ancestor blocked the attack of bone demon root hair, is still temporary. 由此可见,即便是祖物挡住了骨魔根须的攻击,也不过是暂时的而已。 Wang Teng knows that cannot delay the time again, immediately the vision flashes, the spirit read the strength to surge. 王腾知道不能再耽搁时间,当即目光一闪,精神念力涌动而出。 The grating ting resounds rapidly, wild in the deathly stillness space has no longer spread in this. 刺耳的铃声急骤响起,狂暴的在这已经不再死寂的空间之中传开。 This ting has the penetrating power, in giant sound that insertion that bone demon root hair forcefully creates, reverberation trim space. 这铃声极具穿透力,硬生生的插入那骨魔根须所造成的巨大响动之中,回荡整片空间。 The bone carboxyl, bone , bone sui these three skull spirit clan Dark Species from recently, feel immediately the powerful soul impact, the soul fire in eye socket shivered fiercely. 骨羧,骨喀,骨濉这三头骨灵族黑暗种距离最近,立刻感觉到了强烈的灵魂冲击,眼眶之内的魂火剧烈颤动起来。 Is good because of having the strength of ancestor, can fight the spiritual impact of that bone bell actually reluctantly, is insufficient to be really injured. 好在有祖物的力量,倒是勉强可以抵御那骨铃的精神冲击,不至于真的受伤。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts shake, not startled counter- happy, they cannot bring to have ancestor of spiritual impact ability, now here bumps into one actually, this is the day helps them simply. 三头骨灵族黑暗种心头一震,不惊反喜,它们没能带来拥有精神冲击能力的祖物,如今在这里倒是碰到了一个,这简直就是天助它们啊。 Had this bone bell, they coped with the bone demon tree then to have confidence. 有了这骨铃,它们对付骨魔树便更有把握了。 Suddenly, in their hearts unexpectedly was somewhat excited, as if has been able to see the harvest. 一时间,它们心中竟是有些激动了起来,仿佛已经能够看到收获。 Meanwhile, that dense and numerous bone demon root hair is simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stagnates, was stopping the attack unexpectedly instantaneously, then again toward three skull spirit clan Dark Species and Wang Teng bombardments. 与此同时,那密密麻麻的骨魔根须更是齐齐一滞,竟然在瞬间停止了攻击,而后又再次朝着三头骨灵族黑暗种王腾轰击而来。 Although only has instantaneous stagnation, but three skull spirit clan Dark Species are the eye one bright. 虽然仅有瞬间的凝滞,但三头骨灵族黑暗种更是眼睛一亮。 Quickly, close to bone demon tree core!” “快,靠近骨魔树核心!” The bone carboxyl loudly shouts, when first flushes away toward the core of bone demon tree. 骨羧大喝一声,当先朝着骨魔树的核心冲去。 Bone and bone sui follow hastily. 骨喀与骨濉连忙跟上。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, immediately understands their intention, is also controlling ancestor, speeds away to go toward the bone demon tree core. 王腾目光一闪,立刻明白了它们的意图,同样控制着祖物,朝着骨魔树核心疾驰而去。 The grating ting resounds through unceasingly, and he increased the spirit to read the input of strength quietly, read the strength with his spirit, made the bone bell play the good might sufficiently. 刺耳的铃声不断响彻而起,并且他悄然加大了精神念力的输入,以他的精神念力,足以让骨铃发挥出不俗的威力。 Although is unable to affect the bone demon tree core thoroughly, but affects all around bone demon root hair actually to have more than enough to spare. 尽管无法彻底影响骨魔树核心,但影响四周的骨魔根须却是绰绰有余。 Therefore then presented especially strange one. 于是接下来便出现了格外奇异的一幕。 That bone demon root hair are common just like the convulsion, is attacking to come obviously crazily, actually the uncontrolled appearance stagnates , as if a center of machine presented slow. 那一道道骨魔根须宛如抽风一般,明明正疯狂的攻击而来,却总是不受控制的出现凝滞,一顿一顿的,仿佛一个机器的中枢出现了卡顿。 This makes three skull spirit clan Dark Species believe firmly that the bone bell can affect the bone demon tree core. 这让三头骨灵族黑暗种更加确信骨铃能够影响骨魔树核心。 Because affected the bone demon tree core, will make these bone demon root hair have the stagnation phenomenon. 因为正是影响了骨魔树核心,才会让这些骨魔根须出现凝滞现象。 As the bone demon root hair continuously appears stagnates, three skull spirit clan Dark Species and Wang Teng approached that bone demon tree core very smoothly. 而随着骨魔根须不断出现凝滞,三头骨灵族黑暗种王腾则是十分顺利的靠近了那骨魔树核心。 At this moment, they are away from the bone demon tree core only more than 100 meters distances, then no longer approaches, simultaneous/uniform Qiting, is avoiding all around bone demon root hair. 此刻,它们距离骨魔树核心仅有一百多米距离,便不再靠近,齐齐停了下来,躲避着四周的骨魔根须。 Bone !” “骨喀!” The bone carboxyl looked to bone of not far away, shouted in a low voice. 骨羧看向了身旁不远处的骨喀,低声喝道。 Bone nods, the vision flashes, extends bone suddenly, held that bone bo. 骨喀点了点头,目光闪动,猛然伸出一只骨手,抓住了那只骨砵。 Afterward sees only in its eye rich black light flashes past suddenly, as if two black Mercury, a special strength converges in the middle of bone bo. 随后只见它眼中浓郁的黑光骤然一闪而过,仿佛两颗黑色的辰星,一种特殊的力量汇入骨砵当中。 Buzz! 嗡! The next quarter, in the bo mouth of bone bo has massive black rune/symbol writing to revolve to explode suddenly to shoot, black light also erupts from bone bo, was above in Guka the top of the head condenses a huge bone bo empty shadow unexpectedly. 下一刻,骨砵的砵口之中猛然有着大量黑色符文旋转着爆射而出,黑光随之从骨砵之上爆发,竟是于骨喀的头顶之上凝聚成了一个巨大的骨砵虚影。 That appearance and bone bo in bone hand is completely exactly the same. 那模样与骨喀手中的骨砵完全就是一模一样。 In the Wang Teng eye flashes through an astonishment, this bone bo uses unexpectedly, his bone bottle and are the bone abstention are also the same? 王腾眼中闪过一丝惊异,这骨砵居然是这么用的,那他的骨瓶和骨戒是不是也一样? At this time, bone faced the bone demon tree core the bone bo bo mouth in hand suddenly. 这时,骨喀猛然将手中的骨砵砵口朝向骨魔树核心。 Roar! 吼! The strange roar spreads from that bo mouth together, the roar of some probably star beast, seems like Dark Species shouts roars, is very strange. 一道奇异的吼声从那砵口之中传出,像是某种星兽的吼声,又像是黑暗种的嘶吼咆哮,十分怪异。 In that bo mouth was to leap up unexpectedly black whiskers, the surface covered entirely dense and numerous black rune/symbol writing, was not thick, compared with that bone demon root hair, even seemed somewhat tiny. 紧接着那砵口之中竟是蹿出了一道道黑色的触须,表面布满了密密麻麻的黑色符文,并不算多粗,与那骨魔根须比起来,甚至显得有些细小。 But is these tiny black whiskers, actually inserts in the front bone demon tree core directly. 但就是这些细小的黑色触须,却是径直插入前方的骨魔树核心之中。 This lets in the Wang Teng heart raises a tense meaning. 这一幕让王腾心中都是不由的升起一丝紧张之意。 It seems like these ancestor really can aim at the bone demon tree. 看来这些祖物果然能够针对骨魔树。 He bet right! 他赌对了! That three skull spirit clan Dark Species words a little credibility, but is also very normal, the opposite party good and evil is bone spirit clan Dark Species of high-rank demon sovereign level, the understanding bone demon tree are definitely more than him. 那三头骨灵族黑暗种的话语还是有点可信度的,不过也很正常,对方好歹是上位魔皇级的骨灵族黑暗种,对骨魔树的了解肯定比他多。 After that black whiskers puncture bone to inter the body the demon tree core, then wriggled fast, seems absorbing anything. 那一道道黑色触须刺入骨魔树核心之后,便快速蠕动了起来,仿佛正在汲取着什么。 „Did bone , absorb the source of core?” Bone carboxyl vision burning hot, anxious asking. “骨喀,汲取到核心之源了吗?”骨羧目光炙热,急切的问道。 The bone vision moves slightly, under the gazes of several people of vision, nods, said: Un, absorbed.” 骨喀目光微动,在几人目光的注视下,还是点了点头,说道:“嗯,汲取到了。” Good!” The bone carboxyl great happiness, said hastily: Quickly! Apportions us the source of core quickly, how long we could not support.” “好!”骨羧大喜,连忙道:“快!快将核心之源分给我们,我们支撑不了多久了。” Bone nods again, later the big hand wields, in that bone bo empty shadow bo mouth has the black whisker to explode to shoot again. 骨喀再次点头,随后大手一挥,那骨砵虚影的砵口之中再度有着黑色触须爆射而出。 But this time black whisker does not go toward the bone demon tree core, to the bone carboxyl, bone sui, and even was Wang Teng sped away on the contrary. 只不过这次的黑色触须并非朝着骨魔树核心而去,反倒是冲着骨羧,骨濉,乃至是王腾这边疾驰了过来。 The Wang Teng vision concentrates, just wants to avoid, suddenly sees the bone carboxyl and bone sui these two skull spirit clan Dark Species is completely motionless, even is looking at that black whisker, in the look revealed the hope and blazing meaning unexpectedly. 王腾目光微凝,正想避开,突然看到骨羧和骨濉这两头骨灵族黑暗种完全是一动不动,甚至望着那黑色触须,眼神之中竟是露出了渴望与炽热之意。 Is this must do? 这是要干啥? Longs for that was gripped by that black whisker? 渴望被那黑色触须扎一扎? Is what rare and beautiful flowers fondness! 都是什么奇葩癖好! Wang Teng by the special fondness of to bind, the big hand had not been wielded eventually immediately, the white bones pipeline extends from his palm together, welcomed to the black whisker that sped away to come. 王腾终究没有被扎的特殊癖好,当即大手一挥,一道白骨管道从他的手掌之上延伸而出,迎向了那疾驰而来的黑色触须。 Applied to dock! 申请对接! Three skull spirit clan Dark Species looked, the look a little has doubts, as if a little does not understand why he moves unnecessarily. 三头骨灵族黑暗种不禁看了过来,眼神有点疑惑,似乎有点不明白他为什么多此一举。 Un, I do not like being inserted.” Wang Teng light say/way. “嗯,我不喜欢被插。”王腾淡淡道。 „......” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species. “……”三头骨灵族黑暗种 Why does this saying sound strange? 这话为什么听起来怪怪的? The demand in bone spirit clan Dark Species that aspect, regarding the Wang Teng words, has not naturally had that high-speed response. 骨灵族黑暗种没有那方面的需求,对于王腾的话语,自然是没有那么快反应过来。 Wang Teng somewhat sympathizes with these bone spirit clan Dark Species suddenly, trades to make other Dark Species clans, the good and evil a little normal physiological drive is not, this skeleton can do. 王腾突然有些同情这些骨灵族黑暗种,换做其他黑暗种族,好歹还有点正常的生理需求不是,这骷髅能干啥啊。 Is does anything is not good completely. 完全就是干啥啥不行。 ! 噗! In the meantime, that black whisker with the Wang Teng white bones pipeline to receiving one, he induces to spread from the white bones pipeline to a rich special energy immediately. 就在此时,那黑色触须已经与王腾的白骨管道对接到了一起,他立刻感应到一股浓郁的特殊能量从白骨管道之中蔓延而来。 This is......” in the eye of Wang Teng erupts one group of none immediately. “这是……”王腾的眼中顿时爆发出一团精光。
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