AAMD :: Volume #23

#2204: Awful, probably was excessive! 【 ku beautiful Du

Chapter 2204 is bad, probably was excessive! ku beautiful Dusha lou JPG! Anxious anything! 第2204章糟糕,好像过头了!【骷・美杜莎・髅】JPG!急什么! The sound of bone sui is not small, meaning that also simply has not wanted to conceal, straightforward one batch. 骨濉的声音不算小,也根本没有想要隐瞒的意思,耿直的一批。 Bone and bone carboxyl gave entire are speechless. 骨喀和骨羧都给整无语了。 This fellow brought ancestor, but also feels all right saying that without the brain really does not have the brain. 这家伙就带了一件祖物,还好意思说出来,没脑子果然是没脑子。 They simply had not suspected that bone sui is deceiving them. 它们根本没有怀疑骨濉在欺骗它们。 If even/including Gusui this brain not easy-to-use fellow can deceive them, then they might as well go home to eat the excrement, does not know how it cultivates the high-rank demon sovereign level. 如果连骨濉这种脑子不好用的家伙都能够骗过它们,那它们还不如回家吃屎去,也不知道它到底是怎么修炼到上位魔皇级的。 Wang Teng is a little also speechless. 王腾也有点无语。 This skull spirit clan Dark Species also is really the rare and beautiful flowers, this intelligence quotient, but also dares to seek bone demon tree the source of core, is enough headstrong. 这头骨灵族黑暗种还真是奇葩,就这种智商,还敢来谋取骨魔树的核心之源,也是够莽的了。 It can live the present is really the heaven shows due respect for the feelings. 它能活到现在真是老天给面子了。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Several people talked, dozens bone demon root hair outflanked. 几人交谈间,数十根骨魔根须包抄了过来。 That thick root hair just like a giant dense/woods white long spear/gun, the surface covers entirely the black trace, lends the powerful dark aura, punctured directly. 那粗大的根须犹如一柄柄巨大的森白长枪,表面布满黑色纹路,散发出强大的黑暗气息,径直刺了过来。 General idea/Careless! 大意了! Three skull spirit clan Dark Species and Wang Teng all are the complexion change. 三头骨灵族黑暗种王腾皆是面色一变。 Was just patronizing the matter of cooperation, had not discovered unexpectedly all around had been surrounded by the bone demon root hair completely. 刚刚光顾着合作之事,竟没有发现四周已经完全被骨魔根须所包围。 Moreover the bone demon root hair in this piece of space were getting more and more, dense and numerous lets fall from the above, also does not know how to come. 而且这片空间之内的骨魔根须越来越多了,密密麻麻的从上方垂落而下,也不知是如何进来的。 Thinks without enough time, three skull spirit clan Dark Species and Wang Teng erupt respective Fighting technique in abundance, moves forward to meet somebody. 来不及多想,三头骨灵族黑暗种王腾纷纷爆发出各自的战技,迎了上去。 As a result of all around by that bone demon root hair surrounding, they had no place to hide at this time radically, can only the attack of bracing oneself hard setting a broken bone demon root hair. 由于四周都被那骨魔根须包围,它们此时根本无处可躲,只能硬着头皮硬接骨魔根须的攻击。 Bang! 轰! Sees only the bone carboxyl to grasp the bone sword, erupts together the radiant black sword light suddenly, shells in the front of three bone demon root hair, with its collision in one. 只见骨羧手持骨剑,骤然爆发出一道璀璨的黑色剑光,轰击在三根骨魔根须的前方,与其碰撞在了一起。 The fierce bellow erupts immediately, the Source Power complementary waves sweep away to open toward all around. 剧烈的轰鸣声顿时爆发而出,原力余波朝着四周横扫而开。 The bone system long bow in bone hand has drawn fully, six black arrow light condense simultaneously, explodes to shoot toward the front. 骨喀手中的骨制长弓已经拉满,六道黑色箭光同时凝聚而出,朝着前方爆射而出。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Although its attack quantity are many, but the might seems not powerful, three arrow light can only deal with a bone demon root hair, therefore it only blocked two bone demon root hair. 虽然它的攻击数量较多,但威力却似乎没有那么强大,三道箭光只能应付一根骨魔根须,所以它只挡住了两道骨魔根须。 Wang Teng sees this, in the eye ray flashes, in the heart sneers. 王腾看到这一幕,眼中不由的光芒一闪,心中冷笑起来。 By the present, this skull spirit clan Dark Species was still hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent. 到了现在,这头骨灵族黑暗种还在藏拙。 Another side, bone sui grasps the sword, condenses together the strange skeleton empty shadow suddenly, the person, the ox head, similarly grasps the bone blade, erupts the dazzling blade glow. 另一边,骨濉手持战刀,身后突然凝聚出一道怪异的骸骨虚影,人身,牛头,同样手持骨刀,爆发出耀眼的刀芒。 Bang! 轰! A blade cuts, the present space fluctuated slightly, immediately that black blade glow then collided with two bone demon root hair in one. 一刀斩出,眼前的空间都微微波动了一下,随即那黑色刀芒便是与两道骨魔根须碰撞在了一起。 This skull spirit clan Dark Species seems like is not intelligent, but the strength actually can also pass, otherwise cannot come here. 这头骨灵族黑暗种看起来不大聪明,但实力却是还过得去,否则也不能走到这里。 In three skull spirit clan Dark Species under erupts, that bone demon root hair was separated directly, gave them an opportunity of respite. 在三头骨灵族黑暗种的爆发之下,那骨魔根须直接被弹开,给了它们一丝喘息的机会。 They killed from the crevice of bone demon root hair, simultaneously looks to Wang Teng. 它们从骨魔根须的空隙当中杀了出去,同时不由看向王腾那边。 Won't the operation target who this just found, easily fall from the sky here? 这个刚刚找到的合作对象,不会这么轻易就陨落在这里吧? The result next quarter, three skull spirit clan Dark Species as if saw any inconceivable picture, is the vision shrinks slightly. 结果下一刻,三头骨灵族黑暗种仿佛看到了什么不可思议的画面,皆是目光微微一缩。 Bang! 轰! Sees only in the Wang Teng hand not to know when presented a bone blade, lends the aura that to judge from the bone blade, at least is the Grandmaster Level ninth-grade fights the soldier, on this moment bone blade is erupting dazzling black light, the strong black light winding above, rune/symbol writing emerges. 只见王腾手中不知何时出现了一柄骨刀,从骨刀之上散发出的气息来判断,起码是宗师级九品战兵,此刻骨刀上正爆发出一道耀眼的黑光,浓烈的黑光缠绕在上面,一道道符文涌现而出。 The blade light condenses! 刀光凝聚! Is several feet fully. 足有十几丈长。 A blade cuts, then fell above three bone demon root hair instantaneously, the giant bellow also resounded. 一刀斩出,瞬间便落在了三根骨魔根须之上,巨大的轰鸣声随之响起。 High-rank demon sovereign level Fighting technique, demon good bone blade!!! 上位魔皇级战技,魔牛骨刀!!! Bone spirit clan Fighting technique that Wang Teng grasps are not many, several were also this time just obtained, and was Demon Venerable level Fighting technique. 王腾掌握的骨灵族战技并不算多,好几门还都是这次刚刚得到的,且又是魔尊战技 This too High Level! 这就太高级了! Demon Venerable level Fighting technique consumes dark Star Source Power, copes with the present bone demon root hair, temporarily has not needed so powerful Fighting technique. 魔尊战技非常耗费黑暗星辰原力,对付眼前的骨魔根须,暂时还不需要如此强大的战技 Therefore he can only use this high-rank demon sovereign level Fighting technique- demon good bone blade! 所以他只能动用这门上位魔皇级战技-魔牛骨刀! !!! 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓! The next quarter, one crashes intermittently spreads directly, above that three bone demon root hair presented the fissure unexpectedly, then the disintegration opens immediately, cannot block a Wang Teng blade unexpectedly. 下一刻,一阵阵碎裂声径直传出,那三根骨魔根须之上竟然出现了裂痕,而后立刻崩碎而开,竟是挡不住王腾一刀。 This Demon good bone blade Fighting technique has achieved was skilled in the rank, the strength of strength and the source principle that domain in addition Wang Teng grasps, even the bone demon root hair is hard, is still hard to resist. 这门【魔牛骨刀】战技已经达到了精通级别,加上王腾所掌握的领域之力和本源法则之力,就算是骨魔根须再坚硬,也难以抵挡。 However looks like in three skull spirit clan Dark Species, is actually somewhat unbelievable. 不过在三头骨灵族黑暗种看来,却是有些难以置信。 A blade! 一刀! Merely one blade cut to break to pieces three bone demon root hair, was the strength of this fellow so unexpectedly strong?!! 仅仅一刀就斩碎了三根骨魔根须,这家伙的实力居然这么强?!! In their hearts vibrates, the vision is staring at Wang Teng stubbornly. 它们心中震动,目光死死盯着王腾 This thinks that it is only a mid-rank demon sovereign level exists, they are willing to cooperate with him, but settled on the strength of ancestor, has not actually thought that his strength so will be unexpectedly powerful. 本以为它只是一个中位魔皇级存在,它们之所以愿意与他合作,只不过是看中了祖物的力量,却万万没想到他的实力竟然会这么强大。 Suddenly, in three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts concentrates, was vigilant to Wang Teng. 一时间,三头骨灵族黑暗种心中都是不禁一凝,对王腾警惕了起来。 Oh no, probably was excessive!” “糟糕,好像过头了!” Wang Teng runs out from the bone demon root hair, sees three skull spirit clan Dark Species looks, immediately then knows the strength that oneself show makes them feel that dreaded. 王腾从骨魔根须当中冲出,看到三头骨灵族黑暗种的眼神,顿时便知道自己展现的实力让它们感到忌惮了。 Actually he just acted casually, has not displayed including 1/3 of oneself complete strength. 其实他只不过是随便出手了一下,连自身全部实力的三分之一都没有发挥出来。 Who knows that unexpectedly made these three skull spirit clan Dark Species produce dreaded. 谁知道居然让这三头骨灵族黑暗种产生了忌惮。 This cannot blame him but actually, the powerhouse who this period of time he faces basically is the Demon Venerable level, again badly is also the high-rank demon sovereign level peak, when acts naturally does not dare to have slightly keeps the hand. 这倒也不能怪他,这段时间他面对的强者基本都是魔尊级,再不济也是上位魔皇级巅峰,出手时自然都不敢有丝毫的留手。 Causes his to intend a little is also tactless, forgot that at present these three skull spirit clan Dark Species were only in the mid and late part of high-rank demon sovereign level existences. 导致他这回出手也有点没轻没重,都忘记眼前这三头骨灵族黑暗种只是上位魔皇级中后期的存在了。 The disparity is placed there. 差距在那儿摆着呢。 By his present strength, meaning of many a little dimensionality reduction attack. 以他现在的实力,多少有点降维打击的意思。 Although does not dare saying that can the second kill these three skull spirit clan Dark Species, defeats them actually to have more than enough to spare. 虽不敢说能够秒杀这三头骨灵族黑暗种,击败它们却是绰绰有余的。 Recently the strength was increased a little too to be seemingly quick.” “最近实力提升得貌似有点太快了啊。” Wang Teng cannot bear whisper in the heart. 王腾忍不住在心中嘀咕起来。 Although his martial arts boundary has not promoted, the domain and source principle of but grasping are the promotion are huge, some even were nine step complete levels. 虽然他的武道境界没怎么提升,但所掌握的领域和本源法则都是提升巨大,有的甚至都达到了九阶圆满层次。 This was serious. 这就不得了了。 No matter melts the boundary domain, is various source principles, is very difficult to promote to the so high rank level, even if most high-rank demon sovereign levels exist, not necessarily can achieve. 不管是融境领域,还是各种本源法则,都是很难提升到如此高阶层次的,即便是大多数上位魔皇级存在,都不一定做得到。 Now Wang Teng is Territory Lord Level, was so the degree. 现在王腾不过是域主级,便达到了如此程度。 It can be said that his strength has far exceeded martial arts boundary. 可以说,他的实力早就远远超出了本身的武道境界。 Therefore will cause just the emergence of that situation, that bone demon root hair to three skull spirit clan Dark Species, perhaps is the huge trouble, but Wang Teng actually some are the means deals. 所以才会导致刚刚那种情况的出现,那骨魔根须对三头骨灵族黑暗种来说,也许是巨大的麻烦,但是王腾却有的是办法应对。 So long as is not the bone demon root hair of entire bone demon tree attacks toward him together, he is insufficient is too passive. 只要不是整棵骨魔树的骨魔根须一起朝他攻击,他都不至于太被动。 In fact even really had that situation, he still has the method of maintaining life, the beforehand a series of preparation does not do without charge. 实际上就算真的出现了那种情况,他也不是没有保命的手段,之前的一系列准备不是白做的。 These three skull spirit clan Dark Species do not know, what existence at present this seemingly strange skeleton life is. 这三头骨灵族黑暗种根本不知道,眼前这看起来奇奇怪怪的骸骨生灵到底是个什么样的存在。 Begins, did not have the time.” “动手吧,没有时间了。” All around the bone carboxyl vision glance, sees more and more bone demon root hair attack to come, in heart dignified incomparable, does not have the time to pay attention to the Wang Teng strength again, immediately the sinking sound said. 骨羧目光扫视四周,见越来越多的骨魔根须侵袭而来,心中凝重无比,也没有时间再关注王腾的实力,当即沉声说道。 Bone and bone sui nod, does not have any idle talk. 骨喀与骨濉点了点头,没有任何废话。 Good!” Wang Teng similarly is the nod, maintains the quiet attitude, in the mouth put out a character. “好!”王腾同样是点头,保持沉默寡言的作风,口中只是吐出了一个字。 You use the bone bell disturbance bone demon tree, catches the time and opportunity for us.” The bone carboxyl looks at Wang Teng, said. “你用骨铃干扰骨魔树,为我们争取时间与机会。”骨羧看着王腾,说道。 „???” Wang Teng direct compels ignorant. “???”王腾直接懵逼。 What ghost? 什么鬼? Doing quite a while this is wants him first to act? 搞半天这是要他先出手啊? After he also wants waits for these three skull spirit clan Dark Species to begin, again imitates, thus actuates ancestor the strength. 他还想等这三头骨灵族黑暗种动手之后,再依样画葫芦,从而驱动祖物的力量。 Finally in the end, they want him first to act unexpectedly, moreover use bone bell. 结果到头来,它们居然要他先出手,而且还是动用骨铃。 How does this thing use him not to make clear, lets him what to do? 这东西怎么用他都没搞清楚,让他怎么办? The time, Wang Teng somewhat grasped blindly, was at the scene scared. 顿时间,王腾有些抓瞎了,当场傻眼。 The bone carboxyl has not noticed the look change of Wang Teng, no wonder, he was covered by the skeleton at this time completely, the look also deeply hides under the skeleton, the bystander is very difficult to see anything. 骨羧没有注意到王腾的眼神变化,也难怪,此时他完全被骸骨覆盖,眼神也同样深藏在骸骨之下,外人很难看出什么。 It turns the head to look to bone and bone sui, said solemnly: Bone sui, you use ancestor to resist the bone demon root hair.” 它又转头看向骨喀和骨濉,沉声道:“骨濉,你用祖物抵挡骨魔根须。” Bone , how you should know do, didn't need me to say?” “骨喀,你应该知道怎么做,不用我多说了吧?” Naturally.” The bone vision flashes, light say/way. “自然。”骨喀目光一闪,淡淡道。 When the bone carboxyl allocating task, in the Wang Teng heart moves, immediately uses the own law of clone. 就在骨羧分配任务之时,王腾心中一动,立刻使用了自己的分身之法。 In Swallowing Space, the form condenses together suddenly, changes to the bone spirit clan Dark Species appearance, Wang Teng clone by the bone spirit clan that the strength of darkness condenses impressively. 吞噬空间之内,一道身影突然凝聚而出,化作骨灵族黑暗种的模样,赫然正是王腾以黑暗之力所凝聚的骨灵族分身。 In the law of his present clone, condensing the bone spirit clan clone is not the difficult matter. 以他现在的分身之法,凝聚骨灵族分身并不算难事。 Moreover he also has the fifth-order level Demon bone The talent, was equal to quite knowing about the essence of bone spirit clan Dark Species body, condensing clone naturally was the easy matter. 而且他还拥有五阶层次的【魔骨】天赋,等于是对骨灵族黑暗种身躯的本质相当了解了,凝聚一具分身自然是轻而易举之事。 As this bone spirit clan clone to condense, he has nothing to hesitate, immediately controls this clone to put out a hand, one grasps toward the front. 随着这具骨灵族分身凝聚而出,他没有任何迟疑,当即控制这具分身伸出手,朝着前方一抓。 One group black light is then fallen into his hand that the bright ceremonial fire packages. 一团被光明圣火包裹起来的黑光便落入他的手中。 Who are you?” “你到底是谁?” Where is this?” “这是什么地方?” „Do you actually want to do?” “你到底想干什么?” A chain of issues erupt from black light immediately. 一连串的问题顿时从黑光之中爆发而出。 Before this group black light is , hides among in Guping, wants to seize to abandon Wang Teng that to exist, afterward put in this Swallowing Space by Wang Teng. 这团黑光便是之前藏于骨瓶当中,想要夺舍王腾的那个存在,后来被王腾放入了这吞噬空间之中。 Does not have any place, is more suitable than to imprison various lives this Swallowing Space. 没有什么地方,比这吞噬空间更适合囚禁各种生灵的了。 As long as the strength of soul is inferior to the Wang Teng person, so long as here, almost cannot escape. 但凡灵魂之力不如王腾的人,只要进了这里,几乎就没有能够逃出去的。 As for the opposite party is the dark life, has not affected on Wang Teng. 至于对方是黑暗生灵,对王腾更是没有丝毫影响。 If the nihility swallows the beast, perhaps will dislike this darkness to exist, but Wang Teng actually does not fear, he swallowed beast flaw complement the nihility completely. 如果是虚无吞兽,也许会讨厌这黑暗存在,但王腾却是一点都不惧,他完全将虚无吞兽这一缺陷补全了。 Saw with own eyes that in this is black light existence not to clearly recognize the situation, a Wang Teng brow wrinkle, in the heart is impatient, he may not have the time to waste here, immediately controls the bright ceremonial fire to submerge it. 眼见这黑光内的存在还没有认清楚情况,王腾眉头一皱,心中不耐烦起来,他可没有时间在这里浪费,当即控制着光明圣火将其淹没。 „......” “啊啊啊……” A sad and shrill pitiful yell resounds immediately. 一阵凄厉的惨叫顿时响起。 But also taught, he then took back the bright ceremonial fire, immediately coldly opens the mouth saying: Looks at my eye.” 但也只是教训了一下,他便又收回了光明圣火,随即冷冷开口道:“看着我的眼睛。” ! 唰! Voice side drop, no matter also opposite party whether looked, his eye blooms immediately two dark-red rays, directly thorn to present black light. 话音方落,也不管对方是否看了过来,他的眼睛顿时绽放出两道暗红色光芒,径直刺向眼前的黑光。 Being puzzled heart! 惑心! Mislead! 蛊惑! Two Fighting technique also start, even above rich black fog clone to fill the air from his bone spirit clan, will wrap black light. 两门战技同时发动,甚至还有一股浓郁的黑雾从他的骨灵族分身之上弥漫而出,将黑光包裹了起来。 The fog of misleading! 蛊惑之雾! The fog of idle demon! 惰魔之雾! These two types of mist have the drastic effect on Dark Species, one type came from the demon plants, one type came from idle fog clan Dark Species, the strength that bone spirit clan Dark Species simply has not resisted, only if the psychic force of opposite party is powerful, can resist the influences of these two types of mist forcefully. 这两种雾气对黑暗种同样有着巨大的影响,一种来自于魔种,一种来自于惰雾族黑暗种,骨灵族黑暗种根本没有抵挡的力量,除非对方的精神力非常强大,能够强行抵御这两种雾气的影响。 You!!!” “你!!!” That black light within existence startled and anger, immediately revolves crazily own psychic force, wants to resist two types of mist and two Fighting technique strengths. 那黑光之内的存在又惊又怒,当即疯狂的运转自身的精神力,想要抵挡两种雾气和两种战技的力量。 But under Wang Teng acts simultaneously, the opposite party is impossible to block. 王腾同时出手之下,对方根本不可能挡得住。 However is the flash, during this bone spirit clan Dark Species then falls into immediately was confused, and appeared the true body. 不过是一瞬间,这骨灵族黑暗种便立刻陷入了迷茫之中,并现出了真身。 During seeing only that is black light, the skeleton that is condensed by the fire of soul appears together, but only has a skull, without body. 只见那黑光之中,一道由灵魂之火凝聚的骷髅浮现而出,不过只有一个头骨,没有身躯。 In the Wang Teng eye flashes through a strange color. 王腾眼中不由闪过一丝奇异之色。 This skull spirit clan Dark Species appearance somewhat is actually unusual, above its skull actually lives six corners/horns of feeling strange...... not, is not right, that is not an corner/horn, but is six bone pythons. 这头骨灵族黑暗种的模样倒是有些奇特,它的头骨之上竟然生有六只奇怪的角……不,不对,那并不是角,而是六条骨蟒。 Wang Teng first has not seen clearly their appearances. 王腾第一眼并没有看清它们的模样。 But these six bone pythons are actually not stay still, they are patrolling slightly. 但这六条骨蟒却不是静止不动,它们在微微游弋。 Therefore he then saw clearly their appearance quickly. 所以他很快便看清了它们的模样。 That truly is not the bone corner/horn, but is six bone pythons. 那确实并非骨角,而是六条骨蟒。 On skeleton head long bone python! 骷髅头上长骨蟒! What strange skeleton head this special is? 这特么是什么奇奇怪怪的骷髅头啊? ku beautiful Dusha lou JPG 【骷・美杜莎・髅】JPG Wang Teng is incapable of complaining simply, but does not have the unnecessary thoughts to think these at this time, he inquires immediately issue that oneself wanted to know. 王腾简直无力吐槽,但此时也没有多余的心思去想这些,他立刻询问起了自己想要知道的问题。 How to stimulate ancestor the strength?” He asked fast. “如何激发祖物的力量?”他快速问道。 Then stimulates with the soul source.” That black light within skeleton stereotypical saying. “用灵魂本源即可激发。”那黑光之内的骷髅呆板的说道。 Unexpectedly with soul source, no wonder.” “居然是用灵魂本源,难怪了。” The Wang Teng vision concentrates, immediately some suddenly, no wonder that several skull spirit clan Dark Species are so anxious, how long their soul sources may be unable to support. 王腾目光一凝,随即有些恍然,难怪那几头骨灵族黑暗种如此焦急,它们的灵魂本源可撑不了多久。 However this is actually his advantage. 不过这却是他的优势。 What unique element ancestor does of bone bell class have?” Wang Teng asks the second question immediately. “骨铃类的祖物有什么特殊之处?”王腾立刻问出了第二个问题。 „The strength of stimulation bone bell, has the soul attack, can disturb the spirit of bone demon tree, making it go haywire.” That black light within skeleton replied again. “激发骨铃的力量,拥有灵魂攻击,可以干扰骨魔树的灵,令其陷入混乱。”那黑光之内的骷髅再次答道。 Soul attack! So that's how it is, I should think early.” In the Wang Teng eye none flashes, immediately responded. “灵魂攻击!原来如此,我早该想到的。”王腾眼中精光一闪,当即反应了过来。 The bone bell can form the sound wave, the implication soul class attack is not what unusual matter, he has many sound wave class soul to attack Fighting technique, but had not just thought of this. 骨铃可以形成音波,蕴含灵魂类攻击并不算什么稀奇之事,他本身就拥有不少音波类的灵魂攻击战技,只不过刚刚没有想到这一茬而已。 Now in this is been black light the bone spirit clan to have the reminder, naturally understands immediately. 如今被这黑光内的骨灵族存在提醒,自然立刻就明白了过来。 Asked that these two issues, Wang Teng had not asked again, the attention returns to the main body immediately. 问完这两个问题,王腾没有再多问,注意力立刻回归本体。 „Are you doing, has not begun quickly!” “你在干什么,还不快动手!” The outside world, the bone carboxyl sees Wang Teng not to begin immediately, in the heart is somewhat anxious, cannot help but urged one. 外界,骨羧见王腾并未立刻动手,心中有些急切,不由得催促了一句。 These three skull spirit clan Dark Species were really anxious.” “这三头骨灵族黑暗种果然是急了。” Wang Teng looked at these three skull spirit clan Dark Species one, said lightly: Anxious anything.” 王腾看了这三头骨灵族黑暗种一眼,淡淡道:“急什么。” You!” “你!” The bone carboxyl wants to get angry, but suppressed. 骨羧想要发怒,但又强忍了下来。 Now is not the quarrel time, it was looks, this fellow as if somewhat is at present secure, the energy of opposite party compared them also to be fuller. 现在不是争吵的时候,它算是看出来了,眼前这家伙似乎有些有恃无恐,对方的底气比它们还要足一些。
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