AAMD :: Volume #23

#2203: Cooperation! What specialness does the bone bell have? If

Chapter 2203 cooperates! What specialness does the bone bell have? If dares not to know, kills it! 第2203章合作!骨铃有什么特殊?如果敢不知道,就打死它! The bone carboxyl, bone , the bone sui these three skull spirit clan Dark Species moods is a little complex. 骨羧,骨喀,骨濉这三头骨灵族黑暗种的心情是有点复杂的。 Is escaping, suddenly runs into a person to greet with them, that appearance, was asking probably their also coming out smooth street is the same. 正逃命呢,突然遇到一个人跟它们打招呼,那副样子,好像在问它们是不是也出来溜街一样。 Has feeling that a type of style changes suddenly what's the matter? 有种画风突变的感觉是怎么回事? However has not waited for them to think that endless bone demon root hair then sweeps away toward their several. 不过还不等它们多想,那无尽的骨魔根须便朝着它们几个横扫而来。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Surges void, the terrifying dark strength with dying the deep strength erupts from the bone demon root hair, making the trim space that this bone demon tree core is at not tranquil. 虚空激荡,恐怖的黑暗之力与死冥之力从骨魔根须之上爆发而出,让这骨魔树核心所在的整片空间都不平静起来。 If were hit, even high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species, it is estimated that still wants the severe wound. 如果被击中,就算是上位魔皇级黑暗种,估计也要重伤。 These bone demon root hair are very without doubt fearful, each root hair poses the threat to them sufficiently, in addition numerical advantage, naturally hard to deal with. 这些骨魔根须无疑十分可怕,每一道根须都足以对它们造成威胁,加上数量优势,自然更加的难缠。 The bone carboxyl, bone three skull spirit clan Dark Species could not attend to other, fended to open in abundance. 骨羧,骨喀三头骨灵族黑暗种也顾不上其他了,纷纷闪避而开。 Since entering this space, they felt that all around bone demon root hair as if becomes moves restlessly anxiously, was also crazier to their attacks. 自从进入这片空间之后,它们感觉到四周的骨魔根须似乎变得更加躁动不安,对它们的攻击也更加疯狂了。 According to this situation gets down, even if they stimulated the strength of ancestor, feared how long could not resist. 按照这种情况下去,就算它们激发出了祖物的力量,怕是也抵挡不了多久。 Therefore they do not dare to meet the tough head-on with toughness with that bone demon root hair. 所以它们根本不敢与那骨魔根须硬碰硬。 Fortunately this space is quite huge, they have the leeway of avoidance. 所幸这片空间较为巨大,它们还有躲避的余地。 If in that external space, they had just had no place to hide seriously, can only wait for death. 如果是在刚刚那个外在空间,它们当真是已经无处可躲,只能等死。 Wang Teng will not naturally meet the tough head-on with toughness with the bone demon root hair, immediately avoids to open, simultaneously in the mind transferred. 王腾自然也不会与骨魔根须硬碰硬,当即躲避而开,同时脑海中又转开了。 This thinks that must with the bone demon tree just a wave, not think directly these three free tool people run over on own initiative, if this does not use to be unfair to them well. 本以为要与骨魔树正面刚一波了,没想到这三个免费工具人又主动跑了过来,这要是不好好利用一下都对不起它们啊。 At this time he somewhat rejoiced before , will camouflage the appearance of skeleton life, these bone spirit clan Dark Species decide however does not recognize his real identity. 此时他不禁有些庆幸之前将自己伪装成了骸骨生灵的模样,这些骨灵族黑暗种定然认不出他的真实身份。 Really everything holds back one trick, has room for operation. 果然凡事留一手,才有操作的空间啊。 Then, he can with these three skull spirit clan Dark Species cooperation. 如此一来,他才能够与这三头骨灵族黑暗种合作。 Although does not know that in the middle of the bone spirit clan has he such strange existence, but the good and evil is insufficient to withstand/top the bright universe Martial Artist status, making the opposite party see shouted hits to shout "kill". 虽然不知道骨灵族当中有没有他这样奇奇怪怪的存在,但好歹不至于顶着光明宇宙武者的身份,让对方一看到就喊打喊杀。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species are serious, is avoiding the attack of bone demon root hair, simultaneously vision also fast sizes up all around. 三头骨灵族黑暗种面色凝重,躲避着骨魔根须的袭击,同时目光也快速的打量起四周来。 Bone demon tree core!” “骨魔树核心!” The bone carboxyl saw the front big tree suddenly, the eye greatly was immediately bright, loses one's voice to call out. 骨羧突然看到了前方的大树,顿时眼睛大亮,失声叫道。 Here is really the true bone demon tree core, we came in finally.” “这里果然才是真正的骨魔树核心,我们终于进来了。” Bone and bone sui also saw the front big tree, in the eye reveals the wild with joy color. 骨喀和骨濉也是看到了前方的大树,眼中都是露出狂喜之色。 This thinks that must die without doubt, this bone demon tree core became the dream bubble, missed with them. 本以为必死无疑,这骨魔树核心更是成了梦幻泡影,跟它们无缘了。 Finally actually bumps into, they smoothly enter in the space that the bone demon tree core was at unexpectedly. 结果却误打误撞,它们竟然顺利进入了骨魔树核心所在的空间之中。 This is really the chance accomplished what art had failed in! 这真是无心插柳柳成荫啊! However these three skull spirit clan Dark Species get rid quickly from wild with joy, after all the present situation is less optimistic. 不过这三头骨灵族黑暗种很快就从狂喜之中摆脱出来,毕竟眼下的情况并不容乐观。 The bone demon tree had been alarmed, can they escape is a major problem. 骨魔树已经被惊动,它们能不能逃出去还是一个大问题。 The next quarter, they as if thought of anything, vision simultaneous/uniform Qiwang to Wang Teng. 下一刻,它们似乎想到了什么,目光齐齐望向王腾 This skeleton life is much longer! 这头骸骨生灵长得奇奇怪怪的! A little strange! 有点古怪! They looked at each other one, as if saw the same meaning from the eyes of opposite party. 它们不禁对视了一眼,仿佛都是从对方的眼中看出了相同的意思。 Then they exchanged with the look. 然后它们又用眼神交流了起来。 What background is this fellow?” “这个家伙是什么来头?” Probably does the skeleton lifeform, seem like existence of our bone spirit clan?” “像是骸骨生物,又像是我们骨灵族的存在?” He in the space of this bone demon tree core? Moreover compared with us also early.” “他怎么会在这骨魔树核心的空间之中?而且比我们还早。” Can deceived our that fellows with the imaginary technique before?” “会不会就是之前用幻术欺骗我们的那个家伙?” Has the possibility very much!” “很有可能!” „The opposite party enters here compared with us early, perhaps has any special method, we can cooperate with it.” “对方比我们更早进入这里,也许有什么特殊手段,我们可以与它合作。” Cooperation? But we do not know him!” “合作?可是我们并不认识他!” Life and death overhead, who also manages it to know.” “生死当头,谁还管它认不认识。” ...... …… Three skull spirit clan Dark Species reached the agreement quickly, in so the situation, they can only seek the cooperation, otherwise is the dead end. 三头骨灵族黑暗种很快就达成了共识,在如此情况下,它们只能寻求合作,否则就是死路一条。 That three ancestor are deriving the strength of their soul source always, the bonus is their such high-rank demon sovereign level exists, cannot withstand. 那三件祖物无时无刻不在汲取它们的灵魂本源之力,饶是它们这样的上位魔皇级存在,也承受不住啊。 This terrestrial pole is the danger, to maintain life, only has the cooperation.” The bone carboxyl has no idle talk, immediately straightforward passes on the sound said to Wang Teng. “此地极为危险,若想保命,唯有合作。”骨羧没有任何废话,当即直截了当的对王腾传音道。 In the Wang Teng heart emits a surprise, never expected that he has not opened the mouth, these three skull spirit clan Dark Species then impatient sent out the cooperation signal to him. 王腾心中不由冒出一丝诧异,没想到他还没开口,这三头骨灵族黑暗种便迫不及待的向他发出了合作信号。 This happen, also saved his many matters. 这样正好,也省了他不少事。 It seems like their situations imagine him also want to be worse. 看来它们的情况比他想象中还要糟糕一些啊。 In his heart moves slightly, looked at three skull spirit clan Dark Species one meaningfully, the light opens the mouth said: How to cooperate?” 他心中微动,意味深长的看了三头骨灵族黑暗种一眼,淡淡开口道:“怎么合作?” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species saw his extraordinary good speech, in the heart to relax immediately, looked at each other one, opened the mouth to say again: „Are you bone spirit clan?” 三头骨灵族黑暗种见他出奇的好说话,心中顿时都是松了口气,对视了一眼,再次开口道:“你可是骨灵族?” Although on Wang Teng has extremely rich demon bone aura, but his appearance is really unique, their some cannot affirm. 尽管王腾身上有着极为浓郁的魔骨气息,但他的模样实在过于独特,以至于它们有些不敢肯定。 Is.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, light say/way. “算是吧。”王腾目光一闪,淡淡道。 Is......??” “算是……吧??” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species a little are speechless. 三头骨灵族黑暗种不禁有点无语。 If not the situation is inappropriate, they cannot bear want to complain. 如果不是情况不合适,它们都忍不住想要吐槽一番。 What is? 什么叫算是吧? Oneself is what race don't have the points? 自己是什么种族自己心里没点数吗? Three skull spirit clan Dark Species vision somewhat are surprised uncertain immediately, but they responded quickly, at present this fellow possibly does not want to pull off own details completely, will say. 三头骨灵族黑暗种的目光顿时有些惊疑不定,不过它们很快反应过来,眼前这家伙可能是不想将自己的底细完全拖出,才会这么说。 On you can have ancestor?” The bone carboxyl vision flashes, asked fast. “你身上可有祖物?”骨羧目光一闪,快速问道。 In they talked, that bone demon root hair is a crazier attack comes, this made in their hearts somewhat urgent. 就在它们交谈之间,那骨魔根须已是更加疯狂的侵袭而来,这让它们心中有些紧迫。 I can enter here, naturally brought ancestor.” Wang Teng uses a strange hoarse sound, light say/way. “我能够进入这里,自然带了祖物。”王腾用一种诡异沙哑的声音,淡淡道。 It is not ancestor, what he is many are, seven, must be much more than these three skull spirit clan Dark Species. 不就是祖物吗,他多的是啊,七件呢,比这三头骨灵族黑暗种还要多很多。 If they know that on him has so many ancestor, it is estimated that the eye must envy red. 它们如果知道他身上拥有这么多件祖物,估计眼睛都要嫉妒红。 Bone carboxyl deep looked at Wang Teng one, at this time it somewhat believes actually at present this skeleton lifeform was the bone spirit clan, ancestor where otherwise the opposite party obtained? 骨羧深深的看了王腾一眼,此时它倒是有些相信眼前这头骸骨生物就是骨灵族了,否则对方从哪里得到的祖物? It has not thought that Wang Teng ancestor all the space that is at from this bone demon tree core obtains. 它根本就没有想到王腾的祖物全都是从这片骨魔树核心所在的空间中得到的。 This space already by the cleanness that Wang Teng plunders, remaining some skeletons, but such situation is very common in the ruins of perishing bone. 这片空间已经被王腾搜刮的干干净净,就剩下一些骸骨而已,而这样的情形在亡骨之墟内实在很常见。 In addition the eruption of bone demon root hair, disrupts this space thoroughly, in which skeleton mostly changed to the fragment powder, basically is only left over the thick black fog to fill the air in land above. 加上骨魔根须的爆发,将这个空间彻底扰乱,其中的骸骨大多化作了齑粉,基本只剩下浓浓的黑雾弥漫在“大地”之上。 Therefore these three skull spirit clan Dark Species have not thought. 所以这三头骨灵族黑暗种才没有多想。 In their subconsciouses, any by the weapon that the bone demon tree seizes, the treasure, will be absorbed, or destroys. 在它们的潜意识当中,任何被骨魔树夺走的兵器,宝物等,都会被吸收,或是摧毁。 Ancestor of their bone spirit clan can not possibly produce the threat to the bone demon tree, the bone demon tree to stay behind it. 它们骨灵族的祖物能够对骨魔树产生威胁,骨魔树更不可能将其留下。 This is the normal thought. 这是正常思维。 What a pity they cannot think absolutely when Wang Teng just entered this place situation, who can think that here unexpectedly is a treasure house same place, too odd had the wood to have. 可惜它们是绝对想不到王腾刚刚进入此地时的情形,谁又能够想到这里竟然是一个宝库一样的地方,太离谱了有木有。 How can you cooperate?” Wang Teng asked suddenly. “你们要如何合作?”王腾突然问道。 „The strength of joint ancestor, absorbs the source of bone demon tree core, breaks open this place space.” The bone carboxyl said immediately. “联合祖物之力,汲取骨魔树核心之源,破开此地空间。”骨羧当即说道。 In addition my ancestor, altogether also only then four ancestor can, break open the space that the bone demon tree constructs?” Wang Teng avoids the bone demon root hair, while scruple asking. “加上我的祖物,总共也只有四件祖物而已,能够破开骨魔树构筑的空间?”王腾一边躲避骨魔根须,一边迟疑的问道。 He really did not know about the strength of ancestor, but by him the understanding the space, is actually knows that here space is not easy to break, otherwise he has been put into action. 他对祖物的力量是真不了解,但是以他对空间的了解,却是知道这里的空间没那么容易打破,否则他早就付诸行动了。 Bone , your I did not need to cover-up, took ancestor.” The bone carboxyl urgently has not been responding to Wang Teng, but looked to bone of nearby not far away, suddenly said. “骨喀,你我就不用藏着掖着了,将祖物都拿出来吧。”骨羧没有急着回应王腾,而是看向了一旁不远处的骨喀,突然说道。 In the Wang Teng heart moves, looked to this first place for bone spirit clan Dark Species of bone . 王腾心中一动,不由看向了这头名为骨喀的骨灵族黑暗种 He detected before, this skull spirit clan Dark Species was dishonest, it has been hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent. 早在之前他就察觉到,这头骨灵族黑暗种不老实,它一直在藏拙。 Now looks like, that first place has detected anything for bone spirit clan Dark Species of bone carboxyl, but has treated as does not know. 如今看来,那头名为骨羧的骨灵族黑暗种早就察觉到了什么,只是一直都当做不知道而已。 These skull spirit clan Dark Species really have 800 minds, no simple. 这几头骨灵族黑暗种果然都有八百个心眼,没一个简单的。 . 哦,还有一个。 Wang Teng looks to bone sui, shakes the head secretly. 王腾又看向骨濉,暗自摇了摇头。 This even. 这个就算了。 Has a look at its look, compels to pass ignorant stupidly, a skeleton put in order a feeling of gruff gruff brain strangely unexpectedly forcefully, but may also strangely anti-. 看看它的眼神,懵逼中透着愚蠢,一个骷髅怪竟然硬生生整出了一种憨头憨脑的感觉,还怪可耐的嘞。 Your what meaning?” The bone vision is motionless, feigned ignorance saying. “你什么意思?”骨喀目光不动,故作不知的说道。 Now is also hiding, interesting?” In the bone carboxyl eye reveals the color of ridicule, no longer talks too much, took out ancestor. “现在还藏着,有意思吗?”骨羧眼中露出讥讽之色,不再多言,又自顾自的取出了一件祖物。 Obviously, it brought two ancestor. 很显然,它带来了两件祖物。 This seems like a section of leg bone, above covers entirely the black trace, unexpectedly is also ancestor. 这似乎是一截腿骨,上面布满黑色纹路,竟然也是一件祖物。 It seems like you brought ancestor incessantly.” Wang Teng said. “看来你们不止带了一件祖物。”王腾道。 This is natural.” Bone carboxyl deep looks at him, said: „The terrifying of bone demon tree is without a doubt, since dares to arrive at this bone demon tree interior, naturally wants to prepare.” “这是自然。”骨羧深深的看着他,说道:“骨魔树的恐怖毋庸置疑,既然敢到这骨魔树内部来,自然要有所准备。” „Did you say?” “你说是吧?” Such being the case, I am not hiding, actually I also brought two ancestor.” “既然如此,我也不藏着了,其实我也带了两件祖物。” In the Wang Teng heart moves, then took out two ancestor from the space ring. 王腾心中一动,便从空间戒指当中取出了两件祖物。 However before these two ancestor are not, swallowed that two skull spirit clan Dark Species remain, but is another two ancestor that in the space of this bone demon tree core leave behind. 不过这两件祖物可不是之前被吞食的那两头骨灵族黑暗种所留,而是这骨魔树核心的空间之内遗留的另外两件祖物。 Bone bell! 骨铃! Bone claw! 骨爪! These two ancestor look like in Wang Teng, should no unique element, be quite normal. 这两件祖物在王腾看来,应该没什么特殊之处,较为正常。 As for several other ancestor, somewhat is somewhat special. 至于另外几件祖物,多多少少都有些特殊。 For example the bone abstention, the bone bottle, the bone made these three ancestor, the bone abstained with the bone bottle contains the space storage ability, this was other ancestor does not have. 比如骨戒,骨瓶,骨令这三件祖物,其中骨戒和骨瓶都是蕴含空间储物能力,这是其他祖物所不具备的。 Especially the bone bottle, he has not made clear strength of the ancient darkness is anything. 尤其是骨瓶,他还没有搞清楚其中的古老黑暗之力到底是什么。 Only then in this bone bottle hid a soul body, other ancestor are unable to repose the soul body, obviously is very different. 只有这骨瓶之中藏了一个灵魂体,其他祖物都无法寄托灵魂体,显然是非常不同的。 But whom that bone made know that had any special meaning, therefore not take to temporarily well. 而那枚骨令谁知道有没有什么特殊的含义,所以还是暂时不拿出来为好。 Then, then only then the bone bell and bone claw were quite appropriate. 如此一来,便只有骨铃和骨爪较为合适了。 As for can be seen the clue, he pours did not fear, now has not torn to pieces the facial skin time, he believes that even if that three skull spirit clan Dark Species recognized these two ancestor, at this time will not say anything absolutely. 至于会不会被看出端倪,他倒也不怕,现在还不是撕破脸皮的时候,他相信就算那三头骨灵族黑暗种认出了这两件祖物,此时也绝对不会多说什么。 However he as if wants. 不过他似乎想多了。 These three skull spirit clan Dark Species have not recognized these two ancestor the origin. 这三头骨灵族黑暗种并未认出这两件祖物的来历。 Naturally, there is a comparison that the possibility they install to look like. 当然,也有可能它们装的比较像。 However at the Wang Teng psychic force and Pupil of True Sight Talent, if could not have seen their look changes, that can only say that these three skull spirit clan Dark Species plans were too deep. 但是以王腾的精神力和【真视之瞳】天赋,如果还看不出它们的眼神变化,那只能说这三头骨灵族黑暗种的心机太深了。 Bone bell!” “骨铃!” Bone carboxyl eye slightly bright, immediately says: Good, you brought bone bell class ancestor unexpectedly.” 骨羧眼睛微亮,立刻说道:“太好了,你居然带来了骨铃类的祖物。” Well?” The Wang Teng surface does not reveal, in the heart was actually light well one. “咦?”王腾表面不显,心中却是轻咦了一声。 The response of this skull spirit clan Dark Species is a little strange, does this bone bell have what special effect inadequate? 这头骨灵族黑暗种的反应有点奇怪啊,难道这骨铃还有什么特殊作用不成? He maintains composure, a light appearance, does not have to inquire anything, is only slightly nodded , making one unable to completely understand that thinks. 他不动声色,一副平淡的样子,也没有去询问什么,只是微微点了点头,让人看不透所想。 Had this bone bell, our opportunities will be surely bigger.” The tone of bone carboxyl is somewhat excited. “有了这骨铃,我们的机会定会更大一些。”骨羧的语气有些激动。 Their situations were too bad, now every time increases a probability, is the huge good deed, is beyond control it not to attach great importance. 它们的处境实在太糟糕了,现在每增加一层几率,都是天大的好事,由不得它不重视。 „! What does this bone bell have to affect? You talk clearly actually.” “靠!这骨铃到底有什么作用?你倒是说清楚啊。” In the Wang Teng heart complained crazily, the surface actually can only the appearance that pretended a anything to know, suppressed very uncomfortably. 王腾心中疯狂吐槽,表面却只能装作一副什么都知道的样子,憋得十分难受。 Bone and bone sui two Dark Species are also an extremely exciting appearance, obviously also knows that the function of that bone bell, this made him more depressed. 骨喀和骨濉两头黑暗种也是一副极为激动的模样,显然也知道那骨铃的作用,这让他更为郁闷了。 „It is not good, waits to ask that black light within existence.” Wang Teng thinks of anything immediately, in the heart had the resolution immediately. “不行,等下得问问那黑光之内的存在。”王腾立刻想到了什么,心中顿时有了决断。 That black light within estimate is a soul body of skull spirit clan Dark Species . Moreover the years of having are quite remote, can be the old seniors in bone spirit clan. 那黑光之内估计是一头骨灵族黑暗种的灵魂体,而且存在的岁月颇为久远,怎么也能算是骨灵族中的老前辈了吧。 This small issue, it definitely knows. 这点小问题,它肯定知道。 If dares not to know, kills it! 如果敢不知道,就打死它! In his heart wicked is thinking. 他心中恶狠狠的想着。 At this time, the vision of bone carboxyl fell on bone , was full of the taunt as before. 这时,骨羧的目光又落在了骨喀的身上,依旧是充满了嘲讽。 Bone : „......” 骨喀:“……” In the Wang Teng heart moves, similarly looked. 王腾心中一动,同样看了过去。 Bone : „......” 骨喀:“……” Pressure + 1 压力 In its heart sighed, knows that at this time cannot hide one's incompetence by remaining silent again, the convenience took out another ancestor. 它心中叹了口气,知道这个时候不能再藏拙了,顺手就取出了另一件祖物。 Wang Teng and in the eye of bone carboxyl revealed an astonished color immediately. 王腾和骨羧的眼中顿时露出了一丝惊异之色。 They have what tacit understanding actually not, but at present the modeling of this ancestor truly is somewhat unusual, seems like the bone bowl, is a bit like bone bo, the surface is carving the strange strange design, is passing meaning of the evil darkness. 倒不是它们有什么默契可言,而是眼前这件祖物的造型确实是有些奇特,看起来像个骨碗,又有点像骨砵,表面雕刻着古怪诡异的图案,透着一股邪恶黑暗之意。 Such ancestor, abstains like the bone just like the bone bottle, many will make one think whether it has the space to hold the function. 这样一件祖物,就像骨戒和骨瓶一样,多少会让人想到它是否拥有空间容纳作用。 Wang Teng thought of this point, the bone carboxyl naturally also thought of this point. 王腾想到了这一点,骨羧自然也想到了这一点。 It looked that a little changed to the vision of bone , opens the mouth saying: You hide really enough may deep, brought bone bo unexpectedly, is this wants to rob the sources of more core?” 它看向骨喀的目光有点变了,开口道:“你藏得可真够深的啊,居然带来了一个骨砵,这是想要抢夺更多的核心之源吗?” Hehe, absorbs the sources of some cores, when the time comes we naturally can also many points, this is to everyone advantageous matter.” Bone coughs, said with a smile dry/does. “呵呵,多汲取一些核心之源,到时候我们自然也能够多分一点,这是对大家都有利的事情。”骨喀干咳一声,干笑道。 Wang Teng a little wants to smile, whom this fellow deceives, this nonsense only then the fool believes. 王腾有点想笑,这家伙糊弄谁呢,这种鬼话只有傻子才会相信。 Only then did I bring ancestor?” Bone sui flexure own skeleton head, somewhat was suddenly awkward. “只有我带了一件祖物吗?”骨濉挠了挠自己的骷髅头,突然有些尴尬起来。 Others have two ancestor, only then it had one, is this explained that it is not intelligent? 别人都有两件祖物,只有它带了一件,这是不是说明它不大聪明?
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