AAMD :: Volume #23

#2202: The hand was itchy! The bone demon tree alarms! For assorted

Thunder and flame that tiny black light submerges all, the intermittent black smoke also emits. 雷霆与火焰将那一道道细小的黑光尽数淹没,阵阵黑烟随之冒出。 Under these two strengths, massive tiny black light cannot resist, changed to the nihility instantaneously, making him have to gather, is making final struggling. 在这两种力量之下,大量的细小黑光根本抵挡不住,瞬间就化作了虚无,令其不得不重新聚拢,做着最后的挣扎。 No!” “不!” Stop!” “住手!” Calls a halt quickly!” “快停手!” Sad and shrill pitiful yells spread from black light. 一声声凄厉的惨叫从黑光之中传出。 It attempts from the surrounding of thunder and during world different fire runs out, returns in that bone bottle. 它试图从雷霆与天地异火的包围之中冲出,重新回到那骨瓶之内。 In this is black light existence to be in fact weak, these years are to depend on the bone bottle strength of ancient darkness completely, maintain reluctantly now. 这黑光内的存在实际上已经非常虚弱,这些年完全是靠着骨瓶当中的古老黑暗之力,才勉强维持到现在。 This thinks that is only bumps into a common mid-rank demon sovereign level junior...... 本以为只是碰到一个寻常的中位魔皇级小辈…… Although does not know how the opposite party arrives in this bone demon tree core, but it did not think that a mid-rank demon sovereign level junior can threaten it. 虽然不知道对方是如何来到这骨魔树核心之中的,但它并不觉得一个中位魔皇级小辈能够威胁到它。 When felt that the opposite party exists, it wants to seize the shed it immediately. 所以在感觉到对方存在的时候,它立刻就想要将其夺舍。 It quiet was too long in the middle of the bone bottle. 它在骨瓶当中沉寂太久了。 Such opportunity waited with great difficulty one time, has not known that next time was. 这样的机会好不容易才等来了一次,下一次还不知道是什么时候。 At least falls into the place of this bone demon tree core to start from it, which never sees living the life can come here. 起码从它落入这骨魔树核心之地开始,就从未见过哪个活着的生灵能够来到这里。 Now finally waits till one, it naturally cannot let off. 如今终于等到了一个,它自然不能放过。 Has not thought these bumped into the hard stubble time unexpectedly. 可没想到这一次竟碰到了硬茬。 Now it will be will deliver to the hopeless situation, will run away continually does not have the means to escape. 现在它可谓是自己将自己送到了绝境之中,连逃都没有办法逃脱。 Also wants to go back!” “还想回去!” The Wang Teng ridicule smiles, he naturally cannot make the opposite party achieve wishes to return to the bone bottle, immediately the palm turns, then took in the middle of the bone bottle the space ring. 王腾讥讽一笑,他自然不会让对方如愿回到骨瓶之中,当下手掌一翻,便将骨瓶收进了空间戒指当中。 Aren't the opposite party wants in the bone bottle? 对方不是想要回骨瓶里面去吗? He receives directly the bone bottle, looked how the opposite party goes back. 他直接把骨瓶收起来,看对方怎么回去。 How simple operation. 多么简单的操作。 „......” “……” That black light within existence seriously is startled and anger, can only incompetent wild with rage, roar again and again: Scoundrel!” 那黑光之内的存在当真是又惊又怒,只能无能狂怒,吼声连连:“混账!” What did you say?” “你说什么?” Wang Teng pulled out the ear, the big hand wielded, nine valuable buddhist monk towers have the unequalled imposing manner suppression immediately under. 王腾掏了掏耳朵,大手一挥,九宝浮屠塔立刻带着无与伦比的气势镇压而下。 Bang! 轰隆! Void vibrated. 虚空都为之震动了一下。 The next quarter, nine valuable buddhist monk towers just like a heavy/thick mountain, pounded loudly black light above. 下一刻,九宝浮屠塔犹如一座厚重至极的大山,轰然砸在了黑光之上。 „!” That say/way black light such as was struck by lightning, immediately trembles, was almost rumbled to disperse, the pitiful yell sound also spreads. “啊!”那道黑光如遭雷击,顿时一颤,差点就被轰散了,惨叫声随之传出。 What you just said that I have not really heard clearly, can say again?” The Wang Teng complexion is very tranquil, is saying lightly, a finger/refers, nine valuable buddhist monk towers suppress again under. “你刚刚说什么,我真没听清啊,能不能再说一遍?”王腾面色很平静,淡淡说着,再次一指,九宝浮屠塔再度镇压而下。 Bang! 轰! The black light fierce tremor, edge has collapsed directly, cannot resist the might of nine valuable buddhist monk towers. 黑光剧烈颤动,边缘处已经直接崩溃,根本抵挡不住九宝浮屠塔的威力。 „!!” “啊!啊!” Pitiful yell sound one after another resounding, is heard seriously is sad. 惨叫声接二连三的响起,当真是闻者伤心。 Wang Teng these nine treasure buddhist monk towers are two temperance forging, the firm degree is out of the ordinary, is the spiritual attack that the immortal level has is unable easily its crushing. 王腾这九宝浮屠塔乃是二次锤炼锻造而成,坚固程度非比寻常,就是不朽级存在的精神攻击都无法轻易将其击碎。 At this time was used to shell a soul body of World Lord Level level, the opposite party can unable to withstand has ghost. 此时用来轰击一个界主级层次的灵魂体,对方能承受得住才有鬼了。 Until now, his these nine valuable buddhist monk towers then escort for their soul. 一直以来,他这九宝浮屠塔便是为自身的灵魂保驾护航的。 The soul is Martial Artist is basic, most important. 灵魂乃是武者根本,重中之重。 Otherwise he will not be suppressing the pain of temperance, insists to cultivate this energetic mystique. 否则他也不会强忍着锤炼的痛苦,硬要修炼这门精神秘法。 Must know that in the past many Martial Artist had the World Lord Level following level Buddhist monk Daoist scripture, But they almost do not have to cultivate. 要知道以往不少武者不是没有得到过界主级以下层次的【浮屠真经】,但他们几乎都没有去修炼。 Why? 为什么? Tempers in the middle of nine valuable buddhist monk tower processes pain, is a biggest reason. 锤炼九宝浮屠塔过程当中的痛苦,便是最大的一个原因。 However what is very regrettable, usually these nine valuable buddhist monk tower Wang Teng cannot apply, after all the psychic force can threaten his person is not many. 不过很遗憾的是,平时这九宝浮屠塔王腾也派不上用场,毕竟精神力能够威胁他的人并不多。 Non- cares for reputation of which old codgers only if there are to begin facing him, may use these nine valuable buddhist monk towers. 除非有哪些老不死的不顾脸面对他动手,才有可能动用这九宝浮屠塔。 But such situation, is quite few. 但这样的情况,还是比较少的。 Then, when these nine valuable buddhist monk tappings naturally then can only put in his chaos star territory, acts as the mascot while convenient. 如此一来,这九宝浮屠塔平时自然便只能搁在他的混沌星域之中,顺便充当一下吉祥物。 No matter how said, the contours of nine valuable buddhist monk towers have shock and awe very much. 不管怎么说,九宝浮屠塔的外形还是很有震慑性的。 Let alone puts in the Wang Teng star territory, places the outside world, others see it, meets first treats as any extraordinary treasure it. 别说是搁在王腾的星域之内,就是放在外界,别人一看到它,也会第一时间将其当做什么了不得的宝物。 Therefore, worked as a mascot to have more than enough to spare absolutely. 所以,当个吉祥物绝对是绰绰有余了。 Drift off...... 咳咳,跑偏了…… Wang Teng is not resigned to treat as a mascot nine valuable buddhist monk towers absolutely, therefore saw suddenly some people clash to seize to abandon him slightly, his actually also some...... excited. 王腾是绝对不甘心将九宝浮屠塔当做一个吉祥物的,因此突然看到有人冲上来要夺舍他,他其实还有些……小激动的。 The hand was itchy! 手痒了啊! This fellow hit, that do not blame him being cruel and merciless. 这家伙自己撞上来的,那就别怪他心狠手辣了。 Bang! 轰! „!” “啊!” Bang! 轰! „...... Wait!!” “等……等等!!” Bang! 轰! Do not pound again!” “不要再砸了!” ...... …… An intermittent bellow resounds in this peaceful space along with the pitiful yell and begging for mercy sound unceasingly, during is black light the voice to be gradually weak, is no longer full like from the beginning like that the air/Qi. 一阵阵轰鸣声伴随着惨叫和求饶声在这个安静的空间里不断响起,黑光之中的声音逐渐虚弱,不再像一开始那般中气十足。 Wang Teng saw similarly, regrettable received the hand. 王腾见差不多了,也就遗憾的收了手。 Sees only his big hand to wield, nine valuable buddhist monk towers fly back automatically, the thunder and world different fire also rewind, collected in nine valuable buddhist monk towers all, then submerged in his forehead. 只见他大手一挥,九宝浮屠塔自动飞回,雷霆与天地异火也随之倒卷,尽数归拢到了九宝浮屠塔之中,而后没入他的眉心之中。 That say/way only has small one group black light, and ray is gloomy, just like candlelight that must be put out, cannot withstand weakly. 那道黑光只剩下小小一团,且光芒晦暗,宛如要熄灭的烛火,虚弱不堪。 Wang Teng smiles lightly, does not see him to have what movement, but stretches out a palm. 王腾淡淡一笑,也不见他有什么动作,只是伸出一只手掌。 The bright ceremonial fire emitted baseless, formed a prisoner's cage, surrounded this group black light, flew above his palm. 光明圣火凭空冒出,形成了一个囚笼,将这团黑光困住,飞到了他的掌心之上。 You, who are you?” During that is black light spreads together the weak sound immediately, in the voice full is surprised uncertain. “你,你到底是谁?”那黑光之中立刻传出一道虚弱的声音,语音中满是惊疑不定。 It really does not think clearly, what thing at present is this fellow? 它实在想不明白,眼前这家伙到底是个什么东西? From the semblance, was a normal skeleton life, the whole body was full of the strength of darkness obviously, evil cannot be evil, dark cannot be dark. 从外表上来看,明明就是一个再正常不过的骸骨生灵,浑身充满了黑暗之力,邪恶的不能再邪恶,黑暗的不能再黑暗。 That demon bone aura, is almost must flood from his whole body bone, hides the truth from its sensation radically. 还有那魔骨气息,更是几乎要从他浑身的骨头之中满溢而出,根本瞒不过它的感知。 But why the opposite party can use that type of the world different fire that is full of the meaning of light??? 可为什么对方能够使用那种充满光明之意的天地异火??? This special radically non- martial arts! 这特么的根本不武道啊! When can the dark life use the light unexpectedly is the world different fire? 什么时候黑暗生灵竟然可以使用光明系天地异火了? Did the demon god, the time change? 魔神啊,难道时代变了吗? What a pity its doubts actually unmanned response. 可惜它的疑惑却无人回应。 Wang Teng simply does not have the time to pay attention to this group of black light at this time, he felt suddenly anything, the vision congealed, looks up suddenly toward the front bone demon tree core. 王腾此时根本没有时间理会这团黑光,他突然感觉到了什么,目光微凝,猛然抬头朝着前方的骨魔树核心看去。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying mutation appeared again. 恐怖的异变再次出现了。 That bone demon tree core erupts rich black light suddenly, it seems to be vibrating, then the entire space vibrated. 那骨魔树核心骤然爆发出浓郁的黑光,它似乎在震动,而后整个空间都震动了起来。 The innumerable skeletons are vibrating, made crash-bang the sound, the sound of intermittent strange friction. 无数的骸骨在抖动,发出了哗啦啦的声响,还有阵阵古怪的摩擦之声。 The Wang Teng vision is dignified, stands in the skeleton, felt that the vibration of under foot, in the heart sank immediately. 王腾目光凝重,站在骸骨之中,感觉到了脚下的震动,心中顿时一沉。 Although he did not fear that group to be just black light, however the appearance of opposite party actually such as a blasting fuse, ignited the time bomb of bone demon tree momentarily possibly explosion. 虽然他不惧刚刚那团黑光,但是对方的出现却如一个导火索,引燃了骨魔树这个随时可能爆炸的定时炸弹。 He shelled that group to be black light a moment ago like that besides a little hand itchy, what are more is because the appearance of opposite party went bad his good deed. 他刚才之所以那般轰击那团黑光,除了有点手痒之外,更多的是因为对方的出现坏了他的好事。 Originally can well is careless, result that black light emergence, he has to face directly the bone demon tree. 本来可以好好的苟着,结果那黑光一出现,他就不得不直面骨魔树。 Do't this can retaliate? 这不得报复回去? Not only need retaliate, but must retaliate ruthlessly. 不仅要报复,还要狠狠的报复。 That gave him to cause such big trouble black light, how he possibly let off the opposite party, therefore one side other things first put, fired off said again. 那黑光给他制造了这么大的麻烦,他怎么可能放过对方,所以其他事情先放一边,打完了再说。 Before a fierce battle starts, must maintain happy, this is very important. 在一场恶战开启之前,一定要保持心情舒畅,这很重要。 But...... 而…… Hitting person = is happy! 打人=心情舒畅! As for being possible not to alarm the bone demon tree such naive idea, he is disinclined to think. 至于有可能不会惊动骨魔树这样天真的想法,他都懒得去想。 Not only in the intelligence quotient of insult bone demon tree, is insulting his intelligence quotient. 那不仅是在侮辱骨魔树的智商,更是在侮辱他的智商。 When he used that moment of biting the soul arrow, he guessed correctly, this bone demon tree definitely will be alarmed. 当他使用了噬魂箭的那一刻,他就猜到,这骨魔树必然会被惊动。 In this bone demon tree core, the opposite party will not allow any to threaten its thing absolutely to exist, but the biting soul arrow that he uses can certainly threaten the bone demon tree. 在这骨魔树核心之中,对方绝对不会允许任何能够威胁到它的东西存在,而他使用的噬魂箭是一定可以威胁到骨魔树的。 Do not say three world different fires of follow-up use. 更不要说后续动用的三种天地异火了。 Bang! 轰隆! In the bone demon tree core erupted the fluctuation of energy of terrifying, many skeletons changed to the fragment powder instantaneously. 骨魔树核心之中爆发出了恐怖的能量波动,诸多骸骨瞬间化作了齑粉。 Not only at this moment is the space that the bone demon tree core is vibrating, the entire giant incomparable bone demon tree also vibrated. 此刻不仅仅是骨魔树核心所在的空间在震动,整棵巨大无比的骨魔树亦是震动了起来。 If some people stand beside the bone demon tree, will then see that dense and numerous bone demon root hair simultaneous/uniform Qidong, is swaying from side to side the body just like the innumerable white bones pythons, is seeking for the prey. 如果有人站在骨魔树之外,便会看到那密密麻麻的骨魔根须齐齐动了起来,宛如无数的白骨巨蟒在扭动身躯,寻找着猎物。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Beyond bone demon tree core that space, bone carboxyl, bone , bone sui these three skull spirit clans with amazement looks to all around, in the heart surprisedly is immediately uncertain. 在骨魔树核心那片空间之外,骨羧,骨喀,骨濉这三头骨灵族骇然的看向四周,心中顿时惊疑不定起来。 They were just compelled that external space that the bone demon tree core was by the strength of that shadow distortion, but has not departed. 它们刚刚被那阴影扭曲之力逼出了骨魔树核心所在的那片外在空间,但并未就此离去。 Enters here with great difficulty, lost two skull spirit clan Dark Species all the way, how they possibly easily give up. 好不容易进入这里,一路上更是失去了两头骨灵族黑暗种,它们又怎么可能轻易放弃。 Therefore they have been pondering in the entrance of bone demon tree core the means of collapsing, three skull spirit clan Dark Species rack brains, is more anxious much flexure own skull. 所以它们一直在骨魔树核心的入口处思考着破局的办法,三头骨灵族黑暗种绞尽脑汁,急得直挠自己的头骨。 Finally the means do not want to come out, actually waited for so the accident. 结果办法没想出来,却等来了这般变故。 They had a day simply the feeling of dog. 它们简直有种日了狗的感觉。 Why does not know, always felt, since starts close to this bone demon tree, their everything is not smooth, why probably to have problems. 不知道为何,总觉得自从靠近这骨魔树开始,它们就事事不顺,好像干什么都出问题。 That feeling, is similar the invisible hands to play jokes upon them. 那种感觉,就仿佛有一只无形的手在戏耍它们。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species simply depressed wants to spit blood. 三头骨灵族黑暗种简直郁闷的想吐血。 What a pity they somewhat have no alternative, can only look at this helplessly, paces back and forth, no use, pitiful...... 可惜它们却有些无可奈何,只能眼睁睁的看着这一幕,彷徨,无助,又可怜…… Presently...... present what to do?” The words of bone sui a little tremble, the present situation makes it feel a little anxious. “现……现在怎么办?”骨濉的话语有点哆嗦,眼前的情况让它感觉有点不安。 The danger and present situation that before they encountered, are unable to compare. 之前它们遇到的危险和现在的情形,根本无法相比。 They can feel, as if entire bone demon tree vibrated, an indescribable dangerous internal energy fills the air in the inner space of this bone demon tree, making them feel frightened. 它们可以感觉到,似乎整棵骨魔树都震动了起来,一种无法形容的危险气机弥漫在这骨魔树的内部空间之中,让它们感到惊悚。 What to do? What to do? You special know that what to do asked?” “怎么办?怎么办?你特么就知道问怎么办?” The bone carboxyl air/Qi directly explodes the swearing, scolded one ruthlessly, it has been disinclined to pay attention to bone sui again, turns around to run directly. 骨羧气得直接爆粗口,狠狠骂了一句,它已经懒得再理会骨濉,直接转身就跑。 I special......” bone sui also want to curse at people, but the bone carboxyl has run not to have the shadow in an instant, immediately during falls into is speechless. “我特么……”骨濉也想骂人,但一转眼骨羧就已经跑没影了,顿时陷入无语之中。 Run!” “快跑!” Bone Kara its, kept up with the bone carboxyl form hastily. 骨喀拉了它一把,连忙跟上了骨羧的身影。 At this time, planning in their heart absolutely did not have the use, originally after planning to obtain bone demon tree the source of core, robbed again, now also snatches. 这个时候,它们心中的算计完全没了用处,本来打算取得骨魔树的核心之源后,再进行抢夺,现在还抢个屁啊。 Sticking together maintains life importantly! 抱团保命要紧! However...... 然而…… Bone and bone sui just pursued, then saw that the bone carboxyl such as the wind dashed about wildly generally, the soul fire of fierce beat from the opposite party eye socket can look, it seemed to be frightened. 骨喀和骨濉刚刚追上去,便又看到骨羧如风一般狂奔了回来,从对方眼眶中剧烈跳动的魂火可以看,它似乎被吓到了。 As if has anything to pursue it in behind. 仿佛有什么东西在后面追它。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! An intermittent fierce bellow also transmits, the bone demon tree vibrated fiercely. 一阵阵剧烈的轰鸣声也随之传来,骨魔树震动得更为剧烈了。 The next quarter, bone and bone sui all are the vision shrink. 下一刻,骨喀和骨濉皆是目光一缩。 They see impressively, in bone carboxyl rear area, that bone demon root hair, just like white bones python general direct impact. 它们赫然看到,在骨羧的后方,那一根根骨魔根须正如白骨巨蟒一般直冲而来。 If were only one two also even, but the range estimate in the past, this entire channel was almost filled up by that dense and numerous bone demon root hair, these bone demon root hair are pushing crazily. 如果只是一根两根也就算了,但目测过去,这一整个通道几乎都被那密密麻麻的骨魔根须所填满,那些骨魔根须正疯狂的挤过来。 Lying trough!!!” “卧槽!!!” Bone and bone sui two skull spirit clan Dark Species exploded a swearing directly, the skull almost blasted out, then wants not to think, immediately the turning around round trip runs. 骨喀和骨濉两头骨灵族黑暗种直接爆了句粗口,头盖骨都差点炸开了,而后想也不想,立刻转身往回跑。 Although knows that the front also had no group, but cannot make them wait for death same place. 尽管知道前方也没什么路了,但总不能让它们在原地等死吧。 The speed of bone carboxyl is quick, immediately then pursues. 骨羧的速度很快,立刻便追了上来。 !!! 唰!唰!唰! During three skull spirit clan Dark Species very tacit looking at each other, breaking in that was black light, enters bone demon tree the place of core again. 紧接着,三头骨灵族黑暗种很默契的对视了一眼,冲入了那黑光之中,再次进入骨魔树的核心之地。 In the middle of the place of that core, everywhere is the shadows of distortion, has no place to hide radically. 那核心之地当中,到处都是扭曲的阴影,根本无处可躲。 In three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts dignified to the extreme, immediately takes out respective ancestor, clenches teeth to inject the strength of own source. 三头骨灵族黑暗种心中凝重到了极点,立刻取出各自的祖物,咬牙将自身的本源之力注入其中。 To avoid the shadows of these distortions, can only depend on the strength of ancestor. 想要避开这些扭曲的阴影,只能靠祖物的力量了。 But the common strength is insufficient, must stimulate the might of ancestor deeper level, this must use their soul source. 但寻常的力量根本不够,必须要将祖物更深层次的威力激发出来,这必须用到它们的灵魂本源。 But the present to this situation, how they did not abandon even again, must choose. 可如今到了这种地步,它们就算再如何不舍,也必须要做出取舍了。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! As three skull spirit clan Dark Species inject in the middle of their soul source ancestor, that three ancestor erupt the dazzling black ray immediately, dense and numerous rune/symbol writing erupts, twines beside their whole body, forms three rune/symbol writing sphere, really blocked the shadow of that distortion unexpectedly. 随着三头骨灵族黑暗种将自身的灵魂本源注入祖物当中,那三件祖物顿时爆发出耀眼的黑色光芒,密密麻麻的符文爆发,缠绕在它们周身之外,形成三个符文圆球,竟是真的挡住了那扭曲的阴影。 Bang bang bang...... 嘭嘭嘭…… However at this time, that dense and numerous bone demon root hair also broke in the middle of the place of this core directly, if endless evil clutches, crazy distortion sweeping. 然而这时,那密密麻麻的骨魔根须也是径直冲入这核心之地当中,如无尽的魔爪,疯狂的扭曲扫荡。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species cannot escape by luck, all was attacked by bone demon root hair. 三头骨灵族黑暗种没能幸免,全都遭到了骨魔根须的攻击。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The rune/symbol writing sphere outside their whole body vibrates loudly, rune/symbol writing starts to collapse. 它们周身之外的符文圆球轰然震动起来,一道道符文开始崩溃。 Damn!” In the bone carboxyl heart resented, cannot bear curse makes noise. “该死!”骨羧心中愤恨,忍不住咒骂出声。 At this moment even if by its disposition, must unable to stretch, is hard stays quiet, in the heart flusters one batch, can ignore the appearance that maintains usually that to act with constraint arrogantly. 此刻哪怕是以它的心性,也已经要绷不住了,难以保持平静,心中慌得一批,也顾不上保持平日那高傲矜持的模样。 The mood of bone and bone sui is also similar, could not have taken care of oneself, naturally cannot attend to paying attention to the opposite party. 骨喀和骨濉的心情也差不多,已经自顾不暇,自然也顾不上关注对方。 They can only stimulate ancestor crazily the strength, hopes that can resist a while, and prayed the appearance of miracle in the heart. 它们只能疯狂激发祖物的力量,希望能够多抵挡一会儿,并在心中祈祷奇迹的出现。 Although they also know that this is unlikely. 尽管它们也知道这不大可能。 „It is not right, you look at some bone demon root hair, probably drilled into the shadow.” In the meantime, bone suddenly discovered anything, startled sound said. “不对,你们看些骨魔根须,好像钻入阴影中去了。”就在此时,骨喀突然发现了什么,惊声道。 Un?!” “嗯?!” The bone carboxyl vision concentrates, refers to the direction looking toward bone , immediately felt strength of the space, perhaps was danger at this moment stimulated the seeking livehood desire, its train of thought transferred fast, in the mind the miraculous glow flashed suddenly. 骨羧目光一凝,朝着骨喀所指方向看去,顿时感觉到了一丝空间之力,也许是此刻的危险激发了求生欲,它的思绪转得飞快,脑海中骤然灵光一闪。 I knew, here is not the bone demon tree true core is, in that shadow is!” “我知道了,这里并非骨魔树真正的核心所在,那阴影之中才是!” ! 唰! Finishes speaking, in its eye reveals one decidedly, changes to together the remnant shadow instantaneously, is direct impact that shadow goes unexpectedly. 话音刚落,它眼中露出一丝决然,瞬间化作一道残影,竟是直冲那阴影而去。 Sets at the deathtrap then to live! 置之死地而后生! Here waits for that bone demon root hair to rout the strength that ancestor forms, radically is the dead end, in such dies with it, might as well take risk to enter that bone demon tree the place of true core, perhaps a vitality! 在这里等着那骨魔根须将祖物形成的力量击溃,根本就是死路一条,与其在此等死,不如冒险进入那骨魔树的真正核心之地,没准还有一丝生机! Bone and bone sui stare slightly, but also responds immediately, merely was hesitant, then with, follows immediately, broke in that shadow. 骨喀与骨濉微微一愣,但也立刻反应了过来,仅仅是犹豫了一下,便立刻跟了上去,紧随其后,冲入那阴影之中。 Because that bone demon root hair breaks in the middle of the shadow, causing the space channel to be opened, three skull spirit clan Dark Species entered bone demon tree the place of core extremely with ease. 由于那骨魔根须冲入阴影当中,导致其中的空间通道算是打开了,三头骨灵族黑暗种极为轻松的进入了骨魔树的核心之地。 Wang Teng was just about to act, but has not waited for him to react, then saw large number of bone demon root hair suddenly from the above direct impact, attacked toward him crazily. 王腾原本正要出手,但还不等他做出反应,便看到大量的骨魔根须突然从上方直冲了下来,朝着他疯狂的攻击。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… This place space also vibrates, the bellow resounds through unceasingly. 此地空间随之震动,轰鸣声不断响彻而起。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, without bumps with it hardly, immediately then displays rapidly, avoided that bone demon root hair, goes toward the bone demon tree core direct impact. 王腾目光一闪,没有与其硬碰,当即便施展急速,避开了那一道道骨魔根须,朝着骨魔树核心直冲而去。 But this bone demon tree is too terrifying, that bone demon root hair all around will block completely, compels to retrocede him forcefully unceasingly. 但这骨魔树实在太恐怖,那骨魔根须将四周完全封锁,硬生生将他逼得不断后退。 In the meantime, three skull spirit clan Dark Species to bone to inter the body the demon tree core, good skillful unfortunately, happen to come to meet with Wang Teng face-to-face. 就在此时,三头骨灵族黑暗种冲入骨魔树核心之中,好巧不巧,正好与王腾来了个面对面相遇。 both sides are dumbfounded, fall into the middle of a strange silence. 双方大眼瞪小眼,陷入一片诡异的寂静当中。 Hi!” Wang Teng blinks, greets to them. “嗨!”王腾眨了眨眼睛,冲着它们打了个招呼。 This thinks that these three skull spirit clan Dark Species could not come, without thinking can also run into the opposite party here, whom this fate did not have, people are just the victims of fate. 本以为这三头骨灵族黑暗种进不来了呢,没想到还能够在这里遇到对方,这缘分也是没谁了,造化弄人呐。 „???” The bone carboxyl, bone , bone sui these three skull spirit clan Dark Species a little are immediately dumbstruck, a black person question mark of head. “???”骨羧,骨喀,骨濉这三头骨灵族黑暗种顿时有点发懵,一脑袋的黑人问号。 Is this really the bone demon tree core? 这真的是骨魔树核心? Why will here have a strange skeleton life? 为什么这里会有一头奇奇怪怪的骸骨生灵? Moreover also knew evidently probably they are common? 而且看样子好像还认识它们一般?
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