AAMD :: Volume #23

#2201: The secret of bone demon tree core! Seven ancestor!

The secret of Chapter 2201 bone demon tree core! Seven ancestor! Sudden change!( Sought subscription) 第2201章骨魔树核心之秘!七件祖物!突变!(求订阅) Buzz! 嗡! Wang Teng felt oneself as if passed through an invisible barrier, the present black fog was rich immediately several points. 王腾感觉自己仿佛穿过了一道无形的屏障,眼前的黑雾顿时浓郁了几分。 At this time he is away from the bone demon tree core to only have the distances of 500 meter/rice probably, the dark strength and deathly stillness strength of all around fills were rich immediately several times. 此时他距离骨魔树核心大概只有五百来米的距离,四周弥漫的黑暗之力与死寂之力顿时浓郁了数倍。 He stopped the footsteps, turn head looks. 他不由停下了脚步,回头望去。 This place looks like a threshold, bridges over under foot boundary, the strength and deathly stillness strength of darkness will become very rich. 这个地方就像是一个分界点,跨过脚下这道分界线,黑暗之力与死寂之力就会变得十分浓郁。 Wang Teng knows, he was away from the bone demon tree core to be very near. 王腾知道,他距离骨魔树核心已经很近了。 The distances of 500 meter/rice, regarding Martial Artist, one step step forward can span directly. 五百来米的距离,对于武者来说,一步跨出就能够直接跨越。 For careful, he flashes before on one directly arrives under the bone demon tree, started to absorb bone demon tree the source of core, where will also waste the time here. 要不是为了小心谨慎一点,他直接就一个闪现来到骨魔树底下,开始吸收骨魔树的核心之源了,哪里还会在这里浪费时间。 However he has not delayed, will have searched for the speed of ancestor to promote quickly. 不过他也没有耽搁,已经将搜寻祖物的速度提升到了最快。 Shortly, he really induced familiar aura. 没多久,他果然又感应到了一丝熟悉的气息。 Ancient and dark...... 古老而黑暗…… In this region, wants to discover these ancestor the aura is not actually easy, the dark strength and deathly stillness strength of because sends out from the bone demon tree core are extremely rich, has covered the aura of other things. 在这片区域之内,想要找出这些祖物的气息其实并不容易,因为从骨魔树核心之中散发出的黑暗之力与死寂之力太过浓郁,已经掩盖了其他事物的气息。 Also is the Wang Teng psychic force is very keen, in addition it with dying deep strength is not quite low to the grasping of strength of darkness, therefore felt unusual aura very much easily. 也就是王腾精神力十分敏锐,加上它本身对黑暗之力与死冥之力的掌握相当不低,所以很容易就感觉到了其中的一丝异样气息。 The Wang Teng vision moves slightly, the figure flashes, then appeared in a position, he felt that aura filled the air from this under foot. 王腾目光微动,身形一闪,便出现在了一个位置,他感觉到那气息就是从这脚下弥漫而出的。 This place is smooth, skeleton optional shop in ground, does not know that piled up several, making Wang Teng be flabbergasted, this bone demon tree swallowed many lives. 这个地方非常平坦,骸骨随意的铺在地面上,也不知道堆积了几层,让王腾咋舌不已,这骨魔树到底吞食了多少生灵啊。 His spirit read the strength to sweep across again, just like an invisible big hand, opened out the skeleton of under foot, a utensil also appears in him at present. 他的精神念力再次席卷而出,宛如一只无形的大手,拨开了脚下的骸骨,一件器物随之出现在了他的眼前。 Well!” “咦!” Wang Teng sees this utensil, light well. 王腾看到这件器物,不由的轻咦了一声。 Bone bell! 骨铃! The utensil that at present digs out unexpectedly is a bone bell, this somewhat is actually unusual, he very few sees this quite special utensil, after all Martial Artist also few use similar things. 眼前挖出的器物竟然是一个骨铃,这倒是有些稀奇,他很少见到这种较为特殊的器物,毕竟武者也很少使用类似的东西。 However, but also strange attractive. 不过,还怪好看的嘞。 The present bone bell can say that very exquisite, wants slightly compared with his palm many, the shiny smooth like the jade, had no strange carving all over the body actually, only had paint black traces. 眼前的骨铃可以说非常的精巧,比他的手掌还要小不少,通体莹润如玉,倒是没有什么奇奇怪怪的雕刻了,仅有一道道漆黑色的纹路。 Actually the words of these traces, this bone bell can definitely be a beautiful artware. 其实要不是这些纹路的话,这只骨铃完全可以算是一件绝美的艺术品。 If puts some bright universe auction room to auction, it is estimated that many people will like. 要是放到光明宇宙某个拍卖行拍卖,估计很多人都会喜欢。 He hears early, many aristocrats like manufacturing the artware with the bones of certain powerful star beasts, some Martial Artist like showing oneself great strength by this. 他早有听闻,不少贵族喜欢用某些强大星兽的骨头来制作成艺术品,还有一些武者喜欢以此来彰显自己的强大。 After all can hunt and kill a powerful star beast, is a matter of proud boast. 毕竟能够猎杀一头强大的星兽,也是一件值得骄傲吹嘘的事情。 Naturally, now the dark aura above this bone bell, is bright universe Martial Artist does not dare to touch absolutely. 当然,现在这骨铃之上的黑暗气息,绝对是光明宇宙武者不敢触碰的。 This looks is not the proper utensil. 这一看就不是什么正经器物。 Wang Teng sized up one, feels above to fill the air faintly, but the ancient aura, then received it. 王腾打量了一眼,感受到上面隐隐弥漫而出的古老气息,便将其收了起来。 Fourth ancestor succeeds in obtaining! 第四件祖物到手! Then, he harvested several Grandmaster Level ninth-grade to fight the soldier, basically was the bone product. 接下来,他又收获了几件宗师级九品战兵,基本都是骨制品。 However is also very normal, here only then bone spirit clan Dark Species can come, but bone spirit clan Dark Species most often uses is the weapon of bone manufacture. 不过也很正常,这里只有骨灵族黑暗种能够进来,而骨灵族黑暗种最经常使用的就是骨头制造的兵器。 Probably is the race fondness!” In the Wang Teng heart whispered. “大概是种族癖好吧!”王腾心中嘀咕了一句。 On the other hand, he also very likes the weapon of bone spirit clan, the weapon that this bone forging becomes truly has a special aesthetic sense, is different from the common weapon. 话说回来,他也挺喜欢骨灵族的兵器,这种骨头锻造而成的兵器倒确实是有着一种特殊的美感,有别于寻常的兵器。 Has the opportunity to do a special bone to fight the soldier to oneself, wanted is a graceful.” “有机会给自己搞一柄特殊的骨战兵,要的就是一个帅。” Wang Teng eye slightly bright, in the heart deliberately considered. 王腾眼睛微亮,心中寻思了起来。 Today picked so many Grandmaster Level weapons, when the time comes goes to Dark World to look for a Saint level weapon is not excessive? 今天捡了这么多宗师级兵器,到时候去黑暗世界淘换一柄圣级兵器不过分吧? „, Now does not think these times.” “咳咳,现在不是想这些的时候。” He takes back the train of thought that oneself dispersed hastily, is good because has not delayed the matter, this weapon of picking picked, all around weapon were getting fewer and fewer, moreover scattered under of bone demon tree, needs close to be able to pick to take. 他连忙收回了自己发散的思绪,好在也没耽误事儿,该捡的兵器都捡回来了,四周的兵器越来越少,而且很多都散落在骨魔树的下方,需要靠近才能够捡取。 Wang Teng is actually careful, that distance, is really a little dangerous. 倒不是王腾过于小心,那个距离,实在是有点危险啊。 At this time, when Wang Teng from the bone demon tree core only more than 100 meters distances, three wisps of ancient dark aura suddenly appear! 这时,正当王腾距离骨魔树核心仅有一百多米的距离时,又有三缕古老黑暗的气息骤然出现! Very towering! 十分突兀! Had not felt, the result approaches to this distance, presented three wisps of ancient and dark aura all of a sudden simultaneously. 原本还没有感觉到,结果一靠近到这个距离,一下子就同时出现了三缕古老而黑暗的气息。 Wang Teng quickly grasps the meaning of something immediately, almost without stretching, overran directly. 王腾顿时一个激灵,差点没绷住,直接就冲过去了。 Three wisps! 三缕! This means the bone demon tree core, has three ancestor! 这岂不是意味着骨魔树核心的下方,有着三件祖物! The mud horse must gain sends! 泥马要赚发了呀! Obtains that three ancestor again, ancestor that altogether seven ancestor, he had how many skull spirit clan Dark Species surpassed just that all of a sudden, will cope with the bone demon tree to have confidence? 再得到那三件祖物,总共就有七件祖物了,他所拥有的祖物一下子就超过刚刚那几头骨灵族黑暗种了,对付骨魔树应该会更有把握的吧? Wang Teng does not know how should describe own mood, in brief is very wonderful. 王腾都不知道该怎么形容自己的心情了,总之就很美妙。 From the beginning he also somewhat grasps blindly, does not know how should deal with this bone demon tree core, finally to this space, discovered that really also has bone spirit clan ancestor to pick. 一开始他还有些抓瞎,不知道该如何应对这骨魔树核心,结果到了这个空间,发现竟然还有骨灵族祖物可捡。 This seems to be complying with that old saying, the toxicant nearby often had the antidote. 这似乎正应了那句古话,毒药的附近往往就有解药。 Although this bone demon tree is not the poisonous tree, but terrifying degree not under the Poison Attribute trees of some immortal levels, even is more fearful, therefore this analogy but actually also appropriate. 虽然这骨魔树并非什么毒树,但恐怖程度是丝毫不下于一些不朽级的毒系树木,甚至更可怕,所以这比喻倒也贴切。 Is this ancestor is actually the bone demon sets up itself to do, it estimated that cannot think also some people can enter to this space in? Also or hasn't it simply been serious these so-called ancestor? 就是这祖物却是骨魔树自己搞来的,它估计想不到还有人能够进入到这个空间之中来吧?亦或者它根本没将这些所谓的祖物当回事? However this time, Wang Teng must arrive at the tree under foot of that bone demon tree core. 不过这一次,王腾是一定要到那骨魔树核心的树脚下去了。 In his heart deeply attracted one, making the mood return to normal, later for a penny and for a pound, spanned this final more than 100 meters distance directly, arrived under the tree foot of bone demon tree core. 他心中深吸了一口,让心情平复下来,随后一不做二不休,直接跨越了这最后的一百多米距离,来到了骨魔树核心的树脚之下。 Naturally, he has not relaxed as before vigilantly, at this moment has been ready, once there is anything is not right, will immediately use Dodges spatially Evacuation. 当然,他依旧没有放松警惕,此刻已经做好了准备,一旦有什么不对,立刻就会用【空闪】撤离。 Is good because has not had any unexpected situation. 好在并没有出现什么意外情况。 He stands under the tree foot of bone demon tree core, vigilant looked at the core of this bone demon tree, in the eye is revealing the astonished color at present. 他站在骨魔树核心的树脚之下,警惕的望着眼前这骨魔树的核心,眼中不由露出了惊异之色。 Although had seen the appearance of this bone demon tree core before from afar, but arrives at the vicinity at this moment, somewhat shocks and has doubts as before. 虽然之前已经远远的看到了这骨魔树核心的模样,但此刻来到近处,依旧是有些震撼与疑惑。 Shock because of this tree really mystical, the white bones builds above the tree trunk that becomes to cover entirely the dense and numerous black traces at present impressively, such as strange tree marks are ordinary, and just like the living creature, as if is always wriggling. 震撼是因为眼前这棵树实在过于神异,白骨堆砌而成的树身之上赫然布满了密密麻麻的黑色纹路,就如一道道诡异的树纹一般,且更是犹如活物,似乎无时无刻不在蠕动。 Before Wang Teng compared with the outer covering of bone demon tree the outside world sees, this tree naturally not like that huge, but actually real, mystical. 王腾之前在外界看到的骨魔树的外壳相比,这棵树自然没有那般庞大,但却更加的真实,更加的神异。 Mysterious + strange = mystical! 神奇+诡异=神异! Without the problem! 没毛病! As for that doubts, then because of the core of this bone demon tree really such as a true big tree, seems not the energy condenses. 至于那一丝疑惑,则是因为这骨魔树的核心真如一棵真正的大树,似乎并非能量凝聚而成。 Wang Teng thinks this, since is the core of bone demon tree, decides however is different from its semblance, most likely (80%) are condensed by the energy. 原本王腾以为这既然是骨魔树的核心,定然与它的外表不一样,八成是由能量凝聚而成。 But looks now, this special the bone does not pile? 可现在一看,这特么不还是骨头堆起来的吗? Always felt where is not a little right.” Wang Teng touches the chin, stares at this tree, the eye is winking at present does not wink, as to see some clue. “总感觉哪里有点不对啊。”王腾摸了摸下巴,盯着眼前这棵树,眼睛一眨都不眨,似乎想要看出些许端倪来。 The next quarter, in his eye the purple gold colored light glow flashes, Pupil of True Sight Opens again. 下一刻,他眼中紫金色光芒一闪,【真视之瞳】再次开启。 In order to reduce a consumption, he a moment ago already Pupil of True Sight The closure, actually has to open now. 为了减少一点消耗,他刚才已经将【真视之瞳】关闭,如今却不得不重新开启。 What a pity this chapter his Pupil of True Sight Does not work. 可惜这回他的【真视之瞳】又不灵了。 At present black light, anything cannot see, but also the difference lightened blindly his two eyes. 眼前一片黑光,根本什么都看不见,还差点亮瞎了他的两只眼睛。 Lying trough!” Wang Teng exploded a swearing, closes the eye suddenly. “卧槽!”王腾爆了句粗口,猛然闭上眼睛。 The rank of this bone demon tree over revered the level absolutely! 这骨魔树的等级绝对超过尊级了! MMP spied on its core, almost built own eye, close call! MMP不过是窥探了一眼它的核心,差点就把自己的眼睛搭进去了,好险! He is quite luckily careful, had guessed correctly that this bone demon tree is not simple, does not dare to look, only shot a look at one slightly, this operates him to be ripe. 幸好他比较小心,早就猜到这骨魔树不简单,没敢多看,只略微的瞥了一眼,这操作他熟。 At this time he rested a moment later, opened the eye, but in the eye presented many capillaries, obviously also had by the least bit is affected. 此时他休息了片刻之后,才重新睁开眼睛,但眼中却出现了不少血丝,显然也不是没有受到半点影响。 „It is not right, this is really the energy body!” “不对,这果然是能量体!” In the meantime, he thought of just picture suddenly. 就在此时,他突然想到了刚刚的画面。 Although saw rich black light, but especially the entire tree is thick black light, this is not right. 虽然只是看到了一道浓郁的黑光,但特么的整棵树都是浓浓的黑光,这就不对劲了。 Without a doubt, that black light is the essence of energy. 毫无疑问,那黑光就是能量的本质。 What did this indicate? 这说明什么? The explanation at present this tree truly is an energy body, is not the common skeleton stack. 说明眼前这棵树确确实实是一个能量体,并非寻常的骸骨堆积而成。 Before he also once used Pupil of True Sight Has observed the outer covering of bone demon tree, the situation at that time seeing what with just saw was completely different. 之前他也曾用【真视之瞳】观察过骨魔树的外壳,那时候看到的情形与刚刚看到的可是完全不一样。 The outer covering of bone demon tree indeed is the skeleton builds, although has some energies, that say/way that but the essence or the skeleton, with just saw is black light. 骨魔树的外壳的确是骸骨堆砌而成,其中虽然有着些许能量,但本质还是骸骨,与刚刚看到的那道黑光截然不同。 This is the essential difference. 这就是本质上的区别。 Although during Wang Teng cannot see that is black light is anything, but can see the essence is very good. 尽管王腾没能看出那黑光之中到底是什么,但能够看到本质已经是很不错了。 This he Pupil of True Sight Raised in the middle period of the immortal level, feared that was also anything cannot see. 要不是这回他将【真视之瞳】提升到了不朽级中期,怕是还什么都看不到。 It seems like outside this covered a light skeleton.” Wang Teng looks to front bone demon tree core, the vision flashes, suddenly puts out a hand, strokes in its surface. “看来这外面只是覆盖了一层薄薄的骸骨而已。”王腾看向面前的骨魔树核心,目光微闪,突然伸出手,在其表面抚摸而过。 The shiny smooth such as the feeling of jade, having the faint trace to be icy cold, feel unexpectedly also good. 莹润如玉的感觉,带着丝丝冰凉,手感竟然还挺不错。 He transfers around this bone demon tree core at present, observes, while approaches the ancestor aura that just felt in the position. 他绕着眼前这骨魔树核心转了起来,一边观察,一边靠近刚刚感觉到的祖物气息所在位置。 Walked ten steps, his squatting lower part of the body, dug in the skeleton pile. 走了十来步,他蹲下身,在骸骨堆中挖了起来。 Digs digs digs...... 挖呀挖呀挖…… Quick, a utensil appears in his eyes, unexpectedly is a bone claw, but the above aura obvious and common bone claw is different, strange black trace windings above the bone claw, appear especially fierce fearsome. 很快,一件器物出现在他的眼中,竟然是一只骨爪,但上面的气息明显与寻常的骨爪不同,一道道诡异的黑色纹路缠绕在骨爪之上,显得尤为狰狞可怖。 Fifth ancestor succeeds in obtaining! 第五件祖物到手! Afterward he continues to approach another two aura in the position, dug them one after another. 随后他继续靠近另外两道气息所在位置,陆续将它们挖了出来。 Sixth ancestor is a token of bone system, above is carving the grotesque design, strange degree not under in Gujing and spur. 第六件祖物是一面骨制的令牌,上面雕刻着奇形怪状的图案,诡异程度不下于骨镜和骨刺。 Seventh ancestor is somewhat unusual, is a bone bottle, the bottle body is unexpectedly perfectly round, the bottleneck place is tiny and long, does not know that is made by the bone of what lifeform, after all this contour, the common bone cannot make. 第七件祖物有些奇特,竟然是一个骨瓶,瓶身浑圆饱满,瓶颈处细小且长,也不知是由什么生物的骨头制成的,毕竟这外形,寻常的骨头也制造不出来。 Wang Teng somewhat surprised is sizing up at present this final two ancestor, that bone system token, above except for some special designs, still had nothing even specially. 王腾有些惊讶的打量着眼前这最后两件祖物,那面骨制令牌也就算了,上面除了一些特殊的图案,也就没什么特殊的了。 Actually this bone bottle makes him feel somewhat differently. 倒是这骨瓶让他感觉有些不同。 He felt faintly the bone bottle interior as if contains the strength of extremely rich ancient darkness, making him have feeling of the palpitation, this feeling is front several ancestor does not have. 他隐隐感觉到骨瓶内部似乎蕴藏着极为浓郁的古老黑暗之力,让他有种心悸之感,这种感觉是前面几件祖物所不具备的。 rune/symbol writing above this bone bottle is quite actually mysterious.” “这骨瓶之上的符文倒是颇为玄奥。” Wang Teng brow slightly wrinkle, by his 【The mark of ancient times darkness The attainments, have not been able to completely understand that unexpectedly dark rune/symbol writing above this bone bottle, in which ancient times space rune/symbol writing, he understood actually 7788. 王腾眉头微皱,以他的【远古黑暗之纹】造诣,竟然还无法看透这骨瓶之上的黑暗符文,倒是其中的远古空间符文,他理解了个七七八八。 This bone bottle also has the function that the space holds, in other words its interior has a space, perhaps inside has anything. 这个骨瓶同样拥有空间容纳的作用,也就是说它的内部存在一个空间,里面也许有什么东西。 Wang Teng thinks, somewhat hesitates, does not know that must investigate rashly. 王腾想了想,有些犹豫,不知道要不要冒然探查。 However changes mind thinks, this thing falls to his hand, does not investigate, how dares to use at will, the investigation must certainly investigate, at the worst is more careful is. 但是转念一想,这东西落到他的手里,不探查一下,如何敢随意使用,探查肯定是要探查的,大不了小心一些便是。 The Wang Teng heart neutrality inscribed the resolution, will immediately read the strength to branch out one wisp energetic, searches bone to inter the body in the middle of the bottle. 王腾心中立刻有了决断,当即将精神念力分出一缕,探入骨瓶当中。 However what made his accidental/surprised was, in this bone bottle what substantive thing did not have, only had black fog continuously. 但是令他意外的是,这骨瓶里什么实质性的东西都没有,只有一缕缕的黑雾。 But in the black fog is flooding ancient and dark aura. 而黑雾中则是充斥着一股古老而黑暗的气息。 Obviously, this black fog was makes Wang Teng just feel some palpitations the sources. 很显然,这黑雾就是让王腾刚刚感觉有些心悸的源头。 „It is not right!” “不对!” He startled realize suddenly, immediately breaks that wisp of spirit to read the strength. 他猛然惊觉,立刻断去那一缕精神念力。 But in the meantime, the mutation lives suddenly. 但就在此时,异变突生。 Jumps out from bone bottle that thick black fog together black light, later runs out from the bone bottle instantaneously, presses up to the Wang Teng forehead. 一道黑光从骨瓶那浓浓的黑雾之中窜出,随后瞬间从骨瓶之内冲出,直逼王腾的眉心。 Courts death!” “找死!” Wang Teng vision ice-cold, the forehead sudden golden light puts greatly, the golden arrow arrow condenses together suddenly, moves forward to meet somebody. 王腾目光冰冷,眉心处突然金光大放,一道金色箭矢突然凝聚而出,迎了上去。 ! 咻! The grating sound air-splitting gets up. 刺耳的破空声响起。 That say/way just jumped out from the bottle mouth black light, the golden arrow arrow that Wang Teng forehead erupts then almost also projects. 那道黑光刚刚从瓶口窜出,王腾眉心处爆发出的金色箭矢便几乎是同时射出。 Bites the soul arrow! 噬魂箭! What?!” “什么?!” The startled anger happened simultaneously together, even startled during the somewhat sound from that is black light immediately spreads. 一道惊怒交加,甚至有些惊慌的声音顿时从那黑光之中传出。 But all were too late. 但一切都太迟了。 No one can think that Wang Teng has the protection early, and has the method of dealing with the soul attack. 谁也想不到王腾早有防备,而且有着应对灵魂攻击的手段。 Titter! 噗嗤! During the next quarter, the golden arrow arrow inserts directly that is black light, pierces it instantaneously, the strength of strange swallowing erupts from that golden arrow Yato suddenly. 下一刻,金色箭矢径直插入那黑光之中,瞬间将其洞穿,诡异的吞噬之力猛然从那金色箭矢当中爆发。 Damn, what Fighting technique is this?! Can absorb the strength of my soul source unexpectedly!” Black light resounded the sound of angry roaring immediately. “该死,这是什么战技?!竟能够吸收我的灵魂本源之力!”黑光中顿时响起了怒吼之声。 How long, some people dare to seize to abandon me unexpectedly.” Wang Teng sneers to say. “多久了,居然还有人敢夺舍我。”王腾冷笑道。 He cultivates, wants to seize to abandon his person to be really many, and is more powerful than him, the nihility swallows the beast so to be mystical and powerful starry sky giant beast has. 他一路修炼过来,想要夺舍他的人着实不少,且一个个都比他要强大很多,就连虚无吞兽那样神秘而强大的星空巨兽都有。 But does not have one successfully. 但就没有一个成功的。 No matter the nihility swallows the beast, the blood group first ancestor who bumps into Dark World, has not all succeeded, and was also instead killed by him. 不管是虚无吞兽,还是在黑暗世界碰到的血族始祖,全都没有成功,并且还被他反杀了。 At present this black light seemingly powerful, actually is also the appearance of World Lord Level soul, the Wang Teng nature fearless. 眼前这道黑光看似强大,却也不过是界主级灵魂的样子,王腾自然无惧。 Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” You think that this does block me?!!” “你以为这样就挡住我吗?!!” That sound suddenly becomes fierce, immediately sees only that say/way is black light bang one to blast out suddenly, changes to tinier black light instantaneously, such as black needles continue to speed away to go toward the Wang Teng forehead. 那道声音骤然变得狰狞,随即只见那道黑光“嘭”的一声猛然炸开,瞬间化作一道道更为细小的黑光,如一根根黑针般继续朝着王腾眉心疾驰而去。 Go away!” The Wang Teng eye narrows the eyes, in the mouth spreads one to drink fiercely lowly. “滚!”王腾眼睛微眯,口中猛地传出一声低喝。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, his forehead erupts dazzling dazzling golden ray immediately, in the ray, nine pagodas appear, loudly suppression. 刹那间,他的眉心处顿时爆发出更加耀眼刺目的金色光芒,光芒中,一座九层宝塔浮现,轰然镇压而出。 Nine valuable buddhist monk towers! 九宝浮屠塔! This impressively is the nine valuable buddhist monk towers of Wang Teng conceals in chaos star territory! 这赫然正是王腾藏于混沌星域之中的九宝浮屠塔! This nine valuable buddhist monk towers were just a appearance, the tower mark above of thunder, the mark of flame then shone suddenly. 这座九宝浮屠塔不过是刚一出现,塔身之上的雷霆之纹,火焰之纹便陡然亮起。 Bang! 轰隆! thunder light sparkles, bright heavenly prestige fills this space. 雷光闪耀,煌煌天威弥漫这片空间。 Three types of the world different fires sweep across, release burning hot incomparable temperature. 三种天地异火席卷而出,释放出炙热无比的温度。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… That black needle has not bumped into that nine pagodas, but just contacted to the world different fire that above nine pagodas fills, then exudes the sound. 那一根根黑针还未碰到那九层宝塔,不过是刚刚接触到九层宝塔之上弥漫出的天地异火,便发出嗤嗤声。 „......” “啊啊啊……” Meanwhile, the intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell sound also resounds. 与此同时,还有阵阵凄厉的惨叫声随之响起。 World different fire??!” “天地异火??!” You have three types of the world different fires unexpectedly!!!” “你居然拥有三种天地异火!!!” During startled angry incomparable roars from that are unceasingly black light to erupt, brings strong unbelievable, how obviously is not to have thought that Wang Teng will have three world different fires. 一道道惊怒无比的吼声不断从那黑光之中爆发而出,带着浓烈的难以置信,显然是怎么都没想到王腾会拥有三朵天地异火。 This thinks the method of that golden light arrow arrow is extremely special, can grasp this type is fierce, finally really also has ruthlessly is waiting for it. 本以为那金光箭矢的手段已是极为特殊,能够掌握这一种便算是厉害了,结果竟然还有更狠的在等着它。 At this moment, in this was black light existence to want the self-closing simply. 这一刻,这黑光内的存在简直要自闭了。
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