AAMD :: Volume #22

#2200: Simply is the weapon treasure house! Grandmaster Level

Shadow talent, fifth-order! 阴影天赋,五阶! Wang Teng feels immediately the momentous change of oneself body, within the body had an extremely special strength to past, moreover wants to be richer than time the by dealings. 王腾立刻感觉到了自己身躯的巨大变化,体内有一股极为特殊的力量在流转,而且比以往还要浓郁许多倍。 Fifth-order level! 五阶层次! His shadow talent jumped all of a sudden two levels, the strength of shadow contains is naturally more boundless. 他的阴影天赋一下子跃升了两个层次,所蕴含的阴影之力自然更加磅礴。 This Wang Teng then obtained the strength of shadow from the bone demon tree, the strength of this shadow can make his body transform, lets the shadow talent promotion, can thus be born the strength of more shadow, quite therefore returning nurturing to parents. 这一次王腾便是从骨魔树之上得到了阴影之力,这阴影之力可以让他的身躯蜕变,让阴影天赋提升,从而又能诞生更多的阴影之力,相当于是一种反哺。 This bone demon tree has not really disappointed me.” “这棵骨魔树果然没有让我失望啊。” Looking of Wang Teng look burning hot to the front bone demon tree core, like looking at a smooth peerless beautiful woman. 王腾眼神炙热的望向前方的骨魔树核心,如同望着一个光溜溜的绝世美女。 If he has not guessed wrong, fifth-order Shadow talent The strength of shadow a start, this bone demon tree has absolutely incessantly fifth-order. 如果他没有猜错的话,五阶的【阴影天赋】只是一个开始,这棵骨魔树所拥有的阴影之力绝对不止五阶。 Was nine step levels including three source principles, strength of how possibly trivial fifth-order level this shadow, this radically non- martial arts. 连三种本源法则都达到了九阶层次,这阴影之力又怎么可能只有区区的五阶层次,这根本不武道啊。 Therefore...... he does not believe! 所以……他不信! Does not believe. 一点儿也不信。 Let alone this bone demon tree has, even it does not have, still weeds out this wool. 别说这骨魔树有,就算它没有,也得将这羊毛薅出来。 Really falls to the hand of Wang Teng, leave alone is anything, this wool must weed out may not. 真落到王腾的手里,别管是什么东西,这羊毛都非得薅一薅不可。 Wang Teng is sizing up all around , to continue to go toward the front line, simultaneously the spirit read the strength to curl, fought the soldier to curl a nearby . 王腾打量着四周,继续朝着前方行去,同时精神念力卷出,将附近的一柄战兵卷了回来。 Sees only his palm to open, a sword falls into his palm directly. 只见他手掌张开,一柄战刀径直落入他的掌心之中。 This is a bone blade, on the knife the brand mark many rune/symbol writing, the blade edge is being sharp, does not have any damage, understood at a glance that the rank is not low. 这是一柄骨刀,刀身上烙印着诸多符文,刀锋锋利无比,没有任何的缺损,一看就知道等级不低。 But with the Wang Teng vision, this bone blade at least is Grandmaster Level three product Zhanbing, in the outside world was also the rare treasure, made Territory Lord Level Martial Artist go after like ducks sufficiently, here was casual picks is. 而以王腾的眼光来看,这柄骨刀起码是宗师级三品战兵,在外界也算是不可多得的宝物了,足以让域主级武者趋之若鹜,在这里却是随随便便一捡就是。 No wonder said that here has many chances. 难怪说这里存在不少机缘。 This not? 这不就是吗? What a pity, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species cannot come, even two skull spirit clan Dark Species lost the life for this reason. 可惜啊,那几头骨灵族黑暗种根本进不来,甚至还有两头骨灵族黑暗种为此搭上了性命。 Also can use, to receive.” “还可以用,收了。” Wang Teng took in the middle of the weapon in hand the space ring, then continues to pick to take all around weapon. 王腾将手中的兵器收进了空间戒指当中,然后继续捡取四周的兵器。 Picked the attribute air bubble, picked the weapon, seriously was crisp askew! 捡完了属性气泡,捡兵器,当真是爽歪歪! Grandmaster Level five, good! Good! Received!” 宗师级五品,不错!不错!收了!” Grandmaster Level one, Ok, when the time comes takes away the Dark World big markdown sale.” 宗师级一品,还可以,到时候拿去黑暗世界大甩卖。” Well, unexpectedly is the Grandmaster Level eight weapons, my goodness, how many powerful lives did this bone demon tree swallow?” “咦,居然是宗师级八品兵器,好家伙,这骨魔树到底吞食了多少强大的生灵?” ...... …… Walks, Wang Teng was enlarges ones vision. 一路走过来,王腾算是开了眼了。 These weapons from Grandmaster Level one to Grandmaster Level eight, really have. 这些兵器从宗师级一品到宗师级八品,竟然都有。 This where is what bone demon tree the institute of digestion, radically is an armory. 这哪里是什么骨魔树的消化之所,根本就是一座兵器库啊。 Especially that achieves the Grandmaster Level eight weapons, even if World Lord Level peak Martial Artist feared that will covet, here casual discarding in the bone pile, is really careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 尤其是那达到宗师级八品的兵器,就算是界主级巅峰武者怕是都会眼热,在这里就随便的丢弃在骨头堆里,实在是暴殄天物。 However now these weapons are Wang Teng. 不过现在这些兵器都是王腾的了。 No one wants in any case, that bone demon tree estimates also the unable to use weapon, otherwise is not the extent that discarding that does not care about here, therefore does not certainly pick does not pick white/in vain. 反正没人要,那骨魔树估计也用不了兵器,否则不至于如此不在意的丢弃在这里,所以当然是不捡白不捡喽。 Wang Teng has not delayed the time, picks the weapon, while approaches toward the core of bone demon tree. 王腾没有耽搁时间,一边捡兵器,一边朝着骨魔树的核心靠近过去。 Meanwhile he also seeking that two skull spirit clan Dark Species before ancestor that bring, if can that two ancestor, he could study. 同时他也在寻找之前那两头骨灵族黑暗种带来的祖物,若是能够得到那两件祖物,他也许可以研究一下。 It is not coarse from the conversation of that several skull spirit clan Dark Species, ancestor as if has a big function to the bone demon tree, even can absorb bone demon tree the source of core. 从那几头骨灵族黑暗种的交谈中不难听出,那祖物似乎对骨魔树有着不小的作用,甚至能够吸取骨魔树的核心之源。 What has to affect as for that bone demon tree the source of core? 至于那骨魔树的核心之源到底有什么作用? He is not clear. 他也不清楚。 But can make several high-rank demon sovereign levels bone spirit clan Dark Species attach great importance , the source of that core decides however has what very vital function, if possible, he naturally must do. 但能够让几头上位魔皇级的骨灵族黑暗种如此重视,那核心之源定然有什么非常重要的作用,如果有机会的话,他自然要搞一点。 Well, found!” “咦,找到了!” Suddenly, a special utensil appeared in the eye of Wang Teng. 突然,一件特殊的器物出现在了王腾的眼中。 This utensil gives his feeling to be different from other weapons from the beginning, above contains a very ancient and dark strength. 这件器物一开始给他的感觉与其他兵器不同,上面蕴含着一种非常古老与黑暗的力量。 Above some ancient dark weapons, will naturally also contain this type of aura. 一些古老的黑暗兵器之上,自然也会蕴含这种气息。 However the ancient aura on this utensil is rich, that richness, several million years cannot form, does not have the endless years, feared that are unable to precipitate. 但是这件器物上的古老气息非常浓郁,那种浓郁,绝非几百万年时间可以形成,没有无尽的岁月,怕是无法沉淀下来。 Wang Teng has to see the antiques that several million years has formed, but the aura on these antiques are actually not able to compare with this utensil at present. 王腾不是没有见过数百万年时间形成的古物,但是那些古物上的气息却无法与眼前这件器物相比。 The disparity is obvious. 差距非常明显。 At this time, Wang Teng a big hand move, absorbs that antiques immediately. 此时,王腾立刻大手一招,将那件古物摄取了过来。 This is a bone mirror, must all over the body by the bone manufacture of some not well-known lifeform. 这是一面骨镜,通体应当由某种不知名生物的骨头制作而成。 The mirror surface is smooth, can clear shines upon anything. 镜面光滑无比,可以清晰的映照出任何事物。 The edge is carving various strange abstract designs, roughly can also see that is some skeletons, all sorts of strange and unusual. 边缘则雕刻着各种诡异抽象的图案,大体还可以看出那是一些骷髅,千奇百怪。 Strangeness that very because carves, therefore cannot see is what life. 只是因为雕刻的十分诡异,所以看不出到底是何种生灵。 In the slits of that carving, many spurs grow, is surrounding the edge of bone mirror. 在那一个个雕刻的缝隙之间,更有不少骨刺生长而出,环绕着骨镜的边缘。 But in the back of bone mirror, has a skeleton head face, in that empty eye socket pitch-dark piece, looks at not, in as if this bone mirror unexpectedly also different general. 而在骨镜的背面,更是有着一个骷髅头面孔,那空洞洞的眼眶之内黑漆漆一片,竟然看不到底,仿佛这骨镜之内还另有洞天一般。 The Wang Teng brow wrinkles slightly, is staring at the eye socket of that skeleton, feels like has vision together to gaze at him. 王腾眉头微微皱起,盯着那骷髅的眼眶,感觉似乎有一道目光在注视着他。 This bone mirror seemingly very strange! 这面骨镜貌似非常的邪乎! At this time Wang Teng had restrained own bright universe aura completely, Demon bone The talent opens thoroughly, condenses on his face like the jade white bones mask, fits together perfectly with his face, looks like from his flesh grows, but general. 此时王腾已经将自身的光明宇宙气息完全收敛了起来,【魔骨】天赋彻底开启,一副如玉般的白骨面具在他的脸上凝聚而出,与他的面庞严丝合缝,就像是从他的血肉之下生长而出的一般。 This white bones mask is very fiercely strange, not under these bone spirit clan Dark Species appearances, even also wants to be fiercer. 这白骨面具十分诡异狰狞,丝毫不下于那些骨灵族黑暗种的模样,甚至还要狰狞许多。 What is more frightening, above this white bones mask also has the strange and mysterious black traces, just like the living creature, is wriggling probably, seems like static. 更令人心惊的是,这幅白骨面具之上还有着一道道诡异而玄奥的黑色纹路,宛如活物,像是在蠕动,又像是静止的。 If there is bone spirit clan Dark Species to see this white bones mask, it is estimated that will be startled. 如果有骨灵族黑暗种看到这白骨面具,估计都会大吃一惊。 Because this white bones mask impressively by bone spirit clan Demon bone Condenses, rather than common white bones. 因为这白骨面具赫然是由骨灵族的【魔骨】凝聚而成,而不是寻常的白骨。 Must know that the bone spirit clan is the skeleton body, absolutely does not have Wang Teng to have existence of flesh like this, does not have existence outside bone spirit clan to use Demon bone Strength. 要知道骨灵族都是骸骨身躯,根本就没有王腾这样拥有血肉的存在,更没有骨灵族以外的存在能够动用【魔骨】的力量。 Naturally, the different kind like bone demon tree is an exception. 当然,像骨魔树这样的异类除外。 But Wang Teng and bone demon tree also has the extremely huge difference. 王腾和骨魔树也有着极为巨大的区别。 If really makes bone spirit clan Dark Species see Wang Teng at this moment, perhaps will really treat as one special life in ruins of this perishing bone it. 如果真让骨灵族黑暗种看到此刻的王腾,没准真会将其当做这亡骨之墟内的一种特殊的生灵。 Besides the white bones mask on face, the body of Wang Teng also covered a white bones mail-armor and helmet, wrapped his body completely. 除了脸上的白骨面具之外,王腾的身上也覆盖了一层白骨甲胄,完全将他的身躯包裹了起来。 His Demon bone The talent was the fifth-order level, to grasping and utilization of own bone naturally is quite profound, can cover the whole body the bone, and such as demon armor clan Dark Species demon armor forms the mail-armor and helmet generally, this is not what difficult matter. 他的【魔骨】天赋达到了五阶层次,对自身骨头的掌握与运用自然是颇为高深,能够将骨头覆盖全身,并如魔甲族黑暗种的魔甲一般形成甲胄,这并不算什么难事。 Under coverage of this skeleton mail-armor and helmet, the Wang Teng whole person as if turned into a skeleton monster, is very difficult to see his true body from the semblance. 在这骸骨甲胄的覆盖之下,王腾整个人仿佛都变成了一个骸骨怪物,从外表上已经很难看出他的真身了。 Because of this, he dares to appear in this bone demon tree the place of core unscrupulously, dares to look straight ahead at present ancestor of this bone spirit clan. 正因为如此,他才敢肆无忌惮的出现在这骨魔树的核心之地,同时也才敢直视眼前这骨灵族的祖物。 No matter how said that must carefully for wonderful. 不管怎么说,还是要小心为妙。 After all no one knows whether this ancestor has anything to relate with the certain old codgers of bone spirit clan, if the opposite party can through the ancestor sensation to his existence, expose his some secrets. 毕竟谁也不知道这祖物是否与骨灵族的某些老不死有什么联系,万一对方能够通过祖物感知到他的存在,岂不是暴露了他的一些秘密。 Now the aura of his whole body changes, just like a special skeleton monster, he believes probably, even if the high-rank Demon Venerable level of bone spirit clan exists, is very difficult to see his details. 如今他浑身的气息都发生了变化,俨然像是一个特殊的骸骨怪物,他相信就算是骨灵族的上位魔尊级存在,都很难看出他的底细。 This matter he first time was not did. 这种事他也不是第一次干了。 Initially in Dark World, he used demon armor of demon armor clan to cover the whole body, does not know that has hidden the truth from many Dark Species. 当初在黑暗世界,他用魔甲族的魔甲覆盖全身,不知道瞒过了多少黑暗种 Now covers the whole body with the skeleton mail-armor and helmet of bone spirit clan, naturally is also the same truth. 如今用骨灵族的骸骨甲胄来覆盖全身,自然也是一样的道理。 Use Demon bone After the talent, but his whole body aura authentic dark aura, even also has the bone spirit clan unique Demon bone The aura, found that his probability is it can be said that minimal, is almost impossible to happen. 动用了【魔骨】天赋之后,他浑身的气息可是正宗的黑暗气息,甚至还带有骨灵族特有的【魔骨】气息,发现他的几率可以说是微乎其微的,几乎不可能发生。 At this time, Wang Teng has not studied in the hand again the back of this bone mirror, but turned over it, was shone by own appearance in the mirror surface of bone mirror. 此时,王腾没有再研究手中这骨镜的背面,而是将其翻转了过来,让自己的模样映照在了骨镜的镜面之中。 His that fierce appearance also appears, tiny particle complete(ly) present, is very difficult to imagine this is the mirror that is made by the bone. 他那狰狞的模样随之浮现而出,纤毫毕现,很难想象这是由骨头制成的镜子。 This bone mirror does not know that what unique element has?” In the Wang Teng heart could not bear whisper. “这面骨镜也不知道有什么特殊之处?”王腾心中忍不住嘀咕了一下。 Although is quite curious, but he has not been studying this bone mirror anxiously, this place is not the research place, if makes what move, alarming that bone demon tree was not good. 虽然极为好奇,但他并没有急着研究这面骨镜,这个地方可不是研究的地方,万一弄出什么动静,惊动了那骨魔树就不好了。 * 592 moreover ancestor had not found, after both ancestor found, has a look at the opportunity to study again. 而且还有一件祖物没有找到,等到两件祖物都找到以后,再看看有没有机会研究一下。 Wang Teng continues to approach toward the bone demon tree, the peripheral weapon will all pick. 王腾继续朝着骨魔树靠近,将周边的兵器全都捡回来。 He suddenly discovered, close to the bone demon tree core, all around weapon rank is higher, from picked first Grandmaster Level eight product Zhanbing who to start a moment ago, he has picked several Grandmaster Level seven, eight weapons, even Grandmaster Level ninth-grade fight the soldier, does not have one to be lower than Grandmaster Level seven. 他突然发现,越是靠近骨魔树核心,四周的兵器等级便越高,从刚才捡到的第一件宗师级八品战兵开始,他已经捡到了好几件宗师级七品,八品的兵器,甚至还有一件宗师级九品战兵,就没有一件是低于宗师级七品的。 This was stocks with goods seriously. 这当真是进货来了啊。 Star meteor revering and the others, if knows that he picks the treasure here, does not know that what expression can be? 星陨尊者等人要是知道他在这里捡宝贝,不知道会是什么表情? most likely (80%) will be very splendid! 八成会很精彩! Grandmaster Level incomparable items!?” 宗师级绝品!?” Suddenly, a paint black lance brought to the attention of Wang Teng, he puts out a hand immediately a move, the lance of that oblique cutting in skeleton then falls into his hand. 突然,一柄漆黑色的长矛引起了王腾的注意,他当即伸手一招,那柄斜插在骸骨之中的长矛便落入他的手中。 Really is the Grandmaster Level incomparable items fights the soldier!” Wang Teng sizes up this to fight the lance carefully at present, in the eye none flashes. “果然是宗师级绝品战兵!”王腾仔细打量着眼前这柄战矛,眼中精光一闪。 Although Grandmaster Level incomparable items probably compared with the Grandmaster Level ninth-grade high a grade, moreover merely is Grandmaster Level, but the incomparable items are the Grandmaster Level boundary of limit, absolutely is the high-quality goods in high-quality goods, rarely has the Grandmaster Level forging master to forge. 虽说宗师级绝品好像就比宗师级九品高了一个品级,而且也仅仅是宗师级而已,但绝品已是宗师级之中的极限之境,绝对是精品中的精品,很少有宗师级锻造师能够锻造出来。 Said Wang Teng had refined one compounded drug- Yin-Yang flood dragon Yuan pill! 就说王腾曾经炼制过的一种丹药-阴阳蛟元丹! This compounded drug is a Grandmaster Level incomparable items compounded drug, initially several Grandmaster Level complete alchemist of starry sky school are unable to refine it, Wang Teng acts, finally completed the refinement. 这丹药便是一种宗师级绝品丹药,当初星空学院的几位宗师级圆满的炼丹师都无法将其炼制出来,还是王腾出手,才最终完成了炼制。 It can be imagined, the compounded drug of this Grandmaster Level incomparable items had is difficult to refine. 可想而知,这宗师级绝品的丹药有多难炼制了。 But the war soldier of Grandmaster Level incomparable items is also the same truth. 宗师级绝品的战兵也是一样的道理。 Some forges the master highly accomplished, perhaps can also refine the pinnacle the war soldier of Grandmaster Level incomparable items, making its might approach the Saint level. 一些造诣高深的锻造师,没准还可以将宗师级绝品的战兵炼制到极致,让其威力逼近圣级。 Wang Teng starts in the lance strength of note a wisp of darkness, felt, discovered it, although cannot reach the Saint level, but actually is also a rare Grandmaster Level incomparable items weapon, might compared with the Grandmaster Level ninth-grade. 王腾将一缕黑暗之力注入手中的长矛之内,感受了一番,发现它虽然达不到圣级,但却也是一件不可多得的宗师级绝品兵器,威力比宗师级九品强多了。 Good! Also is a big harvest.” Wang Teng smiles, received it. “不错!又是一个不小的收获。”王腾嘿嘿一笑,将其收了起来。 In the meantime, he felt that wisp of ancient evil aura, transmitted from the left side skeleton pile faintly. 就在此时,他又感觉到了一缕古老邪恶的气息,从左侧的骸骨堆中隐隐传来。 In his heart moves, the spirit read the strength to curl, absorbed a utensil. 他心中一动,精神念力卷出,将一件器物摄取了回来。 This is a spur, the appearance has no uniqueness, but is carving a small skeleton head in the terminal of handle, seems like the embed above general. 这是一柄骨刺,模样没什么奇特之处,只是在手柄的末端雕刻着一个小小的骷髅头,又像是镶嵌在上面的一般。 The mouth of skeleton head opens slightly, two eye sockets are empty, if has stared were looking, when will give birth was just staring at bone mirror back that strange feeling, as if eye is looking at each other with. 骷髅头的嘴巴微微张开,两只眼眶空洞洞的,若是一直盯着看,也会生出刚刚盯着骨镜背面时的那种诡异之感,仿佛有一双眼睛在与自己对视。 Mistakenly, this was ancestor of another bone spirit clan! 错不了,这就是另一件骨灵族的祖物! In the Wang Teng heart complained one. 王腾心中吐槽了一句。 Feels continually exactly the same, ancestor of this bone spirit clan is really a creativity does not have. 连给人的感觉都一模一样,这骨灵族的祖物真是一点创意都没有。 Bone spirit clan Dark Species should not for convenient, defers to ancestor of same method lot manufacturing directly? 骨灵族黑暗种该不会是为了省事,直接按照相同的方法批量制造的祖物吧? The gold content of that this ancestor also really makes one would not venture to give positive comments on, hetui ~ 那这祖物的含金量还真是让人不敢恭维,hetui~ Two ancestor succeed in obtaining, Wang Teng thinks, first received it, then continues to pick to take all around weapon. 两件祖物到手,王腾想了想,还是先将其收了起来,然后继续捡取四周的兵器。 However shortly, Wang Teng stopped the step, gaze that the vision decides a skeleton pile, a brow slightly wrinkle. 但是没多久,王腾又停下了步伐,目光定定的注视着一处骸骨堆,眉头微微一皱。 How aura of some ancestor?” “怎么又有祖物的气息?” In his heart some surprise, have picked ancestor of two bone spirit clans obviously, now emits one? 他心中有些诧异,明明已经捡到了两件骨灵族的祖物,现在怎么又冒出一件来? That feeling cannot be wrong, is ancient and dark, is exactly the same as two ancestor that just picked. 那种感觉不会错,古老而黑暗,与刚刚捡到的两件祖物如出一辙。 Before he had once observed ancestor that bone deng and bone dripped, that two that he just picked, at the same time bone mirror, a spur. 之前他曾观察过骨磴和骨涿的祖物,正是他刚刚捡到的那两件,一面骨镜,一柄骨刺。 Then now what's the matter? 那么现在又是怎么回事? Is it possible that here also has third ancestor? 莫非这里还有第三件祖物? Wang Teng hesitated, will then read the strength to curl energetic, turned out bone from that skeleton pile. 王腾只是迟疑了一下,便将精神念力卷出,从那骸骨堆当中翻出了一只骨手。 Afterward his vision then fell on the finger of that bone! 随后他的目光便落在了那只骨手的手指上! In the index finger place of that bone, an exquisite bone abstains is wearing above. 在那只骨手的食指处,一枚小巧的骨戒正戴在上面。 Bone abstention!” “骨戒!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, absorbed this bone abstention, careful sizes up, in the heart is more astonished: „This small bone abstention, that type of ancient and dark aura compares beforehand two ancestor also to be richer unexpectedly.” 王腾目光一闪,将这枚骨戒摄取了过来,仔细的打量一番,心中更加惊异:“这小小的一只骨戒,那种古老而黑暗的气息居然比之前两件祖物还要浓郁一些。” Moreover, this probably is a space ring!” “而且,这好像还是一枚空间戒指!” He was too familiar with space rune/symbol writing, but sized up, then saw rune/symbol writing who at present this bone abstains from has the function that the space holds. 他对空间符文实在太熟悉了,只是打量了一番,便看出眼前这枚骨戒上的符文有空间容纳的作用。 Wang Teng thinks, the spirit read the strength to search bone to inter the body in the abstention. 王腾想了想,精神念力探入骨戒之中。 I go!” “我去!” The next quarter, in his eye emitted golden light immediately, in this bone abstention really has many good things! 下一刻,他的眼中顿时冒出了一阵金光,这骨戒里面竟然有不少的好东西! Solely the dark source stone then piles up, according to this quantity, must have 1 million at least. 单单黑暗源石便是堆积如山,按照这数量来看,起码得有百万枚之多。 Although these dark source stones have no big using to him, but in Dark World is actually the hard currency, no matter is used to purchase the treasure, is used to reward Dark Species, is the quite good thing. 虽然这些黑暗源石对他来说没什么大用,但在黑暗世界却是硬通货,不管是用来购买宝物,还是用来赏赐黑暗种,都是相当不错的东西。 Waits for the opportunity, can give the blood god clone to use. 等有机会,可以交给血神分身使用。 In addition, he also saw more than ten demon source bone and demon source crystal stone, before he struck to kill that core that the skeleton monster obtains. 除此之外,他还看到了十几块魔源骨和魔源晶石,正是之前他击杀骸骨怪物所得到的那种核心。 To Wang Teng, these two treasures compare that 1 million dark source stones to be precious actually. 王腾来说,这两种宝物倒是比那百万枚的黑暗源石还要珍贵。 He directly threw into the middle of more than ten demon source bone and demon source crystal stone oneself space ring, the demon source bone fused immediately in one, the demon source crystal stone was peaceful lying down in the one side. 他直接将十几块魔源骨和魔源晶石丢进了自己的空间戒指当中,魔源骨顿时自行融合在了一起,魔源晶石则是安静的躺在一旁。 Words said rightful owner who this bone abstains from artificial what not demon source bone fusion?” “话说这枚骨戒的原主人为何没有将魔源骨融合?” Wang Teng thinks of anything suddenly, touches the chin, thinks secretly. 王腾突然想到什么,摸了摸下巴,暗暗思索起来。 To trade separatedly? 难道是为了分开贩卖? What a pity this is only his guess, is unable to determine. 可惜这只是他的猜测而已,是不是也无法确定。 However he has not regretted the demon source bone fusion actually, he could feel, this demon source bone can break off broken, even if fuses in together, he can still separate it through the strength of demon bone. 不过他倒是没有后悔将魔源骨融合,他感觉得到,这魔源骨是可以掰碎的,就算融合在一起,他也能够通过魔骨之力将其分开。 In the bone abstention some weapons, he did not have excessively to pay attention, shifts to own space ring in entirely, then the vision returns the bone to abstain from itself. 骨戒之内还有一些兵器,他没有过多关注,统统转移到自己的空间戒指里面,然后目光重新回到骨戒本身。 It seems like continued that several skull spirit clan Dark Species to bring ancestor, and found this bone demon tree.” “看来不止那几头骨灵族黑暗种带来了祖物,并找到了这骨魔树。” The Wang Teng vision flashes, had guessed correctly anything. 王腾目光闪动,已是猜到了什么。 Pitifully they cannot succeed, all buried bone place.” “可惜它们都没能成功,全都埋骨此地了。” „, Here possibly still has fourth, fifth ancestor, even more......” “如此说来,这里可能还存在第四件,第五件祖物,甚至更多……” His eye shone gradually, three ancestor insufficiently look, four ancestor? Five ancestor? 他的眼睛渐渐亮了起来,三件祖物不够看,四件祖物呢?五件祖物呢? Does not know that here does have several ancestor?” “也不知道这里到底有几件祖物?” Wang Teng in high spirits seeks, the common weapon cannot enter his eye, in any case is the Grandmaster Level weapon, again high is also the Grandmaster Level incomparable items, until now has not appeared, even if a Saint level weapon, he naturally has no interest in paying attention again, at this moment his all thoughts placed sought for on ancestor. 王腾兴冲冲的寻找起来,寻常的兵器已经不能入他的眼睛了,反正都是宗师级兵器,再高也不过是宗师级绝品,至今为止都没有出现哪怕一件圣级兵器,他自然也没有兴趣再关注,此刻他所有的心思都放在了寻找祖物上面。
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