AAMD :: Volume #22

#2199: Enters the core finally! Good miserable two skeletons! Three types

Chapter 2199 enters the core finally! Good miserable two skeletons! Three nine step sources! Shadow talent promotion! 第2199章终入核心!好惨俩骷髅!三种九阶本源!阴影天赋提升! At this moment, Wang Teng finally found can be close to the means of that bone demon tree directly. 此时此刻,王腾终于找到了能够直接接近那骨魔树的办法。 This is a huge harvest! 这是一个巨大的收获! Before that three skull spirit clan Dark Species walked 99 steps, but this last step actually how cross, by keeping off outside. 之前那三头骨灵族黑暗种只是走了九十九步,但这最后一步却怎么都跨不过去,被生生的挡在了外面。 In their sudden under erupts, this last step, Wang Teng can cross pass for them finally. 而在它们突然的爆发之下,这最后一步,王腾终于能够替它们跨过去了。 Thank you!” “感谢你们!” In the Wang Teng heart smiled, to use the strength of own space instantaneously. 王腾心中嘿嘿一笑,瞬间动用了自身的空间之力。 Dodges spatially! 空闪! In an instant, he disappeared in directly same place, penetrated the space, crossed front black light, crossed that three skull spirit clan Dark Species, finally vanished in the shadow of that chaotic distortion directly. 刹那间,他直接消失在了原地,穿透空间,越过了前方的黑光,同时也越过了那三头骨灵族黑暗种,最后直接消失在那混乱扭曲的阴影之中。 That shadow and interface channel of bone demon tree core, although is minimum, but Wang Teng does not want stays, but must through this channel, directly enter in the core of bone demon tree. 那阴影与骨魔树核心的连接通道虽然极小,但王腾并不是要在其中停留,而只是要通过这个通道,直接进入骨魔树的核心之中。 Does this without doubt is somewhat adventurous, directly enters the core of bone demon tree, no one knows that will have anything. 这样做无疑是有些冒险,直接进入骨魔树的核心,谁也不知道会发生什么。 But does not have the means now, that three skull spirit clan Dark Species can achieve so the degree, it is estimated that is the limit, then can only look his own. 可现在已经没有办法了,那三头骨灵族黑暗种能够做到如此程度,估计已是极限,接下来只能看他自己的了。 Moreover he does not want to waste the time again, must find this place as soon as possible the space flaw. 而且他也不想再浪费时间,必须尽快找到此地的空间破绽。 The time that he loses are more much, Martial Artist that side the bright universe falls from the sky will be then more, this point does not need to guess that knows. 他耽误的时间越多,光明宇宙那边陨落的武者便会越多,这一点不用猜都知道。 Wang Teng enters in that space channel, passes Dodges spatially Goes toward the front direct impact, only thought that the eye is absent-minded a while ago, there is an indescribable not sense of reality. 王腾进入那空间通道之中,通过【空闪】朝着前方直冲而去,只觉得眼前一阵恍惚,有一种无法形容的不真实感。 The next quarter, he then appeared in a strange space. 下一刻,他便出现在了一片奇异的空间之中。 Wang Teng is very vigilant, just entered this space then to take a fast look around to go toward all around, prepares to use momentarily Dodges spatially Is separated from this place. 王腾十分警惕,刚刚进入这片空间便朝着四周扫视而去,准备随时用【空闪】脱离此地。 He dares to enter here, naturally has certain assurance, otherwise to bring about own destruction. 他敢进入这里,自然是有着一定的把握,不然岂不是自寻死路。 Do not look before him, seems anything not to do, in fact actually touched similarly the method of bone demon tree, no matter 【The claw of bone demon, Is Bone demon bites shadow, And even is a series of strength characteristics of bone demon tree, he understands unusual is clear. 别看他之前好像什么都没做,实际上却是将骨魔树的手段摸得差不多了,不管是【骨魔之爪】,还是【骨魔噬影】,乃至是骨魔树的一系列力量特性,他都了解的非常清楚。 If the situation really has anything is not right, he can definitely deal with by oneself strength. 如果情况真有什么不对,他完全可以凭借自己的力量应付一番。 However after he sees clearly all around situation, in the eye actually revealed an astonished color. 不过当他看清四周的情形之后,眼中却是不由露出了一丝惊异之色。 This is an extremely dark space, all around is also filling the black fog. 这又是一个极度黑暗的空间,四周同样是弥漫着黑雾。 But in that front not far away, a fierceness, terrifying big tree static standing erect there. 而在那前方不远处,一棵狰狞,恐怖的大树正静静的屹立于那里。 This is Wang Teng sets up in the tree that beside black light sees impressively, is the bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species mouth in the bone demon tree cores. 这赫然正是王腾在黑光之外看到的树中树,也就是骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种口中的骨魔树核心。 However in this space, Wang Teng has been able to see clearly the appearance of that tree. 不过在这个空间之内,王腾已是能够看清那棵树的模样。 This tree is also the white bones builds, is truly similar to the bone tree, but above the torso of this bone tree actually lives many branch at present, extended toward all around. 这棵树同样是白骨堆砌而成,确实与外界的骨树十分相似,只不过眼前这棵骨树的躯干之上却是生有许多的枝丫,朝着四周延伸了出去。 Before beside black light, Wang Teng could not see clearly the appearance of this tree, at this moment discovered the branch that extended was unexpectedly connected with the space of all around, just like specially pipeline general. 之前在黑光之外,王腾看不清这棵树的模样,此刻才发现那延伸出的枝丫竟然与四周的空间相连,犹如一根根特殊的“管道”一般。 These pipeline perhaps is used to absorb to swallow other lives. 这些“管道”也许就是用来吸收吞食其他生灵的。 Drips like the beforehand bone with bone deng, it is estimated that finally was brought here, changed to the nourishment of bone demon tree, turned into his skeleton. 像之前的骨涿与骨磴,估计最后就是被带到了这里,化作了骨魔树的养料,变成了他脚下的骸骨。 „, Good miserable two skeletons!” “啧,好惨俩骷髅!” Wang Teng shakes the head, on the face reveals the color of sympathy. 王腾摇了摇头,脸上露出同情之色。 Afterward he looks to all around. 随后他又看向四周。 Always very strange feelings. 总有一种很奇怪的感觉。 That space that as if this space, is not he sees the tree's shadow that is at beside black light. 似乎这片空间,并非他在黑光之外看到的树影所在的那片空间。 In rear area that the shadow twists, should be only a projection. 在阴影扭曲的后方,应该只是一个投影罢了。 That three skull spirit clan Dark Species, if had not discovered that the space channel in shadow, do not want to approach the core of this bone demon tree.” “那三头骨灵族黑暗种如果没有发现阴影中的空间通道,根本别想靠近这骨魔树的核心。” Wang Teng deeply inspires, in the heart muttered. 王腾深吸了口气,心中不由喃喃自语道。 To approach the bone demon tree core directly, is impossible. 想要直接靠近骨魔树核心,根本就不可能。 This bone demon set up really is too careless, utilized the pinnacle the say/way of space completely, wrapped one. 这棵骨魔树真特么太苟了,完全是将空间之道运用到了极致,一层套一层的。 The mud horse simply is a set of kid! 泥马简直就是套娃啊! Who can think that behind the shadow distortion of that terrifying, is not the core of bone demon tree, that dim tree's shadow is used to deceive the outcomer together. 谁能想到那恐怖的阴影扭曲背后,根本就不是骨魔树的核心,那一道朦胧的树影不过是用来欺骗外来者罢了。 Deceived people with such method, the bone demon tree also took great pains. 用这样的手段来骗人,骨魔树也是煞费苦心了。 What isn't this careless is? 这不是苟又是什么? Wang Teng shakes the head, even he was almost deceived, let alone is that three skull spirit clan Dark Species. 王腾不禁摇了摇头,连他都差点被骗了,何况是那三头骨灵族黑暗种 Wants the chance of bone demon tree, they feared that must go home to have a dream to realize. 想要得到骨魔树的机缘,它们怕是要回家做梦才能实现了啊。 However at this time he did not have the thoughts to pay attention to that three skull spirit clan Dark Species, the time was urgent. 不过此时他也没有心思去关注那三头骨灵族黑暗种了,时间紧急。 He is just about toward leading the way, suddenly notices anything, lowers the head looks. 他正要朝前行去,突然注意到什么,低头一看。 In the ground is the skeletons, meanwhile some disorderly weapons, lying this way and that throwing must everywhere be, some grasp above certain bone of break, some have broken, but also some rusty stains stained, has inverts much in the skeleton...... 地面上都是骸骨,同时还有许多杂乱的兵器,横七竖八的扔得到处都是,有的握在某些断裂的骨手之上,有的已经断裂,还有的锈迹斑斑,更有不少倒插在骸骨之中…… Person who does not know, but also thinks that this was a stretch of death battlefield, once does not know fell from the sky many life here. 不知道的人,还以为这是一片死亡战场,曾经不知陨落了多少的生灵在这里。 But Wang Teng knows, this at all is not the battlefield, but is bone demon tree the institute of digestion, these skeletons feared that after is not the bone demon tree swallows, stays behind. 王腾知道,这根本不是什么战场,而是骨魔树的消化之所,这些骸骨怕不都是骨魔树吞食之后留下的。 Looks at the present space, feeling of the palpitation floats the heart. 看着眼前的空间,一种心悸之感不由浮上心头。 Do not look that this bone demon tree is peaceful, as if in the deep sleep, has not regained consciousness thoroughly, but fearful is as before fearful, not being able to allow the least bit to treat it lightly. 别看这骨魔树安安静静的,似乎还在沉睡,并没有彻底苏醒,但可怕是依旧可怕,容不得半点掉以轻心。 Wang Teng careful facing forward trod one step. 王腾小心的朝前踏出了一步。 ! 咔嚓! The skeleton of under foot was absorbed all strengths, is frail, an under foot, nearby skeleton all disrupted to open, changed to the fragment powder. 脚下的骸骨被吸收了所有的力量,已经非常脆弱,一脚下去,附近的骸骨全都碎裂而开,化作了齑粉。 At this time, Wang Teng noticed all around to scatter many attribute air bubbles suddenly unexpectedly, immediately was the eye one bright. 这时,王腾突然注意到四周竟是散落着诸多属性气泡,顿时又是眼睛一亮。 My goodness! 好家伙! Here attribute air bubble is enough many. 这里的属性气泡可是够多的啊。 He felt that oneself as if entered a treasure trove, not only here has the weapon that various types leave behind, but also so many attribute air bubbles, this is not the treasure trove is anything. 他感觉自己仿佛进入了一处宝地,这里不仅有各种遗留下来的兵器,还有这么多的属性气泡,这不是宝地是什么。 Collect! 拾取! Wang Teng has not hesitated, the spirit read strength one volume, immediately collects all around attribute air bubble. 王腾没有丝毫迟疑,精神念力一卷,立刻将四周的属性气泡拾取了回来。 He discovered accidentally/surprisingly, this place his spirit read the strength is not hindered unexpectedly slightly, besides the strength of some darkness, died the deep strength, as if had no danger to exist. 他意外的发现,这个地方他的精神念力竟然没有受到丝毫的阻碍,除了一些黑暗之力,死冥之力以外,似乎并没有什么危险存在。 Dark Star Source Power * 1300】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 1500】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 1600】 【黑暗星辰原力 ...... …… Dying deep domain * 600】 【死冥领域】 Dying deep domain * 500】 【死冥领域】 Dying deep domain * 900】 【死冥领域】 ...... …… Demon bone domain * 200】 【魔骨领域】 Demon bone domain * 300】 【魔骨领域】 Demon bone domain * 500】 【魔骨领域】 ...... …… Dark source( nine steps) * 1000】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 1300】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 1500】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Dying deep source( nine steps) * 2000】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 Dying deep source( nine steps) * 2300】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 Dying deep source( nine steps) * 2500】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 ...... …… 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 1800】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 2000】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 2200】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Bone demon world( nine steps) * 800】 【骨魔世界(九阶)】 Bone demon world( nine steps) * 600】 【骨魔世界(九阶)】 Bone demon world( nine steps) * 500】 【骨魔世界(九阶)】 ...... …… Soul source * 300】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 200】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 500】 【灵魂本源】 ...... …… Life source * 250】 【生命本源】 Life source * 350】 【生命本源】 Life source * 500】 【生命本源】 ...... …… Space * 700】 【空间】 Space * 500】 【空间】 Space * 800】 【空间】 ...... …… 【The strength of shadow( fifth-order) * 300】 【阴影之力(五阶)】 【The strength of shadow( fifth-order) * 200】 【阴影之力(五阶)】 【The strength of shadow( fifth-order) * 150】 【阴影之力(五阶)】 ...... …… „???” “???” Attribute air bubbles converge in the body of Wang Teng, making him be pleasantly surprised, even felt somewhat inconceivable. 一个个属性气泡汇入王腾的身体之中,令他又惊又喜,甚至感觉有些不可思议。 This thinks that will only collect 12 species, the result these attribute air bubbles types unexpectedly such, surpassed his unexpected. 本以为只会拾取到一两种属性,结果这些属性气泡的种类竟然如此之多,着实是超出了他的意料之外。 At this moment, in his heart only thought- sent! Sent! Sent! 此时此刻,他的心中唯有一个念头-发了!发了!发了! Although did not have completely these attribute absorptions, but Wang Teng is somewhat small excited, because he felt many extremely good attribute impressively. 虽然还没有完全将这些属性吸收,但是王腾已经是有些小激动,因为他赫然感觉到了许多极为不俗的属性。 This time gained absolutely in a big way. 这次绝对赚大了。 Thinks without enough time, the first attribute air bubble converges in his body, changed to massive dark Star Source Power circulation all the limbs and bones. 来不及多想,第一种属性气泡汇入他的身躯之中,化作了大量的黑暗星辰原力流转四肢百骸。 Wang Teng excessively has not paid attention, after its absorption, the attention then placed second and above the third attribute air bubble. 王腾没有过多理会,将其吸收之后,注意力便放在了第二种和第三种属性气泡之上。 Domain! 领域! At this time presents the sensibility in his mind impressively is two quite familiar domain sensibility. 此时出现在他脑海中的感悟赫然是两种颇为熟悉的领域感悟。 The strange strength launches in his mind slowly, changes to two huge domains. 奇异的力量在他的脑海中徐徐展开,化作两座庞大的领域。 In a domain is flooding the meaning of thick deathly stillness, seemed place of death, does not have any life can exist. 一座领域之中充斥着浓浓的死寂之意,仿佛是一片死亡之地,没有任何生灵可以存在。 In another domain is completely the white bones of piling up, is quite similar to the ruins of this perishing bone, inside was full of the dark evil meaning, seems especially terrifying. 另一座领域之中尽是堆积如山的白骨,与这亡骨之墟极为相似,里面充满了黑暗邪恶之意,显得格外恐怖。 Dying deep domain! 死冥领域! Demon bone domain! 魔骨领域! How the latter has not made Wang Teng feel, but the former was actually made his really surprised. 后者并未让王腾感觉如何,但前者却是让他实打实的惊讶了一下。 This bone demon tree grasped this type seriously with deep god clan exactly the same special realm, the person who does not know perhaps, thinks that this bone demon tree and deep god clan have what relations. 没想到,这骨魔树当真掌握了这种与冥神族一模一样的特殊领域,不知道的人,没准还以为这骨魔树和冥神族有什么关系呢。 Dying deep domain: 9000 / 9000( melts boundary nine steps) ; 【死冥领域】:9000/9000(融境九阶); Demon bone domain: 9000 / 9000( melts boundary nine steps) ; 【魔骨领域】:9000/9000(融境九阶); Looks above the property panel two domain attribute changes, the eye of Wang Teng shone immediately. 看着属性面板之上两种领域属性的变化,王腾的眼睛顿时亮了起来。 Complete! 圆满! Nine steps are complete! 九阶圆满! At this moment, these two domains that he grasps were nine step complete levels unexpectedly, this seriously is a unexpected happiness. 这一刻,他所掌握的这两种领域竟然都是达到了九阶圆满层次,这当真是一个意外之喜。 Although originally these two domains are nine step levels, but also almost can achieve completely, but this point does not promote easily, after all can sense these two domains to complete Dark Species exists are not really many. 原本这两种领域虽然都是九阶层次,但还差一点才能达到圆满,而这一点并不容易提升,毕竟能够将这两种领域感悟到圆满的黑暗种存在实在不多。 Let alone was bone spirit clan Dark Species, by the talent outstanding and well-known deep god clan, may be unable to achieve. 别说是骨灵族黑暗种了,就是以天赋出众而闻名的冥神族,都不一定能够做得到。 Otherwise Wang Teng can weed out from that deep god clan Demon Venerable deep rapids to the attributes of nine step complete levels initially directly, is insufficient also almost. 要不然王腾当初从那冥神族魔尊冥泷身上就可以直接薅到九阶圆满层次的属性,也不至于还差一点。 However now Wang Teng in this bone demon tree the place of core, advances unexpectedly completely these two domain attributes, currently speaking, the terrifying of bone demon tree can see some clue only. 不过现在王腾竟是在这骨魔树的核心之处,将这两种领域属性推到了圆满,单从这一点来看,骨魔树的恐怖就可以看出一些端倪了。 By this time, dreading of Wang Teng to bone demon tree seriously is more and more intense. 到了此时,王腾对骨魔树的忌惮当真是越来越强烈了。 From the beginning he has not belittled this bone demon tree, the space fluctuation that sends out can affect the ruins of perishing bone, this bone demon tree how not possible simple. 从一开始他就没有小觑这骨魔树,散发出的空间波动能够影响到亡骨之墟,这骨魔树怎么都不可能简单。 Afterward comes, he was experiences the terrifying and uncommonness of bone demon tree, naturally does not dare to have the slight contempt and belittling. 随后一路过来,他更是见识到了骨魔树的恐怖与不凡,自然就更不敢有丝毫的轻视与小觑。 Then is three source principle attributes. 接下来是三种本源法则属性。 In an instant, in the Wang Teng mind presented three types of entirely different source principle aura suddenly. 刹那间,王腾的脑海中骤然出现了三种截然不同的本源法则气息。 Dark, evil, deathly stillness, indescribable...... 黑暗,邪恶,死寂,不可名状…… The complex and fearful aura lingers in his mind, later condenses strange and mysterious rune/symbol writing, this is the strength of source principle obviously. 复杂而可怕的气息在他的脑海中萦绕,随后凝聚出一道道诡异而玄奥的符文,这是本源法则之力的显化。 Suddenly, these three entirely different rune/symbol Wenmeng bloom the dazzling ray, just like the void Mercury to be the same. 突然间,这三种截然不同的符文猛地绽放出刺目的光芒,犹如虚空中的辰星一般。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the consciousness of Wang Teng seemed pulled, flutters to go toward the above unceasingly. 下一刻,王腾的意识仿佛被拉扯而出,不断朝着上方飘荡而去。 Floating is higher, floating higher...... 越飘越高,越飘越高…… Also does not know how long to flutter, possibly is very long, possibly is only the flash, Wang Teng only feels in a flash, then arrived at one extremely specially is at present, all around is completely strange and mysterious rune/symbol writing, is flooding feeling of the difficult word. 也不知道飘荡了多久,可能是很久,也可能只是一瞬间,王腾只感觉眼前一晃,便来到了一处极为特殊的所在,四周尽是诡异而玄奥的符文,充斥着一种难言之感。 These rune/symbol writing were divided into three regions, distinguishes right from wrong, they seem repelling one another, no one is able to approach anyone. 这些符文分成了三个区域,泾渭分明,它们似乎在相互排斥,谁也无法靠近谁。 Said that is three regions, but in fact these three rune/symbol writing in the region are actually limitless general, cannot see the end, contains endless rune/symbol writing, a vast boundless feeling. 说是三个区域,可实际上这三种符文所在区域却是无边无际一般,根本看不到尽头,其中蕴含着无尽的符文,给人一种浩瀚无垠之感。 Wang Teng places in these three rune/symbol writing regions, immediately felt own consciousness as if must integrate thoroughly, by its assimilation. 王腾身处这三种符文区域之中,顿时感觉自己的意识仿佛要彻底融入进去,被其同化。 But three rune/symbol writing region as to carve up his consciousness, started the limit to pull. 但三种符文区域似乎想要瓜分他的意识,开始了极限拉扯。 Grass!” “艹!” Because there is a beforehand experience, the Wang Teng consciousness remains, at this moment feels that terrifying assimilation and pulling, immediately exploded a swearing. 因为有了之前的经验,王腾意识尚存,此刻感受到那种恐怖的同化与拉扯,顿时爆了一句粗口。 This was too terrifying! 这太恐怖了! Simultaneously absorbed three nine step source principle sensibility, somewhat is really terrifying to the impact that other party becomes. 同时吸收了三种九阶本源法则感悟,给他造成的冲击着实有些恐怖。 Wang Teng does not dare to neglect, inspired the prepared subsequent hand instantaneously. 王腾根本不敢怠慢,瞬间引动早就准备的后手。 Bang! 轰! In his mind the dazzling golden light erupts together immediately. 他的脑海中一道刺目的金光顿时爆发而出。 Nine valuable buddhist monk towers!!! 九宝浮屠塔!!! The mystical pagoda appears, sends out the intermittent intense spiritual fluctuation, pulled the consciousness of Wang Teng instantaneously. 神异的宝塔浮现而出,散发出阵阵强烈的精神波动,将王腾的意识瞬间拉扯了回来。 «Buddhist monk Daoist scripture» is in the universe one of the most mystical energetic mystiques, has the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity prestige energy, nine valuable buddhist monk towers that it condenses not just can shock the spirit, can protect and let own soul stably. 《浮屠真经》是宇宙中最为神秘的精神秘法之一,拥有神秘莫测的威能,它所凝聚出的九宝浮屠塔不单单可以震慑精神,更是能够保护和稳固让自身的灵魂。 Otherwise, Wang Teng is also insufficient to its such attaching great importance, repeatedly hammers nine valuable buddhist monk towers again! 要不然,王腾也不至于对它如此的重视,一再的去重锻九宝浮屠塔! At this moment, Wang Teng is suddenly sober, the consciousness falls rapidly, returns, the boundless sensibility blasts out in his mind immediately. 此时此刻,王腾猛然清醒,意识急速下坠,重新回归,磅礴的感悟顿时在他的脑海中炸开。 Dark source: 16000 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【黑暗本源】:16000/90000(九阶); Dying deep source: 21000 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【死冥本源】:21000/90000(九阶); 【The source of bone: 25000 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【骨之本源】:25000/90000(九阶); Nine steps! 九阶! Nine steps! 九阶! Nine steps! 九阶! The three strength of source principles were nine step levels, this is the qualitative leap, making the sensibility of Wang Teng to source principle reach an unprecedented altitude. 三种本源法则之力统统都是达到了九阶层次,这是质的飞跃,让王腾对本源法则的感悟达到了一种前所未有的高度。 Before this is him, how cannot think. 这是他以前怎么都不敢想的。 Territory Lord Level, can actually sense the strength of source principle to nine step levels obviously, this said that others feared cannot believe. 明明才域主级而已,竟然能够将本源法则之力感悟到九阶层次,这说出去别人怕是也都不敢相信啊。 At this moment, even Wang Teng feel somewhat unbelievable, but the wild with joy meaning in heart is more intense, the corners of the mouth cannot even bear crazy raising. 这一刻,连王腾自己都感觉有些难以置信,但心中的狂喜之意更加强烈,嘴角甚至都忍不住疯狂的扬起。 Too crisp! 太爽了! His Dark source Is eight steps also not long, Dying deep source Is seven step levels short the time also. 他的【黑暗本源】达到八阶还没有多久,【死冥本源】达到七阶层次的时间也是十分的短。 【The source of bone Not to mention, fifth-order. 【骨之本源】就更不用说了,才五阶而已。 And 【The source of bone The obtained time is shorter, was he just weeded out the wool to weed out a short time ago from the dragon of perishing bone. 而且【骨之本源】得到的时间更短,是他前不久刚从亡骨之龙身上薅羊毛薅下来的。 Now, these three sources all for the first time were nine steps, it may be said that reached the sky in a single bound, surpassed all of a sudden did not know many powerful Dark Species. 如今,这三种本源全都破天荒的达到了九阶,可谓是一步登天了,一下子超过了不知道多少强大的黑暗种 To comprehend nine step levels the source principle, the time needed without doubt very long, to makes World Lord Level Martial Artist feel desperate long sufficiently. 想要将本源法则领悟到九阶层次,所需的时间无疑是非常的漫长,漫长到足以让一位界主级武者感到绝望。 Even if many World Lord Level Martial Artist reached the World Lord Level peak, may not sense the source principle to nine step complete levels...... is not right, should say that they can comprehend the source principle on third-order are extremely rare. 很多界主级武者纵然达到了界主级巅峰,都不一定能够将本源法则感悟到九阶圆满层次……不对,应该说他们能够将本源法则领悟到上三阶便算是极为罕见了。 Three source principle sensibility were absorbed by Wang Teng completely, but three types have present rune/symbol writing actually not to vanish, this moment these three rune/symbol writing moved suddenly, void flashes in his mind fast, finally by an extremely strange way interconnection. 三种本源法则感悟完全被王腾吸收,但三种具现的符文却并未消失,此刻这三种符文突然动了起来,在他脑海虚空中快速闪动,最终以一种极为奇异的方式相互联系了起来。 Meanwhile, other strengths appear, the strength of domain, the strength of life, the strength of soul wait/etc. 与此同时,还有其他力量浮现,领域之力,生命之力,灵魂之力等等。 Soon, a huge world appeared in his mind suddenly, lent the extremely numerous and diverse and fearful aura. 不多时,一座庞大的世界骤然出现在了他的脑海之中,散发出极为繁杂而可怕的气息。 Dark, evil, deathly stillness, indescribable...... 黑暗,邪恶,死寂,不可名状…… In the middle of this world sends out, that three source principles melt impressively, one extremely special aura that forms. 这座世界当中散发出的,赫然正是那三种本源法则相融之后,所形成的一种极为特殊的气息。 Since Wang Teng cultivation, meets the so terrifying microcosm for the first time. 王腾修炼以来,还是第一次遇见如此恐怖的小世界。 Bone demon world! 骨魔世界! A name extremely towering emergence in his mind. 一个称呼极为突兀的出现在了他的脑海中。 Exclusive microcosm that at present this microcosm just like bone demon tree grasps, is completely different from the common microcosm. 眼前这座小世界俨然正是骨魔树所掌握的专属小世界,完全不同于寻常的小世界。 Bone demon world: 3600 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【骨魔世界】:3600/90000(九阶); Nine steps! 九阶! This microcosm was also nine step levels! 这座小世界亦是达到了九阶层次! Wang Teng cannot bear be flabbergasted, three source principles are nine steps even if, now this microcosms that become by three source principle fusions unexpectedly is still nine step levels, is really incredible. 王腾忍不住咋舌,三种本源法则达到九阶也就算了,如今这座由三种本源法则融合而成的小世界居然也是九阶层次,实在令人难以置信。 He first time microcosm attribute obtained nine step levels, this time was really gains greatly gains especially. 他还是第一次获得九阶层次的小世界属性,这一次真是大赚特赚了。 After this place, his anything has not done, finally picked so many value such high attributes, simply with picked white/in vain, seriously was a little embarrassed. 到了此地以后,他什么都还没干呢,结果就捡到了这么多价值如此之高的属性,简直跟白捡的一样,当真是有点不好意思。 Ashamed! Ashamed! 惭愧!惭愧! Finally this microcosm empty shadow dissipates to go in the Wang Teng mind finally slowly, but the sensibility was actually the thorough brand mark in his memory, changed to his thing. 最终这座小世界虚影终于是在王腾的脑海中缓缓消散而去,不过感悟却是彻底烙印在了他的记忆当中,化作了他的东西。 Then is soul source and life source these two species. 紧接着便是灵魂本源和生命本源这两种属性。 Regarding this Wang Teng has not been surprised many actually, after all has long known that the bone demon tree can absorb the strength and soul strength of life, here is its place of digestion, will have these two species is not any unusual matter. 对此王腾倒是没有感到多少意外,毕竟早就知道骨魔树能够吸收生命之力和灵魂之力,这里是它的消化之地,会存在这两种属性不算什么稀奇事。 Naturally, these two species to Wang Teng are very important, before used the strength of time, his soul source and life source lost. 当然,这两种属性对王腾还是非常重要的,之前动用了时间之力,他的灵魂本源与生命本源损耗了许多。 Even if collected many related attribute air bubbles in void, as before not supplements his soul source and life source. 即便是在虚空中拾取了许多相关的属性气泡,依旧是没有将他的灵魂本源和生命本源补充回来。 Now these attribute air bubbles come is very prompt, his life source and soul source complemented again. 如今这些属性气泡来的很及时,他的生命本源与灵魂本源再次补全了。 Life source: 500000 / 500000 ; 【生命本源】:500000/500000; Soul source: 500000 / 500000 ; 【灵魂本源】:500000/500000; Looked at a property panel, Wang Teng felt oneself can the vitality be full. 看了一眼属性面板,王腾感觉自己又能够元气满满了。 Afterward is the space attribute, this attribute value Wang Teng does not lack now, before war, the space hit pulp, fell many space attributes, he has complemented. 随后是空间属性,这个属性值王腾现在不缺,之前大战时,空间被打的稀巴烂,掉落了很多空间属性,他早就补全了。 However the absorption more space attributes, are bigger to he advantage, he naturally cannot shut out. 不过吸收越多空间属性,对他自身好处越大,他自然不会嫌弃。 Last species- the strength of shadow!!! 最后一种属性-阴影之力!!! In the Wang Teng eye blooms immediately the dazzling ray, finally collected the strength of attribute shadow, this bone demon tree has not really made him disappointed. 王腾眼中顿时绽放出刺目的光芒,终于拾取到阴影之力属性了,这骨魔树果然没有令他失望。 An extremely special strength emerged out of thin air in his body, making his body have some strange change. 一种极为特殊的力量凭空出现在了他的身体之中,让他的身躯发生某种奇异的变化。 Shadow talent: 800 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 【阴影天赋】:800/50000(五阶); However is among the short moments, Wang Teng Shadow talent From third-order promoted directly fifth-order, although the attribute value were not many, only 800 points, but let his Shadow talent In huge change. 不过是短短片刻之间,王腾的【阴影天赋】直接从三阶提升到了五阶,属性值虽然不多,仅有800点,但却是让他的【阴影天赋】发生了巨大的变化。
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