AAMD :: Volume #22

#2198: Also is demon god level Fighting technique! Ancient times was spatial

Chapter 2198 is demon god level Fighting technique! Ancient times space rune/symbol writing promoted! Space channel! 第2198章又是一门魔神级战技!远古空间符文提升!空间通道! Does not swallow well.” “不是吞噬就好。” Why does not know, sees that strength is not the strength of swallowing, in the Wang Teng heart instead relaxes. 不知为何,看到那种力量并非吞噬之力,王腾心中反而松了口气。 Properly speaking, if the strength of swallowing, he should rejoice be more right, after all can collect the corresponding attribute air bubble. 按理来说,如果是吞噬之力,他应该更加高兴才对,毕竟可以拾取到相应的属性气泡。 But he is subconscious repel this idea. 但他就是下意识的排斥这种想法。 Possibly Wang Teng have not even noticed, in his mind, the strength of swallowing is a unique strength, must dominate above most strengths. 可能连王腾自己都没有注意到,在他的心中,吞噬之力一直是一种独一无二的力量,要凌驾于大多数的力量之上。 This strength, the common life is absolutely impossible to have. 这种力量,寻常的生灵绝对不可能拥有。 Even the ability of that blood group giant beast blood Kun , compared with the strength of true swallowing, wants to be inferior more. 甚至连那血族巨兽血鲲的能力,与真正的吞噬之力比起来,都要逊色很多很多。 The ability of blood Kun is to mainly absorb the blood, but swallows the ability to swallow the myriad things, merely this point, two not in a level. 血鲲的能力主要是吸收血液,而吞噬能力可以吞噬万物,仅仅这一点,二者就不在一个层面上。 This strength was also very extraordinary.” “不过这种力量也很了不得了。” The Wang Teng vision flashes, focuses on above sensibility in mind. 王腾目光一闪,将注意力集中在了脑海中的感悟之上。 He guesses does not have the mistake, this bone demon tree truly can use the strength of shadow, but also integrated the strength of darkness, dies the deep strength, and even is the strength of space! 他猜的没有错,这骨魔树确实能够动用阴影之力,只不过其中还融入了黑暗之力,死冥之力,乃至是空间之力! This is not the simple shadow class method! 这不是简单的阴影类手段! Even on the body of Ka Clan, Wang Teng is unable to obtain the so complex and powerful shadow class method. 就算是在娜迦族的身上,王腾都无法得到如此复杂而强大的阴影类手段。 This is the advantage, but also has the fault. 这是好处,但也有坏处。 Because integrated the strength of darkness, is unable in bright universe flagrant use this method, only if he can think the means to strip the dark strength in this Fighting technique, changes into other strengths. 因为融入了黑暗之力,便无法在光明宇宙明目张胆的使用这种手段,除非他能够想办法将这门战技之中的黑暗之力剥离出来,换成其他力量。 Bone demon bites shadow( Demon god level): 350 / 15000( crosses the threshold) ; 【骨魔噬影】(魔神级):350/15000(入门); Hiss!” “嘶!” Wang Teng looked at property panel one, could not bear hold breath cold air. 王腾看了属性面板一眼,忍不住倒吸了一口凉气。 Demon god level! 魔神级! Bone demon bites shadow Unexpectedly is demon god level Fighting technique! 【骨魔噬影】居然是魔神级战技 He thought this Fighting technique and that 【The claw of bone demon Generally is also high-rank Demon Venerable level Fighting technique, has not actually thought that it unexpectedly is demon god level Fighting technique, making people somewhat unbelievable. 他本以为这门战技与那【骨魔之爪】一般也是上位魔尊战技,却没想到它竟然是魔神级战技,令人有些难以置信。 From the iron weapon fort defense line war now, he obtained five gate god level Fighting technique. 要知道,从铁械堡防线战争开始到现在,他都获得五门神级战技了。 This harvest is nothing less than huge. 这收获不可谓不巨大。 The demon god level Fighting technique that at this time Wang Teng obtains, merely is only the basic rank . Moreover the attribute value 350 points, are enable him to grasp the fur/superficial knowledge at most. 此时王腾所得到的这门魔神级战技,仅仅只是入门级别,而且属性值堪堪350点,顶多是让他掌握到皮毛。 However even, he still has an extremely exhaustive understanding of this Fighting technique. 不过即便是如此,他也已经对这门战技有了一个极为详尽的了解。 Integrates in the middle of the strength of space the strength of shadow, forms the distortion, can crush all, but dies the deep strength and darkness strength of actually next.” “将空间之力融入阴影之力当中,形成扭曲,可以粉碎一切,而死冥之力与黑暗之力倒是其次。” Naturally, this is only relatively speaking, dying the deep strength and darkness strength are also indispensable to this Fighting technique.” “当然,这只是相对而言,死冥之力和黑暗之力对这门战技而言同样是不可或缺的。” These strengths formed a chemical reaction, after melts, naturally fearful.” “这些力量形成了一种化学反应,相融之后自然会更加的可怕。” In the Wang Teng eye none twinkle, has thoroughly understood at this moment fearfulness and terrifying that just that shadow twisted. 王腾眼中精光闪烁,此刻已是彻底明白了刚刚那种阴影扭曲的可怕与恐怖。 „The strength of space!” “空间之力!” He thought of anything suddenly, is looked hastily by the big tree that around the black fog covers toward that. 他突然想到了什么,连忙朝着那棵被黑雾笼罩的大树四周看去。 Pupil of True Sight Blooms the dazzling ray, the black fog was stripped, the strange and mysterious traces appeared in his eye suddenly. 真视之瞳】绽放出耀眼的光芒,黑雾被剥离,一道道奇异而玄奥的纹路骤然出现在了他的眼中。 Really was ancient times space rune/symbol writing!” “果然是远古空间符文!” In the Wang Teng eye erupts together dazzling none fiercely, before he then guessed correctly that this bone demon tree had ancient times space rune/symbol writing inevitably. 王腾眼中猛地爆发出一道刺目的精光,早在之前他便猜到这骨魔树内部必然存在远古空间符文。 After all that space nesting is not the common method can make. 毕竟那空间嵌套可不是寻常手段能够弄出来的。 The situation that this passed by to come to see to arrive at that bone wall that melts, involves the say/way of space. 还有这一路过来看到的那种骨壁融化的情形,其中也是涉及到了空间之道。 Perhaps that several skull spirit clan Dark Species could not guess correctly what strength is, but Wang Teng has fifth-order 【The body of space, Also how possibly anything cannot think. 那几头骨灵族黑暗种或许猜不到其中是什么样的力量,但王腾身怀五阶【空间之体】,又怎么可能什么都想不到。 Well!” “咦!” In the meantime, Wang Teng suddenly light well. 就在此时,王腾突然轻咦了一声。 He in that black fog, inscribes under the strange rune/symbol writing bone wall, saw is floating attribute air bubble. 他在那黑雾之中,铭刻着奇异符文的骨壁之下,看到了一个个漂浮着的属性气泡。 Because before was blocked by the black fog, he does not have first to see, as behind his vision movement, these attribute air bubbles enter in his eye. 由于之前被黑雾挡住,他才没有第一时间看到,后面随着他的目光移动,那些属性气泡才进入他的眼中。 Pupil of True Sight Also is not perfect, at least is unable to see the Wang Teng vision the place. 真视之瞳】也并非完美,起码无法看到王腾眼光所不及之处。 In other words, only then the Wang Teng centralized vision in somewhere, can ascertain external, sees essence. 也就是说,只有王腾集中目光于某处,才能够窥破外在,看到其中的本质。 Collects!” “拾取!” At this time he naturally has nothing to hesitate, will immediately read the strength to sweep across energetic, collected these attribute air bubbles entirely. 此时他自然没有任何迟疑,当即将精神念力席卷而出,把那些属性气泡统统拾取了回来。 Ancient times space rune/symbol writing * 120】 【远古空间符文】 Ancient times space rune/symbol writing * 150】 【远古空间符文】 Ancient times space rune/symbol writing * 200】 【远古空间符文】 ...... …… Really was ancient times space rune/symbol writing!” “真是远古空间符文!” On the Wang Teng face reveals a happy expression, has not thought that can actually collect ancient times space rune/symbol writing in this bone demon tree. 王腾脸上不由露出一丝喜色,没想到竟然能够在这骨魔树内部拾取到远古空间符文。 This pleasant surprise is really one after another. 这惊喜真是一个接着一个啊。 Simply should not be too crisp! 简直不要太爽! His Ancient times space rune/symbol writing Has achieved little to become, is not easy to promote, the attribute that therefore obtains at this moment is more precious. 他的【远古空间符文】已经达到了小成,并没有那么容易提升,所以此刻得到的属性才更加弥足珍贵。 These attribute air bubbles have a big help to his ancient times space rune/symbol writing attainments. 这些属性气泡对他的远古空间符文造诣有着不小的帮助。 At this moment, that big tree all around ancient times space rune/symbol writing mapped in the eye of Wang Teng all, reappearing in his mind, looked like came completely general by the rubbing. 此时此刻,那大树四周的远古空间符文尽数映入王腾的眼中,一道道的浮现于他的脑海中,就像是完全被拓印了过来一般。 Afterward these ancient times space rune/symbol writing just like by an invisible big hand are provoked gently, start to move the arrangement unceasingly, the brand mark above void, that profound different path, as if contains some strange rule, if not to the ancient times space rune/symbol writing attainments extremely deep person, feared that could not see mystery. 随后这些远古空间符文犹如被一只无形的大手轻轻拨弄,开始不断移动排列,烙印于虚空之上,那玄异的轨迹,仿佛蕴含着某种奇异的规律,若非对远古空间符文造诣极深之人,怕是根本看不出其中的奥妙。 Originally is this!” “原来是这样!” In the Wang Teng eye has innumerable strange rune/symbol writing to flash, appears especially the mystical, in his heart also raised a clear(ly) to become aware. 王腾眼中有着无数的奇异符文在闪动,显得格外神异,他的心中随之升起了一丝明悟。 little to become rank Ancient times space rune/symbol writing Really outstanding. 小成级别的【远古空间符文】果然不同凡响。 And the mystery of implication made him exclaim in surprise. 其中蕴含的奥妙着实令他惊叹。 General that just like he thinks, this bone demon tree has ancient times space rune/symbol writing who forms that type of space nesting inevitably, now he then the attribute air bubble that from just obtained gets the accurate answer. 正如他所想的一般,这骨魔树内部必然存在着形成那种空间嵌套的远古空间符文,如今他便从刚刚得到的属性气泡当中得到了准确的答案。 By his ancient times space rune/symbol writing attainments, wanted to decode inside and outside this bone demon tree space the law of nesting, is not cannot achieve, but requires a lot of time to sense and analyze. 原本以他的远古空间符文造诣,想要破解这骨魔树内外空间的嵌套之法,也不是不能做到,但需要不少时间来感悟与解析。 But now he obtains the ancient times space rune/symbol writing attribute directly, naturally does not need so to be again troublesome, can understand instantaneously the ancient times space rune/symbol writing deep meaning, decoded this place the space nesting legal however to be a cinch. 而现在他直接得到了其中的远古空间符文属性,自然不需要再那么麻烦,瞬间就可以理解其中的远古空间符文奥义,破解此地的空间嵌套之法定然不在话下。 Ancient times space rune/symbol writing: 5600 / 10000( little to become) ; 【远古空间符文】:5600/10000(小成); Good, exceeded the little to become rank attribute upper limit half.” Wang Teng eye one bright, happy intent in heart is even more intense. “不错,超过小成级别属性上限的一半了。”王腾眼睛一亮,心中的喜意越发强烈。 His attribute value only more than 3000 point, this time promoted more than 2000 point, did not calculate few. 原本他的属性值仅有三千多点,这次足足提升了两千多点,不算少了。 Arrived this degree of Ancient times space rune/symbol writing, To promote again, it may be said that is the countless sufferings and hardships. 到了这种程度的【远古空间符文】,想要再提升,可谓是千难万难。 Some Saint level Rune Master, without bumping into the chance, in this stage card integer ten years, and even is several hundred years possibly has. 有些圣级符文师,若是没有碰到机缘,在这个阶段卡个数十年,乃至是数百年都不是没有可能的。 But Wang Teng now Ancient times space rune/symbol writing Grasps so the degree, in the future will raise the Rune Master rank, will be easier. 王腾如今将【远古空间符文】掌握到如此程度,将来提升符文师等级,也会更加容易。 After all regarding Rune Master, the promotion rank nothing but is rune/symbol writing who promotes itself to grasp, rune/symbol writing who as he grasps are getting more and more, the rank is getting higher and higher, when the time comes then only needs to conduct the systematic induction and summary these Rune Knowledge, forms own symbol literary style department, can raise naturally the Rune Master rank. 毕竟对于符文师来说,提升等级无非就是提升自己所掌握的符文而已,随着他掌握的符文越来越多,等级越来越高,到时候便只需要将这些符文知识进行系统性的归纳与总结,形成自己的符文体系,自然而然就可以将符文师等级提升起来。 This situation, looked like one just to contact the rookies of martial arts, but was actually strengthened the body background ahead of time, the following cultivation promotion rank, will be naturally simpler than the common person. 这种情况,就像是一个刚刚接触武道的菜鸟,但却被人提前增强了身体底蕴,后续修炼提升等级,自然会比寻常人简单很多。 These ancient times space rune/symbol writing as if also being insufficient made me break open the ruins of perishing bone, thus made everyone leave this place.” “不过这些远古空间符文似乎还不足以让我破开亡骨之墟,从而让大家离开此地。” Wang Teng frowns, in mind train of thought revolve like lightning. 王腾又皱起了眉头,脑海中思绪电转。 Also has the flaw that what I had not found?” “是不是还有什么我没有找到的破绽?” His vision took a fast look around in that black light back space unceasingly, tries to find this place as soon as possible the space flaw. 他的目光在那黑光背后的空间内不断扫视,试图尽快找到此地的空间破绽。 Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼…… In the meantime, several skull beasts were swallowed by the shadow distortion, they only exude one to angrily roar with enough time, then vanished in same place. 就在此时,又有几头骨兽被阴影扭曲吞噬,它们只来得及发出一声怒吼,便消失在了原地。 The attribute air bubble appears again, Wang Teng wants not to think, collected directly. 属性气泡再度出现,王腾想也没想,直接拾取了回来。 Picking the attribute is not positive, the head has the problem. 捡属性不积极,脑袋有毛病。 Bone demon bites shadow * 500】 【骨魔噬影】 Bone demon bites shadow * 650】 【骨魔噬影】 Bone demon bites shadow * 300】 【骨魔噬影】 ...... …… Several attribute air bubbles swamp into the head of Wang Teng, changes to the abstruse sensibility, all was before obtains Bone demon bites shadow Attribute. 几个属性气泡涌入王腾的脑袋之中,化作深奥的感悟,皆是之前得到的【骨魔噬影】属性。 His grasping to this demon god level Fighting technique promoted instantaneously much. 他对这门魔神级战技的掌握瞬间提升了不少。 Bone demon bites shadow( Demon god level): 2300 / 15000( crosses the threshold) ; 【骨魔噬影】(魔神级):2300/15000(入门); 2300 attribute values, although to the 15000 attribute values of basic rank is not anything, but contrasted just 350 attribute values, had promoted. 2300点属性值,虽然对入门级别的15000点属性值而言不算什么,但是对比刚刚的350点属性值,已经是提升了许多。 Wang Teng does not have the change of many attention attribute value, but swept one, at this time his vision stares at the place that several skull beasts are vanishing, suddenly is lost in thought. 王腾没有过多关注属性值的变化,只是扫了一眼而已,此时他的目光盯着那几头骨兽消失的地方,突然陷入了沉思。 Another side, the vision of bone carboxyl was somewhat cloudy, the bone beast that it brings has used up, even the bone beast of that high-rank sovereign level level was swallowed by the shadow distortion, now is one is not left over seriously. 另一边,骨羧的目光有些阴沉了起来,它带来的骨兽已经用完了,连那头上位皇级层次的骨兽都被阴影扭曲吞噬,如今当真是一头都不剩下了。 It after all is only the high-rank demon sovereign level, can control several skull beasts is the limit. 它毕竟只是上位魔皇级而已,能够控制几头骨兽已经是极限了。 If are many, too will be big to its psychic force burden, definitely will affect its battle efficiency. 若是再多,对它的精神力负担就太大了些,势必会影响它的战斗力。 Seeks in the middle of the bone demon tree chance itself/Ben is the matter of extreme danger, it does not certainly dare to have any problem by oneself battle efficiency. 寻求骨魔树当中的机缘本就是极度危险之事,它当然不敢让自己的战斗力出现任何的问题。 To control these bone beasts, it spent many prices, without thinking of this , there would be no, anything has not probed , its mood is not so no wonder wonderful at this time. 而为了控制那些骨兽,它花费了不少代价,没想到这样就没了,偏偏还什么都没试探出来,也难怪此时它的心情如此不美妙了。 Bone and bone sui cannot bear look to the bone carboxyl, the vision is a little strange. 骨喀和骨濉忍不住看向骨羧,目光有点古怪。 Since this first time has been it enters the bone demon tree interior to admit defeat probably! 这好像还是它进入骨魔树内部以来第一次吃瘪吧! With the pride of bone carboxyl, actually runs into a wall now here, in his heart depressed and can be imagined aggrievedly. 以骨羧的自傲,如今却在这里碰了个壁,其心中的郁闷和憋屈可想而知。 Is good because of bone and bone sui also knows that at this time the situation is not right, has not spoken to ridicule. 好在骨喀和骨濉也知道此时情况不对,并没有出言奚落。 Especially bone sui, is honest at this time, it knows that oneself has several jin (0.5 kg) several two, the matter that even/including Gusuo cannot accomplish, it could not accomplish, therefore the little darling shuts up is quite good. 尤其是骨濉,此时就非常老实,它知道自己有几斤几两,连骨羧都办不到的事,它就更办不到了,所以还是乖乖闭嘴比较好。 Bone carboxyl, now what to do?” Bone hesitated, cannot bear asks a low voice. “骨羧,现在怎么办?”骨喀迟疑了一下,还是忍不住低声问道。 The bone carboxyl vision fluctuates, finally sighed in the heart, but it has not displayed, but said lightly: Takes out ancestor, can look extract bone demon tree the source of core directly.” 骨羧目光变幻,最终却是在心中叹了口气,但它并未表现出来,只是开口淡淡说道:“取出祖物吧,看看能不能直接提取骨魔树的核心之源。” Bone and bone sui are somewhat surprised, has not thought that even/including Gusuo gave up, in the end they must use ancestor direct extraction bone demon tree the source of core. 骨喀与骨濉有些惊讶,没想到连骨羧都放弃了,到头来它们还是要用祖物直接提取骨魔树的核心之源。 However they do not have other means that can only choose the agreement. 但是它们也没有别的办法,只能选择同意。 Three take out respective ancestor together, injects in which own strength. 三头齐齐取出各自的祖物,将自身的力量注入其中。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz...... 嗡!嗡!嗡…… Buzz the whining noise resounds, blooms from three ancestor black light, strange black rune/symbol Wengeng grazes from ancestor, surrounds around three skull spirit clan Dark Species. 嗡鸣声响起,黑光从三件祖物之上绽放而出,奇异的黑色符文更是自祖物内飞掠而出,环绕在三头骨灵族黑暗种四周。 Gave up? Finally wanted hardly just.” “放弃了么?终于要硬刚了。” Wang Teng sees this, immediately eye slightly bright. 王腾看到这一幕,顿时眼睛微亮。 Then right, before has wasted his too much time, should with that bone demon tree hardly just a wave. 这才对嘛,之前已经浪费他太多时间了,早就应该与那骨魔树硬刚一波了。 Only then with that bone demon tree true production collision, may present more flaws, he can find the opportunity to act. 只有与那骨魔树真正的产生碰撞,才有可能出现更多的破绽,他才能找到机会出手。 At this time, three skull spirit clan Dark Species looked at each other one, slightly nodded. 此时,三头骨灵族黑暗种对视了一眼,微微点了点头。 Goes!” “去!” The next quarter, they unexpectedly are simultaneously toward front one finger/refers, in the mouth also as if by prior agreement puts out a character. 下一刻,它们竟是同时朝着前方一指,口中亦是不约而同的吐出一个字来。 As the voice falls, the mutation lives suddenly. 随着话音落下,异变突生。 !!! 唰!唰!唰! That encirclement changes to the rune/symbol writing chains in their all around black rune/symbol writing directly, explodes to shoot in the direction that the front big tree is, but is instantaneous, then penetrated the black fog, approaches the big tree fast. 那环绕在它们四周的黑色符文径直化作一道道符文锁链,朝着前方大树所在的方向爆射而出,不过是瞬间,便穿透了黑雾,快速逼近大树。 The shadow in black fog sways from side to side immediately crazily, prevented on the road which must be taken of that rune/symbol writing chains. 黑雾中的阴影顿时疯狂扭动起来,阻挡在了那一道道符文锁链的必经之路上。 In the Wang Teng eye none flashes, in the heart raised a anticipation. 王腾眼中精光一闪,心中升起了一丝期待。 He actually also very wants to notice that several skull spirit clan Dark Species are successful. 他其实还挺想看到那几头骨灵族黑暗种成功的。 After all coped with three skull spirit clan Dark Species to be possible coping with the bone demon tree is simpler, if they can be successful, he naturally can rob from the source of their hand general that so-called core. 毕竟对付三头骨灵族黑暗种可比对付骨魔树简单多了,如果它们能够成功,他自然就能够从它们手上将那所谓的核心之源抢夺过来。 Saw that rune/symbol writing chains will soon hit to the shadow region, in three skull spirit clan Dark Species eyes is actually black light flashes, the vision is staring at that rune/symbol writing chains stubbornly. 眼看着那一道道符文锁链即将撞向阴影区域,三头骨灵族黑暗种眼中却是黑光一闪,目光死死盯着那一道道符文锁链。 !!! 唰!唰!唰! In an instant, that rune/symbol writing chains is shifting unexpectedly instantaneously, avoided the shadow region, passes through from the slits of several shadows, crazy charging into big tree. 刹那间,那一道道符文锁链竟然在瞬间转向,避开了阴影区域,从几道阴影的缝隙之中穿了过去,疯狂的冲向大树。 However that encirclement is not dust is invariable in big tree all around shadow, as if felt approaching of rune/symbol writing chains, these shadows also crazy sways from side to side, covers the big piece region. 然而那环绕在大树四周的阴影并不是一尘不变,似乎感觉到了符文锁链的逼近,这些阴影也是疯狂的扭动起来,将大片区域笼罩。 That rune/symbol writing chains just like the spirit snake to shuttle back and forth in the shadow generally, tries to avoid all shadows. 那一道道符文锁链犹如灵蛇一般在阴影当中穿梭,试图避开所有的阴影。 What a pity the shadow region is getting bigger and bigger, many rune/symbol writing chains was covered by the shadow finally. 可惜阴影区域越来越大,不少符文锁链最终还是被阴影所笼罩。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… One is unable to withstand the load intermittently the sound spreads, is crashes to spread. 一阵阵不堪重负般的声响传出,紧接着便是碎裂声传出。 Above rune/symbol writing chains, lots of rune/symbol writing starts to collapse under the distortion of shadow, cannot resist that shadow and space the strength of distortion. 符文锁链之上,大量的符文在阴影的扭曲之下开始崩溃,根本抵挡不住那阴影与空间的扭曲之力。 Damn!” “该死!” In three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts is quite embarrassed, has not thought that in they stimulate to movement ancestor in vigorously the situation, is unable to approach the core of that bone demon tree unexpectedly. 三头骨灵族黑暗种心中极为难堪,没想到在它们极力催动祖物的情况下,竟然还是无法靠近那骨魔树的核心。 Does this make them broken? 这让它们怎么破? Suddenly, these three skull spirit clan Dark Species have a helpless feeling. 一时间,这三头骨灵族黑暗种都是有种束手无策之感。 Saw that the core of bone demon tree at present, them has no alternative, greatly one implants the feeling of bitter compelling treasure mountain actually must return empty-handed, this who can accept. 眼看着骨魔树的核心就在眼前,它们却无可奈何,大有一种入宝山却要空手而归的苦逼之感,这谁能接受啊。 However has not waited for them to think that shadow region spread toward the region that they were at unexpectedly. 不过还不等它们多想,那阴影区域竟然朝着它们所在的区域蔓延了过来。 The position that they were at approaches the rear black light entrance, therefore only has the black fog to cover, without the shadow fills the air here, but the bone demon tree seems to be enraged now, the shadow spreads unceasingly, and speed is quick. 原本它们所在的位置非常靠近后方的黑光入口,因此仅有黑雾笼罩,没有阴影弥漫到这边,但现在骨魔树似乎被触怒了,阴影不断蔓延过来,且速度很快。 What?!” “什么?!” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species in great surprise, retroceded subconsciously several steps, had almost arrived at that black light entrance edge. 三头骨灵族黑暗种大惊,下意识的后退了几步,几乎已经到了那黑光入口的边缘。 Scoundrel! When really we quite bullied.” “混账!真当我们好欺负了。” „The strength of detonation ancestor, spelled with it at the worst.” “引爆祖物之力,大不了跟它拼了。” Their look fluctuates, immediately then makes the resolution, detonated that rune/symbol writing chains unexpectedly instantaneously. 它们眼神变幻,立刻便做出了决断,竟是瞬间引爆了那一道道符文锁链。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Suddenly, strong black light transmits from the front, these rune/symbol writing chains explode loudly, erupts the extremely powerful strength unexpectedly, has a very special dark strength, is full of an indescribable ancient meaning. 突然间,一道道浓烈的黑光从前方传来,那些符文锁链轰然爆开,竟是爆发出极为强大的力量,其中更是有着一股非常特殊的黑暗力量,充满一种不可名状的古老之意。 Un?!” “嗯?!” Wang Teng is staring at this steadily, at this time sudden eye one bright, as if saw anything. 王腾正目不转睛的盯着这一幕,此时突然眼睛一亮,似乎看到了什么。 In that strength under erupts, all around shadow suddenly radical distortion. 在那股力量的爆发之下,四周阴影突然剧烈的扭曲起来。 This distortion before compares, is somewhat different. 这种扭曲与之前相比,有些不同。 As if becomes...... disorderly, but disorder! 似乎变得……杂乱而无序! Originally the distortion of that shadow according, but this moment that distortion that the specific strength revolution way forms is actually extremely chaotic, seemed disturbed by the external strength. 原本那阴影的扭曲是按照特定的力量运转方式所形成的,但此刻那扭曲却是极为混乱,似乎被外来的力量所干扰。 If the common person, perhaps cannot see anything, but Wang Teng grasped Bone demon bites shadow, Naturally was one saw was not right. 如果是寻常人,也许看不出什么,但王腾掌握了【骨魔噬影】,自然是一眼就看出了不对。 I felt! I felt! The back of that shadow clearly is slight space channels, but these space channels are directly the core to lead to bone demon tree.” The Wang Teng eye is greatly bright, excited incomparable. “我感觉到了!我感觉到了!那阴影的背后分明就是一条条细微的空间通道,而那些空间通道正是直接通向骨魔树的核心。”王腾眼睛大亮,兴奋无比。
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