AAMD :: Volume #22

#2197: In the tree sets up! Crazy probe! Also sees the shadow

In Chapter 2197 tree sets up! Crazy probe! Also sees the strength of shadow! The bone demon bites the shadow! 第2197章树中树!疯狂试探!又见阴影之力!骨魔噬影! In that black light behind, is a strange scene. 在那黑光背后,是一片诡异至极的景象。 If no black fog that if no is winding around, innumerable shadows like bad people running wild distortion, weird, makes one not look clearly. 若无若无的黑雾缭绕着,无数的阴影如群魔乱舞般扭曲,怪诞,却让人看不清晰。 Faint within, as if can also see that black fog the back, grand actually strange big tree, the innumerable branch extend from the big tree torso, appears incomparably fierce, grotesque and gaudy. 隐隐间,似乎还可以看到那黑雾的背后,有一株宏伟却又诡异的大树,无数的枝丫从大树躯干之上延伸出来,显得无比狰狞,光怪陆离。 Such a picture, felt a speechless strange feeling, seems hiding the innumerable indescribable thing. 这样一副画面,充满了一种无言的诡异之感,仿佛隐藏着无数的不可名状之物。 „A tree?!” “一棵树?!” Wang Teng was a little shocked. 王腾有点愣住了。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? How that black light back can be a tree, moreover from the appearance of that tree, somewhat seems to be similar to the bone demon tree, but is dim and strange. 那黑光的背后怎么会是一棵树,而且从那棵树的模样来看,似乎与骨魔树有些相似,但却更加的朦胧与怪异。 But makes him feel what is strange is...... 而更让他感觉奇怪的是…… An interior of tree, actually still has a tree! 一棵树的内部,竟然还存在着一棵树! In the tree sets up?! 树中树?! What rare and beautiful flowers structure this special is? 这特么是什么奇葩构造? Wang Teng has not seen such strange tree in any case, thinks the white bones built the big tree that became enough to renovate his three views, has not thought that this also had a odder thing to wait for him. 反正王腾是从来没有见过这样怪异的树,原本以为白骨堆砌而成的大树已经足够刷新他的三观了,没想到这还有更离谱的东西在等着他呢。 While in the Wang Teng heart the doubts are puzzled, when cannot bear wants to complain one, that three skull spirit clan Dark Species already the position that was close to being at black light, then almost not hesitant, flushed instantaneously. 正当王腾心中疑惑不解,忍不住想要吐槽一番之时,那三头骨灵族黑暗种已然接近了黑光所在的位置,而后几乎没有犹豫,瞬间就冲了进去。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, has a mind with going, but stopped the footsteps. 王腾目光一闪,有心跟进去,但还是停住了脚步。 The understanding of these three skull spirit clan Dark Species bone demon tree must far exceed in him without doubt, who knows that they know many secrets. 这三头骨灵族黑暗种对骨魔树的了解无疑要远超于他,但是谁知道它们到底知道多少隐秘。 If by some chance they do not know that in the bone demon tree also has a strange tree, that ended the calf. 万一它们也不知道骨魔树之内还有一株怪异的树,那岂不是完犊子了。 Watches changes quietly. 还是静观其变吧。 Even if he now does not enter black light that within, can still pass Pupil of True Sight Spies on situation, does not need to worry actually. 他现在就算不进入那黑光之内,也能够通过【真视之瞳】窥探其中的情形,倒是不用着急。 Blank attribute is really the good thing.” Wang Teng sighed with emotion. “空白属性真是好东西啊。”王腾不由感慨了一番。 This bone demon tree can the falling blank attribute, his really probably grasp blindly, perhaps can only take risk to follow that three skull spirit clan Dark Species to enter black light within. 要不是这骨魔树能够掉落空白属性,他这回真的要抓瞎了,没准只能冒险跟着那三头骨灵族黑暗种进入黑光之内。 „, This bone demon tree is also equivalent to a star beast?” “如此说来,这骨魔树岂不是也是相当于一种星兽?” At this time, Wang Teng thinks suddenly this, just did not have the thoughts to pay attention to these, this little while saw that black light in the tree sets up, his essence to this bone demon tree raised unavoidably a curiosity. 此时,王腾又突然想到了这茬,刚刚没心思关注这些,这会儿看到那黑光中的树中树,他对这骨魔树的本质不免升起了一丝好奇。 In the past he had also once bumped into the department of botany lives of some birth spirit wisdom, weeded out many precious attributes from them. 以往他也曾碰到过一些诞生灵智的植物系生灵,也都从它们身上薅到了不少珍贵的属性。 If not this bone demon tree is quite special, he is also insufficient is so curious, doing him very has not experienced to be the same. 如果不是这骨魔树比较特殊,他也不至于这么好奇,搞得他很没见识一样。 However later he then no longer thinks, shot a look at around one, after that three skull spirit clan Dark Species enter is black light, the goal that all around bone claw could not find the attack, then retracted in the middle of the bone wall, has not appeared again. 不过随后他便不再多想,瞥了一眼四周,在那三头骨灵族黑暗种进入黑光之中后,四周的骨爪找不到攻击的目标,便缩回了骨壁当中,没有再出现。 This bone demon tree has not as if really discovered his existence. 这骨魔树似乎真的没有发现他的存在。 Wang Teng took back the vision, looks toward black light. 王腾收回了目光,朝着黑光之中看去。 That three skull spirit clan Dark Species enter, obviously also saw situation, all was in same place, hesitated some not to dare to approach. 那三头骨灵族黑暗种进入其中之后,显然也是看到了其中的情形,皆是愣在了原地,踌躇着有些不敢靠近。 They as if are talking anything, but has the black light hindrance, Wang Teng cannot hear. 它们似乎在交谈着什么,但是有着黑光的阻碍,王腾根本听不到。 His knitting the brows head, in the heart moves slightly, the spirit read the strength to sweep across, during toward that was black light cautious searched. 他不由皱了皱眉头,心中微动,精神念力席卷而出,朝着那黑光之中小心翼翼的探去。 Since that bone spirit clan Dark Species can enter, his spirit read the strength naturally also to enter. 既然那骨灵族黑暗种能够进入其中,他的精神念力自然也可以进入。 Really, his spirit read the strength not to receive anything to hinder, then entered very much during with ease that is black light, and clear heard that three skull spirit clan Dark Species sound. 果然,他的精神念力并没有受到什么阻碍,很轻松便进入那黑光之中,并且清晰的听到了那三头骨灵族黑暗种的声音。 According to the old book records, this should be the core of bone demon tree, is its tree heart!” The bone carboxyl said. “按照古籍记载,这应该就是骨魔树的核心,也就是它的树心!”骨羧道。 Really is the tree heart of bone demon tree!!” Bone lowers the sound, slightly excited saying. “真的是骨魔树的树心!!”骨喀压低声音,略显激动的说道。 Good, we finally found the tree heart of bone demon tree.” The bone sui vision is staring at the big tree in front black fog stubbornly, wild with joy saying: Quickly, takes out ancestor quickly, we start to extract the source of its core now.” “太好了,我们终于找到骨魔树的树心了。”骨濉目光死死盯着面前黑雾之中的大树,狂喜的说道:“快,快将祖物取出,我们现在就开始提取它的核心之源。” Anxious anything!” The bone carboxyl shot a look at its one, coldly hits to block the way: Here does not compare outside security many, if you want dead, then comes up the extraction to have a look.” “急什么!”骨羧瞥了它一眼,冷冷的打断道:“这里并不比外面安全多少,你若想死,便上去提取看看。” The bone sui vision stagnates, in the heart raises a anger, but facing the bone carboxyl ice-cold vision, has not said anything finally. 骨濉目光一滞,心中升起一丝怒火,但面对骨羧冰冷的目光,最终还是没说什么。 Its can be victorious opposite party, each time by resentment, painstakingly also can only compel swallows this tone. 它打不过对方,每次被怼,也只能苦逼的咽下这口气。 However was also quick, quick can make the opposite party pay the price for own being proud, it must make this bastard know that its bone sui is not good to bully. 不过也快了,很快就能够让对方为自己的自负付出代价,它一定要让这混蛋知道它骨濉不是好欺负的。 Hehe, bone sui, you were too irritable, good that the bone carboxyl said that this place is more dangerous than outside, we are more careful.” Bone mediates with a smile, later looks to the bone carboxyl, thought highly saying: „The bone carboxyl you consider thoroughly, we follow luckily you, otherwise as basic as this place.” “呵呵,骨濉,你太急躁了,骨羧说的不错,这个地方比外面更加危险,我们还是要小心一些。”骨喀笑着打了个圆场,随后又看向骨羧,恭维的说道:“还是骨羧你考虑周到,幸好我们跟着你,不然根本到不了此地。” Pitifully bone deng and bone dripped two, cannot arrive finally, but this could not blame others, they were too eventually weaker.” “可惜了骨磴和骨涿两个,没能走到最后,不过这也怪不了别人,终究还是它们太弱了一些。” I have said that the chance in bone demon tree is not good to obtain.” The bone carboxyl said lightly: They, since with, then must have this preparation.” “我早就说过,骨魔树内的机缘不是那么好得到的。”骨羧淡淡道:“它们既然跟来了,便要有这种心理准备。” Was a pity ancestor in their hand, if can collect five ancestor, we extract the source of bone demon tree core speed to be quicker, will be safer.” “只是可惜了它们手中的祖物,若是能够凑齐五件祖物,我们提取骨魔树核心之源的速度会更快,也会更安全一些。” In the bone eye flashes through a ray, the nod said: Now we only have three ancestor, somewhat is truly beset with problems, then must be more careful.” 骨喀眼中闪过一丝光芒,点头道:“如今我们只剩下三件祖物,确实有些捉襟见肘啊,接下来要更小心一些了。” The bone carboxyl looked at its one, as if is very satisfied its tactful, immediately has not then talked too much again, the vision takes a fast look around to go toward all around. 骨羧看了它一眼,似乎很满意它的识趣,当下便没再多言,目光朝着四周扫视而去。 ! 唰! The next quarter, sees only its big hand to wield, at present presents a not too big nor too small bone beast unexpectedly, only one meter comes high, the streamline body, seems like the skeleton of some leopard class star beast. 下一刻,只见它大手一挥,眼前竟出现了一只不大不小的骨兽,仅有一米来高,流线型身躯,看起来像是某种豹类星兽的骸骨。 Bone and bone sui see this, is the vision flashes, as if thought of anything. 骨喀与骨濉看到这一幕,都是目光一闪,似乎想到了什么。 Goes!” Bone carboxyl toward front one finger/refers, light say/way. “去!”骨羧朝着前方一指,淡淡道。 Wū wū ~ “呜呜~” That skull beast as if is fearing anything, in the empty eye socket has the soul fire to beat, in the mouth exudes the low and deep sobbing sound, does not dare to approach slightly. 那头骨兽似乎在恐惧着什么,空洞洞的眼眶内有魂火跳动,口中发出低沉的呜咽声,不敢靠近丝毫。 However does not see the bone carboxyl to have what movement, looked at its one merely indifferently. 但是也不见骨羧有什么动作,仅仅是漠然的看了它一眼。 (..) (。。) This skull beast then quickly grasps the meaning of something immediately, in mouth ruthlessly exudes one to roar, is unafraid of death then flushes away toward the front generally. 这头骨兽当即便是一个激灵,口中狠狠的发出一声咆哮,而后视死如归一般便朝着前方冲去。 ! 唰! It then submerges in that black fog all of a sudden, the body such as the remnant shadow, the speed is quick. 它一下子便没入那黑雾之中,身躯如残影,速度很快。 However...... 然而…… In the meantime, that all around shadow twisted suddenly fiercely, as if formed an vortex, the strange situation then also appeared, the form of that skull beast also twisted unexpectedly, then vanishes does not see. 就在此时,那四周的阴影突然剧烈的扭曲了一下,仿佛形成了一个漩涡,诡异的情形便随之出现了,那头骨兽的身影竟然也是扭曲了起来,紧接着便消失不见。 Static! 静! All around falls into the middle of a deathly stillness immediately, the sound that bone beast moves vanishes thoroughly. 四周顿时陷入一片死寂当中,那骨兽移动的声响彻底消失。 The bone carboxyl look sinks, the vision is staring at the front shadow stubbornly. 骨羧眼神一沉,目光死死盯着前方的阴影。 Bone and bone sui two skull spirit clan Dark Species looked at each other one, saw one from the opposite party eyes surprisedly uncertain. 骨喀和骨濉两头骨灵族黑暗种不由对视了一眼,都是从对方眼中看到了一丝惊疑不定。 In what? 发生了什么? Did that skull beast disappear suddenly? 那头骨兽怎么突然就消失了? Just that without doubt very strange, even if their these bone spirit clan Dark Species understood the say/way of darkness, could not see any clue. 刚刚那一幕无疑非常的诡异,即便是它们这些骨灵族黑暗种深谙黑暗之道,也看不出任何的端倪。 That shadow is a little really strange.” Wang Teng naturally also saw this, the pupil shrank slightly, in the heart could not bear whisper. “那阴影果然有点古怪。”王腾自然也看到了这一幕,瞳孔微微一缩,心中忍不住嘀咕了一句。 He does not have to go in luckily rashly, otherwise has not known that will meet anything. 幸好他没有冒然进去,不然还不知道会遇到什么。 At this time he does not have anxiously acting rashly, but continues to pay attention to that black light within the situation, even Pupil of True Sight Revolved the pinnacle, looked toward that black fog and shadow, hopes can see clearly the true colors of that black fog and shadow. 此时他也没有急着轻举妄动,而是继续关注那黑光之内的情形,甚至将【真视之瞳】运转到了极致,朝着那黑雾与阴影看去,希望能够看清那黑雾与阴影的真面目。 Pupil of True Sight: 41500 / 100000( immortal level) ; 真视之瞳】:41500/100000(不朽级); Now Wang Teng Pupil of True Sight The attribute value has increased 41500 points, surpassed 1/3 of immortal level attribute upper limit, was equal to had broken through beginning the immortal level level, quite therefore in the middle period of immortal level. 如今王腾真视之瞳】的属性值已经提升到了41500点,超出了不朽级属性上限的三分之一,等于是已经突破了不朽级初层次,相当于是不朽级中期了。 Therefore his talent was without doubt more powerful than before, can see clearly more things the essences. 所以他的这项天赋无疑比之前更加强大,能够看清更多事物的本质。 At this time he revolves the pinnacle this talent, and in the heart moves, thought of anything, immediately uses Profound bright pupil This Cultivation technique. 此时他将这门天赋运转到极致,并且心中一动,又想到了什么,立刻动用了【玄光明瞳】这门功法 In an instant, his was blooming in the eye pupil of purple gold colored light glow, left unexpectedly wiped the light white ray, sent out the holy meaning, appeared especially the mystical. 刹那间,他那原本正绽放出紫金色光芒的眼眸之中,竟是多出了一抹淡淡的白色光芒,散发出圣洁之意,显得格外神异。 The bright strength that this gives baseless, as if can ascertain dark general, making the eye pupil of Wang Teng probably be blessed by God, actually endured to break that black fog, points to that distortion pulled out to shadow. 这凭空多出的光明之力,仿佛能够窥破黑暗一般,让王腾的眼眸有如神助,竟然堪破了那黑雾,直指那扭曲而抽向的阴影。 This seems like...... the shadow strength!” “这好像是……阴影力量!” Wang Teng vision, somewhat is immediately surprised. 王腾目光一顿,顿时有些惊疑起来。 The strength of shadow, he is not strange! 阴影之力,他可不陌生! But the present strength without doubt is somewhat different, is not the strength of pure shadow, otherwise his first can look. 但眼前的力量无疑是有些不同的,并不是单纯的阴影之力,否则他第一眼就能够看出来。 Probably by other strength fusions, seriously was wonderful, this bone demon tree actually can also use this strength.” Wang Teng more looked, in the heart is even more astonished. “好像是由其他力量融合而成,当真是奇了,这骨魔树竟然还能够动用这种力量。”王腾越看,心中越发惊异。 The strength of shadow he naturally has very big interest. 阴影之力他自然有很大的兴趣。 Now his shadow talent only has the third-order level, is not too high, if can promote, might as well be a good deed. 如今他的阴影天赋仅有三阶层次,还不算太高,如果能提升一下,未尝不是一件好事。 On this day bestowed on is too difficult to promote. 这天赋太难提升了。 Because the previous promotion obtained a Yin congealing grass of 18,000 years of year, its value even must over one Saint level weapon, be very precious. 上一次提升还是因为得到了一株一万八千年年份的阴凝草,其价值甚至要超过一件圣级兵器,十分珍贵。 Most mainly only happens by happy circumstance, is not rich can buy. 最主要是可遇不可求,不是有钱就能够买得到的。 As long as has the opportunity to promote this Shadow talent, He cannot easily let off. 所以但凡有机会提升这【阴影天赋】,他都不能轻易放过。 Does not know that this bone demon tree does have such attribute? 只是不知道这骨魔树有没有这样的属性? In addition, method that just now that shadow twists, makes him somewhat covet. 除此之外,方才那阴影扭曲的手段,也让他有些眼热。 He grasps 【The strength of shadow, May unable to achieve that degree, is used to hide itself at most, or is used for Fighting technique that displays that to obtain at first- shadow blade! 他所掌握的【阴影之力】,可做不到那种程度,顶多就是用来隐藏自身,或是用来施展那门最初得到的战技-阴影刀! But that Fighting technique basic rank, wants to play the enough strong might until now, without is so easy. 只不过那门战技至今为止还是入门级别,想要发挥出足够强大的威力,也没那么容易。 The blank attribute is in the final analysis insufficient. 说到底还是空白属性不够啊。 No matter how said that the shadow method that Wang Teng has is quite truly deficient, if this time can obtain a shadow class ability, that gained in a big way. 不管怎么说,王腾所掌握的阴影手段确实较为匮乏,这次如果能得到一种阴影类的能力,那就赚大了。 While during the Wang Teng thinking, that black light within bone carboxyl is the big hand wields, the front presented several skulls to be beastly again, dissimilar in shape and form, had has the weakness. 正当王腾思索之间,那黑光之内的骨羧又是大手一挥,面前再次出现了几头骨兽,形态各异,有强有弱。 The aura that since they lend judged, strongest reached the high-rank sovereign level unexpectedly, is equivalent to Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, or mid-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species. 从它们散发的气息来判断,最强的一只竟然达到了上位皇级,也就是相当于域主级武者,或是中位魔皇级黑暗种 This bone carboxyl to obtain the chance of this place, prepared actually much.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, having a relish looks at this. “这骨羧为了得到此地的机缘,倒是准备了不少。”王腾目光一闪,饶有兴致的看着这一幕。 Wū wū! 呜呜! Roar! 吼! The low and deep sobbing sound and angry roaring sound resound through immediately in that peaceful space, although these bone beasts the spirit wisdom is not high, but actually has the instinct the fear, facing the bone demon tree of that terrifying, naturally does not dare easily to move. 低沉的呜咽声与怒吼声顿时响彻在那安静的空间之中,这些骨兽虽然灵智不高,但却存在本能的恐惧,面对那恐怖的骨魔树,自然都不敢轻易动弹。 However bone carboxyl no matter actually these, it tames these bone beasts laboriously, and brings them, then used for this time. 但是骨羧却不管这些,它辛苦驯服这些骨兽,并将它们带来,便是为了这个时候用的。 In order to controls these bone beasts, it has carved prohibition in their within the body, keeping them from revolting. 为了能够控制这些骨兽,它已是在它们的体内刻下了禁止,让它们无法反抗。 Therefore is only a look, these bone beasts are not then able to revolt, can only flush away toward the front big tree. 所以只是一个眼神,这些骨兽便都无法反抗,只能朝着前方的大树冲去。 Probe! 试探! Principal is a crazy probe! 主打的就是一个疯狂试探! However this time they not straight overrunning, but is the encirclement around the big tree, from the different positions close to the big tree, tried to find the breach. 不过这次它们并没有直直的冲过去,而是环绕在大树四周,从不同方位靠近大树,试图找到突破口。 Bone carboxyl, bone , bone sui these three skull spirit clan Dark Species vision tight is staring at that several skull beasts, has not moved out of the way. 骨羧,骨喀,骨濉这三头骨灵族黑暗种的目光都是紧紧的盯着那几头骨兽,一刻都没有挪开。 That several skull beasts approach the big tree unceasingly, the quick body advantage of terrain does not have in the nightfall fog, only leaves behind together the remnant shadow. 那几头骨兽不断靠近大树,很快身形便没入黑雾之中,只留下一道残影。 This time, the Wang Teng vision also fell on the bodies of several skull beasts, he wants to have a look at just the method of that distortion shadow is actually anything, if can fall some attribute air bubbles to be naturally better. 这一次,王腾的目光也随之落在了几头骨兽的身上,他倒是想看看刚刚那扭曲阴影的手段到底是什么,如果能掉落一些属性气泡自然就更好了。 Shortly , the shadow situated in big tree left side region twists suddenly, a bone beast of low-rank sovereign level level happen to steps into that region, was then swallowed instantaneously generally, the body twists with the shadow, later vanishes does not see. 没多久,位于大树左侧区域的阴影突然扭曲起来,一头下位皇级层次的骨兽正好踏入那片区域,瞬间便被吞噬了一般,身躯随着阴影而扭曲,随后消失不见。 This?!” Wang Teng frowns. “就这样?!”王腾皱起眉头。 Felt like saw anything, probably anything has not seen. 感觉好像看到了什么,又好像什么都没看到。 He naturally knows that bone beast was swallowed by the shadow, but how to achieve, made one unable to feel the mind as before. 他自然知道那骨兽是被阴影所吞噬,但到底是怎么做到的,依旧令人摸不着头脑。 This method is a bit like the nihility swallowing swallowing of beast, but as if also has the difference.” In the Wang Teng mind flashes through all sorts of sensibility that oneself grasp, conducts the ratio to analyzing with the picture that just now sees. “这种手段有点像虚无吞兽的吞噬,但似乎又有不同。”王腾脑海中闪过自己所掌握的种种感悟,与方才看到的画面进行比对解析。 Roar! 吼! At this time, angrily roared to transmit , the skull beast was twisted swallows. 这时,一声怒吼传来,又有一头骨兽被扭曲吞噬。 However this skull beast swallowed in an instant, as if erupted own strength, wanted to revolt. 不过这头骨兽在被吞噬的刹那间,似乎爆发出了自身的力量,想要反抗一下。 The result...... naturally also has the result. 结果……自然也不是没有结果的。 The good and evil had the attribute air bubble to fall. 好歹有属性气泡掉落了出来。 Wang Teng eye one bright, will immediately read the strength to sweep across energetic, quietly close to that region, to hide the truth from shadow of that distortion, in his heart moves, in the spirit read above the strength in addition to hold strength of the shadow, tried to get by under false pretences. 王腾眼睛一亮,当即将精神念力席卷而出,悄然靠近那片区域,为了瞒过那扭曲的阴影,他心中一动,在精神念力之上加持了一丝阴影之力,试图蒙混过关。 Facts showed, this move withstands the test. 事实证明,这一招屡试不爽。 That shadow cannot find that his spirit read the strength, but was the flash, he then collected the attribute air bubble. 那阴影并没能发现他的精神念力,不过是一瞬间,他便将属性气泡拾取了回来。 Bone demon bites shadow * 350】 【骨魔噬影】 The attribute air bubble only has one, but to Wang Teng, is actually a pleasant surprise. 属性气泡只有一个,但对王腾来说,却是一个实打实的惊喜。 Bone demon bites the shadow!” “骨魔噬影!” In his eye blooms immediately together dazzling none, senses appears in its mind, changes to together the strange picture. 他眼中顿时绽放出一道刺目的精光,感悟在其脑海中浮现,化作一道奇异的画面。 Interlocks black light, the shadow appears, later presents the distortion, swallowed all around all lives. 黑光交错,阴影浮现,随后出现扭曲,将四周的一切生灵吞噬了进去。 No, that does not swallow, but through the distortion, all around life smashing, then the absorption, seems like swallows, otherwise actually. 不,那并不是吞噬,而是通过扭曲,将四周的生灵粉碎,而后吸收,看似是吞噬,实则不然。
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