AAMD :: Volume #22

#2196: Three demon bone domains! Three bone spirit clans

Chapter 2196 three demon bone domains! The final shapes of three bone spirit clans? Endures broken! 第2196章三面魔骨领域!三面骨灵族的最终形态?堪破! As the immortal material integrates in the double pupil, the eye of Wang Teng bloomed immediately the dazzling purple gold colored light glow. 随着不朽物质融入双眸之中,王腾的眼睛顿时绽放出了刺目的紫金色光芒。 He obviously felt oneself eye pupil had a big change, is looking at front black light, that dim feeling gradually is vanishing, all become clearer. 他明显感觉到自己的眼眸发生了不小的变化,望着前方的黑光,那种朦胧之感正在逐渐消失,一切都变得更加清晰。 This clear feeling, is clear essentially, as if can completely understand the essence, this is Pupil of True Sight Ability. 这种清晰感,是一种本质上的清晰,仿佛能够看透本质,这便是【真视之瞳】的能力。 However, when Wang Teng thinks during oneself can see clearly that is black light the situation, Pupil of True Sight The change stops suddenly unexpectedly. 然而,当王腾以为自己能够看清那黑光之中的情形时,【真视之瞳】的变化竟然戛然而止。 Simply has not given the opportunity of response. 根本没给反应的机会。 Wang Teng direct was depressed, looks to the property panel. 王腾直接郁闷了,不由看向属性面板。 Pupil of True Sight: 28000 / 100000( immortal level) ; 真视之瞳】:28000/100000(不朽级); 28000 attribute values, 1/3, were equal to that said simply has not broken through initial period of the immortal level level.” Wang Teng is very helpless. “28000点属性值,连三分之一都不到,等于说根本没有突破不朽级初期层次。”王腾十分无奈。 Has not thought of 225000 blank attributes, unexpectedly including Pupil of True Sight Initial period of immortal level the level is unable to break through. 没想到225000点空白属性,居然连【真视之瞳】的不朽级初期层次都无法突破。 Immortal level level Pupil of True Sight The attribute value and blank attribute exchange proportion as before is 10 : 1, before real level level Pupil of True Sight Also is such exchange proportion, obviously this exchange proportion is not in fact high. 不朽级层次的【真视之瞳】属性值和空白属性的兑换比例依旧是十比一,以前真级层次的【真视之瞳】也是这样的兑换比例,可见这兑换比例实际上并不算高。 At least by the present rank, is not high. 起码以如今的等级来看,是不算高的。 What is only different, immortal level level Pupil of True Sight To promote, besides blank attribute, but also needs the immortal material. 唯一不同的是,不朽级层次的【真视之瞳】想要提升,除了空白属性之外,还需要不朽物质。 In other words, if Wang Teng, only then the blank attribute, is unable to upgrade the immortal level level as before Pupil of True Sight. 也就是说,如果王腾只有空白属性,依旧是无法提升不朽级层次的【真视之瞳】的。 Regarding common World Lord Level following Martial Artist, this point makes them shrink back at the sight sufficiently. 对于寻常的界主级以下武者来说,这一点就足以让他们望而却步。 The immortal material, has far exceeded the energy rank that World Lord Level following Martial Artist has been able to grasp, two at all not in a level. 不朽物质,已经远远超出了界主级以下武者所能掌握的能量等级,二者根本不在一个层面。 Wang Teng grasped the immortal material luckily, and has been the fourth-order level, is used to promote Pupil of True Sight More than enough to spare. 幸好王腾掌握了不朽物质,而且已经达到四阶层次,用来提升【真视之瞳】是绰绰有余了。 Even if Pupil of True Sight Promotes to the immortal level peak, is a cinch. 哪怕是将【真视之瞳】提升到不朽级巅峰,也不在话下。 Obviously, Wang Teng now bad is not the immortal material that common Territory Lord Level Martial Artist is unable to touch, but is the blank attribute. 很显然,王腾现在差的不是寻常域主级武者无法触及的不朽物质,而是空白属性。 He could not bear look at a property panel, just promoted to more than 200,000 points blank attributes, at this moment has emptied, this made his corner of the eye unable to bear twitch. 他忍不住看了一眼属性面板,刚刚提升到二十几万点的空白属性,此刻已然清空,这让他眼角忍不住抽搐了一下。 This feeling may really not feel better! 这种感觉可真不好受啊! Fortunately he also several free weeding out wool tool people, can only place hopes in them to weed out wool to come out. 所幸他还有几个免费的薅羊毛工具人,只能寄希望于它们能够多薅一点羊毛出来了。 Wang Teng looks immediately to the bone carboxyl, bone , bone sui these three skull spirit clan Dark Species, at this time he does not hope that they were dragged into the body to swallow by the bone demon tree, instead hopes that they can arrive strongly finally. 王腾立刻看向骨羧,骨喀,骨濉这三头骨灵族黑暗种,此时他一点也不希望它们被骨魔树拉入身躯之中吞食,反而希望它们能够坚挺到最后。 Come on! 加油! Ollie gives! 奥利给! He in heart silently inflates to these three skull spirit clan Dark Species, provides support in the spiritual level for them. 他在心底默默的给这三头骨灵族黑暗种打气,为它们提供精神层面上的支持。 Wang Teng felt oneself were too great, can actually abandon the racial hatred, is several skull spirit clan Dark Species provides encouragement, but this to save these bright universe Martial Artist. 王腾觉得自己实在太伟大了,竟然能够抛开种族仇恨,为几头骨灵族黑暗种加油打气,而这都是为了拯救那些光明宇宙武者啊。 Promotion that he so goes all out Pupil of True Sight Rank for anything, not for everyone. 他如此卖力的提升【真视之瞳】的等级是为了什么,还不是为了大家。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Three skull spirit clan Dark Species are spells to try, crazy goes toward all around bone claw bombardment, does not dare to cease, its was for fear that held. 三头骨灵族黑暗种可谓是拼尽了全力,疯狂的朝着四周的骨爪轰击而去,一刻都不敢停息,生怕被其抓住。 However finds out the bone claw that from the bone wall is actually more and more, seems obstructing them black light close to front that. 不过从骨壁当中探出的骨爪却是越来越多,似乎在阻扰它们靠近前方那黑光。 The bone carboxyl vision was dignified, sweeps a front to bloom the black light position, immediately made the resolution. 骨羧目光凝重,扫了一眼前方绽放出黑光的位置,顿时做出了决断。 Cannot this way. 不能再这样下去了。 They enter the bone demon tree to the present, sees like this black light gateway for the first time, perhaps behind is the bone demon tree core in hearsay is. 它们进入骨魔树内部到现在,第一次见到这样的黑光门户,后面也许就是传闻中的骨魔树核心所在。 But the bone claw that all around finds out unceasingly as if also confirmed in its heart to think. 而四周不断探出的骨爪似乎也验证了它心中所想。 If the front is not an extremely important place, this bone demon tree will make the so strong response? 如果前方不是一个极为重要的地方,这骨魔树会做出如此激烈的反应吗? Is obviously impossible! 明显不可能! Therefore it even more affirmed guess in own heart, the chance at present, naturally cannot so let off. 所以它越发肯定自己心中的猜测,机缘就在眼前,自然不能如此放过。 Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, a rich dark strength erupts from bone carboxyl within the body, the direct impact above bone wall, the thick black fog lingers around it, later in its condenses a big skeleton empty shadow behind. 下一刻,一股浓郁至极的黑暗之力从骨羧体内爆发而出,直冲上方的骨壁,浓浓的黑雾萦绕在它四周,随后于它的身后凝聚出一尊高大的骷髅虚影。 This skeleton empty shadow and Wang Teng had seen the skeleton empty shadow is different, it has three faces unexpectedly, the air-to-air eye socket, the black soul fire of beat, obviously is a skeleton head, but above that three faces actually shows a quite strange expression, an indescribable darkness evil meaning also sends out. 这尊骷髅虚影与王腾曾经见过的骷髅虚影不同,它竟是有着三幅面孔,空空的眼眶,跳动的黑色魂火,明明是骷髅头,但那三幅面孔之上却露出一种颇为诡异的表情,一股无法形容的黑暗邪恶之意随之散发而出。 Solely looks at this skeleton empty shadow, will then make people feel evil of pinnacle, in the heart the raising uncomfortableness. 单单是看着这尊骷髅虚影,便会让人感到极致的邪恶,心中不由升起不适感。 The Wang Teng vision concentrates, is sizing up this skeleton empty shadow. 王腾目光微凝,打量着这尊骷髅虚影。 To be honest, he first time bone spirit clan Dark Species that sees the third mate face, before had never seen, but this bone carboxyl can also condense the corresponding powerful projection, obviously these three bone spirit clan Dark Species also has the corresponding inheritance. 说实话,他还是第一次见到三副面孔的骨灵族黑暗种,以前从未见过,而这骨羧还能够凝聚出相应的强大投影,可见这三面骨灵族黑暗种也是有着相应的传承。 It seems like in the middle of the bone spirit clan estimated that also has the different races.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, guessed secretly. “看来骨灵族当中估计也有着不同的种族。”王腾目光一闪,暗自猜测。 Roar! 吼! Suddenly, low and deep angry roaring spreads from that three skeleton empty shadow mouths, sees only it to grasp the bone sword, with the movement synchronization of bone carboxyl, erupts the radiant ray suddenly, sweeps away toward all around. 突然,一声低沉的怒吼从那尊三面骷髅虚影口中传出,只见它手持骨剑,与骨羧的动作同步,骤然爆发出璀璨的光芒,朝着四周横扫而出。 !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… That bone claws just like the dry wood branch to be frail, breaks under that sword light, changes to broken bone everywhere. 那一只只骨爪犹如枯木枝般脆弱,在那剑光之下纷纷断裂,化作满地的碎骨。 However these broken bones fall after the place, all was swallowed by the ground, vanishes does not see. 不过这些碎骨掉落在地之后,全都被地面吞食,消失不见。 The bone carboxyl has not cared about these, as soon as it strikes to go well, the vision glance, sees all around bone claw to tail off, immediately then toward front flushes away in the position black light. 骨羧没有在意这些,它一击得手,目光扫视,见四周的骨爪变少,立刻便朝着前方的黑光所在位置冲去。 Bone and bone sui are flabbergasted secretly, never expected that the bone carboxyl can erupt unexpectedly so powerful strikes, at this moment sees it to flush away toward the front, their vision flashes, was hastily with. 骨喀和骨濉暗自咂舌,没想到骨羧竟可以爆发出如此强大的一击,此刻见它朝着前方冲去,它们目光一闪,也是连忙跟了上去。 „The strength of this bone carboxyl is actually good.” Wang Teng is somewhat surprised, in the heart comments. “这骨羧的实力倒是不错。”王腾有些惊讶,心中评价道。 If the bone carboxyl knows oneself in a bright universe Territory Lord Level Martial Artist mouth, merely was a good appraisal, does not know that will make what feelings? 骨羧如果知道自己在一个光明宇宙的域主级武者口中,仅仅是得了个不错的评价,不知会作何感想? The attribute air bubble that afterward Wang Teng all around will scatter immediately collected. 随后王腾立刻将四周散落的属性气泡拾取了回来。 Dark Star Source Power * 5200】 【黑暗星辰原力 Three demon bone domains( melt boundary six steps) * 4500】 【三面魔骨领域(融境六阶)】 Blank attribute * 8000】 【空白属性】 Blank attribute * 9500】 【空白属性】 Blank attribute * 7000】 【空白属性】 ...... …… Three demon bone domains?!” Wang Teng is a little surprised, has not thought that actually obtained a special domain attribute from that bone carboxyl. “三面魔骨领域?!”王腾有点惊讶,没想到竟然从那骨羧身上得到了一个特殊的领域属性。 Before the bone carboxyl only displayed the strength of source principle, has not displayed this domain strength, now first displaying. 之前骨羧只施展了本源法则之力,并未施展这领域力量,如今才第一次施展。 Melts the strength of boundary domain and source principle melts, without doubt can erupt a more powerful strength, has the means that it estimated that will not display. 融境领域与本源法则之力相融,无疑可以爆发出更为强大的力量,不是没办法,它估计都不会施展。 Therefore he obtains this attribute air bubble at this time. 所以他此时才得到这属性气泡。 This domain actually and common Demon bone domain Somewhat different. 这座领域倒是与寻常的【魔骨领域】有些不同。 Did not say that can condense three skeleton empty shades is Three demon bone domains, If merely is the contour, Demon bone domain Also can condense similar projection. 并不说可以凝聚出三面骷髅虚影就是【三面魔骨领域】,如果仅仅是外形,【魔骨领域】也可以凝聚出类似的投影。 To display the essence strength, then must obtain the corresponding sensibility. 想要发挥出其中的精髓力量,便要得到相应的感悟。 At this moment, these related sensibility then integrated in the Wang Teng mind, lets him to this Three demon bone domains Had a quite profound understanding. 此刻,这些相关的感悟便融入了王腾的脑海之中,让他对这【三面魔骨领域】有了一个颇为深刻的了解。 Melts the boundary six steps! 融境六阶! This melts the boundary six step domains, crossed ordinary and solid boundary two domains of levels directly, achieved melted the boundary rank, moreover was six steps, the sensibility of was boundless and exhaustive, it can be imagined. 这可是融境六阶领域,直接越过了普通和实境两种层次的领域,达到了融境级别,而且还是六阶,其中的感悟何等磅礴与详尽,可想而知。 A strange picture appears in the Wang Teng mind. 一副奇异的画面出现在王腾的脑海之中。 Does not know situated where, everywhere is the boundless white bones, all around is winding around the rich black fog. 不知位于何处,到处都是茫茫白骨,四周缭绕着浓郁的黑雾。 In that black fog deep place, has a huge skeleton. 在那黑雾深处,有着一尊庞大的骷髅。 This skeleton, is very strange! 这尊骷髅,十分诡异! It sits cross-legged to sit, extends several bone from the body unexpectedly, forms the strange and mysterious seal secret arts in three different directions. 它盘膝而坐,竟从身躯两侧伸出数只骨手,在三个不同的方向结成一道道诡异而玄奥的印诀。 Its whole body is sending out one type like the jade gloss, unexpectedly a sacred feeling, if not above its body also has strange black traces, perhaps the common person sees it, subconscious treats as the remains of gods it. 它浑身散发着一种如玉般的光泽,竟给人一种神圣之感,若非它的身躯之上还有着一道道诡异的黑色纹路,恐怕寻常人看到它,都会下意识的将其当做神明的遗骸。 Its whole body is sending out one type like the jade gloss, unexpectedly a sacred feeling, if not above its body also has strange black traces, perhaps the common person sees it, subconscious treats as the remains of gods it. 它浑身散发着一种如玉般的光泽,竟给人一种神圣之感,若非它的身躯之上还有着一道道诡异的黑色纹路,恐怕寻常人看到它,都会下意识的将其当做神明的遗骸。 Fortunately the contour of this skeleton and common different, it has three faces. 所幸这尊骷髅的外形与寻常不同,它拥有三幅面孔。 In the black fog, that three faces are partly visible, present the different expressions, but the same darkness is evil, feels the strange feeling. 黑雾之中,那三幅面孔若隐若现,呈现出不同的表情,但都一样的黑暗邪恶,充满诡异之感。 This skeleton is huge, stands firmly in that stretch of the world, looks like only existence in this world, so long as sees it, other is not then able to be pleasant, the vision will be attracted thoroughly. 这一尊骷髅过于庞大,屹立于那片天地中,就像是这片天地中的唯一存在,只要看到它,其他一切便都无法入眼,目光会被彻底吸引过去。 One vague darkness evil aura sends out from this huge skeleton, fills the air in this trim world. 一种若有若无的黑暗邪恶气息从这尊庞大骷髅之上散发而出,弥漫于这一整片天地之中。 Has bone spirit clan Dark Species to arrive at this stretch of the world, some of them sit cross-legged to sit in the distant place, some approach that huge skeleton unceasingly...... 有骨灵族黑暗种来到这一片天地,它们有的在远处盘膝而坐,有的则是不断靠近那尊庞大的骷髅…… But said no matter how, these bone spirit clan Dark Species have a same goal, then senses the aura that on that huge skeleton lends. 但不管怎么说,这些骨灵族黑暗种都有一个共同的目标,便是感悟那尊庞大骷髅身上散发出的气息。 But these bone spirit clan Dark Species also common grounds, they have three faces! 而这些骨灵族黑暗种还有一个共同点,它们都拥有三幅面孔! At this moment, Wang Teng felt oneself look like the incarnation for skull spirit clan Dark Species, is sitting cross-legged to sit in a bone above the mountain, is sensing the special aura between world. 这一刻,王腾感觉自己就像是化身为其中一头骨灵族黑暗种,正盘膝坐在一座骨山之上,感悟着天地间的特殊气息。 He is away from that huge skeleton is not near, but are not many in his front bone spirit clan Dark Species, the scattered distribution in all around of that huge skeleton, the black fog winds around, some forms were submerged to go, making one not look clearly. 他距离那尊庞大骷髅不远也不近,但在他前方的骨灵族黑暗种却不多,零零散散的分布在那尊庞大骷髅的四周,黑雾缭绕间,有些身影被淹没而去,让人看不真切。 Is not actually difficult to see from this point, can arrive at this position to conduct the sensibility bone spirit clan Dark Species, is extremely rare. 从这一点倒是不难看出,能够来到这个位置进行感悟的骨灵族黑暗种,已经算是凤毛麟角了。 Soon, Wang Teng works loose from this sensibility picture, the vision is somewhat astonished, muttered: 不多时,王腾从这感悟画面中挣脱出来,目光有些惊异,不禁喃喃自语道: Really is the inheritance sensibility of correspondence.” “果然是对应的传承感悟。” Definitely can see from that sensibility, this Three demon bone domains Obviously is one of the correspondence inheritance, common bone spirit clan Dark Species is unable to grasp, only three bone spirit clan Dark Species can sense. 从那感悟之中完全可以看出,这【三面魔骨领域】显然就是对应的传承之一,寻常的骨灵族黑暗种根本无法掌握,唯有三面骨灵族黑暗种可以感悟。 This Three demon bone domains Can be Demon bone domain A branch, but has the alone own strength, is similar to the blood group Bloodshed domain With other blood is the relations of domain.” “这【三面魔骨领域】可以算是【魔骨领域】的一个分支了,但已经有了独属于自身的力量,类似于血族的【血海领域】和其他血系领域的关系。” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, in the heart had own understanding. 王腾目光闪烁,心中有了属于自己的理解。 He grasped massive domain sensibility after all, at present this Three demon bone domains Although unusual, but his here, pouring is not anything. 他毕竟掌握了大量的领域感悟,眼前这【三面魔骨领域】虽然奇特,但在他这里,倒也不算什么。 Unexpectedly is the spiritual strength!” “竟然是精神力量!” Suddenly, Wang Teng as if obtained what information from the sensibility, is somewhat surprised. 突然,王腾似乎从感悟中得到了什么信息,有些惊讶起来。 Has not thought of this Three demon bone domains Middle actually contains the spiritual strength, this is the special realm that strength and the psychic force the darkness fuse. 没想到这【三面魔骨领域】当中竟然蕴含着精神力量,这是一座黑暗之力与精神力融合的特殊领域。 A little meaning!” “有点意思!” In the Wang Teng eye none flashes, looked was speeding away toward that to the front the bone carboxyl that black light goes. 王腾眼中精光一闪,不由看向了前方正朝着那黑光疾驰而去的骨羧。 Since Three demon bone domains Contains the psychic force, then this skull spirit clan Dark Species psychic force thinks where to will not go weakly. 既然【三面魔骨领域】当中蕴含精神力,那么这头骨灵族黑暗种的精神力想必不会弱到哪里去。 As long as can grasp this integration the special realm of psychic force, has the good talent in the psychic force inevitably. 但凡能够掌握这种融入了精神力的特殊领域,必然是在精神力上有着不俗的天赋。 MMP was mistaken! MMP走眼了啊! Was almost deceived by this first three bone spirit clan Dark Species. 差点就被这头三面骨灵族黑暗种骗了过去。 These skull spirit clan Dark Species add, at least 180 minds, Tete was sly, is hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent. 这几头骨灵族黑暗种加起来,起码得有一百八十个心眼,太特么狡猾了,一个个都在藏拙。 Is good because of must discuss the mind, he is not less than others. 好在要论心眼,他是一点不比别人少。 In addition has to pick the attribute method, others want to deceive him really is not easy. 加上有着捡属性的手段,别人想要骗他还真不容易。 After all he can from these traces, judge the method and strength of enemy. 毕竟他可以从这些蛛丝马迹当中,判断出敌人的手段与实力。 Knows after this domain fused the psychic force, Wang Teng to its affection one. 知道这座领域融合了精神力之后,王腾对它的喜爱更上一层了。 By his psychic force, can play inevitably thoroughly this domain might. 以他的精神力,必然能够将这座领域的威力彻底发挥出来。 However, that huge skeleton probably with the appearance of bone carboxyl is somewhat different.” “不过话说回来,那尊庞大的骷髅好像与骨羧的模样还是有些不同的。” Wang Teng thought of anything, in the mind appears again the appearance of that huge skeleton. 王腾又想到了什么,脑海中再次浮现出那尊庞大骷髅的模样。 That skeleton similarly is three faces, but has many bone, moreover its upper part also seems like three body fusions, corresponds with three faces. 那尊骷髅同样是三幅面孔,但却有着更多的骨手,而且它的上半身也像是三幅身躯融合而成,与三幅面孔对应。 Strangeness that feeling, could not say. 那种感觉,说不出的诡异。 Actually its lower part, but also is normal, does not have any unique element. 倒是它的下半身,还算是正常,没有什么特殊之处。 However if even the lower part is three body fusions, six feet, walk to fear that continually does not walk steadily. 不过如果连下半身都是三幅身躯融合而成,岂不是得有六只脚,连走路怕是都走不稳。 Perhaps that is the final shapes of three bone spirit clans.” Wang Teng wants to say. “也许那就是三面骨灵族的最终形态。”王腾想道。 Three demon bone domains: 4500 / 6000( melts boundary six steps) ; 【三面魔骨领域】:4500/6000(融境六阶); Finally he looked at a property panel. 最终他看了一眼属性面板。 This Three demon bone domains Was six step levels . Moreover the attribute value enough 4500 points, only miss 1500 attribute values from the breakthrough, are not many. 这【三面魔骨领域】达到了六阶层次,而且属性值足足4500点,距离突破只差1500点属性值,不算多。 Well?!” “咦?!” In the meantime, Wang Teng suddenly light well, he unexpectedly in Three demon bone domains With Demon bone domain Behind saw may fuse three inscriptions. 就在此时,王腾突然轻咦了一声,他竟然在【三面魔骨领域】和【魔骨领域】后面看到了“可融合”三个字样。 These two domains can fuse!” “这两座领域可以融合!” He is somewhat surprised, but quick felt relaxed. 他有些惊讶,但很快又释然了。 Blood group Bloodshed domain Can include all sorts of blood is the domain, this Demon bone domain Naturally. 血族的【血海领域】可以囊括种种血系领域,这【魔骨领域】自然也可以。 In the final analysis, that Three demon bone domains Also is Demon bone domain One. 说到底,那【三面魔骨领域】也算是【魔骨领域】的一种。 „, Do I have the opportunity to create a powerful incomparable dark domain?” Wang Teng eye one bright, immediately is somewhat eager to try. “如此说来,我岂不是又有机会缔造出一种强大无比的黑暗领域?”王腾眼睛一亮,顿时有些跃跃欲试起来。 Fusion! 融合! He has nothing hesitant, immediately chooses the fusion. 他没有任何犹豫,立刻选择了融合。 This also with thinking? 这还用想吗? The direct fusion was right. 直接融合就对了。 Three demon bone domains + Demon bone domain = Demon bone domain: 8000 / 9000( melts boundary nine steps) ; 【三面魔骨领域】+【魔骨领域】=【魔骨领域】:8000/9000(融境九阶); With two domain fusions, the related sensibility appears in the Wang Teng mind. 随着两种领域融合,相关的感悟浮现于王腾脑海之中。 This point does not seem towering. 这一点都不显得突兀。 Because he has grasped two sensibility of domains, moreover brand mark firmly in the middle of memory, all bone spirit clan Dark Species understanding is thorough. 因为他早就掌握了两种领域的感悟,而且都牢牢的烙印于记忆当中,比所有骨灵族黑暗种理解的都要透彻。 Now these two domain fusions, melts in an ingenious way their sensibility, has not surpassed the original two sensibility. 如今这两种领域融合,也不过是将它们的感悟以一种巧妙的方式相融,并没有超出原先的两种感悟。 Therefore to him, and does not have any difficulty. 所以对他来说,并没有什么难度。 After two domains fuse, as before is named Demon bone domain, This has not gone beyond the expectation of Wang Teng. 两种领域融合之后,依旧是名为【魔骨领域】,这也没有超出王腾的预料。 Three demon bone domains Also is an demon bone domain, without problem. 【三面魔骨领域】也是一种魔骨领域,没毛病。 But in which attribute value as before by originally Demon bone domain For the leadership, achieved melted the boundary nine step levels, but were many one type Three demon bone domains Change. 而其中的属性值依旧是以原先的【魔骨领域】为主导,达到了融境九阶层次,只不过其中多了一种【三面魔骨领域】的变化而已。 Naturally, similarly is nine step levels Demon bone domain, Now Demon bone domain Without doubt was...... is stronger. 当然,同样是九阶层次的【魔骨领域】,如今的【魔骨领域】无疑是……更强了。 Wang Teng shows a faint smile, in the heart was quite happy, but he does not have to think again, the vision fell above the blank attribute, just the strong character carboxyl erupted, cut off many bone claws, the blank attribute of falling were actually many. 王腾微微一笑,心中颇为高兴,但他没有再多想,目光落在了空白属性之上,刚刚骨羧爆发,斩断了不少骨爪,掉落的空白属性倒是不少。 Blank attribute: 135000 ; 【空白属性】:135000; Really has 135000 points.” Wang Teng great happiness, not slightly hesitant, immediately meditates two characters in the heart: in addition!” “竟然有135000点。”王腾不由大喜,没有丝毫犹豫,立刻在心中默念出两个字:“加点!” ! 唰! Blank attribute reset, his Pupil of True Sight Promotes again, the immortal material integrates, making his double pupil have the transformation and sublimation. 空白属性清零,他的【真视之瞳】再次提升,不朽物质融入,令他的双眸发生蜕变与升华。 ! 咔嚓! In an instant, Wang Teng felt that own double pupil broke through some invisible barrier probably, invisible crashing resounds in his heart, he looks immediately to the front, the pupil light penetrated that rich black light directly. 刹那间,王腾感觉自己的双眸像是冲破了某个无形的屏障,一道无形的碎裂声在他心底响起,他立刻看向前方,眸光径直穿透了那浓郁的黑光。 A strange fantastic picture appeared in his eye immediately! 一副奇诡怪谲的画面顿时出现在了他的眼中!
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