AAMD :: Volume #22

#2195: Weeds out the wool tool person to get online free! Blank

Chapter 2195 weeds out the wool tool person to get online free! The blank attribute increases! Pupil of True Sight promotion! 第2195章免费薅羊毛工具人上线!空白属性大增!真视之瞳提升! Wang Teng feels this series of attribute air bubbles to swamp into the body, in heart one happy. 王腾感受到这一连串的属性气泡涌入身体之中,心中不由一喜。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species fell many attribute air bubbles, happen to supplements his dark Star Source Power consumption. 几头骨灵族黑暗种都是掉落了不少属性气泡,正好补充他的黑暗星辰原力消耗。 Use Imaginary specters, His dark Star Source Power also is always in the consumption. 动用了【幻魔影】,他自身的黑暗星辰原力也是无时无刻不在消耗当中。 Meanwhile, three bone spirit clan Fighting technique that before obtained, collected many attribute air bubbles at this moment again, making his sensibility also promote. 与此同时,之前得到的三门骨灵族战技,此刻再次拾取到了不少的属性气泡,让他的感悟也随之提升了起来。 Demon good bone blade( High-rank demon sovereign level): 3000 / 5000( is skilled in) ; 【魔牛骨刀】(上位魔皇级):3000/5000(精通); Three bone sword secret arts( High-rank demon sovereign level): 3300 / 5000( is skilled in) ; 【三面骨剑诀】(上位魔皇级):3300/5000(精通); 【The arrow of demon bone( High-rank demon sovereign level): 5100 / 10000( little to become) ; 【魔骨之箭】(上位魔皇级):5100/10000(小成); Demon good bone blade With Three bone sword secret arts The attribute values of these two Fighting technique improvements are actually many, but is skilled in the rank as before, has not broken through to the next level. 【魔牛骨刀】与【三面骨剑诀】这两门战技提升的属性值倒是不少,但依旧是精通级别,并未突破到下一个层次。 【The arrow of demon bone The promotion are least, only has 100 points of attribute values, the better than nothing. 【魔骨之箭】提升最少,仅有100点属性值,聊胜于无。 It seems like that bone sui and bone carboxyl can also weed out the wool again, actually that bone estimate is the limit, only fell 100 points of attribute values.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart talked to oneself. “看来那骨濉和骨羧还能再薅一薅羊毛,倒是那骨喀估计已经是极限了,只掉落了100点属性值。”王腾目光微闪,心中自语。 What a pity that two first place drip for the bone with bone deng bone spirit clan Dark Species display what Fighting technique without enough time, hauled in the middle of the bone wall directly, is enough the waste. 可惜那两头名为骨涿和骨磴的骨灵族黑暗种都来不及施展什么战技,直接就被拉进了骨壁当中,也是够废物的。 Simply is the fighter aircraft in trash! 简直就是垃圾中的战斗机! Wang Teng curls the lip, in the heart is very disappointed. 王腾撇了撇嘴,心中很是失望。 The bone drips with bone deng, if knows oneself were so belittled by Territory Lord Level Martial Artist of bright universe, does not know that will make what feelings? 骨涿和骨磴要是知道自己被一个光明宇宙的域主级武者如此小觑,不知道会作何感想? However that bone deng does not have the function, at least it also fell two quite useful attribute air bubbles. 不过那骨磴也不是毫无作用,起码它还掉落了两种颇为有用的属性气泡。 At this time these two attribute air bubbles integrate in the Wang Teng body, circulation all the limbs and bones, impressively life source and soul source. 此时这两个属性气泡融入王腾的身躯之中,流转四肢百骸,赫然正是生命本源和灵魂本源。 Must thank the bone demon tree in the final analysis.” In the Wang Teng heart whispered. “说到底还是要感谢骨魔树。”王腾心中嘀咕道。 He is very clear, that bone deng can fall these two species, is completely because half body by the bone demon tree swallowing, that bone carboxyl has to cut off its body finally. 他很清楚,那骨磴能够掉落这两种属性,完全是因为半个身躯被骨魔树给吞食了,最终那骨羧不得不将它的身躯斩断。 Regarding this Wang Teng only wants saying that four characters- does attractively! 对此王腾只想说四个字-干得漂亮! As several skull spirit clan Dark Species attribute air bubbles collect, the final two attributes are also following. 随着几头骨灵族黑暗种的属性气泡拾取完毕,最后两个属性也随之而来。 And an attribute air bubble integrates in his head, changes to an extremely special sensibility, the strange picture also shows. 其中一个属性气泡融入他的脑袋之中,化作一段极为特殊的感悟,奇异的画面随之展现而出。 That is a giant incomparable bone demon tree, is sending out the terrifying, but evil aura. 那是一株巨大无比的骨魔树,散发着恐怖而邪恶的气息。 Suddenly, the extremely tranquil bone demon tree fierce earth movement, that white bones built the torso that becomes as if to melt to wriggle generally. 突然间,原本极为平静的骨魔树猛地动了起来,那白骨堆砌而成的躯干仿佛融化了一般蠕动起来。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, the black light sparkle, innumerable rune/symbol writing, the innumerable only terrifying white bones sharp claws finds out from its torso obviously, just like its trillion trunk and branches to be the same, dense and numerous, is particularly terrifying. 刹那间,黑光闪耀,无数符文显化,无数只恐怖的白骨利爪从它的躯干之中探出,犹如它的亿万枝干一般,密密麻麻,分外恐怖。 The bone claw obstructs the day, kicks out loudly. 骨爪遮天,轰然扑出。 In that picture, numerous bone spirit clan Dark Species, the skeleton monster, was grasped at this moment all from the remote place by that bone claw, in wails intermittently, the pitiful yell, in the unwilling angry roaring sound, by drawing bone to inter the body demon tree, just like swallowed. 在那画面之中,还有众多骨灵族黑暗种,骸骨怪物等,此刻尽数被那骨爪从遥远之地抓来,在阵阵哀嚎,惨叫,不甘的怒吼声中,被拉入骨魔树之中,宛如被吞食。 Static! 静! All around falls into the middle of a deathly stillness immediately! 四周顿时陷入一片死寂当中! All lives in that picture vanished, is only left over the bone demon tree to stand firmly there, returned to normal, such as timeless general. 那画面之中的所有生灵都消失了,只剩下骨魔树屹立于那里,恢复了平静,如亘古不变一般。 It is difficult to imagine, unexpectedly just the picture of that terrifying was this calmly is situated in there bone demon tree to create. 很难想象,刚刚那恐怖的画面竟然是这株静静立于那里的骨魔树所造成的。 Then vanished the picture to here, Wang Teng recovers, held breath a cold air. 画面到这里便消失了,王腾回过神来,不由倒吸了口凉气。 Fearful! 可怕! This was too rather fearful! 这未免太可怕了一些! Just in true picture that the bone demon tree saw, compared with the picture in sensibility, felt dwarfed simply. 刚刚在骨魔树内部看到的真实画面,跟感悟中的画面相比,简直就是小巫见大巫。 It is not right, the true picture that he sees feared that is even/including Xiaowu is not, that several bone claws at most are kitten 32, does not have the comparability. 不对,他看到的真实画面怕是连小巫都算不上,那几只骨爪顶多是小猫三两只,毫无可比性。 Wang Teng could not bear stop the footsteps at this moment, wish turned around to flee the impulsion of this place. 王腾此刻忍不住停下了脚步,有一种想要转身逃离此地的冲动。 Really, just now adds in the bone claw that in the bone demon tree sees, only then five, but in the bone claw that in the sensibility picture sees is actually trillion, the number is innumerable, if this bone demon tree were alarmed thoroughly, that and other consequences are simply dreadful. 真算起来,方才在骨魔树内看到的骨爪加起来只有五只而已,而在感悟画面中看到的骨爪却是亿万只,数都数不清,如果这骨魔树彻底被惊动,那等后果简直不堪设想。 Even in his ability and method, does not dare to say oneself can escape. 即便是以他的能力与手段,都不敢说自己能够逃出去。 Moreover isn't the bone claw that just saw in the sensibility picture from the outside eruption of bone demon tree, he actually situated in the bone demon tree, this catches a turtle in a jar now? 而且刚刚在感悟画面中看到的骨爪是从骨魔树的外侧爆发而出,如今他却是位于骨魔树内部,这不是瓮中捉鳖吗? In Wang Teng heart suddenly one type very intense regards the feeling. 王腾心中突然有一种很强烈的既视感。 As if present bone demon tree simply has not been serious them, he looked like several ants to rush in the slit of big tree with that several skull spirit clan Dark Species, was insignificant. 仿佛眼前的骨魔树根本没有将它们当一回事,他和那几头骨灵族黑暗种就像是几只蚂蚁闯进了大树的缝隙之中,根本无足轻重。 Is looking at all around situation, this feeling is getting more and more intense, making Wang Teng have a fearful and apprehensive feeling. 望着四周的情形,这种感觉越来越强烈,让王腾有一种心惊肉跳之感。 By so powerful existence contempt, was or disregarded, he simply does not have to feel oneself received the insult, but feels somewhat weak. 被如此强大的存在轻视,或者说是无视,他根本没感觉自己受到了侮辱,只是觉得有些无力。 However he holds a luck, perhaps hasn't that bone demon tree simply discovered him? 不过他还是抱有一丝侥幸,也许那骨魔树根本没有发现他呢? This bone demon tree has many spirit wisdom, now may not know. 这骨魔树到底拥有多少灵智,现在尚未可知。 If the spirit wisdom is not high, his Imaginary specters Perhaps also really can hide the truth from the opposite party, but he also has any opportunity. 若是灵智不算高,他的【幻魔影】没准还真能瞒过对方,而他也不是没有任何机会。 Can bet?” “要不要赌一把?” The Wang Teng vision flashes rapidly, in the heart is weighing the success and failure unceasingly, later as if thought of anything, immediately looks to the property panel. 王腾目光急速闪动,心中不断衡量着得失,随后似乎又想到了什么,立刻看向属性面板。 【The claw of bone demon( High-rank Demon Venerable level): 6500 / 8000( crosses the threshold) ; 【骨魔之爪】(上位魔尊级):6500/8000(入门); Unexpectedly is high-rank Demon Venerable level Fighting technique!” “竟然是上位魔尊战技!” He had not thought is actually surprised, saw the bone demon tree displays 【The claw of bone demon Later, his might to this Fighting technique has an extremely direct-viewing understanding, can reach the high-rank Demon Venerable level is also normal. 他倒是没觉得有多么惊讶,看到骨魔树施展【骨魔之爪】之后,他对这门战技的威力已是有了一个极为直观的了解,能达到上位魔尊级也算是正常。 This time he collected 6500 points attribute values, achieved the basic rank, proficiently could not achieve continually. 这次他拾取到了6500点的属性值,堪堪达到入门级别,连熟练都达不到。 High-rank Demon Venerable level Fighting technique is not easy to promote, but that bone demon tree acted a moment ago slightly, naturally cannot fall many attribute air bubbles. 上位魔尊战技没有那么容易提升,而那骨魔树刚才不过是略微出手而已,自然不会掉落多少属性气泡。 Wang Teng does not care about the rank of this Fighting technique at this time actually, what he needs was found the law of decoding from this Fighting technique, but this only needed Fighting technique to be able complete then. 王腾此时倒是不在意这门战技的等级,他需要的是从这门战技之中找到破解之法,而这只需要战技能够完整即可。 At this time, in his mind flashes through about immediately 【The claw of bone demon All sorts of information. 此时,他的脑海中立刻闪过关于【骨魔之爪】的种种信息。 As high-rank Demon Venerable level Fighting technique, the information content of implication is quite indeed boundless, Fighting technique do not look that can probably display conveniently, in fact actually needs to include all sorts of skills, the mystery, is powerful Fighting technique, the information content of implication is huge. 身为上位魔尊战技,其中蕴含的信息量的确极为磅礴,一门战技别看好像随手就能施展出来,实际上却是需要囊括种种技巧,奥秘等,越是强大的战技,蕴含的信息量越是庞大。 Because of this, without the enough powerful boundary, common Martial Artist is unable to grasp some High Level Fighting technique. 正因为如此,若是没有足够强大的境界,寻常武者根本无法掌握一些高级战技 But now these information complete brand marks in the Wang Teng mind, have melted with his memory, it may be said that achieved mastery through a comprehensive study, this point does not only know that strove to excel compared with many Martial Artist. 而如今这些信息完全烙印在了王腾的脑海中,已是与他的记忆相融,可谓是融会贯通了,仅这一点就不知比多少武者要强了。 Now he only needs the intention to move, can transfer these information, does not have the difficulty. 现在他只需心念一动,便可将这些信息调动出来,毫无难度可言。 Well!” “咦!” However is in an instant, light well spreads from his mouth suddenly. 不过是刹那间,一声轻咦骤然从他口中传出。 „The claw of this bone demon by the deep strength fusion of strength of darkness with dying.” “这骨魔之爪是由黑暗之力与死冥之力融合而成。” An information appears in the Wang Teng mind, he grasps key point immediately. 一段信息在王腾的脑海中浮现而出,他立刻抓住了其中的重点。 Dies the deep strength!” “死冥之力!” This strength without doubt is very special, until now, Wang Teng also only in deep god clan Dark Species, the dragon of perishing bone, as well as this 【The ruins of perishing bone In has seen. 这种力量无疑是非常特殊,至今为止,王腾也只在冥神族黑暗种,亡骨之龙,以及这【亡骨之墟】内见过。 Therefore the common life wants to grasp this strength, is not easy. 因此寻常的生灵想要掌握这种力量,并不容易。 Even if Dark Species, is so. 哪怕是黑暗种,亦是如此。 Therefore this dies the deep strength also to be more special than the strength of darkness. 所以这死冥之力比黑暗之力还要特殊很多。 To decode 【The claw of bone demon, This dies the deep strength obviously is a breach. 想要破解【骨魔之爪】,这死冥之力显然就是一个突破口。 Having the opportunity can try.” In the Wang Teng eye none flashes, has a big confidence regarding own speculation. “有机会可以试试。”王腾眼中精光一闪,对于自己的推测有着不小的信心。 In order dead the deep strength to dying the deep strength, might as well be able to decode this 【The claw of demon bone. 以死冥之力对死冥之力,未尝不能破解这【魔骨之爪】。 He does not need to decode Fighting technique of bone demon tree completely, only needs to be able in the partial range to block it, or hides the truth from it then, the difficulty will be smaller. 他并不需要完全破解骨魔树的战技,只需要能够在局部范围将其挡住,或是将其瞒住即可,难度会小很多。 In the meantime, the last attribute air bubble also integrates in the body of Wang Teng. 就在此时,最后一个属性气泡也融入王腾的身体之中。 Blank attribute, 35000 points! 空白属性,35000点! His eye one bright, has not thought that unexpectedly is the blank attribute. 他的眼睛不由的一亮,没想到竟是空白属性。 Bone demon tree meets the falling blank attribute unexpectedly.” “骨魔树居然会掉落空白属性。” This seriously was a unexpected happiness. 这当真是一个意外之喜了。 His blank attribute very long had not promoted, wants to promote Pupil of True Sight Is can not make bricks without straw, is really pitiful, almost shed poor tears. 他的空白属性已经很久没有提升了,想要提升一下【真视之瞳】都是巧妇难为无米之炊,实在是凄惨,差点就流下了贫穷的眼泪啊。 At this time Wang Teng looks to the vision of bone demon tree, looks like looks at a giant buried treasure simply. 此时王腾看向骨魔树的目光,简直就像是看着一个巨大的宝藏。 Do't this wool, can weed out? 这羊毛,不得薅一薅? „It is not right, how I can forget the proper business, but I to save bright universe Martial Artist come.” Wang Teng complexion one positive, felt oneself somewhat put the cart before the horse seriously, too should not. “不对,我怎么能够忘了正事,我可是为了拯救光明宇宙武者而来。”王腾面色一正,感觉自己当真是有些本末倒置,太不应该了。 What danger, what blank attribute , no one can prevent him to continue at the same time to explore the mystery of this bone demon tree. 什么危险,什么空白属性,统统都一边去,没有人可以阻挡他继续探索这骨魔树的奥秘。 Saw that the front several skull spirit clan Dark Species aura are getting more and more far, Wang Teng erupts again rapidly, pursues to go toward them. 眼看着前方几头骨灵族黑暗种的气息越来越远,王腾再次爆发出急速,朝着它们直追而去。 That a while, bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species had just run far, their aura have not dissipated simply, Wang Teng can the clear capture, catch up with their not difficult matter. 就刚刚那一会儿,骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种已经跑远了,索性它们的气息并未消散,王腾能够清晰的捕捉到,追上它们并非什么难事。 Wang Teng speed common World Lord Level Martial Artist cannot compare, if is not unable to execute to launch at this time thoroughly, he a minute/share of minute has caught up with that several skull spirit clan Dark Species. 王腾的速度寻常界主级武者都比不上,若非此时无法彻底施展开,他早就分分钟赶上那几头骨灵族黑暗种了。 After the moment, he saw that several skull spirit clan Dark Species form finally again, they by more than ten bone claw entanglements, were running about to deal with. 片刻后,他终于再次看到了那几头骨灵族黑暗种的身影,它们正被十几只骨爪纠缠,疲于应付。 Made Wang Teng be what was surprised, that first place...... disappeared for Dark Species of bone deng! 王腾感到意外的是,那头名为骨磴的黑暗种……不见了! His vision sweeps, really had not discovered that the trail of opposite party, in the heart guessed correctly anything immediately. 他目光一扫,果然没有发现对方的踪迹,心中顿时猜到了什么。 That skull spirit clan Dark Species, had possibly hauled in the bone demon tree, it cannot escape eventually. 那头骨灵族黑暗种,很可能已经被拉进了骨魔树之中,它终究是没能逃掉。 Now is only left over the bone carboxyl, bone , bone sui three skull spirit clan Dark Species. 如今只剩下骨羧,骨喀,骨濉三头骨灵族黑暗种了。 They also know that hard to deal with that bone claw, does not dare to separate at this moment, can only float in the midair, is turning away from the back, displays Fighting technique respectively, crazy goes toward all around bone claw bombardment. 它们也知道那骨爪的难缠,此刻根本不敢分开,只能悬浮在半空,背对着背,各自施展战技,疯狂的朝着四周的骨爪轰击而去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bellow resounds through, after a while, these bone claws were crushed finally thoroughly, in three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts relaxes, goes toward front suddenly/violently to rush hastily. 轰鸣声响彻,一会儿之后,那些骨爪终于被彻底击碎,三头骨灵族黑暗种心中松了口气,连忙朝着前方暴冲而去。 Wang Teng eye one bright, collects the attribute air bubble of this place, again with. 王腾眼睛一亮,将此地的属性气泡拾取起来,再次跟了上去。 These three skull spirit clan aren't Dark Species his free weeds out the wool tool person? 这三头骨灵族黑暗种不就是他的免费薅羊毛工具人吗? He has not walked luckily, where otherwise such good tool person looks, he does not want to face the bone demon tree 【The claw of bone demon, This thing is very hard to deal with. 幸好他没走,不然这么好的工具人去哪儿找啊,他可不想面对骨魔树的【骨魔之爪】,这东西还是很难缠的。 He swept a property panel, the blank attribute increased tens of thousands points again, 【The claw of bone demon The attribute value was also raised, quick can break through to the skilled rank. 他扫了一眼属性面板,空白属性再次提升了几万点,【骨魔之爪】的属性值也提升了,很快就能够突破到熟练级别。 Then, the bone carboxyl and other skull spirit clan Dark Species are laborious, diligent, weeded out many attribute air bubbles for him. 接下来,骨羧等三头骨灵族黑暗种可谓是辛辛苦苦,勤勤恳恳,为他薅出了不少的属性气泡。 Blank attribute: 225000 ; 【空白属性】:225000; 【The claw of bone demon( High-rank Demon Venerable level): 5000 / 15000( skilled) ; 【骨魔之爪】(上位魔尊级):5000/15000(熟练); Blank attribute returned 100,000 points finally above, moreover reached the entire 225000 points, but was not really easy.” In the Wang Teng heart has endless emotion. “空白属性终于重新回到了十万点以上,而且还达到了整整225000点,可真不容易啊。”王腾心中感慨不已。 This is not really easy. 这真的太不容易了。 At this moment his eye almost must brave the green light, wishes one could to give the present bone demon to set up one round, ruthlessly weeds out a wave of attribute air bubble, what a pity temporarily cannot do that. 此刻他眼睛几乎都要冒绿光了,恨不得给眼前的骨魔树来一发,狠狠的薅一波属性气泡,可惜暂时不能这么做。 In addition, 【The claw of bone demon Also finally reached the skilled level, making his grasping to this Fighting technique profounder much. 除此之外,【骨魔之爪】也终于达到了熟练级,让他对这门战技的掌握更加精深了不少。 Bang! 轰隆! The front hears a fierce bellow suddenly, Wang Teng catches the eye to look immediately, in the eye reveals a surprise. 前方突然传来一阵剧烈的轰鸣声,王腾立刻抬眼望去,眼中露出一丝诧异。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species encountered more bone claws to besiege and pursue to block off, these bone claws dense and numerous found out from all around bone wall , from afar, infiltration person especially. 三头骨灵族黑暗种遭到了更多的骨爪围追堵截,那些骨爪密密麻麻的从四周的骨壁当中探出,远远看去,格外的渗人。 Considers, four sides in the wall stretches out an only white bone claw suddenly, what experience is that? 试想一下,四面墙壁之中突然伸出一只只白森森的骨爪,那是一种什么样的体验? Thinks to let person scalp tingles. 想想就让人头皮发麻。 However Wang Teng is actually two illumination, closely is staring at present the dense and numerous bone claws, this is the attribute air bubble. 不过王腾却是两眼发光,紧紧盯着眼前密密麻麻的骨爪,这都是属性气泡啊。 However...... 然而…… The quick his vision is attracted black light, originally in that three skull spirit clan Dark Species dead ahead that bone claw front throws, presented rich black light unexpectedly. 很快他的目光就被那骨爪前方投来的黑光所吸引,原来就在那三头骨灵族黑暗种的正前方,竟是出现了一道浓郁的黑光。 Went to the place?!” “到地方了?!” In the Wang Teng eye reveals surprised, he enters the bone demon tree with that several skull spirit clan Dark Species to the present, finally had the different changes, rather than dust is invariable, full is the dense bone wall of white bones. 王腾眼中露出一丝惊疑,他和那几头骨灵族黑暗种进入骨魔树内部到现在,终于是出现了不一样的变化,而不是一尘不变,满是白骨的森然骨壁。 Does not know what the front is at? 只是不知道前方到底是什么样的所在? He is opening Pupil of True Sight, Is not actually able to see clearly inside situation as before, only has dim black light. 他开启着【真视之瞳】,却依旧无法看清里面的情形,唯有朦胧的黑光。 In Pupil of True Sight Under the ability, that rich black light seemed like stripped many levels to go, was only left over light one. 在【真视之瞳】的能力下,那浓郁的黑光就像是被剥离了许多层去,只剩下薄薄的一层。 But is this light one, how keeps him from completely understanding. 但就是这薄薄的一层,却让他怎么都无法看透。 This makes him very helpless. 这让他非常无奈。 My Pupil of True Sight Really backwardness.” Wang Teng shakes the head, cannot bear look that to blank attribute that just saved. “我的【真视之瞳】果然还是落后了啊。”王腾不禁摇了摇头,忍不住看向刚刚积攒起来的空白属性。 Also must use up! 又要用掉了! Why doesn't know, the impulsion that suddenly one type wants to cry what's the matter? 不知道为什么,突然有一种想哭的冲动是怎么回事? Light sadness! 淡淡的忧伤! However thinks this place danger, he clenches teeth, added the blank attribute in Pupil of True Sight On. 但是一想到此地的危险,他还是咬了咬牙,将空白属性加在了【真视之瞳】上。 With Profound bright pupil Comes promotion routinely, was too slow, really depends to pick the attribute to be credible. 用【玄光明瞳】来按部就班的提升,实在太慢了,果然还是靠捡属性靠谱啊。 As the Wang Teng intention moves, the blank attribute reduces rapidly, reset instantaneously. 随着王腾心念一动,空白属性飞速减少,瞬间就清零了。 But Pupil of True Sight The attribute also promoted finally. 而【真视之瞳】的属性也终于提升了起来。 But in the meantime, the Wang Teng within the body mutation lives suddenly, an unusual strength extremely towering was inspired, twinkle star, toward his eye pupil gathering. 但就在此时,王腾体内异变突生,一股奇特的力量极为突兀的被引动起来,星星点点,朝着他的眼眸汇聚而来。 That is...... the immortal material! 那是……不朽物质! At this moment, the double pupil of Wang Teng started the transformation and sublimation impressively! 这一刻,王腾的双眸赫然开始了蜕变与升华!
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