AAMD :: Volume #22

#2194: 【Real belt/bring gets down】 jpg! My real crab crab you

Chapter 2194 Really belt/bring gets down jpg! My real crab crab you! The claw of bone demon! 第2194章【真・带下去】jpg!我真蟹蟹你啊!骨魔之爪! The inner space of bone demon tree is big, looks like situated in another space. 骨魔树的内部空间非常大,就像是位于另一个空间之中。 This is without doubt unusual. 这无疑非常奇特。 The black fog region and around the bone demon tree, two different spaces, this bone demon tree seem like another space probably, among the three formed a space nesting. 外界的黑雾区域与骨魔树四周,像是两个不同的空间,这骨魔树内部又像是另一个空间,三者之间形成了一种空间嵌套。 Wang Teng felt that familiar, in five buried the star to enter five to bury the family ancestor place initially, in the immortal original carcasses, then used the law of same space nesting. 王腾感觉到了一丝熟悉,当初在五葬星进入五葬家族祖地,遇到的不朽原兽体内,便采用了相同的空间嵌套之法。 But compares, this bone demon tree inside and outside space nestings seem more mysterious. 只不过相比起来,这骨魔树内外的空间嵌套似乎更为玄妙。 By Wang Teng present space attainments, to the law of present space nesting, before actually no longer resembles like that as if looks at a peerless beautiful woman, but actually can only observe, cannot profane to play. 王腾如今的空间造诣,对眼前的空间嵌套之法,倒是不再像以前那般,仿佛看着一个绝世美女,但却只能远观,不可亵玩。 Space rune/symbol writing who if can find this place, he can definitely analyze it. 如果能够找到此地的空间符文,他完全可以将其解析出来。 This place exists certainly to leave 【The ruins of perishing bone Means.” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, in the heart wants to say secretly. “这个地方一定存在离开【亡骨之墟】的办法。”王腾目光闪烁,心中暗暗想道。 If the ruins of perishing bone have not arrived at the bright universe, and overlaps with the space of bright universe, the space fluctuation of this place has no function, at most is a special space. 如果亡骨之墟没有降临光明宇宙,并与光明宇宙的空间重迭,此地的空间波动没有任何作用,顶多就是一处特殊空间而已。 But now the ruins and the bright space perishing bone overlap, here space becomes a flaw. 但如今亡骨之墟与光明宇宙空间重迭,这里的空间就成为了一个破绽。 Flaw that no one can think of! 一个谁也想不到的破绽! It is not to the space attainments extremely deep person, is unable the space of this place with decoding absolutely 【The ruins of perishing bone Relates. 不是对空间造诣极深的人,绝对无法将此地的空间与破解【亡骨之墟】联系起来。 If in the common Martial Artist eye, this is completely two unrelated existences. 若是在寻常武者眼中,这完全就是两个不相干的存在。 ke ke ke...... 碦碦碦…… The front sudden tumult, the strange sound also spreads, then a shadow finds out from both sides bone wall fiercely, held directly skull spirit clan Dark Species, drags bone to inter the body in the middle of his most body the wall instantaneously. 前方突然一阵骚动,古怪的声音随之传出,而后一道黑影猛地从两旁的骨壁当中探出,径直抓住了其中一头骨灵族黑暗种,瞬间将其大半个身子拖入骨壁当中。 Bone drips!” “骨涿!” The bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species vision change, immediately responds, drinks to make noise greatly. 骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种目光一变,立刻反应过来,纷纷大喝出声。 This is fourth skull spirit clan Dark Species, before has been obscure, seems has not had the feeling very much, never expected that at this time unexpectedly became by first fruit cake of attack. 这是第四头骨灵族黑暗种,之前一直默默无闻,显得很没有存在感,没想到此时竟然成了被第一个袭击的软柿子。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” The bone drips the startled anger, cannot attend to other, the dark strength in within the body erupts instantaneously, bone makes a fist, a fist pounded to the bone wall. 骨涿惊怒不已,也顾不上其他,体内的黑暗之力瞬间爆发而出,骨手握拳,一拳砸向了骨壁。 Titter! 噗嗤! However its this fist actually pounds into the mire probably, the dark strength that above the fist erupts was swallowed, simply has not played any role. 然而它这一拳却像是砸入泥沼之中,拳头之上爆发的黑暗之力被吞噬,根本没有起到任何作用。 What?!” The bone drips to be startled, just wants to make other responses, actually already without enough time. “什么?!”骨涿大吃一惊,刚想做出其他反应,却已经来不及了。 In that bone wall as if has anything in crazy pulling, then drew the body of its other half all of a sudden, only leaves behind half skeleton head also to stay outside. 那骨壁之中似乎有什么东西在疯狂的拉扯,一下子便将它另一半的身躯拉了进去,只留下半个骷髅头还留在外面。 That picture, looks like this skeleton head embed in the middle of the bone wall general, somewhat is quite strange. 那副画面,就像是这颗骷髅头镶嵌在骨壁当中一般,颇有些诡异。 Saves me!!” The bone drips in the eye to reveal alarmed and afraid finally, loudly exclaimed. “救我!!”骨涿眼中终于露出一丝惊惧,大吼道。 Damn!” “该死!” The bone carboxyl, bone and other bone spirit clan Dark Species could not attend to at this time too, they had been discovered obviously, hid again also uselessly, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform acted simply, erupted Fighting technique respectively, went toward that bone wall bang. 骨羧,骨喀等骨灵族黑暗种此时也顾不上太多了,它们显然已经被发现,再隐藏下去也没用,索性齐齐出手,各自爆发出战技,朝着那面骨壁轰去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The Fighting technique momentum is big, but that bellow just spread, then such as dud general, pounds above the bone wall, but spreads together the dull thumping sound, then vanished thoroughly. 战技声势不小,但那轰鸣声刚刚传出,便如哑炮一般,砸在骨壁之上,只是传出一道闷响,便彻底消失了。 The attacks of these skull spirit clan Dark Species were also swallowed unexpectedly. 这几头骨灵族黑暗种的攻击竟然也被吞噬了进去。 But the bone drips to keep outside half skeleton head also thoroughly by drawing bone to inter the body wall, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 而骨涿留在外面的半个骷髅头也彻底被拉入骨壁之中,瞬间消失不见。 The bone carboxyl does not believe in evil doctrines, grasps the bone sword, erupts together the black sword light, cuts loudly above the bone wall. 骨羧不信邪,手持骨剑,爆发出一道黑色剑光,轰然斩在骨壁之上。 Bang! 轰! This time, above the bone wall presented a long and narrow sword mark, its attack no longer like a stone dropped into the sea cannot create many spray. 这一次,骨壁之上出现了一道狭长的剑痕,它的攻击不再是石沉大海般激不起多少浪花。 The bone direct disintegration on bone wall opens, these bones seem like that is not hard. 骨壁上的骨头直接崩碎而开,这些骨头看似并没有那么坚硬。 But bone carboxyl expression actually as before dignified incomparable. 但骨羧的表情却依旧凝重无比。 Because it saw impressively the present bone wall wriggles generally like the water current, later was just cut by it the bone of crack restores unexpectedly such as beginning, cannot see the least bit fissure. 因为它赫然看到眼前的骨壁如同水流一般蠕动起来,随后刚刚被它斩裂的骨头竟然恢复如初,看不到半点裂痕。 The bone carboxyl vision shrinks, just it clearly felt that oneself attack also fell on the tangible, but the present bone wall like the fluent creeping motion, as if can transform now unexpectedly at will, really some were unusual. 骨羧目光一缩,刚刚它分明感觉自己的攻击亦是落在了实处,可现在眼前的骨壁竟然如水流般蠕动,似乎可以随意转换,实在有些不寻常。 It could not bear withdraw several steps, the vision was vigilant. 它忍不住退后了几步,目光警惕无比。 Bone , bone sui and other bone spirit clan Dark Species see this, stopped the footsteps, vision dignified is looking at the present bone wall, falls into a silence. 骨喀,骨濉等骨灵族黑暗种见此,也停下了脚步,目光凝重的望着眼前的骨壁,陷入一阵沉默。 Perhaps bone demon tree has detected our existence.” The bone carboxyl broke silent, dignified saying. “骨魔树恐怕已经察觉到我们的存在了。”骨羧打破了沉默,凝重的说道。 Bone dripped to estimate more unfortunate than fortunate.” Bone also said. “骨涿估计凶多吉少了。”骨喀也是说道。 Now ancestor does not have an effect, this bone demon tree is more dangerous than outside.” The vision of bone sui also remains alarmed and afraid, cannot bear the whisper say. “现在连祖物都不起作用,这骨魔树内部比外面还要危险。”骨濉的目光还残留着一丝惊惧,忍不住嘀咕道。 The strength that the bone drips and it is similar, finally was actually easily towed bone to inter the body in the middle of the wall, if changes into is it, it is estimated that cannot escape. 骨涿的实力和它差不多,结果却被轻易拖入骨壁当中,如果换成是它,估计也逃不掉。 We are short of ancestor now, the following road was perhaps more difficult to walk.” Bone said solemnly. “我们现在少了一件祖物,接下来的路恐怕更不好走了。”骨喀沉声道 First receives ancestor.” The bone carboxyl said suddenly. “先将祖物收起来。”骨羧突然道。 Receives ancestor?” Numerous bone spirit clan Dark Species is startled. “把祖物收起来?”一众骨灵族黑暗种不由一惊。 It can be said that ancestor is their only taking advantage, in bone demon tree, they because grasps ancestor, had a security, now the bone carboxyl makes them receive ancestor unexpectedly, how to think? 可以说,祖物是它们唯一的依仗,在骨魔树内部,它们正是因为手持祖物,才有了一丝安全性,如今骨羧居然让它们收起祖物,怎么想的? Since had been discovered, the role of ancestor is not big, attack in that bone wall possibly appears at any time, virtually impossible to guard against, with its waits to draw, might as well pick up the speed, takes the bone demon tree core.” “既然已经被发现,祖物的作用就不大了,那骨壁之中的攻击随时都可能出现,防不胜防,与其等着一个个被拖入其中,不如加快速度,直取骨魔树核心。” The bone carboxyl knows in their hearts to think, explained lightly, said finally: Arrived there, took out ancestor is not late again.” 骨羧知道它们心中所想,淡淡的解释了一番,最后又说道:“到了那里,再取出祖物不迟。” Rational that bone carboxyl said that I approve.” The bone vision flashed, pondered, then nods, receives ancestor in hand. “骨羧说的有理,我赞同。”骨喀目光微闪,沉思了一下,便点了点头,收起了手中的祖物。 Bone sui and another skull spirit clan Dark Species see this, no longer talks too much, received ancestor. 骨濉和另一头骨灵族黑暗种见此,也不再多言,都是将祖物收了起来。 Walks!” “走!” The bone carboxyl also receives ancestor, drinks one lightly, the body advantage of terrain changes to together the remnant shadow, speeds away to go toward the front. 骨羧同样收起祖物,轻喝一声,身形便化作一道残影,朝着前方疾驰而去。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz...... 嗖!嗖!嗖…… Several skull spirit clan Dark Species change to the black remnant shadow immediately, goes toward the bone demon tree deep place direct impact, that speed not compared with them when the outside world marches forward slow many. 几头骨灵族黑暗种顿时化作黑色残影,朝着骨魔树深处直冲而去,那速度丝毫不比它们在外界行进之时慢多少。 Obviously, they have completely let loose at this time, prepare to stake everything on a single throw of the dice. 很显然,此时它们已是完全放开,准备孤注一掷了。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, similarly picked up the speed with. 王腾目光一闪,同样加快速度跟了上去。 Does not know that is because he uses Imaginary specters Imitated the aura of bone demon tree, therefore he has not suffered the attack in bone wall from beginning to end. 不知道是不是因为他用【幻魔影】模仿了骨魔树的气息,所以他从始至终都没有遭受到骨壁之中的攻击。 Is that several skull spirit clan Dark Species is attacked on the contrary repeatedly, but also was towed one to go. 反倒是那几头骨灵族黑暗种一再受到攻击,还被拖了一个进去。 Originally a total of five skull spirit clan Dark Species, now remaining four. 原本总共五头骨灵族黑暗种,现在就剩下四头了。 ke ke ke...... 碦碦碦…… That strange sound resounds again, spreads from both sides bone wall. 那种古怪的声音再度响起,从两旁的骨壁之中传出。 Bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species are very vigilant, hears this familiar sound, immediately stops the figure fast, the vision takes a fast look around to go toward all around. 骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种十分警惕,一听到这熟悉的声音,立刻停下身形,目光快速朝着四周扫视而去。 !!! 唰!唰!唰! However they evidently underestimated in the middle of the bone wall attack, these presented three shadows time unexpectedly simultaneously, moreover raids from the different positions. 不过它们显然还是低估了骨壁当中的攻击,这一次竟然同时出现了三道黑影,而且是从不同的方位袭来。 A shadow on, a shadow below, another actually from right side. 一道黑影在上,一道黑影在下,另一道却是从右侧袭来。 This time, bone carboxyl and the others saw clearly the appearance of that shadow, unexpectedly is bone, the bone claw. 这一次,骨羧等人都是看清了那黑影的模样,竟然是一只只骨手,骨爪。 These bone, the bone claw can extend is very long, and speed is extremely fast, such as remnant shadow suddenly/violently to rush, held bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species together instantaneously the ankles. 这些骨手,骨爪可以延伸很长,且速度极快,如一道残影暴冲而出,瞬间就抓住了骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种的脚腕。 Trivial bone claw, wants to catch me.” “区区骨爪,也想抓我。” The bone carboxyl vision concentrates, but in the mouth is actually cold snort/hum one, in the hand the bone sword erupts the radiant black sword light immediately, cuts to the joint place of that bone claw. 骨羧目光微凝,但口中却是冷哼一声,手中骨剑当即爆发出璀璨的黑色剑光,斩向那骨爪的关节处。 Clang! 铛! The next quarter, the vibrato resounds like gold/metal iron collides together immediately, the sword light of bone carboxyl falls above the joint of bone claw, as if cuts unexpectedly above a hard incomparable iron claw, jumps projects a big skewer sparks/Mars. 下一刻,一道如同金铁碰撞般的颤音顿时响起,骨羧的剑光落在骨爪的关节之上,竟仿佛斩在一只坚硬无比的铁爪之上,迸射出一大串的火星。 How possibly?!” In bone carboxyl heart one startled, has not thought that this bone claw is so unexpectedly hard. “怎么可能?!”骨羧心中一惊,万万没想到这骨爪竟然如此坚硬。 At this time it somewhat is finally clear, why does the bone drip will not have the strength of resistance by drawing bone to inter the body wall in? 此时它终于有些明白,为什么骨涿会毫无反抗之力的被拉入骨壁之中? So hard bone claw, holds them in their situations of no protection, even if launched the attack in a hurry, the effect of plays is not perhaps big. 如此坚硬的骨爪,在它们毫无防备的情况下抓住它们,就算仓促之间发动了攻击,所起到的效果恐怕也不大。 However the response of bone carboxyl is also extremely quick, first does not strike the accomplishment, it launches the second attack immediately. 但是骨羧的反应也是极快,第一击未曾建功,它立刻发起了第二次攻击。 Bang! 轰! Similarly is the black sword light condenses together, but above this sword light has mystical black rune/symbol writing to twine, sends out extremely strong source principle to fluctuate. 同样是一道黑色剑光凝聚而出,但这道剑光之上却有着一道道神异的黑色符文缠绕,散发出极强的本源法则波动。 ! 咔嚓! In an instant, together clear crashes to resound, that bone claw accordingly is finally broken. 刹那间,一道清脆的碎裂声响起,那只骨爪终于应声而碎。 In the bone carboxyl heart relaxes finally, looks hastily to several other skull spirit clan Dark Species. 骨羧心中总算是松了一口气,连忙看向其他几头骨灵族黑暗种 Meanwhile, bone , bone sui, as well as another skull spirit clan Dark Species also holds by bone and bone claw, and has approached the bone wall extremely, misses several meters distance then to draw. 与此同时,骨喀,骨濉,以及另一头骨灵族黑暗种也是被骨手和骨爪抓住,并且已经极为靠近骨壁,就差几米距离便要被拖入其中。 Especially bone sui, holds its bone claw to grasp from the top of the head, and palm is giant, held its head directly. 尤其是骨濉,抓住它的那只骨爪是从头顶之上抓下来的,且手掌巨大,直接抓住了它的脑袋。 The line of sight of bone sui blocked from completely, the bone blade in hand chops to cut toward the sky crazily, erupts a lot of sparks/Mars, but can never cut off that bone claw. 骨濉的视线完全被遮住,手中的骨刀朝着上空疯狂劈砍,爆发出大量的火星,但始终不能斩断那只骨爪。 Bone responded actually quite quickly, has used the strength of own source principle, cut above the bone claw, its crushing. 骨喀倒是反应颇快,已经动用了自身的本源法则之力,斩在骨爪之上,将其击碎。 Another skull spirit clan Dark Species is not lucky, but struggled two, half body had been dragged into the bone wall. 另一头骨灵族黑暗种就没那么幸运了,不过挣扎了两下,半个身躯就已经被拉入了骨壁之中。 This skull spirit clan Dark Species is also very unlucky, because holds its bone claw from, it wants to fly, actually late one step, finally has almost not struggled, was brought. 这头骨灵族黑暗种也十分倒霉,因为抓住它的骨爪来自下方,它想要飞起来,却已经迟了一步,结果几乎没怎么挣扎,就被带了下去。 Really belt/bring gets down jpg 【真・带下去】jpg „The strength of use source principle!” The bone carboxyl rushes over immediately, simultaneously in the mouth explodes drinks one. “动用本源法则之力!”骨羧立刻冲了过去,同时口中爆喝一声。 Bone sui hears word, erupts the strength of own source principle immediately, goes toward the above bone claw bombardment. 骨濉闻言,顿时爆发出自身的本源法则之力,朝着上方的骨爪轰击而去。 It does not dare to neglect at this moment completely, acts is the full power, giant black blade glow bang to sky, not only that bone was crushed directly, above the top of the head bone wall also presented a huge slash. 它此刻完全不敢怠慢,一出手就是全力,巨大的黑色刀芒轰向上空,不但那只骨手径直被击碎,头顶上方的骨壁也是出现了一道巨大的刀痕。 However this slash was actually interrupted around the middle, because the center is the place that bone stretches out, there just like the mire, the blade glow submerged directly. 不过这道刀痕却是被拦腰截断,因为中心处是那只骨手伸出的地方,那里犹如泥沼,刀芒直接没入其中了。 But both sides bone wall has not actually changed to the mire to be common, as before is the hard bone wall, therefore the slash will be interrupted. 而两旁的骨壁却并没有化作泥沼一般,依旧是坚硬的骨壁,所以刀痕才会被截断。 Bang! 轰! Another side, that was dragged into bone spirit clan Dark Species under bottom also erupts the strength of own source principle, but makes below mire bone wall present ripples. 另一边,那头被拉入地底之下的骨灵族黑暗种也是爆发出自身的本源法则之力,但却只是让下方泥沼般的骨壁出现一丝涟漪。 Draws my.” Its vision is alarmed and afraid, looked that to bone carboxyl that the direct impact comes, loudly exclaimed hastily. “拉我一把。”它目光惊惧,看向直冲而来的骨羧,连忙大吼道。 The bone carboxyl arrives at the near instantaneously, soars, on the one hand grasps the opposite party, draws toward the sky. 骨羧瞬间来到近前,腾空而起,一手抓住对方,朝着上空拉去。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… An intermittent bone split sound spreads immediately. 一阵阵骨裂声顿时传出。 Roar!” “吼!” In that skull spirit clan Dark Species mouth cannot help but sends out a pain to roar, obviously bore a big pain. 那头骨灵族黑暗种口中不由得发出一声痛吼,显然是承受了不小的痛苦。 Yo, the skeleton rack will also feel that hurts.” Surprised whisper of Wang Teng in the heart said. “哟,骷髅架子也会感觉到疼啊。”王腾在心中惊讶的嘀咕道。 Others are also the life body are good.” The plump shows the whites of the eyes to say. “人家好歹也是生命体好吧。”圆滚滚翻了个白眼道。 Who knows that they concrete are anything construct.” Wang Teng hehe said with a smile. “那谁知道它们具体是什么构造。”王腾呵呵笑道。 Although he obtained the bone spirit clan Demon bone The talent attribute, however his situation and bone spirit clan Dark Species are completely different, he is vivid, but bone spirit clan Dark Species only then the skeleton, who knows that they do have the pain. 虽然他得到了骨灵族的【魔骨】天赋属性,但是他的情况和骨灵族黑暗种完全不同,他有血有肉,而骨灵族黑暗种只有骨头架子,谁知道它们有没有痛感。 Cyclic said dumbfounded, suddenly thought that this quibble also does make sense is the fertilizer four? 圆滚滚被说的哑口无言,突然觉得这歪理也很有道理是怎么肥四? In two people talked, the bone carboxyl and bone demon tree started the limit to pull. 就在两人交谈之时,骨羧和骨魔树开始了极限拉扯。 Although it arrives promptly, making that skull spirit clan Dark Species not be dragged into below bone wall immediately, but under actually transmits the great strength unceasingly, that skull spirit clan Dark Species unceasing draws downward. 尽管它及时到来,让那头骨灵族黑暗种没有立刻被拉入下方的骨壁之中,但下方却不断传来巨力,将那头骨灵族黑暗种不断的往下拉去。 Fortunately at this time bone and bone sui had broken out of the fetter of bone claw, immediately to helps one another. 所幸此时骨喀和骨濉已经摆脱了骨爪的束缚,立刻冲过来相助。 Had their joining, that skull spirit clan Dark Species held on finally, has not sunk again downward. 有了它们的加入,那头骨灵族黑暗种终于被拉住,没有再往下沉。 What is strange, the bone spirit clan Dark Species joint efforts of three high-rank demon sovereign levels, are unable to pull out it unexpectedly thoroughly. 但奇怪的是,三头上位魔皇级的骨灵族黑暗种合力,竟然无法将其彻底拉出。 Did not have the means.” The bone carboxyl vision flashes, opens the mouth saying: Bone deng, now only then means that must cut off your lower part, otherwise you are unable to work loose.” “没办法了。”骨羧目光闪动,开口道:“骨磴,如今只有一个办法,必须斩断你的下半身,否则你根本无法挣脱出来。” Yourself make the decision.” “你自己做决定吧。” „......” Bone deng hesitated merely, then makes the resolution immediately, clenches teeth saying: Begins.” “……”骨磴仅仅是迟疑了一下,便立刻做出了决断,咬牙道:“动手吧。” The bone carboxyl rubbish, the vision is faint, wrist/skill one revolution, the sword light is sweeps away together. 骨羧没有废话,目光淡漠,手腕一转,一道剑光便是横扫而出。 . 咔嚓一声。 The body of bone deng changes to two sections immediately. 骨磴的身躯顿时化作两截。 The swordsmanship of bone carboxyl is very without doubt exquisite, the sword light fell on the bone deng the attachment point of body and ground directly, the least bit deviation does not have. 骨羧的剑法无疑很精湛,剑光直接落在了骨磴身躯与地面的连接处,半点偏差都没有。 Section is smooth, tiny bit has not cut.” Its satisfied nod, light say/way. “切面光滑,一丝一毫都没有多斩。”它满意的点了点头,淡淡道。 „......” Bone deng. “……”骨磴。 My real crab crab you. 我真蟹蟹你啊。 It looks that oneself only has the half the body, some wanting to cry but have no tears feelings, even if it also knows that bone carboxyl sword truly achieved perfectly, but really happy. 它看着自己只剩下半截的身躯,有种欲哭无泪的感觉,哪怕它也知道骨羧这一剑确实是做到了完美,但真的高兴不起来啊。 Their four all incurred, how only then its so pitiful. 它们四个全都中招了,怎么偏偏只有它一个如此凄惨。 Simply should not be too hapless! 简直不要太倒霉! We continue to proceed.” “我们继续往前。” Bone deng, you restore quickly.” “骨磴,你赶快恢复。” The bone carboxyl said to several skull spirit clan Dark Species, then speeds away to go toward the front, without meaning that the least bit stays. 骨羧对几头骨灵族黑暗种说了一句,便朝着前方疾驰而去,没有半点停留的意思。 According to present situation, they , if not win the time, then perhaps must face many obstuctions. 按照如今的情况来看,它们若不争取时间,接下来恐怕还要面对更多的阻扰。 Bone deng nods silently, controls the half body to fly toward the front, while mobilizes own strength, making the whole body bone bloom black light, restored own body. 骨磴默默点了点头,一边控制着半截身躯朝着前方飞去,一边调动自身的力量,令浑身骨头绽放出黑光,恢复自己的身躯。 The body of bone spirit clan can restore, if the common injury, they can restore instantaneously such as beginning. 骨灵族的身躯是可以恢复的,若是寻常的伤势,它们瞬间就可以恢复如初。 However this time its obvious wound is a little heavy, the big half body did not have, the strength of own source lost half at least, wants fully to restore, in a short time definitely is not possible. 不过这次它显然伤的有点重,大半截身躯都没了,自身的本源之力起码损耗了一半,想要完全恢复,短时间内肯定是不可能的了。 Has the attribute air bubble.” “有属性气泡。” The Wang Teng vision moves, saw that just the place of that several skull spirit clan Dark Species fights fell many attribute air bubbles, immediately the spirit read strength one volume, collected it. 王腾目光一动,看到刚刚那几头骨灵族黑暗种战斗的地方掉落了不少属性气泡,当即精神念力一卷,将其拾取了回来。 Dark Star Source Power * 5600】 【黑暗星辰原力 Demon good bone blade * 1200】 【魔牛骨刀】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 4800】 【黑暗星辰原力 Three bone sword secret art * 800】 【三面骨剑诀】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 4300】 【黑暗星辰原力 Arrow of * 100 demon bone 【魔骨之箭】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 3600】 【黑暗星辰原力 Soul source * 4500】 【灵魂本源】 Life source * 4800】 【生命本源】 ...... …… Claw of * 6500 bone demon 【骨魔之爪】 Blank attribute * 35000】 【空白属性】 Today the toothache, then affects the skull to hurt, written author Monarch was about to collapse, was too miserable! 今天牙疼,然后牵动脑壳疼,写的作者君都快崩溃了,太惨了!
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