AAMD :: Volume #22

#2193: Imitation! Style sudden change! Enters the bone demon tree

Chapter 2193 imitates! Style sudden change! Enters the bone demon tree! Melting?( Sought subscription) 第2193章模仿!画风突变!进入骨魔树内部!融化?(求订阅) Without bone spirit clan ancestor, how can shield the bone demon tree? 没有骨灵族祖物,要如何屏蔽骨魔树? Online, anxiously! 在线等,急! To be honest, Wang Teng now is very hurried, the terrifying of bone demon tree is without a doubt, now also shows that endless bone demon root hair, the places of other terrifying unknown, but this lets in the person heart anxious. 说实话,王腾现在很慌,骨魔树的恐怖毋庸置疑,现在还只是展现出那无尽的骨魔根须,其他恐怖之处还是未知,但这样更让人心中不安。 With the strengths of several skull spirit clan Dark Species fusion ancestor, bone demon tree finally again peaceful. 随着几头骨灵族黑暗种融合祖物的力量,骨魔树终于再次安静了下来。 But the next quarter, it...... moved! 但下一刻,它……又动了! And is fiercer. 而且更为剧烈。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… That endless bone demon root hair is common on such as the white dense spray, flutters around that bone demon tree, is very strange and terrifying. 那无尽的骨魔根须就如白色森然的浪花一般,在那骨魔树四周飘荡,十分诡异与恐怖。 „???” Bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species were all ignorant. “???”骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种全都懵了。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? They had fused the strength of ancestor obviously, properly speaking should be able to shield the bone demon tree to be right, but does the bone demon tree instead move now fiercely? 它们明明已经融合了祖物的力量,按理说应该可以屏蔽骨魔树才对,可如今骨魔树怎么反而动得更剧烈了? What ghost truth this special is? 这特么是什么鬼道理? From the beginning they thought that is not a little right, now this not right feeling is more intense. 从一开始它们就觉得有点不对劲,如今这种不对劲的感觉更加强烈了。 How does not raise in these skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts to do to think, Wang Teng is actually fearful and apprehensive, in the mind the train of thought revolve like lightning, the CPU almost fever exploded. 不提这几头骨灵族黑暗种心中如何作想,王腾却已经是心惊胆战,脑海中思绪电转,CPU都差点烧炸了。 This broken? 这怎么破啊? Fast glance of his attention above property panel, wants to discover feasible means to deal with the present situation. 他的注意力在属性面板之上快速扫视,想要找出一个可行的办法来应付眼下的情况。 Imaginary specters! 幻魔影! Suddenly, his vision stopped, in the mind flashes through instantaneously together miraculous. 突然,他的目光停顿了下来,脑海中瞬间闪过一道灵光。 Before he once had used one time Imaginary specters, However after approaching bone demon tree, had not used again, the strength of this darkness will also for fear that alarm the bone demon tree. 之前他曾动用过一次【幻魔影】,但是在靠近骨魔树之后,就没有再用了,生怕这黑暗之力也会惊动骨魔树。 But at this time he responded suddenly. 但此时他却突然反应过来。 Was he wants to miss! 是他想差了! Imaginary specters Perhaps the strength decodes the current aspect the best way. 【幻魔影】的力量也许正是破解当前局面的最好办法。 Because he thinks the previous that say/way displays Imaginary specters Shadow, opposite party, since knows existence of bone demon tree, even can come and go in this place, has what means to shield the bone demon tree inevitably. 因为他想到了之前那道施展【幻魔影】的黑影,对方既然知道骨魔树的存在,甚至能够在此地来去自如,必然是有什么办法能够屏蔽骨魔树。 Then the issue came, opposite party with what means shield bone demon tree? 那么问题来了,对方是用什么办法屏蔽骨魔树的呢? Only Wang Teng can think, only then Imaginary specters. 王腾唯一能想到的只有【幻魔影】。 First, this was Demon Venerable level Fighting technique, the prestige can not be naturally no need to say. 一来,这是魔尊战技,威能自然不必多说。 Secondly, if that shadow used other Fighting technique, definitely meets the falling attribute air bubble, but he had searched for the nearby a moment ago, had not found the corresponding attribute air bubble. 二来,那黑影若是动用了其他战技,肯定会掉落属性气泡,但是他刚才搜寻过附近,并未找到相应的属性气泡。 Therefore has very big possibility, the opposite party uses is Imaginary specters. 所以有很大可能,对方动用的就是【幻魔影】。 In the Wang Teng heart had the resolution immediately, the spirit read the strength, the strength of darkness, and even died deep strength and other strengths to surge together, immediately displayed Imaginary specters. 王腾心中顿时有了决断,精神念力,黑暗之力,乃至是死冥之力等力量齐齐涌动而出,当即施展【幻魔影】。 This he must imitate the aura of bone demon tree time. 这一次他要模仿骨魔树的气息。 Before the plump had once said that the bone demon tree can absorb the strength of soul, the strength of life, and even is the strength of darkness, died the deep strength. 之前圆滚滚曾说过,骨魔树能够吸收灵魂之力,生命之力,乃至是黑暗之力,死冥之力等。 Therefore he then imitates with the same strength, perhaps is accepted. 所以他便用相同的力量来模仿,也许行得通。 In an instant, these strengths in Imaginary specters Under the influence of Fighting technique, fuses in an unusual way, if later a thin film covered beside the body of Wang Teng. 刹那间,这几种力量在【幻魔影】战技的影响下,以一种奇特的方式融合,随后如一层薄膜般覆盖在了王腾的身体之外。 Meanwhile, these bone demon root hair as if lost the goal to be common, suddenly stagnated in same place, later the head faced in all directions, patrolled in the midair, seems searching for anything. 与此同时,那些骨魔根须仿佛失去了目标一般,突然凝滞在原地,随后头部朝向四面八方,在半空中游弋,似乎在搜寻着什么。 The bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species vision flash, somewhat surprised uncertain is looking at front this, how to feel that this bone demon tree a little does seem like in...... the convulsion? 骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种目光闪动,有些惊疑不定的望着面前这一幕,怎么感觉这骨魔树有点像是在……抽风? This situation, many is a little at present strange. 眼前这情形,多少有点诡异。 That bone demon root hair seems like must attack, not seeming like must attack, as if in the crazy probe they, plays? 那骨魔根须像是要攻击,又不像是要攻击,仿佛在疯狂的试探它们,玩呢? Several skull spirit clan Dark Species have a played jokes upon feeling, in the heart raises a anger, but actually...... feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 几头骨灵族黑暗种都是有一种被戏耍的感觉,心中不由的升起一丝火气,但却……敢怒不敢言。 Even if knows how the bone demon tree is playing jokes upon them? 就算知道骨魔树在戏耍它们又如何? They do not dare to act rashly. 它们也不敢轻举妄动啊。 Regardless of many anger, can only suppress. 无论有多少怒火,都只能憋着。 Is good is only several breath, that bone demon root hair finally tranquil, side hangs in Gumo to set up, did not have the sound. 好在只是几个呼吸之间,那骨魔根须终于平静了下来,悬于骨魔树旁,没有了动静。 !” In the Wang Teng heart relaxes slightly. “呼!”王腾心中微微松了一口气。 Close call! Close call! 好险!好险! Almost wanted just one wave hardly, luckily Gou dwell. 差点就要硬刚一波了,幸好苟住了。 Gou dwell can save the time, if really begins, the time of expenditure are much, is not necessarily victorious this bone demon tree, when the time comes seriously is more troublesome. 苟住才能节约时间,如果真动起手来,花费的时间更多,还不一定打得过这骨魔树,到时候当真是更麻烦。 What problem does this bone demon tree have?” “这棵骨魔树是不是有什么毛病?” Bone sees the bone demon tree to be again quiet, silent, spooky saying. 骨喀见骨魔树再次沉寂下去,沉默了一下,不禁幽幽的说道。 Has the problem I not to know, but many are is not a little normal.” Bone sui whispered was saying. “有没有毛病我不知道,但多少是有点不正常的。”骨濉嘀咕着说道。 „......” Numerous bone spirit clan Dark Species is a little speechless. “……”一众骨灵族黑暗种有点无语。 Although they thought that like this said this bone demon tree is a little not probably good, but felt bone sui and bone said is very reasonable, no problem, the one who has the problem is that bone demon tree. 虽然它们都觉得这样说这骨魔树好像有点不好,但是感觉骨濉和骨喀说的很有道理,没啥毛病,有毛病的是那棵骨魔树。 Has the possibility, is this bone demon tree a little slow? It will be peaceful, explained that the strength after ancestor fusion is useful, was the response slow was so little,” bone speculation looking pensive said. “有没有可能,这棵骨魔树有点迟钝?它会安静下来,说明祖物融合后的力量还是有用的,就是反应迟钝了那么一点点,”骨喀又若有所思的推测道。 Just since they fused the strength of ancestor, displayed to Wang Teng Imaginary specters, Ceases again to this bone demon tree, in fact also passed several time of breath. 刚刚从它们融合祖物的力量,到王腾施展【幻魔影】,再到这骨魔树停息下来,实际上也才过了几个呼吸的时间。 Therefore these bone spirit clan Dark Species have not suspected anything, thought what that bone demon tree aims is they, simply has not thought that here also has others. 所以这些骨灵族黑暗种始终没有怀疑什么,都是觉得那骨魔树针对的是它们,根本没有想到这里还有其他人。 Shuts up to me.” In the bone carboxyl heart tics, shouted in a low voice. “都给我闭嘴。”骨羧心中直抽抽,低声喝道。 Gods special slow! 神特么迟钝啊! Who had heard the bone demon tree will be slow. 谁听说过骨魔树会迟钝的。 What words dare saying that does not know the bone demon tree has the consciousness? What to do if were heard? 什么话都敢说,不知道骨魔树是有意识的吗?万一被听到了怎么办? Several skull spirit clan Dark Species hears word, look to the bone carboxyl, sees it closely to stare at the bone demon tree, appearance that for fear that opposite party sticks out suddenly suddenly, responded, immediately closes the mouth embarrasedly. 几头骨灵族黑暗种闻言,纷纷看向骨羧,见它紧紧盯着骨魔树,一副生怕对方突然暴起的模样,也都反应过来,立刻讪讪的闭上了嘴巴。 Do not stir up! Do not stir up! 惹不起!惹不起! Since has stopped , to continue.” In the bone carboxyl heart deeply inspires, the vision flashes, opens the mouth to say again. “既然已经停下来,就继续走吧。”骨羧心中深吸了口气,目光一闪,再次开口道。 Numerous bone spirit clan Dark Species silent, nods. 一众骨灵族黑暗种沉默了一下,点了点头。 Although the response of this bone demon tree makes them somewhat surprised, but arrived here, can enter the bone demon tree on the difference more than 100 meters, without the truth stops now. 尽管这骨魔树的反应让它们有些惊疑,但都走到这里,就差一百多米就能够进入骨魔树内部,没道理现在停下来。 Then more than 100 meters distances, unexpectedly are extraordinary smooth. 接下来这一百多米的路程,竟是出奇的顺利。 The bone demon tree has not moved again, several skull spirit clan Dark Species are shocking but not dangerous arrived at the bone demon tree under foot. 骨魔树再也没有动弹过,几头骨灵族黑暗种有惊无险的到达了骨魔树脚下。 They look at each other in blank dismay, is somewhat unbelievable, the feeling is not very real. 它们面面相觑,有些难以置信,感觉十分不真实。 At this time they are looking at front bone demon tree, suddenly does not dare to walk. 此时它们都望着面前的骨魔树,突然不敢走进去了。 Quite magnificent!” “好壮观!” Wang Teng stands in the bone demon tree under foot, looks up to the above from this angle, the heart feeling of shock is more intense, is similar to stands under a palatial big mountain foot, mountain boundless and makes his mind be attacked palatially. 王腾站在骨魔树脚下,从这个角度仰望上方,心中的震撼之感更为强烈,就如同站在一座巍峨的大山脚下,大山的磅礴与巍峨让他的心灵受到冲击。 This bone demon tree strange is strange, but feels intuitively, is the feeling of that unequalled shock. 这棵骨魔树诡异是诡异,但给人最直观的感受,还是那无与伦比的震撼之感。 He deeply inspires, takes back the vision, looked to the dead ahead. 他深吸了一口气,收回目光,望向了正前方。 Because the bone demon tree is lays on top of one another by the innumerable white bones, particularly the root position, these white bones are very thick, under the lying this way and that insertion bottom, is ordinary like the true big tree tree root. 由于骨魔树是由无数白骨垒砌而成,尤其是根部位置,那些白骨十分粗大,横七竖八的插入地底之下,如同真正的大树树根一般。 Before Wang Teng can see the present monster is a tree, is because its external shape is a solid big tree. 之前王腾之所以能够一眼看出眼前的巨物是一棵树,便是因为它的外在形状便是一棵实实在在的大树。 Not is only its bark, is branch, tree root , is the true big tree is very similar. 不仅仅是它的“树皮”,就是“树枝”,“树根”等,也都是与真正的大树十分相似。 Let the person's first eyes see it, can determine at heart......, right, this is a tree, except for is much longer, does not have other major problem. 让人第一眼看到它,就能够在心里确定……嗯,没错,这就是一棵树,除了长得诡异点,没别的大问题。 Pulled far. 咳咳,扯远了。 Returns to the proper topic, this bone demon tree tree root between has many slits, just like gateways, welcome each to seek the person of chance. 言归正传,这骨魔树的“树根”之间存在许许多多的缝隙,宛如一道道的门户,欢迎着每一个寻求机缘之人。 However in that slit is actually pitch-dark one piece, even by Wang Teng Pupil of True Sight The distance that can see is also very limited. 不过那缝隙之内却是黑漆漆一片,就算是以王腾的【真视之瞳】,能看到的距离也十分有限。 Finally is anything has not naturally seen. 结果自然是什么也没看到。 This makes Wang Teng a little depressed, in the heart repeatedly reminded itself to remember the prompt promotion Pupil of True Sight Rank, otherwise like the present awkward. 这让王腾有点郁闷,心中一再提醒自己要记得及时提升【真视之瞳】的等级,不然就会像现在这样尴尬。 Meanwhile, bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species also hesitated, a both empty eye socket stares is staring at that tree root slit, person who does not know, but also thinks that they fear black. 与此同时,骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种也是踌躇了起来,一双双空洞洞的眼眶直勾勾的盯着那一道道“树根”缝隙,不知道的人,还以为它们怕黑呢。 Also is not right, aren't they fear the darkness in this slit? 也不对,它们可不就是怕这缝隙中的黑暗吗? Who can think that one crowd of skeletons fear strangely unexpectedly black. 谁能想到啊,一群骷髅怪居然怕黑。 This style sudden change. 这画风突变了啊。 Can't enter?” The bone sui figure is big, at this moment actually cautious close to bone , then held the opposite party with the elbow bone, asked in a low voice. “进不进?”骨濉身形高大,此刻却小心翼翼的靠近骨喀,然后用手肘骨捅了捅对方,低声问道。 „...... Enters!” Bone clenches teeth, felt oneself cannot recognize before bone sui this boorish fellow instigated, immediately said solemnly: We have ancestor, fears anything.” “……进!”骨喀咬了咬牙,觉得自己不能在骨濉这莽汉面前认怂,当即沉声道:“我们有祖物,怕什么。” Bone carboxyl, you said.” “骨羧,你说呢。” „......” Bone carboxyl speechless shot a look at bone one. “……”骨羧无语的瞥了骨喀一眼。 This fellow is so brave, but also looks at it to do? 这家伙这么勇,还看它干啥? Does not add the following those words, but also when reluctantly it is a warrior. 不加后面那句话,还勉强当它是个勇士。 Enters!” The bone carboxyl finally rubbish, when first in the line toward the bone demon tree goes. “进!”骨羧最终也没有废话,当先朝着骨魔树之中行去。 It not slightly hesitant, but the vision sweeps, then chose a slit, general that as if chooses completely casually. 它没有丝毫犹豫,只是目光一扫,便选择了一道缝隙,似乎完全是随便选的一般。 Other bone spirit clan Dark Species have not said anything, directly with. 其他骨灵族黑暗种也没有多说什么,直接就跟着走了进去。 In Wang Teng heart light well, thinks, decides to follow in them behind, he fully did not know about the bone demon tree how these guides cannot let off. 王腾心中轻咦了一声,想了想,还是决定跟在它们身后,他对骨魔树完全不了解,这几个向导是怎么都不能放过的啊。 dá dá...... 哒哒哒…… In bone demon tree very peaceful, peacefully, even if several skull spirit clan Dark Species have put lightly the footsteps, should still spread the sound, like enlarged generally. 骨魔树内非常的安静,安静到就算是几头骨灵族黑暗种已经将脚步放到最轻,依然会传出声音,如同被放大了一般。 After entering the slit, the situation in bone demon tree can see clearly actually much. 进入缝隙之后,骨魔树内的情形倒是能够看清了不少。 All around is the white bone structure, in addition the gloomy atmosphere, making this place seem especially gloomy. 四周都是白森森的骨头构造,加上阴暗的氛围,让此地显得格外阴森。 Then several grotesque skeleton racks in walk of being soundless, entered the horror film photography square simply probably. 然后还有几头奇形怪状的骷髅架子在蹑手蹑脚的行走,简直像是走进了恐怖片的拍摄片场。 „!” “啊!” Suddenly, the low calling out in alarm sound resounds together fiercely. 突然,一道低低的惊叫声猛地响起。 That first place for bone spirit clan Dark Species of bone sui does not know that what's the matter, comes to remove the step jumps after unexpectedly, as if received big frightening. 那头名为骨濉的骨灵族黑暗种不知怎么回事,居然来了个撤步后跳,仿佛受到了不小的惊吓。 Bone sui, what's the matter?” If on the bone carboxyl forehead has the blue vein, at this moment has stuck out suddenly, it coldly is staring at bone sui, shouted in a low voice. “骨濉,你怎么回事?”骨羧额头上若有青筋,此刻已经暴起,它冷冷盯着骨濉,低声喝道。 Has...... has the thing!” Bone sui retroceded one step, points at one side bone wall, the anxious sound was saying. “有……有东西!”骨濉又后退了一步,指着一侧骨壁,急声说道。 It is the high-rank demon sovereign level exists, if the common situation, is insufficient to frighten this, but here is the bone demon tree, their hearts were at the tight condition, has the slightest sign of trouble slightly, will naturally be frightened. 它好歹是上位魔皇级存在,如果是寻常情况,不至于吓成这样,但这里是骨魔树内部,它们的心本就处于紧绷状态,稍有风吹草动,自然会受到惊吓。 Let alone just that thing can actually penetrate the light cover that ancestor forms, touches it directly, on whom this puts is not unhurried. 何况刚刚那东西竟然能够穿透祖物形成的光罩,直接触碰到它,这搁谁身上不慌啊。 The bone carboxyl, the bone and other bone spirit clan Dark Species vision contracted, looks in the direction that bone sui refers, but their anything had not actually discovered, there except for the white bone wall, anything does not have. 骨羧,骨喀等骨灵族黑暗种目光收缩了一下,朝着骨濉所指的方向看去,但它们却什么都没有发现,那里除了白森森的骨壁,什么都没有。 You determined that has the thing?” Bone asked. “你确定有东西?”骨喀问道。 Had, bumps into me, I have not felt absolutely wrong.” Bone sui nods to say hastily. “有,碰到我了,我绝对没有感觉错。”骨濉连忙点头道。 Bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species somewhat are immediately surprised, they believe that bone sui will not deceive them at this matter. 骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种顿时有些惊疑起来,它们相信骨濉不会在这种事上欺骗它们。 What was seeing clearly?” The bone sinking sound asked again. “看清是什么了吗?”骨喀再次沉声问道。 No, I just turned head, disappears.” Bone sui depressed shaking the head said. “没有,我刚回头,就不见了。”骨濉郁闷的摇头道。 What including cannot see clearly, wants you to have what using?” The bone carboxyl just like looking at the waste looks at it generally, coldly said. “连是什么都看不清,要你有何用?”骨羧宛如看废物一般看着它,冷冷道。 You!” “你!” Bone sui is angry, wants to refute, was actually stopped by a bone look. 骨濉大怒,想要反驳,却被骨喀一个眼神制止。 Ok, ok, entered in the bone demon tree, we should work as one, do not have clashes of opinion at this time.” Bone said. “好了,好了,进了骨魔树之中,我们更应该齐心协力,就不要在这时候闹矛盾了。”骨喀说道。 Bone carboxyl cold snort/hum, saying a word toward leading the way. 骨羧冷哼一声,一言不发的朝前行去。 Although in the bone sui heart has the anger, but actually does not know that thought of anything, pressed the anger eventually forcefully, walks in bone behind, left had a look right to have a look, to avoid bone carboxyl that to be located in the rear face. 骨濉心中虽有愤怒,但却不知道想到了什么,终究是将怒火硬生生的压了下去,走在骨喀身后,左看看右看看,避开了骨羧那位于后方的面孔。 On the other hand, bone spirit clan Dark Species has a very big merit, so long as avoids the vision, cannot see any expression, after all they only had the skeleton. 话说回来,骨灵族黑暗种有一个很大的优点,只要避开目光,根本看不出任何表情,毕竟它们就只剩下骷髅了。 The soul fires in bone carboxyl three face are rotating slightly, as if transforms in three faces, seems extremely strange, no one knows that it is thinking anything. 骨羧三张面孔之内的魂火微微转动着,仿佛在三幅面孔之间转换,显得极为诡异,无人知道它在想什么。 Wang Teng, what do you have to see that are?” The plump asked. 王腾,你有看到那是什么吗?”圆滚滚问道。 Probably...... bone!” Wang Teng hesitated, indefinite saying. “好像是一只……骨手!”王腾迟疑了一下,不确定的说道。 Bone?” The plump is surprised the different way: Extends from that bone wall?” “骨手?”圆滚滚诧异道:“从那面骨壁里面伸出来的?” Right, seems like bone, quick that but vanishes, has not looked too clearly.” Wang Teng said. “对,很像是骨手,但消失的很快,没有看太清楚。”王腾道。 How un un un...... does it extend?” The plump is very curious, is staring at that bone wall, really cannot see the least bit clue. “嗯嗯嗯……它是怎么伸出来的?”圆滚滚十分好奇,盯着那面骨壁,实在看不出半点端倪。 There does not have any slit, if there is slit, he is not the extent that curiously, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species are also insufficient like that surprisedly. 那里不存在任何缝隙,如果存在缝隙,他也不至于如此好奇,那几头骨灵族黑暗种也不至于那般惊疑。 In this place, they do not dare easily to begin, otherwise rumbles directly randomly to that bone wall, even is really hiding anything, did not fear that it does not come out. 在这个地方,它们根本不敢轻易动手,否则直接给那面骨壁乱轰一通,就算是真的藏着什么东西,也不怕它不出来。 Comes out.” Wang Teng said. “就那么出来的。”王腾道。 How...... comes out to come out?” Cyclic speechless say/way. “……那么出来是怎么出来?”圆滚滚无语道。 This fellow definitely teases him intentionally, simply should not be too bad. 这家伙肯定是故意逗他,简直不要太恶劣。 That bone wall just as if...... melting!” Wang Teng cracks a joke with the plump, immediately the vision flashes, spooky saying. “那面骨壁刚刚似乎……融化了!”王腾只是跟圆滚滚开了个玩笑,当即目光一闪,幽幽的说道。 Melting?!” The plump stares slightly, immediately in the heart is startled. “融化了?!”圆滚滚微微一愣,随即心中不由一惊。 Can this bone wall melt unexpectedly? 这骨壁竟然可以融化? If so, that all around bone wall...... 如果真是这样,那四周的骨壁岂不是…… In a flash, he only thought that a heart chill in the air raises, the direct impact top of the head, making his scalp tingle with numbness intermittently. 一瞬间,他只觉得心底一股寒意升起,直冲头顶,令他头皮阵阵发麻。 What you said is real? Hasn't fooled me?” The plump could not bear rumble one swallow a saliva, cautious asking. “你说的是真的?没唬我吧?”圆滚滚忍不住“咕噜一声”咽了口唾沫,小心翼翼的问道。 „, You and others will know.” Wang Teng followed that several skull spirit clan Dark Species, this place was really more and more interesting. “是不是真的,你等会就知道了。”王腾跟上了那几头骨灵族黑暗种,这个地方真是越来越有趣了呢。
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