AAMD :: Volume #22

#2192: Ancestor! Scared to death the skeleton! Troublesome light

Chapter 2192 ancestor! Scared to death the skeleton! Operates the light cover troublesome, here also has a person! 第2192章祖物!吓死骷髅了!麻烦把光罩开开,这里还有一个人啊! Several skull spirit clan Dark Species grasp ancestor, marches forward toward the front black fog. 几头骨灵族黑暗种手持祖物,朝着前方黑雾中行进。 Although they guessed correctly that the front is the bone demon tree, but has not seen its true body truly, at this moment is somewhat disturbed and excited, cautious actually unbearably anxious across thick black fog. 它们虽然猜到前方就是骨魔树,但并未真正见到其真身,此刻都是有些忐忑与激动,小心翼翼却又急不可耐的穿过浓浓的黑雾。 Without a while, the front suddenly sees the light. 没一会儿,前方豁然开朗。 Before several skull spirit clan Dark Species also such as, Wang Teng like that was all blown. 几头骨灵族黑暗种亦如之前王腾那般,全都被镇住了。 They have truly heard the hearsay of bone demon tree, found many related materials from the respective clan, but sees the bone demon tree true body also is really first time. 它们确实听说过骨魔树的传闻,也从各自族内找到了不少相关的资料,但见到骨魔树真身还真是头一次。 Terrifying aura that huge body, the fierce and grand contour, lends faintly, is makes them feel that shocks with amazement. 那庞大的身躯,狰狞而宏伟的外形,隐隐散发出的恐怖气息,皆是令它们感到震撼与骇然。 What ancestor did that several skull spirit clans just say the things in their hand probably are?” Saying of plump doubt. “那几头骨灵族刚刚好像说它们手中的东西是什么祖物?”圆滚滚狐疑的说道。 Ancestor!” The Wang Teng vision falls above the palm of that several skull spirit clan Dark Species, vision strange. “祖物!”王腾的目光落在那几头骨灵族黑暗种的手掌之上,目光奇异。 Ancestor of that bone spirit clan is the bone manufacture, some are the bone whips, some are the bone mirrors, some seem like the spur wait/etc, the modeling is plain, is carving the skeleton, various grotesque bones fight soldier and other designs, is full of the strange style, looks is not the proper treasure. 那骨灵族的祖物皆是骨头制造而成,有的是骨鞭,有的是骨镜,有的像是骨刺等等,造型古朴奇特,雕刻着骷髅,各种奇形怪状的骨战兵等图案,充满诡异风格,一看就不是什么正经宝贝。 However Wang Teng always likes not the proper thing, ancestor of these bone spirit clans seemingly match with him very much. 不过王腾向来喜欢不正经的东西,这几件骨灵族的祖物貌似和他很配啊。 That side the blood group, I have not seen what ancestor, now first sees ancestor of bone spirit clan actually.” Wang Teng touches the chin, intent moves very much. “在血族那边,我都没见过什么祖物,如今倒是先见到了骨灵族的祖物。”王腾摸了摸下巴,很是意动。 ...... …… This is the bone demon tree!” “这就是骨魔树!” Bone put lowly the sound, since excited is frightened, the look is quite complex, wants to go forward, actually stopped the footsteps, does not dare easily to proceed again one step. 骨喀将声音放到了最低,既是激动又是恐惧,眼神极为复杂,想要上前,却又停下了脚步,不敢再轻易往前走一步。 Not is only it, bone sui, bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species are also so. 不仅是它,骨濉,骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种亦是如此。 At this moment they all stopped, ancestor sending out in hand black light, all covered their bodies, that bone demon tree seems like had not detected that their arrival is ordinary, the sound does not have slightly. 此刻它们全都停了下来,手中的祖物散发着黑光,将它们的身躯全都笼罩了起来,那骨魔树也像是没有察觉到它们的到来一般,丝毫动静都没有。 That dense and numerous bone demon root hair lets fall from the sky, as if static general, just like dying thing. 那密密麻麻的骨魔根须从上空垂落下来,仿佛静止一般,宛如死物。 This inexplicable has a deathly stillness the terrifying feeling. 这一幕莫名的有一种死寂又恐怖的感觉。 Front bone demon tree makes the people of presence not dare to treat it lightly, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species even under the asylum of ancestor, are still cautious, the least bit does not dare to divulge own aura. 面前的骨魔树让在场之人都不敢掉以轻心,那几头骨灵族黑暗种即便是在祖物的庇护之下,也是小心翼翼,半点不敢将自身的气息泄露出来。 Just that shadow disappeared.” Bone sui looks all around, said in a low voice. “刚刚那黑影不见了。”骨濉环顾四周,低声说道。 These bone spirit clan Dark Species lowered the sound subconsciously, does not dare to speak loudly. 这些骨灵族黑暗种都下意识的放低了声音,不敢大声说话。 This place is dangerous, is peaceful, any sound will be enlarged, such as pebble throws into the tranquil lake surface, the aroused ripples make the lake water no longer tranquil sufficiently. 此地过于危险,过于安静,任何一点声音都会被放大,就如一颗石子丢入平静的湖面,激起的涟漪足以让湖水不再平静。 But they do not dare to use the law of passes message, own strength will for fear that bring to the attention of bone demon tree. 而它们更是不敢动用传音之法,生怕自己的力量会引起骨魔树的注意。 Several skull spirit clan hears word, look toward all around, tries to discover the beforehand that shadow. 几头骨灵族闻言,都是朝着四周看去,试图找出之前那道黑影。 The opposite party were also escapes obviously nearby this, even has long known existence of bone demon tree, thus source of trouble lead to the east, wanted to strike to kill them with the bone demon root hair. 对方显然也是逃到了这附近,甚至早就知道骨魔树的存在,从而祸水东引,欲以骨魔根须来击杀它们。 The so dangerous destabilizing factor hidden in the hidden place, not meddlesome to them. 如此危险的不安定因素隐藏于暗处,对它们而言并非什么好事。 If by some chance braves at crucial moments suddenly, that consequence is simply dreadful. 万一在关键时刻突然冒出来,那后果简直不堪设想。 Their present range bone demon tree is very near, even must continue to approach, if the bone demon tree were awakened suddenly, they must face was not just that several bone demon root hair was so simple. 它们现在距离骨魔树很近,甚至等会还要继续靠近,如果骨魔树突然被惊醒,它们所要面对的就不是刚刚那几条骨魔根须那么简单了。 How what a pity regardless of these skull spirit clan Dark Species seek, is unable to find that shadow to be , the look somewhat is immediately cloudy. 可惜不论这几头骨灵族黑暗种如何寻找,都无法找到那黑影所在,眼神顿时有些阴沉起来。 Damn, what ghost thing is that shadow?” Bone sui cursed one in a low voice. “该死,那黑影到底是什么鬼东西?”骨濉不由低声咒骂了一句。 Their several high-rank demon sovereign levels add the same place, could not have done to the opposite party unexpectedly, even a shadow could not find, this seriously was a little weird. 它们几个上位魔皇级加一起,竟然还奈何不得对方,甚至连个影子都找不到,这当真是有点邪门儿了。 Only can walk one step to look at one step.” The bone carboxyl also somewhat has no alternative, silent, only has said. “只能走一步看一步了。”骨羧也是有些无可奈何,沉默了一下,唯有如此说道。 Several other skull spirit clan Dark Species cannot find out a better way, the bone carboxyl talent ability was partial in the investigation, even it cannot discover that shadow, they were needless to say. 其他几头骨灵族黑暗种也想不出更好的办法,骨羧的天赋能力本就偏向于探查,连它都找不出那道黑影,它们就更不用多说了。 Now also truly can only so. 如今也确实只能如此。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species then under the leadership of bone carboxyl toward the bone demon tree line, they are quite afterward careful, ancestor stimulation of movement in hand pinnacle. 随后几头骨灵族黑暗种便是在骨羧的带领下朝着骨魔树行去,它们极为小心,更是将手中的祖物催动到了极致。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! In the meantime, root hair extremely towering slight above that bone demon tree vibrated, moreover is not several, or more than ten, but is the large expanse of vibration, frightens several skull spirit clan Dark Species suddenly to stop in same place, moves does not dare to move. 就在此时,那骨魔树之上的根须极为突兀的轻微抖动了起来,而且不是几根,或是十几根,而是成片成片的抖动,吓得几头骨灵族黑暗种猛然停顿在原地,一动不敢动。 Ancestor that in stimulation of movement hand they go all out immediately, making it send out black light is richer. 它们立刻更加卖力的催动手中的祖物,让其散发出的黑光更加浓郁。 Meanwhile, black rune/symbol Wenyi appear from that several ancestor, surrounds in their whole body. 与此同时,一道道黑色符文亦是从那几件祖物当中浮现而出,环绕在它们周身。 These bone demon root hair were peaceful immediately, regains the quiet condition. 那些骨魔根须顿时安静了下来,重新恢复沉寂状态。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species then relax, after looking at each other one , to continue toward the front line to go. 几头骨灵族黑暗种这才松了口气,对视了一眼之后,继续朝着前方行去。 Wang Teng hides in the hidden place, sees this, frowns, the step of under foot is also slightly. 王腾躲在暗处,看到这一幕,不禁皱起了眉头,脚下的步伐也是微微一顿。 Although he has the self-confidence to oneself hidden ability, but does not dare to have any meaning of belittling to this bone demon tree similarly, now saw with own eyes that several skull spirit clan Dark Species in using the situation of ancestor, alarmed the bone demon tree as before, how he dares to treat it lightly. 虽然他对自己的隐藏能力非常有自信,但是对这骨魔树同样是不敢有任何的小觑之意,如今眼见那几头骨灵族黑暗种在动用了祖物的情况下,依旧是惊动了骨魔树,他又如何敢掉以轻心。 If by some chance he depends too nearly, alarmed that bone demon tree, that has not resulted in plays. 万一他靠得太近,也惊动了那骨魔树,那就没得玩了。 However sees several skull spirit clan Dark Species to continue toward, in his heart moves, immediately also with. 不过见几头骨灵族黑暗种正继续往前行去,他心中一动,当即也跟了上去。 So long as he with, then misleads the public near sufficiently, how that several skull spirit clan Dark Species can know that was he alarmed the bone demon tree. 只要他跟得近一些,便足以混淆视听,那几头骨灵族黑暗种又如何能够知道是他惊动了骨魔树。 This called to infiltrate the enemy, within you has me, within me has you. 这就叫打入敌人内部,你中有我,我中有你。 As for can be discovered? 至于会不会被发现? Does not exist! 不存在的! These skull spirit clan Dark Species could not discover that from the beginning he, now he grasped Imaginary specters, They were more impossible to discover. 这几头骨灵族黑暗种一开始发现不了他,如今他掌握了【幻魔影】,他们就更不可能发现了。 Finally...... 结果…… Several skull spirit clan Dark Species walked several meters, that bone demon root hair was alarmed unexpectedly again, root hair are ready to make trouble, the sharp incomparable head has aimed at the direction that several skull spirit clan Dark Species were. 几头骨灵族黑暗种才走了几米,那骨魔根须竟再次被惊动,一道道根须蠢蠢欲动,尖锐无比的头部已然对准了几头骨灵族黑暗种所在的方向。 The bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species footsteps stop again, vision contraction, a chill in the air direct impact crown of the head. 骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种脚步再次停顿,目光收缩,一股寒意直冲天灵盖。 They thought clearly, how many meter distances of not to walk obviously, how to alarm the bone demon tree, the material that they searched for contained errors, isn't the role of ancestor big? 它们怎么都想不明白,明明才走了几米的距离,怎么又惊动了骨魔树,难道它们搜寻到的资料有误,祖物的作用并没有那么大? Continues to stimulate ancestor the strength.” The bone carboxyl clenches teeth to say. “继续激发祖物的力量。”骨羧咬牙道。 Now simply does not have other means that they can only depend upon ancestor, if ancestor does not have an effect, then they really can only give up this chance. 如今根本没有别的办法,它们只能依靠祖物,若是连祖物都不起作用,那它们真的只能放弃这次机缘了。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species have not hesitated, the vision is dignified, injects in own strength ancestor again. 几头骨灵族黑暗种没有迟疑,目光凝重,再次将自身的力量注入祖物之中。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz...... 嗡!嗡!嗡…… The next quarter, ancestor in their hand vibrated immediately, many black rune/symbol writing fills the air, unexpectedly is the interconnection winding, changes to the rune/symbol writing chains. 下一刻,它们手中的祖物顿时震动了起来,更多的黑色符文弥漫而出,竟是相互连接缠绕,化作一道道符文锁链。 These ancestor sending out the black ray fills the region that Wang Teng was at this moment unexpectedly. 那些祖物散发出的黑色光芒此刻竟是弥漫到了王腾所在的区域。 Bone demon root hair of being ready to make trouble immediately peaceful, naturally lets fall, all dangerous internal combustion engines dissipate immediately, as if has never appeared generally, an extremely not real feeling. 蠢蠢欲动的骨魔根须立刻就安静了下来,自然垂落而下,所有的危险气机顿时消散一空,仿佛从未出现过一般,给人一种极不真实的感觉。 Bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species all are relaxes in the heart, in the eye raises again a ray of hope. 骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种皆是不由的在心底松了一口气,眼中再次升起一丝希望。 Said ancestor that they strove for desperately, possibly to be how useless. 就说嘛,它们苦苦求来的祖物,怎么可能没有用。 Scared to death the skeleton! 吓死骷髅了! They have not known oneself this time carried this black pot for some abdomen black fellow completely greatly. 只是它们还不知道自己这次完全是替某个腹黑的家伙背了这一口大黑锅。 Close call!” “好险!” Another side, Wang Teng could not bear scratch the cold sweat that on the forehead did not have, in the heart whispered. 另一边,王腾忍不住擦了擦额头上并不存在的冷汗,心中嘀咕了一句。 Some of his very reasons believe that these bone demon root hair detect his existence, will therefore respond intensely so. 他很有理由相信那些骨魔根须是察觉到了他的存在,所以才会反应如此的激烈。 Un, said no matter how, his ancestor to bone spirit clan has confidence. 嗯,不管怎么说,他对骨灵族的祖物还是有很信心的。 That several skull spirit clan Dark Species grasp ancestor, surely does not have to be discovered easily. 那几头骨灵族黑暗种手持祖物,肯定没有那么容易被发现。 However, this black pot, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species were the back decides. 不过,这口黑锅,那几头骨灵族黑暗种是背定了。 Wang Teng continues quietly mew mew following in several skull spirit clan Dark Species behind, this they walked the distances of ten meter/rice time, alarms the bone demon root hair again. 王腾继续悄咪咪的跟在几头骨灵族黑暗种身后,这一次它们足足走了十来米的距离,才再次惊动骨魔根须。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species have to stimulate their strength repeatedly, pours into the middle of ancestor, making the strength of that asylum more powerful. 几头骨灵族黑暗种不得不一再的激发自身的力量,注入祖物当中,让那种庇护之力更为强大。 But at this time they are away from the bone demon tree also to have an enough 300 meters distance. 而此时它们距离骨魔树还有足足三百米的距离。 The bone carboxyl, bone sui, bone and other bone spirit clan Dark Species are looking at the present distance, only thought that the skull somewhat tingles with numbness, the entire vice- skeleton rack is a little not good. 骨羧,骨濉,骨喀等骨灵族黑暗种望着眼前的距离,只觉得头盖骨有些发麻,整副骷髅架子都有点不好了。 300 meters distance regarding them, obviously is not anything, but under that bone demon tree, these 300 meters distances is similar to together the natural moat at this moment, was cut off in them with the bone demon trees, making one shrink back at the sight. 三百米距离对于它们来说,明明并不算什么,但此刻在那骨魔树之下,这三百米距离就如同一道天堑,阻隔在了它们与骨魔树之间,令人望而却步。 „, Won't this be good?” Wang Teng had not rejoiced with enough time, saw these skull spirit clan Dark Species appearances, in the heart exudes an afraid feeling. “不会吧,这就不行了?”王腾还没来得及庆幸,看到这几头骨灵族黑暗种的样子,心中不由泛起了一丝心虚之感。 These 300 meters distances a little are seemingly difficult to walk.” Cyclic spooky saying. “这三百米距离貌似有点难走啊。”圆滚滚幽幽的说道。 Oh, these skull spirit clan Dark Species really disappoint me somewhat.” Wang Teng cannot bear heave a deep sigh. “唉,这几头骨灵族黑暗种真是让我有些失望。”王腾忍不住摇头叹息。 „......” Cyclic. “……”圆滚滚。 Is this words that the person spoke? 这是人说的话? You, others these 300 meters distances are also insufficient is so difficult to walk, has not selected to compel the number at heart? 要不是你,人家这三百米距离也不至于这么难走啊,心里就没点逼数的吗? In its heart is trough of having mind filled with does not know how seriously should spit. 它心中当真是满腹的槽点不知该如何吐出来。 Now what to do?” The plump cannot bear ask. “现在怎么办?”圆滚滚忍不住问道。 All right, their strengths have not pressed out to do completely, I guess that they can also go against one again, we continue to follow.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, righteous saying. “没事,它们的力量还没有完全榨干,我猜它们还能再顶一顶,我们继续跟着。”王腾目光一闪,理直气壮的说道。 Was too miserable, I a little sympathized with them.” Cyclic say/way. “太惨了,我都有点同情它们了。”圆滚滚道。 That several skull spirit clan Dark Species are not really easy to give up, they brace oneself to continue toward, Wang Teng follows immediately. 那几头骨灵族黑暗种果然没那么容易放弃,它们硬着头皮继续朝前行去,王腾立刻跟上。 This time, is the strength of stimulating is perhaps powerful enough, they walked more than 100 meters to alarm the bone demon tree again. 这一次,也许是激发出的力量足够强大,它们足足走了一百多米才再次惊动骨魔树。 Damn! Will this bone demon tree be so how hard to deal with?” “该死!这棵骨魔树怎会如此难缠?” Several skull spirit clan Dark Species all are the vision gloomy as if must drop the water leakage, in the heart cursed. 几头骨灵族黑暗种皆是目光阴沉的仿佛要滴出水来,心中咒骂不已。 Walked more than 100 meters, this thinks that this time is not easy to alarm the bone demon tree, finally immediately hits the face. 走了一百多米,本以为这次没那么容易惊动骨魔树,结果立刻就被打脸。 Now they to stimulate the strength of ancestor, the strength in within the body has consumed most, gets down again, did not press out to do must blame. 如今它们为了激发祖物的力量,体内的力量已经消耗大半,再这么下去,不被榨干才怪。 Bone carboxyl, now what to do?” Bone asked. “骨羧,现在怎么办?”骨喀问道。 You asked me, how I special know. 你问我,我特么怎么知道。 The bone carboxyl wants to scold, this bone what's the matter, the strength has not clearly missed its many, how not to have the opinion, anything asked it. 骨羧很想骂回去,这骨喀怎么回事,实力分明没差它多少,怎么如此没有主见,什么都来问它。 If its anything can be solved, that also wants their what to use. 如果它什么都能够解决,那还要它们何用。 Looks for them to cooperate, the itself/Ben is to look for the person assigned risk, to gather their strengths deals with the bone demon tree. 找它们合作,本就是想要找人分担风险,同时也是为了集中它们的力量来应付骨魔树。 After all they from the different ethnic groups, the method are different, the coordination with each other, can play a stronger might. 毕竟它们都是来自不同的族群,手段不同,相互配合,才能发挥出更强的威力。 In addition, was respective ancestor, this was also a very important part. 除此之外,就是各自的祖物了,这也是非常重要的一环。 Without ancestor, they are unable to approach the bone demon tree. 没有祖物,它们无法靠近骨魔树。 But looks now again, these fellows is a drag on its simply. 可如今再看,这几个家伙简直就是在拖它后腿啊。 So thinks, it wants to curse at people. 如此一想,它更想骂人了。 The bone carboxyl swept several other fellows, discovered they similarly are staring looks at it, it set the appearance of decision, feels the heart to be tired. 骨羧扫了一眼其余几个家伙,发现它们同样是直勾勾的看着它,一副等它做出决定的样子,顿感心累。 Always thought that looked for one group of pig teammates what's the matter? 总觉得找了一堆猪队友是怎么回事? Ha haha......” Wang Teng fall about: Cyclic, you have a look at this first three bone spirit clan Dark Species, might be irritated.” “哈哈哈……”王腾忍不住大笑起来:“圆滚滚,你看看这头三面骨灵族黑暗种,好像要被气死了。” The plump also a little cannot help smiling, from the perspective of observer, opposite party that aggrieved helpless appearance, being true is a little funny. 圆滚滚也有点忍俊不禁,从旁观者的角度来看,对方那憋屈无奈的样子,属实有点搞笑。 Looking for what teammate was not good, looked for one group of pig teammates. 找什么队友不好,找了一群猪队友。 However if the opposite party knows that is Wang Teng is up to mischief in the back, does not know that will make what feelings? 不过对方如果知道是王腾在背后搞鬼,不知道会作何感想? With joint forces, this bone demon tree surpasses me and others to imagine powerful, only has to let the strength of fusion ancestor, shields the bone demon tree, we can walk this final more than 100 meters.” At this time, the opens the mouth that the bone carboxyl coldly said. “合力吧,这棵骨魔树的强大超出我等想象,唯有让祖物之力融合,屏蔽骨魔树,我们才能够走完这最后的一百多米。”这时,骨羧冷冷的开口道。 Bone , the bone sui and other bone spirit clan Dark Species vision dodge, looked at each other one, immediately nods saying: Good!” 骨喀,骨濉等骨灵族黑暗种目光一闪,不由对视了一眼,随即点头道:“好!” The bone carboxyl looked at their one, without the idle talk, lifts up high ancestor in hand directly. 骨羧看了它们一眼,没有废话,直接将手中的祖物高举而起。 That is three bone sculpture, only then the skeleton head, without the torso, only has the palm of the hand size. 那是一个三面骨头雕塑,只有骷髅头,没有躯干,仅有巴掌大小。 The stature of bone carboxyl is pocket-sized, but these three bone sculpture as if compare its head also to want slightly many. 骨羧的身材已经非常袖珍,但是这三面骨头雕塑似乎比它的脑袋还要小不少。 Buzz! 嗡! , In these three bone sculpture shone a dazzling black light group in a flash unexpectedly, just like the soul fires of these bone spirit clans to beat generally. 一瞬间而已,这三面骨头雕塑之内竟然亮起了一个耀眼的黑色光团,犹如这些骨灵族的魂火一般跳动着。 Bone , bone sui and other Dark Species saw this, holds up ancestor in hand immediately. 骨喀,骨濉等黑暗种见此,也立刻举起了手中的祖物。 The time, in the middle of these bone spirit clan ancestor is has a dazzling black light group to shine, is exactly the same as ancestor of bone carboxyl. 顿时间,这些骨灵族祖物当中皆是有着一个耀眼的黑色光团亮起,与骨羧的祖物如出一辙。 Then these ancestor sending out the black light group raises from ancestor unexpectedly, finally fuses, the black light group that changes to a head size in their top of the heads mutually, is proliferating dense and numerous black rune/symbol writing, forms annuli, interweaves mutually the winding. 而后这些祖物散发出的黑色光团竟是从祖物当中升起,最终在它们的头顶相互融合,化作一个脑袋大小的黑色光团,其中遍布着密密麻麻的黑色符文,形成一个个环带,相互交织缠绕。 Buzz! 嗡! Also is one slight buzz the whining noise resounds, in the black light group that fusion becomes has the ray to proliferate fiercely, formed a black light cover, covers bone carboxyl and other Dark Species all. 又是一阵轻微的嗡鸣声响起,那融合而成的黑色光团之中猛地有光芒扩散而出,形成了一个黑色的光罩,将骨羧等黑暗种尽数笼罩在内。 „???” Wang Teng hidden in the space crevice outside light cover, person almost hemp. “???”王腾隐藏在光罩之外的空间夹缝之中,人都差点麻了。 This really? 这样真的好吗? Keeps beside him the light cover, did not have sympathy a little. 把他一个人留在光罩之外,还有没有点同情心了。 Just he can also bathe to a split vision, now all black light was covered to cover by that light, simply did not have the least bit to leak off, how did this make him do? 刚刚他好歹还能沐浴到一点余光,现在所有的黑光都被那道光罩所笼罩,根本没有半点漏出,这让他怎么搞? Operates the light cover troublesome, here leaked a person. 麻烦把光罩开开,这里漏了一个人啊。
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