AAMD :: Volume #22

#2191: Imaginary specters! Fearful bone demon root hair! Finally

Chapter 2191 imaginary specters! Fearful bone demon root hair! Sees the bone demon tree appearance/portrait finally!( Sought subscription) 第2191章幻魔影!可怕的骨魔根须!终见骨魔树真容!(求订阅) Dark Star Source Power * 3200】 【黑暗星辰原力 Demon good bone blade * 2200】 【魔牛骨刀】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 4500】 【黑暗星辰原力 Three bone sword secret art * 3000】 【三面骨剑诀】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 4000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Arrow of * 600 demon bone 【魔骨之箭】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 6000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Demon bone will( fifth-order) * 8500】 【魔骨意志(五阶)】 Imaginary specters * 6500】 【幻魔影】 ...... …… The attribute air bubble that Wang Teng all around will scatter collected quietly, eye slightly one bright. 王腾将四周散落的属性气泡悄然拾取了回来,眼睛不由的微微一亮。 Dark Star Source Power is not no need saying that several skull spirit clan Dark Species add, is quite actually considerable. 黑暗星辰原力自不必多说,几头骨灵族黑暗种加起来,倒是颇为可观。 Then was Fighting technique of three bone spirit clans. 接下来就是三门骨灵族的战技了。 Before these three Fighting technique him, has collected many attribute air bubbles on the road, now the attribute value promotes a small truncation again. 这三门战技他之前在路上就已经拾取到了不少的属性气泡,如今属性值再度提升了一小截。 Demon good bone blade( High-rank demon sovereign level): 1800 / 5000( is skilled in) ; 【魔牛骨刀】(上位魔皇级):1800/5000(精通); Three bone sword secret arts( High-rank demon sovereign level): 2500 / 5000( is skilled in) ; 【三面骨剑诀】(上位魔皇级):2500/5000(精通); 【The arrow of demon bone( High-rank demon sovereign level): 5000 / 10000( little to become) ; 【魔骨之箭】(上位魔皇级):5000/10000(小成); The harvest is quite considerable, three Fighting technique are the high-rank demon sovereign levels, particularly Demon good bone blade With Three bone sword secret arts Is new Fighting technique that this time just obtained. 收获相当可观,三门战技都是上位魔皇级,尤其是【魔牛骨刀】和【三面骨剑诀】都是这次刚刚得到的新战技 The attribute air bubble that before collected promoted these two Fighting technique to the skilled rank, now collects the attribute again, finally promoted familiarity grasping. 之前拾取到的属性气泡只是将这两门战技提升到熟练级别,如今再次拾取到属性,终于是将掌握度提升到了精通。 Is skilled in the rank high-rank demon sovereign level Fighting technique, has been able to play the good might. 精通级别的上位魔皇级战技,已是能够发挥出不俗的威力。 As for 【The arrow of demon bone, This arrow law Fighting technique Wang Teng has obtained very much long time ago, and has achieved little to become rank, the attribute value of this time collecting are not many, only 600 points, but also enough made him surprised. 至于【魔骨之箭】,这门箭法战技王腾很早就得到过,并且已经达到了小成级别,此次拾取到的属性值不多,仅有600点,但是也足够让他惊讶了。 After all grasping of several other skull spirit clan Dark Species to Fighting technique possibly is skilled in the rank, but this 【The arrow of demon bone Grasping decided however to promote little to become rank Fighting technique. 毕竟其他几头骨灵族黑暗种战技的掌握可能都只是精通级别,而这【魔骨之箭】的掌握者定然是将战技提升到了小成级别。 Do not look is only a disparity of rank, but this disparity may be big. 别看只是一个级别的差距,但这差距可就大了。 Is skilled in little to become, the might missed three times to continue at least. 精通和小成之间,威力起码差了三倍不止。 That first place must hide the strength for bone spirit clan Dark Species of bone .” In the Wang Teng heart is thinking secretly, the corners of the mouth reveal a strange curve. “那头名为骨喀的骨灵族黑暗种应当是隐藏了实力。”王腾心中暗暗想着,嘴角不由露出一丝诡异的弧度。 Then fun. 这才好玩啊。 In this fulcra spirit clan team, that first place for bone spirit clan Dark Species of bone carboxyl on should be strongest outwardly, since bone to Fighting technique grasped to achieve little to become rank, then its strength perhaps not weak bone carboxyl many. 这支骨灵族队伍里面,那头名为骨羧的骨灵族黑暗种明面上应该是最强的,但是既然骨喀对战技的掌握达到了小成级别,那它的实力也许就不弱骨羧多少了。 In other words, perhaps when the time comes can also watch a good play of dog-eat-dog. 也就是说,到时候没准还能够看一出狗咬狗的好戏。 Naturally, the above is not the key point, the key point is following two species. 当然,以上都不是重点,重点是接下来的两种属性。 Demon bone will! 魔骨意志! An attribute air bubble integrates in the body of Wang Teng, changes to the sensibility, appears a frightening picture in his mind. 一个属性气泡融入王腾的身体之中,化作感悟,在他的脑海中浮现出一副令人心惊的画面。 The terrifying will arrives, the huge specters condense together. 恐怖的意志降临,一道庞大的魔影凝聚而出。 This specters slightly flesh, the whole body has not been the body of skeleton, and it lives many only arms, has a strange mark before the body, the innumerable rune/symbol writing brand mark above the body, the thick black fog assumes the link belt-shaped to wind around above its body, sends out the pinnacle the evil dark aura. 这道魔影没有丝毫血肉,浑身都是骷髅之躯,并且它生有多只手臂,于身前结出一种诡异的印记,无数符文烙印在身躯之上,浓浓的黑雾呈环带状缭绕其身躯之上,散发出极致的邪恶黑暗气息。 Fifth-order! 五阶! The Wang Teng demon bone will was being the fifth-order level at this moment, in his eye black light flashes, that boundless will almost must pass the body. 王腾的魔骨意志在此刻达到了五阶层次,他眼中黑光一闪,那磅礴的意志几乎要透体而出。 Fortunately immediately is suppressed by him. 所幸立刻被他压制住了。 This will flashes to pass in his within the body, along with even quiet. 这股意志只是在他体内一闪而逝,随即便沉寂了下去。 The trivial fifth-order will, he also has, but also feared that does not blow inadequately. 区区五阶意志而已,他又不是没得到过,还怕镇不住不成。 Demon bone will: 8500 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 【魔骨意志】:8500/50000(五阶); From original fourth-order promoted fifth-order, can be the qualitative leap. 从原本的四阶提升到了五阶,可以算是质的飞跃了。 After all many Dark Species are unable to cross this threshold, like bone spirit clan Dark Species of that several high-rank demon sovereign levels is so. 毕竟很多黑暗种根本无法跨越这个门槛,像那几头上位魔皇级的骨灵族黑暗种便是如此。 But Wang Teng here was simpler much, but was collects several attribute air bubbles the matters, handled with ease. 王腾这里就简单得多了,不过是拾取几个属性气泡的事儿,轻轻松松搞定。 So, that hidden existence behind shadow grasped is also this type Demon bone will.” “如此看来,那隐藏在黑影背后的存在所掌握的也是这种【魔骨意志】。” In Wang Teng heart looking pensive. 王腾心中若有所思。 This fifth-order level Demon bone will Obviously not from that several skull spirit clan Dark Species, but came from that shadow back existence. 这五阶层次的【魔骨意志】显然不是来自于那几头骨灵族黑暗种,而是来自于那黑影背后的存在。 Although has not known temporarily that is anything, but can fall fifth-order Demon bone will The attribute, wants to come is the somewhat uncommon place, if that several skull spirit clan Dark Species can its hold, he can also fish in troubled waters. 虽然暂时还不知道那到底是什么,但能够掉落五阶【魔骨意志】属性,想来是有些不凡之处的,如果那几头骨灵族黑暗种能够将其抓住,他也能浑水摸鱼一番。 Absorbs Demon bone will After the sensibility, the sensibility of another attribute air bubble also appeared in his mind. 吸收完【魔骨意志】的感悟之后,另一个属性气泡的感悟随之出现在了他的脑海中。 This sensibility is quite special, as it swamps into the Wang Teng mind, strange empty shades appear, the distortion is illusory, looks like the shadow of hidden under darkness, does not have any fixed shape, can optional fluctuation. 这一段感悟极为特殊,随着它涌入王腾的脑海中,一道道诡异的虚影浮现而出,扭曲而虚幻,就像是隐藏于黑暗之下的阴影,没有任何固定的形状,可以随意的变幻。 In the Wang Teng eye reveals the strange color: Imaginary specters! This is behind that shadow existence grasped special imaginary technique.” 王腾眼中不由露出奇异之色:“幻魔影!这就是那黑影背后的存在所掌握的特殊幻术。” Although with Imaginary heart secret art Compares, the two are Fighting technique in imaginary technique, but this Imaginary specters Without doubt is partial one side of the strange darkness, this is its characteristics, is its limit. 虽然和【幻心诀】相比起来,二者都是幻术方面的战技,但是这【幻魔影】无疑是偏向于诡异黑暗一侧,这是它的特点,也是它的局限。 Grasps like Wang Teng Imaginary heart secret art Does not have similar limit, the imaginary technique that he uses can definitely imitate the darkness class the thing, or Fighting technique wait/etc., only need supplement with the strength of darkness then. 王腾掌握的【幻心诀】就没有类似的局限,他所施展的幻术完全可以模仿黑暗类的事物,或是战技等,只需辅以黑暗之力即可。 Perhaps this aspect other bright universe Martial Artist cannot achieve, but Wang Teng has no issue. 这方面别的光明宇宙武者也许做不到,但王腾却没有任何问题。 Imaginary specters( low-rank Demon Venerable level): 1500 / 10000( skilled) ; 【幻魔影】(下位魔尊级):1500/10000(熟练); low-rank Demon Venerable level Fighting technique!” The Wang Teng vision flashes. “下位魔尊战技!”王腾目光一闪。 Although after accepting these sensibility, in the heart had expected, but saw truly this Fighting technique can reach the Demon Venerable level the threshold, in the heart some pleasant surprises. 虽然接受了那些感悟之后,心中已是有所预料,但真正看到这门战技可以达到魔尊级的门槛,心中还是有些惊喜的。 Fighting technique of imaginary technique class he is not many, let alone is the Demon Venerable level level. 幻术类的战技他并不多,何况是魔尊级层次的。 Now had this Fighting technique, with Imaginary heart secret art Under the coordination, his imaginary technique attainments decide however can promote a stair again, said that not pleasantly surprised that is false. 如今有了这门战技,与【幻心诀】配合之下,他的幻术造诣定然能够再提升一个台阶,说不惊喜那是假的。 Under perhaps can also contest with that shadow back existence.” “等下没准还能够与那黑影背后的存在过过招。” Wang Teng is thinking, while follows in that several skull spirit clan Dark Species behind. 王腾一边想着,一边跟在那几头骨灵族黑暗种身后。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… These skull spirit clan Dark Species have pursued that shadow not to put, once for a while sends out together the attack, wants to intercept it, but each time hitting is only the illusory image, simply has not injured to the true body of opposite party. 这几头骨灵族黑暗种一直追着那道黑影不放,时不时发出一道攻击,想要将其拦截下来,但每一次击中的都只是幻影,根本没有伤到对方的真身。 The fellow is very without doubt sly, even if escaping, still confuses that several skull spirit clan Dark Species by the illusory image, simply has not exposed own true body. 那家伙无疑十分狡猾,即便在逃跑,也是以幻影迷惑那几头骨灵族黑暗种,根本没有将自己的真身暴露出来。 Its illusory image confuses falsehood with the truth, making one be hard to distinguish, the bone carboxyl and other skull spirit clan Dark Species have no alternative. 它的幻影以假乱真,令人难以分辨,骨羧等几头骨灵族黑暗种对此也是无可奈何。 Chases, several skull spirit clan Dark Species cannot catch up with the opposite party as before. 一路追逃,几头骨灵族黑暗种依旧没能追上对方。 !!...... 咻!咻!咻…… In the meantime, grating sharp sounds air-splitting transmit from the front black fog suddenly, the speed will draw near pinnacle, will puncture the black fog instantaneously, will arrive in front of bone carboxyl and other Dark Species. 就在此时,一道道刺耳尖锐的破空声突然从前方的黑雾之中传来,速度快到了极致,瞬间刺破黑雾,来到骨羧等黑暗种面前。 „It is not good!” The bone carboxyl and other Dark Species the vision contraction, revealed color with amazement immediately. “不好!”骨羧等几头黑暗种顿时目光收缩,露出了骇然之色。 They subconscious thinks that the attack of that shadow is not powerful, simply has not thought that will have so the situation. 它们都下意识的以为那黑影的攻击并不强大,根本没想到会出现这般情况。 This sudden attack, hit their one to be caught off guard completely. 这突然的袭击,完全打了它们一个措手不及。 These attacks are real.” “这些攻击是真实的。” The bone carboxyl drinks one coldly, the bone sword in hand erupts radiant black light immediately, cuts toward the front. 骨羧冷喝一声,手中的骨剑当即爆发出璀璨的黑光,朝着前方斩出。 Several other skull spirit clan Dark Species do not dare to neglect, erupts own attack in abundance, moves forward to meet somebody. 其他几头骨灵族黑暗种也不敢怠慢,纷纷爆发出自身的攻击,迎了上去。 Clang! Clang! Clang...... 铛!铛!铛…… The vibrato that several metal collisions have resounds immediately, reverberates in the black fog, that invisible sound wave surges to open the black fog unexpectedly directly. 几道金属碰撞产生的颤音顿时响起,回荡黑雾之中,那无形的音波竟然将黑雾直接激荡而开。 It is not the Source Power complementary waves, because both sides attack the Source Power complementary waves that the collision produces after that sound spreads, spreads to open. 并非原力余波,因为双方攻击碰撞产生的原力余波在那声音传出之后,才扩散而开。 This formed the dual impacts, making all around black fog just like the spray to be the same, rewinds toward all around. 这就形成了双重的冲击,让四周的黑雾犹如浪花一般,朝着四周倒卷。 However at this moment actually no one pays attention to these. 不过此刻却无人关注这些。 Is one puts in an appearance, several skull spirit clan Dark Species were then struck to fly all, pounds in the nightfall fog ruthlessly. 仅仅是一个照面,几头骨灵族黑暗种便尽数被击飞了出去,狠狠砸入黑雾之中。 Meanwhile, Wang Teng also saw clearly the true colors of that several attack, unexpectedly is long root hair. 与此同时,王腾也看清了那几道攻击的真面目,竟然是一道道长长的根须。 However these root hair somewhat are different, they just like the white bones to be common, the semblance white piece, there is a bone unusual sense of reality. 不过这些根须却有些不同,它们犹如白骨一般,外表白森森一片,有一种骨头般的奇特质感。 What thing is this?” The Wang Teng vision concentrates. “这是什么东西?”王腾目光微凝。 !!...... 咻!咻!咻…… Has not waited for him to think, these bones must puncture again toward the black fog. 还不等他多想,那些骨须再次朝着黑雾之中刺去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bellow also resounds, sound that but also happened simultaneously along with several skull spirit clan Dark Species startled anger, both sides clashed obviously again. 轰鸣声随之响起,还伴随着几头骨灵族黑暗种惊怒交加的声音,双方显然再次发生了碰撞。 These bones must be thorny!” In Wang Teng heart a dignity. “这些骨须非常棘手!”王腾心中一片凝重。 The so hard degree, almost can compare favorably with him to grasp Demon blood poison scale vine. 如此坚硬程度,几乎可以媲美他所掌握的【魔血毒鳞藤】了。 This many are somewhat inconceivable. 这多少有些不可思议。 Because he grasps Demon blood poison scale vine, Is the process Devil vine, Ghost poisonous vine, Blood sucking vine With 【The tail of dark scale These four Fighting technique fusions, the characteristics are complex, is not general Fighting technique may compare. 因为他所掌握的【魔血毒鳞藤】,乃是经过【魔鬼藤】,【鬼毒藤】,【吸血藤】和【暗鳞之尾】这四种战技融合而成,特性复杂,绝非一般的战技可比。 The hard degree, is raised repeatedly. 其坚硬程度,更是一再提升。 Now in the middle of this black fog explodes shoots, but the bone must be able unexpectedly with it comparing favorably, obviously it truly is extremely terrifying. 如今这黑雾当中爆射而出的骨须竟然可以与之媲美,可见其确实是极为恐怖。 Let alone, these bones must as if be able to attack independently, how many skull spirit clan Dark Species pursues that not to put unexpectedly, does not know that what that black fog back main body is? 更何况,这些骨须似乎可以自主攻击,竟然追着那几头骨灵族黑暗种不放,不知道那黑雾背后的本体是什么? Wang Teng vision twinkle, Pupil of True Sight Has opened, looks toward the black fog in, simultaneously he also approaches that region quietly. 王腾目光闪烁,【真视之瞳】已然开启,朝着黑雾中看去,同时他也悄然靠近那片区域。 In Pupil of True Sight Under the function, his visible range can lengthen without doubt, by the black fog, saw the front situation finally. 在【真视之瞳】的作用下,他的可视范围无疑可以变长很多,透过黑雾,终于看到了前方的情形。 This!!!” “这!!!” The next quarter, the Wang Teng pupil shrinks, some with amazement looked at the front, in the heart was vibrating. 下一刻,王腾瞳孔一缩,有些骇然的望着前方,心中不由震动了起来。 During sees only that thick black fog to surround, appears space that seemed isolated, inside does not have the black fog, only the colossus towers in the front. 只见那浓浓的黑雾包围之中,出现了一个仿佛被隔绝开来的空间,里面没有黑雾,唯有一个庞然大物耸立在前方。 It was too high! 它太高了! Even by the Wang Teng eyesight, does not have in the situation of black fog blocking, cannot see the highest place completely. 即便是以王腾的目力,没有黑雾遮挡的情况下,也完全看不到最高处。 Before presented that say/way huge black illusory image in the middle of black fog in comparison, must seem diminutive unexpectedly. 之前出现在黑雾当中的那道庞大的黑色幻影与之相比,竟然还要显得矮小。 Wang Teng naturally also suspected that at present this colossus can be together the illusory image, but after he sees clearly present existence, in the heart actually emitted another thought suddenly. 王腾自然也怀疑眼前这庞然大物会不会又是一道幻影,但当他看清眼前的存在之后,心中却突然冒出了另一个念头。 This was......” plump also stares in a big way the eye, dull looked at the front, the mouth cannot be bearing opens slightly, is unable to close up. “这是……”圆滚滚也是瞪大了眼睛,呆呆的望着前方,嘴巴忍不住微微张开,无法合拢。 A tree! 一棵树! That is a giant incomparable bone tree! 那是一棵巨大无比的骨树! This tree is strange, as if lays on top of one another by the white bones, above lived completely the spur, sharp incomparable, just like a sharp blade of . 这棵树非常诡异,仿佛由层层迭迭的白骨垒砌而成,上面生满了骨刺,尖锐无比,宛如一柄柄的利刃。 The innumerable bones must let fall from the high place, just attacked the bone of that several skull spirit clan Dark Species to, obviously came from this bone tree. 无数的骨须从高处垂落而下,刚刚袭击那几头骨灵族黑暗种的骨须,显然就来自于这棵骨树。 Naturally, attacks bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species the bones to only more than ten, must compare with that dense and numerous bone, at all is not anything. 当然,袭击骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种的骨须仅有十几根而已,与那密密麻麻的骨须比起来,根本不算什么。 If the bone above this bone tree must go toward that several skull spirit clan Dark Species attacks entirely, they estimated that cannot resist the flash. 如果这棵骨树之上的骨须统统朝着那几头骨灵族黑暗种侵袭而去,它们估计连一瞬间都抵挡不住。 Fearful! 可怕! This demon tree was too fearful! 这棵魔树太可怕了! But this merely is its external strength performance, no one knows that this demon tree also has any potential threat. 而这仅仅是它外在的实力表现而已,谁也不知道这棵魔树还有什么潜在的威胁。 Wang Teng serious arrived at the extreme, in the heart held breath a cold air/Qi. 王腾的面色凝重到了极点,心中不由倒吸了一口冷气。 Bone demon tree! 骨魔树! If he has not guessed wrong, this is the bone demon tree that in that several skull spirit clan Dark Species mouths said! 如果他没有猜错,这就是那几头骨灵族黑暗种口中所说的骨魔树! Also is that space that he must seek for fluctuates to be. 同时也是他所要寻找的那处空间波动所在。 All around of this bone tree, lingers a faint trace space to fluctuate impressively, but how to produce specifically, but also needs a look again carefully. 这棵骨树的四周,赫然萦绕着一丝丝空间波动,不过具体是如何产生的,还需要再仔细看看。 Moreover here space fluctuation is somewhat vague, even to such near distance, he somewhat could not completely understand unexpectedly. 而且这里的空间波动有些隐晦,即便是到了如此之近的距离,他竟然还是有些看不透。 Wang Teng, is this bone demon tree that several skull spirit clan Dark Species said?” The plump responded at this time finally, asked in a low voice. 王腾,这是不是那几头骨灵族黑暗种所说的骨魔树?”圆滚滚此时终于反应过来,低声问道。 Should be.” Wang Teng nods. “应该是。”王腾点了点头。 „The bone demon tree in hearsay is actually such a exists, this was also too fearful.” The plump swallowed a saliva, said. “传闻中的骨魔树竟然是这样一个存在,这也太可怕了。”圆滚滚咽了口唾沫,说道。 Yes, I felt from this bone demon tree the threat that and other high-rank Demon Venerable levels exists bone La Demon Venerable that also is more intense.” Wang Teng said solemnly. “是啊,我从这骨魔树上感觉到的威胁,比骨喇魔尊那等上位魔尊级存在还要强烈很多。”王腾沉声道 This does not exaggerate, but is his true feeling. 这不是夸大其词,而是他真正的感受。 A bone tree, makes him feel unexpectedly threat that the far ultra high-rank Demon Venerable level had, is simply inconceivable. 一棵骨树,竟然让他感觉到了远超上位魔尊级存在的威胁,简直不可思议。 Words said that several skull spirit clan Dark Species want to seek for the chance from this bone demon tree trunk, how many a little overreached oneself?” The plump hesitated, said. “话说那几头骨灵族黑暗种想要从这骨魔树身上找寻机缘,多少有点不自量力了吧?”圆滚滚迟疑了一下,说道。 It has said unusual was polite, facing so fearful demon, let alone was the high-rank demon sovereign level, was the low-rank Demon Venerable level exists, feared that was some insufficiently looks. 它已经说的非常客气了,面对如此可怕的魔物,别说是上位魔皇级了,就是下位魔尊级存在,怕是都有些不够看啊。 Wang Teng vision twinkle, slightly nodded, obviously to some view approvals of plump. 王腾目光闪烁,微微点了点头,显然对圆滚滚的说法有些认同。 The high-rank demon sovereign level and Demon Venerable level are the qualitative differences, is useless by the quantity, therefore that several skull spirit clan Dark Species population are even many, he did not think that the opposite party can obtain what chance from this bone demon tree trunk. 上位魔皇级和魔尊级是质的差别,靠数量是没用的,所以就算那几头骨灵族黑暗种人数多,他也不觉得对方能够从这骨魔树身上得到什么机缘。 Only if...... 除非…… Only if they had knowledge of the secret of bone demon tree, has the law of dealing.” Wang Teng thought of anything suddenly, passes message said. “除非它们掌握了骨魔树的秘密,有应对之法。”王腾突然想到了什么,传音说道。 „Are you want to depend on them to spy on the secret of this bone demon tree?” The plump gawked, immediately understands his intention, said. “你是想要靠它们来窥探这骨魔树的秘密?”圆滚滚愣了一下,随即明白了他的意图,说道。 Un.” Wang Teng nods slightly, has not said anything again. “嗯。”王腾微微颔首,没有再多说什么。 In two people talked, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species also recognized that bone to finally origin. 就在两人交谈之时,那几头骨灵族黑暗种也终于认出了那骨须的来历。 This is the bone demon root hair, the bone demon tree in the front!” The pleasantly surprised sound spreads from the bone carboxyl mouth together suddenly. “这是骨魔根须,骨魔树就在前方!”一道惊喜的声音突然从骨羧口中传出。 Bone demon tree! We found the bone demon to set up!” “骨魔树!我们找到骨魔树了!” Several other skull spirit clan Dark Species are also pleasantly surprised, what startled is the great strength of this bone demon root hair, happy naturally finally found the bone demon tree. 另外几头骨灵族黑暗种也是又惊又喜,惊的是这骨魔根须的强大,喜的自然是终于找到了骨魔树。 Good, took out ancestor quickly, this bone demon root hair was too hard, we do not bump with it hardly.” Bone said hastily. “太好了,快将祖物取出,这骨魔根须太坚硬了,我们不要与其硬碰。”骨喀连忙道。 Since knows that at present is the bone demon root hair of bone demon tree, they naturally have the means to deal, does not need so to pester again. 既然知道眼前就是骨魔树的骨魔根须,它们自然有办法应对,不用再如此纠缠下去。 Finishes speaking, these skull spirit clan Dark Species took out a utensil respectively, made its float above the palm. 话音刚落,这几头骨灵族黑暗种都是各自取出了一件器物,令其悬浮于掌心之上。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! 嗡!嗡!嗡! Black light spread from that utensil, covers them. 一道道黑光从那器物之上扩散而出,将它们笼罩。 !!! 唰!唰!唰! The bone demon root hair that the attack comes stopped unexpectedly immediately, transferred regarding them, finally unexpectedly contracted, peaceful letting fall in all around of bone demon tree, like losing the vitality was ordinary, the least bit could not see just aggressive and mania. 侵袭而来的骨魔根须竟顿时停顿了下来,围绕着它们转了一圈,最后居然收缩了回去,安静的垂落在骨魔树的四周,如同失去了生机一般,半点都看不出刚刚的凶悍与狂躁。 They really have the means to deal.” “它们果然有办法应对。” In the Wang Teng eye flashed through none, the corners of the mouth exudes a curve together, in the heart raised a anticipation. 王腾眼中闪过一道精光,嘴角泛起了一丝弧度,心中升起一丝期待。 Come on, looked your! 加油,就看你们的了!
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