AAMD :: Volume #22

#2190: Huge shadow! The spirit of confusing falsehood with the truth is imaginary

Chapter 2190 huge shadow! Spiritual imaginary technique of confusing falsehood with the truth! Play jokes upon!( Sought subscription) 第2190章庞大黑影!以假乱真的精神幻术!戏耍!(求订阅) The afterward distance, several skull spirit clan Dark Species seem somewhat silent, is more discrete. 随后的路程,几头骨灵族黑暗种显得有些沉默,同时也更加谨慎起来。 They can feel, as penetrates in this black fog, the strength of appeared skeleton monster has started becomes more and more powerful. 它们可以感受到,随着深入这片黑雾之中,出现的骸骨怪物的实力已经开始变得越来越强大。 Three skull pythons from the beginning, they relaxed can strike to kill. 一开始的三头骨蟒,它们轻松就能够击杀。 The skeleton monster that however following presents, actually needs them to cope with joint forces, and must spend a lot of time. 但是后续出现的骸骨怪物,却需要它们合力对付,并且要付出不少的时间。 The skeleton monster that so uses energy to kill, within the body actually does not have the demon source bone and demon source crystal stone, made them somewhat depressed. 偏偏如此费劲杀死的骸骨怪物,体内竟然不存在魔源骨和魔源晶石,着实令它们有些郁闷。 Bone , bone sui and other bone spirit clan Dark Species, although has not said anything at this time, but the bone carboxyl has been able to feel that they were somewhat anxious. 骨喀,骨濉等骨灵族黑暗种虽然此时没有多说什么,但骨羧已经可以感觉到它们有些焦躁起来了。 This is disadvantageous to their following actions. 这对它们接下来的行动非常不利。 After all their true goal bone demon tree had not found, now is not steady on the will of the people, how then can cooperate? 毕竟它们真正的目标骨魔树都还未找到,如今就人心不稳,接下来又要如何合作? That bone demon tree may are more difficult to deal with than the skeleton monster that before bumped into. 那骨魔树可比之前碰到的骸骨怪物要难对付很多。 Incautiously, their these high-rank demon sovereign levels exist, must confess here, becomes the nutrient of bone demon tree, do not discuss what chance. 一不小心,它们这些上位魔皇级存在,也都要交代在这里,成为骨魔树的养分,更不要谈什么机缘了。 Bang! 轰! In the meantime, the land vibrates suddenly. 就在此时,大地突然震动起来。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰!轰! Just like sound of footsteps, since the distant place approaches, making the land vibrate, the hills of white bones stacks also collapsed, the white bones crash-bang scatter place. 宛如脚步声,从远处靠近,让大地震动,一座座白骨堆积的小山随之倒塌了下来,白骨哗啦啦的散落一地。 What's the matter?” Cyclic say/way. “怎么回事?”圆滚滚道。 „The sound of footsteps of probably anything, it seems like it is a colossus.” Wang Teng looks to the black fog, the corners of the mouth exude a curve, said: These bone spirit clan Dark Species had troublesome.” “好像是什么东西的脚步声,看来是个庞然大物啊。”王腾看向黑雾之中,嘴角泛起一丝弧度,说道:“这些骨灵族黑暗种有麻烦了。” The bone carboxyl, bone and other bone spirit clan Dark Species also guessed correctly anything obviously, is the vision concentrates, passes on the whence to look toward the sound. 骨羧,骨喀等骨灵族黑暗种显然也猜到了什么,皆是目光一凝,朝着声音传来处望去。 In this black fog, they are without doubt passive, are hard to judge the opposite party in what position, does not dare to run all over the place casually, does not dare easily to separate. 在这黑雾中,它们无疑非常被动,难以判断对方在什么位置,也不敢随便乱跑,更不敢轻易分开。 If not disperse to open carefully, they may be defeated very much one by one. 若是不小心分散而开,它们很有可能被逐个击破。 Suddenly, in the black fog of distant place, a huge shadow appears slowly, have several the hundred zhang (333 m) to be high fully, like a palatial mountain peak, is moving slowly. 突然,远处的黑雾之中,一个庞大的黑影缓缓浮现而出,足有数百丈高,如同一座巍峨的山峰,正缓缓移动而来。 This!!!” “这!!!” Bone , bone sui and other bone spirit clan Dark Species completely all frightened inexplicable, with amazement is looking at that huge monster. 骨喀,骨濉等骨灵族黑暗种尽皆惊悚莫名,骇然的望着那庞大的怪物。 Has a consensus in the ruins of this perishing bone, that is the huge skeleton monster, is powerful. 在这亡骨之墟内有一个共识,那就是越庞大的骸骨怪物,越是强大。 Because these skeleton monsters in fact are centered on the demon source bone or the demon source crystal stone, one monster that thus accommodation all around white bones form. 因为这些骸骨怪物实际上都是以魔源骨或是魔源晶石为核心,从而容纳四周的白骨而形成的一种怪物。 Theoretically, can absorb more white bones, explained that their core energies are more boundless, the skeleton monster of birth will be naturally more powerful. 理论上来说,能够吸纳越多的白骨,说明它们的核心能量越磅礴,诞生的骸骨怪物自然就会越强大。 The skeleton monster in this black fog is so at present huge, perhaps before its strength must go far beyond them, skeleton monster. 眼前这黑雾中的骸骨怪物如此庞大,其实力恐怕要远远超过它们之前遇到的骸骨怪物。 „The aura of this shadow, as if endures to compare the Demon Venerable level.” “这道黑影的气息,似乎堪比魔尊级。” As the shadow approaches, in the Wang Teng heart also made the judgment to its strength, in the heart congealed slightly. 随着黑影靠近,王腾心中对其实力也做出了判断,心中微微一凝。 In this black fog really exists to endure to compare the Demon Venerable level the skeleton monster! 这黑雾之内果然存在堪比魔尊级的骸骨怪物! Before he felt faintly outside the black fog threat that is not an misconception. 之前他在黑雾之外隐隐感觉到的威胁,并非错觉。 Bone...... bone carboxyl, we now what to do?” “骨……骨羧,我们现在怎么办?” Another side, the bone vision contraction, cannot bear look to nearby bone carboxyl, passes message asks. 另一边,骨喀目光收缩,忍不住望向一旁的骨羧,传音问道。 Draws back!” “退!” The bone carboxyl clenches teeth, the vision is staring at that say/way huge shadow stubbornly, passes message puts out a character. 骨羧咬了咬牙,目光死死盯着那道庞大的黑影,传音吐出一个字。 Obviously, it facing so huge skeleton monster, does not have the slight confidence even. 很显然,就算是它面对如此庞大的骸骨怪物,也是没有丝毫的信心。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species hears word, retreat toward the rear area immediately slowly, they do not even dare easily to use their strength, was for fear that detected by that shadow. 几头骨灵族黑暗种闻言,立刻朝着后方慢慢退去,它们甚至不敢轻易动用自身的力量,生怕被那黑影察觉。 Anything, they must run unexpectedly, this how line.” “啥,它们居然要跑,这怎么行。” Wang Teng felt oneself as bright universe Martial Artist, have the duty not to make these skull spirit clan Dark Species easily escape, he an eyeball revolution, thought of an excellent idea immediately. 王腾觉得自己作为一个光明宇宙武者,有义务不让这几头骨灵族黑暗种轻易逃脱,他顿时眼珠子一转,想到了一个绝妙的主意。 The next quarter, he disappears in same place, touched toward that shadow directly. 下一刻,他消失在原地,直接朝着那道黑影摸了过去。 Has saying that Wang Teng seriously is boldness because of one's skill. 不得不说王腾当真是艺高人胆大。 That several skull spirit clan Dark Species evade existence that it is less, he instead collected on own initiative. 那几头骨灵族黑暗种避之不及的存在,他反而主动凑了上去。 If this cannot be victorious, to be cool. 这要是打不过,岂不是凉凉。 Has not walked away while that several skull spirit clan Dark Species, Wang Teng arrives at the nearby of that shadow immediately, prepares comes to make a determined effort. 趁着那几头骨灵族黑暗种还未走远,王腾立刻来到了那道黑影的附近,准备给它来一发狠的。 Un?” “嗯?” But in the meantime, he actually as if suddenly discovered anything, in the eye reveals surprised. 但就在此时,他却似乎突然发现了什么,眼中露出一丝惊疑。 „It is not right.” “不对劲啊。” He has depended near, this shadow special how to feel together the shadow? 他已经靠得非常近了,这黑影特么的怎么感觉还是一道影子? Damn! 见鬼了! He hesitant, touched toward the front. 他犹豫了一下,又朝着前方摸了过去。 He has the self-confidence to oneself hidden ability, even the Demon Venerable level exists may not discover him, let alone is the skeleton monster in ruins of this perishing bone. 他对自己的隐藏能力非常有自信,连魔尊级存在都不一定能够发现他,何况是这亡骨之墟内的骸骨怪物。 Even if these skeleton monsters have the strength of Demon Venerable level level, not possible to exist to compare with the true Demon Venerable level. 就算那些骸骨怪物拥有着魔尊级层次的实力,也不可能与真正的魔尊级存在相比。 The Demon Venerable level has the method to be numerous, even has the unknown card in a hand, the background is deep, wants to strike to kill it, is how difficult. 魔尊级存在手段众多,甚至藏有不为人知的底牌,底蕴深厚,想要将其击杀,何其困难。 But strikes to kill the skeleton monster, must be relatively simpler, from this point, can see two's disparity. 而击杀骸骨怪物,就要相对简单很多,从这一点,就可以看出二者的差距。 Actually let alone was the Demon Venerable level existed, feared that reveres the level star beast, this skeleton monster could not compare. 其实别说是魔尊级存在了,怕是尊级星兽,这骸骨怪物都比不上。 After observation that Wang Teng this comes, discovered that these skeleton monsters powerful are powerful, but the attack method are very unitary, moreover seemingly does not have many appearance of spirit wisdom, is slightly stereotypical, only the knowledge slaughters. 经过王腾这一路过来的观察,发现那些骸骨怪物强大是强大,但攻击方式都很单一,而且看起来没有多少灵智的样子,略显呆板,只知杀戮。 If such existence can ascertain his hidden, he might as well returns to the Earth Star native place level to consider as finished. 这样的存在如果能窥破他的隐藏,那他还不如回地星老家躺平算了。 Quick, Wang Teng then approached in that shadow several hundred meters range, but the opposite party also in the vanguard, making the ground be shocked unceasingly, exudes the sound of thundering. 很快,王腾便靠近到了那黑影数百米范围之内,而对方也在前行,让地面不断震动,发出轰鸣之声。 By the build of opposite party, such distance is near, so long as almost foot treads, then can come a post post face-to-face with Wang Teng. 以对方的体型来说,这样的距离已经非常近了,几乎只要一脚踏过来,便能够与王腾来一个面对面的贴贴。 By this time, Wang Teng also looked through at present the true colors of this shadow finally. 到了此时,王腾也终于看破了眼前这黑影的真面目。 Lying trough, unexpectedly is only together the illusory image.” “卧槽,竟然只是一道幻影。” In his heart could not bear explode a swearing, the situation did not permit, he really shouted 'motherfucker' directly. 他心中忍不住爆了一句粗口,要不是情况不允许,他真就直接骂娘了。 The trivial illusory image, fooled together unexpectedly everyone. 区区一道幻影,竟然把所有人都唬住了。 If this passes on, has not known that will laugh at what appearance. 这要是传出去,还不知道会被笑话成什么样子。 The good and evil he is also and Demon Venerable level has the person who the upfront just crossed hardly, will be fooled unexpectedly together by the illusory image, is odd. 好歹他也是和魔尊级存在正面硬刚过的人,竟然会被一道幻影唬住,就离谱。 All around black fog was cut off his sensation, as well as Pupil of True Sight Spying on, he is also insufficient deceive is so miserable. 要不是四周的黑雾阻隔了他的感知,以及【真视之瞳】的窥探,他也不至于被骗的这么惨啊。 Can display the so lifelike illusory image, even releases the Demon Venerable level the aura, this back existence feared that is not simple.” “不过能够施展出如此逼真的幻影,甚至释放出魔尊级的气息,这背后的存在怕是也不简单。” In the Wang Teng heart complained ruthlessly, the complexion also enforced. 王腾心中狠狠吐槽了一番,面色也随之严肃了起来。 This he is finding the excuse to himself actually not, but is the fact so. 这倒不是他在给自己找借口,而是事实如此。 His psychic force sensation adds on Pupil of True Sight The spying on ability, the common low-rank Demon Venerable level exists is unable easily to deceive him, at present behind this shadow existence naturally cannot be underestimated. 他的精神力感知加上【真视之瞳】的窥探能力,寻常的下位魔尊级存在都无法轻易骗过他,眼前这黑影背后的存在自然不容小觑。 Moreover that is the illusory image is not so only simple, the opposite party also deceived him simultaneously with the induction of that several skull spirit clan Dark Species. 而且那不仅仅是幻影那么简单,对方同时还欺骗了他和那几头骨灵族黑暗种的感应。 Vibration! 震动! Without a doubt, the vibration of ground is also false! 毫无疑问,地面的震动也是假的! Illusion! Is the illusions! Never expected that bumps into one to display the expert of imaginary technique today.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, came an interest actually. “幻觉!都是幻觉!没想到今天碰到一个能够施展幻术的行家了。”王腾目光闪动,倒是来了一丝兴趣。 In fact his imaginary technique attainments are not bad, common Spiritual imaginary technique, He has achieved little to become rank, but immortal level level Imaginary heart secret art He promotes the accomplishment rank. 实际上他的幻术造诣也不差,寻常的【精神幻术】,他已经达到了小成级别,而不朽级层次的【幻心诀】他更是提升到了大成级别。 Initially when the blood group ancestor, he once used this accomplishment rank Imaginary heart secret art Has deceived watchman blood Gurner Demon Venerable of blood group treasure house. 当初在血族祖地之时,他就曾用这大成级别的【幻心诀】骗过了血族宝库的看守者血格纳魔尊 I do not need to meet the tough head-on with toughness with it actually, first makes that several skull spirit clan Dark Species help me search the actual situation.” Wang Teng smiles, in the heart had immediately decided the idea, the vision looks to distant place that several skull spirit clan Dark Species. “不过我倒是不用跟它硬碰硬,先让那几头骨灵族黑暗种帮我探探虚实。”王腾嘿嘿一笑,心中顿时有了定计,目光看向远处那几头骨灵族黑暗种 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The next quarter, he transfers his dark Star Source Power immediately, condenses two energy balls, a position that loses that huge shadow to be, another loses to several skull spirit clan Dark Species. 下一刻,他立刻调动自身的黑暗星辰原力,凝聚出两个能量球,一个丢到了那庞大黑影所在的位置,另一个则是丢向几头骨灵族黑暗种 „Don't you want to hide? I do not make you hide.” The Wang Teng corners of the mouth exude one to sneer, lose two dark energy balls the instance, then hid again thoroughly, does not leave the slight trace. “你不是想要隐藏吗?我就偏不让你藏着。”王腾嘴角泛起一丝冷笑,丢出两个黑暗能量球的瞬间,便再次彻底隐藏了起来,不留下丝毫的痕迹。 Meanwhile, he also used himself to grasp Imaginary heart secret art, Making all around form the illusion. 与此同时,他也动用了自己所掌握的【幻心诀】,让四周形成幻境。 But this illusion is also very simple, with all around black fog same black fog illusion. 而这幻境也很简单,就是与四周黑雾一样的黑雾幻境。 The illusion and black fog melt, no one can feel his existence. 幻境与黑雾相融,谁也感觉不到他的存在。 Even if that is skilled in existence of imaginary technique similarly, may not discover. 就算那同样精通幻术的存在,都不一定能够发现。 In addition the Wang Teng hidden ability, is absolutely safe, does not have the discovered possibility certainly. 再加上王腾的隐藏能力,更是万无一失,绝无被发现的可能。 „It is not good, was discovered!” “不好,被发现了!” The bone carboxyl, bone and other bone spirit clan Dark Species do not know that also Wang Teng hides in the hidden place does the matter, sees a dark energy ball to raid, thinks that was that shadow discovered them, launched the attack toward them. 骨羧,骨喀等骨灵族黑暗种根本不知道还有一个王腾藏在暗处搞事,见一颗黑暗能量球袭来,都以为是那道黑影发现了它们,朝它们发起了攻击。 Suddenly, these skull spirit clan Dark Species are the vision contractions, then displays Fighting technique, attacks toward that shadow. 一时间,这几头骨灵族黑暗种都是目光收缩,而后纷纷施展战技,朝着那道黑影攻去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Attack bombardments above that shadow, the terrifying Source Power complementary waves also sweep away to open, the black fog was swung. 一道道攻击轰击在那黑影之上,恐怖的原力余波随之横扫而开,黑雾被荡开。 The true colors of that shadow also appeared in the eyes of several skull spirit clan Dark Species, impressively was a huge incomparable skeleton monster, it fixed shape, the whole body has not been condensed by the every large or small skeleton completely, the head actually could not see that the concrete shape came, because it was too high, in head completely hidden in Heiwu, two were only black light is sparkling faintly, making one not dare to look straight ahead. 那道黑影的真面目也随之出现在了几头骨灵族黑暗种的眼中,赫然是一头庞大无比的骸骨怪物,它并没有固定的形态,浑身完全由大大小小的骸骨凝聚而成,头颅却是看不出具体形状来,因为它太高了,头颅完全隐于黑雾之中,唯有两道黑光在隐隐闪耀,令人不敢直视。 At this moment, this huge incomparable skeleton monster seemed low the head, and other skull spirit clan Dark Species overlooks to go toward the bone carboxyl, ice-cold and indifferently. 此时此刻,这庞大无比的骸骨怪物似乎低下了头颅,朝着骨羧等几头骨灵族黑暗种俯瞰而去,冰冷而漠然。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species immediately in heart one tight, but also thinks without enough time, a powerful imposing manner steamroll comes. 几头骨灵族黑暗种顿时心中一紧,还来不及多想,一股强大的气势碾压而来。 Bang! 轰隆! Ice-cold! Deathly stillness! Dark! Evil! Indescribable! 冰冷!死寂!黑暗!邪恶!不可名状! In the middle of that imposing manner contains the strength of will is inconceivable, is not only full of the dark evil meaning, contains an ice-cold deathly stillness of no vitality, as if filled the air from the place of death. 那气势当中蕴含着难以想象的意志之力,不但充满黑暗邪恶之意,更是蕴藏着一股毫无生机的冰冷死寂,仿佛从死亡之地中弥漫而出。 Even bone spirit clan Dark Species, feels the strength of this will, is still felt frightened and terrifying. 即便是骨灵族黑暗种,感受到这股意志之力,也是感觉到惊悚与恐怖。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… On several skull spirit clan Dark Species spreads ka ka the sound that the bone extrusion forms immediately, their bodies have the trend that must collapse under this imposing manner unexpectedly. 几头骨灵族黑暗种身上顿时传出骨头挤压形成的“咔咔”之声,它们的身躯竟然在这股气势之下出现要崩溃的趋势。 This shadow back existence can erupt the Demon Venerable level unexpectedly the strength of will.” Wang Teng looks at this in the hidden place, somewhat is surprised. “这黑影背后的存在竟然可以爆发出魔尊级的意志之力。”王腾在暗处看着这一幕,不禁有些惊讶。 Kills!” “杀!” At this time, in the bone carboxyl eye socket the soul fire beat fiercely, within the body also erupts a good imposing manner unexpectedly, shot up to the sky. 这时,骨羧眼眶内魂火剧烈跳动起来,体内竟也是爆发出一股不俗的气势,冲天而起。 But its imposing manner in the face of the strength of that boundless will, looking like the child and Sir is ordinary, the disparity is big, radically unable to resist. 但它的气势在那磅礴的意志之力面前,就像是孩童与大人一般,差距不小,根本无法抵抗。 You are also staring doing!” The bone carboxyl clenches teeth to insist, drinks the sound almost to from the gap between teeth push coldly. “你们还愣着干什么!”骨羧咬牙坚持,冷喝声几乎要从牙缝之中挤出来。 Bone , bone sui and other bone spirit clan Dark Species responded finally, erupted own imposing manner in abundance, contended with the boundless will of that shadow. 骨喀,骨濉等骨灵族黑暗种终于反应过来,也纷纷爆发出自身的气势,与那黑影的磅礴意志抗衡。 Under several Dark Species simultaneous/uniform strength, blocked the boundless will of that shadow finally reluctantly. 几头黑暗种齐力之下,总算是勉强挡住了那黑影的磅礴意志。 However in the meantime, explodes to shoot from the black fog together black light suddenly, the bang approached bone sui. 不过就在此时,一道黑光突然从黑雾当中爆射而出,轰向了骨濉。 Go away!” “滚开!” In the bone sui eye socket the soul fire jumps suddenly, in the difficult uphold hand that giant bone blade, dark Star Source Power erupts above, changes to giant blade glow. 骨濉眼眶内魂火猛然一跳,艰难的抬起手中那柄巨大的骨刀,黑暗星辰原力在其上爆发,化作一道巨大的刀芒。 Bang! 轰! Although was suppressed by that will, but it in erupts this blade finally frequently, in an instant, the blade glow then collided with that black light ball in one. 尽管被那意志压制住,但它好歹是在最终时刻爆发出了这一刀,刹那间,刀芒便与那黑色光球碰撞在了一起。 The fierce bellow resounds, the crazy fierce Source Power complementary waves sweep across to open toward all around. 剧烈的轰鸣声响起,狂猛的原力余波朝着四周席卷而开。 Together form flying upside down, falling ruthlessly in black fog. 紧接着一道身影倒飞而出,狠狠的摔进了黑雾之中。 Bone sui!” The bone vision concentrates, cannot bear loudly shouts. “骨濉!”骨喀目光一凝,忍不住大喝道。 Bang! 轰! But was short of that named bone sui bone spirit clan Dark Species, these skull spirit clan Dark Species imposing manners by suppression ruthlessly, they were only thought again the top of the head has a mountain to depress, the whole body skeleton almost dispersed. 而少了那名为骨濉的骨灵族黑暗种,这几头骨灵族黑暗种的气势再次被狠狠的压制住,它们只觉得头顶有一座大山压下,浑身骨头架子都差点散了。 Damn! If it is unable to accomplish anything it will at least be able to spoil everything!” The bone carboxyl could not bear curse one. “该死!成事不足败事有余!”骨羧忍不住咒骂了一句。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… At this time, in that black fog several exploded to shoot black light, and other skull spirit clan Dark Species exploded to the bone carboxyl respectively shoots to go. 这时,那黑雾之中又有几道黑光爆射而出,分别冲着骨羧等几头骨灵族黑暗种爆射而去。 The bone carboxyl vision changes, could not attend to cursing at people, erupted dark Star Source Power of whole body hastily. 骨羧目光一变,也顾不上骂人了,连忙将全身的黑暗星辰原力爆发而出。 Bang! 轰隆! The time, flooded the thick black light microcosm to appear above its top of the head, vibrated void, later a white bones big hand found out from that microcosm suddenly. 顿时间,一座充斥着浓浓黑光的小世界出现在了它的头顶之上,虚空为之震动了一下,随后一只白骨大手猛然从那小世界当中探出。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… That several black light were stressed by that white bones big hand immediately in the palm, the explosion opens loudly. 那几道黑光顿时被那白骨大手抓在手心,轰然爆炸而开。 Un? It is not right!” The bone carboxyl suddenly discovered anything probably, in the eye erupts together none, cold sound said: These attacks are not very strong, cannot be the Demon Venerable level level.” “嗯?不对!”骨羧突然像是发现了什么,眼中爆发出一道精光,冷声道:“这些攻击并不是很强,达不到魔尊级层次。” Bone and other bone spirit clan Dark Species are not silly, sees the bone carboxyl to act, then blocked that several black light all of a sudden simultaneously, immediately then detects exceptionally. 骨喀等骨灵族黑暗种也不傻,见骨羧一出手,便一下子同时挡住了那几道黑光,立刻便察觉到了异常。 Just these attacked black light are really not as if strong, at most before them the attack of skeleton monster bumped into was similar. 刚刚那些黑光攻击似乎真的不强,顶多与它们之前碰到的骸骨怪物的攻击差不多。 This explained the strength of that shadow is not very actually strong? 这是否说明那黑影的实力其实并不算很强? At least cannot be the Demon Venerable level level! 起码达不到魔尊级层次! Several skull spirit clan Dark Species looked at each other one, erupts own microcosm empty shadow in abundance, making it hang above the top of the head, then erupted the attack, went toward that huge shadow bang. 几头骨灵族黑暗种对视了一眼,纷纷爆发出自身的小世界虚影,令其悬于头顶之上,而后爆发出攻击,朝着那庞大的黑影轰去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The black arrow light, the blade glow, the sword glow, performed to scold above that huge shadow, erupts the fearful fluctuation of energy, rich black light that area flooding. 黑色的箭光,刀芒,剑芒等,尽数落在那庞大黑影之上,爆发出可怕的能量波动,浓郁的黑光将那片区域淹没。 But that huge shadow, under these attacks, was torn to open unexpectedly directly, just like the slip of paper is ordinary. 而那庞大的黑影,竟然在这几道攻击之下,径直被撕裂而开,犹如纸片一般。 Grass! False!!” “艹!假的!!” „The empty shadow, we were deceived together.” “只是一道虚影,我们被骗了。” Scoundrel!” “混账!” ...... …… Several skull spirit clan Dark Species somewhat are immediately breathless, they where is not clear at this time, that huge shadow at all is not the main body of opposite party, but brings to deceive them. 几头骨灵族黑暗种顿时有些气急败坏,它们此时哪里还不明白,那庞大的黑影根本不是对方的本体,只是拿来糊弄它们的。 No wonder the body is like that huge, attack actually such weakness. 难怪身躯那般庞大,攻击却如此之弱。 They the high-rank demon sovereign level as bone spirit clan exist, the status in the bone spirit clan venerates, unexpectedly by one always by the skeleton monster that they will look down upon extremely playing jokes upon. 它们身为骨灵族的上位魔皇级存在,在骨灵族当中身份何等尊崇,竟然会被一头向来被它们极为看不起的骸骨怪物给戏耍了。 It looks like in the bone spirit clan, these skeleton monsters are whatever they urge at will, humble existence that hunts and kills at will. 在骨灵族看来,那些骸骨怪物不过是任由它们随意驱使,随意猎杀的低贱存在。 Always looks down upon blood in not the dead bloodshed on such as the blood group is the life, regards as the dependency and prey them. 就如血族向来看不起不死血海内的血系生灵,将它们视为附庸和猎物。 If makes one know that they were played jokes upon by these skeleton monsters unexpectedly, it is estimated that they must degenerate into the laughingstock of entire bone spirit clan. 如果让人知道它们竟被这些骸骨怪物戏耍,估计它们都要沦为整个骨灵族的笑柄。 Looks for it, I must its rumble to become fragments!” The bone carboxyl coldly said. “将其找出来,我要将其轰成齑粉!”骨羧冷冷道。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species are the same thoughts, this moment vision ice-cold, immediately surrounds the past toward the region that huge shadow was just now. 几头骨灵族黑暗种都是相同的心思,此刻目光冰冷,立刻朝着方才那庞大黑影所在的区域包围了过去。 All around strong black fog cannot block several angry bone spirit clan Dark Species. 四周浓重的黑雾挡不住几头愤怒的骨灵族黑暗种 In the meantime, a shadow flashes to pass from the black fog, runs away to go toward the black fog deep place. 就在此时,一道黑影从黑雾中一闪而逝,朝着黑雾深处逃遁而去。 Pursues!” The bone carboxyl shouted coldly. “追!”骨羧冷喝道。
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