AAMD :: Volume #22

#2189: Demon source bone! Demon source crystal stone! Thieves!(

Bone demon tree!” “骨魔树!” That several skull spirit clan Dark Species sound has not covered up, therefore Wang Teng hears clearly their words bodies. 那几头骨灵族黑暗种的声音没有丝毫遮掩,所以王腾将它们的话语体听了个清楚。 An extremely special and strange name appeared in his ear. 一个极为特殊且陌生的名称出现在了他的耳中。 Is a tree?” “难道是一株树?” In this white bones world will be long the plant?” “这白骨世界里面还会长出植物吗?” Wang Teng guessed secretly, in the heart actually feels surprisedly exceptionally, is as far as eyes can reach white in a skeleton world, will be unexpectedly long the plant, this many are a little out of sorts. 王腾暗自猜测,心中却感觉惊讶异常,一眼望去白茫茫一片的骸骨世界之中,竟然还会长出植物,这多少有点违和。 Moreover what plant, can grow in the middle of such place of deathly stillness. 而且什么样的植物,能够生长在这样一片死寂之地当中。 Suddenly, in his heart is also curious. 一时间,他心中也是好奇不已。 Since is the same direction, he then happen to with has a look. 既然是同一个方向,他便正好跟上去看看。 Perhaps that bone demon tree is related with the space fluctuation.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, suddenly thought of anything. “也许那棵骨魔树跟空间波动有关。”王腾目光一闪,突然想到了什么。 Wang Teng, I checked!” At this time, the plump called out suddenly. 王腾,我查到了!”这时,圆滚滚突然叫道。 What?” Wang Teng gawked, immediately responded, asked hastily: „Did you check the material of bone demon tree?” “什么?”王腾愣了一下,随即反应过来,连忙问道:“你查到骨魔树的资料了?” Right.” The plump says immediately: I check from the blood group material, but are not many, is only some words.” “对。”圆滚滚立刻说道:“我从血族的资料里面查到的,不过也不多,只是一些只言片语。” Said that looks.” Wang Teng follows behind that several skull spirit clan Dark Species, while passes on the sound said. “说说看。”王腾一边跟在那几头骨灵族黑暗种后面,一边传音道。 So-called bone demon tree, the hearsay is one type can absorb the strength of deathly stillness, the strength of darkness, and even is the demon tree of strength and soul strength of life, is strange and terrifying.” Cyclic say/way. “所谓的骨魔树,传闻是一种能够吸收死寂之力,黑暗之力,乃至是生命之力和灵魂之力的魔树,非常的诡异与恐怖。”圆滚滚道。 Not can only absorb the strength of deathly stillness, but can also absorb the strength of life?” Wang Teng listened to an unusuality from the words of plump immediately, could not bear and asks. “不仅能吸收死寂之力,还能吸收生命之力?”王腾顿时从圆滚滚的话语中听出了一丝异常,忍不住又问道。 „...... In the blood group material so described.” The plump also responded, these two strengths are to have the conflict without doubt, that bone demon tree can absorb these two strengths simultaneously, somewhat is truly strange. “呃……血族的资料里面是这般描述的。”圆滚滚也反应了过来,这两种力量无疑是存在冲突的,那骨魔树能够同时吸收这两种力量,确实有些诡异。 No matter how said, first has a look.” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, said. “不管怎么说,先去看看。”王腾目光闪烁,道。 He to that bone demon tree curious richer how many minutes/shares, can absorb the strength and life strength of deathly stillness unexpectedly simultaneously, is this bone demon tree what Zhongqi? 他对那骨魔树的好奇更加浓郁了几分,竟然可以同时吸收死寂之力和生命之力,这骨魔树到底是何种奇物? Several skull spirit clan Dark Species speed away in front, is very quick, when are not many then region that is close to black fog filling. 几头骨灵族黑暗种在前面疾驰,速度很快,不多时便接近一处黑雾弥漫的区域。 In the ruins of this perishing bone actually has by the region that the black fog fills, some scopes are very broad, some scopes are actually not big, covers surrounding area dozens meters at most. 这亡骨之墟内其实存在许多被黑雾弥漫的区域,有些范围很广,有些范围却是不大,顶多笼罩方圆数十米。 However actually similarities- in black fog has feeling of the danger somewhat. 不过其中却有一处相同点-黑雾之中多多少少都带有一丝危险之感。 But at present this black fog to the feeling of Wang Teng, danger, he come the black fog region that bumps into, no can in comparison. 而眼前这片黑雾给王腾的感觉,更加的危险,他一路过来碰到的黑雾区域,没有一处能够与之相比的。 And this black fog cover broad of region , is also he sees for the first time. 并且这片黑雾笼罩区域之广,也同样是他首次见到。 Is it possible that in this black fog to have the threat of Demon Venerable level this level.” The Wang Teng vision concentrates, is looking at the front from afar. “这片黑雾之中莫非有魔尊级这个层次的威胁。”王腾目光微凝,远远望着前方。 That black fog give his feeling of threat, gives his feeling of threat to be similar to Demon Venerable level Dark Species, even must more intense many. 那片黑雾给他的威胁之感,与魔尊黑暗种给他的威胁之感非常相似,甚至还要更强烈不少。 Because his not thorough in, therefore is unable the concrete judgment. 由于他并未深入其中,所以也无法具体的判断出来。 If the deep nightfall fog, the feeling of that threat will be perhaps more intense also perhaps. 如果深入黑雾,也许那种威胁之感会更加强烈也说不定。 That space fluctuates spreads from this black fog.” Wang Teng vision twinkle, by 【The body of space The induction, finally determined the general position silently: These bone spirit clan Dark Species goals probably also in black fog.” “那空间波动就是从这片黑雾之中传出的。”王腾目光闪烁,以【空间之体】默默感应,最终确定了大概的方位:“那些骨灵族黑暗种的目标好像也在黑雾之中。” At this time, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species also stopped, is standing outside the black fog is talking in a low voice anything. 此时,那几头骨灵族黑暗种也停了下来,正站在黑雾之外低声交谈着什么。 Bone carboxyl, is here the bone demon tree location?” Bone is looking at front black fog, asked. “骨羧,这里就是骨魔树所在地吗?”骨喀望着面前的黑雾,问道。 Good, the strength and deathly stillness strength of so rich place darkness, may the birth bone demon tree.” Bone carboxyl slightly nodded. “不错,只有黑暗之力与死寂之力如此浓郁的地方,才有可能诞生骨魔树。”骨羧微微点了点头。 Several other skull spirit clan Dark Species also nod one after another, in the heart said to the bone carboxyl, believed actually much. 另外几头骨灵族黑暗种也是相继点了点头,心中对骨羧所言,倒是相信了不少。 Although originally had not said that but they are also holding the half believing and half doubting mentality, now sees this rich black fog, felt the dark strength and deathly stillness strength , the anxiety in heart naturally dissipated. 原本虽然没说,但它们也是抱着将信将疑的心态,如今看到这片浓郁的黑雾,感受到其中的黑暗之力和死寂之力,心中的疑虑自然消散了许多。 Naturally, in their hearts as before vigilant, still had guarded to the bone carboxyl. 当然,它们心中依旧警惕,对骨羧仍然有所提防。 Among Dark Species, struggles similarly much, this is the turning point of strengthen, who knows the opposite party to be able the pit they. 黑暗种之间,明争暗斗同样不少,这可是变强的契机,谁知道对方会不会坑它们。 Initially when the bone carboxyl found they cooperated together, some of their protection, after all related to the bone demon tree like this big chance, the difficult insurance bone carboxyl not to have sole possession. 当初骨羧找到它们一同合作之时,它们就有些防备,毕竟涉及到了骨魔树这样的大机缘,难保骨羧不会独吞。 Before without obtaining chance, naturally all said that when really arrived obtained the chance, perhaps would have no that good speech. 在没有得到机缘之前,自然一切都好说,但真到了得到机缘之时,恐怕就没有那么好说话了。 Walks, is careful, inside danger are many.” The bone carboxyl reminded one, the lunch first in the line toward the black fog went. “走吧,都小心点,里面危险不少。”骨羧提醒了一句,便当先朝着黑雾之中行去。 Bone , bone sui and other bone spirit clan Dark Species looked at each other one quietly, follows hastily. 骨喀,骨濉等骨灵族黑暗种悄然对视了一眼,连忙跟上。 It seems like that bone demon tree really in this.” Wang Teng covered own aura thoroughly, with the nightfall fog, in the heart actually moved quietly suddenly, wants to say secretly: „The space fluctuation big probability that so, that bone demon tree and I must seek for has the relation, otherwise where has such skillful matter.” “看来那骨魔树果然在这里面。”王腾彻底掩去了自身的气息,悄然跟入黑雾之中,心中却突然一动,暗暗想道:“如此看来,那骨魔树和我要寻找的空间波动大概率存在联系,不然哪有这么巧的事。” Perhaps was that bone demon tree makes this place the space have the crack?” “也许是那骨魔树让此地的空间出现了裂缝?” In his heart deliberately considers, while tight following in several skull spirit clan Dark Species behind. 他心中一边寻思,一边紧紧的跟在几头骨灵族黑暗种身后。 This time, he with was nearer. 这一次,他跟的更近了一些。 Has to acknowledge, all around black fog was also covers to him. 不得不承认,四周的黑雾倒也算是给他打掩护了。 This black fog can prevent the sensation, even if Dark Species situated, still very difficult sensation to arrive at very far distance. 这黑雾可以阻挡感知,就算是黑暗种位于其中,也很难感知到很远的距离。 Why can know as for him, naturally is because he had just tried. 至于他为什么能知道,当然是因为他刚刚试过。 Even his psychic force is unable to investigate far, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species not to mention, only if their psychic forces can exceed him. 连他的精神力都无法探查多远,那几头骨灵族黑暗种就更不用说了,除非它们的精神力能够胜过他。 But this possibility? 但这可能吗? It is not he is proud, but such existence after all is not many. 不是他自负,而是这样的存在毕竟是不多的。 ! 咻! Suddenly, as slight spreads from the black fog as pinnacle sound air-splitting together fiercely, if not the Wang Teng psychic force is powerful enough, has almost not heard. 突然,一道轻微到极致的破空声猛地从黑雾之中传出,如果不是王腾精神力足够强大,差点就没有听到。 However he actually not flurried, now he hid himself, the threat assessment in black fog could not discover him. 不过他倒是没有慌乱,如今他隐藏了自身,黑雾中的威胁估计发现不了他。 Really, the existence goal in that black fog is not Wang Teng, but is front that several skull spirit clan Dark Species. 果然,那黑雾中的存在目标并不是王腾,而是前方那几头骨灵族黑暗种 What thing?!” “什么东西?!” With aerial near-collision, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species also discovered exceptionally, particularly that named bone carboxyl three bone spirit clan Dark Species finally, when first explodes drinks one, in the hand suddenly presents a bone sword, cuts toward the black fog. 随着危险接近,那几头骨灵族黑暗种也终于发现了异常,尤其是那名为骨羧的三面骨灵族黑暗种,当先爆喝一声,手中突然出现一柄骨剑,朝着黑雾中斩出。 Clang! 铛! A metal collision sound spreads suddenly. 一道金属碰撞般的声音骤然传出。 Several other skull spirit clan Dark Species responded immediately, passed on the whence to look toward that sound, saw only in the black fog to have a long shadow to flash to pass. 其他几头骨灵族黑暗种顿时反应过来,朝着那声音传来处看去,只见黑雾中有一道长长的黑影一闪而逝。 „Is bone carboxyl, what thing?” In the bone sui hand presents a giant bone blade, is ready in full battle array, simultaneously asked toward that first three bone spirit clan Dark Species. “骨羧,是什么东西?”骨濉手中出现一柄巨大的骨刀,严阵以待,同时朝着那头三面骨灵族黑暗种问道。 Is a skull python.” Bone carboxyl light say/way. “是一头骨蟒。”骨羧淡淡道。 Bone python!” Bone sui eye one bright, not startled counter- happy, said: That will have the demon source bone, or the demon source crystal stone exists.” “骨蟒!”骨濉眼睛一亮,不惊反喜,道:“那岂不是会有魔源骨,或是魔源晶石存在。” Who can take, whose is.” Bone carboxyl as before very tranquil saying. “谁能拿下,便是谁的。”骨羧依旧很平静的说道。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species hears word, are some meanings moves, the vision takes a fast look around to go toward all around, in the hand also presented the weapon. 几头骨灵族黑暗种闻言,都是有些意动起来,目光纷纷朝着四周扫视而去,手中也都出现了兵器。 This place is really a treasure trove, had not found the bone demon tree, has the chance to deliver. 这地方果然是一处宝地啊,还未找到骨魔树,就已经有机缘送上门了。 Demon source bone! Is that Black Bone?” In the Wang Teng heart moves: What is that demon source crystal stone? It seems like these skeleton monster within the body not only have one treasure, but also is as if big to the attraction of bone spirit clan.” “魔源骨!是那种黑骨吗?”王腾心中一动:“还有那魔源晶石又是什么?看来那些骸骨怪物体内不仅存在一种宝物,而且似乎对骨灵族的吸引力不小啊。” !!! 咻!咻!咻! The slight sound air-splitting resounds again, but this time not just together, but is three sounds also resounds. 轻微的破空声再度响起,只不过这次并非只有一道,而是三道声音同时响起。 The Wang Teng corners of the mouth exude a curve, stance that watches the good play. 王腾嘴角泛起一丝弧度,一副看好戏的姿态。 Although the time is urgent, but he knows that now cannot be anxious, must stand firm, is more irritable is easier to have problems. 虽然时间紧急,但他知道现在不能急,必须稳住,越急躁越容易出问题。 By these three skull spirit clan Dark Species, in the front takes the lead, might as well be a good deed. 由这三头骨灵族黑暗种在前方打头阵,未尝不是一件好事。 Came!” “来了!” Bone drinks one lightly, builds the bow archery unexpectedly, then six black flowing light explode to shoot from the long bow in its hand instantaneously, fire into the black fog. 骨喀轻喝一声,竟是搭弓射箭,瞬间便有六道黑色流光从它手中的长弓之上爆射而出,冲向黑雾之中。 !!...... 咻!咻!咻…… All around black fog rolls up and pushes along immediately, formed six long tracks. 四周黑雾顿时卷动起来,形成了六条长长的轨道。 Bone sui, bone carboxyl and other bone spirit clan Dark Species also make a move, various methods, bang to black fog. 骨濉,骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种也同时出手,各施手段,轰向黑雾之中。 The time, the black fog of big piece was cleared away to open, revealed situation. 顿时间,大片的黑雾被涤荡而开,露出了其中的情形。 Sees only three huge bone pythons to explode to shoot from the black fog, the big mouth opens, will swallow toward several skull spirit clan Dark Species. 只见三头庞大的骨蟒从黑雾中爆射而出,大口张开,正要朝着几头骨灵族黑暗种吞食而来。 They have not thought of these skull spirit clan Dark Species response such rapidness obviously, moreover each one methods are good. 只是它们显然没想到这几头骨灵族黑暗种反应如此之快,而且个个手段不俗。 Facing the attacks of several skull spirit clan Dark Species, that three skull pythons also felt obviously the threat, shouted one, in the mouth has black light condensation immediately, explodes to shoot instantaneously. 面对几头骨灵族黑暗种的攻击,那三头骨蟒显然也感觉到了威胁,嘶吼一声,口中顿时有黑光凝聚,瞬间爆射而出。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Their attacks collide with the attacks of several skull spirit clan Dark Species immediately in one, erupts the fierce bellow, the Source Power complementary waves all around black fog volume will open. 它们的攻击立刻与几头骨灵族黑暗种的攻击碰撞在了一起,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣声,原力余波将四周的黑雾卷开。 But the distant place is still the black fog is stronger, cannot see the boundary, obviously this black fog regions are broad. 但更远处依旧是黑雾浓重,看不到边际,可见这片黑雾区域有多么广阔。 Three skull pythons eventually are double fist difficult enemy four . Moreover the attacks of several skull spirit clan Dark Species do not compare them to be weak many, even several attacks compare them to be strong. 三头骨蟒终究是双拳难敌四手,而且几头骨灵族黑暗种的攻击并不比它们弱多少,甚至有几道攻击比它们还要强。 So in the situation, they naturally do not beat, but is a collision, whole body skeleton was scattered, crash-bang falls place. 如此情况下,它们自然不敌,不过是一次碰撞,浑身骨架子就都被打散了,哗啦啦的掉落一地。 Some skeletons cannot undergo that powerful attack, changed to the fragment powder directly. 有的骨头架子经受不住那强大的攻击,直接化作了齑粉。 Bone , the bone sui and other Dark Species eyes shine, the figure flashes, then flushes away toward the position that three skull pythons are. 骨喀,骨濉等黑暗种眼睛发亮,身形一闪,便朝着那三头骨蟒所在的位置冲去。 Un? How no?” “嗯?怎么没有?” „It is not right, how won't these three skull pythons have the demon source bone and demon source crystal stone?” “不对,这三头骨蟒怎么会没有魔源骨和魔源晶石?” Was too small? Looks to look again.” “难道是太小了?再找找看。” ...... …… Several skull spirit clan Dark Species turned looked several, actually still had achieved nothing, the vision was gloomy immediately, in the heart somewhat was surprised uncertain. 几头骨灵族黑暗种又翻找了几遍,却仍然一无所获,目光顿时阴沉了下来,心中有些惊疑不定。 This what's the matter?” “这到底是怎么回事?” They somewhat do not think clearly, on skeleton head one series of black person question marks. 它们都有些想不明白,骷髅头上一串的黑人问号。 How the bone python possibly does not have the demon source bone and demon source crystal stone, this special is unscientific. 骨蟒怎么可能没有魔源骨和魔源晶石,这特么不科学啊。 Bone carboxyl, how do you see?” Bone asked. “骨羧,你怎么看?”骨喀问道。 The bone carboxyl shakes the head slowly, in that three faces, six empty eye sockets are staring at all around black fog, the soul fire is beating spookily, as to see anything. 骨羧缓缓摇头,那三张面孔之中,六只空洞洞的眼眶盯着四周的黑雾,其中魂火幽幽的跳动着,似乎想要看出什么。 Had not seen that other have the appearance.” After the moment, its sound ice-cold saying. “没有看到有其他存在出现。”片刻后,它声音冰冷的说道。 Can in underground?” Bone said suddenly. “有没有可能在地下?”骨喀突然道。 Several skull spirit clan Dark Species are staring at the under foot immediately, later looked at each other one, flies together toward the midair. 几头骨灵族黑暗种顿时盯着脚下,随后对视了一眼,齐齐朝着半空中飞去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The next quarter, they also make a move, just like the shell plow place, everywhere that explodes all around white bones dances in the air, in the ground presents several big holes immediately. 下一刻,它们同时出手,宛如炮弹犁地,将四周的白骨炸的漫天飞舞,地面上立刻出现了几个大坑。 What a pity they have not discovered slightly the demon source bone and trail of demon source crystal stone finally. 可惜它们最终也没有发现丝毫魔源骨和魔源晶石的踪迹。 Walks, possibly that three skull pythons do not have the demon source bone or the demon source crystal stone.” The bone carboxyl shakes the head to say. “走吧,可能那三头骨蟒并不存在魔源骨或是魔源晶石。”骨羧摇头道。 It wholeheartedly only wants to find the bone demon tree, the demon source bone or the demon source crystal stone had not found even, cannot affect its ultimate goal absolutely. 它一心只想找到骨魔树,魔源骨或是魔源晶石没找到就算了,绝对不能影响它的最终目的。 How possibly, I had never heard the skeleton monster within the body in ruins of this perishing bone does not have the demon source bone or the demon source crystal stone.” Bone sui unwilling saying. “怎么可能,我从未听说过这亡骨之墟内的骸骨怪物体内不存在魔源骨或是魔源晶石的。”骨濉不甘心的说道。 Here is bone demon tree the place of birth, will not necessarily have some peculiar circumstances.” Bone looked at bone carboxyl one, hesitated, said: Auditory bone carboxyl, walks, the bone demon tree is important.” “这里是骨魔树的诞生之地,未必不会出现一些特殊情况。”骨喀看了骨羧一眼,沉吟了一下,说道:“听骨羧的,走吧,骨魔树要紧。” So long as found the bone demon tree, this loss is anything.” “只要找到骨魔树,这点损失算什么。” Several other skull spirit clan Dark Species hears word, even if in heart again how unwilling, has not talked too much again, nods. 其他几头骨灵族黑暗种闻言,纵使心中再如何不甘,也没有再多言,都是点了点头。 Afterward they then under the leadership of bone carboxyl, explore to go toward the black fog in again. 随后他们便在骨羧的带领下,再次朝着黑雾中探索而去。 But after this afterward, in several skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts is not somewhat feeling well. 只不过经过这件事后,几头骨灵族黑暗种心中都有些不爽起来。 Ha, Wang Teng you damaged, unexpectedly the treasure that they hit laboriously stealing.” The laughter of plump resounds in the Wang Teng mind immediately. “哈哈哈,王腾你太损了,居然把它们辛苦打下来的宝物给偷了。”圆滚滚的笑声顿时在王腾脑海中响起。 This matter does not need to know that definitely is Wang Teng does. 这事不用想都知道肯定是王腾干的。 This should be the demon source crystal stone that they said.” Wang Teng shows a faint smile, in the hand presented a black crystal stone. “这应该就是它们所说的魔源晶石了。”王腾微微一笑,手中出现了一块黑色的晶石。 Just attacked the instance that collided while both sides, he took the bull by the horns, with the aid of covering up of Source Power complementary waves, stole the demon source bone and demon of source crystal stone three skull python within the body with the strength of space. 刚刚趁着双方攻击碰撞的瞬间,他当机立断,借助原力余波的遮掩,用空间之力将三头骨蟒体内的魔源骨和魔源晶石偷了过来。 Then had the following situation to appear. 这才有了后面的情况出现。 Three skull pythons, have two demon source bones respectively, together demon source crystal stone. 三头骨蟒,分别存在两块魔源骨,一块魔源晶石。 However the volume is not big, only has the fingernail size, compared with before him small obtained. 不过体积都不大,仅有指甲盖大小,比他之前得到的小多了。 After two demon source bones he throws into the space ring, then before him that Black Bone obtained fused, very obviously that Black Bone is the demon source bones in these bone spirit clan Dark Species mouths. 两块魔源骨被他丢进空间戒指后,便与他之前得到的那块黑骨融合了,很显然那黑骨就是那些骨灵族黑暗种口中的魔源骨。 But the so-called demon source crystal stone is in the Wang Teng hand this. 而所谓的魔源晶石就是王腾手中这一块。 Well, inside contains the soul source unexpectedly.” Wang Teng induced anything suddenly, in the eye flashed through unusual look, astonished saying. “咦,里面居然蕴含灵魂本源。”王腾突然感应到了什么,眼中闪过一丝异色,惊异的说道。 Implication soul source?!” The plump is also very surprised: „Is this together the soul source crystal?” “蕴含灵魂本源?!”圆滚滚也十分惊讶:“难道这是一块灵魂源晶?” With some soul source crystal differences, without is so pure . Moreover the strength of implication darkness, even strength of the deathly stillness, bright universe Martial Artist was unable to absorb.” Wang Teng induced carefully, shakes the head to say. “与灵魂源晶还是有些差别的,没那么纯粹,而且其中蕴含黑暗之力,甚至还有一股死寂之力,光明宇宙武者根本无法吸收。”王腾又仔细感应了一番,摇头道。 That was useless.” Cyclic regrettable shaking the head said. “那就没什么用了。”圆滚滚遗憾的摇头道。 Who said that is useless to others, may not be uncertain to me.” Wang Teng with a laugh received it, said. “谁说的,对别人无用,对我可就不一定了。”王腾笑呵呵的将其收了起来,说道。 This thing was one is slightly pleasantly surprised. 这东西算是一个小惊喜了。 „...... Also is really.” The plump thinks immediately Wang Teng particularity, this fellow continually was dark Star Source Power to grasp, naturally did not fear in the middle of this demon source crystal stone dark strength. “……还真是。”圆滚滚立刻想到了王腾的特殊性,这家伙连黑暗星辰原力都掌握了,自然不怕这魔源晶石当中的黑暗之力。 We continue with coming up, perhaps can also harvest one wave again.” Wang Teng smiles, the figure vanished in immediately same place. “我们继续跟上去,没准还能再收获一波。”王腾嘿嘿一笑,身形顿时消失在了原地。 Bumps into you, these bone spirit clan Dark Species are also hapless.” The plump has started to pay silent tribute for that several skull spirit clan Dark Species. “碰上你,这些骨灵族黑暗种又要倒霉喽。”圆滚滚已经开始替那几头骨灵族黑暗种默哀了。 Then, that several skull spirit clan Dark Species really bumped into several skeleton monsters all the way, with joint forces actually they, are shocking but not dangerous completed struck to kill. 接下来,那几头骨灵族黑暗种一路上果然又碰到了几头骸骨怪物,它们合力之下,倒是都有惊无险的完成了击杀。 However what made their depressed was, no matter they struck to kill several skeleton monsters, could not obtain the demon source bone and demon source crystal stone. 但是令它们郁闷的是,不管它们击杀几头骸骨怪物,都得不到魔源骨和魔源晶石。 „The skeleton of it seems like that this place really does not have the demon source bone and demon source crystal stone!” Bone regrettable saying. “看来此地的骸骨果然不具备魔源骨和魔源晶石!”骨喀遗憾的说道。 Now it also believes the excuse that oneself most start, their also struck to kill several skeleton monsters after all, but has not seen the demon source bone and trail of demon source crystal stone. 现在它也相信了自己最开始的说辞,毕竟它们这一路也击杀了好几头骸骨怪物,但都没有见到魔源骨和魔源晶石的踪迹。 From the beginning, they naturally also feel the fishy, no matter but they are how careful, even several people formed the blockade the psychic force secretly, has not actually detected what clue. 一开始,它们自然也觉得蹊跷,但不管它们如何小心,甚至几人暗地里将精神力形成了封锁,却始终都没有察觉到什么端倪。 Therefore is not only bone , even/including Gusuo and other bone spirit clan Dark Species, accepted the excuse before bone . 所以不仅是骨喀,连骨羧等骨灵族黑暗种,也都接受了骨喀之前的说辞。 What to do otherwise can also, unable to acknowledge that is their too waste, all around existence that may hide even them unable to see, can steal away the demon source bone and demon source crystal stone? 不然还能怎么办,总不能承认是它们自己太废物,四周有可能隐藏着一个连它们都看不见的存在,能够偷走魔源骨和魔源晶石吧?
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