AAMD :: Volume #22

#2188: Special Black Bone! Fusion! Bitter experience! Bone

In boundless white bones world. 茫茫白骨世界中。 Bang! 轰! A giant bellow suddenly resounds, the ground white bones break open, a white bones big hand found out, grasps to Wang Teng in midair. 一道巨大的轰鸣声突然响起,地面白骨破开,一只白骨大手探出,抓向了半空中的王腾 Go away!” “滚!” The Wang Teng complexion is solemn, vision tranquil has swept, a fist rumbles. 王腾面色冷峻,目光平静的扫过,一拳轰出。 The strength of light blooms above his fist, condenses a white fist seal instantaneously, from top to bottom shells, such as a mountain steamroll. 光明之力在他的拳头之上绽放,瞬间凝聚成一道白色拳印,由上至下轰击而出,如一座大山碾压了下去。 Bang! 轰隆! Bone explodes broken, changes to the nihility in that dazzling white light, was purified directly. 骨手爆碎,在那耀眼的白光之中化作虚无,直接被净化。 But Wang Teng has therefore not relaxed, he is opening Pupil of True Sight, Piles up with the land of white bones to look toward under. 王腾并没有因此而松一口气,他开启着【真视之瞳】,朝着下方堆满白骨的大地望去。 Roar! 吼! Heavenshaking angry roaring spreads from the land suddenly, the innumerable white bones shoot up to the sky, scatter in all directions to dance in the air, immediately the huge form rises straight from the ground from the white bones together. 一声震天的怒吼猛然从大地之下传出,无数白骨冲天而起,四散飞舞,随即一道庞大的身影从白骨之下拔地而起。 This similarly is a skeleton monster, the huge beasts body, four hooves are well-grounded, the back actually lives several strange arms, the whole body is covered with the bone hangnail, fierce exceptionally. 这同样是一头骸骨怪物,庞大的兽类身躯,四蹄着地,背部却生有数只怪异的手臂,浑身长满骨质倒刺,狰狞异常。 Its head seems like a giant wolf head, actually lives three great corners/horns, such as the swift and fierce blade edge points to the vault of heaven. 它的头颅像是一颗巨大的狼头,却生有三只巨角,如凌厉的刀锋直指天穹。 This skeleton monster crawls after the place bottom, immediately locks Wang Teng, the back arm grasps fiercely loudly toward him. 这头骸骨怪物从地底爬出之后,立刻锁定了王腾,背后的一只只手臂猛地朝着他轰然抓去。 Kills!” “杀!” Wang Teng explodes drinks one, does not hide unexpectedly does not dodge, grasps to fight the sword to enter in that arm directly. 王腾爆喝一声,竟然不躲不闪,手持战剑直接杀入那一只只手臂之中。 Judged from the aura, this skeleton monster is equivalent to about the high-rank demon sovereign level initial period strength probably, by his present strength, coming that can definitely deal with. 从气息来判断,这头骸骨怪物大概相当于上位魔皇级初期左右的实力,以他现在的实力,完全可以应付的过来。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bright sword light cuts to strike, collides with that white bones arms, crushes its bang. 光明剑光斩击而出,与那一只只白骨手臂碰撞,将其轰得粉碎。 The light is World Lord Level Fighting technique- Saint light sword secret art! 光明系界主级战技-圣光剑诀! These white bones arms could not prevent Wang Teng, he was only one moves sideways, then arrived above this skeleton monster top of the head, under treadonned. 那些白骨手臂根本阻挡不了王腾,他只是一个闪身,便来到了这头骸骨怪物的头顶之上,一脚踏下。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying strength also erupts, the strength of Wang Teng present mortal body endures compared with World Lord Level Martial Artist, this is equivalent to the high-rank demon sovereign level initial skeleton monster naturally unable to resist. 恐怖的力量随之爆发,王腾现在的肉身之力堪比界主级武者,这相当于上位魔皇级初期的骸骨怪物自然抵挡不住。 , The sharp sharp corner/horn above its top of the head disrupts directly. 咔嚓一声,其头顶之上的锋利尖角直接碎裂。 Bang! 嘭! Afterward is one sound spreads, the head of skeleton monster also cracks to open. 随后又是一阵咔嚓咔嚓的声响传出,骸骨怪物的头颅随之崩裂而开。 That huge skeleton monster only has a body finally, creakying, but is strong has not been dropping down. 那庞大的骸骨怪物最终只剩下一个身躯,摇摇欲坠,但却坚挺着没有倒下。 One black light erupts from its within the body continuously, changes to the innumerable black silk threads, such as the tentacle common volume to all around white bones, drags into them the body. 一缕缕黑光从它体内爆发,化作无数的黑色丝线,如触手一般卷向四周的白骨,将它们拉入身体之中。 In the black light twinkle, the body of skeleton monster recovers fast, even the head also installed a leopard class skeleton head again. 黑光闪烁中,骸骨怪物的身躯快速复原,连头颅也再次安上了一颗豹类的骷髅头。 Also is really optional.” “还真是随意啊。” Wang Teng beginning, has not been seeing this anxiously, the corners of the mouth twitched. 王腾没有急着动手,看到这一幕,嘴角不由抽搐了一下。 It can be said that these skeleton monsters do not have the race, is the skeleton pieces together completely at will. 可以说,这些骸骨怪物已经没有种族可言了,完全就是骸骨随意拼凑而成。 If insisted saying that they were what race, it is estimated that also can only be the dependency of bone spirit clan. 如果硬要说它们属于什么种族,估计也只能算是骨灵族的附庸。 Looked also to look enough, delivered you to start off.” “看也看够了,送你上路吧。” Afterward Wang Teng has not hesitated again, the body falls again loudly, such as a shell, pounded ruthlessly above the body of this skeleton monster. 随后王腾没有再迟疑,身躯再次轰然落下,如一颗炮弹,狠狠砸在了这头骸骨怪物的身躯之上。 Bang! 轰! The skeleton monster that has not thoroughly restored collapses directly, the innumerable broken bones scatter in all directions. 还未彻底恢复的骸骨怪物直接崩溃,无数的碎骨四散开来。 Wang Teng is built on one pile of bones, the vision flashes, suddenly stretches out the palm, the black ray departs from the bone pile together, falls in his palm. 王腾立于一堆骨头之中,目光微闪,突然伸出手掌,一道黑色的光芒从骨堆中飞出,落在他的掌心之中。 This is a black bone, above covers entirely the unusual trace and symbol, is sending out the dark evil strength. 这是一块黑色的骨头,上面布满奇特的纹路和符号,散发着黑暗邪恶之力。 Wang Teng, this bone somewhat is probably special.” Cyclic surprised saying. 王腾,这块骨头好像有些特殊。”圆滚滚惊疑的说道。 Un.” Wang Teng slight nod. “嗯。”王腾微微点头。 This Black Bone was just the core of that skeleton monster, from the beginning he feels somewhat strangely, without the bone spirit clan controlling, how this skeleton monster can act on free will, now looks like, the issue leaves above this Black Bone. 这块黑骨是刚刚那头骸骨怪物的核心,一开始他就觉得有些奇怪,在没有骨灵族控制的情况下,这骸骨怪物如何能够自由行动,如今看来,问题就出在这黑骨之上。 In the ruins of perishing bone has numerous bad risks, the skeleton monster that these can move freely obviously is one of them. 亡骨之墟内存在众多凶险,这些能够自由活动的骸骨怪物显然就是其中之一。 Does not know that what origin this Black Bone is?” The Wang Teng figure flashes , to continue to speed away to go toward the front, while by Pupil of True Sight Is sizing up present Black Bone carefully, wants to spy on secret. “不知道这黑骨是什么来历?”王腾身形一闪,一边继续朝前方疾驰而去,一边以【真视之瞳】仔细打量着眼前的黑骨,想要窥探其中的隐秘。 Keeps one eye on to him not the difficult matter. 一心二用对他来说并非什么难事。 Somewhat seems like the bone spirit clan demon bone, but also somewhat seems to be different, this above trace and symbol are more complex.” The Wang Teng brow tight wrinkle, felt that some are not right. “有些像是骨灵族魔骨,但似乎又有些不同,这上面的纹路和符号更加复杂。”王腾眉头紧皱,感觉有些不对劲。 By his 【The mark of ancient times darkness The attainments, have not been able completely to understand the trace and symbol on Black Bone unexpectedly. 以他的【远古黑暗之纹】造诣,竟然还无法完全理解黑骨上的纹路和符号。 He no longer thinks, received in the middle of this Black Bone the space ring, after waiting, studies. 他不再多想,将这块黑骨收入了空间戒指当中,等以后再研究。 Afterward his attention places on the attribute air bubble that just collected. 随后他的注意力放在了刚刚拾取的属性气泡上面。 After that skeleton monster was struck kills, fell many attribute air bubbles, before he leaves, has not naturally forgotten to collect it. 那头骸骨怪物被击杀之后,掉落了不少属性气泡,他离开之前自然没有忘记将其拾取回来。 Dark Star Source Power * 6000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 8000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 5000】 【黑暗星辰原力 ...... …… Soul source * 1200】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 1500】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 2000】 【灵魂本源】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power integrates in the body of Wang Teng, circulation all the limbs and bones, converge in his chaos star territory later. 黑暗星辰原力融入王腾的身体之中,流转四肢百骸,随后汇入他的混沌星域之内。 Wang Teng swept one, then no longer the attention, looks to another attribute. 王腾只是扫了一眼,便不再关注,看向另一个属性。 Soul source! 灵魂本源! This skeleton monster fell unexpectedly the soul source. 这骸骨怪物竟然掉落了灵魂本源。 In his heart somewhat is accidental/surprised, but careful thinks, just that skeleton monster within the body as if truly had fire of the wisp of weak soul. 他心中不禁有些意外,不过仔细一想,刚刚那骸骨怪物体内似乎确实存在一缕微弱的灵魂之火。 Was struck after by him kills, falls some soul sources but actually also normally. 被他击杀之后,掉落一些灵魂本源倒也正常。 In the Wang Teng heart is quite happy, the strength of source is better and better, no matter the life source, is the soul source, he has big using. 王腾心中还是颇为高兴的,本源之力多多益善,不管是生命本源,还是灵魂本源,他都有大用。 This skeleton monster can the birth soul source, be perhaps related with that Black Bone.” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, in the heart guessed secretly. “这骸骨怪物可以诞生灵魂本源,恐怕还是与那黑骨有关。”王腾目光闪烁,心中暗自猜测。 The particular estimate of that Black Bone must promote much. 如此说来,那黑骨的特殊性估计还要提升不少。 Wang Teng no longer thinks, continues to speed away to go in the direction that just now induces. 王腾不再多想,继续朝着方才感应到的方向疾驰而去。 He encountered two waves of attacks all the way, is the monster that the skeleton condenses, is equivalent to the mid-rank demon sovereign level, is equivalent to the high-rank demon sovereign level strength. 一路上他又遇到了两波袭击,都是骸骨凝聚的怪物,一头相当于中位魔皇级,一头相当于上位魔皇级实力。 Wang Teng is relaxed strikes to kill it as before, and obtained two Black Bone. 王腾依旧是轻松将其击杀,并得到了两块黑骨 Naturally, the attribute air bubble naturally is must have, is dark Star Source Power and soul source attribute, nothing accident/surprise. 当然,属性气泡自然是少不了的,其中也都是黑暗星辰原力和灵魂本源属性,没有什么意外。 At this time, Wang Teng stands above one pile of white bones, the front appears Black Bone that three sizes vary. 此时,王腾站在一堆白骨之上,面前浮现三块大小不一的黑骨 The traces and symbols of these three Black Bone surfaces are to all glitter, blooms black light slightly, black silk threads from extends, pesters mutually together. 这三块黑骨表面的纹路和符号皆是闪烁起来,绽放出微微的黑光,一条条黑色丝线从其中延伸而出,相互纠缠在一起。 Under pulling of black silk thread, three Black Bone start to approach mutually, as if must fuse. 在黑色丝线的拉扯之下,三块黑骨开始相互靠近,似乎要融合。 Just now after Wang Teng these three Black Bone throw into the space ring, suddenly detected that an unusuality, then took them, therefore had at present this. 方才王腾将这三块黑骨丢入空间戒指之后,突然察觉到一丝异常,便将它们取了出来,于是就有了眼前这一幕。 These Black Bone can also fuse unexpectedly.” Cyclic astonished saying. “这些黑骨竟然还可以融合。”圆滚滚惊异的说道。 Wang Teng has not spoken, static looks at present three Black Bone. 王腾没有说话,静静的看着眼前三块黑骨 They quick then contacted one, the connecting point black light twinkle, after vanished black light, three Black Bone melted for a body thoroughly, could not see that the slight slit existed. 它们很快便接触到了一起,接缝处黑光闪烁,当黑光消失之后,三块黑骨彻底融为了一体,看不到丝毫的缝隙存在。 The Wang Teng vision is somewhat astonished, he carefully had just observed, these three Black Bone edge shapes are not same, is unable to fit together perfectly, but can now unexpectedly so perfect fuses in together, somewhat is really strange. 王腾目光有些惊异起来,刚刚他仔细观察过,这三块黑骨的边缘形状并不相同,无法严丝合缝,但如今居然可以如此完美的融合在一起,实在有些奇怪。 These are Black Bone stems from the same as exist?” Wang Teng guessed. “难道这些黑骨是出自同一个存在?”王腾猜测道。 Has this possibility, perhaps many Black Bone scatter in various ruins of places this perishing bone.” Cyclic say/way. “不是没有这种可能,也许还有不少黑骨散落在这亡骨之墟各处。”圆滚滚道。 Well!” “咦!” At this time, Wang Teng suddenly light well, as if discovered what unusual condition. 这时,王腾突然轻咦了一声,似乎发现了什么异状。 What's wrong?” Cyclic hastily curious asking. “怎么了?”圆滚滚连忙好奇的问道。 You have a look at all around.” The Wang Teng prompt said. “你看看四周。”王腾提示道。 These white bones are moving.” The plump surprise, thinks of anything very immediately, surprised saying: „Did they come under the influence of this Black Bone?” “那些白骨在动。”圆滚滚十分诧异,立刻想到了什么,惊讶的说道:“它们是受到了这黑骨的影响?” Should be.” Wang Teng nods slightly, thinks, took in Black Bone the space ring, the white bones that all around is ready to make trouble were peaceful immediately, regains the quiet condition. “应该是。”王腾微微颔首,想了想,将黑骨收进了空间戒指内,四周蠢蠢欲动的白骨顿时安静了下来,恢复沉寂状态。 This Black Bone should be able to combine the skeleton monster, moreover now fuses later Black Bone, the skeleton monster that can condense should be stronger than before.” The plump analysis said. “这黑骨应该可以重新组合出骸骨怪物,而且现在融合之后的黑骨,所能凝聚的骸骨怪物应该比之前更强。”圆滚滚分析道。 Wang Teng nods, has not hesitated again, the figure vanishes in same place, grazes to go toward the distant place. 王腾点了点头,没有再迟疑,身形消失在原地,朝着远处飞掠而去。 As the distance is getting more and more near, the special fluctuation that he induces is also more and more intense. 随着距离越来越近,他感应到的特殊波动也是越来越强烈。 He can determine now that is the space fluctuates. 他现在可以确定,那就是空间波动。 Since has the space to fluctuate to exist, the ruins of that this perishing bone are not the iron bucket same place, likely has the flaw or the loophole. 而既然有空间波动存在,那这亡骨之墟就不是铁桶一块,很可能存在破绽或是漏洞。 No matter how said, he must have a look. 不管怎么说,他都必须去看看。 The time crossed quickly for about a half hour, Wang Teng stopped suddenly, immediately escapes into the space crevice, the strength of shadow covers the whole body. 时间很快又过了半个小时左右,王腾突然停了下来,立刻遁入空间夹缝之中,阴影之力笼罩全身。 After the moment, several black light speed away from another direction. 片刻后,几道黑光从另一个方向疾驰而来。 Unexpectedly is bone spirit clan Dark Species!” “居然是骨灵族黑暗种!” Wang Teng sees that several black light, in the heart is startled slightly. 王腾看到那几道黑光,心中微微一惊。 He fears these bone spirit clan Dark Species actually not, judged from the aura that several skull spirit clan Dark Species are also the high-rank demon sovereign level levels, moreover strongest should be the intermediate level, in the later period has not achieved, will deal with not to waste the too much time. 他倒不是惧怕这些骨灵族黑暗种,从气息来判断,那几头骨灵族黑暗种也不过是上位魔皇级层次,而且最强应该是中期层次,并未达到后期,应付起来不会浪费太多时间。 Makes him feel that what truly is surprised, in the ruins of this perishing bone really also has existences of other bone spirit clan Dark Species. 真正让他感到惊讶的是,这亡骨之墟内竟然还有其他骨灵族黑暗种的存在。 How will here have other bone spirit clan Dark Species?” The plump is also surprised exceptionally, cannot bear say. “这里怎么会有其他骨灵族黑暗种?”圆滚滚亦是惊讶异常,忍不住说道。 Good that if I guess, these bone spirit clan Dark Species feared that has not known the region that oneself are at already and bright universe overlapped void.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, said. “如果我猜的不错,这些骨灵族黑暗种怕是还不知道自己所在的区域已经和光明宇宙虚空重迭了。”王腾目光一闪,说道。 You were said that...... they possibly were come in informed and experienced?” The plump is not silly, immediately thinks of anything, asked. “你是说……它们可能是进来历练的?”圆滚滚并不傻,立刻想到了什么,问道。 Good, since the ruins of this perishing bone are one with the blood group not dead bloodshed same restricted area, then is also may be very used informed and experienced.” Wang Teng said. “不错,这亡骨之墟既然是一处和血族的不死血海一样的禁地,那么很可能也是用来历练的。”王腾道。 „Can that make them?” The plump made a movement that wipes the neck, asked. “那要不要做掉它们?”圆滚滚做了个抹脖子的动作,问道。 Ok, do not create side issues, found the flaw of ruins of this perishing bone to be important.” Wang Teng shakes the head, but the words just said, suddenly was shocked. “算了,不要横生枝节,找到这亡骨之墟的破绽要紧。”王腾摇了摇头,只是话刚说完,突然愣住了。 „...... Their directions are probably same as us.” Cyclic say/way. “呃……它们的方向好像和我们一样诶。”圆滚滚道。 Grass!( A plant)” Wang Teng full heavy line. “艹!(一种植物)”王腾满头黑线。 Really does not want to come anything, comes anything. 真是不想来什么,就偏偏来什么。 Enemies often cross each other's path! 冤家路窄啊! What to do now do you plan?” The plump blinks, asks. “现在你打算怎么办?”圆滚滚眨眨眼睛,问道。 First with has a look.” Wang Teng helpless saying. “先跟上去看看吧。”王腾无奈的说道。 He hidden the figure, distant following in that several skull spirit clan Dark Species behind, the opposite party speed is not luckily slow, otherwise must delay his time. 他隐藏身形,远远的跟在那几头骨灵族黑暗种身后,幸好对方速度不慢,不然又要耽搁他的时间。 ...... …… Bone carboxyl, you determined that you did discover a bone demon tree in this place?!” “骨羧,你确定你在此地发现了一株骨魔树?!” In several skull spirit clan Dark Species, a body is quite big, the head lived an alone corner/horn bone spirit clan Dark Species to break suddenly silent, opened the mouth to ask. 几头骨灵族黑暗种之中,一头身躯颇为高大,头上生有一根独角的骨灵族黑暗种突然打破了沉默,开口问道。 These bone spirit clans are not the normal Human Race shapes, they have much are Asian Human Race skeleton shapes, this made Wang Teng once suspect how these bone spirit clan Dark Species were born? 这些骨灵族并非都是正常的人族形态,它们也有不少是亚人族的骷髅形态,这让王腾一度怀疑这些骨灵族黑暗种到底是如何诞生的? Is it possible that after was really the life died, was born the spirit wisdom, and was invaded after by the strength of darkness, then formed such a Dark Species clan? 莫非真是生灵死亡之后又重新诞生了灵智,并且被黑暗之力侵染之后,便形成了这样一个黑暗种族? What a pity this issue, he could not get the answer. 可惜这个问题,他一直得不到答案。 The bone spirit clan is an extremely special Dark Species clan, its history is not shorter than the blood group and other Dark Species clans, is very difficult to trace the root. 骨灵族是一个极为特殊的黑暗种族,其历史丝毫不比血族等黑暗种族短,很难追溯根源。 To know that the origin of this clan, naturally is difficult. 想要知道这一族的起源,自然更是难上加难。 This issue you had asked more than seven times, in does not believe me if, now can depart, I will not be blocking you.” “这个问题你已经问了不下七次,若实在不相信我,现在就可以离去,我不会拦着你。” Is called the bone carboxyl bone spirit clan Dark Species appearance is quite special, its build is not big, even seems somewhat pocket-sized, in front of that big bone spirit clan Dark Species, looks like a child. 被称作骨羧的骨灵族黑暗种长相极为特殊,它的体型并不高大,甚至显得有些袖珍,在那高大的骨灵族黑暗种面前,就像是一个孩童。 However this skull spirit clan Dark Species makes one not dare to have any belittling, because solely is its external shape, makes people feel a strange evil feeling. 不过这头骨灵族黑暗种却让人不敢有任何小觑,因为单单是它的外在形态,就让人感到一种至极的诡异邪恶之感。 Even in the middle of bone spirit clan Dark Species, still seems extremely special. 即便是在骨灵族黑暗种当中,也显得极为特殊。 This skull spirit clan Dark Species has...... three faces! 这头骨灵族黑暗种拥有……三幅面孔! Three faces, are corresponding three different directions, which angle therefore regardless of, can see its face. 三幅面孔,对应着三个不同的方向,因此无论从哪一个角度,都能够看到它的脸。 Even if in rear area , is the same. 哪怕是在后方,也是一样。 At this time, its face then stares at bone spirit clan Dark Species that is just now opening the mouth, in the eye socket the soul fire is profound and ice-cold, immediately made in the opposite party heart send coldly. 此时,它其中一副面孔便盯着方才开口的骨灵族黑暗种,眼眶之内魂火幽深而冰冷,顿时令对方心中发寒。 Similarly is the high-rank demon sovereign level exists, but facing the bone carboxyl of ignition, that big bone spirit clan Dark Species some round of being afraid/painful. 同样是上位魔皇级存在,但是面对发火的骨羧,那头高大的骨灵族黑暗种还是有些发憷的。 Jie Jie, the bone carboxyl, do not blame bone sui, is really the bone demon tree is important, we have looked were so long, without finding, in the heart somewhat worried unavoidably, moreover its temperament you were also know that was crude, but will not violate you absolutely.” Another Dark Species comes out to mediate to say hastily. “桀桀,骨羧,你也不要怪骨濉,实在是骨魔树事关重大,我们已经找了这么久,还是没有找到,心中难免有些着急,而且它的脾气你也是知道的,就是鲁莽了点,但绝对不会违背你。”另一头黑暗种连忙出来打圆场道。 This is last time.” Bone carboxyl light say/way. “这是最后一次。”骨羧淡淡道。 I will favor it, if it talked too much again, did not need you to begin, I kicked out it directly.” Bone said. “我会看好它的,如果它再多嘴一句,不用你动手,我直接把它踢出去。”骨喀说道。 The bone carboxyl no longer talks too much, speeds away to go toward the front. 骨羧不再多言,朝着前方疾驰而去。 Big bone spirit clan Dark Species that is called bone sui actually touches the head, as to say anything again, but was stared one after by bone , does not dare to talk too much again, can only close the mouth embarrasedly. 那头被称作骨濉的高大骨灵族黑暗种却是摸了摸脑袋,似乎很想再说什么,但被骨喀瞪了一眼之后,也不敢再多言,只能讪讪的闭上了嘴巴。 Shut up you, if offended the bone carboxyl, no one can preserve you, it can lead you to come, has looked in the share of your elder.” Bone said that then no longer pays attention to it, pursued toward the bone carboxyl. “闭嘴吧你,若是得罪了骨羧,谁也保不住你,它能带你前来,已经是看在你那位长辈的份上。”骨喀说了一句,便不再理会它,朝着骨羧追了上去。 I did not worry that it deceives us.” In the bone sui heart whispered, but does not dare to say finally, can only honest following. “我不是担心它骗我们嘛。”骨濉心中嘀咕了一句,但最终也不敢说出来,只能老老实实的跟上。 ...... …… Bone demon tree! What is that?” Wang Teng looks that several skull spirit clan Dark Species go far away, in the eye flashes through unusual look. “骨魔树!那是什么?”王腾看着那几头骨灵族黑暗种远去,眼中不由闪过一丝异色。
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