AAMD :: Volume #22

#2187: The situation is severe! Breathless! Wang Teng

Chapter 2187 situation is severe! Breathless! Action of Wang Teng!( Sought subscription) 第2187章情况严峻!气急败坏!王腾的行动!(求订阅) A little idea, but must go to the deep place to have a look.” Wang Teng rubbish, passes message to say directly. “有点想法,但还要去更深处看看。”王腾没有废话,直接传音回道。 Deep place? This place is very dangerous, the deep place has the unknown bad risk.” The star meteor revering reminder said. “深处?这个地方很危险,深处更是存在未知的凶险。”星陨尊者提醒道。 I will be careful.” Wang Teng said. “我会小心。”王腾道。 You go, we will delay the time as far as possible.” In the star meteor revering heart deeply inspires, then made the resolution quickly. “那你去吧,我们会尽量拖延时间。”星陨尊者心中深吸了口气,很快便做出了决断。 Now is to refuse to abandon hope completely. 如今完全是死马当活马医罢了。 The ruins of this perishing bone had isolated the strength and light strength of void, space-based ball fundamental absorption less than Yuan magnetism thoroughly, is unable to use again. 这亡骨之墟已经彻底隔绝了虚空,天基球根本吸收不到元磁之力和光明之力,无法再动用。 But the star weapon king and other mechanical clans exist after the beforehand eruption, at this moment is incapable of fighting completely again, could not have counted on their anything. 而星械王等机械族存在经过之前的爆发,此刻完全无力再战,已经指望不上它们什么了。 Can count on that only, really only has Wang Teng this different kind probably. 唯一能指望的,好像还真是只有王腾这个异类。 Wang Teng has not hesitated, the vision flashes, immediately resorts to own space method, hidden enters in the space, immediately the strength of shadow sweeps across from its within the body, covered his whole person. 王腾没有迟疑,目光一闪,当即动用自身的空间手段,隐入空间之中,随即阴影之力从其体内席卷而出,将他整个人都笼罩了起来。 In front of numerous Dark Species Demon Venerable, he does not dare to use the strength of darkness to hide itself temporarily, therefore can only use the strength and shadow strength of space. 在众多黑暗种魔尊面前,他暂时不敢使用黑暗之力来隐藏自身,所以只能动用空间之力和阴影之力。 Un?!” “嗯?!” Bone La Demon Venerable was staring at Wang Teng, suddenly sees him to vanish in same place, the vision concentrates immediately. 骨喇魔尊本就在盯着王腾,突然看到他消失在原地,目光顿时一凝。 „To run!” “想跑!” It thinks that Wang Teng wants to run away, coldly smiles, immediately own psychic force release, sensation opposite party is. 它以为王腾想要逃走,不由的冷冷一笑,立刻将自身的精神力释放而出,感知对方的所在。 In the ruins of this perishing bone, its psychic force can spread a farther distance, the induction also clear. 在这亡骨之墟内,它的精神力可以蔓延更远的距离,感应也会更加的清晰。 Only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist wants to run away from its hand, simply is the wishful thinking. 区区一个域主级武者想要从它手中逃走,简直就是痴心妄想。 When its psychic force sweeps away all around, actually cannot induce existence of Wang Teng slightly, the opposite party as if disappeared thoroughly generally. 然而当它的精神力横扫四周之时,却丝毫都感应不到王腾的存在,对方就仿佛彻底消失了一般。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” The bone La Demon Venerable vision is gloomy, is unconscious appears an unbelievable meaning. 骨喇魔尊目光阴沉,其中更是不自觉的浮现出一丝难以置信之意。 Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, unexpectedly under its eye hid vanishes. 一个域主级武者,竟然在它的眼皮子底下消失了。 Moreover in the domain of their bone spirit clan. 而且还是在它们骨灵族的地盘之内。 In this river? 这河里吗? Bone La Demon Venerable does not believe in evil doctrines, the psychic force sweeps to go toward all around unceasingly, and a spread farther distance, it knows that Wang Teng has the space talent, perhaps the opposite party resorted to the space method to escape to a farther place went, therefore it cannot find it immediately. 骨喇魔尊不信邪,精神力不断朝着四周扫荡而去,并且蔓延更远的距离,它知道王腾拥有空间天赋,对方也许是动用了空间手段逃到更远的地方去了,所以它才不能在第一时间将其找到。 Found you.” “找到你了。” In the bone La Demon Venerable eye flashes through to ridicule, he felt that a space fluctuated. 骨喇魔尊眼中闪过一丝讥讽,他感觉到了一丝空间波动。 Really such as it expects, how here the opposite party possibly escapes to obtain its palm. 果然如它所料,在这里对方怎么可能逃得出它的手掌心。 Bang! 轰! The skeleton birds vibrate the both wings, bringing bone La Demon Venerable to speed away to go toward the distant place. 骸骨飞禽震动双翅,带着骨喇魔尊朝远处疾驰而去。 The star meteor revering vision moves, immediately launches the offensive, goes toward the bone La Demon Venerable bang. 星陨尊者目光一动,立刻发动攻势,朝着骨喇魔尊轰去。 He complied with Wang Teng to for it constrain Dark Species, how possibly to make bone La Demon Venerable easily leave. 他答应了王腾要为其拖住黑暗种,怎么可能让骨喇魔尊轻易走掉。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Spear/Gun glow were vertically and horizontally void, shell above the body of that huge skeleton birds, immediately made its body disruption, particularly a bone wing, was rumbled a large cave/hole. 一道道枪芒纵横虚空,轰击在了那庞大骸骨飞禽的身躯之上,顿时令其身躯碎裂,尤其是一只骨翅,被轰出了一个大洞。 The body of that skeleton birds loses immediately balanced, from the sky inclined, almost crashes under. 那骸骨飞禽的身躯立刻失去了平衡,在空中倾斜了一下,差点坠落而下。 Obviously, this skeleton birds do not have the dragon of perishing bone is so powerful, otherwise is insufficient to be hit by star meteor revering all of a sudden. 很显然,这头骸骨飞禽并没有亡骨之龙那么强大,否则不至于一下子就被星陨尊者击中。 Scoundrel!” Bone La Demon Venerable is angry, the figure flashes, vanishes above the skeleton birds. “混账!”骨喇魔尊大怒,身形一闪,消失在骸骨飞禽之上。 But it has not paid attention to star meteor revering, but continues to pursue to go toward the front. 但它没有理会星陨尊者,而是继续朝着前方追击而去。 ! 唰! What a pity star meteor revering has vanished in same place, appears again, in the bone La Demon Venerable front, a spear pierces has left later. 可惜星陨尊者早就消失在原地,再出现时,已是在骨喇魔尊的前方,随后一枪刺出。 Bang! 轰! Bone La Demon Venerable vision ice-cold, has to accept a challenge, in the hand the bone spear/gun moves forward to meet somebody. 骨喇魔尊目光冰冷,不得不应战,手中骨枪迎了上去。 both sides collide in void immediately, just like gold/metal black two light balls to bumping sky over this white bones world, the Source Power complementary waves sweep away in all directions, shook the smashing numerous white bones. 双方顿时在虚空中碰撞,犹如一金一黑两颗光球在这白骨世界上空对碰,原力余波横扫四面八方,将众多白骨震成了粉碎。 However the white bones under bottom seem inexhaustible, regardless of broke many, under as before is the countless white bones. 然而地底之下的白骨仿佛无穷无尽,无论震碎了多少,下方依旧是累累白骨。 Star meteor revering has not had the full power, he only need constrain bone La Demon Venerable as far as possible then, the time is most precious. 星陨尊者并未出全力,他只需尽量拖住骨喇魔尊即可,时间才是最宝贵的。 Go away!” Bone La Demon Venerable detected that the intention of star meteor revering, coldly shouts. “滚开!”骨喇魔尊察觉到了星陨尊者的意图,冷冷喝道。 Star meteor revering did not say a word as before, attacked toward the opposite party. 星陨尊者依旧一言不发,朝着对方攻去。 Here, you are impossible to block my.” The bone La Demon Venerable vision flashes, stands in unexpectedly same place, has not avoided the meaning that the opposite party attacks slightly. “在这里,你不可能拦住我的。”骨喇魔尊目光一闪,竟然站在原地,丝毫没有躲避对方攻击的意思。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! In the meantime, two fierce bellows suddenly transmit from star meteor revering and left sky. 就在此时,两道剧烈的轰鸣声突然从星陨尊者后方和左上空传来。 The star meteor revering pupil shrinks, immediately dodges to open. 星陨尊者瞳孔一缩,立刻闪避而开。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The next quarter, two explode black light shoots the position collision that but, stood in one, had the violent explosion immediately, terrifying dark Star Source Power sweeps away to open. 下一刻,两道黑光爆射而至,在他原本所站立的位置碰撞在了一起,顿时发生了猛烈的爆炸,恐怖的黑暗星辰原力横扫而开。 White bones great mountains by crew cut. 一座座白骨巨山被推平。 Star meteor revering looks immediately in that two directions, on the face is dignified. 星陨尊者顿时朝着那两个方向看去,脸上凝重起来。 Sees only just now by the skeleton birds that he hits at this moment already restores such as beginning, in its big mouth impressively is having black light condensation, the second attack has been ready. 只见方才被他击中的骸骨飞禽此刻已经恢复如初,其大口之中赫然正有黑光凝聚,第二道攻击已然蓄势待发。 Another direction, a skeleton monster that has dozens meters spine also opened the extremely exaggerating situation the mouth, rich black light has extended from the spine to its mouth. 另一个方向,一头有着数十米长脊椎骨的骸骨怪物也是将嘴巴张大到了极为夸张的地步,浓郁的黑光一直从脊椎骨延伸到它的口中。 The star meteor revering complexion changes, in the heart is somewhat helpless, he has expected bone La Demon Venerable to use these skeleton monsters, it seems like can only delay to the present. 星陨尊者面色变化,心中有些无奈,他早就料到骨喇魔尊会动用这些骸骨怪物,看来只能拖延到现在了。 Jie Jie Jie, making them accompany you to play.” “桀桀桀,让它们陪你玩吧。” Bone La Demon Venerable coldly smiles, then no longer pays attention to star meteor revering, the figure flashes, then toward just induced to track down to the direction that the space fluctuates. 骨喇魔尊冷冷一笑,便不再理会星陨尊者,身形一闪,便朝着刚刚感应到空间波动的方向追寻了过去。 But quick, it stopped, all around vision surprised uncertain glance. 但很快,它又停了下来,目光惊疑不定的扫视四周。 Vanished! 消失了! The space fluctuated vanishes here! 空间波动在这里就消失了! Bone La Demon Venerable vision gloomy almost must drop the water leakage, its psychic force unretentive sweeping away, hopes that found other space to fluctuate. 骨喇魔尊的目光阴沉的几乎要滴出水来,它的精神力毫无保留的横扫而出,希望找到另外的空间波动。 What a pity has achieved nothing as before, the Wang Teng form disappeared in its perception area eventually. 可惜依旧是一无所获,王腾的身影终究是消失在了它的感知范围内。 Damn!” Bone La Demon Venerable is somewhat breathless, erupts the extreme speed suddenly, howled to go toward the distant place, tries to find the Wang Teng trail. “该死!”骨喇魔尊有些气急败坏,猛然爆发出极速,朝着远处呼啸而去,试图找到王腾的踪迹。 It sought for a surrounding area several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) range, finally flies back without any results. 它将方圆数万里的范围都寻找了一遍,最终还是无功而返。 All traces vanished. 所有的痕迹都消失了。 This is inconceivable, how Territory Lord Level can Martial Artist achieve this point? 这非常不可思议,一个域主级武者如何能够做到这一点? Unexpectedly can not leave behind the least bit in the ruins of this perishing bone the aura and trace, this is simply unscientific. 居然能够在这亡骨之墟内不留下半点的气息和痕迹,这简直太不科学了。 Must know that in the ruins of this perishing bone is completely a darkness and deathly stillness, any life enters, can be incompatible with this world, let alone is the bright universe life. 要知道这亡骨之墟内完全就是一片黑暗与死寂,任何生灵进入其中,都会与这个世界格格不入,何况是光明宇宙的生灵。 Their vitalities, and even are the bright universe aura, is similar to beacon lights in the ruins of this perishing bone, is striking and bright. 他们的生机,乃至是光明宇宙的气息等,在这亡骨之墟内就如同一盏盏明灯,过于醒目和明亮。 Even the hidden, will still have the trace to stay behind vigorously. 就算极力隐藏,也会有痕迹留下。 But that bright universe Heaven's Chosen least bit trace has not stayed behind unexpectedly, including without a trace that the space fluctuation from the beginning vanishes, seemed cancelled generally, how this did not make it feel unbelievable. 但那个光明宇宙天骄竟然半点痕迹都没有留下,连一开始的空间波动都消失的无影无踪,仿佛被抹去了一般,这如何不令它感到难以置信。 Bang! 轰! In bone La Demon Venerable heart angry, a palm lays out, making a white bones great mountain change to the fragment powder directly. 骨喇魔尊心中愤怒至极,一掌拍出,让一座白骨巨山径直化作齑粉。 In the ruins of this perishing bone the white bones are many, it does not love dearly actually. 这亡骨之墟内白骨多得很,它倒是一点都不心疼。 Has not thought that made him succeed unexpectedly, in it seems like so many people, the little fellow was really most likely to live finally.” In the star meteor revering eye flashes through together the strange ray, in the heart is quite gratified. “没想到竟然让他成功了,看来这么多人里面,那小家伙果然是最有可能活到最后的。”星陨尊者眼中闪过一道奇异的光芒,心中颇为欣慰。 ...... …… Third-order shadow talent was lower, if can be six step levels, can perhaps avoid the investigation of bone La Demon Venerable completely.” “三阶的阴影天赋还是低了一些,如果能够达到六阶层次,也许就能完全避开骨喇魔尊的探查。” Pitifully the shadow talent does not have is so easy to promote.” “可惜阴影天赋也没有那么容易提升啊。” Is good because of me also has Demon bone The talent, the top talent of this bone spirit clan is really useful, but lends wisp of aura, assimilated with the aura of ruins of this perishing bone thoroughly.” “不过好在我还有【魔骨】天赋,这种骨灵族的顶尖天赋果然有用,只是散发出一缕气息,就彻底与这亡骨之墟的气息同化了。” Wang Teng hid the figure, speeds away in the ruins of perishing bone, while is pondering over secretly. 王腾隐藏了身形,一边在亡骨之墟内疾驰,一边暗自思忖着。 Has the advantage of many talent, this did not appear. 拥有多种天赋的好处,这不就显现出来了。 If other Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, is impossible to avoid the bone La Demon Venerable sensation, star meteor revering had endless emotion to him no wonder repeatedly. 如果是其他域主级武者,根本就不可能避开骨喇魔尊的感知,也难怪星陨尊者对他一再的感慨不已了。 Use Demon bone The aura assimilation of aura and perishing bone ruins of talent sending out, this means were Wang Teng just think that saw bone La Demon Venerable pursues in the direction that he was, he then knows that oneself aura is not definitely able to hide the truth from the opposite party completely, therefore then did everything possible to hide own aura. 使用【魔骨】天赋散发的气息与亡骨之墟的气息同化,这个办法是王腾刚刚想到的,看到骨喇魔尊朝他所在的方向追击过来,他便知道自己的气息肯定无法完全瞒过对方,所以便想方设法隐藏自身的气息。 Finally naturally focused on Demon bone In talent. 结果自然就把目光放在了【魔骨】天赋上。 This talent he has not really used, usually also treats as a mortal body talent, was been more powerful by own body, is not injured in the fight easily. 这个天赋他还真没怎么用过,平时也就是当做一种肉身天赋,让自己的身躯更为强大,在战斗中不容易受伤。 However this is the potential advantage, usually he has not shown this talent. 不过这是潜在的好处,平时他并未将这种天赋展现出来。 The present to the ruins of this perishing bone, let this actually Demon bone The talent had the opportunity, after all in the domain of bone spirit clan, does not have any to compare their own talents easily-to-use. 如今到了这亡骨之墟,倒是让这【魔骨】天赋有了用武之地,毕竟在骨灵族的地盘上,也没有什么比它们自家的天赋更好用的了。 Who can think that Wang Teng has the top talent of bone spirit clan unexpectedly. 谁又能想到王腾居然拥有骨灵族的顶尖天赋呢。 This is cheats simply. 这简直就是作弊啊。 Wang Teng looked at one toward the rear area, until the sensation does not arrive at the bone La Demon Venerable aura again, in the heart also relaxes slightly. 王腾朝着后方看了一眼,直至再也感知不到骨喇魔尊的气息,心中也是微微松了一口气。 General as he expected, even if bone La Demon Venerable drags into the ruins of this perishing bone bright universe Martial Artist completely, it is impossible to transfer all skeletons in ruins of this perishing bone completely. 果然如他所料的一般,就算骨喇魔尊将光明宇宙武者全部拉入这亡骨之墟,它也不可能完全调动这亡骨之墟内的所有骸骨。 The range of ruins of perishing bone was too broad. 亡骨之墟的范围太广了。 The high-rank Demon Venerable level exists even again strongly, a not possible unlimited actuation such restricted area. 上位魔尊级存在就算再强,也不可能无限制的驱动这样一处禁地。 Otherwise his really direct level waited for death, struggled does not need to struggle. 否则他真的直接躺平等死好了,连挣扎都不用挣扎一下。 Now makes me come to see the ruins of this perishing bone to have what mystery.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in heart thorough earnest. “现在就让我来看看这亡骨之墟到底有什么奥秘吧。”王腾目光一闪,心中彻底认真了起来。 The next quarter, an unusual fluctuation fills the air from his within the body, that is the strength of darkness, yes Demon bone Strength that the talent forms. 下一刻,一股奇特的波动从他体内弥漫而出,那是黑暗之力,也是【魔骨】天赋所形成的力量。 He stops the figure, falls on a white bones great above the mountain, after looking all around one, closed the double pupil slowly. 他停下身形,落在一座白骨巨山之上,环顾了一圈后,缓缓闭上了双眸。 At this moment, his body as if entered an extremely unusual condition, just like melts with the ruins of this perishing bone, is illusory and real. 这一刻,他的身躯仿佛进入了一种极为奇特的状态,宛如与这座亡骨之墟相融,虚幻又真实。 【The ruins of perishing bone( Demon god level): 3500 / 50000( is skilled in) ; 【亡骨之墟】(魔神级):3500/50000(精通); Above the property panel, a column special attribute appears, impressively before Wang Teng, has obtained 【The ruins of perishing bone Attribute. 属性面板之上,一栏特殊的属性浮现而出,赫然正是王腾之前得到过的【亡骨之墟】属性。 This gate god level Fighting technique from achieved at this moment unexpectedly all of a sudden basically was skilled in the rank, spanned two levels, attribute value disparity was nothing less than is small. 这门神级战技此刻竟然一下子从入门达到了精通级别,跨越了两个层次,这其中的属性值差距不可谓不小。 But when these attributes basically are Wang Teng had not been dragged into the ruins of perishing bone collect, at that time he expected perhaps is unable to prevent arrival of ruins of this perishing bone, therefore collects an attribute as early as possible, strengthens own method, perhaps finally useful. 而这些属性基本都是王腾还未被拉入亡骨之墟时拾取到的,当时他就预料到恐怕无法阻挡这亡骨之墟的降临,所以还是趁早多拾取点属性,增强自己的手段,没准最后就用得上。 Naturally, after entering the ruins of perishing bone, he also collected much 【The ruins of perishing bone The attribute air bubble, this can make this gate god level Fighting technique achieve to be skilled in the rank directly. 当然,进入亡骨之墟后,他也拾取到了不少【亡骨之墟】的属性气泡,这才能让这门神级战技直接达到精通级别。 Gate god level Fighting technique may not have that easy promotion, if not this bone La Demon Venerable and other Demon Venerable levels of bone spirit clan existed displayed this Fighting technique simultaneously, and displayed quite thoroughly, perhaps he also collected less than so many attribute values. 一门神级战技可没有那么容易提升,若非这次骨喇魔尊和骨灵族的其他魔尊级存在同时施展了这门战技,并且施展得颇为彻底,恐怕他还拾取不到这么多属性值。 Wants the ruins of perishing bone to draw to void that the bright universe is, and overlaps with it, obviously needs 【The ruins of perishing bone This Fighting technique grasps the quite profound degree, being skilled in the rank estimate is the lowest standard. 想要将亡骨之墟拉到光明宇宙所在的虚空,并与其重迭,显然需要将【亡骨之墟】这门战技掌握到颇为精深的程度,精通级别估计已经是最低标准了。 Wang Teng promotes to be skilled in the rank this Fighting technique now, is very naturally clear perhaps, if the skilled rank, cannot achieve that degree. 王腾现在将这门战技提升到了精通级别,自然很清楚如果只是熟练级别,恐怕根本做不到那种程度。 Fortunately , to promote to being skilled in the rank, helps me seek for the exit|to speak of ruins of this perishing bone to be.” In the Wang Teng heart talked to oneself. “还好,提升到精通级别,也有利于我寻找这亡骨之墟的出口所在。”王腾心中自语。 The time passes slowly, in Demon bone Talent and 【The ruins of perishing bone Two in addition of strengths holds, he as if induced anything finally, opened the eye suddenly, looked in a direction. 时间慢慢流逝,在【魔骨】天赋和【亡骨之墟】两种力量的加持下,他似乎终于感应到了什么,猛然睁开眼睛,朝着一个方向望去。 There seems like some different fluctuations.” “那里似乎有一些不一样的波动。” He sets out suddenly, the figure vanishes instantaneously, changes to the flowing light to speed away to go toward the distant place directly together. 他猛然起身,身形瞬间消失,径直化作一道流光朝着远处疾驰而去。 Wang Teng is very too clear the bright universe Martial Artist not much time, even if there is star meteor revering and other immortal level powerhouses exists, was still very difficult to block bone spirit clan the attack. 王腾很清楚光明宇宙武者没有太多的时间,就算有星陨尊者和其他不朽级强者存在,也很难挡住骨灵族的攻击了。 Here has too many skeletons, they can compose the skeleton monster, may be called continuously. 这里拥有太多的骸骨,它们都可以组成骸骨怪物,堪称源源不断。 In such situation, bright universe Martial Artist has no odds of success. 这样的情况下,光明宇宙武者根本没有任何胜算。 The only means that were him the exit|to speak of ruins of as soon as possible finding perishing bone, or the flaw was. 唯一的办法,就是他这边尽快的找到亡骨之墟的出口,或是破绽所在。 It is difficult to take one's bearings in the ruins of perishing bone, here except for the white bones or the white bones, simply does not have existences of other things. 在亡骨之墟内是很难辨别方向的,这里除了白骨还是白骨,根本没有其他事物的存在。 Moreover this comes, some bone mountains will collapse, change to the flat land, waits to come next time, perhaps the terrain had had a big change. 而且这一路过来,有些骨山会自行倒塌,化作平地,等下一次过来,地形恐怕早就发生了不小的变化。 Therefore wants to identify the direction through certain special terrestrial references, is not means that may take. 因此想要通过某些特殊的地标来辨认方向,并不是什么可取的办法。 The Wang Teng brow tight wrinkle, can only use finally Demon bone The talent, leaves behind some marks on some white bones, road that can thus find by oneself. 王腾眉头紧皱,最终只能用【魔骨】天赋,在一些白骨上留下些许印记,从而让自己能够找到回去的路。 This point he did not fear was found the problem actually by the bone spirit clan, because this aura mark finds at everywhere in the ruins of perishing bone, may be beforehand bone spirit clan Dark Species remain. 这一点他倒是不怕被骨灵族发现问题,因为这种气息印记在亡骨之墟内随处可见,有可能是以前的骨灵族黑暗种所留。 So the approach, looked like a grain of sand threw into the sandpile, how can the bone spirit clan discover to be Wang Teng that grain of sand? 如此做法,就像是将一粒沙子丢进了沙堆里,骨灵族如何能够找出属于王腾的那一粒沙子? Only has Wang Teng to identify own aura, in this innumerable aura marks, found that own aura mark. 唯有王腾自己可以辨认自己的气息,在这无数的气息印记当中,找到那属于自己的气息印记。 Naturally, if some people very familiar Wang Teng Demon bone The talent aura, naturally can also identify. 当然,如果有人非常熟悉王腾的【魔骨】天赋气息,自然也可以辨认出来。 What a pity such person, does not exist. 可惜这样的人,并不存在。 Where bone spirit clan does such many skeletons, looks like a world to be the same seriously.” “骨灵族到底从哪里搞来如此之多的骸骨,当真就像是一个世界一般。” Wang Teng more penetrates the ruins of this perishing bone, heart within, more are dignified, emits all sorts to have doubts. 王腾越是深入这亡骨之墟,心中越是凝重,更是不由的冒出种种疑惑来。 Too many! 太多了! Here white bones were too many are too many! 这里的白骨实在太多太多了! As if slaughtered the whole world, all skeleton stacks in this, obviously this quantity is then terrifying. 仿佛屠戮了一整个世界,而后将所有的尸骸堆积于此,可见这数量到底有多么恐怖。 What is main, in some skeleton Wang Teng are unable to identify them to be what life. 更主要的是,这里面有许多骸骨王腾根本无法辨认它们到底属于何种生灵。 Cyclic, can you identify these skeletons to be what life completely?” Wang Teng asked in the heart. “圆滚滚,你可以完全辨认出这些骸骨属于何种生灵吗?”王腾不由在心中问道。 I just scanned, cannot identify completely.” Cyclic sound dignified saying. “我刚刚扫描了一下,并不能完全辨认。”圆滚滚声音凝重的说道。 Can't achieve by your present intelligent storehouse? I remember that you should obtain the intelligent storehouse information of many mechanical clan recently.” The Wang Teng eyebrow selects, is surprised the different way. “以你现在的智能库都做不到吗?我记得你最近应该得到了不少机械族的智能库信息了吧。”王腾眉毛一挑,诧异道。 Yes, but does not have the wool to use.” Cyclic say/way. “是的,但并没有毛用。”圆滚滚道。 „...... Good.” Wang Teng shakes the head, said: „The ruins of it seems like that this perishing bone are really mystical.” “……好吧。”王腾摇了摇头,说道:“看来这亡骨之墟果然非常神秘。” Right, remembers that records these unknown skeletons.” “对了,记得把那些未知的骸骨都记录下来。” His vision flashes, told one. 他目光一闪,又吩咐了一句。 This also reminded with you.” The plump flips the supercilious look, immediately thought of anything, sound dignified asking: Words said that this time seems the situation to be very stern, don't you really have the issue?” “这还用你提醒。”圆滚滚翻了翻白眼,随即又想到了什么,声音凝重的问道:“话说这次好像情况很严峻,你真的没问题吗?” Has the little hope.” Wang Teng has not explained anything, but said. “还是有一点点希望的。”王腾没有多解释什么,只是如此说道。 The plump vision is astonished, nods, no longer asked, in light of this quiet, has not gone to disturb Wang Teng. 圆滚滚目光惊异,点了点头,不再多问,就此沉寂了下去,没有去打扰王腾
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