AAMD :: Volume #22

#2186: Makes our these old things kill for you

Chapter 2186 makes our these old things kill a road for you! Perishing bone recovery! 第2186章就让我们这些老东西为你杀出一条路吧!亡骨复苏! Another Dark Species fell on great above the mountain of white bones stack, here is not void, they no longer flew in the midair. 一头又一头的黑暗种落在了白骨堆积的巨山之上,这里已经不是虚空,它们不再飞行在半空之中。 Moreover the ruins of this perishing bone are also make Dark Species of various clans feel that startled palpitated. 而且这亡骨之墟也是令各族的黑暗种感觉到了一丝惊悸。 This startled palpitates in the sky is especially intense, as if here has a will, does not allow them to fly in the sky. 这丝惊悸在天空中尤为强烈,似乎这里存在一股意志,不允许它们飞行在天空之中。 Many Dark Species look to the sky of top of the head, but is actually fog misty one piece, all do not look clearly. 许多黑暗种望向头顶的天空,但却是雾蒙蒙一片,一切都看不清晰。 These mist were not only cut off the line of sight, was cut off their sensation. 那些雾气不仅阻隔了视线,更是阻隔了它们的感知。 This disappoints them. 这让它们非常失望。 Enters bone spirit clan the ruins of perishing bone with great difficulty, many Dark Species want to find out, having a look at this bone spirit clan to have what background. 好不容易进入骨灵族的亡骨之墟,许多黑暗种都想要一探究竟,看看这骨灵族到底有什么底蕴。 But was a pity very much, temporarily is unable to see anything. 但很可惜,暂时无法看出什么。 Since bone La Demon Venerable dares to drag into this place them, naturally has the absolute self-confidence, did not fear that they spy on secret. 骨喇魔尊既然敢将它们拉入此地,自然是有着绝对的自信,不怕它们窥探到其中的秘密。 At this time, these Dark Species huge bodies are built in the mountain of white bones, lends the powerful and dark aura, appears the terrifying to be unusual. 此时,这些黑暗种庞大的身躯立于白骨之山上,散发出强大且黑暗的气息,更显得恐怖异常。 They took back vision that noses this white bones world, looking of eying covetously to bright universe Martial Artist. 它们收回了查探这座白骨世界的目光,虎视眈眈的望向光明宇宙的武者 The atmosphere immediately becomes extremely dignified and dangerous. 气氛顿时变得极为凝重与危险。 Welcome arrives at my clan the ruins of perishing bone.” “欢迎来到我族的亡骨之墟。” At this time, together the ice-cold and dignified sound conveyed from the upper air, full was the indifferent meaning, just like the keeping aloof Spiritual God, overlooked all living things. 这时,一道冰冷而威严的声音从高空之中传来,满是冷漠之意,宛如高高在上的神灵,俯瞰众生。 Everyone looks up. 所有人不由抬头望去。 Sees only in that dim mist, the huge form appears together slowly. 只见那朦胧的雾气之中,一道庞大的身影缓缓浮现而出。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The sounds of holding breath cold air resound suddenly. 一道道倒吸凉气的声音骤然响起。 That is giant skeleton birds, the bone wing extends to open unexpectedly, blocks the sky general, build not compared with dragon of small many previous perishing bone. 那竟然是一头巨大的骸骨飞禽,骨翼伸展而开,遮天蔽日一般,体型丝毫不比此前的亡骨之龙小多少。 The Wang Teng vision concentrates, closely is staring at this skeleton birds, in the heart is sinks. 王腾目光一凝,紧紧盯着这头骸骨飞禽,心中更是不由的一沉。 This is the skeleton lifeform of enduring compared with the dragon of perishing bone? 难道这又是一头堪比亡骨之龙的骸骨生物? Is dragon of the perishing bone, made him spend massive strengths to deal with, if now presents several heads again, the consequence was simply dreadful. 仅仅是一头亡骨之龙,就让他花费了大量的力气去应付,如今若是再出现几头,后果简直不堪设想。 It looks like in Wang Teng, if this skeleton birds can compare favorably with the dragon of perishing bone at present, then in the ruins of this piece of perishing bone feared that still has such skeleton lifeform. 王腾看来,如果眼前这头骸骨飞禽能够与亡骨之龙媲美,那么这片亡骨之墟内怕是还存在更多这样的骸骨生物。 The meaning of threat after all that type hidden in the hidden place cannot cheat. 毕竟那种隐藏在暗处的威胁之意做不了假。 Not only others felt that the everywhere crisis, Wang Teng also felt similarly, that is not an misconception, but exists. 不仅仅其他人感觉到了无处不在的危机,王腾也同样感觉到了,那并非错觉,而是真实存在的。 Currently, what method do you have?” “现在,你们还有什么手段?” Is full of the taunt the sneering sound to spread from the top of the head of that skeleton birds together suddenly. 一道充满嘲讽的冷笑声突然从那头骸骨飞禽的头顶之上传出。 At this time the people discovered, above the top of the head of that skeleton birds, is standing impressively together the form, who is not bone La Demon Venerable can be. 此时众人才发现,在那骸骨飞禽的头顶之上,赫然站着一道身影,不是骨喇魔尊又能是谁。 It is overlooking below bright universe Martial Artist, the look indifferently, just like regarding the dying thing is ordinary. 它俯瞰着下方的光明宇宙武者,眼神漠然,宛如看待死物一般。 As if in its eye, below bright universe Martial Artist is impossible to escape from its palm again, sooner or later must degenerate into a part of ruins of this perishing bone. 似乎在它的眼里,下方的光明宇宙武者已经不可能再逃出它的手掌心,迟早都要沦为这亡骨之墟的一部分。 Star meteor revering and the others were silent, facing so the situation, the bonus is their these powerhouses, cannot find out what better way. 星陨尊者等人默然,面对如此情形,饶是他们这些强者,也想不出什么更好的办法。 Has what method also to make you know inadequately.” The Wang Teng light opens the mouth, is not used to the opposite party, hits has discussed separately, cannot the long others spirit extinguish the power and prestige in any case. “有什么手段还能让你知道不成。”王腾淡淡开口,一点都不惯着对方,打不打的过另说,反正不能长他人志气灭自己威风。 „......” Star meteor revering. “……”星陨尊者。 „......” Ram Yu and other immortal levels exist. “……”公羊裕等不朽级存在。 At this time they have to admire the Wang Teng guts, to so the situation, this fellow also dared resentment that bone spirit clan Demon Venerable unexpectedly, is really not the average person can do the matter. 此时他们是不得不佩服王腾的胆量了,到了如此情形,这家伙竟然还敢怼那骨灵族魔尊,真不是一般人做得出来的事儿。 Moreover even they lack self-confidence, such big tone where this fellow comes? 而且连他们都没底,这家伙哪来的这么大口气啊? In the people heart wants to complain, but they bore. 众人心中着实很想吐槽一番,但他们还是忍住了。 No matter how said that is a person on one's own side. 不管怎么说都是自己人。 The face of person on one's own side must, unable to hold back to Wang Teng at this time. 自己人的面子必须给,不能在这个时候给王腾拖后腿啊。 „......” Bone La Demon Venerable was also done silent, immediately opens the mouth to say again: „Does boy, have the person to tell you, your mouth owes very much.” “……”骨喇魔尊亦是被干沉默了一下,随即才再次开口道:“小子,有没有人告诉你,你的嘴巴很欠。” No.” Wang Teng replied truthfully. “没有。”王腾如实答道。 Has? 有吗? Does not remember in any case, lets him do what he pleases. 反正不记得了,管他呢。 He so outstanding person, how possibly foul-mouthed, he was always realistic, had anything to say anything, is completely an honest good child, this bone La Demon Venerable slanders him simply. 他如此优秀的人,怎么可能嘴欠,他向来是实事求是的,有什么就说什么,完全就是个诚实的好孩子,这个骨喇魔尊简直就是污蔑他。 „......” Bone La Demon Venerable looks at his serious and earnest appearance, on the letter/believes, especially this boy facial skin was very almost thick, it Yin sad saying: Saying something offensive is very easy to discard the poor life.” “……”骨喇魔尊看着他那副严肃认真的样子,差点就信了,特么这小子脸皮还挺厚,它阴恻恻的说道:“嘴欠很容易丢掉小命。” I did not say something offensive luckily.” Wang Teng feared the appearance that patted the chest, saying that rejoices very much. “幸好我不嘴欠。”王腾一副怕怕的模样,拍了拍胸口,很庆幸的说道。 Star meteor revering, ram Yu and the others the corners of the mouth pull out immediately, look strange looks at Wang Teng. 星陨尊者,公羊裕等人顿时嘴角一抽,眼神古怪的看着王腾 You also are really the tooth point mouth advantage, to so the situation, dares to flaunt the advantage of argument with the main body unexpectedly, did not fear that the main body first did kill you?” Bone La Demon Venerable light say/way. “你还真是牙尖嘴利啊,到了如此地步,竟然还敢与本尊逞口舌之利,不怕本尊先杀了你吗?”骨喇魔尊淡淡道。 Feared that was too afraid......” “怕啊,太害怕了……” Wang Teng was serious, actually suddenly a voice revolution, said grinningly: I feared that Sir Demon Venerable keeps me finally, that was too lonely, therefore also asked Demon Venerable to first kill me, please do not take pity on me.” 王腾原本还是一脸严肃,却突然话音一转,笑嘻嘻道:“我怕魔尊大人把我留到最后,那就太寂寞了,所以还请魔尊务必先来杀我,请不要怜惜我。” Bone La Demon Venerable is a face teased, hears his words, the one breath has almost not come up, feels like fights with the fists on the cotton, makes its depressed wants to spit blood. 骨喇魔尊原本还是一脸戏谑,听到他的话语,一口气差点没上来,感觉像是一拳打在棉花上,让它郁闷的想吐血。 This boy does not press the common sense to play a card unexpectedly. 这小子竟然不按常理出牌。 Doesn't he really fear death? 他真的不怕死吗? „???” “???” The people are speechless, but also thinks oneself misunderstood, but they responded quickly, all was vision complex looking approached the opposite party. 众人无言,还以为自己听错了,但他们很快就反应了过来,一个个皆是目光复杂的望向了对方。 Wang Teng this was must sacrifice itself, won the time for them. 王腾这是要牺牲自己,为他们争取时间啊。 This extremely Heaven's Chosen really has, is to make them be ashamed seriously. 这位绝顶天骄竟然有如此胸怀,当真是令他们感到羞愧。 Territory Lord Level on the scene, the World Lord Level powerhouse and others, lived all longer years compared with Wang Teng, can definitely be his elder, finally came to understand that actually did not have the opposite party to be high. 在场的域主级,界主级强者等,无不是比王腾活了更长的岁月,完全可以算是他的长辈,结果觉悟竟然还没有对方高。 Compared with the Wang Teng talent, their values even at all are not anything. 王腾的天赋比起来,他们的价值甚至根本不算什么。 The bright universe can not have their these Territory Lord Level, World Lord Level Martial Artist, but cannot do without Wang Teng such Heaven's Chosen extremely. 光明宇宙可以没有他们这些域主级,界主级武者,但不能没有王腾这样的绝顶天骄。 When so long as he grows, can reach the immortal level surely, even could become immortal level revering, when the time comes by his strength, high-rank Demon Venerable level Dark Species perhaps is not his opponent. 只要等到他成长起来,必定能够达到不朽级,甚至有望成为不朽级尊者,到时候以他的实力,上位魔尊黑暗种恐怕都不是他的对手。 Therefore, from this perspective, the Wang Teng value without doubt be higher than too many them are too many. 所以,从这方面来看,王腾的价值无疑要比他们高太多太多。 Dying to have anything to be good to fear that bone spirit clan Demon Venerable, you have what method, although comes to us.” “死有什么好怕的,骨灵族魔尊,你有什么手段,尽管冲我们来。” Good, wants to daunt us, is absolutely impossible, my bright universe Martial Artist can die, but will not submit.” “不错,想吓住我们,绝无可能,我光明宇宙武者可以死,但绝不会屈服。” Wang Teng, you withdraw, must die is also our these old bones predeceases, but also is not one's turn your baby.” 王腾,你退后,要死也是我们这些老骨头先死,还轮不到你这个小娃娃。” Ha haha......, although nine die it still not the regret, trivial Dark Species, what fearing has.” “哈哈哈……虽九死其犹未悔,区区黑暗种,何惧之有。” ...... …… The bright universe Martial Artist stand, the complexion was decidedly firm, as if after already the heart brain of fear completely throwing . 一个个光明宇宙武者站了出来,面色决然而坚定,仿佛已经将心中的恐惧完全抛之脑后。 The fear is not fearful, everybody will have the fear. 恐惧不可怕,谁都会产生恐惧。 Even if the immortal level exists, will fear sometimes. 哪怕是不朽级存在,有时亦会恐惧。 So long as can defeat the fear, then as before is powerhouse- the powerhouse of mind! 但只要能够战胜恐惧,便依旧是强者-心灵的强者! At this moment, that form becomes big incomparable, they stand in the world of this boundless white bones, looking like must rush to the Yellow Springs, a solemn and stirring meaning arises spontaneously. 这一刻,那一道道身影变得高大无比,他们站在这茫茫白骨的世界之中,就像是要奔赴黄泉,一丝悲壮之意油然而生。 Wang Teng was shocked. 王腾愣住了。 He plays to display one's eloquence the artillery, how to make these bright universe Martial Artist as if awaken generally. 他只是耍耍嘴炮而已,怎么就让这些光明宇宙武者仿佛觉醒了一般。 Their bodies, are shining at this moment probably! 他们的身上,此刻好像在发光! This plot is a little not how right. 这剧情怎么有点不对劲啊。 „Behind Wang Teng, you fall back on, this war, you have done enough many.” 王腾,你退到后面去吧,这场战争,你已经做得够多了。” Body of star meteor revering slowly float, he grasps the golden long spear/gun, such as a war-god, kept off in the front of people, the sound transmitted slowly, does not have any fluctuation, actually extraordinary temperateness. 星陨尊者的身躯缓缓悬浮了起来,他手持金色长枪,如一位战神,挡在了众人的面前,声音缓缓传来,没有任何波动,却出奇的温和。 Makes our these old things kill a road for you.” “就让我们这些老东西为你杀出一条路吧。” Wang Teng is looking at the back of star meteor revering, falls into a silence, does not immediately know should say any good. 王腾望着星陨尊者的背影,陷入一阵沉默,顿时不知该说些什么好。 Good! Good! Good!” “好!好!好!” Bone La Demon Venerable sneers again and again, the ice-cold sound spreads suddenly: Since you courting death, that main body are then helping you anxiously.” 骨喇魔尊冷笑连连,冰冷的声音猛然传开:“既然你们急着找死,那本尊便成全你们。” Perishing bone, recovery!” “亡骨,复苏!” Finally, its sound changes to sonic boom to drink, billowing reverberation in this deathly stillness general white bones world. 最终,它的声音化作一声爆喝,滚滚的回荡在这死寂一般的白骨世界之中。 The people complexion changes, got hold of the weapon in hand, is ready in full battle array. 众人面色一变,纷纷握紧了手中的兵器,严阵以待。 By this time, many people are prepared that went, in the heart the does not have any meaning of retreating. 到了此时,许多人已经有了赴死的准备,心中没有任何退却之意。 ke ke ke...... 碦碦碦…… Suddenly, an intermittent strange sound from transmits in all directions, is quite crowded, making this deathly stillness the white bones world suddenly noisy incomparable. 突然间,一阵阵诡异的声响从四面八方传来,极为密集,让这片死寂的白骨世界骤然变得嘈杂无比。 But this feeling has not brought the slight comfort, instead made people even more anxious. 但这种感觉并没有给人带来丝毫的安慰,反而令人越发的不安。 The next quarter, the people discovered with amazement, this entire white bones world as if moved. 下一刻,众人骇然的发现,这一整座白骨世界似乎都动了起来。 But they soon detect, in the ruins of not this perishing bone, but is all around skeleton. 但他们很快又察觉到,在动的并非这亡骨之墟,而是四周的骸骨。 Reason that will have so the misconception , because moves is not two skeletons, but is...... all skeletons! 之所以会产生如此错觉,是因为动的不是一具两具骸骨,而是……所有的骸骨! Even their skeletons also moved, is not the common vibration, but is ordinary like the living creature, bone, the bone claw crawls from the white bones pile, grasped directly to the bright universe Martial Artist ankle area. 甚至就连他们脚下的骸骨也都动了起来,并非寻常的震动,而是如同活物一般,一只只骨手,骨爪等从白骨堆中爬出,径直抓向了光明宇宙武者的脚踝。 What is stranger, these bone, on the bone claw extended close black silk threads unexpectedly. 更诡异的是,这些骨手,骨爪上面竟然延伸出了一条条细密的黑色丝线。 These black silk threads very thin, if not for the quantity are too many, even is hard to see clearly with the naked eye. 这些黑色丝线非常的细,若不是数量太多,甚至难以用肉眼看清。 They following bone, the bone claw climbed up the thigh of bright universe Martial Artist, is to permeate in their bodies unexpectedly. 它们顺着骨手,骨爪等爬上了光明宇宙武者的大腿,竟是想要渗入他们的身体之内。 What ghost thing this is!?” “这是什么鬼东西!?” Many people cannot bear call out in alarm make noise, does not fear death to turn over to not to fear death, facing the so strange situation, in the heart somewhat is naturally scared suddenly. 不少人忍不住惊叫出声,不怕死归不怕死,乍然面对如此诡异的情形,心中自然还是有些发毛的。 Is good responds because of them also quickly, transfers Source Power immediately hastily, these bone, the bone claw shakes, and isolates that black filament directly outside, keeping them from bumping into own body, later immediately drives out it. 好在他们反应也很快,当下连忙调动自身原力,将这些骨手,骨爪震开,并将那黑色细丝径直隔绝在外,让它们无法碰到自己的身体,随后立刻将其驱除。 Regarding the strength of darkness, bright universe Martial Artist never dares to treat it lightly, sees its appearance, then reacts immediately. 对于黑暗之力,光明宇宙武者从来不敢掉以轻心,一看到其出现,便立刻做出了反应。 Wang Teng frowns, his foot was also held by strange bone stubbornly, looks like the ghost hand that extends from the hell to be the same, a lot of black silk threads fly to flee, wants to drill into his within the body. 王腾皱起眉头,他的脚同样被一只诡异的骨手死死抓住,就像是从地狱中伸出的鬼手一般,大量的黑色丝线飞窜出来,想要钻入他的体内。 He felt that a familiarity, was then not driving out it fortunately anxiously, but kept off it with Source Power outside. 他感觉到了一丝熟悉感,所幸便不急着将其驱除,只是用一层原力将其挡在了外面。 These black filaments the social climbing above Source Power, nibbled his Source Power immediately unceasingly. 这些黑色细丝顿时攀附在了原力之上,不断的蚕食他的原力 Do not look that these filaments are very probably thin, from one two, seems to have no too strong striking power only, but such many black filament gathers in the same place, is truly fearful. 别看这些细丝好像都很细,单从一根两根上来看,似乎没有什么太强的攻击力,但如此之多的黑色细丝集合在一起,确实非常可怕。 However is several time of breath, Wang Teng felt oneself adhered to stick cohere Source Power on leg to be nibbled one. 不过是几个呼吸的时间,王腾感觉自己附着在腿上的原力已经被蚕食了一层。 What is more fearful, above that bone also has more black filaments to appear, toward the thigh of Wang Teng, even is the waist abdomen social climbing on. 更可怕的是,那骨手之上还有更多的黑色细丝出现,朝着王腾的大腿,甚至是腰腹攀附而上。 This!” “这!” Many bright universe Martial Artist see this, is the pupil concentrates all, finally detects the terrifying of this black silk thread. 不少光明宇宙武者看到这一幕,无不是瞳孔一凝,终于是察觉到了这黑色丝线的恐怖。 Appetite is big, but also wants to wrap my whole person.” “胃口不小,还想将我整个人都包裹起来。” Wang Teng sneers, Source Power in outside the body changes to the pure white color suddenly, a holy meaning erupts. 王腾冷笑一声,体外的原力突然化作洁白之色,一股圣洁之意爆发而出。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… These black silk threads just like bumping into the difficult adversary were common, seems like by the flame incinerator, direct ablation completely. 那些黑色丝线宛如碰到了克星一般,又像是被火焰焚烧,直接消融殆尽。 However in the meantime, some all around unexpectedly many skeletons stood from the white bones pile, although these white bones cannot withstand scattered in disorder, could not have seen is what lifeform, but at this moment they were actually the optional combination, changed to another skeleton monster, crawled from the bone pile. 不过就在此时,四周竟有不少骸骨从白骨堆中站了起来,这些白骨虽然散乱不堪,早已看不出是什么生物,但此刻它们却是随意的组合在了起来,化作一头又一头的骸骨怪物,从骨堆中爬了出来。 Some skeleton monsters live the head of human form lifeform obviously, the body is actually the body of beasts, is thickly crazy and huge. 有的骸骨怪物明明生有人形生物的头颅,身躯却是兽类之躯,粗狂而庞大。 Some skeleton monsters are the human form bodies, but on the spine is actually going against the beasts skeleton head, appears nondescript...... 有的骸骨怪物则是人形身躯,但脊椎骨上却顶着个兽类骷髅头,显得不伦不类…… But this is also not anything, many skeleton monsters are completely abnormal, several head disorderly crustifications above skeleton body, but also some spines are dozens meters unexpectedly, is ordinary just like the big snake, strange. 而这还不算什么,不少骸骨怪物已是完全畸形,有的几个头颅杂乱的镶嵌在骸骨身躯之上,还有的脊椎骨竟有数十米长,宛如大蛇一般,诡异至极。 The sound of intermittent shouting spreads from the mouths of these skeleton monsters, hoarse, ice-cold, rubs like the tinsel. 阵阵嘶吼之声从这些骸骨怪物的口中传出,沙哑,冰冷,如同金属片摩擦。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… After these skeleton monsters appear, then from surrounded instantaneously in all directions, some skeleton monsters run out from all around white bones great mountain, in white bones that everywhere scatters, plunged bright universe Martial Artist directly. 这些骸骨怪物出现之后,瞬间便从四面八方围拢了过来,更有一些骸骨怪物从四周的白骨巨山中冲出,在漫天散落的白骨中,径直扑向了光明宇宙武者 The war breaks out instantaneously, the Source Power bellow resounds through in the middle of the ruins of this piece of perishing bone, the complementary waves sweep away, overthrows that white bones great mountains. 大战瞬间爆发,原力的轰鸣声在这片亡骨之墟当中响彻而起,余波横扫,将那一座座白骨巨山推翻。 But in white bones that scatters, has the skeleton monster to appear unexpectedly. 但在那散落的白骨之中,竟又有骸骨怪物出现。 This Wang Teng sees very clearly, these skeleton monsters are the white bones that these scatter combine radically randomly, no wonder seems like so strange weird. 这一次王腾看得很清楚,这些骸骨怪物根本就是那些散落的白骨随机组合起来的,难怪看起来如此的诡异怪诞。 Bang! 轰! He grasps a to fight the sword, sweeps away at will, cut the smashing several skeleton monsters, and under the purification of strength of light, made its radical ablation, dregs not remaining. 他手持一柄战剑,随意横扫而出,将几头骸骨怪物斩成了粉碎,并在光明之力的净化之下,令其彻底消融,连渣都不剩下。 These skeleton monsters are also a dark divine creative force, the strength of light can restrain them similarly. 这些骸骨怪物也算是一种黑暗造物,光明之力同样可以克制它们。 However, others are not relaxed facing these skeleton monsters, threat of common Source Power to the skeleton monster can only say general, only if can thoroughly destroy it like Wang Teng, otherwise these skeleton monsters can combine together. 但是,其他人面对这些骸骨怪物就没有那么轻松了,寻常原力对骸骨怪物的威胁只能说一般,除非能够像王腾一样将其彻底摧毁,否则这些骸骨怪物还是能够重新组合在一起。 Even if they only have part, white bones combination that can also scatter with other. 哪怕它们只剩下一部分,也可以与其他散落的白骨组合。 This characteristics, have the wonder of equally good results from different methods with the blood beast that the beforehand blood group condenses actually. 这种特性,与之前血族凝聚出的血兽倒是有着异曲同工之妙。 However compares, the skeleton monster in ruins of this perishing bone seems to be more terrifying, because here white bones do not need the blood of what source, they as if have the consciousness to be common, can combine to appear unceasingly, continuously. 不过相比起来,这亡骨之墟内的骸骨怪物似乎更加恐怖,因为这里的白骨根本不需要什么本源之血,它们仿佛拥有意识一般,能够不断的组合出现,源源不断。 These skeleton monsters cannot kill.” Wang Teng looks to all around, arrived at the extreme seriously: This way, will only be consumed.” “这些骸骨怪物根本杀不完。”王腾望向四周,面色凝重到了极点:“这样下去,只会被耗死。” His vision flashes, immediately passes message to star meteor revering said: Senior, you whether to constrain these skeleton monsters some time?” 他目光闪动,立刻传音对星陨尊者道:“前辈,你们可否拖住这些骸骨怪物一段时间?” What do you want to make?” “你要做什么?” Star meteor revering knows that Wang Teng will easily not open the mouth, but each opens the mouth, takes an action inevitably. 星陨尊者知道王腾轻易不会开口,但是每一次开口,必然都是有所行动。 This time, does Wang Teng have what means to be inadequate? 这一次,王腾难道还有什么办法不成?
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