AAMD :: Volume #22

#2185: Not having to prevent! Strange! Hears perishing bone it

Chapter 2185 does not have to prevent! Strange! Hears in the ruins of perishing bone to have the big terrifying!( Sought subscription) 第2185章无可阻挡!诡异!听闻亡骨之墟内存在大恐怖!(求订阅) Wang Teng is very helpless. 王腾很无奈。 Actually he also wants to install a while again, but the situation did not allow him to install again. 其实他还想再装一会儿,但情况不允许他再装下去了。 He is really an attire, is really the attire!” upright Haoge stands in Wang Teng behind, sees his time appearance, in the heart cries out immediately. “他果然是装的,果然是装啊!”耿浩歌站在王腾的身后,看到他此时的模样,心中顿时呐喊起来。 Rapidness that such possibly how some people restore, definitely is the attire. 怎么可能有人恢复的这么快,肯定是装的。 When upright Haoge looks to rune/symbol Xiuyuan the expression, the heart irrigated just like basin cold water immediately, what words card in the throat, is unable to say again. 但是当耿浩歌看向符秀媛的表情时,心头顿时宛如一盆冷水浇了下来,什么话语都卡在了喉咙里,根本无法再说出口。 rune/symbol Xiuyuan simply has not cared about Wang Teng to install, she is only looking at Wang Teng that a face worries, is dignified incomparable looking to that unceasingly with the white bones world that this piece overlaps void. 符秀媛根本没有在意王腾是不是装的,她只是一脸担忧的望着王腾,更是凝重无比的望向那不断与这片虚空重迭的白骨世界。 Probably also only then upright Haoge also has the mood to pay attention to these at sixes and sevens things. 大概也只有耿浩歌还有心情关注这些乱七八糟的事情。 Is good does not have to become confused because of upright Haoge by the envy completely, he naturally knows at this time does not pull these things time, but in the heart really cannot bear. 好在耿浩歌也没有完全被嫉妒冲昏头脑,他自然知道此时不是扯这些事情的时候,只不过心中实在忍不住罢了。 Wang Teng simply has not placed in upright Haoge matter the heart, the wishful thinking of opposite party, he has not cared, at this moment facing numerous vision, he looks all around immediately, but only spoke a few words finally. 王腾根本没将耿浩歌的事情放在心中,对方的小心思,他一点也没有在意,此刻面对众多的目光,他立刻环顾了一圈,但最终只说了一句话。 Cannot run away.” “逃不出去的。” Is a few words, then made the heart of people sink the valley. 仅仅是一句话,便让众人的心沉到了谷底。 However also makes them clearly recognize the present reality. 不过却也让他们认清了眼下的现实。 Now restores the reason, they also know oneself just now have is not sane, at present this situation, more is scatters in all directions to run away, is the danger. 如今恢复理智,他们也知道自己方才有多么不理智,眼下这种情况,越是四散逃走,越是危险。 The range that because that white bones world covers was too broad, cannot look at the boundary, how can escape. 因为那白骨世界笼罩的范围太广了,根本望不到边际,如何能够逃出去。 Gathers, instead a ray of hope. 聚集在一起,反而还有一线希望。 Star meteor revering relaxes slightly, he wants to open the mouth a moment ago, never expected that Wang Teng forestalled but actually one step . Moreover the opposite party is skilled in the energetic sound wave method, is only two characters, then shakes the people awakes. 星陨尊者微微松了一口气,刚才他本想开口,没想到王腾倒抢先了一步,而且对方精通精神音波手段,只是两个字,便将众人震醒。 This method also wants actually usefully compared with him many. 这手段倒是比他还要有用不少。 The situation, said that actually not whose method is stronger, but must look whether usefully. 如此情况,倒不是说谁的手段更强,而是要看是否有用。 The energetic sound wave class method is undoubtedly targeted, revealing, can restore the reason instantaneously. 精神音波类手段无疑非常具有针对性,振聋发聩,能够让人瞬间恢复理智。 Hehe, you are it seems like sober.” Bone La Demon Venerable looks to Wang Teng, said with a smile lightly: Knows that cannot run away, therefore the preparation gives up revolting, waited for death directly?” “呵呵,看来你还算清醒。”骨喇魔尊望向王腾,淡淡笑道:“知道逃不出去,所以准备放弃反抗,直接等死了吗?” People hears word, the complexion is uglier immediately. 众人闻言,顿时面色更加难看。 That does not have.” Wang Teng facing the bone La Demon Venerable vision, slightly not startled, similarly said with a smile lightly: I just want to experience the method of your bone spirit clan.” “那倒没有。”王腾面对骨喇魔尊的目光,丝毫没有惊慌,同样淡淡笑道:“我只不过想见识见识你们骨灵族的手段罢了。” You should not think that our bright universe did fear your bone spirit clans?” “你该不会以为我们光明宇宙怕了你们骨灵族吧?” Ruins of only perishing bone, want to make us confuse own situations, is you are too naive, you think us was too naive?” “区区一个亡骨之墟,就想让我们自乱阵脚,是你太天真,还是你把我们想的太天真了?” Bone La Demon Venerable decides is looking at Wang Teng, the tone of this boy is peaceful, displays extremely calmly, it does not make clear the opposite party really to have the energy, is putting on airs. 骨喇魔尊定定的望着王腾,这小子的语气太平淡,表现得太过镇定,以至于它搞不清楚对方是真的有底气,还是在装腔作势。 However it responded quickly, this boy special is scolding it is too naive. 不过它很快反应过来,这小子特么在骂它太天真。 Do two views, what have to distinguish? 两种说法,有什么区别? The bone La Mozu vision was gloomy immediately, the solemn high-rank Demon Venerable level exists, was actually scolded by a Territory Lord Level junior naively, did ratio this insult the matter of person? 骨喇魔族的目光顿时阴沉了下来,堂堂上位魔尊级存在,竟然被一个域主级的小辈骂天真,还有比这更侮辱人的事儿吗? In star meteor revering heart strange, this boy is more self-confident than him, is it possible that bright universe also does have other more powerful method? How he does not know. 星陨尊者心中古怪,这小子比他还要自信,莫非光明宇宙还有其他更强大的手段?他怎么不知道呢。 But these mood, he has not actually displayed. 但这些情绪,他却没有表现出来。 Wang Teng these words, not only can make this bone spirit clan Demon Venerable touch the airtight bright universe the details, but can also make the bright universe Martial Artist pick up some confidence. 王腾这些话语,不但可以让这骨灵族魔尊摸不透光明宇宙的底细,还能够让光明宇宙的武者们重新拾回一些信心。 No matter how said, is the advantage outweighs the shortcoming. 不管怎么说,都是利大于弊的。 Needs to be vigilant that only, is this bone spirit clan Demon Venerable can therefore become angry out of shame. 唯一需要警惕的,就是这骨灵族魔尊会不会因此而恼羞成怒。 Sometimes after all the Wang Teng words, truly can not pay with a life exasperating. 毕竟王腾的话语,有时候确实能够气死人不偿命。 Previously he made this bone spirit clan Demon Venerable be injured, was insufficient to make it so uncomfortable, now Wang Teng merely is only a few words, made in its heart raise anger. 此前他让这骨灵族魔尊受伤,都不至于令它如此不爽,如今王腾仅仅只是一句话,就让它心中升起了一丝怒意。 This aspect really must look at Wang Teng this fellow. 这方面果然还得看王腾这家伙啊。 Contacts after this war, star meteor revering was also has one to understand to Wang Teng, this fellow was the abdomen black person, even a little...... lowly cheap. 经过这一场大战接触下来,星陨尊者也算是对王腾有了一丝了解了,这家伙是个腹黑的主儿,甚至有点……小贱贱。 However now does not think these times, this bone spirit clan Demon Venerable method, they are not necessarily able to block. 不过现在不是想这些的时候,这骨灵族魔尊的手段,他们未必能够挡得住啊。 Without the sufficient strength resists the opposite party, the waste multi- argument are again useless. 若没有足够的实力抵挡对方,浪费再多口舌都无用。 Snort!” “哼!” Bone La Demon Venerable knows oneself cannot take what advantage in the spoken language, cold snort/hum, stares at Wang Teng to say stubbornly: I must have a look at your bright universe also to have what method but actually to be able to block my bone spirit clan the ruins of perishing bone.” 骨喇魔尊知道自己在言语上占不到什么便宜,不由的冷哼一声,死死盯着王腾道:“我倒要看看你们光明宇宙还有什么手段能挡得住我骨灵族的亡骨之墟。” You must use that Yuan magnetic god light/only, should to pay a big price, does not know whether to use again the second time?” “你们要动用那元磁神光,应该要付出不小代价吧,不知能否再使用第二次?” It coldly smiles, in the eye full is the taunt. 它冷冷一笑,眼中满是嘲讽。 Bang! 轰隆! Finishing speaking, void is fierce shakes, that white bones world above people top of the head sinks suddenly downward, it situated in real and illusory, in an instant, the big piece region overlapped with present this piece immediately void in one. 话音刚落,虚空中又是剧烈的一震,众人头顶之上的那座白骨世界猛然往下一沉,它介于真实与虚幻之间,刹那间,大片区域顿时与眼下这片虚空重迭在了一起。 The people complexion changes, pale incomparable looks at that to drop the white bones world that unceasingly, the desperate feeling that a waiting death judged multiplied in the heart. 众人面色一变,苍白无比的望着那不断落下的白骨世界,有一种等待死亡宣判的绝望之感在心头滋生。 This feeling does not feel better very much. 这种感觉很不好受。 What to do?” “怎么办?” „Can we really resist this strength?” “我们真的能够抵挡这种力量吗?” Felt that we must be dragged into that white bones world quickly.” “感觉我们很快就要被拉入那座白骨世界之中了。” ...... …… Startled noise are unceasing spreads from the bright universe Martial Artist mouth, facing a fearful world, they have no strength of resistance. 一道道惊哗声还是不断的从光明宇宙武者口中传出,面对如此可怕的一座世界,他们根本没有任何反抗之力。 The complexion that ram Yu and other immortal levels have also becomes dignified incomparable, they are not naturally willing to sit waiting for death, after looking at each other one mutually, erupts own strength instantaneously, shoots up to the sky. 公羊裕等不朽级存在的面色也变得凝重无比,他们自然不愿坐以待毙,相互对视了一眼之后,瞬间爆发出自身的力量,冲天而起。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… These immortal levels exist to attempt to affect the space, resists arrival of that white bones world. 这些不朽级存在企图影响空间,抵挡那座白骨世界的降临。 Under their strengths, the speed that white bones world sank really slowed down unexpectedly. 在他们的力量之下,那座白骨世界下沉的速度竟真的变慢了许多。 Useful!” “有用!” Ram Yu and other immortal levels have cannot help but the great happiness. 公羊裕等不朽级存在不由得大喜。 Originally refuses to abandon hope, has not thought that really useful, this seriously is a unexpected happiness. 本来只是死马当活马医,没想到真的有用,这当真是意外之喜。 Star meteor revering sees this, is the vision one bright. 星陨尊者看到这一幕,也是目光一亮。 He has not hesitated, erupts own strength instantaneously, the space source principle is inspired, changes to strange space rune/symbol writing to melt in void obviously, brilliant incomparable. 他没有迟疑,瞬间爆发出自身的力量,空间本源法则被引动,化作一道道奇异的空间符文显化于虚空之中,绚烂无比。 Bang! 轰! That space rune/symbol writing erupt the powerful strength, immediately made that white bones world naked eye stop obviously, seemed supported by an invisible big hand, is unable to fall again. 那一道道空间符文爆发出强大的力量,顿时令那白骨世界肉眼可见的停顿了一下,仿佛被一只无形的大手托住,无法再落下。 Space source principle, immortal level revering is not really ordinary.” In the Wang Teng heart moves, in the eye reveals the strange color. “空间本源法则,不朽级尊者果然不一般。”王腾心中一动,眼中露出奇异之色。 However regarding star meteor revering and the others approaches, he actually does not have the too high hope. 不过对于星陨尊者等人的做法,他却不抱太大的希望。 Presents besides bone La Demon Venerable, perhaps no one compared with him understood that the terrifying of ruins of perishing bone, wants to resist arrival of ruins of this perishing bone with the strength of space, perhaps is not easy. 在场除了骨喇魔尊之外,恐怕没有人比他更了解亡骨之墟的恐怖,想用空间之力抵挡这亡骨之墟的降临,恐怕并没有那么容易。 But he is unable to prevent star meteor revering and the others, can succeed, must try. 但他无法阻止星陨尊者等人,能不能成功,总要试一试。 Jie Jie...... attempts to prevent the ruins of perishing bone to arrive, you are true naive.” “桀桀……妄图阻止亡骨之墟降临,你们才是真正的天真啊。” Bone La Demon Venerable sneers, in the tone disdains completely. 骨喇魔尊冷笑起来,语气中满是不屑。 In the Wang Teng heart thump, looked to bone La Demon Venerable. 王腾心中咯噔了一下,望向骨喇魔尊 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Suddenly, in all around of ruins of that perishing bone, has to erupt unexpectedly black light fiercely, rich dark aura fills the air to come, to arrive at this void immediately. 突然间,在那亡骨之墟的四周,竟是有着一道道黑光猛地爆发,一股浓郁的黑暗气息顿时弥漫而来,降临这片虚空。 The dark strength that however that black light erupts does not seem to arrive at this void, is located in another space seem like. 但是那黑光中爆发的黑暗之力似乎并未降临这片虚空,倒像是位于另一片空间。 That is......” the Wang Teng complexion changes, as if guessed correctly anything. “那是……”王腾面色一变,似乎猜到了什么。 From the beginning, he thought that some are not right, an only bone La Demon Venerable person of strength, how can use the so powerful method, even makes the ruins of perishing bone change, arrives at the bright universe directly. 从一开始,他就觉得有些不对,单凭骨喇魔尊一人的力量,如何能够施展出如此强大的手段,甚至让亡骨之墟化作真实,直接降临光明宇宙。 This is very inconceivable, at all is not the matter that a high-rank Demon Venerable level can accomplish alone. 这是非常不可思议的,根本不是一个上位魔尊级单独能够办到的事。 Now all understand. 如今一切都明白了。 Because controls all these is not only a bone La Demon Venerable Demon Venerable level exists, is located in the ruins of perishing bone also to begin in the Demon Venerable level of the world. 因为操控这一切的不仅仅是骨喇魔尊一头魔尊级存在,还有更多位于亡骨之墟所在世界的魔尊级同时动手。 Just these black light, is the energy that these Demon Venerable levels erupted. 刚刚那些黑光,就是那些魔尊级爆发的能量。 Obviously, the bone spirit clan is prepared early. 很显然,骨灵族早有准备。 Bone La Demon Venerable is equivalent to an anchor point, or a lead wire, can draw the ruins of perishing bone to the lead wire that the bright universe comes. 骨喇魔尊只是相当于一个锚点,亦或是一根引线,一根可以将亡骨之墟拉到光明宇宙来的引线。 Star meteor revering and the others also saw this, understood all instantaneously. 星陨尊者等人也看到了这一幕,瞬间明白了所有。 But is too late. 但已经太迟了。 With that black light eruption, the terrifying strength divulges from the ruins of perishing bone under. 随着那一道道黑光爆发,恐怖的力量从亡骨之墟上宣泄而下。 Easily accomplished! 摧枯拉朽! Ram Yu and other immortal levels have the strength of eruption such as the easily accomplished general, direct collapse, the space source principle that star meteor revering condenses also cannot withstand that fearful strength seriously, melts obviously, but rune/symbol writing disruption. 公羊裕等不朽级存在爆发的力量当真如摧枯拉朽一般,直接崩溃,星陨尊者所凝聚出的空间本源法则亦是承受不住那股可怕的力量,显化而出的符文一道道碎裂。 Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, that huge incomparable white bones world then in ram Yu, star meteor revering and other immortal levels has in vision with amazement to fall. 下一刻,那庞大无比的白骨世界便在公羊裕,星陨尊者等不朽级存在骇然的目光中落下。 This!!!” “这!!!” The people vision arrived at the extreme with amazement, subconscious wants to avoid. 众人目光骇然到了极点,下意识的想要避开。 But radically without enough time. 但根本来不及。 That huge white bones world falls in this flash, overlapped with this piece thoroughly void in one. 那庞大的白骨世界在这一瞬间落下,彻底与这片虚空重迭在了一起。 However what is accidental/surprised, seems like that extremely heavy white bones world, thoroughly is overlapping in an instant, the people actually have not felt the slight impact. 不过令人意外的是,原本看似极为沉重的白骨世界,在彻底重迭的刹那间,众人竟然没有感觉到丝毫的冲击。 Everyone is only the feeling at present absent-minded, after the darkness of flash, all around scene then changed immediately thoroughly. 所有人只是感觉眼前一片恍惚,又经过一瞬间的黑暗,随即四周的景象便彻底发生了变化。 Original void, changes to the strange world that the white bones piled up unexpectedly completely. 原本的虚空,竟完全化作了白骨堆积如山的诡异世界。 Meaning of the indescribable deathly stillness fills the air in this bleak and terrifying world, everywhere, such as the Yellow Springs hell is ordinary. 一种无法形容的死寂之意弥漫在这片荒凉而恐怖的世界之中,无处不在,就如黄泉地狱一般。 Static! 静! All around falls into a deathly stillness immediately! 四周顿时陷入一片死寂! Each bright universe Martial Artist speechless, their complexion fluctuated fiercely, the look shivered suddenly, full was with amazement, but no one made the sound, all fell into a fearful silence. 每一位光明宇宙武者都失语了,他们面色剧烈变幻,眼神急剧颤动,满是骇然,但没有一个人发出声音,全都陷入一种可怕的沉默之中。 „The ruins of this perishing bone were really summoned by that bone La Demon Venerable unexpectedly successfully.” Wang Teng looks to all around, the vision vibrates. “这亡骨之墟居然真的被那骨喇魔尊成功召唤了过来。”王腾望向四周,目光震动。 When just saw that is black light, he has the preparation, but was dragged into this restricted area at this moment thoroughly, in his heart was also unavoidably dignified. 尽管刚刚看到那黑光之时,他就已经有了心理准备,但此刻彻底被拉入这处禁地,他心中也是不免凝重了起来。 But the ruins of this perishing bone the domain of bone spirit clan, even is a fearful restricted area, who knows that what terrifying in has to exist. 这亡骨之墟可是骨灵族的地盘,甚至是一处可怕的禁地,谁知道里面到底存在什么样的恐怖存在。 Now bright universe Martial Artist falls into completely, was very really difficult. 如今光明宇宙武者全部落入其中,恐怕真的很难出去了。 Only can walk one step to look one step, attacked the problem one manifestation at a time.” In the Wang Teng heart talked to oneself. “只能走一步看一步,见招拆招了。”王腾心中自语。 To be honest, he has not grasped certainly to be able from here to walk, but there is what means that escapes cannot escape, keeps off cannot block, can only discover ruins of this perishing bone weakness from the interior. 说实话,他也没有把握一定能够从这里走出去,但是有什么办法呢,逃也逃不掉,挡也挡不住,只能从内部找出这亡骨之墟的弱点了。 Or is...... the exit|to speak! 或者说是……出口! Now the void overlapping of ruins and bright universe this perishing bone, does not know that what condition is at? 如今这亡骨之墟与光明宇宙的虚空重迭,也不知是处于一种什么样的状态? However according to the guess of Wang Teng, this space decides however no longer is in its original position- is also in Dark World. 但是依王腾的猜测,这一片空间定然不再处于它原本的位置-也就是黑暗世界之中。 Even he bolder speculations, bone La Demon Venerable has not possibly summoned ruins of entire perishing bone, here perhaps is only part. 甚至他还有一个更加大胆的猜测,骨喇魔尊可能并未将一整座亡骨之墟都召唤过来,这里也许只是其中的一部分。 The Wang Teng vision flashes rapidly, looks all around, in mind train of thought revolve like lightning. 王腾目光急速闪动,环顾四周,脑海中思绪电转。 Wū wū...... 呜呜呜…… Suddenly, a strange sobbing sound gets up, lets this place is adds wipes strangely. 突然间,一阵诡异的呜咽声响起,让此地更是平添一抹诡异。 The people have gotten back one's composure finally, looks to all around. 众人终于回过了神,不由望向四周。 This impressively is that white bones world, everywhere is the skeleton of piling up, dense and numerous, does not know that stems from what life, has mixed completely in one, letting the person is unable to distinguish. 这赫然就是那座白骨世界,到处都是堆积如山的骸骨,密密麻麻,也不知出自何种生灵,已经完全混在了一起,让人无法分辨。 However, can see some huge complete skeletons in the distant place actually, after seeming like certain powerful lives dead stayed behind, is hard to destroy, therefore retained completely. 不过,在远处倒是还能看到一些庞大的完整骨架,似乎是某些强大生灵死亡之后留下,难以破坏,所以完整的保留了下来。 Black fog continuously fills the air above the skeleton, lets this white bones world is appears dark and strange. 一缕缕的黑雾弥漫在骸骨之上,让这白骨世界更是显得黑暗与诡异。 Originally in the bright universe saw when this white bones world arrives, enough has shocked, now was dragged into, in all person hearts feels feeling of the indescribable shock. 原本在光明宇宙看到这白骨世界降临时,就已经足够震撼,如今被拉入其中,所有人心中更是感受到了一种无法形容的震撼之感。 Suddenly, the complexion of people are becomes pale incomparable, a fear climbed up their face gradually. 一时间,众人的脸色都是变得苍白无比,一丝恐惧渐渐爬上了他们的脸庞。 Where this...... is this?” “这……这到底是什么地方?” Many white bones, everywhere are!” “好多白骨,到处都是!” This place buried many lives, actually has such many skeletons!” “这个地方到底埋葬了多少生灵,竟然存在如此之多的骸骨!” Good strange feeling, as if all around is hiding what terrifying thing.” “好诡异的感觉,仿佛四周藏着什么恐怖的东西。” I always thought that has anything to stare at me.” “我总觉得有什么东西在盯着我。” What?? You have this feeling!” “什么??你也有这种感觉!” „Do you have???” “你也有???” Ended, it seems like it is not an misconception, some of I also same feelings, probably each direction has the thing to stare at me, lets the person palpitation.” “完了,看来并不是错觉,我也有相同的感觉,好像每一个方向都有东西盯着我,让人心悸。” ...... …… During all bright universe Martial Artist fall into one piece to be scared, World Lord Level exists to be no exception. 所有光明宇宙武者都陷入一片恐慌之中,连界主级存在都不例外。 Does not blame their will being not very powerful, was this place is extremely really strange. 不怪他们心志不够强大,实在是此地太过诡异了。 Moreover here obviously is the Dark Species domain, when they have fallen into the Dark Species domain, this is completely first. 而且这里明显是黑暗种的地盘,他们何时落入过黑暗种的地盘之中,这完全是头一遭啊。 Relatively speaking, Wang Teng is actually calmer, he has been to Dark World after all , went to the blood group not dead bloodshed, does not compare this place to miss many actually. 相比而言,王腾倒是镇定很多,他毕竟到过黑暗世界,也去过血族的不死血海,倒是不比此地差多少。 His experience has in fact surpassed most Martial Artist. 如此说来,他的见识实际上已经超过大多数的武者了。 Here is bone spirit clan the ruins of perishing bone!” Dark Species of other races also responded, looks all around, in the eye reveals the strange color, whispered in the distant place. “这里就是骨灵族的亡骨之墟么!”一些其他种族的黑暗种也反应了过来,环顾四周,眼中露出奇异之色,在远处低语。 Regarding them, bone spirit clan the ruins of perishing bone were also full of the mysterious air, many Dark Species hears its name, actually has not only seen its appearance/portrait, now on the contrary was the true experience the ruins of this so-called perishing bone. 对于它们来说,骨灵族的亡骨之墟同样是充满了神秘色彩,很多黑暗种只闻其名,却未见其真容,如今反倒是真正的见识到了这所谓亡骨之墟。 Hears in the ruins of perishing bone to have the big terrifying, does not know that what can be?” Demon Venerable level Dark Species strange low of sheep's head demon clan smiled suddenly. “听闻亡骨之墟内存在大恐怖,不知会是什么?”一头羊头魔族的魔尊黑暗种突然诡异的低笑了起来。
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