AAMD :: Volume #22

#2184: The ruins of perishing bone arrive! Includes void! Heavy

The ruins of Chapter 2184 perishing bone arrive! Includes void! Overlap!( Sought subscription) 第2184章亡骨之墟降临!囊括虚空!重迭!(求订阅) The bone La Demon Venerable big laughter spreads suddenly, reverberates in void, lets bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species on the scene hears clear. 骨喇魔尊的大笑声骤然传出,回荡在虚空中,让在场的光明宇宙武者黑暗种都听得一清二楚。 This is intentional obviously. 这显然是有意为之。 Although bone La Demon Venerable did not care about the deaths of other Dark Species, but actually does not want of bright universe extremely self-satisfied. 骨喇魔尊虽然不在意其他黑暗种的死亡,但却也不想让光明宇宙之人太过得意。 Really, these Dark Species hears word, are pleasantly surprised immediately. 果然,那些黑暗种闻言,顿时又惊又喜。 Right, they have not been defeated completely. 对啊,它们还没有完全落败。 Without blood group murdering blood Demon Venerable, actually bone La Demon Venerable of bone spirit clan is not, is the high-rank Demon Venerable level exists, who can guarantee that it does not have blood group such method. 没了血族的弑血魔尊,却还有骨灵族的骨喇魔尊不是,都是上位魔尊级存在,谁能保证它没有血族那样的手段。 Suddenly, desperate Dark Species had raised again a ray of hope. 一时间,原本已经绝望的黑暗种再度升起了一丝希望。 Martial Artist of bright universe are actually the complexion changes, in the heart emerges one in abundance surprisedly uncertain. 光明宇宙的武者们却是面色微变,心中纷纷涌现出一丝惊疑不定。 Why that bone La does Demon Venerable laugh suddenly? 那骨喇魔尊为何突然发笑? Is it possible that does it have what method to be inadequate? 莫非它还有什么手段不成? Does not blame the people so, but the opposite party the high-rank Demon Venerable level exists, with that blood group murdering blood Demon Venerable same boundary, such powerhouse, the method is very surely astonishing, no one is able to determine that what method it is also hiding. 不怪众人如此,对方可是上位魔尊级存在,与那血族的弑血魔尊同样境界,这样的强者,手段必定十分惊人,谁也无法确定它还隐藏着什么样的手段。 Moreover at this time the people also responded, seemed like the Demon Venerable level of this bone spirit clan to exist has not resorted to any powerful method from beginning to end, the opposite party has been socializing with star meteor revering. 而且此时众人也反应过来,貌似这个骨灵族的魔尊级存在从始至终都没有动用过什么强大的手段,对方一直在与星陨尊者周旋。 So thinks, in the people heart is one tight. 如此一想,众人心中都是不由的一紧。 Regardless how to see, this bone spirit clan Demon Venerable is an old silver coin. 不论怎么看,这骨灵族魔尊都是个实打实的老银币啊。 Before did not act, instead made blood group Dark Species take the lead in front, the present to the final time, decided to act, this was not the old silver coin is anything. 之前不出手,反而让血族黑暗种在前面打头阵,如今到了最后的时刻,才决定出手,这不是老银币是什么。 Wang Teng also looked to bone La Demon Venerable, in the heart sank. 王腾也是不由看向了骨喇魔尊,心中微沉。 Regarding words that a high-rank Demon Venerable level has, he does not dare to treat as the joke it, the opposite party not possibly decides however is so aimless in the situation. 对于一头上位魔尊级存在的话语,他可不敢将其当做玩笑,对方定然不可能在如此情况无的放矢。 Star meteor revering is also the complexion sinks, coldly is staring at bone La Demon Venerable, but his word has not sent, kills instantaneously toward the opposite party. 星陨尊者亦是面色微沉,冷冷盯着骨喇魔尊,但他一言未发,瞬间朝着对方杀去。 He fights with bone La Demon Venerable currently, it may be said that has the victory and defeat mutually, once injured to the opposite party, but is not fatal, moreover both sides have the method to make itself rapidly restore, is very difficult to be true the wound to the essence. 他与骨喇魔尊战斗到现在,可谓是互有胜负,都曾伤到对方,但并不致命,而且双方都有手段能够让自身快速恢复,很难真正伤到本质。 Therefore finally is who cannot do to anyone to the present as before. 所以最终到现在依旧是谁也奈何不了谁。 Even so, star meteor revering does not have slight hesitation, immediately kills to bone La Demon Venerable. 即便如此,星陨尊者也没有丝毫的迟疑,立刻杀向了骨喇魔尊 No matter the opposite party must make anything, he must block it, the bright universe secured the victory with great difficulty, did not allow that the opposite party destroys again. 不管对方要做什么,他都要将其拦住,光明宇宙好不容易锁定了胜局,不容许对方再破坏。 Bang! 轰! The golden spear/gun glow punctures void, appears in front of bone La Demon Venerable instantaneously. 金色的枪芒刺破虚空,瞬间出现在骨喇魔尊面前。 What a pity it is prepared early, in same place form suddenly becomes illusory, together the remnant shadow...... is not unexpectedly right, that is not a remnant shadow, but just its body appeared illusory, thus avoided the attack of star meteor revering. 可惜它早有准备,原地的身影突然变得虚幻,竟只是一道残影……不对,那并不是残影,只是刚刚它的身躯出现了虚幻,从而避开了星陨尊者的攻击。 Jie Jie Jie...... useless.” “桀桀桀……没用的。” Bone La Demon Venerable stands in as in same place, vision taunt is looking at star meteor revering, the sneering sound also spreads. 骨喇魔尊依旧站在原地,目光嘲讽的望着星陨尊者,冷笑声随之传出。 The star meteor revering vision shrinks, as if saw any strange picture, in the eye appeared unbelievable. 星陨尊者目光一缩,似乎看到了什么诡异的画面,眼中浮现出一丝难以置信。 A moment ago, this skull spirit clan Demon Venerable body presented illusory of flash unexpectedly. 刚才,这头骨灵族魔尊的身躯竟然出现了一瞬间的虚幻。 Before was also only the attack appears illusory, now can actually make its body appear illusory, it seems like before it, has not used the full power. 之前还只是攻击出现虚幻而已,如今竟然能够让它自己的身躯出现虚幻,看来它之前根本就没有使用全力。 If the opposite party on use this illusory method, he cannot injure the opposite party from the beginning. 如果对方一开始就使用这种虚幻手段,他根本就伤不到对方。 This is very inconceivable. 这很不可思议。 Even his immortal level revering never sees this type to be able like this by the illusory method, that does not flash before the extremely quick speed, but appeared truly illusory, as if entered another space from this space, after attack, returned in this space, can transform at will. 连他这样的不朽级尊者都从未见过这种能够让自身虚幻的手段,那并非是以极快的速度进行闪现,而是真正的出现了虚幻,仿佛从这一片空间进入到了另一片空间,在攻击过后,又重新回到了这一片空间之中,能够随意的转换。 This method without doubt is very astonishing, even if immortal level revering is very difficult to accomplish, must grasp some mystique to achieve. 这种手段无疑是非常惊人的,即便是不朽级尊者都很难办到,必须要掌握某种秘法才能够做到。 This moment star meteor revering thought of Wang Teng, his space talent as if cannot achieve this degree. 此刻星陨尊者想到了王腾,他的空间天赋似乎都做不到这种程度。 That is......” “那是……” Another side, Wang Teng is also the vision concentrates, as if damn is staring at bone La Demon Venerable generally. 另一边,王腾也是目光微凝,仿佛见鬼一般盯着骨喇魔尊 Space method? 空间手段? Other what mystiques? 还是其他什么秘法? Is it possible that does the high-rank Demon Venerable level of this skull spirit clan exist also has the space talent to be inadequate? 这头骨灵族的上位魔尊级存在莫非也有空间天赋不成? In his heart surprised uncertain. 他心中惊疑不定。 From the beginning, he truly somewhat suspected, because the opposite party can display 【The ruins of perishing bone, Involved the space principle. 一开始,他确实有些怀疑,因为对方能够施展【亡骨之墟】,其中可是涉及到了空间原理。 Although to high-rank Demon Venerable level this level, truly can affect the space, has grasped to space source principle and other strengths, but really must discuss, definitely is inferior to space talent. 尽管到了上位魔尊级这个层次,确实是能够影响空间,对空间本源法则等力量都有所掌握,但真要论起来,肯定还是不如空间天赋者。 But 【The ruins of perishing bone But god level Fighting technique, wants to grasp it, without the profound space principle sensibility, is unable to achieve. 而【亡骨之墟】可是神级战技,想要将其掌握,若是没有高深的空间法则感悟,根本无法做到。 Wang Teng felt immediately a thorniness, the unknown thing will always make one be troubled, especially this unknown is stems from a high-rank Demon Venerable level to exist. 王腾顿时感觉到了一丝棘手,未知的事物总是会让人感到不安,尤其这未知是出自一头上位魔尊级存在。 That side the blood group, in his former heart was quite confident, after all he understanding the blood group was too deep, the grasped information were also many. 血族那边,他之前心中算是比较有底的,毕竟他对血族的了解太深了,掌握的情报也不少。 However the bone spirit clan was different, his understanding the bone spirit clan are not many, the information that has only ahead of time is the dragon of that perishing bone, but now looks like, the dragon of that perishing bone strong, is actually used to take the lead. 但是骨灵族这边就不一样了,他对骨灵族的了解并不多,唯一提前掌握的情报就是那亡骨之龙,但如今看来,那亡骨之龙强则强诶,却也只是用来打头阵罢了。 If the dragon of perishing bone can help them defeat the bright universe, naturally is the best result, does not need to use other cards in a hand again. 如果亡骨之龙能够帮助它们战胜光明宇宙,自然是最好的结果,无需再动用其他底牌。 However because of the appearance of Wang Teng, the dragon of perishing bone cannot complete this mission, even was also captured by him, becomes his spoils of war directly. 然而因为王腾的出现,亡骨之龙并没能完成这个使命,甚至还被他所俘虏,直接成为了他的战利品。 It can be said that the opening of bone spirit clan is a little pitiful. 可以说骨灵族的开局是有点凄惨的。 Everyone thinks that the blood group was this stretch of battlefield lead, the bone spirit clan had degenerated into the set-off, never expected that bone La Demon Venerable unexpectedly was careless this finally, rhythm that this clearly must overturn against the wind. 所有人都以为血族才是这片战场的主角,骨灵族已经沦为了陪衬,没想到骨喇魔尊竟然苟这了最后,这分明是要逆风翻盘的节奏啊。 Must start.” “要开始了。” At this time, the bone La Demon Venerable indifferent sound spread again. 这时,骨喇魔尊冷漠的声音再度传出。 It opened the both arms, strong dark aura erupts from its within the body suddenly. 它张开了双臂,一股浓烈的黑暗气息猛然从其体内爆发而出。 Bang! 轰! Black light sparkle, endless black fog extremely towering appearance in this void, later in bone La Demon Venerable behind condenses a huge skeleton empty shadow. 黑光闪耀,无尽的黑雾极为突兀的出现于这片虚空,随后在骨喇魔尊的身后凝聚出一道巨大的骷髅虚影来。 So the method, it had displayed, now displays again, but as if before is somewhat different. 这般手段,它曾经施展过,如今再次施展而出,不过似乎与之前还是有些不同。 If nothing else, only the build is huger, at least before is ten times continues. 别的不说,单是体型就更为巨大,起码是之前的十倍不止。 That huge skeleton empty shadow shoots up to the sky, stands erect in void, similarly opened the both arms, the billowing black fog winding above its body, camouflaged void of big piece. 那庞大的骷髅虚影冲天而起,屹立于虚空之中,同样是张开了双臂,滚滚黑雾缠绕在它的身躯之上,遮蔽了大片的虚空。 As rich fills the air as the extreme darkness evil aura immediately. 一股浓郁到极点的黑暗邪恶气息顿时弥漫而出。 The people shock, vision panic-stricken is staring at that skeleton empty shadow. 众人震撼,目光惊骇的盯着那道骷髅虚影。 What can it make?” Star meteor revering looked at this, the brow was wrinkling. “它到底要做什么?”星陨尊者望着这一幕,眉头皱了起来。 Bone La Demon Venerable at this moment makes him unable to completely understand, the rich black fog winding on its body, sends out the fearful dark strength, making its aura dim. 此刻的骨喇魔尊让他更加看不透,浓郁的黑雾缠绕在它的身上,散发出可怕的黑暗之力,让它身上的气息变得朦胧起来。 He can also feel the opposite party aura, but now this type of aura becomes extremely illusory with moving fast. 原本他还能感觉到对方身上的气息,但现在这种气息变得极为虚幻与飘忽。 „The ruins of perishing bone!!!” “亡骨之墟!!!” Drinks coldly spreads from the bone La Demon Venerable mouth suddenly. 一声冷喝骤然从骨喇魔尊口中传出。 However, this sound presents the superposition immediately, because another more astonishing roar spreads from that skeleton empty shadow mouth. 不过,这道声音却立刻出现了重合,因为另一道更为惊人的吼声从那骷髅虚影的口中传出。 Bang! 轰! Next quarter, together pinnacle black light spreads from the skeleton empty shadow, sweeps away in all directions, innumerable black rune/symbol writing Laoyin in void above, is glittering strange black light. 下一刻,一道极致的黑光从骷髅虚影之中扩散而出,横扫四面八方,无数的黑色符文烙印在了虚空之上,闪烁着诡异的黑光。 Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚! The void vibration, makes the extremely depressed sound, like having the monster hit of what terrifying in this piece void...... beside! 虚空震动,发出极为沉闷的声响,就像有什么恐怖的巨物撞击在了这片虚空……之外! Star meteor revering raised the head suddenly, in the eye reveals color with amazement, what thing is that? 星陨尊者猛然抬起头,眼中露出骇然之色,那是什么东西? This feeling, before unexpectedly such as , the blood group summoned that bloody vortex to be the same. 这种感觉,竟然如之前血族召唤出那血腥旋涡一般。 The position square feeling of suppression arises spontaneously, makes his palpitation. 一种位格上的压制之感油然而生,令他心悸不已。 What has not seen obviously, is only an invisible vibration, made him have the so terrifying feeling unexpectedly, what method this bone spirit clan did Demon Venerable use? 明明什么都没有看到,只是一种无形的震动而已,竟让他产生了如此恐怖的感觉,这骨灵族魔尊到底施展了什么手段? The ruins of perishing bone! 亡骨之墟! Just now that bone spirit clan Demon Venerable as if said this name, but that is anything, he is actually unknown. 方才那骨灵族魔尊似乎道出了这个名称,但那到底是什么,他却不得而知。 „The ruins of perishing bone!!!” “亡骨之墟!!!” The Wang Teng heart shakes, bone La Demon Venerable must use this method unexpectedly, but as if holds the method above attack to be somewhat different from the beforehand in addition. 王腾心头一震,骨喇魔尊竟然要施展这种手段,但似乎与之前加持于攻击之上的手段有些不同。 It must summon the bright universe the ruins of that perishing bone!” “它要将那亡骨之墟召唤到光明宇宙来!” In his mind has delimited suddenly together miraculous, an inconceivable thought also emerges. 他的脑海中突然划过一道灵光,一个不可思议的念头随之涌现而出。 Bone La Demon Venerable must summon the bright universe the ruins of perishing bone unexpectedly, is this possible? 骨喇魔尊竟然要将亡骨之墟召唤到光明宇宙来,这怎么可能? Only depending on bone La Demon Venerable, how can achieve this thing? 仅凭骨喇魔尊,如何能够做到这种事? Before Wang Teng, obtains 【The ruins of perishing bone The attribute air bubble, naturally knows what for 【The ruins of perishing bone, That is the restricted area of bone spirit clan, such as the blood group not dead bloodshed is common. 王腾之前已经得到了【亡骨之墟】的属性气泡,自然知道何为【亡骨之墟】,那是骨灵族的一处禁地,就如血族的不死血海一般。 Although does not know whether the blood group has what method, can transfer not the dead bloodshed the strength. 虽然不知道血族是否存在什么手段,能够调动不死血海的力量。 But the bone spirit clan can actually pass 【The ruins of perishing bone This gate god level Fighting technique, the strength of ruins of perishing bone will transfer, making it arrive at this world. 但骨灵族却是可以通过【亡骨之墟】这门神级战技,将亡骨之墟的力量调动出来,令其降临此世。 This is without doubt fearful. 这无疑非常可怕。 Even if this gate god level Fighting technique can only transfer 【The ruins of perishing bone A strength, is inconceivable. 哪怕这门神级战技只能调动【亡骨之墟】的一丝力量,也已经非常不可思议。 If really made it arrive, perhaps really had the big terrifying to happen. 若是真的令其降临,恐怕真有大恐怖发生。 This is simply more fearful than the spirit of blood group summon hemorrhage ancestor. 这简直比血族召唤出血祖之灵还要可怕。 However just like Wang Teng has doubts like that even the spirit of blood group summon hemorrhage ancestor, the strength that wants the volume of simultaneous/uniform 12 Demon Venerable levels to have, only depending on bone La Demon Venerable one person, how can make the ruins of that perishing bone arrive at this world? 不过正如王腾所疑惑的那般,连血族召唤出血祖之灵,都要集齐十二位魔尊级存在的力量,仅凭骨喇魔尊一人,如何能够让那亡骨之墟降临此世? Bang! 轰! The void vibration becomes fiercer, that depressed sound changed to the sound of thundering directly, reverberating during this piece is void. 虚空的震动变得更为剧烈,那种沉闷的声响直接化作了轰鸣之声,回荡在这片虚空之中。 Space cracks also appeared in all around void, broad of range, has surpassed present this stretch of battlefield, spread in void of distant place. 一道道空间裂缝随之出现在了四周的虚空之中,范围之广,已经超出了眼下这片战场,蔓延到了更远处的虚空之中。 What strength is this?” “这是什么力量啊?” The people tremble, the look in the fierce tremor, in the heart is unable to be tranquil. 众人战栗,眼神在剧烈的颤动,心中根本无法平静。 Must know that this stretch of battlefield is broad, includes the big piece star territory, but an invisible hit, makes this trim battlefield have the space crack now unexpectedly, even also spread in a more remote starry sky. 要知道这片战场何等广阔,已经囊括了大片的星域,但如今一道无形的撞击,竟然就让这一整片战场出现了空间裂缝,甚至还蔓延到了更遥远的星空之中。 Too fearful! 太可怕了! What strength is, has the so fearful invincible might unexpectedly! 到底是什么样的力量,竟拥有如此可怕的神威! Bang! 轰隆! World entirely tremor, has the black thunder suddenly in void China , Chad present, seemed lowered by the highest place, chops above several stars, making it blast open to open directly, changes to the dust. 天地俱颤,突然有着黑色雷霆在虚空中乍现,仿佛由最高处降下,劈在了几颗星球之上,令其径直炸裂而开,化作尘埃。 What is that? Black thunder? I have never seen this thunder!” “那又是什么?黑色的雷霆?我从未见过这种雷霆!” In that black thunder seems like strength of the one darkness, from was too far, can only feel faintly.” “那黑色雷霆之中似乎有一种黑暗之力,距离太远了,只能隐隐感觉到。” Quite fearful, felt that had what terrifying thing to arrive!” “好可怕啊,感觉有什么恐怖的东西要降临了!” Why can like this? We do not win?” “为什么会这样?我们不是要赢了吗?” ...... …… Bright universe Martial Artist in an uproar, vision shocking is looking at sky over the top of the head, in the heart raised the difficult situation. 光明宇宙武者一片哗然,目光震惊的望着头顶上空,心中掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Black demon heavenly thunder!” The Wang Teng vision contraction, unexpectedly is the strength of this tribulation thunder. “黑魔天雷!”王腾目光收缩,竟然是这种劫雷之力。 He has seen this tribulation thunder, even has also obtained the attribute air bubble, therefore is not strange. 他见过这种劫雷,甚至还得到过属性气泡,因此对其并不陌生。 This is one type can compare favorably with the purple extremely heavenly thunder the strength of tribulation thunder, contains the strength of darkness, is very strange and powerful, has not thought that appeared at this time unexpectedly. 这是一种能够媲美紫极天雷的劫雷之力,其中还蕴含着黑暗之力,十分诡异与强大,没想到竟然在这个时候出现了。 The method that bone La Demon Venerable uses made in his heart more dignified. 骨喇魔尊施展的手段让他心中更加凝重了起来。 Can inspire the black demon heavenly thunder, perhaps the opposite party really can summon the ruins of perishing bone. 能够引动黑魔天雷,也许对方真的能够召唤来亡骨之墟。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At this moment, more and more black thunder lower, shell in void all around, making the space crack, the trim void comes at the visible speed shatter. 此时此刻,越来越多的黑色雷霆降下,轰击在周遭的虚空之中,让空间崩裂,整片虚空以肉眼可见的速度破碎开来。 If above the mirror surface that was shivered by a sledgehammer, the innumerable jet black fissures proliferate. 如被一柄大锤敲碎的镜面,无数漆黑的裂痕遍布其上。 Such situation, simply the high-rank Demon Venerable level and immortal level revering between collision is more terrifying, after all even that powerhouse, is unable to affect such broad range instantaneously. 此等情形,简直比上位魔尊级和不朽级尊者之间的碰撞还要恐怖,毕竟就算是那种强者,也无法在瞬间波及如此之广的范围。 Even but if cracks void, these black rune/symbol writing as before are above the brand marks, is glittering strange black light, unexpectedly a dazzling feeling. 可即便虚空崩裂,那些黑色符文依旧是烙印其上,闪烁着诡异的黑光,竟给人一种璀璨夺目之感。 In the meantime, these black rune/symbol Wenqi simultaneous/uniform one bright. 就在此时,这些黑色符文齐齐一亮。 Buzz! 嗡! Buzz the whining noise resounds through together void, later the mutation lives suddenly. 一道嗡鸣声响彻虚空,随后异变突生。 Everyone stared in a big way the eye suddenly, looks phenomenon that sky over the top of the head is presenting, all was the delay, in the heart vacant, does not know that should be what kind of mood. 所有人突然瞪大了眼睛,望着头顶上空出现的异象,无不是呆滞了下来,心中一片茫然,不知该是何等心情。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Wang Teng held breath cold air, in the heart shocked completely. 王腾倒吸了一口凉气,心中满是震撼。 The star meteor revering vision vibrates, on the face appears immediately the unbelievable color, he at this moment changed the complexion thoroughly, is unable to stay quiet. 星陨尊者目光震动,脸上顿时浮现出难以置信之色,此刻的他彻底变了脸色,根本无法保持平静。 A huge world appeared in this piece impressively void above. 一座庞大的世界赫然出现在了这片虚空之上。 White bones! 白骨! That is a strange world that covered entirely the countless skeleton!! 那是一座布满了累累骸骨的诡异世界!! Such a world, appeared in this piece unexpectedly void above, as if arrived from another piece in this void. 这样一座世界,竟然出现在了这片虚空之上,仿佛从另一片虚空降临于此。 In the flash, the void fiercer vibration that the bright universe is, that white bones world and present had overlapping void. 就在一瞬间,光明宇宙所在的虚空更为剧烈的震动起来,那白骨世界与眼下的虚空出现了重迭。 The illusory white bones world, held the jelling to be solid unexpectedly. 原本虚幻的白骨世界,竟然开始凝实。 This, what is this?” “这,这是什么?” „The white bones world, is this method that bone spirit clan Demon Venerable uses? It summoned one fully is the strange world of white bones!?!” “白骨世界,这就是骨灵族魔尊所施展的手段吗?它召唤来了一座满是白骨的诡异世界!?!” „...... Is impossible!” “不……不可能吧!” This is how possible, even blood group 12 Demon Venerable cannot achieve this point, summoned merely was a piece of illusory bloodshed, how that bone spirit clan can Demon Venerable summon a real world?” “这怎么可能,连血族的十二位魔尊都做不到这一点,召唤来的仅仅是一片虚幻的血海,那骨灵族魔尊怎能召唤一片真实的世界?” ...... …… Everyone is terrified, only feels scalp tingles, a piercing ice cold meaning raises from the bottom of the heart, direct impact crown of the head. 所有人悚然,只觉得头皮发麻,一股刺骨的冰寒之意从心底升起,直冲天灵盖。 This extremely fearful! 这一幕太过可怕! Really a moment ago such as the people had a premonition like that had the big terrifying to arrive! 果真如众人刚才预感的那般,有大恐怖降临了! „The ruins of perishing bone, bone La Demon Venerable really summoned the ruins of perishing bone!” The Wang Teng vision with amazement, in the heart muttered. “亡骨之墟,骨喇魔尊真的将亡骨之墟召唤了过来!”王腾目光骇然,心中喃喃自语。 At this moment he really has an impulsion that turns the head on running, wanted intense innumerable times compared with before. 此刻他真的有一种转头就跑的冲动,比之前还要强烈无数倍。 Really cannot again real. 真的不能再真了。 Facing so fearful method, other empty, only has from the heart. 面对如此可怕的手段,其他都是虚的,唯有从心而已。 Runs...... runs!” “跑……跑啊!” Run!” “快跑!” Who does not know is, suddenly sends out one to call out in alarm, making many bright universe Martial Artist flurried, not independent runs away to go toward the distant place. 不知道是谁,突然发出一阵惊叫,让许多光明宇宙武者慌乱起来,不自主的朝着远处逃遁而去。 This fearful routed many bright universe Martial Artist mind instantaneously, they have somewhat lost the reason, wholeheartedly only wants to escape, completely could not attend to other. 这可怕的一幕瞬间击溃了许多光明宇宙武者的心神,他们已经有些失去理智,一心只想逃命,全然顾不上其他了。 The war starts now, this situation first emergence. 大战开启到现在,这种情况还是第一次出现。 The blood group displays 12 blood spirit bodies When they not so desperate. 血族施展出【十二血灵身】时,他们都没有这般的绝望。 Stops!” “停下!” However in the meantime, sonic boom drinks to suddenly resound, contains the spirit to fluctuate, sweeps away the four directions, spreads to each bright universe Martial Artist ear. 然而就在此时,一声爆喝突然响起,蕴含着精神波动,横扫四方,传入每一位光明宇宙武者耳中。 God sound wave! 神音波! This sound is erupted by Fighting technique together impressively! 这一道声音赫然是由战技所爆发! These lose the person of heart reason to shake, stopped the figure, their complexion fluctuates, obviously also detects just now loss of self-control. 那些失去理智之人心头一震,不由停下了身形,他们面色变幻,显然也是察觉到了方才的失态。 Then the people look to the sound pass on the whence, discovered that the person of opens the mouth unexpectedly is...... Wang Teng! 而后众人纷纷望向声音传来处,发现开口之人竟然是……王腾 Above the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, Wang Teng in the stunned vision stood up again the body in wind brocade and the others, but at this time his complexion already no longer pale, fully restored ruddily. 神机赤电雷鹰之上,王腾再次在风锦等人愕然的目光中站起了身,只不过此时他的面色已经不复苍白,完全恢复了红润。
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