AAMD :: Volume #22

#2183: How you can say the Wang Teng study younger brother! Is who

The blood was the sea of principle broke thoroughly, and is collapsing same place, endless blood-color rune/symbol writing was submerged by the sea of that bright principle, was cancelled directly. 血系法则之海彻底破碎了,并在原地崩溃开来,无尽的血色符文被那光明法则之海淹没,直接被抹去。 A ray sweeps away void, brilliant incomparable, hits above the blood god altar. 一片光芒横扫虚空,绚烂无比,撞击在血神祭坛之上。 That wiped the ray is too dazzling, full was the meaning of holy light, the god who as if the god of light lowered light/only, must purify world all evil and dark. 那一抹光芒太耀眼了,满是圣洁光明之意,仿佛光明之神降下的神光,要净化世间一切的邪恶与黑暗。 In which aura, an unexpectedly suppression vast void invincible might. 其中的气息,竟有一种镇压浩瀚虚空的神威。 Each Dark Species was shocked the speechless, the body is trembling, the heart raising chill in the air, the direct impact crown of the head, this was too fearful, if this were wiped the ray to plunder, the body dissipates surely, the possibility without survived. 每一头黑暗种都被震撼到失语,身躯在战栗,心底升起寒意,直冲天灵盖,这太可怕了,如果被这一抹光芒掠中,必定身躯消散,没有丝毫存活的可能。 Bright universe Martial Artist were also shocked equally, this final picture is unexpectedly terrifying in this way, has not thought. 光明宇宙武者们也一样被震撼,这最终的画面竟恐怖如斯,万万没想到啊。 Moreover the method of mechanical clan exceeded that blood group blood-color sword unexpectedly! 而且机械族的手段竟然胜过了那血族的血色战刀! This result is not as everyone expected. 这个结果出乎所有人的意料。 What just had? 刚刚发生了什么? Why blood group inspiring does the sea of sudden riot of principle get up? 为什么血族引动的法则之海突然暴乱起来? Then situation, looked like has another strength to meddle suddenly general, made one unable to completely understand. 当时的情形,就像是有另一股力量突然插手其中一般,却让人看不透。 Even if the immortal level exists, does not know that at that time had anything. 即便是不朽级存在,都不知道当时发生了什么。 The angry roaring sound that at this moment, that 12 Demon Venerable levels have was submerged directly, vanishes instantaneously, but the people heard that sounds of unwilling angry roaring as before. 此时此刻,那十二位魔尊级存在的怒吼声直接被淹没,瞬间消失,但众人依旧是听到了那一道道不甘的怒吼之声。 Many people have gotten back one's composure finally, in the eye reveals the wild with joy color. 许多人终于回过了神,眼中露出狂喜之色。 Won! 赢了! They won! 他们赢了! The method of blood group was destroyed, their unwilling roar reverberations are void, was actually buried, should unable to turn what rough seas again. 血族的手段被摧毁,它们不甘的吼声回荡虚空,却被掩埋,应该再也翻不起什么大浪。 What just exactly had?” “刚刚到底发生了什么?” These immortal levels exist to be pleasantly surprised, the look is full of the inquisition, is looking at that void. 那些不朽级存在又惊又喜,眼神充满探究,望着那片虚空。 Star meteor revering gawked, the dignified expression somewhat could not stretch suddenly, it had not seen that just exactly had anything, in the heart was full of the doubts. 星陨尊者愣了一下,原本凝重的表情突然有些绷不住了,就连它都没有看出刚刚到底发生了什么,心中充满了疑惑。 At its eyesight, was not difficult to see just the method and blood group of their mechanical clan method not too big disparity, even their mechanical clan the sea of bright principle must drop the wind slightly. 以它的眼力,不难看出刚刚他们机械族的手段和血族的手段并没有太大的差距,甚至他们机械族的光明法则之海还要稍落下风。 However time in an instant, blood group the sea of principle was destroyed unexpectedly. 但是不过一转眼的功夫,血族的法则之海居然就被摧毁了。 Too suddenly! 太突然了! Let the person handle to guard! 让人措不及防啊! Moreover these exactly had anything, is unable to see the clue in that short time. 而且这其中到底发生了什么,也根本无法在那么短暂的时间内看出端倪。 This made him more depressed. 这就让他更加郁闷了。 As immortal level revering, rarely has anything to inspire his state of mind, making him so curious, but this matter, the brand mark keeps in his heart now probably, keeping him from neglecting. 身为不朽级尊者,很少有什么事情能够引动他的心绪,让他如此好奇,但如今这件事,却像是烙印般留在他的心中,让他无法忽视。 Another side, bone La Demon Venerable similarly is somewhat stunned, in the eye socket the soul fire flashes on and off erratically, the innermost feelings are also somewhat inconceivable. 另一边,骨喇魔尊同样是有些愕然,眼眶中魂火明灭不定,内心亦是有些不可思议。 Did the bright universe really win unexpectedly?! 光明宇宙居然真赢了?! Although it has wanted to steal the family/home at the final moment, but has not really thought the bright universe can win the blood group. 虽然它一直想要在最后时刻偷家,但真没想过光明宇宙能够赢过血族。 The most ideal result, is they are mutually wounded, then it acts again finally. 最理想的结果,就是他们双方两败俱伤,然后它再最终出手。 What a pity now the aspect is completely destroyed, the bright universe actually got the winning side overwhelmingly, the blood group estimate was to play. 可惜如今局面完全被破坏了,光明宇宙竟然以绝对的优势占据了上风,血族估计是玩完了。 Also does not know that what exactly had a moment ago? 也不知道刚才到底发生了什么? The aspect of originally refusing to compromise, why outbreak reversal? 本来僵持不下的局面,为何突然发生了逆转? Made one ascertain airtight. 令人捉摸不透。 In the bone La Demon Venerable heart somewhat surprisedly is immediately uncertain, does not dare to belittle the bright universe the strength, the blood group displays 12 blood spirit bodies, Even also summoned bleeds the empty shadow of divine blade, finally was actually defeated, this result has fully shown all. 骨喇魔尊心中顿时有些惊疑不定起来,再也不敢小觑光明宇宙的力量,血族施展出了【十二血灵身】,甚至还召唤出了血神刀的虚影,结果却还是落败,这个结果已经足以说明一切了。 God machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle conducts the back, the wind brocade, rune/symbol Xiuyuan, upright Haoge and the others is looking at the front, muttered: „Did we win?” 神机赤电雷鹰背上,风锦,符秀媛,耿浩歌等人愣愣的望着前方,不由喃喃道:“我们赢了?” Won evidently, we did not seem to use to travel.” Wang Teng nod of calmly, a relaxing appearance, said. “看样子是赢了,我们好像不用跑路了。”王腾若无其事的点了点头,一副松了口气的样子,说道。 „......” “……” Several people are speechless immediately. 几人顿时无语。 This fellow also keeps thinking is travelling, did not fear that existed to hear by these immortal levels, when the time comes wears the small shoes to him. 这家伙还惦记着跑路呐,也不怕被那些不朽级存在听到,到时候给他穿小鞋。 „The Wang Teng study younger brother, aren't you consumption are very serious? Now how an appearance of bystander?” upright Haoge shot a look at his one eyes, false smile saying. 王腾学弟,你不是消耗很严重吗?现在怎么一副没事人的样子?”耿浩歌瞥了他一眼,皮笑肉不笑的说道。 Aiya!” Wang Teng staggers to drop down immediately, looks pale, looks very weak. “哎呀!”王腾顿时一个踉跄倒下,面色苍白,看起来非常虚弱。 The wind brocade and rune/symbol Xiuyuan are quick of eye and hand, supported this hastily weakly wounded person. 风锦和符秀媛眼疾手快,连忙扶住了这位虚弱的“伤员”。 Is the World Lord Level powerhouse, the speed is quick. 到底是界主级强者,速度就是快。 Wang Teng is very gratified. 王腾对此很是欣慰。 upright Haoge, how you can say the Wang Teng study younger brother, how many he for our bright universe paid, haven't you seen?” rune/symbol Xiuyuan turn head stared upright Haoge one eyes, coldly said. “耿浩歌,你怎么能够如此说王腾学弟,他为了我们光明宇宙付出了多少,你难道没有看到吗?”符秀媛回头瞪了耿浩歌一眼,冷冷道。 Before opposite party's actions facing guzzling clan Dark Species, had disappointed her, never expected that now unexpectedly also with no reason at all in view of the Wang Teng study younger brother. 之前对方面对暴食族黑暗种时的所作所为,就已经令她大为失望,没想到如今居然还无缘无故的针对王腾学弟。 Must know that the Wang Teng study younger brother had saved his life for successive two times. 要知道王腾学弟可是连续两次救过他的性命。 Behavior that so returns evil for good, was makes her see clearly upright Haoge moral behavior thoroughly, decided later to decide however must be far away from this person. 如此恩将仇报的行为,更是让她彻底看清了耿浩歌的人品,决定以后定然要远离此人。 Once she looked in for the share of starry sky school student, agreed that with its cooperation, has not needed to continue now again. 曾经她不过是看在同为星空学院学员的份上,才同意与其合作,现在已经没有必要再继续下去了。 Did not understand the person who feels grateful, is unable to give the opposite party the back. 一个不懂得感恩的人,根本无法将后背交给对方。 „......” upright Haoge was shocked, complexion changes. “……”耿浩歌愣住了,面色不由的一变。 He wants to make the opposite party know that Wang Teng this fellow seemingly in the attire, enjoys the services of their two beautiful women by this, in fact is not weak. 他只是想让对方知道王腾这家伙貌似都是在装,以此享受她们两位美女的服务,实际上根本就没有那么虚弱。 Wang Teng this fellow false. 王腾这家伙虚伪的很。 Who can think, rune/symbol Xiuyuan the response is so unexpectedly big. 谁能想到,符秀媛的反应竟然这么大。 He from rune/symbol Xiuyuan that elegant face, saw disappointed and renounces, the opposite party looks at this time to his look, as if no slight friendship again. 他从符秀媛那张俏脸之上,看到了失望和决绝,对方此时看向他的眼神,似乎再无丝毫的情谊可言。 In upright Haoge heart thump, the complexion was instantaneous, said hastily: Xiuyuan, I am not this meaning......” 耿浩歌心中不由咯噔了一下,面色瞬间苍白,连忙说道:“秀媛,我不是这个意思……” What a pity the words have not said, rune/symbol Xiuyuan has turned the head, no longer pays attention to him radically. 可惜话还未说完,符秀媛已经转过头去,根本不再理会他。 upright Haoge words stop suddenly, complexion azure white, later thorough stiff, in the eye presented a dimness. 耿浩歌的话语戛然而止,面色一阵青一阵白,随后彻底僵硬了下来,眼中出现了一丝黯淡。 „......” In the Wang Teng heart a little does not know whether to laugh or cry, always thought where is not right. “呃……”王腾心中有点哭笑不得,总觉得哪里不对劲。 Installs weakly, how to break off these two noisily? 只是装个虚弱而已,怎么就把这两位闹掰了? He really does not have this idea! 他真没这个想法啊! Although just upright Haoge words made him somewhat uncomfortable, felt oneself saved this fellow white/in vain twice. 虽然刚刚耿浩歌的话语让他有些不爽,觉得自己白救这家伙两次了。 Naturally, in fact upright Haoge twice is an extra, but rescues conveniently, but rescues a dog even, understood that feels grateful. 当然,实际上耿浩歌两次都是搭头,只是顺手救下的而已,但就算救一只狗,都懂得感恩吧。 Does my tea tea, probably destroys others relations intentionally, blames this upright Haoge.” In the Wang Teng heart whispered. “搞得我茶茶的,好像故意破坏别人关系似的,都怪这个耿浩歌。”王腾心中不由嘀咕了一句。 This black pot, upright Haoge must carry. 这口黑锅,耿浩歌必须背。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The deafening bellow resounds through unceasingly, that region that the void boundless piece, the blood god altar is split up, cannot resist that and other bombardments of terrifying, the complete disruption opened, changed to the big piece nihility, the strength of wild space sweeps away there. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声不断响彻,虚空茫茫一片,血神祭坛所在的那片区域四分五裂,根本抵挡不住那等恐怖的轰击,完全碎裂而开了,化作了大片的虚无,狂暴的空间之力在那里横扫。 All bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species are paying close attention to that side situation, expression shock on even more face. 所有光明宇宙武者黑暗种都在密切关注那边的情形,脸上的表情越发的震撼。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Suddenly, an intermittent fierce bellow from spreads, immediately has the blood light to explode to shoot, toward runs away to go in all directions. 突然间,一阵阵剧烈的轰鸣声从其中传出,随即有着道道血光爆射而出,朝着四面八方逃遁而去。 They want to run away!” “它们想要逃走!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, detected instantaneously anything, the complexion slightly changes. 王腾目光一闪,瞬间察觉到了什么,面色微微一变。 ! 唰! However discovery such situation and continues he, the powerhouses of mechanical clan also discovered obviously is not right, Yuan magnetic god of that bombardment above blood god altar light/only scatters in all directions to open instantaneously, pursues to go toward that blood light tightly. 不过发现此等情况的并不止他一人,机械族的强者显然也发现了不对,那轰击在血神祭坛之上的元磁神光瞬间四散而开,朝着那一道道血光紧追而去。 It seems like the blood group is not really good, unexpectedly can only flee like a scared rat.” In the bone La Demon Venerable heart sneers. “看来血族果真已经不行了,居然只能抱头鼠窜。”骨喇魔尊心中冷笑。 That strange ray such as sword laser scalpel glow, sweep away in void. 那奇异的光芒如一道道剑光刀芒,在虚空中横扫而过。 Scoff! Scoff! Scoffing...... 嗤!嗤!嗤…… The next quarter, the Yuan magnetic god light/only caught up with a lot of blood light, and submerges it, later in one intermittent sound, the blood light dissipation does not have the shadow, as if has never appeared generally. 下一刻,元磁神光追上了大量的血光,并将其淹没,随后在一阵阵嗤嗤声中,血光消散无影,仿佛从未出现过一般。 Roar!” “吼!” No!” “不!” You cannot kill me and others , my blood group will arrive at the bright universe finally on the 1st.” “你们杀不死我等,终有一日,我血族会重新降临光明宇宙。” ...... …… As blood light were only annihilated by the Yuan magnetism god, the roar of startled anger transmits from these blood light, is full of the meaning of being unwilling, such as howling of evil spirit, reverberates unceasingly in void. 随着一道道血光被元磁神光湮灭,惊怒的吼声从那些血光之中传来,充满不甘之意,如厉鬼的嘶啸,不断回荡在虚空之中。 Dark Species on the scene completely all silent, the blood group defeated finally. 在场的黑暗种尽皆沉默,血族最终还是败了。 And is the disastrous defeat! 而且是惨败! So many Demon Venerable levels exist also appear, now travels unexpectedly in abundance, but also was only cancelled by that fearful god, does not know that finally has smooth running away. 那么多位魔尊级存在同时出现,如今竟然纷纷跑路,还被那可怕的神光抹去,也不知道最终有没有顺利逃走。 But said no matter how, is not coarse from just now that sad and shrill and unwilling angry roaring sound, this war, the blood group truly is in a complete mess of defeat, has just like become the from head to tail loser. 但不管怎么说,从方才那凄厉而不甘的怒吼声中不难听出,这一战,血族确确实实是败的一塌糊涂,俨然已经成为了彻头彻尾的失败者。 So the rout, lets Dark Species on the scene is falls into speechless dejected. 如此大败,让在场的黑暗种都是陷入一种无言的颓然之中。 Even summoned the blood group of spirit of blood ancestor to defeat, can they also do to the bright universe? 连召唤了血祖之灵的血族都败了,它们还能奈何光明宇宙吗? This war, they seem to have defeated thoroughly. 这一战,它们似乎已经彻底败了。 At this moment, as the Yuan magnetism god light diffusion opens, the position that blood god altar is at also revealed the original condition finally. 此刻,随着元磁神光散开,那血神祭坛所在的位置也终于露出了原貌。 Had dissipated situated in the above scarlet vortex, does not exist. 原本位于上空的猩红漩涡已经消散,不复存在。 The pressure that made the person palpitation, vanished thoroughly, as if has never appeared generally. 那股令人心悸的威压,更是彻底消失,似乎从未出现过一般。 This but actually also insufficiently surprising, after all blood group 12 blood spirit bodies Had been broken, without the support of energy, that scarlet vortex naturally vanished. 这倒还不至于令人惊讶,毕竟血族的【十二血灵身】已经被破,没有了能量的支撑,那猩红漩涡自然就消失了。 In addition, did not have the support of energy, that huge blood Kun blood shadow also disappearing trail. 除此之外,没了能量的支撑,那庞大的血鲲血影也不见了踪迹。 However what is truly accidental, without a trace that even that blood god altar also vanishes, disappears without a trace. 不过真正令人意外的是,连那血神祭坛也都消失的无影无踪,不知去向。 This is very inconceivable. 这十分不可思议。 Must know that blood god altar, but divine tool, and is the material object, is not the empty shadow of energy condensation, how to vanish baseless? 要知道那血神祭坛可是神器,且乃是实物,并非能量凝聚的虚影,怎会凭空消失? Was escaped by that blood group junior?” “被那血族小辈逃掉了么?” Bone La Demon Venerable thought of anything suddenly, in the eye flashes through the strange ray, in the heart talked to oneself together. 骨喇魔尊突然想到了什么,眼中闪过一道奇异的光芒,心中自语。 In that and other in the situations, even the Demon Venerable level exists is very difficult to escape by luck, only Territory Lord Level can Martial Artist escape? 在那等情况下,连魔尊级存在都很难幸免,区区一个域主级武者能够逃掉么? However the hearsay opposite party is control in blood god altar, since the blood god altar vanished, the opposite party might also run away very much. 但是传闻对方是血神祭坛的掌控者,既然血神祭坛消失了,对方很有可能也逃走了。 Naturally, there is a possibility that blood god altar carrying off by the blood group Demon Venerable level. 当然,也有可能那血神祭坛被血族的魔尊级给带走了。 These blood groups also are really tenacious.” In the bone La Demon Venerable heart laughed at one. “这些血族还真是顽强的很。”骨喇魔尊心中嗤笑了一声。 Unexpectedly ran away by that blood group talent?” “居然被那血族天才逃走了么?” Meanwhile, star meteor revering equally feels somewhat surprisedly, he pays attention to the blood god clone in the iron weapon fort defense line, naturally knows its uncommonly, now saw with own eyes that the blood god altar vanishes, he cannot help but also associated. 与此同时,星陨尊者同样是感到有些惊讶,他在铁械堡防线关注过血神分身,自然知道其不凡,如今眼见血神祭坛消失,他不由得也是联想到了许多。 Another side god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle conducts the back, in the Wang Teng eye none flashes, in the heart relaxes slightly. 另一边的神机赤电雷鹰背上,王腾眼中精光一闪,心中微微松了口气。 The blood god clone to withdraw smoothly. 血神分身顺利脱身了。 He left behind the strength of space on the body that the blood god clone, can help him leave. 他在血神分身的身上留下了空间之力,可以助其离开。 In just now that chaotic situation, everyone's attention centralized had the body in the blood group Demon Venerable level, to attention natural meeting that the blood god clone relatively little. 在方才那种混乱的情形下,大家的注意力都集中在了血族的魔尊级存在身上,对血神分身的关注自然会相对少很多。 In addition from beginning to end the blood god clone not to come, almost hidden in secretly, the bright universe were less to his attention. 加上从始至终血神分身都没怎么现身,几乎完全隐于幕后,光明宇宙这边对他的关注就更少了。 Only has star meteor revering and the others still to remember existence that slightly the blood god clone, but also that is all. 唯有星陨尊者等人还稍微记得血神分身的存在,但也仅此而已。 They were constrained, is impossible to stare at the blood god clone at times. 他们本就被拖住,不可能时时盯着血神分身。 This gave the blood god the opportunity that clone to run away. 这就给了血神分身逃走的机会。 Now all defer to the plan of Wang Teng, the blood group resulted in the disastrous defeat to end by the pit, making the bright universe secure the victory, the blood god clone also to withdraw safely, it can be said that was quite perfect. 如今一切都按照王腾的计划进行着,血族被坑得惨败收场,让光明宇宙锁定了胜局,血神分身也安然脱身,可以说是相当完美了。 Is walks in the chess that on blood remnant Demon Venerable laid a mine right.” “在血残魔尊身上埋雷的这步棋算是走对了。” In the Wang Teng heart deeply inspires, returned to normal by own mood. 王腾心中深吸了口气,让自己的心情平复下来。 Actually, he also is very just now anxious, after all his operation decided the final victory and defeat, if were defeated, then really must run. 其实,方才他也很紧张,毕竟他的操作可是决定了最终的胜负,若是失败了,便真的要跑路了啊。 All these are seemingly simple, but makes the mistake slightly, will not succeed. 这一切看似简单,但稍有差错,根本就不会成功。 Even if no he and blood god clone bold to blood remnant Demon Venerable to begin, and takes it smoothly, today the victory and defeat of this war, feared that really hung. 甚至若没有他和血神分身胆大包天的对血残魔尊动手,并将其顺利拿下,今日这场大战的胜负,怕是真就悬了。 He succeeded luckily finally. 幸好他最终还是成功了。 No one can realize the pressure in his heart. 没有人能够体会到他心中的压力。 Superficially, he as if is completely an outsider, in just that terrifying collision, could not meddle. 从表面上看,他似乎完全就是个局外人,在刚刚那种恐怖的碰撞中,根本就插不上手。 Also no one wants to obtain, in the collision of sea of that type of principle, Wang Teng can also attempt to pervert unexpectedly. 也没有人想得到,在那种法则之海的碰撞中,王腾居然还能够做手脚。 Therefore star meteor revering, bone La Demon Venerable such powerhouse, has not even ravelled just exactly had anything. 因此连星陨尊者,骨喇魔尊这样的强者,都没有弄明白刚刚到底发生了什么。 Who can think, Wang Teng outside that piece of battlefield, decided the final result of that collision unexpectedly quietly. 谁又能想到,远在那片战场之外的王腾,竟然悄无声息的决定了那场碰撞的最终结局。 Thinks to think that has the wood to have absurdly. 想想都觉得荒唐有木有。 Let alone the wind brocade, rune/symbol Xiuyuan and the others stand in Wang Teng behind, they had not even detected that Wang Teng fudges, how the others in distant place can know that is hand that he has. 何况风锦,符秀媛等人都站在王腾的身后,连他们都没有察觉到王腾动手脚,更远处的其他人又如何能够知道是他出的手。 Regarding this matter, Wang Teng has not planned to say. 对于此事,王腾也没打算说出去。 After all the method that he uses must not exposed to light/only, can win in any case was good, other were unimportant. 毕竟他所用的手段见不得光,反正能赢就行了,其他并不重要。 How to say again, by him in the meritorious service that in the battlefield sets up, no one has been able to compare, this final victory and defeat, used temporarily as gives the mechanical clan to be good. 再怎么说,以他在战场上所立的功勋,也已经无人可以比拟,这最终的胜负,就权当让给机械族好了。 While in the Wang Teng heart relaxes slightly, star meteor revering actually follows up a victory with hot pursuit immediately, sees only his vision to observe the situation all around, coldly shouts: 正当王腾心中微微松了口气的时候,星陨尊者却是立刻乘胜追击,只见他目光环视四周,冷冷喝道: Everyone obeys orders, strikes to kill to present all Dark Species, does not let off any head.” “所有人听令,击杀在场所有黑暗种,绝不放过任何一头。” Victory is us!” “胜利属于我们!” Kills!!!” “杀!!!” Numerous bright universe Martial Artist hears word, is the heart shakes, in the eye erupts the blazing ray, the facial expression rouses, kills toward all around Dark Species. 众多光明宇宙武者闻言,皆是心头一震,眼中爆发出炽烈的光芒,神情振奋无比,纷纷朝着四周的黑暗种杀去。 Kills!” “杀!” Kills!!” “杀!!” Kills!!!” “杀!!!” The intermittent war cry resounds through void, almost formed the sound wave, and tall passed/lived, faint forms a boundless imposing manner, let these Dark Species is the complexion drastic change, the mind was under the impact. 阵阵喊杀声响彻虚空,几乎形成了声浪,且一阵高过一阵,隐隐中形成一股磅礴的气势,让那些黑暗种皆是面色剧变,心神受到了冲击。 Bright universe Martial Artist is carrying the potential of win, initiated the rush to Dark Species, but is a while, many Dark Species then fall from the sky in their hands. 光明宇宙武者携带着大胜之势,对黑暗种发起了冲杀,不过是一会儿,许多黑暗种便都陨落在他们手中。 Has to acknowledge, the morale truly is constantly the excellent medicament, it can make Martial Artist use a stronger potential. 不得不承认,士气确实是一味绝佳的药剂,它可以让武者们发挥出更加强大的潜力。 Obviously is the same boundary, the similar strength, can actually erupt far ultra before this moment the strong strength, formed the fierce contrast. 明明是同样的境界,同样的实力,此刻却能够爆发出远超之前的强大战力,前后形成了剧烈的反差。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… Dark Species sends out angrily roars intermittently, if actually the surrounded wild animal is common, how regardless of they fight with all might, cannot change the present aspect, only one dies. 黑暗种发出阵阵怒吼,却如被困住的野兽一般,无论它们如何拼杀,都改变不了如今的局面,唯有一死。 You must defeat.” Star meteor revering takes back the vision, light looks to bone La Demon Venerable, said. “你们要败了。”星陨尊者收回目光,淡淡的看向骨喇魔尊,说道。 Jie Jie Jie......” “桀桀桀……” However, this time bone La Demon Venerable actually seems very tranquil, the soul fire in eye socket beats slightly, sends out the spooky ray, has wipes to make the jet black color that one cannot completely understand, strange sneering sound extremely towering spreading. 然而,此时的骨喇魔尊却显得十分平静,眼眶内的魂火微微跳动,散发出幽幽的光芒,有着一抹令人看不透的漆黑之色,诡异的冷笑声极为突兀的传出。 What are you smiling?” Star meteor revering knits the brows, this bone spirit clan Demon Venerable is not a little right. “你在笑什么?”星陨尊者不由皱眉,这个骨灵族魔尊有点不对劲。 You think that you did win?” Bone La Demon Venerable light say/way. “你以为你们赢定了吗?”骨喇魔尊淡淡道。 In star meteor revering heart one tight, the vision closely is staring at the opposite party, its what meaning, is it possible that does the bone spirit clan have what method to be inadequate? 星陨尊者心中一紧,目光紧紧盯着对方,它什么意思,莫非骨灵族还有什么手段不成? A blood group does not calculate, but can also come a bone spirit clan again? 一个血族不算,还要再来一个骨灵族? Actually the main body must thank blood group that crowd of waste, exhausted your many strengths.” Bone La Demon Venerable said suddenly. “其实本尊还要感谢血族那群废物,消耗了你们不少实力。”骨喇魔尊突然道。 The star meteor revering brow wrinkle is deeper, in the heart emits an anxiety suddenly, this thinks that the method of bone spirit clan has used up, that blood group is the true archenemy, but now looks like, seems not so. 星陨尊者眉头越皱越深,心中突然冒出一股不安,本以为骨灵族的手段已经用完了,那血族才是真正的大敌,可如今看来,似乎并不是如此。 You are very certainly self-satisfied, thinks that victory is in sight.” “你们一定很得意吧,以为胜利在望了。” A bone La Demon Venerable bone is hand-held the volume skull, again Jie Jie smiled, before smiled , after bending down supine, in the look full is the meaning of taunt. 骨喇魔尊一只骨手扶着额头骨,再次“桀桀”的笑了起来,笑的前俯后仰,眼神之中满是嘲讽之意。 Jie Jie Jie...... the main body first lets your happy a while.” “桀桀桀……本尊不过是先让你们高兴一会儿罢了。” You really think unexpectedly oneself must win, really must smile the dead main body oh......” “你们居然真以为自己要赢了,真是要笑死本尊了啊哈哈哈……”
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