AAMD :: Volume #22

#2182: The sea of principle! Was one's turn me to act! Blood

All bright universe Martial Artist lose color immediately, vision with amazement, dull looks at that blood-color sword to cut to fall above the space-based ball. 所有光明宇宙武者顿时面无血色,目光骇然,呆呆的望着那柄血色战刀斩落在天基球之上。 Is the immortal level exists, on the face is also appears a pale meaning, the look shivers fiercely. 就是不朽级存在,脸上也都是浮现出一丝苍白之意,眼神剧烈颤动。 They constrain Dark Species Demon Venerable at risk of life, such result, how makes one be able to accept. 他们拼死拖住黑暗种魔尊,却还是这样的结果,如何让人能够接受。 At this moment, in all person hearts is a despair. 此时此刻,所有人心中都是一片绝望。 On the contrary, Dark Species above battlefield is actually looks the wild with joy color, in the eye full is the evil and crazy meaning, eying covetously looks to all around bright universe Martial Artist. 相反,战场之上的黑暗种却是面露狂喜之色,眼中满是邪恶与疯狂之意,虎视眈眈的看向四周的光明宇宙武者 After this strikes, is their hunting and killing times. 这一击过后,便是它们的猎杀时刻。 After that no one can prevent them. 此后再无人可以阻挡它们。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… Leader Dark Species immediately excited angrily roars, the roar reverberation is void, lets this place just like the crazy demon chaotic dance. 一头头黑暗种顿时兴奋的怒吼起来,吼声回荡虚空,让此地宛如狂魔乱舞。 The bright universe Martial Artist complexion is uglier immediately. 光明宇宙武者的面色顿时更加难看起来。 God machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle conducts the back, in the Wang Teng heart concentrates, the vision is staring at that ten space-based ball stubbornly, really couldn't block? 神机赤电雷鹰背上,王腾心中微凝,目光死死盯着那十颗天基球,难道真的挡不住了? If so, perhaps he wanted...... to travel! 如果是这样,他恐怕要……跑路了啊! Even the last resort of mechanical clan cannot block, this also hits, earlier run to wonderfully. 连机械族的最后手段都挡不住,这还打个屁,早点跑路为妙。 His Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, even again powerful, in so the situation, cannot change anything. 他一个域主级武者,即便再强大,在如此情况下,也改变不了什么。 Under, if the matter cannot prepare to travel for us.” “等下若是事不可为我们就准备跑路吧。” Therefore Wang Teng not hesitant immediately windward brocade and rune/symbol Xiuyuan two female biography tone channels. 于是王腾没有犹豫立刻对风锦和符秀媛两女传音道。 „......” “……” Wind brocade and rune/symbol Xiuyuan originally also panic-stricken is looking at the distant place, this moment hears word stares immediately slightly, the expression on face unconscious becomes must be strange. 风锦和符秀媛原本也是惊骇的望着远处,此刻闻言顿时微微一愣,脸上的表情不自觉的变得古怪起来。 At this time said that escaped really? 这个时候说逃跑真的好吗? Clearly is above this stretch of battlefield contributes the biggest young Heaven's Chosen, now actually does not evade was saying must run, big of contrast, making them somewhat accept suddenly cannot. 分明是这片战场之上贡献最大的年轻天骄,现在却毫不避讳的说着要跑路,前后反差之大,让她们一时间有些接受不能。 Wang Teng has not explained anything, reason that reminded their, but looked in share that in they cared to him, so as to avoid really travelled when the time comes, perhaps they also arranged. 王腾也没多解释什么,之所以提醒她们一下,不过是看在她们对他关怀备至的份上,免得到时候真的跑路,她们还没准备好。 Do not look that prepares to seem the difference is not big, in fact was the difference are many. 别看有没有准备好像区别不大,实际上却是差多了。 Life and death often only in flash. 生死往往只在一瞬间。 However...... 不过…… Thump! 咚! In the meantime, together the deafening depressed sound suddenly transmits from that blood-color the collision place of sword and space-based ball. 就在此时,一道震耳欲聋的沉闷声响突然从那血色战刀与天基球的碰撞处传来。 This sound some are not without doubt normal. 这声音无疑有些不正常。 Like cutting to strike above what obtuse thing, in situation unlike people imagination obviously somewhat. 如同斩击在什么钝物之上,与众人想象中的情况显然有些不同。 All bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species stare slightly, somewhat stunned looks to that blood-color sword and space-based ball collision place. 所有光明宇宙武者黑暗种都是微微一愣,有些愕然的看向那柄血色战刀与天基球的碰撞处。 Well?!” “咦?!” Light well spreads from the Wang Teng mouth suddenly. 一声轻咦突然从王腾口中传出。 Sees only that blood-color sword unexpectedly not true falling above the space-based ball, it hovering in space-based ball above dozens meters places, seemed supported by an invisible big hand, is unable to fall again. 只见那柄血色战刀竟然并未真正的落在天基球之上,它悬停在了天基球上空数十米处,仿佛被一只无形的大手托住,再也无法落下。 Dozens meters distance was not short, but to the space-based ball, is to that blood-color sword, sees trivial. 数十米距离本来并不算短,但是不论是对天基球,还是对那血色战刀来说,都显得微不足道。 The dazzling blood light that in addition above that blood-color sword erupts prevented the vision, therefore the people do not have first to detect exceptionally. 加上那血色战刀之上爆发的刺目血光阻挡了目光,所以众人才没有第一时间察觉到异常。 It seems like we did not need to travel.” The Wang Teng windward brocade and rune/symbol Xiuyuan said. “看来我们不用跑路了。”王腾对风锦和符秀媛道。 „......” Two females are again speechless. “……”两女再度无言。 Blocked???” “挡住了???” Bright universe Martial Artist responded immediately, in the eye gradually blooms the ray. 光明宇宙武者们顿时反应了过来,眼中逐渐绽放出光芒。 That is the ray of hope! 那是希望的光芒! Their also ray of hope! 他们还有一丝希望! Above the blood god altar, the Demon Venerable level of that blood group exists to see this, is actually the complexion changes, was blocked unexpectedly, is this possible? 血神祭坛之上,那一位位血族的魔尊级存在看到这一幕,却都是面色一变,竟然被挡住了,这怎么可能? Unexpectedly was blocked!” “居然被挡住了!” The distant place, the bone La Demon Venerable vision flashes, in the heart concentrates. 远处,骨喇魔尊目光一闪,心中微凝。 „The luck of this bright universe also is really good, blocked at the last minute unexpectedly.” “这光明宇宙的运气还真是不错,竟然在最后一刻挡住了。” However, the ten mechanical spheres of that mechanical clan really so powerful? 不过,那机械族的十颗机械圆球真的如此强大么? Blood group that blood divine blade projection powerful without a doubt, can it forcefully keeps off, fully explained the uncommonness of that ten mechanical sphere. 血族那“血神刀”投影的强大毋庸置疑,能够将其硬生生的挡下来,足以说明那十颗机械圆球的不凡。 Snort! To block the blood divine blade of my clan, you are unqualified.” “哼!想要挡住我族的血神刀,你们还不够资格。” Murdering blood Demon Venerable to this strikes to be self-confident, cold snort/hum, proudly however the ice-cold sound spreads suddenly. 弑血魔尊对这一击充满自信,冷哼一声,傲然而冰冷的声音骤然传出。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, a powerful strength erupts from 12 blood-color giant empty shades, that blood-color sword seemed injected the incomparable mighty force, endless blood-color rune/symbol writing erupts loudly, outside the winding blade glow, depresses toward ten space-based balls ruthlessly. 下一刻,一股强大的力量从十二尊血色巨人虚影之上爆发,那血色战刀仿佛被注入了无匹的伟力,无尽的血色符文轰然爆发,缠绕刀芒之外,朝着十颗天基球狠狠压下。 The void vibration, was opened by blade light tearing of that terrifying directly, the innumerable space cracks appear. 虚空震动,径直被那恐怖的刀光撕裂而开,无数空间裂缝出现。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… One type is unable to withstand the load during the sound is void from that piece spreads. 一种不堪重负般的声响从那片虚空之中传出。 The field territory strenuous vibration that ten space-based balls condense, as if must unable to withstand this blade, will soon crack to open. 十颗天基球所凝聚出的场域剧烈震动,仿佛要承受不住这一刀,即将崩裂而开。 Yuan magnetic god light/only!” “元磁神光!” Spreads from the space-based ball to the sound of no fluctuation together tranquilly. 一道平静到毫无波动的声音从天基球之中传出。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, the dazzling holy white ray the ring that composes from that day base ball erupts, in strange light just like world, dazzling, shines void. 刹那间,耀眼圣洁的白色光芒从那天基球组成的圆环之中爆发而出,宛如天地间的奇光,璀璨夺目,照耀虚空。 ! 唰! A ray just like the peerless divine blade, imitates, if the unsurpassed Saint sword, plunders from base ball ring of that day. 紧接着一道光芒犹如绝世神刀,又仿若无上圣剑,从那天基球圆环中掠出。 Clang! 铛! In that flash, resounds through the sound of trim void metal collision then to spread together suddenly. 在那一瞬间,一道响彻整片虚空的金属碰撞之音便骤然传出。 The people stare the big eye to look, actually saw that say/way radiant ray to keep off in the front of blood-color sword unexpectedly, had not been crushed. 众人瞪大眼睛望去,却见那道璀璨的光芒竟然挡在了血色战刀的面前,并未被击碎。 Innumerable dazzling white rune/symbol writing lingers in that god light/only all around, above blood-color rune/symbol writing with blood-color sword collides, extinguished mutually since birth, wants to obliterate the opposite party. 无数耀眼的白色符文萦绕在那神光四周,与血色战刀之上的血色符文碰撞,互有生灭,都想要磨灭对方。 rune/symbol writing collapses, again obviously, the mystical are unusual. 一道道符文崩溃,却又重新显化,神异非常。 both sides seem evenly matched! 双方似乎势均力敌! Suddenly, no one can do to anyone. 一时间,谁也奈何不了谁。 What!!!” “什么!!!” Murdering the blood Demon Venerable and other blood group Demon Venerable levels have the instantaneous complexion to be at this moment ugly, vision gloomy is staring at that say/way sudden god light/only. 弑血魔尊等血族魔尊级存在此刻瞬间面色难看起来,目光阴沉的盯着那道突然出现的神光。 The light, blocked their blood divine blade projection together unexpectedly. 一道光,居然挡住了它们的血神刀投影。 How can this not make their hearts startled? 这怎能不令它们心惊? How can also make them accept? 又怎能令它们接受? Quite formidable! What was light?” “好利害!那道光是什么?” Yuan magnetic god light/only! Did I just hear this name probably?” “元磁神光!我刚刚好像听到了这个名称?” Truly is called the Yuan magnetism god light/only, does not know whether is the strength by the strength and light strength of fusion Yuan magnetism being become?” “确实是叫做元磁神光,不知是否是由元磁之力和光明之力融合而成的力量?” Originally this is that ten mechanical sphere strength, the method of mechanical clan is really shocking.” “原来这就是那十颗机械圆球的力量,机械族的手段真是令人震惊啊。” ...... …… Many bright universe Martial Artist opening mouths, the vision closely is staring at that white god light/only, in heart shock. 许多光明宇宙武者张大嘴巴,目光紧紧盯着那道白色神光,心中十分的震撼。 Startled whish the sound also resounds. 一道道惊哗之声随之响起。 Another side, all Dark Species withdraw with amazement, on the face shows damn the general expression. 另一边,所有的黑暗种都是骇然退后,脸上纷纷露出见鬼一般的表情。 The light, unexpectedly is so together fearful. 一道光而已,竟然如此可怕。 Compares the common bright strength to be terrifying simply, they do not dare too nearly to depend. 简直比寻常的光明之力还要恐怖,它们根本不敢靠得太近。 „The god of good terrifying light/only, I felt, if passed over gently and swiftly by the split vision of its sending out, the entire body feared that will collapse.” An demon armor clan Dark Species vision of high-rank demon sovereign level level vibrates, mutters whispers. “好恐怖的神光,我感觉如果被其散发的余光掠过,整个身躯怕是都会崩溃。”一头上位魔皇级层次的魔甲族黑暗种目光震动,喃喃低语道。 Must know that the defense of demon armor clan is very terrifying, but actually fears to the split vision of that god of journeys light now hence, is really incredible. 要知道魔甲族的防御是非常恐怖的,但如今却对那道神光的一丝余光惧怕至此,着实是令人难以置信。 Run!” “快跑!” Cannot be plundered by that ray absolutely.” “绝对不能被那光芒掠中。” Some Dark Species are scared, throws down fighting bright universe Martial Artist unexpectedly directly, turns around to run away toward the distant place. 一些黑暗种吓破了胆,竟然直接丢下正在交手的光明宇宙武者,转身朝着远处逃遁。 Bright universe Martial Artist looked ignorant. 一个个光明宇宙武者都看懵了。 Yuan magnetic god light/only! This is the method of that ten mechanical sphere.” The bone La Demon Venerable vision contracted, somewhat dreads is looking at that god of journeys light. “元磁神光!这就是那十颗机械圆球的手段。”骨喇魔尊目光收缩了一下,有些忌惮的望着那道神光。 It light/only above felt an intense threat from that Yuan magnetic god, even if its this high-rank Demon Venerable level existed, if were hit, perhaps still had the danger of falling from the sky. 它从那元磁神光之上感觉到了一股强烈的威胁,就算是它这个上位魔尊级存在,如果被击中,恐怕也有陨落的危险。 Moreover is very big possibility! 而且是很大可能! In the star meteor revering eye erupts together none, is staring at that side battlefield. 星陨尊者眼中爆发出一道精光,盯着那边的战场。 The victory and defeat depended on this! 胜负在此一举了! What Yuan magnetism god, entirely is only broken to the main body!” Murders blood Demon Venerable to angrily roar, the vision is cold, including the blood red light to overflow. “什么元磁神光,统统给本尊碎!”弑血魔尊怒吼,目光冷冽至极,其中有血液般的红光流溢而出。 Bang! 轰! The blood-color sword cuts to fall crazily, the endless blood light changes to the blade light to erupt, the brand mark blood general strange rune/symbol writing, is sending out the powerful fluctuation, shells unceasingly above that god of journeys light. 血色战刀疯狂斩落,无尽的血光化作刀光爆发,烙印着血一般的奇异符文,散发出强大的波动,不断轰击在那道神光之上。 However cannot shake that god of journeys light as before. 然而依旧不能撼动那道神光。 At this time, a radiant ray proliferated from that day base ball ring, or assumed belt-shaped, either assumed the campylodromous, or presented is the curtain shape, during radiated, the mystical were unusual, cover are void, swept away the four directions. 这时,一片璀璨的光芒又是从那天基球圆环中扩散而出,或呈带状,或呈弧状,亦或是呈现为幕状,放射状等,神异非常,笼罩虚空之中,横扫四方。 A lot of blood-color blade light, blood-color rune/symbol writing collapses, explodes to break to pieces in void. 大量的血色刀光,血色符文崩溃,在虚空中爆碎开来。 Roar...... not!” “吼……不!” „, Saves me!” “啊,救我!” Roar to suddenly resound, along with even intermittently extremely towering „” sound, leader Dark Species was cancelled directly, vanishes in this void, like has never appeared generally. 一声声怒吼突然响起,随即便是阵阵极为突兀的“嗤嗤”声,一头头黑暗种被直接抹去,消失于这片虚空,就像从未出现过一般。 Bright universe Martial Artist all stares the big eye, some have not responded. 光明宇宙武者皆是瞪大眼睛,有些没反应过来。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? These did Dark Species vanish suddenly? 这些黑暗种怎么突然就消失了? This is too sudden, moreover these Dark Species cancelled speeds are too really fast, no wonder they cannot respond. 这一幕实在太突然,而且那些黑暗种被抹去的速度着实太快,难怪他们反应不过来。 But quick, as more and more Dark Species deaths, bright universe Martial Artist on the scene has also gotten back one's composure finally, vision panic-stricken looks that is wiping another to wipe the strange ray that. 但很快随着越来越多的黑暗种死亡,在场的光明宇宙武者也终于回过神,目光惊骇的望着那一抹又一抹的奇异光芒。 Was these rays cancelled Dark Species! 是这些光芒抹去了黑暗种 Feeling of the intense palpitation appears in their heart immediately, won't these ray they even cancel together? 一种强烈至极的心悸之感顿时浮现于他们心头,这些光芒不会连他们也一同抹去吧? After all many rays are away from them to be near, some even on more than ten meters distance, if hits incautiously, must be cancelled with Dark Species generally. 毕竟很多光芒距离他们都非常近,有的甚至就十几米的距离,若是一不小心撞上去,岂不是也要跟黑暗种一般被抹去。 Many people move do not immediately dare to move. 许多人顿时一动不敢动。 Another side, Wang Teng also saw such situation, the vision flashed, was somewhat astonished, in this as if had the thing that he did not know? 另一边,王腾也看到了此等情形,目光一闪,有些惊异,这里面似乎有他不知道的东西啊? That Yuan magnetic god can only unexpectedly accurate cancelling Dark Species! 那元磁神光竟然可以精准的抹去黑暗种 How to accomplish? 到底是怎么办到的? An intense curious meaning appears in his heart immediately. 一股强烈的好奇之意顿时浮现于他的心头。 However at this time does not go into seriously this matter obviously time, he looks immediately to the blood-color sword and space-based ball of distant place, there is the place of decisive battle, other low rank Dark Species cancel again many, the significance is not too big. 不过此时显然不是深究此事的时候,他立刻望向远处的血色战刀和天基球,那里才是决战之地,其他低阶黑暗种抹去再多,意义都不是太大。 Let alone low-rank demon sovereign level above Dark Species, had not been cancelled, just these rays after all were only the split visions, object or blood-color sword that the Yuan magnetic god light/only attacked truly. 何况下位魔皇级以上的黑暗种,并没有被抹去,刚刚那些光芒毕竟只是余光而已,元磁神光真正攻击的对象还是血色战刀。 Clang! Clang! Clang...... 铛!铛!铛…… Sound of the intermittent metal collision spreads from that blood-color sword unceasingly. 一阵阵金属碰撞之音不断从那血色战刀之上传出。 During both sides fall into refuse to budge, the intense incomparable, battlefield all around is split up, the glassy surface disruption opens, will soon collapse to change to the nihility. 双方陷入僵持之中,激烈无比,周遭的战场四分五裂,如镜面般碎裂而开,即将崩溃化作虚无。 Damn!!!” “该死!!!” Murdering in the blood Demon Venerable heart is even more angry, they use all strengths, summoned bleeds the spirit of ancestor, finally displayed this blood divine blade, now is blocked by the bright universe unexpectedly. 弑血魔尊心中越发愤怒,它们倾尽所有力量,才召唤出了血祖之灵,最终施展出这血神刀,如今竟然还是被光明宇宙挡住。 This to their blood group, simply is the huge blow. 这对它们血族而言,简直就是巨大的打击。 Not is only it, other blood group Demon Venerable levels exist accept cannot. 不仅仅是它,其他血族魔尊级存在都是接受不能。 Blood certainly, absorbs the blood of source to the main body, many absorbs many.” Murders blood Demon Venerable coldly immediately orders. “血绝,给本尊吸收本源之血,有多少吸收多少。”弑血魔尊当即冷冷下令道。 Yes!” The blood god clone to say. “是!”血神分身应道。 He has not rejected , the rejection, murdered blood Demon Venerable to be swallowed by the anger at this moment completely, only had to obey its will. 他没有拒绝,也拒绝不了,此刻弑血魔尊已经完全被怒火吞噬,唯有顺从它的意志。 Raise! 昂! Above the blood god altar, that blood Kun empty shadow has not vanished, at this time exuded its roar again. 血神祭坛之上,那血鲲虚影并未消失,此时再度发出了它的吼声。 The blood of massive source gather to come from void, such as all things tending one way, floods into the blood Kun big mouth, vanishes does not see, seemed swallowed. 大量本源之血从虚空中汇聚而来,如百川归海,涌入血鲲大口之中,消失不见,仿佛被吞食。 But the next quarter, above the blood god altar then some lot of blood fog appear, the rich blood light erupts again. 但下一刻,血神祭坛之上便有大量血雾浮现,浓郁的血光再度爆发。 These blood fog and blood light well up toward all around 12 blood-color giant empty shades, integrates in their bodies. 这些血雾和血光朝着四周的十二尊血色巨人虚影涌去,融入它们的身躯之中。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… 12 Demon Venerable levels have the body to vibrate, within the body erupts the radiant blood light again, shoots up to the sky, integrates in own blood-color light beam. 十二位魔尊级存在身躯震动,体内再次爆发出璀璨的血光,冲天而起,融入自身的血色光柱之中。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Void strenuous vibration. 虚空剧烈震动。 In the meantime, above that blood-color sword, a marvelous sight appears. 就在此时,那柄血色战刀之上,一幕奇观浮现。 That seems like blood-color sea! 那似乎是一座血色的海洋! But is not the common sea, before this blood-color sea, that vast bloodshed is completely different. 但并非寻常的海洋,这座血色海洋与之前那座浩瀚血海完全不同。 Although it not like that vast, actually dominates above. 它虽没有那般浩瀚,却凌驾于其上。 In the sea rune/symbol writing appears, densely and numerously, makes people unable to count crowded clearly, even if by the calculation strength of immortal level revering, is unable to achieve. 海洋中一道道符文显现,密密麻麻,密集的让人无法数清楚,哪怕是以不朽级尊者的算力,都无法做到。 „Is that...... the sea of principle?!!!” “那是……法则之海?!!!” Some people lose one's voice to call out in alarm, is unable to suppress shock in heart again and with amazement. 有人失声惊呼,再也无法抑制心中的震撼与骇然。 This is an immortal level exists, but was actually startled at this moment the radical changes countenance, in the heart is unable to be tranquil. 这是一位不朽级存在,但此刻却被惊得彻底变色,心中根本无法平静。 And is not only he, other immortal levels exist with Demon Venerable level Dark Species are also so, the changes countenance, in the vision shock at this moment all completely, some people could not even bear back up several steps. 且不仅是他,其他不朽级存在和魔尊黑暗种亦是如此,此刻无不变色,目光中满是震骇,有人甚至忍不住倒退了几步。 How possibly?!” The complexion of star meteor revering is also has the drastic change, the vision with amazement. “怎么可能?!”星陨尊者的面色也是发生剧变,目光骇然。 Bone La Demon Venerable is also no worse, in the look appears unbelievable, obviously has not expected the blood group to be able the sea of this principle to summon. 骨喇魔尊同样差不到哪里去,眼神中浮现出一丝难以置信,显然没有料到血族能把这法则之海都召唤出来。 „The sea of principle!!?” “法则之海!!?” Wang Teng in wind brocade and the others in stunned vision, stood from the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle suddenly, looking that the vision shocks to that sea comprised of blood-color rune/symbol writing. 王腾在风锦等人愕然的目光中,猛然从神机赤电雷鹰之上站了起来,目光震撼的望向那片由血色符文组成的海洋。 The sea of principle! 法则之海! As the name suggests, is condensed the sea that becomes by the source principle, source principle rich to the extreme, is not the strength of simple source principle can compare, is not the strength of common world can compare. 顾名思义,就是由本源法则凝聚而成的海洋,本源法则浓郁到了极点,不是简单的本源法则之力能够比拟,也不是寻常的世界之力可以相比的。 This is the strength that the True God level has to call! 这是真神级存在方能唤出的力量! After all the strength of so rich source principle, has touched the essence of the world, touched the source of universe, common Martial Artist is unable to transfer. 毕竟如此浓郁的本源法则之力,已然触及到了世界的本质,触及到了宇宙的本源,寻常武者根本无法调动。 The blood divine blade that the never expected that blood group calls, can actually inspire the sea of principle. 没想到血族唤出的血神刀,竟然能够引动法则之海。 Perhaps I should make a move, can become, looked at this wave.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart had the resolution immediately. “也许我该出手了,能不能成,就看这一波了。”王腾目光一闪,心中顿时有了决断。 Should finish, no one could block my blood group step!” “该结束了,谁也阻挡不了我血族的步伐!” „The sea of principle...... town/subdues!” “法则之海……镇!” Another side, ice-cold exploding drinks the sound also to spread from the blood god altar. 另一边,冰冷的爆喝声亦是从血神祭坛之上传出。 The sea of principle that covers entirely rune/symbol writing suppresses suddenly , the unsurpassed invincible might arrives at that void immediately, broke all around space thoroughly, making him change to the nihility. 那座布满符文的法则之海骤然镇压而下,无上的神威顿时降临那片虚空,将四周空间彻底震碎,令其化作了虚无。 That void sound was annihilated, the outside world could not hear completely. 那片虚空的声音都被湮灭,外界完全听不到了。 This makes everyone feel that shock of difficult word, that piece void is clearly having the radical explosion, all were rumbled broken, but has no sound to spread, like a silent play, feeling of the indescribable vibration. 这一幕让所有人都感觉到一种难言的震撼,那片虚空分明在发生剧烈的爆炸,一切都被轰碎,但却没有任何声音传出,就像一部无声剧,给人一种无法形容的震动之感。 The Wang Teng complexion is serious, the vision closely is staring at that region, he in! Waits for a making a move opportunity! 王腾面色严肃,目光紧紧盯着那片区域,他在等!等一个出手的机会! „The sea of bright principle, opens!” “光明法则之海,开!” In the meantime, another sonic boom drinks from the space-based ball spreads, that sound has no fluctuation, just like the machinery is ordinary, but actually triggered the huge response. 就在此时,另一声爆喝从天基球之中传出,那声音没有任何波动,犹如机械一般,但却引发了剧烈的反应。 Bang! 轰! In that endless god light/only, also sea appear unexpectedly, dense and numerous white rune/symbol writing proliferates, is full of the bright holy meaning. 在那无尽的神光之中,竟也有一片海洋浮现,密密麻麻的白色符文遍布其中,充满光明圣洁之意。 The sea of this bright principle shoots up to the sky, collides with the sea of that blood-color principle. 这一片光明法则之海冲天而起,与那血色法则之海碰撞。 Innumerable rune/symbol writing collapses, annihilation. 无数符文崩溃,湮灭。 No matter bright source principle obviously rune/symbol writing, the blood is source principle obviously rune/symbol writing, is obliterating mutually. 不管是光明本源法则显化的符文,还是血系本源法则显化的符文,都是在相互磨灭。 The people vision shocks, the mechanical clan actually can also summon the sea of principle . Moreover the sea of bright principle, they closely are staring at that region, is not willing to let off the tiny bit process. 众人目光震撼,机械族竟然也能够召唤出法则之海,而且还是光明法则之海,他们紧紧盯着那片区域,不愿放过一丝一毫的过程。 As we all know, this war feared that must finish, will soon end! 所有人都知道,这一战怕是要结束了,即将落幕! Therefore in their hearts is ties tight, close attention that side situation, for fear that misses the final result. 因此他们心中都是紧绷起来,密切的关注那边的情况,生怕错过最终的结果。 Good, was one's turn me to act!” “好,轮到我出手了!” Wang Teng sees so the situation, in the eye actually reveals a happy intent suddenly. 王腾看到这般情形,眼中却是突然露出一丝喜意。 The opportunity came! 机会来了! He transfers immediately Blood god incantation The strength, affects blood remnant Demon Venerable, initially he and blood god clone to leave behind the blood god incantation in blood remnant Demon Venerable within the body, the present was the time detonates this bomb. 他立刻调动【血神咒】的力量,影响血残魔尊,当初他和血神分身在血残魔尊体内留下了血神咒,现在是时候引爆这颗炸弹了。 Above the blood god altar, blood remnant Demon Venerable is erupting own strength vigorously, controls the sea of that principle. 血神祭坛之上,血残魔尊正极力爆发自身的力量,控制那法则之海。 Is his such Demon Venerable level exists, controls the sea of principle, wants earnestly incomparable, does not dare to have tiny bit idleness. 就是他这样的魔尊级存在,控制法则之海,也要认真无比,不敢有一丝一毫的懈怠。 Suddenly, his within the body had the unusual condition, the blood god incantation eruption. 突然,他体内出现了异状,血神咒爆发。 What?” Blood remnant Demon Venerable is startled, in the eye reveals unbelievable, but has not waited for it to think, Blood god incantation The strength of eruption has spread thoroughly its whole body, making the strength of its within the body present the riot. “什么?”血残魔尊大吃一惊,眼中露出难以置信,可还不等它多想,【血神咒】爆发的力量已经彻底蔓延它全身,令它体内的力量出现了暴乱。 12 blood spirit bodies Immediately had the problem! 【十二血灵身】顿时出现了问题! This 12 blood spirit bodies Needed 12 Demon Venerable levels to control together, let alone is in the critical moment now, has any problem, will be enlarged infinitely. 这【十二血灵身】本就需要十二位魔尊级共同掌控,何况如今正处于关键时刻,出现任何一点问题,都会被无限放大。 Therefore...... 因此…… Bang! 轰! When the Haydn of principle the blood group summoned the rebellion, in which the strength of source principle had the disorder instantaneously. 血族召唤出的法则之海顿时暴动,其中的本源法则之力瞬间出现了紊乱。 Originally remains deadlocked the seas of two principle, immediately then presented the imbalance. 本来处于僵持状态的两座法则之海,当即便出现了失衡。 The sea of bright principle the mechanical clan summoned gets the winning side immediately, in which the strength of bright source principle was the sea of principle wells up to go toward that blood crazily, corroded blood unceasingly is the strength of source principle. 机械族召唤出的光明法则之海立刻占据上风,其中的光明本源法则之力朝着那座血系法则之海狂涌而去,不断侵蚀其中的血系本源法则之力。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Blood are rune/symbol writing blast open to open, the sea of ebullition principle, the fast collapse, the fearful fluctuation sweeps away in all directions. 一道道血系符文炸裂而开,法则之海沸腾,快速崩溃,可怕的波动横扫四面八方。 All these is a long story, in fact is the flash. 这一切说来话长,实际上不过是一瞬间而已。 Bang! 轰隆! In an instant, that blood was the sea of principle actually had the large explosion, is submerged by the sea of bright principle the mechanical clan summoned thoroughly, later endless god light/only from swept away, shelled above the blood god altar. 刹那间,那座血系法则之海竟然发生了大爆炸,彻底被机械族召唤出的光明法则之海淹没,随后无尽的神光从其中横扫而出,轰击在了血神祭坛之上。 Roar that startled anger happen simultaneously from spreads, was actually covered by the terrifying explosive sound instantaneously. 一道道惊怒交加的吼声从其中传出,却瞬间被恐怖的爆炸声覆盖。
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