AAMD :: Volume #22

#2181: Pushed someone take on a difficult job to give to you for the first time

The strength of time broke through unexpectedly, was the third-order level directly! 时间之力竟然突破了,直接达到了三阶层次! Previously Wang Teng once collected massive amounts of time attributes that side the iron weapon fort defense line, thus let 【The body of time Was the second-order peak level, misses 5000 attribute values then to break through. 此前王腾曾在铁械堡防线那边拾取了大量的时间属性,从而让【时间之体】达到了二阶顶峰层次,就差5000点属性值便能够突破。 This time, he collected many time attributes. 这一次,他又拾取了不少时间属性。 This piece void soon beat by the bright universe and Dark Species powerhouse, naturally fell many time and space attributes, therefore his other 5000 time attribute accumulated instantaneously neat. 这片虚空都快要被光明宇宙和黑暗种的强者打烂了,自然掉落了许多的时间和空间属性,因此他那剩余的5000点时间属性瞬间就攒齐了。 Therefore Wang Teng 【The body of time The attribute can break through to the third-order level instantaneously. 故而王腾的【时间之体】属性才能够瞬间突破到三阶层次。 Unexpected happiness! 意外之喜! This is really a unexpected happiness! 这着实是一个意外之喜! 【The body of time The strength of time the breakthrough third-order level, he can display directly naturally was also the third-order level. 【时间之体】径直突破三阶层次,他所能发挥出的时间之力自然也是达到了三阶层次。 Then, he coped with the assurance that three Demon Venerable levels had to be bigger. 如此一来,他对付那三头魔尊级存在的把握就更大了。 Do not say, at this moment his 【The body of time Attribute also in fast sudden rise. 更不要说,此刻他的【时间之体】属性还在快速暴涨之中。 However is the flash, the transformation of Wang Teng within the body has been completed, the most profound clear(ly) became aware in his heart production. 不过是一瞬间而已,王腾体内的蜕变就已经完成,一种玄之又玄的明悟在他心头产生。 He looked to the property panel. 他不由看向了属性面板。 【The body of time: 120000 / 300000 ;( Third-order) ; 【时间之体】:120000/300000;(三阶); So many!” In the Wang Teng heart is startled. “这么多!”王腾心中不由一惊。 120,000 attribute values, this was exceeds the third-order level 1/3 attribute values, has not thought that can collect so many attribute values one time. 十二万点属性值,这可是超过三阶层次三分之一的属性值了啊,没想到能够一次性拾取这么多属性值。 However upgrades the third-order level finally, is really not easy. 不过总算是提升到了三阶层次,实在太不容易了。 Must know obtained the time attribute from him to the present for the first time, has passed the quite long time, actually remains at the second-order level throughout, this attribute is more difficult than to promote the space attribute and Yuan magnetic attribute. 要知道从他第一次得到时间属性到现在,已经过去相当长的时间,却始终停留在二阶层次,这属性比空间属性和元磁属性还难提升。 However at this time does not have the spare time to think these. 不过此时也没有多余的时间想这些。 Wang Teng takes back the train of thought immediately, looks exists to three Demon Venerable levels of distant place, the corners of the mouth exude one to sneer. 王腾立刻收回思绪,望向远处的三头魔尊级存在,嘴角泛起一丝冷笑。 Makes you experience the might of strength of my third-order time, pushed someone take on a difficult job to give to you for the first time.” “就让你们体验一下我这三阶时间之力的威力吧,第一次就勉为其难送给你们了。” Bang! 轰! As this thought raises, he erupts within the body the strength of time directly all, under the function of strength of space, appears in that three Demon Venerable level Dark Species void directly. 随着这个念头升起,他直接将体内的时间之力尽数爆发,在空间之力的作用下,直接出现在那三头魔尊黑暗种四周的虚空之中。 What strength is this?” “这是什么力量?” That three Demon Venerable levels exist to detect immediately is not right, is the complexion changes. 那三头魔尊级存在立刻察觉到不对,皆是面色微变。 But has not waited for them to ponder, the mutation lives suddenly. 可还不等它们细想,异变突生。 Silent within, these three Demon Venerable level whole bodies void was imprisoned unexpectedly, the attack that even they erupt stagnated instantaneously in same place, is unable again the advance slightest. 无声无息间,这三头魔尊级周身的虚空竟然被禁锢,连它们爆发出的攻击都瞬间凝滞在了原地,无法再前进分毫。 That picture, looked like that void time to be pressed down the suspension key. 那副画面,就像是那片虚空的时间被按下了暂停键。 Three Demon Venerable levels exist, although was imprisoned, but the eye can also see the situation. 三头魔尊级存在虽然被禁锢,但眼睛还能够看到外界的情形。 In their eyes, all are very normal, everyone is moving, actually their three did not move only. 在它们的眼中,外界的一切都很正常,所有人都在动,却唯独它们三个动不了。 They looked like stripped completely, independence in another microcosm. 它们就像是被完全的剥离了出来,独立于另一片小世界之中。 The time, in three Dark Species hearts is raises meaning with amazement, they are the Demon Venerable level exist, now is imprisoned unexpectedly, is this possible? 顿时间,三头黑暗种心中都是升起骇然之意,它们可是魔尊级存在,如今竟然被禁锢了,这怎么可能? Whose is hand? 到底是谁出的手? Is it possible that bright universe still has immortal level revering? 莫非光明宇宙这边还存在一位不朽级尊者? Suddenly, these three Demon Venerable level Dark Species are scalp tingles, the heart raises a chill in the air. 一时间,这三头魔尊黑暗种都是头皮发麻,心底不由升起一阵寒意。 Wang Teng does not know the idea that these three Demon Venerable levels have, his within the body the strength of time passes at this moment fast, how long could not support, immediately passed on the sonic boom to drink: Quickly!” 王腾并不知道这三头魔尊级存在的想法,此刻他体内的时间之力快速流逝,根本支撑不了多久,当即传音爆喝:“快!” The immortal level of that three mechanical clan existed had received passes message of star meteor revering, originally also some doubts, in the heart guessed that is it possible that was star meteor revering must make a move? 那三位机械族的不朽级存在本就已经收到了星陨尊者的传音,本来还有些疑惑,心中猜测莫非是星陨尊者要出手? But at this time heard passes message of Wang Teng, how they have not understood that the person of making a move at all is not star meteor revering, but is this young generation of Heaven's Chosen. 但此时又听到了王腾的传音,他们如何还不明白出手之人根本不是星陨尊者,而是这个年轻一辈的天骄。 The immortal levels of three mechanical clans have in the heart surprised, but has not actually hesitated, immediately speeds away to go toward the space-based ball. 三位机械族的不朽级存在心中惊讶不已,但却没有丝毫迟疑,当即朝着天基球疾驰而去。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Other Dark Species Demon Venerable stare. 其余的黑暗种魔尊不禁一愣。 Did that three Demon Venerable levels exist suddenly are motionless? 那三头魔尊级存在怎么突然不动了? Made the immortal level of that three mechanical clan rush with ease, really damn. 就这么让那三个机械族的不朽级轻轻松松的闯了过去,真是见鬼了。 That appearance, was framed probably generally! 那副模样,像是被定格了一般! The Demon Venerable level has what kind of eyesight, then saw is not right, but actually does not know concretely what's the matter, on the face reveals the surprised uncertain color immediately. 魔尊级存在何等眼力,一眼便看出了不对,但却并不知道具体是怎么回事,脸上顿时纷纷露出惊疑不定之色。 „Is Sachs, you doing?” A Demon Venerable level exists explodes suddenly shouts. “萨克斯,你们在干什么?”一头魔尊级存在陡然爆喝道。 Sachs that sheep's head demon clan Dark Species Demon Venerable name. 萨克斯正是那羊头魔族黑暗种魔尊的名字。 What a pity the opposite party is actually not able to respond at this time. 可惜对方此时却无法回应。 They were imprisoned.” “它们被禁锢了。” The surplus Demon Venerable levels have immediately the complexion change, detected anything. 剩余的魔尊级存在顿时面色微变,察觉到了什么。 They without enough time rubbish, immediately acts, wants to exist to block the immortal levels of three mechanical clans, but cannot achieve, the other immortal levels of bright universe exist are not a vegetarian. 它们来不及废话,立刻出手,想要将三位机械族的不朽级存在拦下,但根本做不到,光明宇宙的其余不朽级存在可不是吃素的。 Although the immortal levels of these bright universes exist are also surprised, does not understand that exactly what happened? 虽然这些光明宇宙的不朽级存在也非常惊讶,不明白到底发生了什么事? But the present situation is obviously favorable for them, how they possibly make Dark Species destroy again. 但如今的情况明显对他们有利,他们又怎么可能让黑暗种再来破坏。 That is......” “那是……” Only has the ram abundant vision to flash, as if thought of anything. 唯有公羊裕目光一闪,似乎想到了什么。 This situation made him feel a familiarity. 这种情况让他感觉到了一丝熟悉感。 When the iron weapon fort defense line, he has seen similar situation, but compared with must make him shock at this moment unexpectedly at that time. 在铁械堡防线之时,他见过类似的情形,只不过此刻竟比当时还要令他震撼。 Simultaneously imprisons three Demon Venerable levels to exist. 同时禁锢三位魔尊级存在。 Although is only the low-rank Demon Venerable level, but actually imprisons their bodies completely, cannot move . Moreover the time was longer than at that time. 尽管只是下位魔尊级,但却是将它们的身躯完全禁锢,丝毫动弹不得,而且时间比当时更久。 The split vision of his corner of the eye shot a look at to void somewhere. 他眼角的余光不由瞥向了虚空中的某处。 In there, a youth is supporting by strenuous efforts, above that distinctive face, the complexion is becoming at the visible speed pale. 在那里,一个青年正苦苦支撑,那张棱角分明的脸庞之上,面色正以肉眼可见的速度变得苍白起来。 Is unconscious, the ram abundant mood becomes complex incomparable. 不自觉的,公羊裕的心情变得复杂无比。 Fellow...... 那家伙…… Another side, the star meteor revering vision flashes, in the heart relaxes immediately. 另一边,星陨尊者目光一闪,心中顿时松了口气。 Wang Teng has not really made him disappointed! 王腾果然没有令他失望! Un?!” The bone La Demon Venerable vision shrinks, is staring at that void, stares at three Demon Venerable levels to exist, as to see anything. “嗯?!”骨喇魔尊目光一缩,盯着那片虚空,盯着三头魔尊级存在,似乎想要看出什么。 But that strength is extremely covert, extremely profound different, it is away from is too far, is unable to completely understand it. 但那种力量太过隐蔽,也太过玄异,它距离太远,根本无法将其看透。 What does immortal level revering of this mechanical clan as if know?” “这个机械族的不朽级尊者似乎知道什么?” Is the method of bright universe!” “是光明宇宙的手段!” It looks fiercely to star meteor revering, the mood of opposite party obviously changed, although is very weak, but by its sensation. 它又猛地看向星陨尊者,对方的情绪明显发生了变化,虽然很微弱,但还是被它感知到了。 It was just urgent, now actually as if relaxes. 刚刚十分紧迫,如今却似乎松了口气。 Obviously, the opposite party knows anything. 很显然,对方知道什么。 Above the blood god altar, murders the blood Demon Venerable vision to congeal, in the heart hates secretly, it has looked, this absolutely is the method of that bright universe Heaven's Chosen. 血神祭坛之上,弑血魔尊目光一凝,心中暗恨不已,它已经看出来,这绝对是那光明宇宙天骄的手段。 Exactly the same! 一模一样! This with the situation is simply exactly the same when the iron weapon fort defense line has had, who is not that boy can also be. 这一幕与在铁械堡防线之时发生过的情况简直一模一样,不是那小子还能是谁。 And above a space-based ball, the star weapon king sees this, stares slightly, is whose hand, can actually imprison three Demon Venerable levels to exist simultaneously? 其中一颗天基球之上,星械王看到这一幕,不禁微微一愣,是谁出的手,竟然能够同时禁锢三头魔尊级存在? ...... …… In the people thoughts vary, the void circumstance inverted completely. 就在众人心思各异之时,虚空中的情势完全颠倒了过来。 Just now the immortal level of bright universe exists is constrained, now turned into the Demon Venerable level to exist is constrained. 方才光明宇宙的不朽级存在被拖住,如今变成了魔尊级存在被拖住。 These Demon Venerable levels exist to have no alternative, can only look helplessly the immortal levels of three mechanical clans exist to go far away. 那些魔尊级存在无可奈何,只能眼睁睁看着三位机械族的不朽级存在远去。 Wang Teng sees this, in the heart relaxes finally, immediately takes back the strength of time. 王腾看到这一幕,心中终于松了口气,立刻收回了时间之力。 Simultaneously imprisons three Demon Venerable levels to exist, this special is really not the matter that the person does. 同时禁锢三位魔尊级存在,这特么真不是人干的事啊。 Consumes the strength of but actually next time, the loss of the life source and soul source is truly awfully, particularly 【The body of time After achieving third-order, this loss is more terrifying. 消耗时间之力倒还是其次,生命本源和灵魂本源的损耗才是真正要命的,尤其是【时间之体】达到三阶之后,这种损耗更加恐怖。 Empty! Empty! 虚了!虚了! Wang Teng felt own whole person pulled out spatially. 王腾感觉自己整个人都被掏空。 Takes back the instance of strength of time, his whole person staggered, almost does not stand steadily. 收回时间之力的瞬间,他整个人踉跄了一下,差点站立不稳。 Too fearful! 太可怕了! Too was really fearful! 真的太可怕了! The strength of this time simply is much more fearful than what seductress succuba, is not the common person can withstand. 这时间之力简直比什么妖女魔女还要可怕得多,根本就不是寻常人能够承受的。 Wang Teng, are you all right?” 王腾,你没事吧?” Situated in the Wang Teng rear wind brocade, rune/symbol Xiuyuan notices the unusuality of Wang Teng immediately, went forward to support his body hastily. 位于王腾后方的风锦,符秀媛立刻注意到了王腾的异常,连忙上前扶住了他的身躯。 On upright Haoge face the muscle pulls out, he acknowledged that oneself was a little sour. 耿浩歌脸上肌肉一抽,他承认自己有点酸了。 This boy staggered, what important matter the result two beautiful women seemed like to be equally tense, as for? As for? 这小子不过是踉跄了一下,结果两个美女像是出了什么大事一样紧张,至于吗?至于吗? The good and evil is also Heaven's Chosen of World Lord Level level, a point acts with constraint no? 好歹也是界主级层次的天骄,一点矜持都没有的吗? Asked to restrain a point to be good, really has not seen. 拜托收敛一点好不好,真是没眼看下去了。 Nearby Li Xuesong is actually good, now he also quite admires to Wang Teng, sees Wang Teng to have the problem, on the face somewhat is anxious. 一旁的李雪松倒是还好,如今他对王腾也是颇为敬佩,看到王腾出现问题,脸上不禁有些紧张起来。 I am all right, but consumes a little in a big way, restoring to be good.” The Wang Teng a little surprise, never expected that the wind brocade and rune/symbol Xiuyuan can the earliest possible time come up to support by the arm him, he almost forgot these Heaven's Chosen also in his behind. “我没事,只不过消耗有点大,恢复一下就好了。”王腾有点诧异,没想到风锦和符秀媛会第一时间上来搀扶他,他都差点忘记这几个天骄还在他的身后了。 Your complexion has become this palely......” wind brocade clenching teeth lip, in the eye appears to worry, starts to speak but hesitates. “你的脸色已经苍白成这样……”风锦咬了咬牙嘴唇,眼中浮现一丝担忧,欲言又止。 This may not seem like the consumption greatly so to be a little simple, pulled out to empty good simply. 这可不像是消耗有点大那么简单,简直就是被掏空了好不好。 On the face 1 blood-color does not have! 脸上一点血色都没有! She never sees Wang Teng to reveal so when the condition, had purified the entire heavenly pillar star dark strength even initially, Wang Teng is not so void and exhausted. 她从未见过王腾显露出这般状态过,就算是当初净化整颗天柱星的黑暗之力时,王腾都没有如此空虚与疲惫。 rune/symbol Xiuyuan also notices the Wang Teng condition, white hands fell above his wrist/skill, but induced slightly, then said in great surprise: How will the strength of your source consume so seriously?” 符秀媛也是注意到了王腾的状态,一只玉手落在他的手腕之上,只是略微感应了一下,便大惊道:“你的本源之力怎么会消耗如此严重?” Might as well, quick will restore.” Wang Teng smiles, beckons with the hand to say. “无妨,很快就会恢复。”王腾笑了笑,摆手道。 Do not show off power.” “你别逞强了。” rune/symbol Xiuyuan holds down his hand, in the eye flashes through soft. 符秀媛按住他的手,眼中闪过一丝柔软。 This starry sky school study the younger brother does not need so to go all out obviously, he is only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, actually shoulders the responsibility that this boundary should not shoulder, this is unfair to him. 这位星空学院的学弟明明不用如此拼命,他只是域主级武者而已,却承担了这个境界不该承担的责任,这对他非常不公平。 Moreover he is an extremely Heaven's Chosen, is more outstanding than their these World Lord Level talents. 而且他还是一位绝顶天骄,比他们这些界主级天才还要优秀。 Asked that which talent has to be willing so not to hesitate payout of life? 试问有哪一个天才愿意这般不惜命的付出? Her gentle breeze brocade supports by the arm immediately is making Wang Teng sit down, the cautious appearance, for fear that he knocks probably general. 她和风锦立刻搀扶着让王腾坐下,小心翼翼的模样,好像生怕他磕着碰着一般。 „......” Wang Teng is a little speechless. “……”王腾有点无语。 What did these two women misunderstand? 这两个女人是不是误解了什么? Although he now a little empty, but was not dying immediately well. 他现在虽然有点虚,但不是马上要死了好吧。 However sees two female appearances, he knows that oneself explained anything is useless, then did not explain simply, the vision has swept in void, the spirit read the strength to sweep across again, collected the attribute air bubble. 但是看到两女的模样,他知道自己解释什么都没有用,索性便不去解释,目光在虚空中扫过,精神念力再次席卷而出,拾取属性气泡。 Other attribute is unimportant temporarily, the life source and soul source attribute must first collect one wave. 别的属性暂时不重要,生命本源和灵魂本源属性必须先拾取一波。 This empty feeling is very uncomfortable. 这种虚虚的感觉真的很不舒服。 The words saying that he dares the strength of so unscrupulous period of revolution, is knows that in this stretch of battlefield decides however must have the life source and soul source attribute, consuming to collect at the worst again is. 话说他之所以敢如此肆无忌惮的使用时间之力,便是知道这片战场之中定然少不了生命本源和灵魂本源属性,消耗了大不了再拾取回来就是。 Attribute air bubbles gather to come immediately, his life source and soul source attribute really obtained the supplement, the void feeling fast dissipation in body went. 一个个属性气泡顿时汇聚而来,他的生命本源和灵魂本源属性果然得到了补充,身躯之内的空虚之感快速消散而去。 For not quite noticeable, he decides again weak a while. 但是为了不太引人注目,他还是决定再虚弱一会儿。 Although almost all people guess correctly that now his endurance is astonishing, even can rapidly resume own consumption, but if makes the bystander know he restores too quickly is not the good deed. 尽管现在几乎所有人都猜到他持久力惊人,甚至能够快速恢复自身的消耗,但若是让外人知道他恢复的太快也不是什么好事。 Therefore should the attire probably install. 所以该装还是要装一下的。 This for two female inquiring after the well being, does not care absolutely, relates with this point does not have. 这绝对不是为了身旁两女的嘘寒问暖,关怀备至,跟这一点关系都没有。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… When the Wang Teng absorption attribute air bubble, that three Demon Venerable levels existed had regained the freedom from the imprisonment, they responded, exuded the sound of angry roaring. 就在王腾吸收属性气泡之时,那三头魔尊级存在已是从禁锢之中恢复了自由,它们反应过来,纷纷发出怒吼之声。 Although just the imprisoned time was not long, even it can be said that very short, but that feeling was makes them walk one time in the despair, such as the falling icehouse was ordinary. 虽然刚刚被禁锢的时间并不长,甚至可以说是非常的短暂,但那种感觉却是令它们在绝望之中走了一遭,如坠冰窖一般。 Exists as the Demon Venerable level, when they have fallen into the so desperate condition. 身为魔尊级存在,它们何时陷入过如此绝望的境地。 This thinks that was immortal level revering acted to them, but lost the fetter at this moment, no one acted to them, they understand immediately, had no immortal level revering. 本以为是不朽级尊者对它们出手了,但此刻失去束缚,又无人对它们出手,它们立刻就明白,根本没有什么不朽级尊者。 An indescribable anger produces in their hearts. 一种无法形容的愤怒情绪在它们心中产生。 Three Demon Venerable levels exist to feel oneself received the deceit, if responded earlier, they as for didn't dare the resistance? 三头魔尊级存在感觉自己受到了欺骗,若是早点反应过来,它们至于连反抗都不敢吗? This lost face simply! 这简直就是丢大人了! What a pity regardless of the person of they how crazy seeking making a move, could not find at this moment, just that strength completely vanished, does not have the mark to seek. 可惜不论它们此刻如何疯狂的寻找出手之人,都是找不到,刚刚那种力量完全消失了,根本无迹可寻。 Wang Teng looks at the appearance that three Demon Venerable levels are having from afar, controls god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, bringing wind brocade and the others to flash the one side silently, reduced own existence feeling as far as possible. 王腾远远望着那三头魔尊级存在的模样,控制神机赤电雷鹰,带着风锦等人默默闪到了一旁,尽量降低自己的存在感。 That three Dark Species Demon Venerable want the insane appearance probably. 那三头黑暗种魔尊好像要疯的样子。 It seems like just that frightened heavily them, this precipice was vexed and ashamed to become bone. 看来刚刚那一下把它们吓得不轻啊,这绝壁是恼羞成骨了。 Temporarily lies low until something blows over first. 暂时避避风头先。 He is not the crude person, should get up time on, this/should removing time removes, at this time came up to be not meaningful with their meeting the tough head-on with toughness, he must keep the energy pit blood group. 他并不是鲁莽之人,该上的时候上,该撤的时候就撤,这时候上去与它们硬碰硬没有任何意义,他还要留着点能量坑血族呢。 Ram Yu looks at that three Demon Venerable level incompetent wild with rage appearances, the corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out. 公羊裕看着那三头魔尊级无能狂怒的样子,嘴角不由抽了抽。 If these three Demon Venerable level Dark Species know that Wang Teng buried alive two Demon Venerable level dark that types in the iron weapon fort defense line with the same method, does not know that can also be angry? 这三头魔尊黑暗种要是知道王腾在铁械堡防线用相同的方法坑杀了两头魔尊级黑暗那种,不知道还会不会如此愤怒? They should feel that rejoiced is. 它们应该感到庆幸才是。 At this time to let the immortal levels of three mechanical clans exists to arrive at that side that ten mechanical sphere smoothly, they cannot escape absolutely die. 此时要不是为了让三位机械族的不朽级存在能够顺利到达那十颗机械圆球那边,它们绝对逃不掉一死。 That three Demon Venerable levels exist have not known oneself almost walked one time in the Gate of Death, because of not being able to find chief criminal, but is angrier, was seeing with own eyes the immortal level of that three mechanical clan exists has fallen above the mechanical sphere, an aggrieved feeling raises from the bottom of the heart. 那三头魔尊级存在还不知道自己差点在鬼门关走了一遭,因为找不到罪魁祸首而更加愤怒,眼见着那三位机械族的不朽级存在已经落于机械圆球之上,一种憋屈之感更是从心底升起。 Bang! 轰隆! In the meantime, that blood-color sword as if fermented the pinnacle finally, above the knife bloomed the dazzling and thick blood light, such as the blood blood-color band is twining the sword, innumerable blood-color rune/symbol Wenxian. 就在此时,那柄血色战刀似乎终于酝酿到了极致,刀身之上绽放出耀眼而浓稠的血光,如血液般的血色绸带缠绕着战刀,无数血色符文显化。 This blade has not cut, all around void had then had the dense and numerous cracks, spreads to open toward all around just like the spider web, seems unable to withstand the strength of that sword. 这一刀还未斩出,四周的虚空便已经出现了密密麻麻的裂缝,宛如蜘蛛网般朝着四周蔓延而开,仿佛无法承受那柄战刀的力量。 „It is not good!” “不好!” All bright universe Martial Artist complexion big changes, the immortal level of mechanical clan existed just took place, never expected that that sword of blood group has condensed at this moment. 所有光明宇宙武者面色大变,机械族的不朽级存在刚刚就位,没想到血族的那柄战刀此刻就已经凝聚完毕。 Also with enough time?? 还来得及吗?? Blood divine blade, cuts!” “血神刀,斩!” Dignified and indifferent exploding drinks the extremely towering resounding of sound in void. 一声威严而冷漠的爆喝声在虚空中极为突兀的响起。 Bang! 轰! That huge incomparable blood-color sword cuts to fall finally, cracks void, the fierce incomparable space crack also appears together, crosses void, presses up to that ten mechanical sphere to go. 那柄庞大无比的血色战刀终于斩落,虚空崩裂,一道狰狞无比的空间裂缝随之出现,横穿虚空,直逼那十颗机械圆球而去。 The people stare the big eye, the whole face with amazement, in the heart ties tight the extreme, looked hastily toward that ten space-based ball. 众人瞪大眼睛,满脸骇然,心中都是紧绷到了极点,连忙朝着那十颗天基球看去。 Wang Teng, star meteor revering and the others are also no exception, all the vision concentrates, looks toward the space-based ball. 就连王腾,星陨尊者等人也都不例外,全都目光一凝,不禁朝着天基球望去。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz...... 嗡!嗡!嗡!嗡!嗡…… Suddenly, buzz the whining noise erupts from that ten space-based ball. 突然间,一道道嗡鸣声从那十颗天基球之上爆发。 The mechanical clan immortal level including star weapon king existed vanishes above the space-based ball, no one knew the mechanical clan to use several immortal levels to exist. 包括星械王在内的机械族不朽级存在都消失在了天基球之上,没有人知晓机械族到底动用了几位不朽级存在。 In an instant, ten space-based balls transformed the position. 刹那间,十颗天基球转变了方位。 Space-based ball that is formed by the billows machine void fortress apex situated in central location, other nine space-based balls surround in the flank, formed a giant ring. 由澜机虚空堡垒尖顶形成的天基球位于中心位置,其余九颗天基球环绕于外侧,形成了一个巨大的圆环。 Buzz! 嗡! Together fiercer buzz the whining noise resounds, the void tremor, an invisible field territory the ring that forms from that day base ball spreads, sweeps away void, making everyone feel existence of this field territory. 紧接着一道更为剧烈的嗡鸣声响起,虚空颤动,一座无形的场域从那天基球形成的圆环之中扩散而出,横扫虚空,让所有人都感觉到了这座场域的存在。 They were covered in all. 他们尽数被笼罩在了其中。 Also when this time, that blood-color sword seems spanning the big piece to be void instantaneously, in the people have not responded slightly, has arrived at sky over the ring that the space-based ball formed, then cuts loudly. 也就在这个时候,那血色战刀仿佛在瞬间跨越了大片虚空,在众人丝毫没有反应过来之时,就已是来到了天基球形成的圆环上空,而后轰然斩下。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The next quarter, this blade then cut in everyone panic-stricken desire vision certainly above ten space-based balls. 下一刻,这一刀便在所有人惊骇欲绝的目光中斩在了十颗天基球之上。 Late? 还是迟了一步吗?
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