AAMD :: Volume #22

#2180: Blood divine blade! Urgent! The strength of time breaks through

Chapter 2180 blood divine blade! Urgent! Strength of breakthrough time third-order!!( Sought subscription) 第2180章血神刀!紧迫!时间之力突破三阶!!(求订阅) The blood group causes the so giant weaponry suddenly, everyone looked, the heart sinks. 血族突然弄出如此巨大的阵仗,所有人都不由看了过去,心头不由一沉。 That five blood-color giant beasts were just destroyed, the blood group erupts a more fearful offensive unexpectedly. 那五头血色巨兽刚刚被摧毁,血族竟然又爆发出更加可怕的攻势。 At this time, 12 giant blood-color light beams shoot up to the sky, fuse a blood-color sword, seriously is astonishing. 此时,十二道巨大的血色光柱冲天而起,融合成一柄血色战刀,当真是惊人至极。 The terrifying blood red flowing light twines around that sword, as if the blood is common, scarlet, viscous...... that type of blood light already richly to viscous degree. 恐怖的血红色流光在那柄战刀四周缠绕,仿佛血液一般,猩红,粘稠……那种血光已经浓郁到了粘稠的程度。 The blood light just like the silk arrange/cloth, binds to tremble the blood-color sword, above appears evil intent, but bloody rune/symbol writing. 血光犹如绸布,裹颤着血色战刀,上面又浮现出一道道邪意而血腥的符文。 An invisible strength fills the air from the blood-color sword. 一种无形的力量从血色战刀之中弥漫而出。 Not is only the source principle aura, is the aura that one type does not extinguish immortally, even as if also the strength of toper standard contains. 不仅仅是本源法则气息,更是一种不朽不灭的气息,甚至似乎还有一丝更高位格的力量蕴藏其中。 This blood-color sword, just like the peerless almighty troops to be common, arrives at this void. 这柄血色战刀,就犹如绝世神兵一般,降临这片虚空。 The endless blood light blooms from the blade, especially dazzling. 无尽的血光从刀刃之上绽放而出,格外的耀眼。 Indistinct within, but can also see above the knife of that sword, as if inscribes any strange design, because of covering of blood light, letting the person is unable to see clearly. 隐约间,还可以看到那柄战刀的刀身之上,似乎铭刻着什么奇异的图案,但因为血光的笼罩,让人无法看清。 That is......” “那是……” Good fearful sword!” “好可怕的战刀!” Damn, the blood group really also has such method!” “该死,血族竟然还有此等手段!” ...... …… Bright universe Martial Artist have not struck to kill in the joy of five blood-color giant beasts to recover from Wang Teng, saw that blood-color sword appears, on the face reveals color with amazement. 一个个光明宇宙武者还未从王腾击杀五头血色巨兽的欣喜中回过神来,看到那血色战刀出现,脸上纷纷露出骇然之色。 Because is away from very far distance, they can still feel the terrifying of that blood-color sword. 因为即便是隔着很远的距离,他们也能够感觉到那血色战刀的恐怖。 That type fills the air, but the aura, compares the beforehand 12 blood-color giant beasts to gather simply, but also is more fearful. 那种弥漫而出的气息,简直比之前的十二头血色巨兽合起来,还要可怕很多。 A sword, exceeds the beforehand 12 blood-color giant beasts unexpectedly, what method is this? 一柄战刀,竟胜过之前的十二头血色巨兽,这是什么样的手段? World Lord Level following Martial Artist is unable to imagine. 界主级以下的武者根本无法想象。 Even if the immortal level exists, sees that blood-color sword, the expression is becomes surprisedly is still uncertain, is unable to speculate this sword strongly. 而就算是不朽级存在,看到那血色战刀,表情也是变得惊疑不定起来,无从推测这柄战刀到底有多强。 The aura that and lends, had somewhat surpassed their cognition. 其中散发出的气息,已经有些超出了他们的认知。 This is inconceivable. 这非常不可思议。 A the sword that is condensed by the energy, keeps them from completely understanding unexpectedly. 一柄由能量凝聚出的战刀而已,竟然让他们无法看透。 This is...... the blood divine blade!!!” “这是……血神刀!!!” In void of distant place, the soul fire in bone La Demon Venerable eye socket beat fiercely, loses one's voice to mutter. 远处的虚空之中,骨喇魔尊眼眶之中的魂火剧烈跳动了一下,失声喃喃道。 It somewhat unbelievable is staring at that blood-color sword, obviously has not expected to murder blood Demon Venerable and other blood group the Demon Venerable levels to exist to summon such to kill unexpectedly. 它有些难以置信的盯着那柄血色战刀,显然没有料到弑血魔尊等血族的魔尊级存在竟然可以召唤出此等杀器。 The blood divine blade, is the blood group divine tool, has the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity origin, has the indescribable unsurpassed invincible might. 血神刀,乃是血族神器,有着神秘莫测的来历,更拥有无法形容的无上神威。 If the true body of that divine tool appears, even if the demon gods of their bone spirit clan saw, must treat seriously. 那一件神器的真身若是出现,就算是它们骨灵族的魔神见了,都要严肃对待。 Even if unable to use the certain powerful divine tools of their bone spirit clan, perhaps the demon gods of bone spirit clan must suffer a loss in front of that divine tool, even the slightest misstep, but may also be cut to extinguish the god body of demon god. 甚至若是无法动用它们骨灵族的某些强大神器,骨灵族的魔神恐怕都要在那一件神器面前吃大亏,稍有不慎,还有可能被斩灭魔神的神躯。 This does not exaggerate, but has had truly. 这并非夸大其词,而是真正发生过的古史。 But such, feared that is many Dark Species clans has the record, not their bone spirit clans are in sole possession. 而这样的古史,怕是许多黑暗种族都有记载,并非它们骨灵族独有。 Major Dark Species races' attitudes to that divine tool, can be inferred! 各大黑暗种族对那一件神器的态度,可见一斑! Does not know that they can play what degree the might of blood divine blade?” “就是不知道它们能够将血神刀的威力发挥到何种程度?” In the bone La Demon Venerable heart deeply inspires, was been tranquil by oneself, gaze that coldly all these. 骨喇魔尊心中不由深吸了口气,让自己平静下来,冷冷的注视着这一切。 The present blood-color sword is not after all genuine Blood divine blade, The true body of that divine tool has not arrived, this eventually is only together the empty shadow, said that is imitates is not overrated. 眼前的血色战刀毕竟不是真正的【血神刀】,那一件神器的真身并未降临,这终究只是一道虚影而已,说是仿品都不为过。 If the present blood-color sword can have Blood divine blade A charm, was murders the blood Demon Venerable and other blood group Demon Venerable levels to be fierce. 眼前的血色战刀若是能够拥有【血神刀】的一丝神韵,都算是弑血魔尊等血族魔尊级厉害了。 Therefore, bone La Demon Venerable can return to quickly normal, is insufficient really by the scared out of one's wits. 因此,骨喇魔尊才能够这么快恢复平静,不至于真的被吓破胆。 If true Blood divine blade Arriving, it feared that is escapes cannot escape, merely is a wisp of invincible might that the opposite party sends out, destroys it sufficiently. 如果是真正的【血神刀】降临,它怕是逃都逃不掉,仅仅是对方散发出的一缕神威,都足以毁灭它。 Blood divine blade!” “血神刀!” Star meteor revering heard the bone La Demon Venerable words, the look congealed suddenly, he has not heard this divine tool, but can in the name of blood god, indicate the terrifying of this blood-color sword. 星陨尊者听到了骨喇魔尊的话语,眼神陡然一凝,他没有听闻过这件神器,但能以血神为名,足见这柄血色战刀的恐怖。 Bone La Demon Venerable sees his expression change, in the heart coldly smiles. 骨喇魔尊看到他的表情变化,心中不由冷冷一笑。 How hears can. 听到又能如何。 The blood group summoned the projection of that divine tool, the bright universe also can only resist hardly, simply did not have the other laws of decoding. 血族召唤出那一件神器的投影,光明宇宙也只能硬抗了,根本没有其他的破解之法。 On the contrary, it also hopes after the opposite party hears the name of this blood divine blade, can enough attach great importance, thus erupts the offensive of corresponding, for example that ten mechanical sphere. 相反,它还希望对方听到这血神刀的名字之后,能足够重视,从而爆发出相对应的攻势,比如那十颗机械圆球。 Regarding the might of that ten mechanical sphere, it also somewhat touches airtight, happen to makes the blood group go to a water. 对于那十颗机械圆球的威力,它也有些摸不透,正好让血族去趟趟水。 So their bone spirit clans can fish in troubled waters. 如此它们骨灵族方能浑水摸鱼。 Bone La Demon Venerable has not given up stealing the thought of family/home finally. 骨喇魔尊始终没有放弃最后偷家的念头。 This old silver coin has prepared to arrive careless finally. 这个老银币已经准备苟到最后。 What method is this?” star weapon king Taitou looks, serious incomparable, this method compares the beforehand 12 blood-color giant beasts to be fearful unexpectedly. “这是什么手段?”星械王抬头望去,面色凝重无比,这种手段竟然比之前的十二头血色巨兽还要可怕。 At this time, in the Wang Teng heart moved, hears the sound that the blood god clone, the vision contracts, in the heart talked to oneself: Blood divine blade, it seems like blood group this was must spell to go all-out to strike.” 这时,王腾心中一动,听到了血神分身的声音,目光收缩了一下,心中自语道:“血神刀么,看来血族这是要拼尽全力一击了。” Has not thought that the appearance of space-based ball, actually made blood group such attaching great importance. 没想到天基球的出现,竟然令血族如此的重视。 This thinks that can also save a while strength, finally the opposite party strikes the non- achievement to open the big move directly, being true is a little decisive. 本以为还能够积蓄一会儿力量,结果对方一击不成就直接开大招,属实有点果断。 Immediately his vision becomes astonished. 随即他的目光又变得惊异起来。 Blood divine blade! 血神刀! This divine tool he is also first hearing. 这件神器他也是第一次听到。 Before actually from murdering blood Demon Venerable there has heard Blood god punishment axe This divine tool, hearsay that is the divine tool that the blood god controls, now presents a divine tool. 之前倒是从弑血魔尊那里听说过【血神刑斧】这件神器,传闻那是血神操控的神器,如今又出现了一件神器。 Wang Teng somewhat is curious, the blood god in that legend strong? Can control such many divine tools unexpectedly. 王腾不禁有些好奇,那传说中的血神到底有多强?竟然可以掌控如此之多的神器。 The blood god chalice did not say that before murdering blood Demon Venerable , the blood god punishment axe that mentioned, with the blood divine blade that the present mentioned, without doubt was the extremely powerful almighty troops. 血神圣杯就不说了,弑血魔尊之前提到的血神刑斧,和如今提到的血神刀,无疑都是极为强大的神兵。 This point, from the axe and the prestige energy of present this blood divine blade projection blood cinders, can sneak a peek at 12. 这一点,从血烬之斧和如今这血神刀投影的威能,便可窥见一二了。 Blood group summon hemorrhage divine blade projection, does not know whether the space-based ball can block?” Looking rearward that ten mechanical sphere that Wang Teng somewhat worries about. “血族召唤出血神刀投影,不知道天基球是否挡得住?”王腾有些担忧的望向后方那十颗机械圆球。 The time that these ten space-based balls present was too short, the energy of savings will be perhaps insufficient. 这十颗天基球出现的时间太短了,积蓄的能量恐怕会不够。 He looked to the star weapon king, the complexion of opposite party let in his heart thump, didn't the mechanical clan seemingly have the too big assurance? 他不由望向了星械王,对方的脸色让他心中咯噔了一下,机械族貌似也没有太大的把握啊? Also right, that after all is the projection of blood divine blade, the aura that solely lends at this moment is fearful, who can guarantee can certainly the enemy opposite party. 也对,那毕竟是血神刀的投影,单单是此刻散发出的气息就已经非常可怕,谁能保证一定能敌的过对方。 Suddenly, in the Wang Teng heart was more dignified several points, can exceed the blood group 12 blood spirit bodies Looked that this struck. 一时间,王腾心中更加凝重了几分,能不能胜过血族的【十二血灵身】就看这一击了。 Although he has thought that wants pit opposite party, but the premise is actually the method of mechanical clan can block the opposite party a while. 尽管他早就想好要坑对方一把,但前提却是机械族的手段能够挡住对方一会儿。 If including one cannot block, even if he has the strong method, still displays nowhere. 若是连一下都挡不住,那他就算拥有再强的手段,也无处施展啊。 „, Said no matter how, first is ready.” “罢了,不管怎么说,先做好准备吧。” The Wang Teng vision flashes, does not go to think, immediately clone to have the contact with the blood god, preparation pit blood group ruthlessly. 王腾目光一闪,不去多想,立刻与血神分身取得了联系,准备狠狠的坑血族一把。 Wang Teng, leaves this region immediately.” 王腾,立刻离开这片区域。” In the meantime, in his ear suddenly resounded the voice of star weapon king. 就在此时,他的耳中突然响起了星械王的声音。 Un?” Wang Teng stares slightly, turns the head to look, actually sees the star weapon king to change to together the flowing light, rushes over toward that mechanical sphere. “嗯?”王腾微微一愣,不由转头看去,却见星械王已经化作一道流光,朝着那一颗颗机械圆球冲了过去。 He responded instantaneously, the mechanical clan must open the space-based ball thoroughly. 他瞬间就反应了过来,机械族要彻底开启天基球了。 Has not hesitated, Wang Teng is controlling god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle immediately, speeds away to go toward the distant place, leaves this region. 没有迟疑,王腾立刻驾驭着神机赤电雷鹰,朝着远处疾驰而去,离开这片区域。 This place is located in the space-based ball and between the blood god altars, stays here, quite must therefore withstand straight-line attack of both sides. 此地正好位于天基球和血神祭坛之间,停留在这里,相当于是要承受双方的直线攻击。 Just that attack, Wang Teng can also withstand. 刚刚那种攻击,王腾还能够承受。 Now both sides must open in a big way, even if gives him the big courage, he does not dare to continue to stay here, hurries to slide many goes far away, the least bit does not bring ambiguously. 如今双方要开大,就算给他再大的胆子,他也不敢继续停留在这里了,赶紧有多远溜多远去,半点不带含糊的。 The star weapon king does not have the time to pay attention to Wang Teng at this moment, he just received passes message of Zeus revering, immediately must join during the control of space-based ball. 星械王此刻已经没有时间理会王腾了,他刚刚收到了阿宙斯尊者的传音,立刻就要加入天基球的掌控之中。 The space-based ball needs immortal level revering of mechanical clan and several immortal levels exists controls together, can play the sufficient might. 天基球需要一位机械族的不朽级尊者和数位不朽级存在共同操控,才能够发挥出足够的威力。 Immortal level revering of mechanical clan is the essential condition, otherwise is unable to open the space-based ball. 一位机械族的不朽级尊者是必要条件,否则根本无法开启天基球。 But the immortal level of digital computer weapon clan exists, then relates to the might that the space-based ball can play. 而数位机械族的不朽级存在,则是关系到天基球所能发挥出的威力。 Theoretically, besides immortal level revering, altogether also needs nine immortal levels to exist, can play the pinnacle the space-based ball might. 理论上,除了不朽级尊者之外,总共还需要九位不朽级存在,方能将天基球的威力发挥到极致。 At this moment, the mechanical clan also feels the pressure obviously, must therefore transfer above this stretch of battlefield all immortal levels to exist to control the space-based ball together. 此刻,机械族显然也是感觉到了压力,所以才要调动这片战场之上所有的不朽级存在去一同掌控天基球。 The Wang Teng vision twinkle, looks to the back of star weapon king, looks to that ten space-based ball. 王腾目光闪烁,望向星械王的背影,同时也看向那十颗天基球。 If he did not remember incorrectly, in the original billows machine void fortress should continuing star weapon king mechanical clan exist, the tricks that initially he to discover the bone more than sixty years old got up to the billows machine void fortress, he will put in order the billows machine void fortress to examine, in this period discovered several mechanical clans existed. 如果他没有记错的话,原本的澜机虚空堡垒之内应该不止星械王这一尊机械族存在,当初他为了找出骨耆在澜机虚空堡垒之内做的手脚,他将整座澜机虚空堡垒都查看了一遍,期间发现了好几位机械族存在。 The strength that these mechanical clans have mostly reached the immortal level. 那些机械族存在的实力大多是达到了不朽级。 However just now above the battlefield, Wang Teng only saw 2-3 mechanical clans exist, had not seen that all mechanical clans in billows machine void fortress exist. 不过方才在战场之上,王腾只看到了2-3位机械族存在,并没有看到澜机虚空堡垒之内的所有机械族存在。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Suddenly, the void vibration, three streams light/only speed away to come from the distant place void, the goal space-based ball, they are the immortal level of mechanical clan exist impressively. 突然间,虚空震动,三道流光从远处虚空疾驰而来,目标正是天基球,他们赫然就是机械族的不朽级存在。 Obviously besides the star weapon king, these three mechanical clans existed also received the order at this time, must go to control the space-based ball. 显然除了星械王之外,这三位机械族存在此时亦是收到了命令,要前去掌控天基球。 This, making many Dark Species powerhouses recover. 这一幕,让不少黑暗种强者回过神来。 Blocks them.” “拦住他们。” During sonic boom drinks from transmits in all directions, reverberates to be void. 一声声爆喝从四面八方传来,回荡虚空之中。 Although these Dark Species powerhouses do not know that these mechanical clan immortal levels exist to make anything, but looks at this stance, knows that is inevitably related with that ten mechanical sphere. 这些黑暗种强者虽然不知道那些机械族不朽级存在要做什么,但是看这架势,就知道必然与那十颗机械圆球有关。 Therefore they naturally cannot look helplessly the immortal level of that three mechanical clan exists arrives at ten mechanical spheres smoothly in the position. 因此它们自然不能眼睁睁看着那三位机械族的不朽级存在顺利到达十颗机械圆球所在位置。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Three Dark Species Demon Venerable levels exist to act. 三位黑暗种魔尊级存在出手。 And a Demon Venerable level exists is the sheep's head demon clan, it grasps the sword, dark-red Source Power erupts from its within the body, just like the volcanic eruption is ordinary, the aura of burning hot fills the air. 其中一头魔尊级存在乃是羊头魔族,它手持战刀,暗红色的原力从它体内爆发,犹如火山喷发一般,炙热的气息弥漫而出。 Beside its body has magma Source Power to sweep across immediately, condenses together the dark-red blade glow above the sword. 它的身体之外顿时有着岩浆般的原力席卷,于战刀之上凝聚出一道暗红色的刀芒。 That magical skill hundred zhang (333 m) the long blade glow just like the genuine magma to condense, in the knife is flowing the liquid flame, changes to black and red rune/symbol writing, very strange. 那道数百丈之长的刀芒犹如真正的岩浆凝聚而成,刀身之中流动着液体般的火焰,化作一道道黑色与赤色符文,十分奇异。 The second Demon Venerable level exists is great demon clan Dark Species, the figure is extremely fat and big, the whole body is twining the black fog, a pair of big hand finds out from the black fog, is grasping a giant war hammer, pounds loudly. 第二头魔尊级存在乃是巨魔族黑暗种,身形臃肿而高大,浑身缠绕着黑雾,一双大手从黑雾中探出,握着一柄巨大的战锤,轰然砸出。 The black fog rolls, condenses a huge great demon clan empty shadow, in his hand is also grasping a giant and fierce war hammer, simultaneously pounds to fall under. 黑雾滚动,凝聚成一道巨大的巨魔族虚影,其手中同样握着一柄巨大而狰狞的战锤,同时砸落而下。 Black rune/symbol writing above fighting the hammer empty shadow, the interconnection, change to rune/symbol writing chains obviously, lends the dark evil aura. 一道道黑色符文在战锤虚影之上显化,相互连接,化作符文锁链,散发出黑暗邪恶的气息。 The third Demon Venerable level exists is the idle fog clan, its whole body packages in in Heiwu, that black fog is not the common mist, but is idle fog clan the fog of idle demon. 第三头魔尊级存在则是惰雾族,它浑身包裹于黑雾之中,那黑雾并非寻常的雾气,而是惰雾族的惰魔之雾。 Roar! 吼! Angrily roars from that black fog spreads. 一声怒吼从那黑雾中传出。 Immediately the fog of that rich idle demon tumbles suddenly fiercely, and toward spreads to open in all directions, a rich idle negligent meaning fills the air instantaneously. 随即那浓郁的惰魔之雾突然剧烈翻滚,并朝着四面八方扩散而开,一股浓郁至极的惰怠之意瞬间弥漫而出。 All around many bright universe Martial Artist in middle the move, on the face revealed the idle negligent meaning unknowingly, completely lost fought intent. 四周不少光明宇宙武者都在不知不觉当中中了招,脸上纷纷露出惰怠之意,完全失去了战意。 But this idle negligent meaning solely in view of bright universe Martial Artist, Dark Species of other Dark Species clans did not come under the influence, similarly did not have to fight intent. 但这种惰怠之意不单单是针对光明宇宙武者,就连其他黑暗种族的黑暗种也是受到了影响,同样没了战意。 This made bright universe Martial Artist have an opportunity of respite actually, at least will not be sneak attacked. 这倒是让光明宇宙武者获得了一丝喘息的机会,起码不会被偷袭。 This damn idle fog clan!” “这该死的惰雾族!” Distant place many Dark Species see this, cursed. 远处不少黑暗种看到这一幕,不由的咒骂起来。 But they also only dare to criticize at heart, actually does not dare saying that but the opposite party the Demon Venerable level exists, they can offend can it be that. 但它们也只敢在心里暗骂,却不敢说出口,对方可是魔尊级存在,岂是它们可以得罪的。 Roar! 吼! In the meantime, a huger angry roaring sound gets up. 就在此时,一声更加巨大的怒吼声响起。 The people turn the head to look, saw only the fog of that idle demon to condense unexpectedly, changed to a giant and numb face. 众人不禁转头看去,只见那惰魔之雾竟然凝聚了起来,化作一张巨大而麻木的面孔。 That face is very strange, above is the innumerable small faces gathers completely, but these faces similarly are wooden, was full of the numb meaning. 那张面孔十分诡异,上面完全是无数张微小的面孔聚拢而成,而这些面孔同样是毫无表情,充满了麻木之意。 Many people discovered, solely looks at that face, then cannot help but has the idle negligent meaning, is unable to practice moderation. 许多人发现,单单是看着那张面孔,便不由自主的心生惰怠之意,根本无法自持。 Only some willpower firm Martial Artist, can leave promptly, the complexion drastic change, put aside the vision, in order to avoid again by that drastic face effect. 唯有一些意志力坚定的武者,才能及时抽身而出,面色剧变,纷纷移开了目光,以免再次被那巨大的面孔影响。 „It is not good!” “不好!” At this moment, the immortal levels of these bright universes exist are also respond, flushes away toward that three Demon Venerable level Dark Species hastily. 此时此刻,那些光明宇宙的不朽级存在也是反应过来,连忙朝着那三头魔尊黑暗种冲去。 This moves, seriously is a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation. 这一动,当真是牵一发而动全身。 Other Dark Species Demon Venerable also erupt their offensive in abundance, welcomed existed to these bright universes immortal levels. 其他的黑暗种魔尊也纷纷爆发出自身的攻势,迎向了那些光明宇宙的不朽级存在。 The big tangled warfare breaks out again. 大混战再次爆发。 Only has star weapon king unmanned stop, because it is the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level exists, common Dark Species at all is not his opponent, naturally does not dare to come up to look for his unluckiness. 唯有星械王此刻无人阻拦,因为它是封王不朽级存在,寻常的黑暗种根本不是他的对手,自然也不敢上去找他的晦气。 Moreover the speed of conferring the title of prince upon immortal level is also quick, common Dark Species cannot catch up completely. 而且封王不朽级的速度也很快,寻常黑暗种完全赶不上。 Therefore, the star weapon king arrived very smoothly above a space-based ball, when he turn head looks, actually frowns. 因此,星械王一路都十分顺利的到达了其中一颗天基球之上,只是当他回头望去之时,却不由皱起了眉头。 The three immortal levels of their mechanical clan existed are blocked. 他们机械族的三位不朽级存在被拦住了。 Three Demon Venerable level Dark Species that just now first acts without doubt are in the low-rank Demon Venerable level quite powerful existence, the method is astonishing, wants to withdraw from their hands is not an easy matter. 方才最先出手的三位魔尊黑暗种无疑都是下位魔尊级中颇为强大的存在,手段惊人,想要从它们手中脱身并非易事。 Did not have the time.” “没时间了。” The star weapon king turns the head to look to that blood-color sword, the complexion is ugly, in heart urgent incomparable. 星械王又转头望向那柄血色战刀,面色难看,心中紧迫无比。 Saw that blood-color sword the thorough binding energy will soon finish, but them has not condensed the offensive, how can block the opposite party. 眼看那柄血色战刀即将彻底聚能完毕,而他们这边还未凝聚出攻势,如何能够挡得住对方。 Another side, star meteor revering also notices this urgent situation obviously, the complexion changed, in his heart the thought racing, he was constrained by bone La Demon Venerable at this moment, wants to help unable to achieve obviously, can only think its law in addition. 另一边,星陨尊者显然也是注意到了这种紧迫的情况,面色微变,他心中念头急转,此刻他被骨喇魔尊拖住,想要过去帮忙显然做不到,只能另想它法。 Suddenly, miraculous has delimited in his mind together. 突然,一道灵光在他脑海中划过。 Wang Teng!” 王腾!” Drinks greatly resounds suddenly, spreads to the Wang Teng mind directly. 一声大喝猛然响起,直接传入王腾的脑海之中。 I knew.” Wang Teng is helpless, actually also knows the time press, immediately sincere say/way: I make a move now, the opportunity only then one time, asking the senior to inform them.” “我知道了。”王腾无奈,却也知道时间紧迫,当即正色道:“我现在就出手,机会只有一次,请前辈告知他们。” In his heart dignified, does not dare to have neglects slightly, wants to block three Demon Venerable levels to exist simultaneously, this difficulty does not compare to block a mid-rank Demon Venerable level to have small many. 他心中凝重,不敢有丝毫怠慢,想要同时拦住三位魔尊级存在,这难度可丝毫不比拦住一个中位魔尊级存在小多少。 Star meteor revering thinks highly of him. 星陨尊者真是看得起他。 In the heart complains one, Wang Teng transfers within the body the strength of time immediately, swept across toward void in all. 心中吐槽了一句,王腾立刻调动体内的时间之力,尽数朝着虚空中席卷而出。 The strength of space also erupts. 空间之力也随之爆发。 The strength of sole time did not know enough, the strength of space also uses simply together. 单单时间之力不知道够不够,索性空间之力也一起用了。 Meanwhile, his spirit read the strength is to also sweep across, that space crack locales in void swept away, collected the space and time attribute air bubble. 与此同时,他的精神念力也是席卷而出,在虚空中那一道道空间裂缝所在处横扫而过,拾取空间和时间属性气泡。 Time * 300】 【时间】 Time * 200】 【时间】 Time * 500】 【时间】 ...... …… Space * 1200】 【空间】 Space * 1500】 【空间】 Space * 2000】 【空间】 ...... …… Time, Time With Space The attribute air bubble integrates in the Wang Teng body. 顿时间,一个个【时间】与【空间】属性气泡融入王腾身体之中。 His time completely targeted collection, therefore collects basically is these two attribute air bubbles. 他这次完全是有针对性的拾取,因此拾取到的基本都是这两种属性气泡。 Although other attribute air bubbles have, is actually not many, he does not have the thoughts to pay attention at this time. 其他属性气泡虽有,却是不多,他此时更无心思去关注。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, Wang Teng within the body shakes, a boundless unusual strength emerges baseless, circulation all the limbs and bones, making his body have the transformation and sublimation. 突然间,王腾体内一震,一股磅礴的奇特力量凭空涌现而出,流转四肢百骸,让他的身躯发生蜕变与升华。 The strength of time breaks through, third-order!!! 时间之力突破,三阶!!!
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