AAMD :: Volume #22

#2179: Also can a little face? I come again one time,

The expression of star weapon king seriously just like damn general. 星械王的表情当真犹如见鬼一般。 Solemn conferring the title of prince upon immortal level might as well Territory Lord Level peak Martial Artist, is beyond control he not to suspect own strength unexpectedly. 堂堂一个封王不朽级竟然还不如一个域主级巅峰武者,由不得他不怀疑自己的实力。 Although the Wang Teng beforehand performance had shown that he truly has strength that copes with the mid-rank Demon Venerable level. 尽管王腾之前的表现已经证明他确实拥有对付中位魔尊级的实力。 However star weapon king has not thought really Wang Teng so will be relaxed on solution that seven blood-color giant beasts, must be more than entire two heads him. 但是星械王着实没想到王腾会这么轻松就解决那七头血色巨兽,比他这边还要多了整整两头。 If there is not personally experienced the prestige energy of that seven blood-color giant beasts, he will even also suspect that they are unreal, but makes a feint, the true attack is him five blood-color giant beasts. 如果不是亲身感受过那七头血色巨兽的威能,他甚至也会怀疑一下它们是不是虚幻的,不过是虚晃一招,真正的攻击还是他这边的五头血色巨兽。 Too relaxed! 太轻松了! Wang Teng strikes to kill the process of that seven blood-color giant beasts, was too relaxed. 王腾击杀那七头血色巨兽的过程,实在太轻松了。 Makes person some unable to believe with ease. 轻松的让人有些不敢相信。 Strikes! 一击! Strikes merely, struck to kill seven blood-color giant beasts simultaneously. 仅仅是一击,就同时击杀了七头血色巨兽。 This who looked not above. 这谁看了不上头。 Must know that Altair and Vega weapon king conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, is unable easily to strike to kill that five blood-color giant beasts, this explained his strength is exaggerated. 要知道连星械王这个封王不朽级,都无法轻易击杀那五头血色巨兽,这岂不是说明他的实力有水份。 The strength that but in fact, the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level has without doubt is very powerful, this point is without a doubt, otherwise is not enough to confer the title of King upon. 可实际上,封王不朽级存在的实力无疑是非常强大的,这一点毋庸置疑,否则不足以封王。 This group of powerhouses, are in the middle of the immortal level King. 这一群强者,乃是不朽级当中的王者。 In this stretch of battlefield, the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level exists, or the mid-rank Demon Venerable level exists, are not many. 在这片战场之中,封王不朽级存在,或是中位魔尊级存在,都并不是很多。 star weapon king regard as. 星械王算一位。 Before controlled bone yong Demon Venerable of dragon of perishing bone similarly to be a mid-rank Demon Venerable level strength, was equivalent to the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level. 之前控制亡骨之龙的骨埇魔尊同样可以算是一个中位魔尊级战力,相当于封王不朽级。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable is also the mid-rank Demon Venerable level. 血兰魔尊也是中位魔尊级。 Originally bright universe here strength must weakly in Dark Species, therefore has been suppressed before, but bone yong Demon Venerable and blood orchid Demon Venerable were done by Wang Teng forcefully waste. 本来光明宇宙这边的战力要弱于黑暗种,所以之前一直被压制,但骨埇魔尊和血兰魔尊硬生生被王腾干废了。 Then caused the balance of war to have the incline. 这才导致战争的天平发生了倾斜。 Generally speaking, like the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, the mid-rank Demon Venerable level the strong strength, above the battlefield, every action and every movement will be enlarged infinitely, they decide however are staked by the coordinated powerhouse, is unable easily to withdraw. 一般来说,像封王不朽级,中位魔尊级这样的强大战力,在战场之上,一举一动都会被无限放大,他们定然会被对等的强者盯死,无法轻易脱身。 The blood group condenses 12 blood-color giant beasts simultaneously, then to use nearly half of strengths diverts star weapon king conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, the surplus strengths can pose the threat to that ten mechanical sphere. 血族之所以同时凝聚十二头血色巨兽,便是为了用近乎一半的力量来牵制星械王这个封王不朽级,剩余的力量则可以对那十颗机械圆球造成威胁。 Otherwise the blood group Demon Venerable level exists will not do that after all this must consume the blood of massive source. 要不然血族的魔尊级存在根本不会这么做,毕竟这也是要消耗大量本源之血的。 Now consumes the blood of such many source, definitely will affect 12 blood spirit bodies True might. 现在就消耗如此之多的本源之血,必然会影响【十二血灵身】真正的威力。 Thus it can be seen that ten space-based ball truly is to make the blood group Demon Venerable level exist to feel that the threat, did not hesitate to pay so the price to destroy the space-based ball. 由此可见那十颗天基球确实是让血族魔尊级存在感觉到了威胁,不惜付出如此代价来摧毁天基球。 At this moment as that seven blood-color giant beasts were destroyed, the blood group Demon Venerable level above blood god altar had the expression on face is also in abundance stiff, in the eye revealed an astonished meaning. 此刻随着那七头血色巨兽被摧毁,血神祭坛之上的血族魔尊级存在脸上的表情也是纷纷僵硬了下来,眼中露出一丝惊愕之意。 12 blood spirit bodies 12 blood-color giant beast might that condenses how, no one compares them to be clearer, each exists to contend with the ordinary conferring nobility upon immortal level sufficiently. 【十二血灵身】凝聚出的十二头血色巨兽威力如何,没人比它们更清楚,每一头都足以与普通的封侯不朽级存在抗衡。 Now strikes unexpectedly is destroyed. 如今竟然一击就被摧毁了。 Moreover is seven blood-color giant beasts is destroyed simultaneously. 而且还是七头血色巨兽同时被摧毁。 This exceeded their imagination simply. 这简直超出了它们的想象。 Murders the vision that the blood Demon Venerable and other Demon Venerable levels have to fall on the body of Wang Teng immediately, in the eye has rich killing aiming at surging immediately. 弑血魔尊魔尊级存在的目光顿时落在王腾的身上,眼中顿时有着浓郁的杀意在涌动。 Also is he! 又是他! Also is this bright universe Heaven's Chosen! 又是这个光明宇宙天骄! This thinks that these 12 blood-color giant beasts are powerful enough to destroy that ten mechanical sphere, has not thought that this boy killed from the halfway. 本以为这十二头血色巨兽足以摧毁那十颗机械圆球,没想到这小子又从半路杀了出来。 Source Power of this fellow lacks self-confidence? 这家伙的原力没有底的吗? To be honest, they had not just considered this bright universe Heaven's Chosen completely. 说实话,它们刚刚完全没有将这光明宇宙天骄考虑在内。 Who can think, after the beforehand fight, the opposite party actually can also make the monster. 谁能想到,经过之前的一场场战斗,对方竟然还能够作妖。 This special on as odd as family/home. 这特么就离谱到家了。 The family members, really cannot think. 家人们,真的想不到啊。 This bright universe Heaven's Chosen seriously is different kind. 这个光明宇宙天骄当真是一个实打实的异类。 He is only the Territory Lord Level peak boundary, from the beginning many people have not placed conferring the title of prince upon immortal level level his strength, to afterward, no one wants to obtain him to erupt this immortal level strength unceasingly, will not naturally stake him specially. 他只是域主级巅峰境界,一开始很多人都没有将他的战力放在封王不朽级这个层次,就是到了后来,也没有人想得到他能够不断的爆发出这种不朽级战力,自然也不会特意去盯死他。 Naturally, generally is the Wang Teng direct resentment finds fault, others have not walked, his oneself looked. 当然,一般都是王腾直接怼上去找茬,人家还没找上门,他就自己找上去了。 In the situation, Dark Species naturally also has no alternative. 如此情况下,黑暗种自然也是无可奈何。 Therefore Wang Teng can in this stretch of battlefield has enormously degree of freedom! 所以王腾才能够在这片战场之中拥有极大的“自由度”! This type degree of freedom can let him at crucial moments making a move time and time again, plays the unexpected role. 这种“自由度”能够让他在关键时刻一次又一次的出手,起到意想不到的作用。 Damn, on the boy definitely has what secret, otherwise only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, how can erupt so the strength time and time again.” Murders the blood Demon Venerable complexion is somewhat is finally ugly, coldly said. “该死,那小子身上肯定有什么秘密,不然区区一个域主级武者,如何能够一次又一次的爆发出如此战力。”弑血魔尊的面色终于是有些难看起来,冷冷道。 A little is not truly right.” Blood orchid Demon Venerable has profound understanding has suffered a loss on Wang Teng after all, the feeling is quite deep. “确实有点不对劲。”血兰魔尊对此深有体会毕竟在王腾手上吃过亏,感受颇深呐。 Snort, but is only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, even the evildoer/monstrous talent, still decide again however have the limit.” Blood remnant Demon Venerable refuses to accept very much, immediately cold snort/hum. “哼,不过是区区一个域主级武者,就算再妖孽,也定然有极限。”血残魔尊很是不服,当即冷哼了一声。 Good, although this bright universe Heaven's Chosen is uncommon, but blood of my blood group does not lose his many, before the main body hears, they had once fought, both sides have not decided the victory and defeat.” Blood shadow Demon Venerable light say/way. “不错,这光明宇宙天骄虽然不凡,但我血族的血子也不输他多少,本尊听闻之前他们就曾经交过手,双方并未分出胜负。”血影魔尊淡淡道。 Hehe, my blood group blood child naturally is uncommon.” Blood tooth Demon Venerable of that Xi too clan said with a smile. “嘿嘿,我血族血子自然是不凡。”那位羲太族的血牙魔尊笑道。 This consoling oneself law is very obviously useful. 这种自我安慰法显然很有用。 Suddenly, the blood group Demon Venerable level on the scene had on the face to restore lightly. 一时间,在场的血族魔尊级存在脸上都是恢复了平淡。 Just like blood shadow Demon Venerable said that that bright universe Heaven's Chosen was no doubt good, but they had blood, will not lose in opposite party many. 正如血影魔尊所言,那光明宇宙天骄固然不俗,但它们有血子,也不会输于对方多少。 „......” Blood god clone to be a little speechless, unexpectedly and main body compares with him, thus seeks to console oneself, the Demon Venerable levels of these blood groups exist to be really good. “……”血神分身有点无语,居然拿他和本尊进行比较,从而寻求自我安慰,这些血族的魔尊级存在可真行啊。 Also can want the face? 还能要点脸吗? Another side, ram Yu and other immortal levels exist to stare the big eye, feeling head some are insufficient. 另一边,公羊裕等不朽级存在瞪大眼睛,感觉脑袋都有些不够用了。 They strike full power, could not do to that 12 blood-color giant beasts, Wang Teng strikes handled, wasn't this matter real? 他们全力一击,都奈何不了那十二头血色巨兽,王腾一击就搞定了,这事怎么就那么不真实呢? Wang Teng, how do you achieve?” star weapon king responded finally, could not bear send greetings asks. 王腾,你怎么做到的?”星械王终于反应过来,忍不住传音问道。 Small gift, I come again one time, the senior saw clearly.” “小意思,我再来一次,前辈看清楚了。” In the Wang Teng heart, the big hand wields, three types of the world different fires the sea of fire changed the direction immediately, takes away as many things as possible toward that remaining five blood-color giant beasts directly. 王腾心中嘿嘿,大手一挥,三种天地异火所化的火海顿时改变了方向,直接朝着那剩下的五头血色巨兽席卷而去。 That five blood-color giant beasts were blocked by the attack of star weapon king, this moment three types of the world different fires sweep across to come, avoids radically without enough time, was submerged by the flame directly. 那五头血色巨兽本就被星械王的攻击拦住,此刻三种天地异火席卷而来,根本来不及躲开,直接就被火焰淹没。 !!...... 咻!咻!咻…… Bright long-barrelled guns also condense, under the control of Wang Teng, explodes toward five blood-color giant beasts shoots to go. 一道道光明长枪随之凝聚而出,在王腾的控制下,朝着五头血色巨兽爆射而去。 In star weapon king eye reveals unusual look, he naturally noticed that bright long spear/gun, secretly thought/passage is it possible that this was Wang Teng strikes to destroy the keys of seven blood-color giant beasts to be. 星械王眼中露出一丝异色,他自然注意到了那光明长枪,暗道莫非这就是王腾一击摧毁七头血色巨兽的关键所在。 However now that blood group Dark Species has the protection early, the similar method feared that is not easy to succeed. 但是如今那血族黑暗种早有防备,同样的手段怕是没有那么容易成功。 Regarding this star weapon king is not optimistic. 对此星械王并没有那么乐观。 Wang Teng this fellow was too seemingly self-confident. 王腾这家伙貌似太自信了。 Originally is that bright long spear/gun attack!” “原来是那光明长枪攻击!” Murdered blood Demon Venerable indeed in paying attention to here situation, in the heart has prepared, at this moment saw that bright long spear/gun appeared, immediately the vision flashed. 弑血魔尊的确一直在关注这边的情形,心中早就有所准备,此刻看到那光明长枪出现,顿时目光一闪。 Blocks it!” “将其挡住!” Drinks from its coldly spreads. 一声冷喝从其口中传出。 Finishes speaking, five Demon Venerable levels exist also begin, immediately controlled that five blood-color giant beasts to react. 话音刚落,五位魔尊级存在同时动手,当即控制那五头血色巨兽做出了反应。 Roar! Roar! Áng...... 吼!吼!昂…… The time, one angrily roars the sound of roaring to erupt intermittently immediately. 顿时间,一阵阵怒吼咆哮之声立刻爆发而出。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… In that five blood-color giant beast mouths has the radiant blood light to condense instantaneously, then the eruption, changes to giant blood-color lances loudly unexpectedly, moves forward to meet somebody toward the bright long spear/gun that the opposite comes, must its one strike to destroy. 那五头血色巨兽口中瞬间有着璀璨的血光凝聚,而后轰然爆发,竟是化作一道道巨大的血色长矛,朝着对面而来的光明长枪迎了上去,要将其一击摧毁。 Obviously, these Demon Venerable levels exist do not want to hit the face again, acts is suddenly/violently to strike. 很显然,这些魔尊级存在并不想再次被打脸,一出手便是暴击。 The star weapon king vision concentrates. 星械王目光微凝。 Really! 果然! Wang Teng was too self-confident, from the beginning should not despise the Demon Venerable level to exist. 王腾太自信了,一开始就不该轻视魔尊级存在。 Their methods cannot belittle absolutely. 它们的手段绝对不能小觑。 Before that blood group Demon Venerable level existed possibly despised to them, thought that these 12 blood-color giant beasts appeared, inevitably was unstoppable, but ate to owe one time, how they possibly did not draw the lesson. 之前那血族魔尊级存在可能对他们有所轻视,觉得这十二头血色巨兽横空出世,必然是无可阻挡的,但吃过一次亏,它们又怎么可能不吸取教训。 „!” “呵!” In the meantime, a chuckle actually spreads from the Wang Teng mouth. 就在此时,一声轻笑却是从王腾口中传出。 star weapon Wang Weiwei stares, looks toward Wang Teng, actually sees on the face and does not have any flurried color of opposite party, even the corners of the mouth also exuded a curve. 星械王微微一愣,不由朝着王腾看去,却见对方的脸上并没有任何慌乱之色,甚至嘴角还泛起了一丝弧度。 This boy...... 这小子…… He turns the head to look immediately to attack of both sides. 他立刻转头望向双方的攻击。 Sees only the front of that bright long spear/gun, the space fluctuates suddenly, must vanish with the bright long spear/gun that blood-color lance collides immediately on the spot. 只见那光明长枪的前方,空间骤然波动起来,原本要与那血色长矛碰撞的光明长枪顿时消失在原地。 Space method!” star weapon king Zhongyu remembered anything, in the eye erupts none. “空间手段!”星械王终于想起了什么,眼中爆发出精光。 Damn!” “该死!” Murdered the blood Demon Venerable complexion gloomy like the water, the muscle on face twitched ruthlessly, it was not does not know that Wang Teng had the strength of space, but this method is unable to decode, can only bump hardly, without other better way. 弑血魔尊面色阴沉如水,脸上的肌肉狠狠抽搐了一下,它不是不知道王腾拥有空间之力,只是这种手段根本无法破解,只能硬碰,没有其他更好的办法。 Use space imprisons!” “使用空间禁锢!” It has not hesitated, immediately makes that five blood group Demon Venerable levels have the use space imprisonment. 它没有迟疑,立刻让那五位血族魔尊级存在动用空间禁锢。 Bang! 轰! That five blood group Demon Venerable levels exist erupt their strength immediately, imprisons that void thoroughly. 那五位血族魔尊级存在当即爆发自身的力量,彻底禁锢那一片虚空。 Meanwhile, the bright long spear/gun that Wang Teng displays appears from the space, the thorn to the body of that five blood-color giant beasts, will actually be imprisoned suddenly, stagnated forcefully before the bodies of five blood-color giant beasts. 与此同时,王腾所施展的光明长枪从空间之中出现,正要刺向那五头血色巨兽的身躯,却陡然被禁锢,硬生生凝滞在了五头血色巨兽的身前。 Wang Teng coldly smiles, the strength of space erupts, in addition holds above that bright long spear/gun. 王腾冷冷一笑,空间之力爆发,加持于那一道道光明长枪之上。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… One is unable to withstand the load intermittently the sound spreads, around that bright long spear/gun void presented fissures immediately, just like the spider web toward to split in all directions. 一阵阵不堪重负般的声音传出,那光明长枪四周的虚空顿时出现了一道道裂痕,犹如蜘蛛网般朝着四面八方裂开。 That Demon Venerable levels have immediately the complexion change, Wang Teng the strength of space unexpectedly is never so expected that powerful, even their space imprisonments can break open. 那一位位魔尊级存在顿时面色一变,没想到王腾的空间之力竟然如此强大,连它们的空间禁锢都能够破开。 What evildoer/monstrous talent is this?! 这到底是什么妖孽?! Bang! Bang! Bang...... 嘭!嘭!嘭…… The next quarter, crash to resound, that bright long spear/gun all around space instantaneous breakage opens. 下一刻,一道道碎裂声响起,那光明长枪四周的空间瞬间破裂而开。 The bright long spear/gun explodes to shoot immediately, the speed does not reduce, castrates pillages to go toward that five blood-color giant beasts that does not reduce. 光明长枪顿时爆射而出,速度丝毫不减,去势不减的朝着那五头血色巨兽暴掠而去。 Distance of both sides is not far, now after these bright long-barrelled guns break open the space imprisonment of opposite party, simply to the opposite party the response time, had not then pricked that five blood-color giant beast within the body directly. 双方的距离本就已经不远,如今这些光明长枪破开对方的空间禁锢之后,根本没给对方反应的时间,径直便刺入了那五头血色巨兽体内。 Roar! Roar! Áng...... 吼!吼!昂…… That five blood-color giant beasts erupt to angrily roar immediately, what a pity all were late, the bright long spear/gun pricks the instance of their within the body, then the bang broke to pieces their blood nuclear. 那五头血色巨兽顿时爆发出怒吼,可惜一切都迟了,光明长枪刺入它们体内的瞬间,便轰碎了它们的血核。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… In an instant, the dazzling blood light of riot erupts from five blood-color giant beast within the body, the bellow also resounds. 刹那间,暴乱的刺目血光从五头血色巨兽体内爆发而出,轰鸣声也随之响起。 These five blood-color giant beasts the step the footsteps of front seven blood-color giant beasts, the direct explosion opened immediately. 这五头血色巨兽顿时步了前面七头血色巨兽的后尘,直接爆炸而开。 The Source Power complementary waves sweep away the four directions, massive blood splashes, by world different fire burning down completely, had not actually left out slightly. 原力余波横扫四方,大量的血液飞溅而出,却被天地异火焚烧殆尽,丝毫都没有漏掉。 The crushing blood nuclear, the bang explodes the blood-color giant beast, burns down the blood...... to form a coherent whole! 击碎血核,轰爆血色巨兽,焚烧血液……一气呵成! Principal is the start-to-finish service. 主打的就是一条龙服务。 People complexion delay. 众人面色呆滞。 Success! 成功了! Also strikes to kill!!! 又是一击必杀!!! Actually can also strike to for the second time kill, this was not lucky, but was the true strength performance. 第二次竟然还能够一击必杀,这就不是侥幸了,而是真正的实力表现。 Everyone looked to Wang Teng, in the eye revealed an admiration, this fellow really strong, least bit not ambiguous. 所有人望向了王腾,眼中不由露出一丝钦佩,这家伙强是真的强啊,半点没有含糊的。 Ram Yu and other immortal levels exist to open mouth, somewhat is speechless, have mixed feelings arrived at the extreme. 公羊裕等不朽级存在张了张嘴,不禁有些无言,心情复杂到了极点。 They and Wang Teng, how appear them very weakly to be probably same. 他们与王腾比起来,怎么显得他们好像很弱一样。 At this moment, is not only the star weapon king has this absurd feeling, these immortal levels exist have discouraged, felt oneself complete was inferior. 此时此刻,不仅仅是星械王有此荒唐的感觉,这些不朽级存在亦是心生气馁,感觉自己完完全全的被比了下去。 Another side, star weapon king looks again to Wang Teng, the astonished color in eye is richer. 另一边,星械王再次看向王腾,眼中的惊异之色更加浓郁。 This fellow as if knows that the weakness of that blood-color giant beast is , can therefore strike the sure-kill. 这家伙似乎知道那血色巨兽的弱点所在,所以才能一击绝杀。 He is the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, and has the special eye pupil class ability, the eyesight nature non- common immortal level exists to compare, from the beginning has not paid attention, now careful observation, discovered some clue. 他是封王不朽级,且拥有特殊的眼瞳类能力,眼力自然非寻常不朽级存在可比,一开始还没注意,如今仔细观察,还是发现了一些端倪。 The position that Wang Teng just now hits, the energy core of that five blood-color giant beasts is at impressively. 王腾方才所击中的位置,赫然正是那五头血色巨兽的能量核心所在。 Therefore Wang Teng after hitting five blood-color giant beasts, can make it erupt so terrifying fluctuation of energy, even made him even revolt cannot achieve, disintegrated on the explosion directly. 所以王腾在击中五头血色巨兽之后,才能够令其爆发出如此恐怖的能量波动,甚至令其连反抗都做不到,直接就爆炸瓦解了。 But a little he has doubts, how this fellow knows blood-color giant beast within the body has the core, and discovered that core is at? 但有一点他非常疑惑,这家伙是怎么知道血色巨兽体内拥有核心,并且发现那核心所在的? Does Wang Teng same have some eye pupil class ability with him? 难道王腾和他一样拥有某种眼瞳类能力? It is estimated that yes. 估计是了。 In star weapon king heart moves, suddenly thought of anything. 星械王心中一动,突然想到了什么。 Before Wang Teng, can find the relations of three blood orchids, has with his similar ability. 王腾之前能够找到三朵血兰花的联系,想必也是拥有和他类似的能力。 But ability he of opposite party is not possibly powerful. 只不过对方的能力可能并没有他强大。 Thinks of here, star weapon king Bujin smiled bitterly. 想到这里,星械王不禁苦笑了一下。 Ability he of opposite party is not powerful, can actually discover the potential relations of three blood orchids, now found the core of blood-color giant beast to be. 对方的能力没有他强大,却能够发现三朵血兰花的潜在联系,如今又找到了血色巨兽的核心所在。 This observation capability, making him somewhat blush with shame. 这种观察能力,让他有些汗颜。 Wang Teng this fellow can achieve such high achievement in so the age, really has the common person unable and merit. 王腾这家伙能够在这般年纪取得如此之高的成就,果然有着寻常人无法匹及的优点。 Now his performance to Wang Teng, only then three characters can appraise- does well! 如今他对王腾的表现,只有三个字能够评价-干得好! Scoundrel!” “混账!” Murders blood Demon Venerable to look at that five blood-color giant beasts to change to the ashes from afar, in the heart the anger almost must spew out, it is staring at Wang Teng stubbornly, wishes one could to tear into shreds his whole person. 弑血魔尊远远望着那五头血色巨兽化作灰烬,心中怒火几乎要喷涌而出,它死死盯着王腾,恨不得将其整个人撕碎。 In the iron weapon fort defense line is this! 在铁械堡防线是这样! The present to the billows machine void fortress is this! 如今到澜机虚空堡垒又是这样! This boy goes bad his good deed repeatedly, is haunted by the ghost simply, cannot pass with it intentionally. 这小子屡次坏他好事,简直就是阴魂不散,故意跟它过不去啊。 Murders the blood, with that move.” The blood orchid Demon Venerable dignified sound conveys. “弑血,用那招吧。”血兰魔尊凝重的声音传来。 That move can only use one time.” Blood shadow Demon Venerable said. “那招只能用一次。”血影魔尊道。 Opportunity only then one time, if made that ten mechanical sphere thermal energy storages finish, our 12 blood spirit bodies Feared that also summoned white/in vain, when the time comes displays that move again, is mutually wounded with the opposite party.” Blood orchid Demon Venerable said solemnly. “机会就只有一次,若是让那十颗机械圆球蓄能完毕,我们的【十二血灵身】怕是也白召唤了,到时候再施展那招,也不过是与对方两败俱伤而已。”血兰魔尊沉声道 12 blood group Demon Venerable levels exist are silent immediately, who can think that summoned 12 blood spirit bodies Later, they will also be compelled so the degree. 十二头血族魔尊级存在顿时默然,谁能想到召唤出【十二血灵身】之后,它们还会被逼到如此程度。 Cannot wait again.” The blood orchid Demon Venerable urging said. “不能再等了。”血兰魔尊催促道。 Good!” “好!” Murders in the blood Demon Venerable eye the blood light sparkle, cold sound said: „, The success or failure depends on this.” 弑血魔尊眼中血光闪耀,冷声道:“诸位,成败在此一举。” Wrecks that ten mechanical sphere, the victory then in our blood group, bright universe Martial Artist above this piece of battlefield is I and other blood food.” “击毁那十颗机械圆球,胜利便在我们血族,这片战场之上的光明宇宙武者便都是我等血食。” This is our only opportunities.” “这是我们唯一的机会。” Kills!” “杀!” Its words, change to sonic boom to drink finally. 它的话语,最终化作一声爆喝。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Finishes speaking, 12 Demon Venerable levels existed to move simultaneously, the hand within seal secret art changed, was complex and mysterious, simultaneously their whole body all erupts the dazzling blood light, integrated 12 blood-color giant within the body. 话音刚落,十二位魔尊级存在同时动了起来,手中印诀变化,复杂而玄奥,同时它们浑身皆是爆发出耀眼的血光,融入十二尊血色巨人体内。 That 12 blood-color giant empty shades also move, giant both hands all are in blood fog leave to pinch the seal secret art fast, all around blood fog city therefore tumbled fiercely. 那十二尊血色巨人虚影也随之而动,巨大的双手皆是于血雾出快速掐动印诀,四周的血雾都因此而剧烈翻滚了起来。 The bystanders can only notice that remnant shades flash in the blood fog. 外人只能看到一道道残影在血雾中闪动。 The next quarter, 12 light beams shoot up to the sky, in the center fusion, changed to a huge incomparable blood red sword unexpectedly gradually. 下一刻,十二道光柱冲天而起,竟是于中心处融合,渐渐化作了一柄巨大无比的血红色战刀。
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