AAMD :: Volume #22

#2178: 12 blood-color giant beasts! Weakness! It not

The star weapon king is quite truly proud about the space-based ball, this is the mechanical clan rare powerful divine creative force, is the crystallization of mechanical clan wisdom. 星械王确实对天基球极为自傲,这是机械族少有的强大造物,是机械族智慧的结晶。 Even in the entire mechanical clan, the space-based ball is still very precious rare war weapon, does not lose the god level weapons in these legends. 就算是在整个机械族当中,天基球也是非常珍贵罕见的战争兵器,不输于那些传说中的神级兵器。 If not this time blood group Dark Species used powerful that 12 blood spirit bodies, The mechanical clan will not easily use base ball of this day. 这一次若非血族黑暗种动用了那强大的【十二血灵身】,机械族也不会轻易动用这天基球。 After all uses base ball of this day, the mechanical clan must pay the huge price, easily cannot use. 毕竟动用这天基球,机械族也要付出巨大的代价,绝非轻易就能使用的。 Moreover this type of card in a hand, naturally must be used to cope with more powerful Dark Species. 而且此种底牌,自然要用来对付更加强大的黑暗种 Under, could play the unexpected effect unexpectedly. 出其不意之下,也许能够起到意想不到的效果。 However now says that these were also somewhat unnecessary, since has used, thinks again other are useless, now what is most important was must display the space-based ball the prestige energy, making it bloom to be its dazzling ray in this stretch of battlefield. 不过现在说这些也是有些多余了,既然已经使用,再想其他已是无用,如今最重要的还是要发挥出天基球的威能,让其在这片战场之中绽放出属于它的耀眼光芒。 Holds to put on the Dark Species fart fart with this peerless sharp blade, enlarges ones vision to them. 用这把绝世的利刃捅穿黑暗种的屁屁,给它们开开眼。 Regarding this, the star weapon king has the greatest self-confidence. 对此,星械王有着莫大的自信。 Only those who make him somewhat regrettable is, this Wang Teng expression is a little not really right. 唯一让他有些遗憾的是,这王腾的表情实在有点不对劲。 His the conferring the title of prince upon immortal levels exist, felt short of several points of pleasure, obviously, his wicked interest has not been fully satisfied very much. 以至于他这等封王不朽级存在,都感觉少了几分乐趣,很显然,他的恶趣味并没有得到充分的满足。 Before, Wang Teng method repeatedly shocking to him, therefore he wanted to show the wrist/skill of mechanical clan before the opposite party, thus redeemed a reputation. 之前,王腾的手段一再惊艳到他,所以他才想要在对方面前展现展现机械族的手腕,从而找回一点面子。 But as if is not very finally good. 可结果似乎并不是很好。 In star weapon king heart has a depressed feeling. 星械王心中不禁有种郁闷的感觉。 The brain of this boy does not know how to be long? 这小子的脑子也不知道是怎么长的? Meanwhile, above another side blood god altar, that leader blood group Demon Venerable level exists is the vision concentrates, is staring at that ten mechanical sphere stubbornly, dark felt a threat. 与此同时,另一边的血神祭坛之上,那一头头血族魔尊级存在皆是目光微凝,死死盯着那十颗机械圆球,冥冥中感觉到了一丝威胁。 Although just melted to be able obviously, but they are what kind of eyesight, naturally can see these ten mechanical spheres the uncommonness. 虽然刚刚只是显化出了一丝威能,但它们是何等眼力,自然可以看出这十颗机械圆球的不凡。 Snort!” “哼!” Cold snort/hum from murdering the blood Demon Venerable mouth spreads, only listens to coldly said: These ten mechanical spheres also in savings energy, so long as blocks it, then cannot play many might.” 一声冷哼从弑血魔尊口中传出,只听它冷冷道:“这十颗机械圆球还在积蓄能量,只要将其阻断,便发挥不出多少威力。” Good, has not saved while its energy, fights a battle to force a quick decision, destroys it!” The blood orchid Demon Venerable indifferent sound also resounds. “不错,趁其能量还未积蓄完毕,速战速决,将其摧毁!”血兰魔尊冷漠的声音也随之响起。 Before it is been ruthless enough, does not want to be suppressed again, they that these bright universe Martial Artist suppressed must by the crushing -type strength steamroll opposite party, be so able to release hate of its heart. 之前它已经被这些光明宇宙武者压制的够狠了,不想再被压制,它们必须以压倒式的力量碾压对方,如此方能一泄它心头之恨。 Other Demon Venerable levels have hears word, has not said a word, but nods slightly. 其他魔尊级存在闻言,没有丝毫言语,只是微微颔首。 The time, that 12 blood-color giant empty shadow vision flashed again the dazzling scarlet ray, they overlooked this void, ignored all. 顿时间,那十二尊血色巨人虚影的目光再次闪动起了刺目的猩红色光芒,祂们俯瞰这片虚空,漠视一切。 Even facing that ten mechanical sphere, this look has not changed. 即便是面对那十颗机械圆球,这种眼神也没有丝毫变化。 This is the will of spirit of blood ancestor! 这是血祖之灵的意志! Bang! 轰! The next quarter, that 12 blood-color giant empty shades moved loudly, the hand within seal secret art fluctuates, the whole body sends out the strength of endless bloody darkness. 下一刻,那十二尊血色巨人虚影轰然动了起来,手中印诀变幻,浑身散发出无尽的血腥黑暗之力。 The vast bloodshed vibrates, in the dreadful blood wave is to condense a leader huge blood of unexpectedly is the life. 浩瀚血海震动,滔天的血浪之中竟是凝聚出一头头庞大的血系生灵。 A giant blood wolf leaps, the speed like the lightning, changes to the blood-color flowing light quickly, charges into a mechanical sphere. 一头巨大的血狼一跃而出,速度快如闪电,化作血色流光,冲向其中一颗机械圆球。 A blood-color bat crosses the bloodshed, is vertically and horizontally void, the both wings obstruct the day, under the instigation, the strong winds howl, spanned void of big piece instantaneously. 一只血色蝙蝠跨越血海,纵横虚空,双翅遮天,煽动之下,狂风呼啸,瞬间跨越了大片的虚空。 A python curtus jumps out from the bloodshed, such as this mortal world python, the huge body camouflage big piece is void, howls. 一头血蟒从血海之中窜出,如尘世巨蟒,庞大的身躯遮蔽大片虚空,呼啸而出。 ...... …… In vision that the people shock, a leader huge giant beast of crosses from void , the formed shadow numerous bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species will cover. 在众人震撼的目光中,一头头庞大的巨兽自虚空中横穿而过,形成的阴影将众多光明宇宙武者黑暗种笼罩。 Similarly also covered in their heart! 同样也笼罩在了他们的心头! So giant blood-color giant beast, just like a starry sky giant beast of leader seriously, but that sending out terrifying aura similarly not under starry sky giant beast. 如此巨大的血色巨兽,当真犹如一头头的星空巨兽,那散发而出的恐怖气息同样是丝毫不下于星空巨兽。 Even World Lord Level Martial Artist and high-rank Demon Venerable level Dark Species, feels frightened at this moment, in the eye reveals alarmed and afraid. 界主级武者和上位魔尊黑暗种,此刻都感到惊悚,眼中露出惊惧。 But the immortal levels of these bright universes exist, and Demon Venerable levels of other Dark Species clans exist, is the vision vibrates, obviously has not thought that the blood group can actually erupt the so fearful attack. 而那些光明宇宙的不朽级存在,以及其他黑暗种族的魔尊级存在,亦是目光震动,显然没有想到血族竟然能够爆发出如此可怕的攻击。 12 blood-color giant empty shades altogether summoned 12 blood-color giant beasts, what kind of fearfulness! What kind domineering! 十二尊血色巨人虚影总共召唤出了十二头血色巨兽,何等的可怕!何等的强势! The build of these 12 blood-color giant beasts are the life must too be greatly more than beforehand these blood are too more , the two simply do not have the comparability. 这十二头血色巨兽的体型比之前那些血系生灵要大太多太多,二者根本没有可比性。 Such attack, poses the threat to that ten mechanical sphere sufficiently. 这样的攻击,对那十颗机械圆球足以造成威胁。 The complexion of star weapon king changed. 星械王的面色变了。 The energy of space-based ball has not saved, the blood group uses the so powerful method now, even he is quite self-confident about the space-based ball, does not dare saying that certainly can block. 天基球的能量还未积蓄完毕,血族现在就施展出如此强大的手段,就算是他对天基球极为自信,也不敢说一定能够挡得住。 Hateful, this blood group did not speak Wu De simply. 可恶,这血族简直不讲武德。 Senior, the space-based ball is so powerful, should be able to block?” Wang Teng had not known about the situation of space-based ball very much, but thinks of that Yuan magnetic god great strength of light/only, said. “前辈,天基球如此强大,应该挡得住吧?”王腾对天基球的情况还不是很了解,但是一想到那元磁神光的强大,还是如此说道。 „......” Star weapon king had nothing to say in reply immediately. “呃……”星械王顿时无言以对。 This boy should not be intentional? 这小子该不会是故意的吧? He shot a look at Wang Teng one, seeing the opposite party expression is very earnest, as if really thinks that the space-based ball can block blood group wave of attack with ease, immediately was more speechless. 他瞥了王腾一眼,见对方表情很认真,似乎真的认为天基球能够轻松挡住血族这一波攻击,顿时更加无语了。 What this fellow's might to the space-based ball has to misunderstand? 这家伙对天基球的威力是不是有什么误解? Although the space-based ball is truly powerful, but also wants the time savings energy, where was said that the eruption can erupt. 虽然天基球确实很强大,但是也要时间积蓄能量,哪里是说爆发就能够爆发的。 „, Won't the space-based ball be able to block the attack of opposite party?” Wang Teng sees the star weapon king expression is not right, said hastily. “不会吧,天基球挡不住对方的攻击?”王腾见星械王表情不对,连忙道。 Does not know.” “不知道。” star weapon king ill-humored staying behind a few words, then vanished in same place, changed to together thunder light, sped away to go toward that leader blood-color giant beast. 星械王没好气的留下一句话,便消失在了原地,化作一道雷光,朝着那一头头血色巨兽疾驰而去。 „......” “……” Wang Teng gawked, immediately reacts, is controlling god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, similarly goes toward blood-color giant beast suddenly/violently to rush. 王腾愣了一下,当即做出反应,驾驭着神机赤电雷鹰,同样是朝着血色巨兽暴冲而去。 He is also a little speechless. 他心里也是有点无语。 This star weapon king also is really, cannot block cannot block, did not say earlier where puts installs anything to compel. 这星械王也真是的,挡不住就挡不住呗,不早点说,搁哪儿装什么逼啊。 Roar! 吼! Chirp! 叽! Raise! 昂! ...... …… Roar to roar from that blood-color giant beast mouth spreads, the vibration is void, lets all around bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species is the complexion changes, backing up opens. 一声声怒吼咆哮从那血色巨兽口中传出,震动虚空,让四周的光明宇宙武者黑暗种俱是面色微变,不由的倒退而开。 However after some immortal levels exist sees the response of star weapon king and Wang Teng, is immediately toward that leader blood-color giant beast flushes away. 不过一些不朽级存在看到星械王和王腾的反应之后,也是立刻朝着那一头头血色巨兽冲去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… All is erupts the respective strongest attack, the sword light, the blade glow, fist seal wait/etc attacked to rumble, intercepts that 12 blood-color giant beasts. 一个个皆是爆发出各自的最强攻击,剑光,刀芒,拳印等等攻击轰出,拦截那十二头血色巨兽。 However that 12 blood-color giant beasts obviously are not the good stubbles, in their mouth condenses the radiant blood light, the eruption, collided with that Source Power attacks loudly in one. 不过那十二头血色巨兽显然也不是善茬,它们口中凝聚出璀璨的血光,轰然爆发,与那一道道原力攻击碰撞在了一起。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The fierce bellow resounds through immediately, attack of both sides explodes in void, the Source Power complementary waves sweep away to open toward all around. 剧烈的轰鸣声顿时响彻而起,双方的攻击在虚空中爆开,原力余波朝着四周横扫而开。 The attack that these immortal levels have cannot do to 12 blood-color giant beasts unexpectedly. 那些不朽级存在的攻击竟然没能奈何十二头血色巨兽。 !!...... 唰!唰!唰…… In Source Power complementary waves, 12 huge blood-color giant beasts across the sky, by potential of suddenly/violently to rush steamroll. 原力余波之中,十二头庞大的血色巨兽横空而出,以一种碾压之势暴冲而过。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Damn!” “该死!” How can so?” “怎会如此?” The immortal level Martial Artist complexion big change, on the face the expression seems somewhat unbelievable. 一个个不朽级武者面色大变,脸上表情显得有些难以置信。 Can make an numerous immortal level exist to show so the expression, obviously this situation is odd. 能让一众不朽级存在露出这般表情,可见这情况有多么离谱。 These blood-color giant beasts are so unexpectedly strong!” “这些血色巨兽竟然这么强!” During ram Yu also in these immortal levels exists, his attack cannot do to 12 blood-color giant beasts similarly, at this time his pupil contraction, has not been learned to attend the meeting obviously is this situation. 公羊裕也在这些不朽级存在之中,他的攻击同样没能奈何十二头血色巨兽,此时他瞳孔收缩,显然也没有料到会是这种情况。 This thinks, even if their attacks are unable to rout that 12 blood-color giant beasts thoroughly, at least can block them. 本以为就算他们的攻击无法彻底击溃那十二头血色巨兽,起码能够拦下它们。 But who knows, their attacks do not have an effect on these 12 blood-color giant beasts unexpectedly. 可谁知道,他们的攻击竟然对这十二头血色巨兽不起作用。 !! 咻!咻! At this time, two sounds transmitted from the distant place air-splitting, Wang Teng and star weapon king sped away to come at the extremely quick speed, when that blood-color giant beast will soon approach the space-based ball, blocked in their front. 这时,两道破空声从远处传来,王腾和星械王以极快的速度疾驰而来,在那血色巨兽即将临近天基球之时,拦在了它们的面前。 Bang! 轰! The thunder blade glow erupts from the star weapon king hand together, has cut void, changes to the edges of innumerable thunder, such as mighty current volume to 12 blood-color giant beasts. 一道雷霆刀芒从星械王手中爆发,斩过虚空,化作无数雷霆之刃,如洪流般卷向十二头血色巨兽。 He after all is the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, is powerful, makes a move then to keep off forcefully five blood-color giant beasts. 他毕竟是封王不朽级,实力强大,一出手便将五头血色巨兽硬生生挡下来。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… However that other seven blood-color giant beasts are are not actually a vegetarian, their whole body sends out the terrifying the prestige energy, under the blood is Source Power erupts, unexpectedly like blood-color mountain steamroll in the past. 不过那剩余的七头血色巨兽却不是吃素的,它们浑身散发出恐怖的威能,血系原力爆发之下,竟如同一座座血色大山碾压了过去。 star weapon king Genben has no time to take into consideration, does not have the ample force to resist again. 星械王根本无暇顾及,也没有余力再抵挡。 The immortal level of bright universe has immediately the complexion changes, with amazement is looking at that other seven blood-color giant beasts. 光明宇宙的不朽级存在顿时面色微变,骇然的望着那剩余的七头血色巨兽。 star weapon king acts personally, could not have blocked these 12 blood-color giant beasts unexpectedly. 星械王亲自出手,竟然还挡不住这十二头血色巨兽。 Conferring nobility upon immortal level in the face of conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, does not have the comparability. 要知道,封侯不朽级在封王不朽级面前,根本毫无可比性。 both sides are completely not a magnitude. 双方完全不是一个量级。 A strength of conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, steamroll dozens conferring nobility upon immortal levels exist is a cinch. 一位封王不朽级的实力,碾压数十个封侯不朽级存在都不在话下。 If the conferring nobility upon immortal level has does not have any special method, exists to the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, coming many to be useless. 若是封侯不朽级存在没有什么特殊的手段,对封王不朽级存在来说,来多少都没用。 However now, the strength of star weapon king can only block five blood-color giant beasts unexpectedly. 但是现在,星械王的力量竟然只能挡住五头血色巨兽。 This means, the strength of that 12 blood-color giant beasts, endures the ratio two conferring the title of prince upon immortal levels to exist, even is more powerful. 这岂不是意味着,那十二头血色巨兽的力量,堪比两位封王不朽级存在,甚至更加强大。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Suddenly, void has the temperature of burning hot to fill the air, three radiant rays erupt in void, takes away as many things as possible toward that seven blood-color giant beasts. 突然间,虚空中有着炙热的温度弥漫而出,三种璀璨的光芒在虚空中爆发,朝着那七头血色巨兽席卷而去。 Azure! 青色! Red! 赤色! White! 白色! Three types of different color flame are vertically and horizontally void, change to a sea of fire, covers that seven blood-color giant beasts, the temperature of burning hot also fills the air to open. 三种不同颜色的火焰纵横虚空,化作一片火海,将那七头血色巨兽笼罩在内,炙热的温度随之弥漫而开。 World different fire! 天地异火! At this time Wang Teng used the world different fire impressively! 此时赫然正是王腾动用了天地异火! He has not kept the hand, acts is three types of the world different fires. 他没有留手,一出手便是三种天地异火。 Roar! Roar! Áng...... 吼!吼!昂…… The sound of intermittent angry roaring spreads from that several blood-color giant beast mouths, later the dazzling blood red ray emits, changes to the light beam, shelled in the world different fire. 阵阵怒吼之声从那几头血色巨兽口中传出,随后耀眼的血红色光芒喷吐而出,化作光柱,轰击在了天地异火之中。 Covered the big piece void sea of fire to be broken several giant gaps unexpectedly instantaneously, that seven blood-color giant beasts flush away toward the gap immediately. 笼罩大片虚空的火海竟是瞬间被破开了几道巨大的缺口,那七头血色巨兽立刻朝着缺口冲去。 But Wang Teng is prepared early. 王腾早有准备。 ...... 咻咻咻…… The sound resounds air-splitting suddenly, sees only in that sea of fire, bright arrow arrow extremely towering emergence, explode to shoot from the flame behind, takes various body places of that seven blood-color giant beasts. 破空声骤然响起,只见那火海之中,一道道光明箭矢极为突兀的出现,自火焰背后爆射而出,直取那七头血色巨兽的身躯各处。 No, is not right, that is not the bright arrow arrow. 不,不对,那并不是光明箭矢。 As these attacks approach that seven blood-color giant beasts, can see these bright arrow arrow impressively is a giant bright long spear/gun. 随着这些攻击逼近那七头血色巨兽,方能看出这些“光明箭矢”赫然是一柄柄巨大的光明长枪。 These bright long-barrelled guns even in front of the blood-color giant beast, do not seem tiny. 这些光明长枪即便是在血色巨兽面前,都不会显得渺小。 Just now is the distance is too far, will mislead the person into thinking that is the arrow arrow. 方才不过是距离太远,才会让人误以为那是箭矢。 ! ! ...... 呼!呼!呼…… These bright long-barrelled guns are sharp, explode shoot, all around flame also rolls up and pushes along, formed long flame tails in its back, is ordinary like the dragon volume. 这些光明长枪锋利无比,爆射而出之时,四周的火焰随之卷动,在其背后形成了一条条长长的焰尾,如同龙卷一般。 Roar! Raise! Roar! Chirp...... 吼!昂!吼!叽…… That leader blood-color giant beast felt immediately probably the huge threat, exuded the sound of deafening angry roaring roaring. 那一头头血色巨兽顿时像是感觉到了巨大的威胁,纷纷发出震耳欲聋的怒吼咆哮之声。 This sound also wanted in a big way several times to continue compared with before. 这声音比之前还要大了数倍不止。 They spray that blood red light beam without enough time again, can only the whole body erupt the dazzling red light, blood red rune/symbol writing also appear, wanting to form the defense, resists the bright long spear/gun that explodes shoots to come forcefully. 它们来不及再次喷射那血红色光柱,只能浑身爆发出刺目的红光,一道道血红色符文随之浮现,欲要形成防御,强行抵挡那爆射而来的光明长枪。 The tyrannical aura that sends out from these blood-color giant beasts is not difficult to see, the common attack is unable to break through such defense, even if the conferring nobility upon immortal level exists, feared that is hard to strike the accomplishment. 从这些血色巨兽身上散发的强横气息不难看出,寻常的攻击根本无法攻破此等防御,就算封侯不朽级存在,怕是都难以一击建功。 However, what they bump into is Wang Teng. 然而,它们碰到的是王腾 By Wang Teng to the blood is the understanding of strength, he has spied on the weakness of these blood-color giant beasts to be. 王腾对血系之力的了解,他早就窥探出了这些血色巨兽的弱点所在。 These 12 blood-color giant beasts can be so powerful, is completely because their within the body has a blood nuclear, is its core is, stores up the boundless blood is being the strength. 这十二头血色巨兽之所以能够如此强大,完全是因为它们体内存在一个血核,乃是其核心所在,其中储存着磅礴的血系之力。 But that blood nuclear is their weakness is also. 而那血核同样是它们的弱点所在。 Wang Teng just did not have anxiously making a move, is seeking for the blood nuclear positions of these seven blood-color giant beasts. 王腾刚刚没有急着出手,就是在寻找这七头血色巨兽的血核位置。 In addition he is right Ancient times blood mark Grasping has achieved was skilled in the rank, the defense of that seven blood-color giant beast hasty eruptions, he can find the flaw instantaneously. 加上他对【远古血纹】的掌握早已达到了精通级别,那七头血色巨兽仓促爆发的防御,他瞬间就能找到破绽。 At this moment, in the Wang Teng eye none flashes, in the heart coldly smiles, has added holds the space strength of above that bright long spear/gun to play the role immediately. 此时此刻,王腾眼中精光一闪,心中冷冷一笑,早就加持于那光明长枪之上的空间之力顿时发挥了作用。 Under the space fluctuation, that bright long spear/gun vanishes when instantaneously same place, appears again, already in the defense flaw place of that seven blood-color giant beasts. 空间波动之下,那一道道光明长枪瞬间消失在原地,再出现时,已是在那七头血色巨兽的防御破绽处。 Meanwhile, above the bright long spear/gun has rune/symbol writing to reappear, lends the source principle aura, even a vague immortal strength fills the air. 同时,光明长枪之上有着符文浮现,散发出本源法则气息,甚至还有一股若有若无的不朽之力弥漫而出。 !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… Is the flash, clear crashes to resound, that bright long spear/gun pierced the defenses of seven blood-color giant beasts unexpectedly directly, later pricked in their bodies ruthlessly. 仅仅是一瞬间,一道道清脆的碎裂声响起,那一道道光明长枪竟然直接洞穿了七头血色巨兽的防御,随后狠狠刺入了它们的身体之内。 But no one detects, these bright long-barrelled guns are pricking the instance of blood-color giant beast within the body, presented a twinkle, appears in another position of giant beast within the body. 只不过并没有人察觉到,这些光明长枪在刺入血色巨兽体内的瞬间,又是出现了一次闪烁,出现在巨兽体内的另一个位置。 Seven blood-color giant beast that huge bodies stagnate instantaneously, seems like framed by an invisible strength. 七头血色巨兽那庞大的身躯瞬间凝滞,就像是被一股无形的力量定格。 The next quarter, in the body of that seven blood-color giant beasts has the dazzling blood-color ray to erupt suddenly, this eruption and before were different, are more like an uncontrolled eruption, felt the wild feeling. 下一刻,那七头血色巨兽的身躯之中突然有着刺目至极的血色光芒爆发,这种爆发与之前不同,更像是一种不受控制的爆发,充满狂暴之感。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The fierce bellow resounds, seven blood-color giant beasts explode unexpectedly loudly, the innumerable blood explode shoot to open. 紧接着,剧烈的轰鸣声响起,七头血色巨兽竟轰然爆炸,无数血液爆射而开。 But these blood after contacting all around world different fire, was actually burnt down instantaneously completely, a wee bit not remaining. 但这些血液在接触到四周的天地异火之后,却是瞬间被焚烧殆尽,丁点都不剩下。 Suddenly, lingering on faintly resounding of sound in sea of fire. 一时间,嗤嗤声在火海中不绝于耳的响起。 „???” “???” star weapon Wang Zhengzai resists that five blood-color giant beasts furiously, hears so the sound, turns the head looks like, immediately as if sees any inconceivable picture, opens the mouth slightly, the expression on face is somewhat stiff. 星械王正在奋力抵挡那五头血色巨兽,听到这般动静,不由转头看来,随即仿佛看到什么不可思议的画面,微微张开嘴巴,脸上的表情有些僵硬下来。 It a little suspected suddenly were one false conferring the title of prince upon immortal level! 它突然有点怀疑自己是不是个假的封王不朽级了!
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