AAMD :: Volume #22

#2177: Yuan magnetism domain promotion! Yuan magnetism god light/only! Roasting

Chapter 2177 Yuan magnetism domain promotion! Yuan magnetism god light/only! Burning hot!( Sought subscription) 第2177章元磁领域提升!元磁神光!炙热!(求订阅) Ten giant mechanical spheres float in void, is sending out the dazzling blue light, just like ten blue stars. 十颗巨大的机械圆球悬浮于虚空之中,散发着耀眼的蓝光,犹如十颗蓝色的恒星。 The innumerable vision gatherings come, to look at that ten mechanical sphere that shocks. 无数目光汇聚而来,震撼的望着那十颗机械圆球。 Who can think that the entire billows machine void fortress turned into ten mechanical spheres unexpectedly, this operation was true to shock everyone, making their present heads somewhat unable to turn around. 谁能想到整座澜机虚空堡垒竟然变成了十颗机械圆球,这操作属实惊呆了所有人,让他们现在脑袋都有些转不过来。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz...... 嗡!嗡!嗡…… In the meantime, fierce buzz the whining noise resounds, that ten mechanical sphere vibrates suddenly, ka ka the sound moves, immediately the ring detaches from the surface of each sphere together, surrounded beside the sphere. 就在此时,剧烈的嗡鸣声响起,那十颗机械圆球突然震动起来,咔咔之声响动,随即一道圆环从每一颗圆球的表面脱体而出,环绕在了圆球之外。 These rings revolve slowly, send out a strange strength. 这些圆环缓缓旋转,散发出一股奇异的力量。 Suddenly, making one that one shocked appear. 突然间,令人震撼的一幕出现了。 In remote void, has the ray to reappear suddenly, then just like the flowing light to speed away generally. 遥远的虚空之中,突然有着光芒浮现,进而犹如流光一般疾驰而来。 Even in instance that ray presents, void seems like the special energies to appear, similarly gathers toward that ten spheres. 甚至在那光芒出现的瞬间,虚空中似乎有一股特殊的能量出现,同样是朝着那十颗圆球汇聚。 This energy was very weak, even fundamental sensation. 原本这种能量十分微弱,甚至根本感知不到。 However under the strength of that ten mechanical sphere, this energy actually becomes clear, formed the invisible energy fields faintly. 但是在那十颗机械圆球的力量之下,这股能量却变得清晰起来,隐隐的形成了一个个无形的能量场。 The scopes of this energy fields vary, what is small is about several tens of thousands of kilometers, big is actually hundreds of thousands of light years continues, even if the immortal level exists, is very difficult to survey the accurate distance. 这一个个能量场的范围有大有小,小的不过数万公里,大的却是数十万光年都不止,即便是不朽级存在,都很难探测到准确的距离。 Without that ten mechanical sphere, is unable to make this energy field appear. 如果没有那十颗机械圆球,根本无法让这种能量场浮现而出。 Good...... very powerful big strength!!!” “好……好强大的力量!!!” Everyone was shocked, stares the big eye, has not thought that ten mechanical sphere can stimulate the so powerful strength unexpectedly. 所有人都惊呆了,瞪大眼睛,万万没想到那十颗机械圆球竟然可以激发出如此强大的力量。 Above blood god altar. 血神祭坛之上。 In that 12 blood-color giant empty shades, murdering the blood Demon Venerable and other Demon Venerable levels exist all are the pupil shrink, as if saw any astonishing scene. 那十二道血色巨人虚影之内,弑血魔尊魔尊级存在俱是瞳孔一缩,仿佛看到了什么惊人的景象。 Prevents them.” “阻止它们。” The ice-cold sound resounds together. 一道冰冷的声音响起。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Sky over the top of the head vast bloodshed tumbles immediately fiercely, the blood wave is dreadful, innumerable blood-color rune/symbol writing flashes before, later broken water of giant blood red tentacles from bloodshed, speeds away to go toward that ten mechanical sphere. 头顶上空的浩瀚血海顿时剧烈翻滚起来,血浪滔天,无数血色符文闪现,随后一道道巨大的血红色触手自血海中破水而出,朝着那十颗机械圆球疾驰而去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Blocks these blood-color tentacles quickly!” “快拦下那些血色触手!” Numerous bright universe Martial Artist complexion big change, could not bear the startled sound call out. 众多光明宇宙武者面色大变,忍不住惊声叫道。 At this moment they do not need to want also to know that ten mechanical sphere must the mechanical clan be used to resist 12 blood-color giant empty shadow methods, cannot make the blood group destroy absolutely. 此刻他们不用想也知道那十颗机械圆球必是机械族用来对抗十二尊血色巨人虚影的手段,绝对不能让血族破坏。 Some powerhouses have not responded while all around Dark Species, immediately acts, displays various Fighting technique, the bang to that blood red tentacles. 一些强者趁着四周黑暗种还未反应过来,立刻出手,施展各种战技,轰向那一道道血红色触手。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The fierce bellow resounds, terrifying Source Power erupts above that blood-color tentacles immediately, the dazzling Source Power ray covers it. 剧烈的轰鸣声响起,恐怖的原力顿时在那一道道血色触手之上爆发,刺目的原力光芒更是将其笼罩。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 嘭!嘭!嘭…… What a pity that attack cannot do to the blood-color tentacle unexpectedly slightly, the sound gets up air-splitting, blood-color tentacles explode to shoot from that Source Power ray, the surface has not damaged slightly, goes toward ten mechanical sphere suddenly/violently to rush as before. 可惜那一道道攻击竟不能奈何血色触手丝毫,破空声响起,一道道血色触手从那原力光芒中爆射而出,表面丝毫未损,依旧是朝着十颗机械圆球暴冲而去。 What?!!” “什么?!!” The people are startled, how not to have thought that blood-color tentacle is so unexpectedly hard, their attacks cannot injure the opposite party slightly. 众人大吃一惊,怎么都没想到那血色触手竟然如此坚硬,他们的攻击丝毫都伤不到对方。 Wang Teng is also the vision concentrates, is wanting to act, but actually notices the star weapon king not to act suddenly, the expression on face also seems very tranquil. 王腾亦是目光微凝,正欲出手,但却突然注意到星械王并未出手,脸上的表情也显得十分平静。 This is not very right! 这很不对劲! As if also noticed the Wang Teng vision, the star weapon king Chuan sound said: Does not use anxiously making a move, looks well.” 似乎也注意到了王腾的目光,星械王传音道:“不用急着出手,看着就好。” In Wang Teng heart moves, slightly nodded, stands in same place, does not have the slight movement, but fell the vision above that ten mechanical sphere. 王腾心中不由的一动,微微点了点头,站在原地,没有丝毫的动作,只是将目光落在了那十颗机械圆球之上。 In the instance that two people talked, that blood-color tentacles had arrived at that ten mechanical sphere front, hit the past loudly. 就在两人交谈的瞬间,那一道道血色触手已是来到了那十颗机械圆球的面前,轰然撞击了过去。 Numerous bright universe Martial Artist complexion is ugly, was the method that the mechanical clan prepares destroyed like this? 众多光明宇宙武者面色难看,难道机械族准备的手段就这样被破坏了? These bright universe Martial Artist and other mechanical clans exist the star weapon king simply is more anxious. 这些光明宇宙武者简直比星械王等机械族存在还要紧张。 To them, this without doubt is the life-saving straw. 对于他们来说,这无疑是救命的稻草。 If the method of mechanical clan is not even able to resist the attack of that vast bloodshed, what they also do have to hope? 如果连机械族的手段都无法抵挡那浩瀚血海的攻击,他们还有什么希望? However in the meantime, strange suddenly appears beside that ten mechanical sphere. 不过就在此时,奇异的一幕突然在那十颗机械圆球之外出现。 An invisible fluctuation erupts from that ten mechanical sphere, that blood-color tentacles stagnated unexpectedly in same place, had several hundred meters distance from the mechanical sphere, how is actually not able again the little advance slightly. 一股无形的波动从那十颗机械圆球之上爆发而出,那一道道血色触手竟然凝滞在了原地,距离机械圆球还有数百米的距离,却怎么都无法再寸进丝毫。 Several hundred meters distance, regarding that blood-color tentacle, is only flash's matter, how finally now is actually not able to span this distance. 数百米的距离,对于那血色触手来说,本来只是一瞬间的事情,结果如今却怎么都无法跨越这段距离。 Ten mechanical spheres, without exception. 十颗机械圆球,无一例外。 Their outside world void as if becomes the forbidden area, was imprisoned completely. 它们外界的虚空仿佛成为了禁区,完全被禁锢。 The next quarter, the dazzling whiteness ray erupts, is centered on the mechanical sphere, the proliferation opens, submerges that blood-color tentacles. 下一刻,刺目的洁白色光芒爆发,以机械圆球为中心,扩散而开,将那一道道血色触手淹没。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… However is the flash, that blood-color tentacles just like by the flame incinerator, were changed to the ashes, cuns (2.5 cm) dissipation in void. 不过是一瞬间,那一道道血色触手宛如被火焰焚烧,化作灰烬,一寸寸的消散于虚空之中。 These blood-color touch the handbook are the blood gathering, is the life is exactly the same as the blood that in that vast bloodshed condenses, even is more powerful. 这些血色触手本是血液汇聚而成,与那浩瀚血海中凝聚的血系生灵如出一辙,甚至更加强大。 But this method makes numerous bright universe Martial Artist be at a loss, now under that whiteness ray, changes to the ashes unexpectedly directly, really astonishingly. 而这种手段让众多光明宇宙武者束手无策,如今在那洁白色光芒之下,竟然直接就化作了灰烬,实在惊人至极。 All around immediately one static! 四周顿时一静! Numerous bright universe Martial Artist were shocked, completely without thinking to be so the scene, immediately but comes is the great happiness. 众多光明宇宙武者都是愣住了,完全没想到会是这般场景,但随即而来的就是大喜。 That ten mechanical sphere acts casually, is the so unthinkable method. 那十颗机械圆球随便一出手,就是如此匪夷所思的手段。 More, more explains the great strength of that ten mechanical sphere. 越是如此,越是说明那十颗机械圆球的强大。 Although the people do not know their functions, so long as knows that they are very powerful, was then enough. 众人虽然不知道它们的作用,但只要知道它们十分强大,便足够了。 Another side, these are preparing to look at the joke Dark Species, at this moment actually stares the big eye, the look is alarmed and afraid, on the face full is the astonished color. 另一边,那些正在准备看笑话的黑暗种,此刻却是纷纷瞪大眼睛,眼神惊惧,脸上满是惊愕之色。 This thinks that under the method of blood group that terrifying, the bright universe could not have turned what spray, has not thought that the opposite party so easily blocked the attack of blood group. 本以为在血族那恐怖的手段之下,光明宇宙已经翻不起什么浪花,不曾想对方如此轻易就挡住了血族的攻击。 That ten mechanical sphere seems to be powerful. 那十颗机械圆球似乎非常强大。 Suddenly, on numerous Dark Species faces is reveals to dread the color. 一时间,众多黑暗种脸上都是露出忌惮之色。 That invisible strength is very strange, they do not even know how the opposite party makes these blood-color tentacles change to the ashes. 那种无形的力量十分诡异,它们甚至不知道对方是如何让那些血色触手化作灰烬的。 Moreover the so powerful method, feared that is exists to pose the threat to the high-rank demon sovereign level sufficiently, common Dark Species comes up to bring death completely. 而且如此强大的手段,怕是足以对上位魔皇级存在造成威胁,寻常的黑暗种上去完全就是送死。 This was the method of that day base ball, the prestige energy that sent out merely slightly, had such might, no wonder star weapon king was so self-confident.” Wang Teng shot a look at a star weapon king, in the heart talked to oneself. “这就是那天基球的手段么,仅仅是略微散发出的威能,就有如此威力,难怪星械王如此自信。”王腾瞥了一眼星械王,心中自语。 Afterward he vision astonished sizes up that ten mechanical sphere, the eyeground is glittering the purple gold colored light glow, wants to spy on structure. 随后他又目光惊异的打量着那十颗机械圆球,眼底闪烁着紫金色光芒,想要窥探其中的构造。 What a pity this he failed time. 可惜这一次他又失败了。 His Pupil of True Sight It is not able to spy on that ten mechanical sphere unexpectedly the details, their surfaces seemed like the invisible strengths to be cut off his line of sight. 他的【真视之瞳】竟然无法窥探那十颗机械圆球的底细,它们的表面似乎有一股无形的力量阻隔了他的视线。 My goodness!” “好家伙!” The Wang Teng heart shakes, the feeling is somewhat inconceivable. 王腾心头一震,感觉有些不可思议。 When spied on the billows machine void fortress, is unable to completely understand core, turns into ten mechanical spheres now, is unable to completely understand including the situation of surface. 原本窥探澜机虚空堡垒之时,就无法看透其中的核心,如今变成了十颗机械圆球,连最表面的情形都无法看透了。 Although the superficial thing is not necessarily useful, only then the core is these ten mechanical spheres mysteries is. 虽然表面的东西未必有什么用,只有核心才是这十颗机械圆球的奥秘所在。 However the surface could not even completely understand, obviously the strengths of these ten mechanical spheres are strong. 但是连表面都看不透,可见这十颗机械圆球的力量有多么强大。 That seems like the strength of Yuan magnetism!” “那好像是元磁之力!” Wang Teng knits the brows the thinking, the invisible strength outside feeling mechanical sphere is very familiar. 王腾皱眉思索,感觉机械圆球之外的无形力量十分熟悉。 He has after all third-order 【The heart of Yuan magnetism Talent, and grasped Yuan magnetic domain, Knows in addition on that day the base ball can absorb the strength of Yuan magnetism, although now cannot approach that region, actually also guessed correctly the essence of that strength faintly. 他毕竟拥有三阶的【元磁之心】天赋,并且也掌握了【元磁领域】,加上本就知道那天基球能够吸收元磁之力,如今虽然不能靠近那片区域,却也隐隐猜出了那股力量的本质。 Resists the external force by the strength of Yuan magnetism, but as if also has other strengths, otherwise is unable to make that blood-color tentacle change to the ashes, is the strength of light?!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, the train of thought rotates fast. “以元磁之力来抵挡外力,不过其中似乎还有其他的力量,否则无法令那血色触手化作灰烬,是光明之力么?!”王腾目光闪动,思绪快速转动。 At this time, in his eye none flashed, noticed around that ten mechanical sphere to present many attribute air bubbles impressively. 这时,他眼中精光一闪,赫然注意到那十颗机械圆球四周出现了不少的属性气泡。 Originally just that ten mechanical sphere when resisting that blood-color tentacle, has the attribute air bubble to fall, but was covered by the ray, therefore he has not noticed. 原来刚刚那十颗机械圆球在抵挡那血色触手之时,有着属性气泡掉落而出,只不过被光芒所掩盖,所以他才没有注意到。 Now the ray diverges, the attribute air bubble also revealed. 如今光芒散去,属性气泡也显露了出来。 Wang Teng naturally not hesitant, the spirit read the strength to sweep across immediately quietly, changed to the extreme psychic force filament slightly, simultaneously his whole body space fluctuated slightly, that psychic force filament then submerged void, no one detected. 王腾自然没有犹豫,精神念力当即悄然席卷而出,化作小到极点的精神力细丝,同时他周身空间微微波动,那精神力细丝便没入虚空,无人察觉。 When appears again, these psychic force filaments then already around that mechanical sphere. 再出现时,这些精神力细丝便已是在那机械圆球四周。 Wang Teng knows that there has the invisible strength field to exist, therefore the least bit does not dare to neglect, with the space method, transmits the psychic force filament to the attribute air bubble in front of directly, collects instantaneously it. 王腾知道那里有着无形的力量场存在,所以半点不敢怠慢,直接用空间手段,将精神力细丝传送到属性气泡面前,将其瞬间拾取回来。 But on the time of this flash, his psychic force filament separates completely, was destroyed by that invisible strength. 而就这一刹那的时间,他的精神力细丝全部断开,被那股无形的力量摧毁。 However Wang Teng actually least bit not disappointed, instead is the corners of the mouth curls upwards slightly. 不过王腾却半点没有失望,反而是嘴角微微一翘。 【The Yuan magnetic domain( melts boundary seven steps) * 500】 【元磁领域(融境七阶)】 【The Yuan magnetic domain( melts boundary seven steps) * 600】 【元磁领域(融境七阶)】 【The Yuan magnetic domain( melts boundary seven steps) * 800】 【元磁领域(融境七阶)】 ...... …… Yuan magnetic god light/only * 300】 【元磁神光】 Yuan magnetic god light/only * 200】 【元磁神光】 Yuan magnetic god light/only * 250】 【元磁神光】 ...... …… Really has two attribute air bubbles.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart is somewhat pleasantly surprised. “竟然有两种属性气泡。”王腾目光一闪,心中有些惊喜。 First is Yuan magnetic domain, This attribute he has grasped, but now fifth-order level. 首先便是【元磁领域】,这个属性他早就掌握了,不过如今才五阶层次。 At this time with the attribute air bubble integrates in his body, immediately a mysterious sensibility appeared in his mind, changed to a giant field territory. 此时随着属性气泡融入他的身体之中,顿时一段玄奥的感悟出现在了他的脑海之中,化作一座巨大的场域。 In that territory, invisible strength lingering all around, high and low about, under does not have one is not at it to cover. 在那场域之中,一种无形的力量萦绕四周,上下左右,无一处不在其笼罩之下。 A fearful internal energy fills, so long as if steps into, is hard to get rid, will be strangled to death by that invisible strength thoroughly. 一股可怕的气机弥漫其中,仿佛只要踏入其中,便难以摆脱,会被那种无形的力量彻底绞杀。 Melts the boundary seven steps!” “融境七阶!” In the Wang Teng eye flashes through together none immediately, Yuan magnetic domain Directly from melting the boundary fifth-order promoted to melt the boundary seven step levels, spanned two levels all of a sudden. 王腾眼中顿时闪过一道精光,【元磁领域】直接从融境五阶提升到了融境七阶层次,一下子跨越了两个层次。 Must know this Yuan magnetic domain Quite is but difficult to promote, initially he bumped into that strange void in that dark universe, good luck promotes to melting the boundary fifth-order level it. 要知道这【元磁领域】可是相当难提升的,当初他还是在那暗宇宙之中碰到了那片奇异的虚空,才好运的将其提升到融境五阶层次。 This thinks that temporarily does not have the opportunity to promote again, has not thought that these ten mechanical spheres gave him actually a pleasant surprise. 本以为暂时没有机会再提升,没想到这十颗机械圆球倒是给了他一个惊喜。 Melts the boundary seven step levels Yuan magnetic domain, Martial Artist had the enormous influence on World Lord Level sufficiently later. 融境七阶层次的【元磁领域】,足以对界主级后期武者造成巨大影响了。 These wars hit, his method was really more and more flamboyant. 这一场场大战打下来,他的手段真是越来越牛逼了啊。 In the Wang Teng heart cannot bear the feeling. 王腾心中忍不住感慨。 Yuan magnetic domain: 1900 / 7000( melts boundary seven steps) ; 【元磁领域】:1900/7000(融境七阶); He looked at a property panel, the attribute value reached 1700 points, not many, but are also many. 他看了一眼属性面板,属性值达到了1700点,不多但也不少。 „It is not right, on this day the base ball such being the case is powerful, can release Yuan magnetic domain Melts the boundary seven steps absolutely incessantly, otherwise how with that blood group 12 blood spirit bodies Contends.” “不对啊,这天基球既然如此强大,所能释放的【元磁领域】绝对不止融境七阶,否则如何与那血族的【十二血灵身】抗衡。” Suddenly, Wang Teng as if thought of anything, the heart shakes, in the eye blooms one group of none. 突然,王腾似乎想到了什么,心头一震,眼中绽放出一团精光。 Probably did not discover magnificence chose/point carefully! 好像不小心发现了华点! Some Wang Teng vision burning hots stared at that ten mechanical sphere, in the heart was anticipating suddenly. 王腾目光有些炙热的盯着那十颗机械圆球,心中骤然期待了起来。 If can be the friendly boundary nine steps to be complete, that naturally is melts the boundary nine steps to be completely better, who will also shut out the domain is too strong inadequately. 若是能达到融境九阶圆满,那自然是融境九阶圆满更好啊,谁还会嫌弃领域太强不成。 And this Yuan magnetic domain But very strange one domain, must be more powerful than the common domain, is easier-to-use, Wang Teng naturally also hopes that it can promote earlier. 而且这【元磁领域】可是非常奇异的一种领域,比寻常的领域要更加强大,更加好用,王腾自然也希望它能够早点提升起来。 Should be the strength of that blood-color tentacle is weak, is unable the space-based ball Yuan magnetic domain Stimulates completely.” “应该是那血色触手的力量还不够强,无法将天基球的【元磁领域】完全激发出来。” In the Wang Teng heart had the guess, at this moment somewhat anticipated on the contrary the attack of that blood group is fiercer. 王腾心中有了猜测,此刻反倒是有些期待那血族的攻击来的更凶猛一些。 If makes the star weapon king and other mechanical clans exist to know that his idea, does not know can clash to him a violent chestnut? 如果让星械王等机械族存在知道他的想法,不知道会不会冲上来给他一个暴栗? He somewhat looked at star weapon king one eyes afraid. 他有些心虚的看了星械王一眼。 However has not waited for Wang Teng to think, another senses followingly. 不过还不等王腾多想,另一股感悟随之而来。 In his mind, that Yuan magnetic domain Has not dissipated, but integrated another strength suddenly- the strength of light! 他的脑海之中,那【元磁领域】并未消散,而是突然融入了另一种力量-光明之力! As the strength of light integrates, that Yuan magnetic domain Within suddenly had the change, bright beautiful brilliance appear suddenly, gorgeous. 而随着光明之力融入,那【元磁领域】之内突然出现了变化,一道道灿烂美丽的光辉骤然浮现,绚丽至极。 These brilliance some assume belt-shaped, some assume the campylodromous, some are actually the curtain shapes, radiated, especially strange. 这些光辉有的呈带状,有的呈弧状,有的却是幕状,放射状等,格外奇异。 Is ordinary on such as that rare aurora! 就如那罕见的极光一般! Suddenly, Wang Teng in the change by that domain was shocked, simultaneously in the heart raised a clear(ly) to become aware quietly. 一时间,就连王腾都被那领域之内的变化所震撼,同时心中悄然升起了一丝明悟。 This is the Yuan magnetic god light/only!” “这就是元磁神光!” At this moment, in the eye of Wang Teng exuded the strange glow, finally corners of the mouth not restrainable flood a curve. 此时此刻,王腾的眼中不禁泛起了奇异之芒,最后嘴角不可抑制的泛起一丝弧度。 Yuan magnetic god light/only( Growth): 750 / 30000( crosses the threshold) ; 【元磁神光】(成长型):750/30000(入门); Unexpectedly is growth Fighting technique, moreover crosses the threshold needs 30,000 attribute values, this Yuan magnetic god light/only A little is seemingly strong.” Wang Teng heart startled. “竟然是成长型战技,而且入门就需要三万点属性值,这【元磁神光】貌似有点强啊。”王腾心惊不已。 This thinks that can collect Yuan magnetic domain The attribute was very even good, result direct this Yuan magnetic god light/only Weeding out. 本以为能拾取到【元磁领域】属性就算是很不错了,结果直接把这【元磁神光】都给薅了出来。 Altair and Vega weapon kings to this Yuan magnetic god light/only The esteem, is not coarse from he just tone, he to this Yuan magnetic god light/only The might is confident. 连星械王都对这【元磁神光】推崇不已,从他方才的语气中不难听出,他对这【元磁神光】的威力非常有信心。 Pitifully is only the basic rank, and has 750 attribute values, but also difference far.” Wang Teng somewhat is slightly disappointed. “可惜还只是入门级别,而且只有750点属性值,还差的远呐。”王腾微微有些失望。 The strength and light strength of Yuan magnetism he has, but this grasps the degree to limit his displaying now, but also needs to weed out the wool are good. 元磁之力和光明之力他都有,但现在这掌握程度限制了他的施展,还需要薅一薅羊毛才行。 He is staring at that ten mechanical sphere, immediately vision burning hot. 他盯着那十颗机械圆球,顿时目光更加炙热了起来。 star weapon king Zhengxiang has a look at the response of Wang Teng, suddenly thought where some are not right. 星械王正想看看王腾的反应,突然觉得哪里有些不对。 What look is that? 那是什么眼神? How to feel that he does want grabbing the space-based ball? 怎么感觉他想要把天基球给抢回去似的? What strange thing is this boy actually thinking? 这小子到底在想什么奇奇怪怪的东西?
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