AAMD :: Volume #22

#2176: You underestimated the mechanical clan! Yuan magnetism god light/only

Chapter 2176 you underestimated the mechanical clan! Yuan magnetism god light/only space-based ball! The billows machine void fortress changes! 第2176章你太小看机械族了!元磁神光・天基球!澜机虚空堡垒之变! The pitiful yell sound, the angry roaring sound, and even is the Source Power bellow, made a sound void in this piece a piece. 惨叫声,怒吼声,乃至是原力的轰鸣声,在这片虚空响成了一片。 While that vast bloodshed erupts the fearful prestige to be able, all around Dark Species also grins fiendishly to throw toward nearby bright universe Martial Artist, slaughtered with the opposite party in one. 在那浩瀚血海爆发出可怕威能的同时,四周的黑暗种也狞笑着朝附近的光明宇宙武者扑去,与对方厮杀在了一起。 Bright universe Martial Artist runs about to deal with immediately, but in a minute, has fallen into thoroughly leeward. 光明宇宙武者顿时疲于应付,不过片刻,就已经彻底陷入下风之中。 The blood group displays 12 blood spirit bodies Terrifying, then made the war have the lopsided situation all of a sudden. 血族施展的【十二血灵身】过于恐怖,一下子便让战局出现了一面倒的情况。 Has to acknowledge, this method truly goes against heaven's will extremely. 不得不承认,这种手段确实极为逆天。 The bone La Demon Venerable vision twinkle, in the heart raises to be unwilling, it was quite self-confident, thinks that the only blood group, is unable to exceed the bright universe absolutely. 骨喇魔尊目光闪烁,心中不由升起一丝不甘,原本它还极为自信,认为单凭一个血族,绝对无法胜过光明宇宙。 But now looks like, the method of blood group is to make the bright universe somewhat unable to resist. 可如今看来,血族的手段已是让光明宇宙有些招架不住了。 Can the merit is it possible that this war really concede to the blood group to be inadequate submissively? 莫非这场大战的功劳真要拱手让于血族不成? It is unable to accept this result, the bone spirit clan brings the dragon of perishing bone, even also prepared other methods, if no accomplishment finally, became a joke seriously. 它无法接受这个结果,骨灵族连亡骨之龙都带了过来,甚至还准备了其他手段,若最终却毫无建功,当真是成了一个笑话。 When the time comes, let alone is the blood group will taunt them, perhaps is other Dark Species clans will also direct in the back. 到时候,别说是血族会嘲讽它们,就是其他黑暗种族恐怕也会在背后指指点点。 This is not it wants to see. 这不是它想要看到的。 Above the blood god altar, in that blood-color giant empty shades, murdering the blood Demon Venerable and other Demon Venerable levels exist are actually looking at all these that the whole face despises, in their eyes, these bright universe Martial Artist is the blood food. 血神祭坛之上,那一道道血色巨人虚影之内,弑血魔尊魔尊级存在却是满脸蔑视的望着这一切,在它们的眼中,那些光明宇宙武者不过是血食而已。 However, at the same time, in their eyeground deep places, actually also revealed a happy intent. 不过,与此同时,在它们的眼底深处,却也是不由的露出了一丝喜意。 This war, their blood group won! 这场大战,它们血族赢定了! How the bone spirit clan exhausts the thoughts to open their blood group, finally do not stand out of the way, can only drink their blood group remaining soup. 骨灵族耗尽心思将它们血族支开又如何,最终还不是要靠边站,只能喝它们血族剩下的汤汤水水。 They have blood to exist luckily. 幸好它们有血子存在。 This blood seriously is their blood group lucky star. 这位血子当真是它们血族的福星啊。 Because he brought the blood god altar, and never the dead bloodshed obtained the blood Kun inheritance, has today's result. 正是因为他将血神祭坛带了回来,并且从不死血海得到了血鲲传承,才有今日的结果。 On the current situation, wants to display 12 blood spirit bodies, The blood god altar, the blood Kun inheritance is without doubt indispensable. 就目前的情况,想要施展【十二血灵身】,血神祭坛,血鲲传承无疑是缺一不可的。 Even if their these Demon Venerable levels exist, without the assistances of these two strengths, is unable to display so powerful 12 blood spirit bodies. 就算是它们这些魔尊级存在,若是没有这两种力量的辅助,也根本无法施展出如此强大的【十二血灵身】。 Even if no blood of enough source, the spirit of blood ancestor may not respond to their summons. 甚至若没有足够的本源之血,血祖之灵可能根本不会回应它们的召唤。 Do not suspect, is such realistic. 不要怀疑,就是这么现实。 Without enough value, the blood ancestor will not pay attention to their lives. 如果没有足够的价值,血祖可不会理会它们的死活。 Is good is developing toward the good aspect because of all. 好在一切都在往好的方面发展。 Now the spirits of 12 blood ancestors arrive, erupt the so terrifying invincible might, how the bright universe can resist. 如今十二血祖之灵降临,爆发出如此恐怖的神威,光明宇宙如何能够抵挡。 In another side void, star meteor revering is looking at all around bloody, the complexion becomes somewhat is ugly, he has almost not thought, turns around then to speed away to go toward the billows machine void fortress. 另一边的虚空之中,星陨尊者望着四周血腥的一幕幕,脸色不禁变得有些难看起来,他几乎没有多想,转身便朝着澜机虚空堡垒疾驰而去。 „To walk!” “想走!” Bone La Demon Venerable sneers, the figure is vanishing same place, the next quarter then appeared in the star meteor revering front, the bone spear/gun in hand punctured loudly. 骨喇魔尊冷笑一声,身形在原地消失,下一刻便出现在了星陨尊者的面前,手中的骨枪轰然刺出。 The black spear/gun glow across the sky, drives back star meteor revering. 黑色枪芒横空,将星陨尊者逼退。 If the main body expects well, you want that billows machine void fortress.” Bone La Demon Venerable gradually moves toward star meteor revering, in the hand the bone spear/gun refers to slantingly, teased is staring at him, the light opens the mouth said. “若本尊所料不错,你是想要去那澜机虚空堡垒吧。”骨喇魔尊一步步走向星陨尊者,手中骨枪斜指而下,戏谑的盯着他,淡淡开口道。 Snort!” “哼!” Star meteor revering cold snort/hum, the vision ice is cold, in the hand the long spear/gun was erupts the radiant spear/gun glow similarly, the thorn to bone La Demon Venerable. 星陨尊者冷哼一声,目光冰寒,手中长枪同样是爆发出璀璨的枪芒,刺向了骨喇魔尊 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… In an instant, the innumerable golden spear/gun glow erupts, just like rain raids to bone La Demon Venerable, wanting to drive back it. 刹那间,无数金色枪芒爆发,犹如落雨般袭向骨喇魔尊,欲要将其逼退。 However bone La Demon Venerable seems prepared early, coldly smiles, the bone spear/gun in hand punctures instantaneously, the spear/gun glow erupts at the same time, the innumerable bone arrows also appear, speeds away to go toward star meteor revering. 然而骨喇魔尊似乎早有准备,冷冷一笑,手中的骨枪瞬间刺出,枪芒爆发的同时,无数骨箭随之出现,朝着星陨尊者疾驰而去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Spear/Gun glow of both sides collides in void, the complementary waves that Metal Attribute and dark two species Source Power create sweep away void, what a pity no one can do to anyone. 双方的枪芒在虚空中碰撞,金系和黑暗两种属性的原力所造成的余波横扫虚空,可惜谁也奈何不了谁。 However that dense and numerous bone arrow presented illusory of flash, after region that the spear/gun glow erupts, appeared in the star meteor revering front unexpectedly suddenly. 不过那密密麻麻的骨箭却是出现了一瞬间的虚幻,穿过枪芒爆发的区域之后,竟是骤然出现在了星陨尊者的面前。 The star meteor revering vision concentrates, knows that the opposite party used that strange method, he is unable to ascertain this method like Wang Teng, can only choose to avoid. 星陨尊者目光一凝,知道对方又使用了那种诡异的手段,他无法像王腾那样窥破这种手段,只能选择避开。 He tore front space directly, wants to flee from this piece void. 他直接撕裂了面前的空间,想要从这片虚空遁走。 What a pity late one step. 可惜还是迟了一步。 Bone La Demon Venerable has been as if guarding against him, the range that therefore this moment that bone arrow covers is extremely broad, in addition star meteor revering moved aside eventually is late one step, immediately was compelled forcefully. 骨喇魔尊似乎早就防着他,所以此刻那骨箭笼罩的范围极广,加上星陨尊者躲闪终究是迟了一步,当下硬生生被逼了出来。 Scoff! Scoff! Scoff! 嗤!嗤!嗤! Several bone arrows prick in the body of star meteor revering ruthlessly. 几道骨箭狠狠刺入星陨尊者的身躯之中。 Powder!” The star meteor revering vision contracts fiercely, immediately own mechanical body dispersing, changes to small mechanical body dispersing, toward speeds away to go in all directions. “散!”星陨尊者目光剧烈收缩,当即将自身的机械身躯散开,化作一个个微小的机械体散开,朝着四面八方疾驰而去。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! That several bone arrows explode loudly, the black light sparkle, is involved in which some small mechanical bodies. 那几道骨箭轰然爆炸,黑光闪耀,将部分微小的机械体卷入其中。 The next quarter, the form of star meteor revering appears beyond several kilometers, is gathered by these milli machine bodies, closes up like one flock of ants, strange. 下一刻,星陨尊者的身影出现在数千米之外,由那些微小机械体聚拢而成,如同一群蚂蚁合拢起来,奇异非常。 As that milli machine body gathers, the mechanical body of star meteor revering reappears, returns safe and sound, cannot see any injury. 随着那微小机械体聚拢,星陨尊者的机械身躯重新出现,毫发无损,看不出任何伤势。 As if just explosion has not injured to him is common. 似乎刚刚的爆炸并未伤到他一般。 A little meaning!” “有点意思!” The bone La Demon Venerable vision flashes, the figure also flashed, changes to the black flowing light to charge into star meteor revering together, arrived at his front instantaneously, the bone spear/gun sweeps away, black light like the blade, wanting to cut open the body of star meteor revering. 骨喇魔尊目光闪动,身形也随之一闪,化作一道黑色流光冲向了星陨尊者,瞬间来到他的面前,骨枪横扫,黑光如刀刃,欲要切开星陨尊者的身躯。 Bang! 轰! Void rupturing, the space crack also appears together, riot the strength of space from divulges. 虚空爆裂,一道空间裂缝随之出现,暴乱的空间之力从其中宣泄而出。 Clang! 铛! The next quarter, is actually sound of the metal collision spreads. 下一刻,却是一道金属碰撞之音传出。 Star meteor revering reacted instantaneously, the golden long spear/gun vertical stroke kept off before the body, collided with the bone La Demon Venerable bone spear/gun in one, a series of sparks also jumped to shoot. 星陨尊者瞬间做出了反应,金色长枪竖挡在了身前,与骨喇魔尊的骨枪碰撞在了一起,一连串的火花随之迸射而出。 Bone La Demon Venerable has not stopped slightly, in the hand the bone spear/gun ejects ten several moves instantaneously, is coercing the strength of darkness, incurs a move of fatality, takes the star meteor revering strategic point. 骨喇魔尊丝毫没有停顿,手中骨枪瞬间击出十数招,裹挟着黑暗之力,招招致命,直取星陨尊者要害。 Although is the mechanical body , has many cores to be, if were hit, will be injured fatally. 尽管是机械身躯,却也是有着多处核心所在,若是被击中,也会受到致命的伤害。 However star meteor revering is not the good stubble, responded is extremely quick, in the hand the long spear/gun also changes to the spear/gun shadow, moves forward to meet somebody. 不过星陨尊者也不是善茬,反应极快,手中长枪亦是化作枪影,迎了上去。 Clang! Clang! Clang! Ding! Ding! Ding! 铛!铛!铛!叮!叮!叮! both sides fight instantaneously dozens moves, erupts the sound of metal collision unceasingly, the golden color and black Source Power erupts in the collision places of two long-barrelled guns, changes thunders, void presents fissures immediately. 双方瞬间交手数十招,不断爆发出金属碰撞之音,金色与黑色原力在两柄长枪的碰撞处爆发,化作轰鸣,虚空中顿时出现一道道裂痕。 The collision that immortal level revering and high-rank Demon Venerable level have, void made into pulpy that piece. 不朽级尊者与上位魔尊级存在的碰撞,将那片虚空都打成了稀烂。 Wang Teng and star weapon king Jie looks toward that region, serious incomparable, star meteor revering was constrained by that bone La Demon Venerable, is unable to withdraw. 王腾和星械王皆是朝着那片区域看去,面色凝重无比,星陨尊者被那骨喇魔尊拖住,根本无法脱身。 „Did senior, what method you also prepare? A little does not only handle by the mechanical cinders eye probably.” Wang Teng passes on the sound said. “前辈,你们还准备了什么手段吗?光靠机械烬眼好像有点搞不定啊。”王腾传音道。 „......” “……” star weapon king somewhat are speechless. 星械王有些无言。 Who can think that the blood group can actually use this method. 谁能想到血族竟然能够施展出这种手段啊。 Cheated. 太作弊了有没有。 Could not be victorious to summon the spirit of blood ancestor unexpectedly, this with hit was small, came old had anything to distinguish. 打不过居然把血祖之灵都召唤了出来,这跟“打了小的,来了老的”有什么区别啊。 Although their mechanical clan also prepared other methods, but star meteor revering is constrained now, they have no alternative. 他们机械族虽然还准备了其他手段,但是如今星陨尊者被拖住,他们也是无可奈何。 „, Won't have other methods?” In Wang Teng heart thump. “不会吧,难道没有其他手段了吗?”王腾心中咯噔了一下。 He makes the blood god clone to complete the final absorption, is guessed that the billows machine void fortress definitely also has other powerful methods to cope with Dark Species. 他之所以让血神分身完成最终的吸收,便是猜测澜机虚空堡垒肯定还有其他强大的手段能够对付黑暗种 After all that side the noise-maker weapon fort defense line has, this billows machine void fortress such important military heavy, is impossible not to have. 毕竟连铁械堡防线那边都有,这澜机虚空堡垒如此重要的军事重地,不可能没有吧。 But star weapon king appearance, is to make his some unable to think now much. 可如今星械王这幅样子,却是让他有些不敢多想。 , Can't so the pit father? 不会吧,不会如此坑爹吧? You underestimated my mechanical clan.” star weapon king ill-humored saying of: Method naturally has, but wants to use, even I am very difficult to accomplish, must have immortal level revering and several immortal levels exists strives together, can start completely, if otherwise uses rashly, coming up also delivers the vegetable/dish.” “你太小看我机械族了。”星械王没好气的说道:“手段自然是有,但想要动用,连我都很难办到,必须要有不朽级尊者和数位不朽级存在共同出力,方能完全启动,否则若是冒然动用,上去也不过是送菜而已。” „! Does not know that is what method?” In the Wang Teng eye reveals an astonished color, asked hastily. “哦!不知是什么手段?”王腾眼中露出一丝惊异之色,连忙问道。 Unexpectedly needs immortal level revering and several immortal levels exists strives together, this method feared that is not under that blood group 12 blood spirit bodies Never expected that the blood group also had this grade of method, is inconceivable seriously. 居然需要不朽级尊者和数位不朽级存在共同出力,这手段怕是都不下于那血族的【十二血灵身】了,没想到血族还有这等手段,当真是难以想象。 Must know the beforehand that iron weapon fort defense line mechanical giant, is needs star meteor revering immortal level revering to control. 要知道之前那铁械堡防线所化的机械巨人,也不过是需要星陨尊者一位不朽级尊者就能够操控。 Compares, the billows machine void fortress method truly is very astonishing. 相比起来,澜机虚空堡垒这边的手段确实是非常惊人。 In the Wang Teng heart somewhat was immediately curious. 王腾心中顿时有些好奇了起来。 Yuan magnetic god light/only space-based ball!!!” star weapon king not hesitant, put out a name. “元磁神光・天基球!!!”星械王没有犹豫,吐出了一个名字。 What chicken what ball?” Wang Teng ignorant. “什么鸡什么球?”王腾懵了一下。 This name is a little incoherent. 这名字有点拗口。 Moreover he has also never heard, although sounds like a little fierce inferior (Asia). 而且他也从未听说过,虽然听起来似乎有点厉害的亚子。 „......” Star weapon king looks at Wang Teng that innocent look, choked, wants to complain the opposite party not to experience, but thinks the present critical situation, gave up this idea, can only explain fast: Is the Yuan magnetic god light/only space-based ball!” “……”星械王看着王腾那无辜的眼神,不禁噎了一下,很想吐槽对方没有见识,但是想想如今的危急情形,还是放弃了这个想法,只能快速的解释道:“是元磁神光・天基球!” This is the powerful weapon of magnetic energy and energy of light in absorption universe, after absorbing these two strengths, may form the Yuan magnetism god through the special way light/only, is powerful.” “这是一种吸收宇宙中的磁能和光能的强大兵器,在吸收这两种力量之后,可通过特殊方式形成元磁神光,非常强大。” Yuan magnetic god light/only!” Wang Teng stares immediately, in the eye reveals the strange color: „The strength by the magnetic energy and energy of light fusion being become!” “元磁神光!”王腾顿时一愣,眼中露出奇异之色:“由磁能和光能融合而成的力量!” That is the strength and light strength of Yuan magnetism!” “那岂不是就是元磁之力和光明之力!” Mechanical clan can create this grade of weapon unexpectedly!!!” “机械族竟能创造出这等兵器!!!” This does not use in the method of this place, therefore we do not have so many preparations, has not thought that blood group Dark Species can use like that the terrifying method unexpectedly, now does not need is not good.” star weapon king Wang all around situation, dignified saying. “这本不是用在此地的手段,所以我们没有那么多的准备,可没想到那血族黑暗种竟能够施展出那般恐怖的手段,现在不用也不行了。”星械王望着四周的情形,凝重的说道。 But you did not say, the enough mechanical clan immortal level has not existed, is unable to use that Yuan magnetic god light/only space-based ball.” Wang Teng said. “可是你不是也说了,没有足够的机械族不朽级存在,根本无法动用那【元磁神光・天基球】。”王腾道。 This......” on star weapon king face reveals the embarrassment. “这……”星械王脸上露出难色。 Buzz! 嗡! However in the meantime, that huge incomparable billows machine void fortress actually suddenly resounded long buzz the sound of cry, reverberates in void, just like strange whistle sound. 不过就在此时,那庞大无比的澜机虚空堡垒却是突然响起了一阵悠长的嗡鸣之声,回荡在虚空之中,宛如一阵奇异的笛声。 Meanwhile, in the entire billows machine void fortress was to shine the strange blue ray. 与此同时,整座澜机虚空堡垒之中都是亮起了奇异的蓝色光芒。 That is......” on the Wang Teng face reveals the surprised color. “那是……”王腾脸上露出惊讶之色。 Did this billows machine void fortress start suddenly? 这澜机虚空堡垒怎么突然就启动了? Did not say must, or decays level revering to be able its start? 不是说必须要不朽级尊者才能够将其启动吗? Immortal level revering where the present billows machine void fortress comes? 现在的澜机虚空堡垒哪来的不朽级尊者? Suddenly, in the Wang Teng heart somewhat is surprised uncertain, looked hastily to the star weapon king. 一时间,王腾心中有些惊疑不定,连忙看向了星械王。 Zeus revering!!” star weapon king Daxi said. “阿宙斯尊者!!”星械王大喜道。 Zeus revering!” Wang Teng gawked, immediately responded, in the eye revealed the color of pleasant surprise, said: Was Zeus revering arrives?” “阿宙斯尊者!”王腾愣了一下,随即反应过来,眼中露出惊喜之色,说道:“是阿宙斯尊者降临了?” But he thinks of anything immediately, some indefinite saying: „It is not right, isn't Zeus revering not in this place?” 但他立刻又想到了什么,有些不确定的说道:“不对啊,阿宙斯尊者不是不在此地吗?” Situation of Zeus revering is quite special.” The star weapon king excessively had not explained that but said. “阿宙斯尊者的情况较为特殊。”星械王没有过多解释,只是如此说道。 Wang Teng looked at his one eyes, does not go to ask, now does not go into seriously these things time, if Zeus revering really can arrive at this place, to them absolutely is the good deed. 王腾看了他一眼,也不去多问,现在并非深究这些事情的时候,如果阿宙斯尊者真的能够降临此地,对他们来说绝对是好事。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Another side, bone La Demon Venerable also noticed the unusual condition in billows machine void fortress, looked, in the vision was somewhat surprised. 另一边,骨喇魔尊也注意到了澜机虚空堡垒的异状,不由看了过去,目光中有些惊疑了起来。 The star meteor revering vision flashes, in the eye appears a happy intent, he no longer speeds away to go toward the billows machine void fortress, instead looked to bone La Mozu, killing without hesitation to the opposite party. 星陨尊者目光一闪,眼中浮现出一丝喜意,他不再朝着澜机虚空堡垒疾驰而去,反而看向了骨喇魔族,毫不犹豫的杀向对方。 Bang! 轰! He erupts full power, the golden spear/gun glow is vertically and horizontally void, bone La Demon Venerable all around void blockade. 他全力爆发,金色枪芒纵横虚空,将骨喇魔尊四周虚空封锁。 Just now to overtake, he impedes everywhere, unusual is been ruthless, in the heart that the opposite party suppresses has been aggrieved incomparable, now finally can independently a war. 方才为了赶过去,他处处掣肘,被对方压制的非常狠,心中早已是憋屈无比,如今终于可以放手一战。 It seems like this bright universe mechanical clan really also has other methods.” The bone La Demon Venerable vision flashes, smiles lightly, moves forward to meet somebody. “看来这光明宇宙机械族果然还有其他手段。”骨喇魔尊目光一闪,淡淡一笑,迎了上去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… both sides collided again in one, erupted the sound of intermittent thundering. 双方再度碰撞在了一起,爆发出阵阵轰鸣之声。 However at this time the people do not have the thoughts to pay attention to two among fights to powerhouses, their attention were captured by the unusual condition in billows machine void fortress. 不过此时众人却没有心思关注两位至强者之间的战斗,他们的目光都被澜机虚空堡垒的异状所吸引。 Bang! 轰隆! The entire billows machine void fortress vibrated suddenly, later in the vision of people, that huge fortress...... the fission opens unexpectedly! 整座澜机虚空堡垒骤然震动了起来,随后在众人的目光中,那庞大的堡垒竟然……分裂而开! It split directly. 它直接裂开了。 That huge billows machine void fortress from top to bottom, altogether is divided into four. 那庞大的澜机虚空堡垒从上到下,总共分为四层。 First is state-of-art! 第一层便是尖端! Second is divided into two major parts! 第二层分为两大部分! Third is divided into three major parts! 第三层分为三大部分! The final level is divided into four major parts! 最后一层分为四大部分! In an instant, the entire billows machine void fortress splits for ten major parts unexpectedly. 刹那间,整座澜机虚空堡垒竟然分裂为了十大部分。 Then these ten major parts had the change. 而后这十大部分又出现了变化。 The physical construction of appears, fluctuates, fast changes to ten giant mechanical spheres. 其中的机械构造浮现,一阵变幻,快速的化作十颗巨大的机械圆球。 This process rapidness, many people have not responded, then saw that ten giant mechanical sphere appears during was void. 这个过程非常之快,许多人还未反应过来,便看到那十颗巨大的机械圆球出现在了虚空之中。 A huge incomparable void fortress changes to ten mechanical spheres, this picture truly felt the strange feeling, making many heads unable to make a turn. 一座庞大无比的虚空堡垒化作十颗机械圆球,这幅画面确实是充满了奇异之感,让很多人脑袋转不过弯来。 Is the Wang Teng such experienced person, at this moment also thought that rose the experience. 就是王腾这样见多识广之人,此刻也觉得涨了见识。 Has not thought can also like this. 没想到还能这样。 The so-called space-based ball, is really...... the ball! 所谓的天基球,原来真的是……球啊! What does mechanical clan need to make?” “机械族要做什么?” At this moment, this thought appeared simultaneously in numerous bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species mind. 此时此刻,这个念头同时浮现在了众多光明宇宙武者黑暗种的脑海之中。 In the blood god altar, that 12 blood-color giant empty shades also cast the vision, framed above that ten mechanical sphere. 血神祭坛之中,那十二道血色巨人虚影也随之投来了目光,定格在那十颗机械圆球之上。
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