AAMD :: Volume #22

#2175: The spirits of 12 blood ancestors! Vast bloodshed!

Bang! 轰! As that ancient times was bloody, the evil dark aura spread from the bloody vortex, the terrifying pressure also appeared. 随着那远古血腥,邪恶黑暗的气息从血腥旋涡之中蔓延而出,恐怖的威压也随之出现。 The time, the trim as if stagnated void. 顿时间,整片虚空都仿佛凝滞了一下。 The space was imprisoned by some fearful strength, bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species on the scene felt that had a mountain to appear above the top of the head, pressed them unable to move. 空间被某种可怕的力量禁锢了,在场的光明宇宙武者黑暗种都感觉有一座大山出现在了头顶之上,压得他们无法动弹。 In all person eyes reveals the panic-stricken color, is maintaining the posture power and reputation of raising head that scarlet vortex, the whole person framed generally. 所有人眼中都是露出惊骇之色,保持着仰头的姿势望着那猩红色的旋涡,整个人都定格了一般。 Is some immortal levels exists with the Demon Venerable level exists, is the complexion drastic changes, the look vibrates is looking at sky over the top of the head scarlet vortex. 就是一些不朽级存在和魔尊级存在,也都是面色剧变,眼神震动不已的望着头顶上空的猩红色旋涡。 This is......” “这是……” Good terrifying strength!” “好恐怖的力量!” Blood group wants to summon the spirit of their blood ancestor, that is 12 blood spirit bodies Strength?” “血族想要召唤出它们的血祖之灵,这就是【十二血灵身】的力量吗?” Really is crazy, this blood group feared that got down the initial capital!” “真是疯狂,这一次血族怕是下了血本了!” Really initial capital jpg!” “【真・血本】jpg!” ...... …… Startled whish the sound spreads from the Dark Species mouth in all directions immediately, even with is Dark Species, they felt that this terrifying strength, in the heart is also shocks. 惊哗之声顿时从四面八方的黑暗种口中传出,即便同为黑暗种,它们感觉到这股恐怖的力量,心中亦是震撼不已。 Too fearful! 太可怕了! The blood group actually summoned the so fearful strength, perhaps really can sweep away this stretch of battlefield. 血族竟然召唤出如此可怕的力量,也许真的可以横扫这片战场了。 If were not suppressed by the pressure of that terrifying, many Dark Species have retreated toward the distant place at this time quietly. 如果不是被那恐怖的威压所压制,许多黑暗种此时已经悄悄朝着远处退去了。 Preserving the dog's life is important! 保住狗命要紧! Star meteor revering, the star weapon king and other bright universe Martial Artist similar sensations to the pressure of that terrifying, the vision closely were staring at that scarlet vortex, in the heart dignified incomparable. 星陨尊者,星械王等光明宇宙武者同样感知到了那恐怖的威压,目光紧紧盯着那猩红色旋涡,心中凝重无比。 Roar! 吼! Suddenly, the indescribable roar spreads from that scarlet vortex together. 突然,一道无法形容的吼声从那猩红色旋涡之中传出。 This roar very strange, not any star beast, actually not Dark Species like that but has feeling of the vast dignified, ancient vicissitudes. 这吼声十分奇异,不似任何星兽,却也不似黑暗种那般,而是有着一种浩大威严,古老沧桑之感。 As if ancient existences recovered in the back of that scarlet vortex, send out were its sound, is announcing Its arrival. 仿佛有一个古老的存在于那猩红色旋涡的背后复苏,发出了属于它的声音,宣告着祂的降临。 At this time, star meteor revering and star weapon king the complexion of changed, faint revealed a panic-stricken meaning. 这时,星陨尊者和星械王的面色都变了,隐隐中露出了一丝惊骇之意。 This is without doubt incredible. 这无疑非常令人难以置信。 Can make them reveal so the manner, is the high-rank Demon Venerable level exists cannot achieve, now merely is behind a that scarlet vortex roar, made them rude, obviously that scarlet vortex back existence some were fearful. 能够让他们露出这般神态,就是上位魔尊级存在都做不到,现在仅仅是那猩红色旋涡背后的一道吼声,就令他们失态,可见那猩红色旋涡背后的存在到底有多可怕了。 Wang Teng is the vision concentrates similarly, the look is glittering the purple gold colored light glow, closely is staring at that scarlet vortex, as to see that back existence. 王腾同样是目光一凝,眼神闪烁着紫金色光芒,紧紧盯着那猩红色旋涡,似乎想要看到那背后的存在。 A strange picture appears. 一个诡异的画面出现。 In the vortex of distortion, the strength of space wreaks havoc, all around is similar to flows the blood to be the same, incarnadine all, even the space is unable to be exceptional. 扭曲的旋涡之中,空间之力肆虐,四周如同流淌着血液一般,染红了一切,连空间都无法例外。 That feeling, looked like the space to change to the viscous blood, particularly strange. 那种感觉,就像是空间都化作了粘稠的血液,分外的诡异。 In the Wang Teng eye reveals the unusual look, has not thought that in that scarlet vortex unexpectedly is so the scene, he wants to see a deeper level the thing, but the line of sight actually received the impediment, as if gets sucked in the mire, is unable to spy on toward the deep place again. 王腾眼中露出异色,没想到那猩红旋涡之中竟是如此景象,他想要看到更深层次的东西,但视线却受到了阻隔,仿佛深陷于泥沼之中,无法再往深处窥探。 In the meantime, the dazzling blood red ray erupts from the vortex deep place together, thorn to the line of sight of Wang Teng. 就在此时,一道刺目的血红色光芒从旋涡深处爆发,刺向王腾的视线。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Wang Teng closes the double pupil immediately, was cut off the line of sight. 王腾立刻闭上双眸,阻隔了视线。 His psychic force fast turn-around, the strength of light also surges, eliminates that bloody evil strength. 他的精神力快速运转,光明之力随之涌动,消除那种血腥邪恶的力量。 Just that blood red ray almost invaded in his mind, was very terrifying. 刚刚那血红色的光芒差点侵入他的脑海之中,十分恐怖。 Behind that vortex really has what terrifying thing.” “那旋涡背后果然有什么恐怖的东西。” After several breath, the Wang Teng opening eyes pupil, in the eyeball had/left several capillaries slowly unexpectedly, obviously came under a big influence. 几个呼吸后,王腾缓缓睁开眼眸,眼球之中竟多出了几条血丝,显然受到了不小的影响。 Fortunately he took back the vision promptly, this had not been injured to the eye. 所幸他及时收回了目光,这才没有被伤到眼睛。 Bang! 轰! Has not waited for him to think, behind that scarlet vortex has richer blood light to erupt suddenly, later continuously blood from infiltrates, like scarlet bolts of white silk, seems like blood river, proliferates around the vortex. 还不等他多想,那猩红色旋涡背后突然有着更为浓郁的血光爆发而出,随后一缕缕血液从其中渗透而出,如同一道道猩红色的匹练,又像是一条条血液长河,遍布于旋涡四周。 A lot of blood red mist fill the air from the vortex. 大量的血红色雾气从旋涡中弥漫而出。 Afterward the center of that scarlet vortex, suddenly the drastic fluctuation, as if has anything to want from comes out. 随后那猩红色旋涡的中心处,突然剧烈波动起来,似乎有什么东西想要从其中出来。 Buzz! 嗡! However is in an instant, buzz the sound of cry gets up together, then sees together the dazzling blood red ray from infiltrates. 不过是刹那间,一道嗡鸣之声响起,而后便见一道刺目的血红色光芒从其中渗透而出。 This ray, even above the blood red ray compared with that blood god altar also wants to be dazzling and dazzling. 这一道光芒,甚至比那血神祭坛之上的血红色光芒还要耀眼与刺目。 Everyone closed the eye subconsciously, is unable to look straight ahead that richly the extreme ray, even if the immortal level exists, is unable to stare at it, but looked at two, then shifted the vision. 所有人都下意识的闭上了眼睛,根本无法直视那浓郁了极点的光芒,就算是不朽级存在,都无法一直盯着它,不过是看了两眼,便不由转移开了目光。 Also only then star meteor revering this immortal level revering, can not by the too tremendous impact. 也只有星陨尊者这位不朽级尊者,能够不受太大的影响。 But when he noticed that dazzling blood red ray gradually from the vortex infiltrates , a heart is actually unceasing sinks downward, arrived at the extreme seriously. 但当他看到那耀眼的血红色光芒逐渐从旋涡背后渗透而出时,一颗心却是不断的往下沉,面色凝重到了极点。 That is blood group the spirit of blood ancestor is arriving, your bright universe...... must end!” Bone La Demon Venerable is looking at the vortex of distant place, opens the mouth indifferent saying. “那是血族的血祖之灵正在降临,你们光明宇宙……要完了!”骨喇魔尊望着远处的旋涡,开口漠然的说道。 „The spirit of blood ancestor!” “血祖之灵!” In the star meteor revering heart was always talking about one, but a word has not actually sent, has not paid attention to bone La Demon Venerable, the vision is staring at the dazzling blood light in that vortex as before. 星陨尊者心中不由叨念了一声,但却一言未发,更没有理会骨喇魔尊,目光依旧盯着那旋涡之中的耀眼血光。 Bang! 轰隆! At this moment, that blood light works loose from the vortex suddenly, just like huge blood red to be fierce, float in the sky of blood god altar. 就在这时,那道血光猛然从旋涡中挣脱而出,犹如一颗巨大的血红色烈阳,悬浮在了血神祭坛的上空。 A more terrifying pressure arrives at this void, covers all bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species. 更加恐怖的威压降临这片虚空,将所有的光明宇宙武者黑暗种都笼罩在内。 They have not relaxed, immediately thought the mountain of top of the head as if became heavier. 他们还未松口气,顿时觉得头顶的大山似乎变得更重了。 That feeling, looked like an original mountain to turn into ten mountains, the pressure increased ten times to continue instantaneously. 那种感觉,就像是原本的一座大山变成了十座大山,压力瞬间增加了十倍不止。 Many low rank Martial Artist and Dark Species, even cannot help but bends the waist, is unable to be straight the body, is unable to look up that blood red colored light group. 许多低阶武者黑暗种,甚至都不由得弯下了腰,无法直起身子,更无法抬起头去看那血红色光团。 At this time, simply not to the opportunity that the people responded, that blood red colored light group split up to open unexpectedly suddenly, changes to 12 rays, broke in below array, melted with that 12 light beams. 这时,根本没给众人反应的机会,那血红色光团竟是突然分化而开,化作十二道光芒,冲入下方的阵法之中,与那十二道光柱相融。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The deafening bellow meets 223 resounding, with integration of that light/only group, that 12 light beams erupted the dazzling ray immediately, the light beam inflated instantaneously. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声接二两三的响起,随着那光团的融入,那十二道光柱顿时爆发出更加耀眼的光芒,光柱瞬间膨胀了起来。 That 12 light beams change immediately, the blood red ray condensed, change to blood-color empty shades, in that light beam obviously. 紧接着,那十二道光柱立刻发生了变化,血红色光芒凝聚,化作一道道血色虚影,在那光柱之中显化。 These empty shades all are big incomparable, just like the giant of being indomitable spirit, on their faces was actually just covered by the blood red mist, letting the person is unable to see clearly the facial features. 这些虚影皆是高大无比,宛如顶天立地的巨人,只不过祂们的脸上却是被血红色雾气所笼罩,让人无法看清面容。 A total of 12 forms, each light beam corresponded a form. 总共十二道身影,每一道光柱对应了一道身影。 That picture, it may be said that was magnificent to the extreme. 那副画面,可谓是壮观到了极点。 Just likes 12 blood-color giants to tread from the ancient years, appeared in this space and time. 犹如十二尊血色巨人从古老的岁月之中踏来,出现在了这一片时空之中。 Indescribable vicissitudes, the feeling of dignity fills the air from these 12 blood-color giant empty shades, simultaneously a bloodiness, the evil aura winding on their bodies, making everyone understand, this is not the sacred gods, but is the ancient and evil evil god. 一种无法形容的沧桑,威严之感从这十二尊血色巨人虚影之中弥漫而出,同时更有一种血腥,邪恶的气息缠绕在祂们的身上,让所有人都明白,这并非什么神圣的神明,而是古老而邪恶的邪神。 These blood-color giant empty shades overlook in all directions, the scarlet vision projects from the blood fog. 这一尊尊血色巨人虚影俯瞰四面八方,猩红色的目光从血雾中投射而出。 Indifferent! 冷漠至极! Keep aloof! 高高在上! Dignified and evil! 威严而邪恶! In that scarlet vision, cannot see the slight fluctuation, some are only a tranquility of ancient well without ripples. 在那猩红色的目光之中,看不到丝毫的波动,有的只是一种古井无波的平静。 As if present life in their eyes is not anything, performing is the ants is all worthless, is not worth mentioning. 仿佛眼前的生命在祂们眼中都不算什么,尽皆是蝼蚁草芥,不值一提。 Even if star meteor revering and other immortal levels exists with the star weapon king, as well as bone La Demon Venerable such Demon Venerable level exists, in his eyes does not have the slight difference, seems same tiny and emaciated. 哪怕是星陨尊者和星械王等不朽级存在,以及骨喇魔尊这样的魔尊级存在,在其眼中也没有丝毫的不同,似乎都是一样的渺小与孱弱。 At this moment, star meteor revering and star weapon king and other immortal levels exist, the complexion that as well as bone the La Demon Venerable and other Demon Venerable levels have changed, in their hearts is quite angry, actually also aggrieved to the extreme, has no alternative radically. 这一刻,星陨尊者与星械王等不朽级存在,以及骨喇魔尊魔尊级存在的脸色都是变了,他们心中极为愤怒,却也憋屈到了极点,根本无可奈何。 Because they can feel that 12 blood-color giant empty shadow great strength, the opposite party as if has such qualifications to despise them. 因为他们都能够感觉到那十二尊血色巨人虚影的强大,对方似乎有这样的资格藐视他们。 Static! 静! Void falls into the middle of a deathly stillness immediately. 虚空中顿时陷入一片死寂当中。 All sounds vanished. 所有的声音都消失了。 No matter bright universe Martial Artist, is Dark Species, stopped the fight, without exception. 不管是光明宇宙武者,还是黑暗种,都是停下了战斗,无一例外。 Facing the 12 blood-color giant empty shades of that terrifying, as if cannot help submitting, cannot rise the thought of least bit resistance. 面对那恐怖的十二尊血色巨人虚影,似乎都忍不住要臣服,升不起半点反抗的念头。 Blood ancestor!!!” “血祖!!!” Afterward leader blood group Dark Species responded, the look is frantic, toward that 12 blood-color giant empty shadow crouches/submits Gui, shouted loudly the blood ancestor. 随后一头头血族黑暗种反应了过来,眼神狂热,纷纷朝着那十二尊血色巨人虚影伏跪而下,高呼血祖。 But the people hear this deafening sound, finally also responded, in the eye reveals the meaning of vibration, alarmed and afraid is looking at that 12 terrifying blood-color giant empty shadow. 而众人听到这震耳欲聋的声音,终于也是反应了过来,眼中露出震动之意,惊惧的望着那十二尊恐怖的血色巨人虚影。 This is the blood group 12 blood spirit bodies!” “这就是血族的【十二血灵身】么!” Wang Teng is gazing at that 12 blood-color giant empty shades, deeply inspires in the heart. 王腾注视着那十二尊血色巨人虚影,不由在心底深吸了一口气。 Although has long known this 12 blood spirit bodies Very will be terrifying, but has not actually expected will be in so the situation. 虽然早就知道这【十二血灵身】会十分恐怖,但却没料到会强到如此地步。 Fearful! 可怕! Seriously was too fearful! 当真是太可怕了! That 12 blood-color giant empty shades, each seems a terrifying blood god, although does not know that can display several tenths strength of hemorrhage god, but immortal level revering was unlikely hard to block them continually. 那十二尊血色巨人虚影,每一尊似乎都是一位恐怖的血神,虽然不知道能够发挥出血神的几成实力,但恐怕连不朽级尊者都难以挡住祂们了。 Bright universe, your dead ends.” “光明宇宙,你们的末路到了。” The ice-cold sound spreads from the blood god altar together, making everyone heart one tight. 一道冰冷至极的声音从血神祭坛之中传出,让所有人心头一紧。 Finishes speaking, that 12 blood-color giant empty shades moved suddenly, in their hands all pinches a strange seal secret art, each empty shadow is not same, as if some implication strength. 话音刚落,那十二尊血色巨人虚影骤然动了起来,祂们手中皆是捏出一个诡异的印诀,每一尊虚影都不相同,仿佛蕴含某种力量。 Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, the bellow also resounds, sky over 12 blood-color giant empty shadow top of the heads suddenly presents strange one. 下一刻,轰鸣声随之响起,十二尊血色巨人虚影头顶上空突然出现奇异的一幕。 The space fluctuates, vast bloodshed extremely towering reappearing, as if receives that 12 blood-color giant empty shadow summons, from the blood group restricted area by pulling forcefully, being made it appear in this void. 空间波动,一片浩瀚的血海极为突兀的浮现而出,似乎正是受到那十二尊血色巨人虚影的召唤,从血族的禁地之中被硬生生的拉扯而出,让其出现于这片虚空。 Draws back quickly!” “快退!” The Wang Teng pupil contraction, as if felt that anything, in the mouth spreads sonic boom to drink immediately. 王腾瞳孔收缩,似乎感觉到了什么,口中立刻传出一声爆喝。 Just everyone was shocked by the institute of this terrifying, in addition that fearful pressure shock and awe, many people are unable to move, at this moment also dull in same place, after hearing the Wang Teng sound, some Martial Artist reacted, immediately erupts own imposing manner, resisted that pressure at the same time, went toward distant place suddenly/violently to retreat hastily. 刚刚所有人都被这恐怖的一幕所震撼,加上那可怕的威压震慑,许多人根本无法动弹,此刻还呆愣在原地,听到王腾的声音之后,一些武者才纷纷做出了反应,立刻爆发出自身的气势,抵挡那威压的同时,连忙朝着远处暴退而去。 Under the imposing manners of these powerhouses erupt, some nearby low rank Martial Artist can also get rid of that fearful pressure, has the ample force to leave to draw back. 而在那些强者的气势爆发之下,附近一些低阶武者也得以摆脱那可怕的威压,有余力抽身而退。 Suddenly, the trim became one group void randomly, all bright universes just like the locust transit, speeds away to go toward the distant place. 一时间,整片虚空乱成了一团,所有的光明宇宙犹如蝗虫过境般,朝着远处疾驰而去。 However at this time, actually laughed from that blood god altar spreads, fills despised and disdained. 然而此时,却有一声嗤笑从那血神祭坛之中传出,充满了轻蔑与不屑。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, has not waited for the people to respond that piece of vast bloodshed opened by the visible speed spread suddenly, caught up with big piece bright universe Martial Artist, the rich blood light also projected, alarmed and afraid. 刹那间,还不等众人反应过来,那片浩瀚的血海突然以肉眼可见的速度蔓延而开,追上了大片的光明宇宙武者,浓郁的血光随之投射而下,令人惊惧。 Then the fearful scene also appears. 而后可怕的景象随之出现。 That vast bloodshed tumbled suddenly fiercely, the innumerable blood are the life condenses, python curtus, blood bat, blood wolf, even blood-color vine wait/etc...... 那浩瀚的血海突然剧烈的翻滚了起来,无数的血系生灵在其中凝聚,血蟒,血蝙蝠,血狼,甚至还有血色藤蔓等等…… These blood are the life were common with that bloodshed, is only illusory, but condenses but, was separated from the bloodshed unexpectedly directly, from suddenly/violently to rush, speeds away to go toward bright universe Martial Artist. 这些血系生灵原本与那血海一般,只是虚幻,但是凝聚而出后,竟然直接脱离了血海,从其中暴冲而下,朝着一个个光明宇宙武者疾驰而去。 „!” “啊!” „!!!” “啊!啊!啊!” Go away! Do not come!!!” “滚开!不要过来!!!” ...... …… Pitiful yell sounds are resounding in all directions, many low rank bright universe Martial Artist by these blood are life killing, the body is torn into shreds directly at the scene, some Martial Artist were swallowed into the abdomen directly, changed to the blood food. 一道道惨叫声在四面八方响起,不少低阶的光明宇宙武者直接被那些血系生灵扑杀,身躯当场被撕碎,有些武者更是直接被吞入腹中,化作了血食。 This frigid picture, making more people look pale, in the heart was full of the alarmed and afraid meaning. 这惨烈的画面,让更多人面色苍白,心中充满了惊惧之意。 Some stronger Martial Artist resist furiously, various methods, striking to kill these blood are the lives. 一些实力较强的武者奋力抵挡,各施手段,击杀那些血系生灵。 However this blood is life each time is killed, will change to the blood, finally condensed unexpectedly, hard to deal with. 但是这血系生灵每一次被杀死,都会化作血液,最后竟又重新凝聚了起来,难缠至极。 Although they were killed every time one time, the blood in within the body can present the loss, even if so, when their strengths are insufficient supports themselves to act, can still with other blood be the life fusion, does not waste any strength seriously. 虽然它们每被杀死一次,体内的血液都会出现损耗,可就算如此,当它们的力量不足以支撑自身行动之时,也会与其他血系生灵融合,当真是不浪费任何一点力量。 Under this strange method, causing these blood to be the life is hard to kill radically, many bright universe Martial Artist therefore run about to deal with. 此种诡异的手段之下,导致这些血系生灵根本就难以杀死,许多光明宇宙武者因此而疲于应付。 This!!!” “这!!!” Wang Teng is looking at the bloodshed of top of the head, the complexion finally cannot help but changes. 王腾望着头顶的血海,面色终于是不由得一变。 This method he was too familiar. 这种手段他太熟悉了。 Familiar cannot be familiar. 熟悉的不能再熟悉。 Because this is he fuses Bloodshed domain!! 因为这正是他融合而出的【血海领域】啊!! But at present this piece of vast bloodshed actually compared with his Bloodshed domain More powerful, even if he integrates the strength of source principle, is unable to compare with this piece of vast bloodshed, the two have a big disparity. 只不过眼前这片浩瀚的血海却是比他的【血海领域】更为强大,即便他融入本源法则之力,也无法与这片浩瀚的血海相比,二者有着不小的差距。 But because of this, he is clearer this vast bloodshed the terrifying. 但正因为如此,他才更清楚这浩瀚血海的恐怖。 After all his Bloodshed domain Until now is he extremely proud one method, this thinks that does not have blood group Dark Species to use similar method, has not thought today unexpectedly sees, moreover powerful. 毕竟他那【血海领域】一直以来都是他极为自傲的一种手段,本以为没有血族黑暗种能够施展出类似的手段,可没想到今日居然见到了,而且更加的强大。 His Bloodshed domain In front of this piece of vast bloodshed, feels dwarfed completely. 他的【血海领域】在这片浩瀚血海面前,完全就是小巫见大巫。 Fortunately this not Dark Species displays, but is that 12 blood-color giant empty shades displays together, in other words, that is 12 blood ancestor's common strengths. 所幸这并不是某一头黑暗种施展出来的,而是那十二尊血色巨人虚影共同施展而出,也就是说,那是十二位血祖共同的力量。 He is unique. 他还是独一无二的。 Perhaps in the future his Bloodshed domain Also can grow to so the degree, at the appointed time may keep off no one. 也许日后他的【血海领域】也可以成长到如此程度,到时将无人可挡。 What a pity now must facing the reality. 可惜现在还需面对现实。 This way, large quantities of bright universe Martial Artist will be captured and killed, degenerates into the blood group the blood food, thus returns nurturing to parents that 12 blood spirit bodies, Making it more powerful. 再这样下去,大批的光明宇宙武者将会被捕杀,沦为血族的血食,从而反哺那【十二血灵身】,让其更加强大。
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