AAMD :: Volume #22

#2174: Blood tooth and blood dove Demon Venerable! This chapter of bright space

At this moment, a dazzling blood red light beam raises from the blood god altar, attracted the attention of people. 这一刻,一道耀眼的血红色光柱从血神祭坛之上升起,将众人的注意力都吸引了过去。 Wang Teng is narrowing the eye, looks to that giant blood red light beam, on the face the expression makes one unable to see that his thinks. 王腾眯着眼睛,望向那巨大的血红色光柱,脸上表情让人看不出他的所想。 Numerous bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species also look to that blood red light beam, on the face reveal the color of vibration, was guessing that what that blood red light beam is? 众多光明宇宙武者黑暗种亦是纷纷望向那血红色光柱,脸上露出震动之色,都在猜测那血红色光柱到底是什么? The star weapon king and other immortal levels exist is the vision concentrates, as if felt a threat from that blood red light beam. 星械王等不朽级存在更是目光微凝,似乎从那血红色光柱之中感觉到了一丝威胁。 This is inconceivable. 这非常不可思议。 After all that light beam, has not shown what prestige energy together, but makes the bright universe immortal level on the scene exist to feel that a threat, indicates the great strength of this method. 毕竟那只是一道光柱而已,并未展现出什么威能,但却让在场的光明宇宙不朽级存在感觉到一丝威胁,足见这种手段的强大。 But what is unexpected, this is only starts merely. 但令人意想不到的是,这仅仅只是开始而已。 Jie Jie Jie......” “桀桀桀……” Sneers from the blood remnant Demon Venerable mouth spreads, it gave up pursuing Wang Teng unexpectedly directly, coldly after looking at his one eyes, then turned around to speed away to go toward the blood god altar. 一声冷笑从血残魔尊口中传出,它竟然直接放弃了追击王腾,冷冷的看了他一眼之后,便转身朝着血神祭坛疾驰而去。 Another side, blood shadow Demon Venerable of star weapon king front not far away is also in the eye reveals the blood red color, no indication flushes away toward the blood god altar. 另一边,星械王前方不远处的血影魔尊亦是眼中露出血红之色,毫无征兆的朝着血神祭坛冲去。 „It is not good!” The star weapon king pupil shrinks, in heart immediately thump, but wants to prevent again already without enough time. “不好!”星械王瞳孔一缩,心中顿时咯噔了一下,但再想阻止已经来不及了。 An demon clan level exists, if iron core does not pester with him, wants to block the opposite party is not not possible. 一位魔族级存在若铁了心不与他纠缠,想要拦住对方根本就不可能。 Let alone that blood god altar was located in blood shadow Demon Venerable behind, the star weapon king is to stop, cannot catch up with the opposite party, do not say that it simply has not expected blood shadow Demon Venerable to charge into the blood god altar suddenly. 何况那血神祭坛本就位于血影魔尊身后,星械王就是想要阻拦,也赶不上对方,更不要说它根本没有料到血影魔尊会突然冲向血神祭坛。 They do not know 12 blood spirit bodies Displays condition that needs. 他们并不知晓【十二血灵身】施展所需的条件。 !! 唰!唰! In an instant, two Demon Venerable levels exist are span void, appeared in the front of blood god altar, they looked at each other one, without delay, stepped into directly. 刹那间,两头魔尊级存在便已是跨越虚空,出现在了血神祭坛的面前,它们对视了一眼,二话不说,径直踏入其中。 Above the blood god altar the blood light fluctuates, two Demon Venerable level Dark Species forms also disappear. 血神祭坛之上血光波动,两头魔尊黑暗种的身影随之消失。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The next quarter, two deafening bellows resounded, later has two blood red light beams to shoot up to the sky, with former that light beam same dazzling, same huge. 下一刻,两道震耳欲聋的轰鸣声先后响起,随后更是有着两道血红色光柱冲天而起,与之前那道光柱一样的耀眼,一样的庞大。 This!!!” “这!!!” Everyone stares the big eye, is looking at this. 所有人瞪大眼睛,望着这一幕。 Three blood red light beams! 三道血红色光柱! At this moment, above the blood god altar raised impressively three blood red light beams! 此时此刻,血神祭坛之上赫然升起了三道血红色光柱! The blood red ray is centered on the blood god altar divergence to open, that rich bloody aura sweeps across in all directions, almost must spread the trim to be void, all bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species were the heart vibrate, smelled that thick bloody taste. 血红色光芒以血神祭坛为中心辐散而开,那浓郁的血腥气息席卷四面八方,几乎要蔓延整片虚空,所有光明宇宙武者黑暗种都是心头震动,闻到了那浓浓的血腥之味。 Dark Species but actually also many, but bright universe Martial Artist is actually evades it less, the brow tight wrinkles, seem extremely ill. 黑暗种倒还好些,但光明宇宙武者却都是避之不及,一个个眉头紧皱,显得极为不适。 That type of bloody aura is really rich, making them look like the immersion in the blood pond general, at present as if presents the illusion, a corpse mountain blood sea, a lot of blood flow from the corpse, the terrifying is unusual, infiltrates the person extremely. 那种血腥气息实在过于浓郁,让他们就像是浸泡在血池之中一般,眼前仿佛出现了幻觉,一片尸山血海,大量的鲜血从尸体之中流淌而出,恐怖异常,极为渗人。 This picture, without many bright universe Martial Artist can withstand. 这幅画面,没有多少光明宇宙武者能够承受。 Even will firm Martial Artist, will still be affected. 即便心志再坚定的武者,也会受到影响。 They have seen the scenery of many death, such as in this battlefield, death bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species how, the picture that but in that illusion presents actually compares this more fearful. 他们见过不少死亡之景,如这战场之中,死亡的光明宇宙武者黑暗种何其之多,但那幻境之中出现的画面却比这更可怕。 The corpse mountain blood sea, did not say. 尸山血海,不是说说而已。 However, all these had not finished. 然而,这一切并未结束。 The Wang Teng vision is dignified, presented three blood red light beams merely, has lent the so fearful aura, if 12 light beams also appear, how can also? 王腾目光凝重,仅仅是出现了三道血红色光柱,就已经散发出如此可怕的气息,若是十二道光柱同时出现,又将会如何? 12 blood spirit bodies! 十二血灵身! Correspondence is 12 light beams, even if little together, is unable to display truly 12 blood spirit bodies, Therefore definitely will present 12 light beams. 对应的便是十二道光柱,哪怕是少一道,都无法真正的施展出【十二血灵身】,因此必然会出现十二道光柱。 But these 12 light beams have the lord to have surely the time, will have the weakness. 只不过这十二道光柱必定有主有次,也会有强有弱。 If there is a Demon Venerable level to exist arrives at this place control personally, the blood red light beam that corresponds will be very naturally powerful, without the Demon Venerable level exists arrives personally, then meets is relatively weaker. 若有魔尊级存在亲自降临此地掌控,所对应的血红色光柱自然会十分强大,若没有魔尊级存在亲自降临,便会相对弱一些。 In the Wang Teng heart the train of thought rotates, the void together sound resounds. 就在王腾心中思绪转动之时,虚空中一道声音响起。 It seems like the main body comes is not late.” “看来本尊来的还不算晚。” In people heart one cold, passes on the whence to look toward the sound. 众人心中一凛,不由朝着声音传来处看去。 Sees only not far away outside that blood god altar, the blood red form appears together, unexpectedly is blood group Dark Species. 只见那血神祭坛之外的不远处,一道血红色身影出现,竟然又是一头血族黑暗种 Jie Jie Jie, how could 12 blood spirit bodies were short of my Xi too clan.” “桀桀桀,十二血灵身又岂能少了我羲太族。” At this time, another sound also resounded, such as the blood red lightning, sped away to come from remote void together, appeared above this stretch of battlefield instantaneously. 这时,另一道声音随之响起,如一道血红色闪电,从遥远的虚空疾驰而来,瞬间出现在了这片战场之上。 Demon Venerable level! 魔尊级! Sixth blood group Demon Venerable level Dark Species appeared! 第六头血族魔尊黑暗种出现了! The appearances of these two Dark Species, simply have not hidden their aura, that bloody, evil, dark aura is not general Dark Species may compare completely, only has the Demon Venerable level to exist to release the so fearful aura. 这两头黑暗种的出现,根本没有掩藏自身的气息,那血腥,邪恶,黑暗的气息完全不是一般的黑暗种可比的,唯有魔尊级存在方能释放出如此可怕的气息。 During all bright universe Martial Artist fall into is silent, with amazement looked at this just to present two blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable that in addition the beforehand four heads, now are entire six many. 所有光明宇宙武者陷入沉默之中,骇然的望着这刚刚出现的两头血族黑暗种魔尊,加上之前的四头,如今已是整整六头之多了。 Six Demon Venerable levels exist, this is the fearful quantity. 六头魔尊级存在,这是何等可怕的数量。 Even if the bright universe, wanting a volume of simultaneous/uniform six immortal level to exist, still needs all influence on strive together, has the possibility collection to be uneven. 就算是光明宇宙这边,想要集齐六位不朽级存在,也需要各方势力一同出力,才有可能集齐。 But now merely is a blood group, on collection simultaneous/uniform six Demon Venerable level Dark Species, thinks to make people feel inconceivable. 而现在仅仅是一个血族,就集齐了六头魔尊黑暗种,想想就让人感到不可思议。 Dark Species clan how, who knows how many Demon Venerable levels other Dark Species clans some do exist? 黑暗种族何其之多,谁知道其他黑暗种族又有多少魔尊级存在? Peeps a spot to see the overall picture! 窥一斑而见全豹! Blood group Dark Species, made all bright universe Martial Artist see the Dark World terrifying strength, even if sneaked a peek at an corner/horn, made the will of the people bottom send sufficiently coldly. 一个血族黑暗种,就让所有光明宇宙武者看到了黑暗世界的恐怖实力,哪怕只是窥见一角,也足以让人心底发寒了。 Blood tooth, is you.” “血牙,原来是你。” That blood group Demon Venerable level that first presents saves to be in sight to the successor, the opens the mouth of some slightly surprise said: Never expected that your Xi too clans this time are willing to send you to come unexpectedly personally.” 最先出现的那头血族魔尊级存在望向后来者,略有些诧异的开口道:“没想到你们羲太族这次竟舍得派遣你亲自前来。” Hehe, such important war, my Xi too clan naturally cannot stand by.” Blood tooth Demon Venerable looked at that Demon Venerable level Dark Species one, said: „Did your flatter check steps the clan differently to send you to come personally?” “呵呵,如此重要的战事,我羲太族自然不能袖手旁观。”血牙魔尊看了那头魔尊黑暗种一眼,道:“你们阿刹迈族不一样派你亲自前来了吗?” „The reputation of your blood dove is not weaker than me many, it seems like your flatter checks steps the clan also extremely to attach importance to this fight, detained the treasure unexpectedly here.” “你血鸠的名头可不比我弱多少,看来你们阿刹迈族也极为重视这场战斗,竟然将宝押在了这里。” Jie Jie...... the blood child is, where my flatter checks steps the clan then.” Blood dove Demon Venerable said. “桀桀……血子所在,我阿刹迈族便在哪里。”血鸠魔尊道。 „......” The blood tooth Demon Venerable whole body by the blood fog package, the pair of pupil light was actually projected from that blood fog at this moment, closely is staring at that blood dove Demon Venerable. “哦……”血牙魔尊浑身被血雾包裹,此刻却有一对眸光从那血雾之中射出,紧紧盯着那血鸠魔尊 What a pity the blood dove Demon Venerable body was covered by the blood fog similarly, cannot see clearly its expression. 可惜血鸠魔尊的身躯同样是被血雾笼罩,根本看不清它的表情。 The distant place, the Wang Teng vision flashes. 远处,王腾目光微闪。 Xi too clan! 羲太族! flatter checks steps the clan! 阿刹迈族! The blood group 12 clans he is not strange, Xi too clan does clone the quite intimate clan with the blood god, but flatter checks steps the clan actually to stand that side the buddhist poem special clan, clone to oppose with the blood god. 血族十二氏族他都不陌生,羲太族算是与血神分身较为亲近的氏族,而阿刹迈族原先却是站在梵诗特氏族那一边,与血神分身对立。 Now that blood dove Demon Venerable says unexpectedly clone to come along with the blood god, this attitude somewhat was thought-provoking. 如今那血鸠魔尊居然说是随血神分身而来,这态度就有些耐人寻味了。 Interesting!” In the Wang Teng eye reveals strange glow, sizes up that two Demon Venerable levels to exist secretly. “有趣!”王腾眼中露出一丝奇异之芒,暗暗打量着那两头魔尊级存在。 He has even opened Pupil of True Sight, Two Demon Venerable levels have gets a panoramic view the appearance and expression that. 他甚至已经开启了【真视之瞳】,将两头魔尊级存在的容貌和表情尽收眼底。 Afterward he discovered that blood dove Demon Venerable does not seem to lie, is really clone to come for the blood god, his expression does not counterfeit. 随后他发现那血鸠魔尊似乎并未撒谎,真是为了血神分身而来,他的表情不似作假。 After all it has not shown oneself expression, the bystander could not see, is always insufficient to do to it looks. 毕竟它并未将自己的表情露出,外人根本看不到,总不至于是做给它自己看的。 Is it possible that did flatter check steps the clan to stand this side blood god clone?” In the Wang Teng heart guessed. “莫非阿刹迈族要站在血神分身这一边了?”王腾心中不禁猜测起来。 You two, exchanged greetings.” “你们两个,寒暄完了没有。” A impatient sound spreads from the blood god altar suddenly, came from murdering blood Demon Venerable. 一道不耐烦的声音突然从血神祭坛之中传出,正是来自于弑血魔尊 Blood tooth Demon Venerable and blood dove Demon Venerable looked at each other one, without the idle talk, one step treads immediately, submerges in the blood god altar with beforehand blood remnant Demon Venerable and blood shadow Demon Venerable generally. 血牙魔尊和血鸠魔尊对视了一眼,没有废话,立刻一步踏出,与之前血残魔尊和血影魔尊一般没入血神祭坛之中。 Damn!” The star weapon king sees this, in heart anxious is more intense. “该死!”星械王看到这一幕,心中的不安更为强烈。 Presented six Demon Venerable levels to exist all of a sudden, what this blood group does Dark Species actually want to make? 一下子出现了六头魔尊级存在,这血族黑暗种到底想做什么? However he could not prevent the opposite party, can only look at the opposite party to enter in that blood god altar helplessly. 然而他根本阻止不了对方,只能眼睁睁看着对方进入那血神祭坛之中。 This method is hard to decode. 这种手段难以破解。 But all these because of that blood god altar, have its existence, defending will be very terrifying, is ordinary like the tortoise shell, the external force is very difficult to break open it. 而这一切都因为那座血神祭坛,有着它的存在,防御将十分恐怖,如同龟壳一般,外力很难将其破开。 The dragon of perishing bone if the bone spirit clan used before makes him feel thorny, then this blood god altar is to make him feel that seriously is somewhat aggrieved, helpless. 如果说之前骨灵族动用的亡骨之龙只是让他感到棘手的话,那么这血神祭坛当真是让他感觉有些憋屈和无奈了。 Before they neglected the powerful role of this blood god altar, thinks that it could not play what might in that blood group blood child hand, was not enough to affect the general situation. 之前他们都忽视了这血神祭坛的强大作用,以为它在那血族血子手中根本发挥不出什么威力,不足以影响大局。 But now looks like, was they are too naive. 可如今看来,是他们太天真了。 This blood god altar is true...... divine tool! 这座血神祭坛是真正的……神器! Good, is a divine tool!!! 不错,正是神器!!! By this time, they had naturally seen, that blood god altar inevitably is the divine tool rank, how could otherwise to display so fearful prestige energy. 到了此时,他们自然已经看出,那座血神祭坛必然是神器级别,否则岂能发挥出如此可怕的威能。 The prestige energy, is not Saint can compare. 其威能,根本不是圣器所能比拟的。 This blood group was too sly, unexpectedly gives trivial mid-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species to run a divine tool, who can think.” In star weapon king heart cannot bear sigh, curses: Their hearts were too dirty!” “这血族太狡猾了,居然将一座神器交给一个区区的中位魔皇级黑暗种来掌管,谁能想到啊。”星械王心中忍不住叹了口气,咒骂道:“它们心太脏了!” Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Two blood red light beams then shoot up to the sky, the bloody aura that sends out the terrifying. 两头血红色光柱紧接着便冲天而起,散发出恐怖的血腥气息。 Five light beams!!” “五道光柱!!” Good fearful aura!!!” “好可怕的气息!!!” „Does this blood group want to do?” “这血族到底想要干什么?” ...... …… Bright universe Martial Artist on the scene in an uproar, is looking at that five light beams immediately, only thought that a piece suffocates. 在场的光明宇宙武者顿时一片哗然,望着那五道光柱,只觉得一片窒息。 At this moment, the trim was shone upon the blood red color void, bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species situated in this void, is falls into an extremely anxious position. 此刻,整片虚空都被映照成了血红之色,位于这片虚空之下的光明宇宙武者黑暗种,都是陷入一种极度不安的境地之中。 Bright universe Martial Artist is troubled, Dark Species of major races are moves restlessly similarly. 光明宇宙武者感到不安,各大种族的黑暗种同样是躁动不已。 The method of blood group, regarding Dark Species of other races, was full of the threat. 血族的手段,对于其他种族的黑暗种而言,亦是充满了威胁的。 This blood group......” bone La Demon Venerable sees this from afar, the heart shakes, the pupil contracts suddenly: They actually want to display in that hearsay 12 blood spirit bodies!!” “这血族……”骨喇魔尊远远看到这一幕,心头一震,瞳孔骤然收缩:“它们竟然想要施展那传闻之中的【十二血灵身】!!” At this moment it also knows that finally the blood group must use what method, regarding 12 blood spirit bodies Although it is not very familiar, but slightly has hearing. 此刻它也终于知道血族要施展何种手段,对于【十二血灵身】它虽然并不是很熟悉,但却略有耳闻。 After all is the blood group extremely terrifying one method, even in the major Dark Species clans, is still illustrious existence. 毕竟是血族极为恐怖的一种手段,就算是在各大黑暗种族当中,也都是赫赫有名的存在。 The high-rank Demon Venerable level as it, does not know that many years, how can not know this method exactly. 身为上位魔尊级存在的它,不知活了多少岁月,如何能不知道这种手段。 Meanwhile, the Demon Venerable levels of other major Dark Species clans exist also recognize the method that the blood group must use, the complexion had the change one after another astonishedly, the look are looking at the blood god altar in distant place. 与此同时,其他各大黑暗种族的魔尊级存在也是认出了血族所要施展的手段,脸色纷纷出现了变化,眼神惊异的望着远处的血神祭坛。 Unexpectedly is the blood group 12 blood spirit bodies, No wonder must absorb the blood of so many sources.” “竟然是血族的【十二血灵身】,难怪要吸收那么多的本源之血。” „, Really has not thought that blood group blood can assist to murder blood Demon Venerable unexpectedly to display 12 blood spirit bodies.” “没想到啊,真是没想到,那血族血子竟然可以协助弑血魔尊施展【十二血灵身】。” Bird food accidental/surprised, without the method of that blood group blood, murders blood Demon Venerable to display 12 blood spirit bodies, Feared that is not so easy!” “雀食令人意外,若没有那血族血子的手段,弑血魔尊想要施展【十二血灵身】,怕是没这么容易!” Does not know that they can volume of simultaneous/uniform many Demon Venerable levels exist, now has six.” “只是不知它们能够集齐多少位魔尊级存在,如今已是有了六位。” Six, sufficed, even if other blood group clans have not dispatched the Demon Venerable level to arrive personally, makes the bright universe drink a pot sufficiently.” “六位,也够了,哪怕血族其他氏族不曾亲自派遣魔尊级降临,也足以让光明宇宙喝一壶的了。” I looked that the blood group strove for really in a big way, this was must rob the merit with the bone spirit clan.” “我看血族所求甚大,这是要与骨灵族抢夺功劳啊。” Interesting! Really interesting!” “有趣!实在有趣!” Perhaps this chapter of bright universe must be finished, if the blood group displays 12 blood spirit bodies, I thought how they prevent!” “这回光明宇宙恐怕要完蛋了,血族若是施展出【十二血灵身】,我看他们如何阻挡!” ...... …… Unscrupulous sounds spread from the powerhouse mouths of major Dark Species clans, reverberate in void, they simply have not covered up, seems to make the bright universe Martial Artist hear. 一道道肆无忌惮的声音从各大黑暗种族的强者口中传出,回荡在虚空之中,它们根本没有遮掩,似乎就是要让光明宇宙的武者们听到。 Even on these Dark Species faces all reveals the color of teasing, looked to all around bright universe Martial Artist, like giving up on the person. 甚至这些黑暗种脸上皆是露出戏谑之色,望向了四周的光明宇宙武者,如同在看死人。 That strange facial expression, making numerous bright universe Martial Artist feel extremely ill. 那副诡异的神情,让众多光明宇宙武者感到极为不适。 No one is willing dead, but these Dark Species actually treat as the deceased person to be the same them now, as if they are the dead pigeons, has no place to go angrily . 没有人愿意死,但如今这些黑暗种却将他们当做死人一般,仿佛他们就是瓮中之鳖,无处可逃,着实令人愤怒。 12 blood spirit bodies!!” “十二血灵身!!” Star meteor revering and star weapon king and other immortal levels have hears word, frowns, vision dignified looking to that five blood red light beams. 星陨尊者和星械王等不朽级存在闻言,不由皱起眉头,目光凝重的望向那五道血红色光柱。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… In the meantime, made a appearance that the person mind shocked. 就在此时,更加令人心神震骇的一幕出现。 The sound of thundering blood red light beam one after another shooting up to the sky, erupt made void vibrate fiercely, terrifying blood-color energy from swept away, fierce space cracks appeared in all around immediately. 一道道血红色光柱接二连三的冲天而起,爆发出的轰鸣之声让虚空都剧烈的震动了起来,恐怖的血色能量从其中横扫而出,一道道狰狞的空间裂缝随即出现在了四周。 The sixth light beam! 第六道光柱! The seventh light beam! 第七道光柱! ...... …… The tenth light beam! 第十道光柱! The 11 th light beam! 第十一道光柱! Until the 12 th light beam raises, the sound above that blood god altar slightly is just now gentle. 直至第十二道光柱升起,那血神祭坛之上的动静方才微微平缓下来。 Even so, made one shock as before. 即便如此,依旧令人震撼。 12 light beams! 十二道光柱! Entire 12 light beams! 整整十二道光柱! Before merely was five light beams, now achieves 12 light beams unexpectedly directly! 之前仅仅是五道光柱而已,现在竟然直接达到了十二道光柱! How does that blood group accomplish? 那血族到底是如何办到的? Had not seen that other blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable arrive at this place! 并未看到其他血族黑暗种魔尊降临此地啊! Numerous bright universe Martial Artist are all puzzling, but that 12 light beams actually cannot do false, aura that lends, formidable. 众多光明宇宙武者皆是百思不得其解,但那十二道光柱却做不得假,其中散发出的气息,令人生畏。 At this moment, an entire blood god altar was surrounded by these 12 light beams, 12 blood red light beam even distributions in all around, as if surrounded and protected it in the middle. 此时此刻,一整座血神祭坛都被这十二道光柱所包围,十二根血红色光柱均匀的分布在四周,仿佛将其拱卫在了中间。 Blood certainly!” “血绝!” The dignified sound spreads together. 一道威严的声音传出。 The central location of blood god altar, in the blood god clone eye flashes through a scarlet color, slightly nodded, both hands pinch an unusual mark suddenly. 血神祭坛的中心位置,血神分身眼中闪过一丝猩红之色,微微点了点头,双手突然捏出一个奇特的印记。 Bang! 轰隆! The fierce bellow resounds through, the entire blood god altar blooms the dazzling ray, later huge array raises slowly, covers that 12 blood red light beams. 剧烈的轰鸣声响彻而起,整座血神祭坛都绽放出刺目的光芒,随后一座庞大的阵法缓缓升起,将那十二根血红色光柱笼罩在内。 Asked the spirit of blood ancestor...... to arrive!!!” “请血祖之灵……降临!!!” Suddenly, sonic boom drinks as if by prior agreement spreads from that 12 light beams. 突然,一声声爆喝不约而同的从那十二道光柱之中传出。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… 12 light beams project a ray simultaneously, gathers in the array center, later changes to the flowing light to shoot up to the sky together. 十二道光柱同时射出一道光芒,在阵法中心处汇聚,随后化作一道流光冲天而起。 Bang! 轰! Twisted void suddenly, unexpectedly fast changes to an vortex, scarlet vortex, as if by blood incarnadine general. 虚空骤然扭曲了起来,竟是快速的化作一个漩涡,猩红色的漩涡,仿佛被血染红的一般。 The next quarter, was ancient times bloody, the evil dark aura fills the air from that scarlet vortex. 下一刻,一股远古血腥,邪恶黑暗的气息从那猩红漩涡之中弥漫而出。
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