AAMD :: Volume #22

#2173: Help! Makes aura that one is infatuated with! 12

Chapter 2173 helps! Makes aura that one is infatuated with! 12 clans, homing!( Sought subscription) 第2173章成全!令人陶醉的气息!十二氏族,归位!(求订阅) Blood remnant Demon Venerable swallows, simply aggrieved wants to spit blood. 血残魔尊有苦难言,简直憋屈的想吐血。 Who can think that this boy front leg with its resentment, the back leg is still turning around to run away mutually directly. 谁能想到这小子前脚还在跟它互怼,后脚就直接转身跑掉了。 This operation sincerity has the wood to have the show to its scalp tingles! 这操作真心是秀到它头皮发麻有木有! Other person of not his such bracelets. 其他人没他这么跳脱的啊。 Blood remnant Demon Venerable at this moment direct dull in same place, pursuing is not, does not pursue is not. 血残魔尊此刻直接呆愣在原地,追也不是,不追也不是。 Pursuing obviously cannot catch up, does not pursue and appears its non- achievement, when the time comes other blood group Demon Venerable estimates will be angrier. 追明显是追不上的,不追又显得它不作为,到时候其他血族魔尊估计会更愤怒。 Therefore it clenches teeth ruthlessly, then pursues to go toward Wang Teng. 于是它狠狠一咬牙,便朝着王腾直追而去。 No matter can catch up, it must make this boy pay the price, dares to play jokes upon its blood remnant Demon Venerable, does not know how seriously the dead characters write. 不管能不能追得上,它都要让这小子付出代价,敢戏耍它血残魔尊,当真是不知死字怎么写的。 Bang! 轰! Blood remnant Demon Venerable vanishes instantaneously on the spot. 血残魔尊瞬间消失在原地。 But even at its speed, still prevents the attack of Wang Teng without enough time. 但即便是以它的速度,也来不及阻挡王腾的攻击。 The blood shadow Demon Venerable complexion is ugly, in the hand fights the sword to erupt the dazzling blood red sword light loudly, cuts, changes to a giant sword light to welcome to the morning sun class/flow arrow. 血影魔尊面色难看,手中战剑轰然爆发出刺目的血红色剑光,一斩而出,化作一道巨大的剑光迎向曦光流矢。 What a pity this hasty sword, is naturally impossible to block the Wang Teng light is immortal level Fighting technique. 可惜这仓促一剑,自然不可能挡得住王腾的光明系不朽级战技 Blood shadow Demon Venerable Blood shadow swordsmanship Although is also Demon Venerable level Fighting technique, but is applicable to independent combat without doubt, but morning sun class/flow arrow that Wang Teng displays, is actually wide scope Fighting technique. 血影魔尊的【血影剑法】虽然也是魔尊战技,但无疑更适用于单打独斗,而王腾施展的曦光流矢,却是大范围战技 And...... 而且…… Powder!” “散!” When Wang Teng saw when blood shadow Demon Venerable acts, immediately is one drinks lightly. 王腾看到血影魔尊出手之时,当即便是一声轻喝。 That endless morning sun class/flow arrow disperses to start unexpectedly, avoided the blood shadow Demon Venerable sword light directly, does not bump with it directly hardly. 那无尽的曦光流矢竟然分散而开,直接避开了血影魔尊的剑光,根本不与它正面硬碰。 What?!” The blood shadow Demon Venerable pupil shrinks, the complexion becomes uglier. “什么?!”血影魔尊瞳孔一缩,面色变得更加难看。 But at this time it wants to make other responses again, is without enough time. 但此时它再想做出其他反应,已经是来不及了。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… That crowded morning sun class/flow arrow falls just like the rain of light, pounding ruthlessly above the blood god altar blood Kun body, erupted the sound of fierce thundering. 那密集的曦光流矢宛如光明之雨般落下,狠狠的砸在了血神祭坛上空的血鲲身躯之上,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声。 The blood is the strength may also be one of the strength of darkness, in the face of the strength of light, will naturally be restrained. 血系力量亦可算是黑暗之力的一种,在光明之力面前,自然也会被克制。 Therefore under the morning sun class/flow arrow bombardment of Wang Teng, the body of that blood Kun presented the damage immediately, the blood light flashed suddenly, above rune/symbol writing even collapses, the entire huge blood Kun body just like corroded general, appeared massively scar. 故而在王腾的曦光流矢轰击之下,那血鲲的身躯顿时出现了损伤,血光急剧闪动,上面的符文甚至一道道的崩溃开来,整个庞大的血鲲身躯宛如被腐蚀一般,出现了大量的“伤痕”。 Damn!” Blood shadow Demon Venerable sees this, cursed one. “该死!”血影魔尊看到这一幕,更是不由咒骂了一声。 Whether this blood Kun relates to the blood of blood god altar fast absorption source, now unexpectedly is wounded by this bright universe Heaven's Chosen. 这血鲲关系到血神祭坛能否快速吸收本源之血,如今居然被这光明宇宙天骄一击伤到。 But all these, must blame blood remnant Demon Venerable! 而这一切,都要怪血残魔尊 Simply is the waste! 简直就是废物! Above the blood god altar, murdering blood Demon Venerable and blood orchid Demon Venerable is the vision sinks, complexion some are unattractive. 血神祭坛之上,弑血魔尊和血兰魔尊都是目光一沉,面色有些不好看。 The blood Kun relates to the absorption of blood of source, these two Demon Venerable level Dark Species extremely attach great importance. 血鲲关系到本源之血的吸收,这两头魔尊黑暗种都是极为重视。 Now just absorbs a while, that bright universe Heaven's Chosen destroys unexpectedly, how to make them not be angry. 如今才刚刚吸收了一会儿,那光明宇宙天骄居然又来破坏,如何令它们不生气。 Only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, destroys their good deeds repeatedly, their how many Demon Venerable levels could not have done to the opposite party unexpectedly, this mood, who can understand? 区区一个域主级武者,一再破坏它们的好事,偏偏它们几个魔尊级居然还奈何不了对方,这种心情,谁能够理解? Hehe!” “呵呵!” At this time, the interested chuckle sound transmitted from the rear area together suddenly. 这时,一道饶有兴趣的轻笑声突然从后方传来。 Murders blood Demon Venerable and blood orchid Demon Venerable stares slightly, looks toward the rear area, actually sees their blood actually to laugh. 弑血魔尊和血兰魔尊微微一愣,不由朝着后方看去,却见它们这位血子竟然在发笑。 This bright universe Heaven's Chosen actually some meanings, want to destroy my blood Kun unexpectedly.” “这个光明宇宙天骄倒是有些意思,居然想要破坏我的血鲲。” He, if thinks that this can affect the blood of blood Kun absorption source, that was too naive.” “不过他如果以为这样就能影响血鲲吸收本源之血,那就太天真了。” As if noticed two Demon Venerable vision, the blood god clone to smile lightly, spooky saying. 似乎注意到了两位魔尊的目光,血神分身淡淡一笑,幽幽的说道。 „, Said, his attack does have minimal impact on the blood Kun?” Blood orchid Demon Venerable surprised asking. “哦,这么说,他的攻击对血鲲影响不大?”血兰魔尊惊讶的问道。 Two Sir Demon Venerable felt relieved, the law of blood Kun is not so simple.” The blood god clone an extremely self-confident appearance to say. “两位魔尊大人放心,血鲲之法可没有这么简单。”血神分身一副极其自信的样子说道。 Hopes that do not disappoint me.” Murders blood Demon Venerable deeply looked at his one eyes, nods, said. “希望你不要让我失望。”弑血魔尊深深的看了他一眼,点了点头,说道。 Two Sir Demon Venerable favors.” The blood god clone to show a faint smile. “两位魔尊大人就看好吧。”血神分身微微一笑。 ...... …… In murdering blood Demon Venerable and blood god clone and the others to talk, blood remnant Demon Venerable also saw this, in the heart the startled anger happened simultaneously, because of its mistake, caused the so huge damage to the blood Kun unexpectedly, how the bystander must regard it? 就在弑血魔尊和血神分身等人正在交谈之时,血残魔尊亦是看到了这一幕,心中惊怒交加,因为它的一个失误,竟然对血鲲造成如此巨大的伤害,外人要如何看待它? Let alone is the blood group Demon Venerable level exists, is the Demon Venerable levels of other Dark Species clans exists, feared that must laugh at it to be incompetent. 别说是血族的魔尊级存在,就是其他黑暗种族的魔尊级存在,怕是都要笑话它无能。 Dies to the main body!” “给本尊去死!” Angrily roars spreads from the blood remnant Demon Venerable mouth immediately, it appears in void of Wang Teng rear area not far away suddenly, a blade gets angry toward him cuts to go. 一声怒吼顿时从血残魔尊口中传出,它猛然出现在王腾后方不远处的虚空之中,一刀朝着他怒斩而去。 What a pity this blade actually failed. 可惜这一刀却是落空了。 Wang Teng remains same place unexpectedly is only together the remnant shadow. 王腾留在原地的竟然只是一道残影而已。 After he has expected blood remnant Demon Venerable responded, definitely meets for a while the clashes to ask him to do accounts, therefore after displaying morning sun class/flow arrow, he used directly Dodges spatially Avoided. 他早就料到血残魔尊反应过来之后,必然会第一时间冲上来找他算账,所以在施展出曦光流矢之后,他直接就用【空闪】避开了。 The space is the method, in so the situation is very easy-to-use. 空间系手段,在如此情况下还是很好用的。 Hehe, cannot project on me.” “嘿嘿,打不到我吧。” Hehe the laughter transmits from blood remnant Demon Venerable together behind, appears under punches extremely. 一道嘿嘿笑声从血残魔尊身后传来,显得极为欠揍。 Scoundrel!” Blood remnant Demon Venerable strikes inadequately, turn head looks, saw the face that Wang Teng that under punches, the forehead on blue vein sticks out suddenly , to continue to pursue to go toward Wang Teng. “混账!”血残魔尊一击不成,回头望去,看到王腾那张欠揍的脸,额头不由的上青筋暴起,继续朝着王腾追击而去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The sword in its hand cuts crazily, is vertically and horizontally void, cuts unceasingly to Wang Teng. 它手中的战刀疯狂斩出,纵横虚空,不断斩向王腾 „, Cannot project on, cannot project on!” “诶,打不到,就是打不到!” Wang Teng moves aside, while provokes, the sound conveys in void unceasingly. 王腾一边躲闪,一边挑衅,声音在虚空中不断传来。 Bang! 轰! Pursues me.” “来追我啊。” Bang! 轰! You were anxious, you were anxious, what a pity cannot pursue, cannot pursue!” “你急了,你急了,可惜还是追不到,追不到!” ...... …… Blood remnant Demon Venerable is pursuing the Wang Teng unremitting attack, hears his under to punch the incomparable sound, in the heart is getting more and more angry, both eyes almost must spout the fire, is staring at the Wang Teng back stubbornly crazily, the attack also even more. 血残魔尊追着王腾不断攻击,听到他那欠揍无比的声音,心中越来越愤怒,双目几乎要喷出火来,死死盯着王腾的背影,攻击也越发的疯狂。 Wang Teng does not bump with it hardly, but brings it to go around unceasingly, looks for the opportunity to act again. 王腾并不与它硬碰,只是带着它不断绕圈,寻找机会再次出手。 Therefore the people then saw an extremely funny picture. 于是众人便看到了一幕极为滑稽的画面。 Demon Venerable level Dark Species is breathless, if the headless fly proceeds along no particular course in void, but in its front, that bright universe Heaven's Chosen is dawdling that Demon Venerable level Dark Species on such as walking with dog generally. 一头魔尊黑暗种气急败坏,如无头苍蝇般在虚空中乱撞,而在它的前方,那光明宇宙天骄就如遛狗一般遛着那魔尊黑暗种 „......” “……” The people were speechless. 众人都无语了。 Very serious situation, suddenly also was a little obviously crooked. 明明很严肃的情况,突然就又有点歪了。 The style starts to change suddenly. 画风开始突变。 This Wang Teng absolutely is a talent. 王腾绝对是个人才啊。 Many people are looking at Wang Teng and fight of blood remnant Demon Venerable from afar, in the heart cannot bear sigh with emotion. 许多人远远望着王腾和血残魔尊的战斗,心中忍不住感慨了一番。 Blood shadow Demon Venerable looks at the forehead to jump, must unable to bear simply lends a hand to solve that bright universe Heaven's Chosen personally, but has not waited for it to have an action to perform. 血影魔尊看得眉心直跳,简直要忍不住亲自出手解决那个光明宇宙天骄,但还不等它有所动作。 Your opponent is I.” “你的对手是我。” The form kept off in its front together, coldly said. 一道身影挡在了它的面前,冷冷道。 This person star weapon king. 此人正是星械王。 Snort!” “哼!” Blood shadow Demon Venerable cold snort/hum, can only give up making a move to Wang Teng, in the hand fights the sword to erupt the dazzling blood red sword light, goes to star weapon king Kuanggong. 血影魔尊冷哼一声,只能放弃对王腾出手,手中战剑爆发出耀眼的血红色剑光,冲着星械王狂攻而去。 Bang! 轰! The sword light was vertically and horizontally void, had overlapping, was ordinary just like the shadow, letting the person is unable to ascertain. 剑光纵横虚空,出现了重迭,宛如影子一般,让人无法捉摸。 Blood shadow Demon Venerable the Demon Venerable level Blood shadow swordsmanship Using the pinnacle, obviously also real thing. 血影魔尊魔尊级【血影剑法】运用到了极致,显然也是动了真格。 The star weapon king vision concentrates, in the hand the sword erupts the dazzling thunder ray immediately, changes to the radiant blade glow, moves forward to meet somebody. 星械王目光一凝,手中战刀顿时爆发出耀眼的雷霆光芒,化作璀璨的刀芒,迎了上去。 both sides erupt the war immediately. 双方顿时爆发大战。 Raise! 昂! At this time, was destroyed the blood Kun of most body to send out by the morning sun class/flow arrow at this moment unexpectedly again roars low and deep, its whole body numerous and diverse mysterious blood symbols shone the ray, sent out the strange strength. 这时,那被曦光流矢破坏了大半身躯的血鲲此刻竟再度发出低沉咆哮,其浑身繁杂玄奥的血符亮起了光芒,散发出奇异的力量。 All around blood fog as if receives the hauling of some strength, the gathering comes, to integrate in its body suddenly. 四周的血雾仿佛受到某种力量的牵引,骤然汇聚而来,融入它的身躯之中。 Blood Kun that huge body restores at the visible speed immediately, before long thoroughly restored the original appearance, that was ancient times boundless, the aura of bloody evil spirit even also wanted several times to continue compared with before richly. 血鲲那庞大的身躯顿时以肉眼可见的速度恢复,不一会儿就彻底恢复成了原先的模样,那股远古苍茫,血腥凶煞的气息甚至比之前还要浓郁了数倍不止。 This!!” “这!!” All bright universe Martial Artist see this, on the face all reveals the color of shock, in the heart panic-stricken. 所有光明宇宙武者看到这一幕,脸上皆是纷纷露出震撼之色,心中惊骇不已。 The Wang Teng expenditure that big strength, destroys this blood Kun, now the opposite party is so unexpectedly easy to restore, even is more terrifying. 王腾花费那么大的力气,才将这头血鲲破坏,如今对方居然如此轻而易举就重新恢复了过来,甚至更加恐怖。 How does this is achieve? 这是如何做到的? Has not waited for them to ponder to understand that huge blood Kun opens to swallow a day of huge mouth again, sends out rock the earth roaring, that swallows in a day of huge mouth to have the dazzling blood light eruption, and is also profound, as if contains a being too deep to see the bottom blood-color abyss. 还不等他们细想明白,那庞大的血鲲再度张开吞天巨口,发出震天动地的咆哮,那吞天巨口内有刺目的血光爆发,且又深邃无比,仿佛其中蕴藏着一个深不见底的血色深渊。 Fearful strength from erupts, this strength only aims at the blood of source, does not aim at other strengths. 可怕的力量从其中爆发,这种力量只针对本源之血,并不针对其他力量。 This is the law of blood Kun, can absorb to swallow all lives the blood of source. 这就是血鲲之法,能够吸收吞噬一切生灵的本源之血。 Blood of the source speed away to come from farther void, this piece of battlefield divergence was too broad, massive bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species are falling from the sky always, in their corpses then contains the blood of precious source. 一道道本源之血从更远的虚空疾驰而来,这片战场辐散太广了,大量的光明宇宙武者黑暗种无时无刻不在陨落,他们的尸体之中便蕴含着珍贵的本源之血。 Bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species that even these have not fallen from the sky, this moment within the body the blood of faint fluctuation of source, as if must be attracted to pull outside the body. 甚至就连那些未曾陨落的光明宇宙武者黑暗种,此刻体内的本源之血都隐隐的波动起来,仿佛要被吸扯出体外。 Their complexion changes in abundance, with amazement far away from that huge blood Kun. 他们面色纷纷大变,骇然的远离那庞大的血鲲。 From is nearer, palpitation of blood of that source is then more intense, common Martial Artist, and even is Dark Species, is unable to withstand. 距离越近,那种本源之血的悸动便越强烈,寻常的武者,乃至是黑暗种,都无法承受。 At this moment, the blood of massive source flood into the big mouth of blood Kun, subsequently appeared above the blood god altar. 这一刻,大量的本源之血涌入血鲲的大口之中,继而出现在了血神祭坛之上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The rich blood fog covered the entire altar, the fierce surges, as if inside has the big dragon overwhelmingly in general, magnificently to the extreme. 浓郁的血雾笼罩了整座祭坛,剧烈翻腾,仿佛里面有巨龙在翻江倒海一般,壮观到了极点。 Un?!” “嗯?!” Blood god altar of Wang Teng toward distant place looks, the vision shrinks, as if in the heart also vibrates. 王腾朝着远处的血神祭坛看去,目光一缩,似乎心中也十分震动。 Ha haha......” “哈哈哈……” Blood remnant Demon Venerable stops the figure of chase, suddenly laughed: How you struggled again did not help matters, could not block the step of my clan, blood of my blood group has completed the absorption of blood of source.” 血残魔尊停下追逐的身形,突然大笑了起来:“你再如何挣扎也无济于事了,根本阻挡不了我族的步伐,我血族的血子已然完成了本源之血的吸收。” Wang Teng did not say a word, but coldly is staring at blood remnant Demon Venerable, in the heart sneered. 王腾一言不发,只是冷冷盯着血残魔尊,心中冷笑了一声。 Everyone thinks that he is unable to prevent that blood Kun, but in fact is he makes the blood god clone to complete the final absorption. 所有人都以为他无法阻止那血鲲,可实际上却是他让血神分身去完成最后的吸收。 But during the fight, he has thought of a destruction blood group Dark Species method. 而刚才的战斗之中,他已经想到了一个覆灭血族黑暗种的方法。 Although is somewhat risky, but might as well be able to try. 虽然有些冒险,但未尝不能一试。 As for blood god clone that side, since the blood group must make him absorb the blood of this source, that then helps him simply, making him show enough function in front of blood group Demon Venerable. 至于血神分身那边,既然血族一定要让他去吸收这本源之血,那便干脆成全他,让他在血族魔尊面前展现出足够的作用。 This blood god of doing clone to do, as for can win finally, did not close his matter. 该做的血神分身都已经做了,至于最后能不能赢,就不关他的事了。 ...... …… Very good!” “很好!” Above the blood god altar, murders blood Demon Venerable to feel that the rich bloody strength, closed the double pupil, raises head attracts gently, on the face full is the color of being infatuated. 血神祭坛之上,弑血魔尊感觉到了浓郁的血腥之力,闭上双眸,仰头轻轻一吸,脸上满是陶醉之色。 The blood orchid Demon Venerable facial expression is exactly the same as it. 血兰魔尊的神情与它如出一辙。 Blood shadow Demon Venerable and blood remnant Demon Venerable outside blood god altar felt bloody strength, in the eye exudes the rich blood light, that was greedy, that is the hope...... 就连血神祭坛之外的血影魔尊和血残魔尊感觉到其中的血腥之力,眼中都是泛起了浓郁的血光,那是贪婪,那是渴望…… The bloody strength that at this moment, above the blood god altar gathers, has made these Demon Venerable level Dark Species crazy sufficiently. 此时此刻,血神祭坛之上汇聚的血腥之力,已是足以让这些魔尊黑暗种疯狂了。 If not they know that the blood of these sources have big using, at this moment perhaps could not have endured patiently the hope in heart. 若非它们知道这些本源之血还有大用,此刻恐怕已经忍耐不住心中的渴望。 Rumble! 咕噜! Above the blood god altar, the blood god clone the rear blood group Dark Species talent to swallow the saliva, the throat is rolling, double pupil scarlet is staring at all around blood fog, wishes one could to throw general. 血神祭坛之上,血神分身后方的血族黑暗种天才更是一个个吞咽着唾沫,喉咙滚动,双眸猩红的盯着四周的血雾,恨不得扑上去一般。 Too attractive! 太诱人了! This aura was too attractive! 这股气息实在太诱人了! Is this strength of blood god altar? 这就是血神祭坛的力量吗? Really made one be infatuated! 真是令人陶醉啊! In some blood group Dark Species hearts cannot even bear give birth wants to rob the thought of blood god altar, no blood group Dark Species can resist this seduction. 一些血族黑暗种心中甚至忍不住生出想要抢夺血神祭坛的念头,没有一头血族黑暗种能够抵挡这种诱惑。 The strength that although these blood group Dark Species talents had done several things at the same time by the blood god subdues, was full of the admiration to him, and recently has followed the lead by him. 虽然这些血族黑暗种天才都已经被血神分身的实力所折服,对他充满了敬佩,并且近来更是一直都以他马首是瞻。 But at this time the blood god altar blood above of source is extremely really rich, to has made them somewhat lose the reason richly. 但此时血神祭坛之上的本源之血实在太过浓郁,浓郁到已经让它们有些失去理智。 The blood blue abundant such top talent, is unable to be exceptional. 就连血蓝博这样的顶尖天才,都无法例外。 Must know that their will are very firm, but receives now unexpectedly so affected , indicating the terrifying of blood god altar. 要知道它们的心志本是十分坚定的,但现在居然受到了这般影响,足见血神祭坛的恐怖了。 „, Your saliva flowed.” “诸位,你们的口水流出来了。” A light chuckle suddenly resounds, reverberates in the ears of these blood group Dark Species talents. 一声淡淡的轻笑突然响起,回荡在这些血族黑暗种天才的耳中。 The blood blue abundant and other blood group Dark Species talent hearts shake immediately, recover, the scarlet color in eye dissipated instantaneously much, they look to the front blood god clone, on the forehead seeped out the cold sweat. 血蓝博等血族黑暗种天才心头顿时一震,回过神来,眼中的猩红之色都瞬间消散了不少,它们望向前方的血神分身,额头上不由渗出了冷汗。 Close call! 好险! If not blood awakens them, they almost made are unable to recall the matter. 若非血子将它们唤醒,它们差点就做出了无法挽回之事。 At this time they not only have not hated the blood god clone, instead is grateful. 此时它们不但没有怨恨血神分身,反而心生感激。 Because they are very clear, without the reminder of their blood, the blood group talent on the scene likely cannot resist the seduction, thus the blood of crazy absorption that source. 因为它们很清楚,如果没有它们这位血子的提醒,在场的血族天才很可能都抵挡不住诱惑,从而疯狂的吸收那本源之血。 But murders blood Demon Venerable, blood orchid Demon Venerable does not look absolutely helplessly this matter happened, when the time comes they feared is the poor life cannot even preserve. 而弑血魔尊,血兰魔尊绝对不会眼睁睁看着这种事情发生,到时候它们怕是连小命都保不住。 Do not suspect this point, in front of such important important matter, their these so-called talents at all is not anything, degenerates into the blood food to have the possibility. 不要怀疑这一点,在如此重要的大事面前,它们这些所谓的天才根本不算什么,沦为血食都有可能。 Exists regarding the Demon Venerable level, the talent is can train momentarily. 对于魔尊级存在来说,天才更是随时都可以培养的。 Without this, next. 没了这一茬,还有下一茬。 They have enough time to train. 它们有着足够的时间去培养。 Only the blood such unique talent, may gain due attaching great importance, is insufficient easily to be given up. 只有血子这样独一无二的天才,才有可能得到足够的重视,不至于被轻易放弃。 Murdered blood Demon Venerable and blood orchid Demon Venerable looked at one numerous blood group talent one meaningfully, later whole face happy expression looked that clone to the blood god, opens the mouth to appreciate saying: Is my blood group blood, the method does not compare that bright universe Heaven's Chosen to be weak worthily.” 弑血魔尊和血兰魔尊意味深长的看了一众血族天才一眼,随后又满脸笑意的看向血神分身,开口赞赏道:“不愧是我血族的血子,手段不比那光明宇宙天骄弱。” Two Sir Demon Venerable overpraised.” The blood god clone to smile lightly, asks: Didn't know the blood of these sources enough? This stretch of battlefield blood of source seems to have absorbed was similar.” “两位魔尊大人过奖了。”血神分身淡淡一笑,问道:“不知这些本源之血是否够了?这片战场之中的本源之血似乎已经吸收的差不多了。” Right?” “是吗?” Murders blood Demon Venerable to look all around, the definite blood god clone not to say false, slightly nodded, said: Such being the case, that then makes these bright universe Martial Artist experience my blood group the exceedingly high method.” 弑血魔尊环顾一圈,确定血神分身所言不假,微微点了点头,道:“既然如此,那便让这些光明宇宙武者见识见识我血族的通天手段吧。” Its both hands lift up high, in the look was full of the frantic meaning unexpectedly, rich blood light from blooms. 它双手高举,眼神之中竟是充满了狂热之意,浓郁的血光从其中绽放而出。 Miracle that come, the spirit of testimony blood ancestor arrives.” “来吧,见证血祖之灵降临的神迹。” The nearly demented sound from murdering the blood Demon Venerable mouth spreads, enormous and powerful sweeps across void, lets vibrate in all directions. 近乎癫狂的声音从弑血魔尊口中传出,浩浩荡荡的席卷虚空,让四面八方为之震动。 12 clans, homing!” “十二氏族,归位!” The next quarter, sonic boom drinks resounds fiercely. 下一刻,一声爆喝猛地响起。 Bang! 轰! When blood orchid Demon Venerable first moved, it does not know when appears in the corner of blood god altar, within the body blood light erupts, changes to the light beam to shoot up to the sky. 血兰魔尊当先动了,它不知何时出现于血神祭坛的一个角落,体内血光爆发,化作光柱冲天而起。
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