AAMD :: Volume #22

#2172: The blood Kun swallows the day! Another blood group Demon Venerable!

Chapter 2172 blood Kun swallows the day! Another blood group Demon Venerable! The blood remnant Demon Venerable Bengbu lived!( Sought subscription) 第2172章血鲲吞天!又一头血族魔尊!血残魔尊蚌埠住了!(求订阅) This thought him empty, finally his hard. 本以为他虚了,结果他硬的很。 The degree of hardness endures compared with the diamond! 硬度堪比金刚钻! This is in people heart thinks, one types were pressed were devastating a feeling ruthlessly, in void disorderly. 这是众人此刻心中所想,有一种被按着狠狠蹂躏了一番的感觉,一个个在虚空中凌乱。 The expression is shocks, mood really disorderly. 表情是震撼的,心情是真的凌乱啊。 Three Demon Venerable levels exist! 三个魔尊级存在! This is the third Demon Venerable level exists. 这已经是第三个魔尊级存在。 Since Wang Teng steps into this stretch of battlefield, three Demon Venerable levels have existed admit defeat in his hands, first was given to bake by him directly, the second also almost body dies, third is not even dead estimated that still peeled a skin. 自从王腾踏入这片战场,已经有三个魔尊级存在于他手中吃瘪,第一个直接被他给烧烤了,第二个也差点身死,第三个就算不死估计也脱了层皮。 Such score who looked who is not blurry. 此等战绩谁看了谁不迷糊啊。 Waste!” “废物!” The ice-cold sound spreads from the blood god altar together, murders blood Demon Venerable. 一道冰冷的声音从血神祭坛之上传出,正是弑血魔尊 It has not thought that makes blood remnant Demon Venerable make a move to intercept that bright universe Heaven's Chosen, finally not only has not blocked the opposite party, no strength to hit back that but also was hit by the opposite party, this is not the waste is anything. 它没想到让血残魔尊出手拦截那光明宇宙天骄,结果不但没有拦住对方,还被对方打的毫无还手之力,这不是废物是什么。 However it attaching great importance to Wang Teng actually increased several points. 不过它对王腾的重视却是又增加了几分。 When this boy as if being at the iron weapon fort defense line was harder to deal with. 这小子似乎比在铁械堡防线时还要难缠了。 Because of that machinery thunder eagle? 是因为那头机械雷鹰吗? When the iron weapon fort defense line, the opposite party does not have the mechanical thunder eagle to be auxiliary, although the method is also astonishing, but is actually not able upfront and Demon Venerable level exists to contend, now can actually suppress the Demon Venerable level to exist alone, is really incredible. 在铁械堡防线之时,对方没有机械雷鹰辅助,虽然手段也非常惊人,但却无法正面与魔尊级存在抗衡,如今却是能够单独压制魔尊级存在,实在令人难以置信。 This boy is not very right, cannot regard by common Martial Artist.” Above the blood god altar, blood orchid Demon Venerable looks at the situation, the sound somewhat dignified opens the mouth was saying. “这小子很不对劲,不能以寻常的武者来看待。”血神祭坛之上,血兰魔尊望着外界的情形,声音有些凝重的开口道。 Snort, how is not right, when the main body opens 12 blood spirit bodies, these bright universe Martial Artist must change to me and other blood food.” Murders blood Demon Venerable coldly said. “哼,再不对劲又如何,待本尊开启十二血灵身,这些光明宇宙武者都要化作我等血食。”弑血魔尊冷冷道。 I anticipated very much.” Blood orchid Demon Venerable licked the scarlet lip, partly is narrowing the eye, said with a laugh. “我很期待。”血兰魔尊舔了舔猩红的嘴唇,半眯着眼睛,笑呵呵道。 At this time it has absorbed the blood of many source, the injury restored most probably, in the heart the energy naturally was also fuller several points. 此时它已经吸收了不少本源之血,伤势恢复了大半,心中底气自然也更足了几分。 In addition existence of blood god altar, in its heart also has the self-confidence, has not refuted to murder the blood Demon Venerable words actually. 加上血神祭坛的存在,它心中也是颇有自信,倒是没有反驳弑血魔尊的话语。 Main body also is really as always fierce.” The blood god divides in the body and mind to be flabbergasted, but he wears the blood-color mask, no one sees his expression, even if were in the eye pupil that revealed also filled indifferently, seemed has not paid attention to Wang Teng general. “本尊还真是一如既往的凶猛啊。”血神分身心中咋舌不已,但他戴着血色面具,无人看到他的表情,哪怕是露出的眼眸之中也是充满了冷漠,好似没有将王腾放在眼里一般。 On the performing skill, he is specialized. 论演技,他是专业的。 Blood, if you bump into with him alone, somewhat odds of success?” Asking that blood orchid Demon Venerable has a relish suddenly. “血子,若是你单独与他碰上,有几分胜算?”血兰魔尊突然饶有兴致的问道。 This blood, if acts, only bright universe Martial Artist, calculates anything.” The blood god the appearance that clone to be proud extremely, said lightly. “本血子若是出手,区区一个光明宇宙武者,又算的了什么。”血神分身一副极其自负的样子,淡淡说道。 Giggle...... blood also is really self-confident.” Blood orchid Demon Venerable seems to think very interesting, cannot bear cover the small mouth giggle to smile. “咯咯咯……血子还真是自信呢。”血兰魔尊似乎觉得非常有趣,忍不住捂着小嘴咯咯直笑。 „......” Blood god clone to be a little speechless. “……”血神分身有点无语。 Very funny? 很好笑吗? His point could not feel that smiles where? 他怎么一点也感觉不到笑点在何处? What big sickness this Demon Venerable level is Dark Species the brain has? 这头魔尊黑暗种是不是脑子有什么大病? Ok, do not affect the blood of blood child absorption source.” Murders blood Demon Venerable to knit the brows, turns the head to look that clone to the blood god, asks: Also can pick up a spot speed?” “好了,别影响血子吸收本源之血。”弑血魔尊皱了皱眉,又转头看向血神分身,问道:“还能不能加快一点速度?” I remember that you should have other methods.” “我记得你应该还有其他手段吧。” I try.” The blood god divides in the body and mind helpless, nods, his vision flashes, has not hesitated, within the body blood light erupts loudly. “我试试。”血神分身心中无奈,点了点头,他目光一闪,没有迟疑,体内血光轰然爆发而出。 Bang! 轰隆! The blood red light beam shoots up to the sky together, the blood god altar vibrates, the rich blood fog also tumbles, then under his stimulation of movement, changes to dark-red unusual animals unexpectedly. 一道血红色光柱冲天而起,血神祭坛震动,浓郁的血雾随之翻滚起来,而后在他的催动下,竟是化作一头暗红色异兽。 Its body is quite huge, almost can cover the entire blood god altar. 它的身躯极为庞大,几乎可以笼罩整座血神祭坛。 The figure, without doubt is so fearful. 如此身形,无疑非常可怕。 Because this time blood god altar covered the big piece to be void, spanned just like a mainland generally in void. 因为此时的血神祭坛可是笼罩了大片虚空,宛如一座大陆一般横亘在虚空之中。 If stands above the blood god altar, feared that cannot look at the boundary. 若是站在血神祭坛之上,怕是都望不到边际。 But all around does not have bright universe Martial Artist to dare to approach, that rich bloody aura makes everyone feel an evil and ominous meaning, as if has what extremely terrible thing to be brewing. 而四周没有一个光明宇宙武者敢靠近,那浓郁至极的血腥气息让所有人都感到一股邪恶与不祥之意,仿佛其中有着什么极为可怕的东西正在酝酿之中。 Raise! 昂! The sound of low and deep roaring spreads from this huge dark-red unusual animals mouth, as if came from the ancient times, the shake was void, spread to the ear of each bright universe Martial Artist and in Dark Species instantaneously. 低沉的咆哮之声从这头庞大的暗红色异兽口中传出,仿佛从远古而来,震荡虚空,瞬间传入每一个光明宇宙武者黑暗种的耳中。 Everyone mind vibrates, shocks incomparable looking to that huge dark-red unusual animals. 所有人心神震动,震撼无比的望向那头庞大的暗红色异兽。 What thing is this?” “这是什么东西?” Numerous bright universe Martial Artist did not know that this huge dark-red unusual animals, on the face reveal the astonished color, in the heart a piece with amazement. 众多光明宇宙武者根本不认识这头庞大的暗红色异兽,脸上露出惊愕之色,心中一片骇然。 Above that blood god altar condensed a terrifying giant beast unexpectedly! 那血神祭坛之上竟然凝聚出了一头恐怖的巨兽! Is this method that the blood group must use? 难道这就是血族要施展的手段? At this time with all around blood fog tumbles, the body of unusual animals also appeared in the eyes of people thoroughly. 此时随着四周的血雾翻滚,异兽的身躯也彻底出现在了众人的眼中。 It has the dark-red body, various body places live the fish fin spot, fierce and thick crazy, the mouth is huge incomparable, just like can swallow starry skies. 它有着暗红色的身躯,身体各处生有鱼鳍般的部位,狰狞而粗狂,嘴巴更是巨大无比,宛如可以吞噬一片星空。 Was ancient times boundless, the aura of bloody evil spirit erupts from his body immediately, sweeps across the starry sky. 一股远古苍茫,血腥凶煞的气息顿时从其身上爆发而出,席卷星空。 Blood Kun!” “血鲲!” Some Dark Species recognized at present this sudden unusual animals, cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise. 一些黑暗种认出了眼前这头突然出现的异兽,忍不住惊呼出声。 Blood god altar! 血神祭坛! Blood Kun! 血鲲! This is the blood group extremely powerful method, now 11 appearances, are not how could shocking. 这都是血族极为强大的手段,如今一一出现,岂能不让人震惊。 Blood Kun!?” “血鲲!?” Many bright universe Martial Artist do not know what as before this is, but they had seen some clue from the Dark Species expression, this huge dark-red unusual animals are very perhaps terrifying. 许多光明宇宙武者依旧不知道这是何物,但是他们从黑暗种的表情之中已是看出了些许端倪,这头庞大的暗红色异兽恐怕十分恐怖。 I have heard the name of this blood Kun probably!” “我好像听说过这血鲲之名!” star weapon king muttered, the ray in his eye is flashing fast, seems searching own memory. 星械王喃喃自语,他眼中的光芒在快速闪动,似乎正在搜索着自己的记忆。 Starry sky giant beast! This is a starry sky giant beast, the hearsay is born in the blood group restricted area, has very strong strength.” “星空巨兽!这是一头星空巨兽,传闻诞生于血族的禁地之中,拥有着十分强大的实力。” Soon, he finally found the related record from the memory corner, but are not many, simply is knows that this is a starry sky giant beast, is born in some blood group restricted area. 不多时,他终于从记忆的角落里找到了相关的记载,但却并不多,仅仅是知道这是一头星空巨兽,诞生于血族某个禁地。 He does not even know that concrete is in what restricted area. 他甚至不知道具体是何种禁地之中。 The understanding of bright universe Dark Species were too few were too few, the understanding this taboo lifeform, was very few, the information was very deficient. 光明宇宙对黑暗种的了解实在太少太少了,对这种禁忌生物的了解,更是少之又少,信息十分匮乏。 The vision of star weapon king becomes ten to segregate heavily, although he does not know that this blood Kun has what strength, but since is the starry sky giant beast, is very inevitably powerful, even has the unexpected ability. 星械王的目光变得十分凝重,尽管他也不知道这血鲲到底拥有何种力量,但既然是星空巨兽,必然十分强大,甚至拥有令人意想不到的能力。 This point is without a doubt. 这一点毋庸置疑。 Each starry sky giant beast cannot be underestimated. 每一头星空巨兽都不容小觑。 Is it possible that this is the method of that blood god altar?” In star weapon king heart surprised uncertain. “莫非这就是那血神祭坛的手段?”星械王心中惊疑不定。 He and others same does not know that the blood group must use what method, at this moment saw the blood Kun that terrifying appears, subconscious thinks that this is the method of blood god altar. 他和其他人一样并不知道血族到底要施展什么手段,此刻看到那恐怖的血鲲出现,都下意识的以为这就是血神祭坛的手段。 Star meteor revering also looked, in the heart concentrates, the vision flashed fast. 星陨尊者同样是看了过来,心中微凝,目光不由快速闪动了起来。 Obviously, he was also searches for with the star weapon king Xiangtong information, knows that this blood Kun was not simple, cannot be underestimated. 很显然,他也是搜寻到了与星械王相同的信息,知道这血鲲不简单,不容小觑。 Snort!” “哼!” Cold snort/hum spreads from the bone La Demon Venerable mouth suddenly, its vision ice-cold looks at this, in the heart somewhat is actually not feeling well. 一声冷哼突然从骨喇魔尊口中传出,它目光冰冷的看着这一幕,心中却是有些不爽起来。 Saw murders blood Demon Venerable to bring the blood god altar to arrive, it was quite happy, because the opposite party can constrain bright universe many strengths for it, facilitates its following action. 原本看到弑血魔尊带着血神祭坛降临,它还颇为高兴,因为对方可以替它拖住光明宇宙不少战力,方便它接下来的行动。 However, in the blood group of iron weapon fort defense line unfavorable situation, can erupt so the method now unexpectedly. 但是没想到,在铁械堡防线失利的血族,如今竟然还能爆发出如此手段。 This special is not runs to snatch the merit with their bone spirit clans? 这特么不就是跑来跟它们骨灵族抢功劳的吗? Blood group anxious good intention! 血族不安好心啊! Let the blood group bring the cinders ore weapon to go to the iron weapon fort defense line, wants to be separated from the main battlefield them. 让血族带着烬矿兵器前往铁械堡防线,就是想要将它们从主战场之上脱离出去。 Then, even if they gained the victory of war finally, is still the small merit, is unable to compare with their bone spirit clans. 如此一来,就算它们最终取得了战争的胜利,也不过是小功劳,无法与它们骨灵族相比。 However, the blood group defeated in the iron weapon fort defense line unexpectedly. 但是没想到,血族竟然在铁械堡防线战败了。 Defeated even, after defeating, unexpectedly ran up to above the main battlefields and their bone spirit clans in billows machine void fortress snatches the merit, what matter this special was? 战败就算了,战败之后居然跑到澜机虚空堡垒的主战场之上和它们骨灵族抢功劳,这特么算什么事? What method does main body need a look at your blood group to have but actually?” “本尊倒要看看你们血族有什么手段?” Bone La vision flashes, without is meddling the matter of blood group anxiously, since over they want, that made them first have to be good. 骨喇目光一闪,没有急着插手血族之事,既然它们要出头,那就让它们先出个头好了。 When the snipe and clam grapple , the fisherman profits! 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利! Let the bright universe and blood group hits life and death, their bone spirit clans happen to can fight to establish a capital city. 让光明宇宙和血族打个你死我活,它们骨灵族正好可以一战定鼎。 To win this war, it has a premonition, light/only by the blood group strength, absolutely is not enough. 想要赢下这场大战,它有一种预感,光靠血族的力量,绝对是远远不够的。 The mechanical clan of this bright universe is not simple. 这光明宇宙的机械族不简单。 Bone La Demon Venerable looks all around, the vision is profound, no one knows that it is taking advantage anything. 骨喇魔尊环顾四周,目光幽深,谁也不知道它到底在打什么算盘。 Wang Teng looks toward the blood god altar in distant place sky over, the vision shrinks slightly, the blood god clone or uses the blood Kun, can drag to the present is the limit. 王腾朝着远处的血神祭坛上空望去,目光微微一缩,血神分身还是动用血鲲了么,能够拖到现在已经是极限了。 Raise! 昂! A low and deep roaring sound resounds again, from awakens the people startled. 一声低沉的咆哮声再次响起,将众人从愕然中惊醒。 Saw only that huge blood Kun to open big mouth suddenly, fearful suction from erupted, just like heavy drinker absorbing water was ordinary. 只见那头庞大的血鲲陡然张开了大嘴,可怕的吸力从其中爆发,犹如长鲸吸水一般。 The distant place is speeding away the blood of source comes to pick up the speed unexpectedly immediately, changes to the flowing light, almost vanished when instantaneously same place, appeared again already beside the big mouth of that blood Kun, then flooded into abundance. 远处正疾驰而来的本源之血竟是顿时加快了速度,化作流光,几乎是瞬间消失在了原地,再出现时已是在那血鲲的大口之外,而后纷纷涌入其中。 That scene, looks like invests in its big mouth on own initiative general. 那副景象,就像是主动投入其大口之中一般。 However is during the short several breath, the blood of massive source were swallowed, bright universe Martial Artist prevents radically without enough time. 不过是短短的几个呼吸之间,大量的本源之血被吞噬,光明宇宙武者根本来不及阻止。 This!!!” “这!!!” Everyone is falls into the delay, somewhat inconceivable is looking at that huge incomparable blood Kun. 所有人都是陷入呆滞之中,有些不可思议的望着那头庞大无比的血鲲。 It in the blood of absorption source!!!” “它在吸收本源之血!!!” Calls out in alarm does not know that whose mouth spreads from, awakened from the delay the people. 一声惊呼不知道从谁的口中传出,将众人从呆滞之中惊醒了过来。 Bang! 轰! At this time, a richer bloody air/Qi erupted from blood Kun below blood god altar, everyone was felt that above that altar has a terrifying strength to ferment. 这时,更加浓郁的血腥之气从血鲲下方的血神祭坛之上爆发,所有人都是感觉到那座祭坛之上有着一股恐怖的力量正在酝酿。 Moreover this strength intense several times continued compared with before all of a sudden. 而且这股力量比之前一下子强烈了数倍不止。 That blood Kun in the blood of absorption source, supplies the blood god altar, must prevent it.” Wang Teng loudly shouted suddenly. “那头血鲲在吸收本源之血,供给血神祭坛,必须要阻止它。”王腾猛然大喝道。 The star weapon king also responded at this time, this blood Kun is not the attack method of blood group, but is another method of blood of absorption source. 星械王此时也反应了过来,这头血鲲并非血族的攻击手段,而是吸收本源之血的另一种手段。 That blood Kun has the ability of fast absorption! 那血鲲拥有快速吸收的能力! But at this time does not go into seriously the blood Kun ability obviously time, he is the sensation to the energy in that blood god altar at this moment erupting, in the heart a dignity. 但此时显然不是深究血鲲能力的时候,他已是感知到那血神祭坛之中此刻爆发出的能量,心中一片凝重。 That strength was too fearful! 那股力量太可怕了! Has not thought that solely one blood god altar is insufficient, the blood group used this blood Kun to absorb the blood of source unexpectedly. 没想到单单一座血神祭坛还不够,血族竟又动用了这血鲲来吸收本源之血。 They attempt really in a big way! 它们所图甚大! Bang! 轰! The star weapon king erupts rapidly, speeds away to go toward the blood god altar, the sword in hand erupts radiant thunder light, cuts to that huge blood Kun. 星械王爆发急速,朝着血神祭坛疾驰而去,手中的战刀爆发出璀璨的雷光,斩向那头庞大的血鲲。 Jie Jie Jie...... the main body cannot make you disturb them.” “桀桀桀……本尊可不能让你打扰它们。” Blood group Dark Species treads from void, appeared before that thunder blade glow, a sword cut. 一头血族黑暗种自虚空中踏出,出现在了那雷霆刀芒之前,一剑斩出。 Clang! 铛! The thunder blade glow and blood red sword light collide in together, exudes the sound of metal trembling cry, later explodes loudly, no one can do to anyone. 雷霆刀芒与血红色剑光碰撞在一起,发出金属颤鸣之声,随后轰然爆开,谁也没能奈何谁。 But the attack of star weapon king was also therefore blocked, simply has not fallen above that blood Kun. 但星械王的攻击也因此而被挡住,根本没有落在那血鲲之上。 The star weapon king pupil shrinks, coldly is staring at that blood group Dark Species. 星械王瞳孔一缩,冷冷盯着那头血族黑暗种 Also is a Demon Venerable level! 又是一头魔尊级! How many Demon Venerable levels did the blood group invest to exist in this stretch of battlefield? 血族到底在这片战场投入了多少魔尊级存在? At this moment, in star weapon king heart is even more anxious. 这一刻,星械王心中越发的不安起来。 Blood shadow Demon Venerable!” Wang Teng saw that blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable from afar, in the heart cannot bear thump. “血影魔尊!”王腾远远看到那头血族黑暗种魔尊,心中忍不住咯噔了一下。 In fact, even he and blood god clone, not the clear blood group invested many Demon Venerable levels to exist in this stretch of battlefield. 实际上,连他和血神分身,都不清楚血族到底在这片战场投入了多少位魔尊级存在。 Initially when the black day void fortress, the blood god clone truly to see 12 Demon Venerable levels existed, but that empty shadow, not their true bodies were at together. 当初在黑天虚空堡垒之时,血神分身确实见到了十二位魔尊级存在,但那只是一道虚影,并非它们的真身所在。 Therefore he is not clear, many Demon Venerable will arrive at this stretch of battlefield. 因此他并不清楚,有多少位魔尊会降临这片战场。 Now blood shadow Demon Venerable appeared here, has then presented four Demon Venerable levels to exist, who can guarantee that also had other Dark Species Demon Venerable to appear. 如今血影魔尊出现在这里,便已经出现了四位魔尊级存在,谁又能保证还有没有其他黑暗种魔尊出现。 Roar! 吼! The front transmits one to angrily roar void. 前方虚空传来一阵怒吼。 Blood remnant Demon Venerable broke through that piece of thunder light, goes out from void slowly, it at this moment without doubt seems extremely distressed, whole body burned black, two long and narrow slashes appear in the chest place, almost must open its body tearing, a lot of blood from flows, incarnadine void of its under foot. 血残魔尊冲破了那片雷光,缓缓从虚空中走出,此刻的它无疑显得极为狼狈,浑身焦黑,两道狭长的刀痕出现在胸口处,几乎要将它的身躯撕裂而开,大量的鲜血从其中流淌而出,染红了它脚下的虚空。 But it remains unmoved, vision stubbornly is staring at Wang Teng of distant place, is full of the ice-cold and evil meaning. 但它不为所动,目光死死的盯着远处的王腾,充满冰冷与邪恶之意。 As it walks step by step, these flow, but the blood is backflowing unexpectedly, swamps into that two long and narrow wound. 随着它一步步走来,那些流淌而出的鲜血竟然在回流,涌入那两道狭长的伤口之中。 The flesh wriggles, the granulation develops crazily, two wounds heal at the visible speed unexpectedly. 血肉蠕动,肉芽疯狂滋长,两道伤口竟以肉眼可见的速度愈合。 Its scorch vanishes to disappear. 就连它身上的焦痕都消失不见了。 You have not died unexpectedly, is actually very tenacious!” Wang Teng tranquil looks at blood remnant Demon Venerable, on the face the ancient well without ripples. “你居然没死啊,倒是挺顽强!”王腾平静的看着血残魔尊,脸上古井无波。 Boy, if not the main body has not used the complete strength, you really think that you can injure to result in the main body?” Blood remnant Demon Venerable coldly said. “小子,若非本尊没有动用全部实力,你真以为你能伤得了本尊吗?”血残魔尊冷冷道。 You use the complete strength actually.” Wang Teng light say/way. “那你倒是动用全部实力啊。”王腾淡淡道。 „......” Blood remnant Demon Venerable complexion one stiff, the vision closely is staring at Wang Teng, always thought that this boy as if knows anything. “……”血残魔尊脸色一僵,目光紧紧盯着王腾,总觉得这小子似乎知道什么。 Its situation should few people know, but this bright universe Heaven's Chosen as if recognizes at present it is unable the use complete strength to be the same, that facial expression wants under to punch much has much under punches. 它的情况应该很少有人知道,但眼前这光明宇宙天骄仿佛认定它无法动用全部实力一般,那副神情要多欠揍就有多欠揍。 Come, quick-action kills me with the complete strength, I could not have waited.” Wang Teng continues to say. “来啊,快动用全部实力来杀我,我已经等不及了。”王腾继续说道。 I special......” “我特么……” The blood remnant Demon Venerable almost Bengbu lived. 血残魔尊差点蚌埠住了。 Doesn't this boy press the common sense to play a card? 这小子怎么不按常理出牌? Does his convolution dispatch the sovereign apology my poke weapon emaciated ash to lie fat? 他的脑回肥遣皇歉俺擞械悴灰谎? You do not kill me, I may walk.” Wang Teng finishes speaking, at present the space fluctuates suddenly, his form god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle disappeared in simultaneously same place. “你不杀我,那我可就走了。”王腾话音刚落,眼前空间突然波动了一下,他的身影连带神机赤电雷鹰同时消失在了原地。 Dodges spatially! 空闪! Wang Teng used space Fighting technique directly- flashes spatially! 王腾直接动用了空间战技-空闪! Although brings the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle definitely to consume the strength of more space, but has no other alternative at this time, can only so, he also need to rely on the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle strength. 虽然带着神机赤电雷鹰肯定会消耗更多的空间之力,但此时别无他法,只能如此,他还需要借助神机赤电雷鹰的力量。 „???” Blood remnant Demon Venerable responded, at present has lost the Wang Teng form, the air/Qi almost wants to shout 'fuck your mom'. “???”血残魔尊一个反应不及,眼前就已经失去了王腾的身影,气的差点想骂娘。 The next quarter, Wang Teng controls god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle to appear in void of distant place, goes toward that blood god altar direct impact. 下一刻,王腾驾驭着神机赤电雷鹰出现在远处的虚空中,朝着那血神祭坛直冲而去。 A strange star beast and a big tree suddenly appear above his top of the head, sends out the bright holy meaning. 一头奇异的星兽和一株大树突然出现在他的头顶之上,散发出光明圣洁之意。 Morning sun slug and Hanguang tree! 正是曦光蛞蝓和含光树! Eats me to send the morning sun class/flow arrow!” “吃我一发曦光流矢!” The Wang Teng big hand wields, the boundless bright strength gathering comes, the strength of this light not only stems from he, under from the morning sun slug and Hanguang tree, erupts simultaneously, without doubt is extremely terrifying. 王腾大手一挥,磅礴的光明之力汇聚而来,这光明之力不但出自他自身,更是来自于曦光蛞蝓和含光树,同时爆发之下,无疑是极为恐怖的。 Bright arrow arrows appear during was void, dense and numerous, the camouflage is void. 紧接着,一道道光明箭矢出现在了虚空之中,密密麻麻,遮蔽虚空。 These bright arrow arrows a appearance, simply had not just stayed, speeds away to go toward the front blood god altar directly. 这些光明箭矢刚一出现,根本没有丝毫停留,径直朝着前方的血神祭坛疾驰而去。 ...... 咻咻咻…… The crowded sound air-splitting gets up, makes person scalp tingles. 密集的破空声响起,令人头皮发麻。 Blood is remnant, your waste!” Blood shadow Demon Venerable sees this, the complexion changes, could not bear scolded one. “血残,你这个废物!”血影魔尊看到这一幕,面色一变,忍不住就骂了一句。 It does not think. 它不想的。 But the blood remnant this waste, individual cannot even block, but also makes the opposite party direct to steal the family/home, is this Demon Venerable level has the dry/does matter? 但血残这个废物,连个人都拦不住,还让对方直接过来偷家,这是一个魔尊级存在干的事? „......” The blood remnant Demon Venerable complexion is black like the bottom of the pot immediately. “……”血残魔尊的面色顿时黑如锅底。
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