AAMD :: Volume #22

#2171: On this boy has the strangeness! Different thunder

On Chapter 2171 this boy has the strangeness! Different thunder double knife-edges! The mechanical brain is insufficient! 第2171章这小子身上有古怪!不同的雷霆双刃!机械脑子不够用了! The idea is a good idea, but wants to realize it, is not easy. 想法是个不错的想法,但想要将其实现,并没有那么容易。 Changing a talent is not that easy matter. 改变一种天赋并不是那么容易的事。 This matter, even may be called goes against heaven's will. 这种事,甚至堪称逆天。 After all the talent itself/Ben is inborn, can change the talent, is not the action of going against heaven's will, person who in this universe can achieve this point, absolutely is very few. 毕竟天赋本就是天生,能够改变天赋,不就是逆天之举,这宇宙中能够做到这一点的人,绝对是少之又少。 Now Wang Teng has the preliminary idea, was equal to laying down a seed , could its improvement. 如今王腾已是有了初步的想法,等于是埋下了一颗种子,等到有空的时候,也许能够将其完善。 Therefore Wang Teng no longer thinks, he looked at a property panel, slightly nodded. 于是王腾不再多想,他看了一眼属性面板,微微点了点头。 Machinery thunder Yuantong( Conferring the title of prince upon immortal level): 1000 / 15000( is skilled in) ; 【机械雷源瞳】(封王不朽级):1000/15000(精通); This is conferring the title of prince upon immortal level Fighting technique, moreover spans three levels directly, achieved was skilled in the rank, this then improved itself to Wang Teng without doubt Pupil of True Sight The talent, has a big help. 这是一门封王不朽级战技,而且直接跨越三个层次,达到了精通级别,这无疑对王腾接下来改善自身【真视之瞳】天赋,有着不小的帮助。 Absorbs Machinery thunder Yuantong After attribute sensibility, the picture in Wang Teng mind had the change. 吸收完【机械雷源瞳】的属性感悟之后,王腾脑海中的画面出现了变化。 In the light shadow hand of that star weapon king, had/left a sword suddenly. 那星械王的光影手中,忽然多出了一柄战刀。 Dazzling thunder light twines above the sword. 耀眼的雷光缠绕在战刀之上。 The time, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) long thunder blade glow erupts together, was cut by the star weapon king light shadow. 顿时间,一道数千丈之长的雷霆刀芒爆发而出,被星械王光影一斩而出。 The blade glow is vertically and horizontally void, the place visited, the space crack also appears together. 刀芒纵横虚空,所过之处,一道空间裂缝随之出现。 But in the dead ahead of blade glow, Dark Species appears, from that fills the air, but aura, obviously is a Demon Venerable level exists. 而在刀芒的正前方,一头黑暗种出现,从那弥漫而出的气息来看,显然是一头魔尊级存在。 The blade light submerges this Demon Venerable level Dark Species, the ice-cold dignified sound also resounds together. 刀光将这头魔尊黑暗种淹没,一道冰冷威严的声音随之响起。 3000 thunder blade! 三千雷刃! Bang! 轰! That several thousand zhang (3.33 m) long blade light erupts dazzling incomparable thunder light together suddenly, immediately changes to the edges of innumerable thunder, has that Demon Venerable level submerges directly. 那一道数千丈之长的刀光突然爆发出耀眼无比的雷光,随即化作无数雷霆之刃,将那头魔尊级存在径直淹没。 Soon, when thunder blade dissipates, that Demon Venerable level Dark Species is not then left over the trash. 不多时,当雷刃消散,那头魔尊黑暗种便连渣渣都不剩下了。 In the Wang Teng heart vibrates, he knows this 3000 thunder blade Very strong, but has not thought that so will be strong. 王腾心中震动,他知道这【三千雷刃】很强,但是没想到会这么强。 That Demon Venerable level Dark Species judged from the aura, although is inferior to blood orchid Demon Venerable, but the good and evil is also a Demon Venerable level exists, unexpectedly was rumbled to kill the dregs like this, how not to make in the person heart shock. 那头魔尊黑暗种从气息上来判断,虽然不如血兰魔尊,但好歹也是一头魔尊级存在,居然就这样被轰杀成渣,如何不让人心中震撼。 He has also obtained many immortal level level and Fighting technique of Demon Venerable level level, even many powerful immortal level thunder Fighting technique. 他也得到过不少不朽级层次和魔尊级层次的战技,其中甚至不乏强大的不朽级雷霆战技 In Wang Teng has obtained in immortal level thunder Fighting technique, this 3000 thunder blade Fighting technique can be outstanding person, only compared that ancient times immortal level Fighting technique Heavenly Thunder spear/gun Is slightly more inferior. 但是在王腾得到过的不朽级雷霆战技之中,这门【三千雷刃】战技可以算是其中的佼佼者了,只比那门远古不朽级战技【天雷枪】稍微逊色一些。 3000 thunder blade( Seals an immortal level): 10000 / 15000( skilled) ; 【三千雷刃】(封尊不朽级):10000/15000(熟练); Unexpectedly is immortal level Fighting technique of revering rank, no wonder is so powerful.” Wang Teng feels the clear(ly) in the heart raising to become aware, somewhat is accidental/surprised. “居然是尊者级别的不朽级战技,难怪如此强大。”王腾感受着心中升起的明悟,不禁有些意外。 However can block the joint attack of him and star weapon king, to explain blood orchid Demon Venerable is more powerful. 不过能够挡住他和星械王的合力攻击,岂不是说明血兰魔尊更为强大。 The Wang Teng vision concentrates, in the heart attaching great importance to these Dark Species Demon Venerable deepened several points immediately. 王腾目光一凝,心中对这些黑暗种魔尊的重视顿时加深了几分。 When both sides battle, he can feel the great strength of blood orchid Demon Venerable, but actually not so direct-viewing, now through so the comparison, method and strength of both sides actually becomes extremely clear, is naturally more direct-viewing. 双方交战之时,他可以感受到血兰魔尊的强大,但却没有如此直观,如今通过这般比较,双方的手段和实力倒是变得极为清晰,自然也更为直观。 Two Fighting technique sensibility were absorbed instantaneously by Wang Teng, then in his mind then presented the new sensibility. 两种战技感悟瞬间就被王腾吸收完毕,而后他的脑海中便出现了新的感悟。 A huge thunder domain also appears, spreads to open instantaneously. 一座巨大的雷霆领域随之出现,瞬间扩散而开。 This is a Lighting Attribute domain, inside is flooding the strength of rich thunder, the innumerable thunder from fall in all directions, like a stretch of thunder forbidden area, sends out the tyrannical incomparable fluctuation. 这是一座雷系领域,里面充斥着浓郁至极的雷霆之力,无数雷霆从四面八方落下,如同一片雷霆禁区,散发出强横无比的波动。 After this domain appears, above purple rune/symbol writing brand marks, dense and numerous proliferating in the domain, powerful source principle aura also fill the air. 而在这座领域出现之后,一道道紫色符文烙印其上,密密麻麻的遍布于领域之中,一股强大的本源法则气息随之弥漫而出。 But the change has not stopped there. 但变化并未就此停止。 This domain continues to evolve, special strengths integrate, the strength of life, the strength of spirit...... wait/etc, finally good integration with that domain the strength and source strength, changes to a brand-new strength. 这座领域继续演化,一股股特殊的力量融入其中,生命之力,精神之力……等等,最终与那领域之力和本源之力完美结合,化作一种全新的力量。 The strength of the world! 世界之力! The corresponding sensibility appears in the Wang Teng mind, integrates his memory, changes to his thing completely. 相应的感悟出现在王腾的脑海中,融入他的记忆,完全化作他的东西。 This feeling, looks like he himself to spend general that many time comprehend, does not have slight unaccustomed to the climate. 这种感觉,就像是他自己花费诸多时间去领悟的一般,没有丝毫的水土不服。 【The domain of thunder: 9000 / 9000( melts boundary nine steps) ; 【雷之领域】:9000/9000(融境九阶); 【The source of thunder: 26000 / 80000( eight steps) ; 【雷之本源】:26000/80000(八阶); 【The strength of the world】: 50500 / 80000( eight steps) ; 【世界之力】:50500/80000(八阶); Wang Teng looked at a property panel, in the heart one happy, this these three strength increases really many. 王腾看了一眼属性面板,心中不由的一喜,此次这三种力量提升的着实不少啊。 【The domain of thunder From melting the boundary six steps promoted to melt the boundary nine steps all of a sudden, moreover achieved directly completely, does not know that saved Wang Teng many times. 【雷之领域】从融境六阶一下子提升到了融境九阶,而且还是直接达到了圆满,不知道省了王腾多少功夫。 Must know that this melts the boundary domain, wants to be seven step eight step levels is on difficult to add on, let alone is nine steps, even is complete. 要知道这可是融境领域,想要达到七阶八阶层次都是难上加上,何况是九阶,甚至是圆满。 In many domains that Wang Teng grasps now, few types are nine step complete levels. 王腾如今掌握的诸多领域之中,都没有几种是九阶圆满层次的。 【The source of thunder Then from fifth-order promoted eight steps, same upgrades three levels, this also wanted difficult several times to continue compared with the promotion of domain. 【雷之本源】则是从五阶提升到了八阶,一样是提升三个层次,这比领域的提升还要困难数倍不止。 In the Wang Teng eye none flashes, seriously is pleasantly surprised exceptionally. 王腾眼中精光一闪,当真是惊喜异常。 His itself/Ben for these eight steps 【The domain of thunder, Absorbs the attribute air bubble of star weapon king in the so crucial time, now was also must recompense to hope. 他本就是为了这八阶的【雷之领域】,才在如此关键的时刻去吸收星械王的属性气泡,现在也算是得偿所愿了。 star weapon king has not really made him disappointed! 星械王果然没有令他失望! Had these eight step levels 【The source of thunder, He coped with the blood remnant Demon Venerable assurance to be bigger several points. 有了这八阶层次的【雷之本源】,他对付血残魔尊的把握就更大了几分。 In addition, eight step levels 【The strength of the world】, Before this attribute Wang Teng, has reached eight step levels, now increases the sensibility, making Wang Teng in farther, now the attribute value that eight step levels walk achieved more than 50,000 point, perhaps soon can break through to nine steps. 除此之外,还有八阶层次的【世界之力】,这个属性王腾之前就已经达到了八阶层次,如今不过是增加了感悟,让王腾在八阶层次走的更远,现在属性值达到了五万多点,也许用不了多久就可以突破到九阶了。 【The strength of the world】 If breaks through to nine step levels, that really flamboyant, even some World Lord Level peak Martial Artist, are not necessarily able to achieve. 【世界之力】若是突破到九阶层次,那才是真的牛逼,就算是一些界主级巅峰武者,都未必能够达到。 After three sensibility absorb, the picture in Wang Teng mind also dissipates, looks like has never appeared generally. 三种感悟吸收完之后,王腾脑海中的画面也随之消散而出,就像是从未出现过一般。 sleek/moist thin silent, nothing more than such as is. 润物细无声,不外如是。 Last attribute air bubble swamps into the body of Wang Teng, changes to the rays of grains of twinkle stars, after circulation all the limbs and bones, part integrates his body, part enters his Chaos star territory Within. 最后一个属性气泡涌入王腾的身体之中,化作一粒粒星星点点的光芒,流转四肢百骸之后,一部分融入他的身躯,一部分则是进入他的【混沌星域】之内。 The rays of that some twinkle stars integrated completely Chaos star territory In, melts with the soul body of Wang Teng. 那一部分星星点点的光芒完全融入到了【混沌星域】之中,与王腾的灵魂体相融。 Immortal material: 22000 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【不朽物质】:22000/40000(四阶); In Wang Teng heart great happiness. 王腾心中大喜。 This time obtains Immortal material Unexpectedly enough 13500 points, the Wang Teng immortal material attribute then reach 22000 points right now, was over fourth-order half, the promotion is big. 这次得到的【不朽物质】竟然足足13500点,这下子王腾的不朽物质属性便达到了22000点之多,超过了四阶的一半,提升非常大。 If there is body from other immortal levels, feared that is very difficult to collect so many immortal materials. 如果是从其他不朽级存在身上,怕是很难拾取到这么多的不朽物质。 But the star weapon king is really the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level of mechanical clan exists worthily, the foundation is solid, the immortal material is many. 但星械王果然不愧是机械族的封王不朽级存在,底蕴深厚,不朽物质就是多。 But to at this moment, the Wang Teng on immortal characteristics without doubt is richer. 而到了此时此刻,王腾身上的不朽特性无疑是更加浓郁了起来。 What a pity he is not near with the distance that other immortal levels have, moreover in the attack of blood remnant Demon Venerable, all around energy riot, the immortal level of distant place has the fundamental sensation not to arrive at anything. 可惜他与其他不朽级存在的距离不算近,而且还处于血残魔尊的攻击之下,四周的能量十分暴乱,远处的不朽级存在根本感知不到什么。 Can only the sensation to this unusual, only then blood remnant Demon Venerable. 唯一能感知到这一丝异常的只有血残魔尊 Its eye stares slightly in a big way, seems somewhat inconceivable. 它眼睛微微瞪大,似乎有些不可思议。 It just sensation to what? 它刚刚感知到了什么? Immortal strength! 不朽之力! On this boy experienced the fluctuation of immortal strength, and promotion! 这小子身上出现了不朽之力的波动,而且还提升了! Damn! 见鬼了! This flash, in the blood remnant Demon Venerable heart raised suddenly an ominous premonition, because of it just now the immortal strength of sensation almost can in comparison. 这一瞬间,血残魔尊心中骤然升起了一丝不祥的预感,因为它方才感知的不朽之力几乎能够与它相比了。 On this boy has the strangeness! 这小子身上有古怪! ! 唰! Wang Teng absorbed the attribute air bubble finally, raised the head suddenly, looked toward blood remnant Demon Venerable, the corners of the mouth exuded a curve. 王腾终于吸收完了属性气泡,猛然抬起头,朝着血残魔尊看去,嘴角泛起了一丝弧度。 At this moment distance short kilometer of both sides, no matter blood remnant Demon Venerable, is Wang Teng, can expression of clear seeing to square features. 此刻双方的距离不过短短千米,不管是血残魔尊,还是王腾,都能够清晰的看到对方脸上的表情。 In the blood remnant Demon Venerable heart thump, always thought again is not very right. 血残魔尊心中再度咯噔了一下,总觉得很不对劲。 The ratio that this boy smiles is it evil what's the matter? 这小子笑的比它还邪恶是怎么回事? But at this time its attack has fermented the pinnacle, does not intend is not good, if receives the hand, others also think that it feared trivial Territory Lord Level Martial Artist. 但此时它的攻击已经酝酿到了极致,不出手都不行了,若是就此收手,别人还以为它怕了一个区区的域主级武者 Kills!” “杀!” Blood remnant Demon Venerable explodes again drinks one, the double pupil blooms the dazzling blood light, both hands holds the blade, cuts loudly from the high place. 血残魔尊再度爆喝一声,双眸绽放出刺目的血光,双手持刀,从高处轰然斩下。 The distance of kilometer, this blade can arrive instantaneously. 千米的距离,这一刀瞬间就能够到来。 Wang Teng has evaded not to be possible to evade. 王腾已经避无可避。 Just now collects the attribute air bubble, although has not spent the too much time, but to the Demon Venerable level, this point time enough makes it have enough advantage, thus the second kills the opposite party. 方才拾取属性气泡虽然并没有花费太多时间,但对魔尊级来说,这一点时间足够让它占据足够的优势,从而秒杀对方。 Blood remnant Demon Venerable self-confident came back, it thought that this blade, the present bright universe Heaven's Chosen cannot avoid absolutely. 血残魔尊的自信又回来了,它觉得这一刀,眼前的光明宇宙天骄绝对躲不开。 Although does not know that the opposite party just made anything, makes the immortal strength be promoted, but promoted too to be rather late at this time. 虽然不知道对方刚刚到底是做了什么,才让不朽之力得到提升,但此时提升未免太迟了点。 Late! 晚了! All late! 一切都晚了! Wang Teng!” The distant place, the star weapon king sees this, the complexion big change, immediately then speeds away toward Wang Teng. 王腾!”远处,星械王看到这一幕,面色大变,立刻便朝着王腾这边疾驰而来。 However was away from was too far, rescued radically. 然而距离实在太远了,根本救援不及。 He thinks that Wang Teng can block that blood remnant Demon Venerable, what reason but does not know, Wang Teng has not acted unexpectedly, doesn't this conform to his attitude? 他本以为王腾能够挡得住那血残魔尊,但不知道什么原因,王腾竟然迟迟没有动作,这不符合他的作风啊? After the front two wars, Wang Teng really empty? 难道经过前面两场大战,王腾真的虚了? Thinks of here, in star weapon king heart even more worries, worries, this small fictitious did not say early, flaunts what! 一想到此处,星械王心中就越发着急,担忧不已,这小子虚了不早说,逞什么强啊! Wang Teng behind Li Xuesong, upright Haoge several people, all looks pale, with amazement incomparable is looking at the front, so short distance faces directly the attack of Demon Venerable level Dark Species, no scared out of one's wits was good. 王腾身后的李雪松,耿浩歌几人,皆是面色苍白,骇然无比的望着前方,如此近距离的直面魔尊黑暗种的攻击,没有吓破胆就不错了。 What is main, saw that Wang Teng to the meaning that the present has not resisted, seems the spent force, how in several people of hearts can not worry. 最主要的是,眼看着王腾到现在都没有抵挡的意思,似乎已经是强弩之末,几人心中又如何能够不着急。 That feeling, is similar to looks that helplessly beheads the broadsword to fall from the top of the head, looks with own eyes own life is passing. 那种感受,就如同眼睁睁看着斩首大刀自头顶落下,亲眼看着自己的生命在流逝。 Changed into the common person, the mentality estimate has collapsed. 换成寻常人,心态估计已经崩了。 No one can save you!” On the blood remnant Demon Venerable face reveals one fiercely with the taunt, the vision falls on the Wang Teng face, as if has been able to see him to show the desperate facial expression. “没人能够救你!”血残魔尊脸上露出一丝狰狞与嘲讽,目光落在王腾脸上,仿佛已经能够看到他露出绝望的神情。 What a pity what it sees is only a tranquil face. 可惜它看到的只是一张平静的脸庞。 thunder to come!” “雷来!” Drinks greatly spreads from the Wang Teng mouth suddenly. 一声大喝猛然从王腾口中传出。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The endless tribulation thunder falls from the upper air, gathers in in Shenji scarlet electricity thunder eagle within the body. 无尽的劫雷从高空落下,汇聚于神机赤电雷鹰的体内。 However is the flash, the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle body then erupts dazzling thunder light, particularly that pair of metal wing, formed two dazzling incomparably thunder blade, will be void tears directly. 不过是一瞬间,神机赤电雷鹰的身上便是爆发出了耀眼的雷光,尤其是那一对金属羽翼,更是形成了两道耀眼无比雷刃,将虚空径直撕裂。 Strange purple rune/symbol writing appeared above this pair of wing, interwove mutually the winding, finally changed to the rune/symbol writing chains, twined above the both wings. 一道道奇异的紫色符文出现在了这对羽翼之上,相互交织缠绕,最终化作一条条符文锁链,缠绕在了双翅之上。 The side that all these have is quick. 这一切发生的极快。 Almost in the instance that the blood remnant Demon Venerable blade glow drops, has completed. 几乎在血残魔尊刀芒落下的瞬间,就已经完成。 Cuts!” “斩!” In the Wang Teng mouth spreads sonic boom to drink again. 王腾口中再次传出一声爆喝。 God machine scarlet electricity thunder Yingzhan had/left the both wings, changes to the blade of thunder before the Wang Teng body, collided with that blood red blade glow instantaneously in one. 神机赤电雷鹰斩出了双翅,于王腾身前化作雷霆之刃,瞬间与那血红色刀芒碰撞在了一起。 Clang! 铛! Sound of the metal collision trembling cry reverberates in void. 一道金属碰撞般的颤鸣之声在虚空中回荡而起。 Scoff! Scoff! 嗤!嗤! The next quarter, was cut to open void, two long and narrow space cracks also appear, is torn by the blade of thunder god machine scarlet electricity thunder Yingzhan had/left unexpectedly directly. 下一刻,虚空被切割而开,两道狭长的空间裂缝随之出现,竟是被神机赤电雷鹰斩出的雷霆之刃径直撕裂了。 What?!” “什么?!” Blood remnant Demon Venerable is startled, on face fierce solidifies with the taunt instantaneously, somewhat unbelievable looks at this. 血残魔尊大吃一惊,脸上的狰狞与嘲讽瞬间凝固,有些难以置信的看着这一幕。 Was its attack blocked?!! 它的攻击被挡住了?!! Was blocked unexpectedly! 竟然被挡住了! Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Is that the time of flash, the opposite party can also react unexpectedly, even can erupt sufficiently with the strength that he contends with, how does he achieve? 仅仅是那么一刹那的时间,对方竟然还能做出反应,甚至能够爆发出足以与他抗衡的力量,他是怎么做到的? Kept off...... blocks!” “挡……挡住了!” Li Xuesong, upright Haoge and the others were pleasantly surprised, on the forehead full is the cold sweat. 李雪松,耿浩歌等人又惊又喜,额头上满是冷汗。 Wang Teng coldly smiles, his attacks to be possible together incessantly so. 王腾冷冷一笑,他这一道攻击可不止如此。 And not only the implication earth, the purple extremely heavenly thunder that the gold/metal two attributes change, integrated the strength of eight step thunder source principles god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle and he grasped. 其中不但蕴含土,金两种属性变化的紫极天雷,更是融入了神机赤电雷鹰和他本身掌握的八阶雷霆本源法则之力。 Even without assisting of star weapon king, in which strength still threatened a Demon Venerable level sufficiently exists. 即便没有星械王的相助,其中的力量也足以威胁到一头魔尊级存在了。 Main body has not believed that your hasty strikes, can block main body blade.” Blood remnant Demon Venerable vision cold severe, is staring at Wang Teng stubbornly. “本尊还就不信了,你这仓促一击,能够挡得住本尊这一刀。”血残魔尊目光冷厉,死死盯着王腾 Right?” Wang Teng light say/way. “是吗?”王腾淡淡道。 ! 咔嚓! Finishes speaking, crashes together suddenly from front clear spreading. 话音刚落,一道碎裂声突然从前方清晰的传出。 The blood remnant Demon Venerable pupil shrinks, looks toward attack of both sides, the complexion immediately changed. 血残魔尊瞳孔一缩,朝着双方的攻击看去,脸色顿时就变了。 Presents the fissure, unexpectedly is its blade glow. 出现裂痕的,竟然是它的刀芒。 How possibly?!! 怎么可能?!! Gives me to break to pieces!” Wang Teng simply has not given the opportunity that it responded, loudly shouted suddenly. “给我碎!”王腾根本没给它反应的机会,猛然大喝一声。 Cry! 唳! As if heard his order to be the same, god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle under its face upwarded to send out a long cry immediately, the both wings depressed toward the front ruthlessly. 似乎听到了他的命令一般,其身下的神机赤电雷鹰顿时仰天发出一声长鸣,双翅朝着前方狠狠压下。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The edges of two giant incomparable thunder also depress loudly. 两道巨大无比的雷霆之刃亦是轰然压下。 Meanwhile, the edges of these two thunder had the mutation...... 与此同时,这两道雷霆之刃更是出现了异变…… Saw only on the blade of thunder to present the bright yellow color together impressively, lent the heavy/thick incomparable aura, as if contained hundred million extremely heavy strengths. 只见一道雷霆之刃上赫然出现了明黄之色,散发出厚重无比的气息,仿佛蕴含亿万钧力量。 But the blade of another thunder also had similar change, but it actually erupts the dazzling golden color, an indescribable sharp meaning fills the air, might cut open the myriad things. 而另一道雷霆之刃也是出现了类似的变化,只不过它却是爆发出耀眼的金色,一种无法形容的锋利之意弥漫而出,似可切开万物。 This is......” “这是……” The distant place speeds away star weapon king who comes to stare the big eye, is looking at this unbelievable, said that accurately looks at that say/way to send out the blade of dazzling golden thunder. 远处疾驰而来的星械王不由瞪大眼睛,难以置信地望着这一幕,更准确的说是望着那道散发出耀眼金色的雷霆之刃。 Its expression, as if damn general. 它的表情,仿佛见鬼一般。 !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… Suddenly, stormy crashing spread from the blood remnant Demon Venerable blood red blade glow, the innumerable fissure appeared above the blade glow, above rune/symbol writing is collapsing unceasingly. 突然,一道道密集的碎裂声从血残魔尊的血红色刀芒之上传出,数不清的裂痕出现在了刀芒之上,上面的符文在不断崩溃。 Damn! Damn! Damn!” “该死!该死!该死!” Where blood remnant Demon Venerable expects will present so the result, the complexion changes again and again, in the heart wants to shout 'fuck your mom' simply. 血残魔尊哪里料到会出现这般结果,面色一变再变,心中简直想要骂娘。 This special is any abnormal evildoer/monstrous talent! 这特么到底是什么变态妖孽! It wants not to think, immediately leaving suddenly/violently to retreat. 它想也不想,立刻抽身暴退。 But late one step. 但还是迟了一步。 Bang! 轰隆! That blood red blade glow exploded thoroughly, the fearful Source Power complementary waves rewound, the edges of two thunder cut void, appeared in its front directly, submerged it. 那血红色刀芒彻底爆开了,可怕的原力余波倒卷,两道雷霆之刃划破虚空,径直出现在了它的面前,将其淹没。 In a flash, dazzling thunder light also erupts, just like the void thunderstorm, the endless thunder fills the air void, fearful exceptionally. 一瞬间,耀眼的雷光随之爆发,宛如虚空雷暴,无尽的雷霆弥漫虚空,可怕异常。 Wang Teng shot a look at one, has not paid attention to it, controls the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle to speed away to go toward the distant place void, burns down the blood of that source. 王腾只是瞥了一眼,没有理会它,驾驭神机赤电雷鹰朝着远处虚空疾驰而去,焚毁那一道道本源之血。 Li Xuesong, upright Haoge and the others opened the mouth, a head blank. 李雪松,耿浩歌等人张大了嘴巴,脑袋一片空白。 star weapon king Yi is the full head question mark, felt that own mechanical brain some are possibly insufficient, just what's the matter? 星械王亦是满脑袋问号,感觉自己的机械脑子可能有些不够用了,刚刚到底是怎么回事?
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