AAMD :: Volume #22

#2170: The body of mechanical thunder source! Obtains Geng gold/metal Ziji

The body of Chapter 2170 mechanical thunder source! Obtains the Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder! Machinery thunder Yuantong!( Sought subscription) 第2170章机械雷源之体!得到庚金紫极天雷!机械雷源瞳!(求订阅) „The vision of this boy......” “这小子的目光……” Blood remnant Demon Venerable looks at Wang Teng, always thought that look somewhat infiltrates the person. 血残魔尊看着王腾,总觉得那眼神有些渗人。 Common Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, even is the immortal level exists even if, is unable to bring this feeling. 寻常的域主级武者,甚至哪怕是不朽级存在,都无法给它带来这种感觉。 Now this bright universe Heaven's Chosen actually to its this strange feeling, will really make it somewhat surprised uncertain. 如今这光明宇宙天骄竟然会给它这种怪异的感觉,实在令它有些惊疑不定。 But it naturally not possible to be daunted by Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, immediately vision one cold, the attack that erupts has not stopped slightly, directly toward the Wang Teng suppression under. 但它自然不可能被一个域主级武者吓住,当即目光一冷,所爆发的攻击丝毫没有停顿,径直朝着王腾镇压而下。 Point of no return, has to send! 箭在弦上,不得不发! Bang! 轰! That giant bellow resounds through the void, huge blood-color is in charge from the Wang Teng top of the head rumble falling. 那巨大的轰鸣声响彻虚空,庞大的血色掌印从王腾头顶轰隆隆的落下。 Wang Teng is situated in above the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, the complexion is very tranquil, until that blood-color is in charge appears several hundred meters distance above the top of the head, he begins suddenly. 王腾立于神机赤电雷鹰之上,面色很平静,直至那血色掌印出现在头顶之上数百米距离,他才猛然动手。 Also does not see him to have what movement. 也不见他有什么动作。 Rich thunder light erupts, gathers above in Shenji the scarlet electricity thunder eagle both wings. 浓郁至极的雷光爆发而出,汇聚于神机赤电雷鹰的双翅之上。 Scoff! 嗤! The pair of wings cuts, changes to the edges of two thunder, cuts is in charge to that huge blood red. 双翼斩出,化作两道雷霆之刃,斩向那巨大的血红色掌印。 Bang! 轰! However is the flash, that blood red is in charge then explodes loudly broken, cannot resist the edges of two thunder. 不过是一瞬间,那血红色掌印便轰然爆碎,根本抵挡不住两道雷霆之刃。 The terrifying Source Power complementary waves also sweep away to open. 恐怖的原力余波随之横扫而开。 What?!” Blood remnant Demon Venerable is startled, the complexion big change, without thinking of own attack cannot block the opposite party to strike unexpectedly, was crushed directly. “什么?!”血残魔尊大吃一惊,面色大变,没想到自己的攻击居然挡不住对方一击,直接就被击碎了。 Scoff! 嗤! The next quarter, the edges of that two thunder castrate toward blood remnant Demon Venerable that does not reduce speed away to go. 下一刻,那两道雷霆之刃更是去势不减的朝着血残魔尊疾驰而去。 It direct impact Wang Teng came, at this moment happen to ran upon the edges of these two thunder. 它本就直冲王腾而来,此刻正好撞上了这两道雷霆之刃。 Damn!” “该死!” How this boy can also erupt the so powerful attack!” “这小子怎么还能爆发出如此强大的攻击!” The blood remnant Demon Venerable complexion is somewhat ugly, it was too negligent, moreover some are irritable, despised the method and ability of this bright universe Heaven's Chosen completely. 血残魔尊面色有些难看,它太大意了,而且有些过于急躁,完全轻视了这个光明宇宙天骄的手段和能耐。 This thinks that after the beforehand two wars, the strength of this boy should consumed was similar, has not thought that unexpectedly can also flicker second its attack. 本以为经过之前的两场大战,这小子的力量应该已经消耗的差不多了,没想到居然还能瞬秒它的攻击。 Even if this is the attack that mechanical thunder eagle sends out, somewhat is still incredible. 就算这是那机械雷鹰所发出的攻击,也有些让人难以置信。 But at this moment it thinks radically without enough time, as the edges of that two thunder approach, it feels a threat. 但此刻它根本来不及多想,随着那两道雷霆之刃靠近,它已是感觉到了一丝威胁。 Blood remnant Demon Venerable vision ice-cold, roars lowly, in the hand the sword cuts loudly. 血残魔尊目光冰冷,低吼一声,手中战刀轰然斩出。 Blood remnant crazy blade! 血残狂刀! Bang! 轰! Magical skill hundred zhang (333 m) long blood red blade glow cuts loudly, collided with the edges of that two thunder loudly in one, erupted the sound of huge thundering. 一道数百丈长的血红色刀芒轰然斩出,与那两道雷霆之刃轰然碰撞在了一起,爆发出巨大的轰鸣之声。 However blood remnant Demon Venerable this blade cuts hastily, does not beat the edges of that two thunder eventually. 然而血残魔尊这一刀不过是仓促斩出,终究还是不敌那两道雷霆之刃。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… However is the flash, is unable to withstand the load the sound spreads from that blood red blade glow, above the blade glow presented fissures at the visible speed. 不过是一瞬间,一阵不堪重负般的声响从那血红色刀芒之上传出,刀芒之上以肉眼可见的速度出现了一道道裂痕。 The blood light above blade glow also collapses, blood-color rune/symbol writing disrupt to open directly. 刀芒之上的血光随之崩溃,一道道血色符文径直碎裂而开。 Blood remnant Demon Venerable pupil contraction. 血残魔尊瞳孔收缩。 Bang! 轰! That lining blood red blade light explodes loudly broken, changes to the innumerable fragments toward to explode in all directions shoots to open, the powerful Source Power complementary waves rewind to go toward blood remnant Demon Venerable. 紧接着,那一整道血红色刀光轰然爆碎,化作无数碎片朝着四面八方爆射而开,强大的原力余波朝着血残魔尊倒卷而去。 Go away!” “滚!” Blood remnant Demon Venerable shouted angrily, within the body blood was Source Power erupts, breaks the Source Power complementary waves that rewound to come. 血残魔尊怒喝一声,体内血系原力爆发,冲开那倒卷而来的原力余波。 But in the meantime, the edges of that two thunder are actually cut cut to void. 但就在此时,那两道雷霆之刃却是划破虚空斩至。 The defense of blood remnant Demon Venerable body surface was crushed immediately, the blade of thunder falls on its body, the strength of boundless tribulation thunder explodes instantaneously, submerges it. 血残魔尊体表的防御顿时被击碎,雷霆之刃落在它的身上,磅礴的劫雷之力瞬间爆开,将其淹没。 The Wang Teng vision narrows the eyes, is staring at that group of thunder light centers, suddenly lifts a hand, the palm spreads out toward the sky, empty grasped. 王腾目光微眯,盯着那团雷光中心处,突然抬起一只手,掌心朝着上空摊开,虚抓了一下。 Bang! 轰隆! The thunder crack, tribulations cloud also to gather. 雷霆炸响,劫云随之汇聚。 The beforehand tribulation cloud sends out strongly with Wang Teng strikes, has dissipated. 之前的劫云随着王腾发出最强一击,已经消散一空。 Now wants to use that strength again, can only gather. 如今想要再次动用那种力量,只能重新聚集。 Has to acknowledge, having this god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle is the convenience are truly many, even does not use some powerful Fighting technique, he can still contend with Demon Venerable level Dark Species, even can defeat them. 不得不承认,有了这神机赤电雷鹰确实是方便很多,就算是不动用一些强大战技,他也可以与魔尊黑暗种抗衡,甚至能够击败它们。 Otherwise solely depends on his own strength, even used god level Fighting technique, is very difficult to defeat Demon Venerable level Dark Species. 否则单单靠他自己的力量,即便是动用了神级战技,都很难击败一头魔尊黑暗种 Territory Lord Level and disparity between Demon Venerable levels too greatly was too big, has the qualitative difference. 域主级魔尊级之间的差距实在太大太大了,其中有着质的差别。 „The thing of mechanical clan is really easy-to-use, doesn't know this thing construction cost how much?” In the Wang Teng heart emits a thought suddenly. “机械族的东西真好用,不知道这东西造价几何?”王腾心中突然冒出一个念头。 However now does not think these times, must first prevent to murder blood Demon Venerable to absorb the blood of enough source. 不过现在并不是想这些的时候,必须先阻止弑血魔尊吸收足够的本源之血。 His vision takes a fast look around to go toward all around immediately, but is such moment time, has the blood of massive source to be absorbed by the blood god altar. 他的目光顿时朝着四周扫视而去,不过是这么片刻功夫,已经有着大量的本源之血被血神祭坛吸收。 At this moment, the blood-color ray above that blood god altar impressively is rich several times, the dense blood fog fills the air above the blood god altar, is sending out the rich bloody air/Qi, sky over the altar some innumerable blood-color rune/symbol writing are sending out the strange blood light. 此刻,那血神祭坛之上的血色光芒赫然已是浓郁了数倍,氤氲的血雾弥漫在血神祭坛之上,散发着浓郁的血腥之气,祭坛上空更有无数血色符文散发着奇异的血光。 That dense blood fog murdering blood Demon Venerable, blood orchid Demon Venerable, the blood god clone and the others the figure to cover thoroughly, the outside world is unable to see clearly inside situation again. 那氤氲的血雾已是将弑血魔尊,血兰魔尊,血神分身等人的身形彻底笼罩,外界无法再看清里面的情形。 Wang Teng the vision sinks immediately. 王腾顿时目光微沉。 Roar! 吼! At this time, angrily roared the thunder light that erupted from just now two thunder blade to spread, immediately blood remnant Demon Venerable form from suddenly/violently to rush, sped away toward Wang Teng. 这时,一声怒吼从方才两道雷刃所爆发的雷光之中传出,随即血残魔尊的身影从其中暴冲而出,朝着王腾疾驰而来。 Its whole body is twining the thunder, but actually not by multiple injuries, but the body presented many scorches, a blood red long hair somewhat is also disorderly, therefore seems somewhat distressed. 它浑身缠绕着雷霆,但却没有受多重的伤势,只是身上出现了不少焦痕,一头血红色长发也有些凌乱,因此显得有些狼狈。 But because of this, in its heart is angry exceptionally. 但正因为如此,它心中才更是愤怒异常。 Although beforehand bone yong Demon Venerable and blood orchid Demon Venerable defeated in this boy hand, but was one's turn itself on, it naturally could not accept the unfavorable situation. 尽管之前的骨埇魔尊和血兰魔尊都败在了这个小子手中,但是轮到自己身上,它自然是接受不了失利。 After all this boy said no matter how is Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, if not for is controlling that machinery thunder eagle, it will not place in it the eye. 毕竟这小子不管怎么说都是域主级武者而已,若不是操控着那机械雷鹰,它根本不会将其放在眼中。 Kills!” “杀!” Blood remnant Demon Venerable vision ice-cold stares at Wang Teng, in the mouth is erupting one to angrily roar. 血残魔尊目光冰冷的盯着王腾,口中爆发出一声怒吼。 Quarrelled!” “吵死了!” The Wang Teng brow tight wrinkle, can only control god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle to move forward to meet somebody. 王腾眉头紧皱,只能操控神机赤电雷鹰迎了上去。 Bang! 轰! Tribulations the strength of thunder to divulge, in friendly being enthralled machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle body, erupts the powerful offensive, cuts to blood remnant Demon Venerable. 劫雷之力宣泄而下,融入神机赤电雷鹰的身体之中,爆发出强大的攻势,斩向血残魔尊 Boy, was just the main body general idea/careless, now makes you have a look at the main body the strength.” “小子,刚刚是本尊大意了,现在就让你看看本尊的实力。” In the blood remnant Demon Venerable hand the sword erupts the dazzling blood red ray, the blade glow shoots up to the sky instantaneously, above is twining lots of rune/symbol writing, changes to the chains, lends the powerful source principle aura. 血残魔尊手中战刀爆发出耀眼的血红色光芒,刀芒瞬间冲天而起,上面缠绕着大量的符文,化作锁链,散发出强大的本源法则气息。 The source of principle that blood it grasps was seven step levels at least, at this moment the unretentive eruption, naturally cannot be underestimated. 它所掌握的血之本源法则起码达到了七阶层次,此刻毫无保留的爆发而出,自然是不容小觑。 Without god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, Wang Teng feared that has not been able contends by the strength and the opposite party tribulation thunder, after all his thunder source principle also grasped the fifth-order level. 若是没有神机赤电雷鹰,王腾怕是还无法靠劫雷之力与对方抗衡,毕竟他的雷霆本源法则也不过才掌握到了五阶层次。 However has god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle existence, Wang Teng had a contending capital. 不过有着神机赤电雷鹰的存在,王腾有了一丝抗衡的资本。 God machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle within the body has the mechanism of strength of inspiring source principle, at least can inspire the strength of eight step thunder source principles. 神机赤电雷鹰的体内有着引动本源法则之力的机制,起码能够引动八阶雷霆本源法则之力。 This mechanism and blood god altar is very similar, similarly can inspire the strength of source principle. 这种机制与血神祭坛十分相似,同样可以引动本源法则之力。 Before this is also Wang Teng, can with bone yong Demon Venerable, the reason that as well as blood orchid Demon Venerable contends with be. 这也是王腾之前能够与骨埇魔尊,以及血兰魔尊抗衡的原因所在。 Otherwise solely depends on the strength and the world different fire tribulation thunder, but also is really hard to defeat them. 不然单单靠劫雷之力和天地异火,还真是难以击败它们的。 Has the implication source principle, is completely the essential difference. 有没有蕴含本源法则,完全是本质上的区别。 In addition, Wang Teng also has other ways to make the strength of own thunder source principle be promoted, 除此之外,王腾还有其他方式可以让自身的雷霆本源法则之力得到提升, Wang Teng looked at blood remnant Demon Venerable one, the corners of the mouth exuded one to sneer, that gave this blood remnant Demon Venerable one greatly pleasantly surprised. 王腾看了血残魔尊一眼,嘴角泛起一丝冷笑,那就给这血残魔尊一个大惊喜吧。 He may not have the time to exist now to consume with this Demon Venerable level. 他现在可没有时间与这头魔尊级存在耗着。 Must fight a battle to force a quick decision! 必须速战速决! Therefore only usefully a stronger method, directly no strength to hit back that this blood remnant Demon Venerable hits. 因此唯有用更强的手段,直接把这血残魔尊打的毫无还手之力。 The opposite party was injured luckily, has not fully restored to the peak strength. 幸好对方受伤了,还未完全恢复到巅峰实力。 This was initially he and blood god the decision that clone to make, cannot make this blood remnant Demon Venerable fully restore the strength, must leave behind a flaw. 这是当初他和血神分身做出的决定,不能让这血残魔尊完全恢复实力,必须给它留下一点破绽。 Then, facilitates them to conduct some operation secretly in the battlefield. 如此一来,也方便他们在战场上进行一些暗地里的操作。 At this time, the Wang Teng vision sweeps, immediately fell in void near star weapon king, attribute air bubbles are floating in his side. 此时,王腾目光一扫,顿时落在了星械王附近的虚空之中,一个个属性气泡正漂浮在他的身旁。 Collect! 拾取! He has not hesitated, the spirit read the strength to sweep across instantaneously, collected these attribute air bubbles. 他没有迟疑,精神念力瞬间席卷而出,将那些属性气泡拾取了回来。 Lighting Attribute Star Source Power * 45000】 雷系星辰原力 Half World Lord Level spirit * 40000】 【半步界主级精神】 【The body of mechanical thunder source( six steps) * 23500】 【机械雷源之体(六阶)】 God level Lighting Attribute talent * 12000】 【神级雷系天赋】 Age gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder * 30000】 【庚金紫极天雷】 Machinery thunder Yuantong * 16000】 【机械雷源瞳】 3000 thunder blade * 18000】 【三千雷刃】 【The domain of thunder( melts boundary nine steps) * 9000】 【雷之领域(融境九阶)】 【The source of thunder( eight steps) * 26000】 【雷之本源(八阶)】 【The strength of the world( eight steps) * 25000】 【世界之力(八阶)】 Immortal material( fourth-order) * 13500】 【不朽物质(四阶)】 ...... …… A series of attribute air bubbles converge in the body of Wang Teng immediately, making him cannot help but somewhat surprised. 一连串的属性气泡顿时汇入王腾的身体之内,让他不由得有些惊讶。 This attribute is a much less. 这属性有点多啊。 First is Lighting Attribute Star Source Power, after the attribute air bubble integrates in the body of Wang Teng, immediately circulation all the limbs and bones, integrate later his Chaos star territory Within, integrates in his Lighting Attribute stars. 先是雷系星辰原力,属性气泡融入王腾的身体之中后,立刻流转四肢百骸,随后才融入他的【混沌星域】之内,融入他那一颗颗雷系星辰之内。 Lighting Attribute Star Source Power of Wang Teng consumption obtained the supplement immediately. 王腾消耗的雷系星辰原力顿时得到了补充。 Actually he somewhat rejoiced very much, has Lighting Attribute Martial Artist of star weapon king conferring the title of prince upon immortal level level to exist, can provide Lighting Attribute Star Source Power to him unceasingly. 其实他很是有些庆幸,有星械王这个封王不朽级层次的雷系武者存在,才能给他不断提供雷系星辰原力 Otherwise his Lighting Attribute Star Source Power has consumed up. 否则他的雷系星辰原力早就消耗光了。 The Source Power reserves that a conferring the title of prince upon immortal level has, can describe with magnanimous, to Wang Teng naturally is very considerable. 一个封王不朽级存在的原力储量,可以用海量来形容,对王腾来说自然是非常可观。 Afterward is half World Lord Level spirit, the entire 40000 points of attribute values, were quite many, after all the star weapon king has not fallen from the sky, can fall so many attribute values to prove the great strength of his psychic force sufficiently. 随后是半步界主级精神,整整40000点属性值,算是相当不少了,毕竟星械王还未陨落,能够掉落这么多属性值足以证明他的精神力之强大。 Pulled far. 咳咳,扯远了。 He naturally does not hope that the star weapon king falls from the sky. 他自然不希望星械王陨落。 At this time, after this energetic attribute integrates the body of Wang Teng, his psychic force restored immediately much. 此时,这精神属性融入王腾的身体之后,他的精神力顿时恢复了不少。 Crisp! 爽! Can supplement the consumption unceasingly, ratio this crisper matter? 能不断补充消耗,还有比这更爽的事情吗? He does not need to worry that completely oneself psychic force is insufficient. 他完全不用担心自己的精神力不够用。 At this time, an attribute air bubble changed to an extremely special energy in body that integrated Wang Teng, making his mortal body have the sublimation and transformation. 这时,一个属性气泡化作一股极为特殊的能量融入王腾的身体之中,让他的肉身发生升华与蜕变。 The body of mechanical thunder source, six steps! 机械雷源之体,六阶! Also is a mechanical physique! 又是一种机械体质! In the Wang Teng heart does not have many to be surprised actually, when the star weapon king displays the Lighting Attribute strength, he guessed correctly that the opposite party has probably the Lighting Attribute physique of mechanical clan, now fulfills. 王腾心中倒是没有多少惊讶,当星械王施展出雷系力量时,他就猜到对方可能拥有机械族的雷系体质,如今不过是应验了而已。 The body of this mechanical thunder source is similar to two mechanical clan physicals that before obtains, is the same essence and principle, now what corresponds is Lighting Attribute. 这种机械雷源之体和之前得到的两种机械族体质类似,都是一样的本质和原理,只不过如今对应的是雷系而已。 He had the Lighting Attribute physique 【The body of thunder spirit, Adds on this now again 【The body of mechanical thunder source, His control to Lighting Attribute Star Source Power raised a level instantaneously. 他原本就拥有雷系体质【雷灵之体】,如今再加上这【机械雷源之体】,他对雷系星辰原力的掌控度可谓是瞬间拔高了一个层次。 Only somewhat unbalanced is, 【The body of mechanical thunder source Now is six step levels directly, but 【The body of thunder spirit Fifth-order, the two missed a level, in the effect on the Lighting Attribute strength some are not coordinated. 唯一有些失衡的就是,【机械雷源之体】如今直接达到了六阶层次,而【雷灵之体】还是五阶,二者差了一个层次,对雷系力量的影响上有些不对等。 【The body of mechanical thunder source: 23500 / 60000( six steps) ; 【机械雷源之体】:23500/60000(六阶); Absorbs 【The body of mechanical thunder source After the energy, another strength swamps into the body of Wang Teng. 吸收完【机械雷源之体】的能量之后,另一股力量涌入王腾的身体之中。 Unexpectedly is the god level Lighting Attribute talent!” Wang Teng eye one bright. “居然是神级雷系天赋!”王腾眼睛一亮。 Although he has this god level talent, but the attribute value 1250 points, are not many, this time direct increased 12000 points, actually big harvest. 虽然他早就拥有了这种神级天赋,但属性值才1250点,并不算多,这次直接提升了12000点,倒是个不小的收获。 Therefore Wang Teng is satisfied. 因此王腾对此非常满意。 God level Lighting Attribute talent: 13250 / 100000 ; 【神级雷系天赋】:13250/100000; Never expected that the star weapon king also has the god level Lighting Attribute talent.” In the Wang Teng heart is quite surprised, no wonder the opposite party can grasp the Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder, does not have the powerful talent, wants to grasp this strength to be no different than dream of a fool. “没想到星械王还拥有神级雷系天赋。”王腾心中颇为惊讶,难怪对方能够掌握庚金紫极天雷,没有强大的天赋,想要掌握这种力量无异于痴人说梦。 Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao. 说曹操,曹操就到。 An attribute air bubble integrates in the body of Wang Teng, is changes unexpectedly wipes the purple thunder. 一个属性气泡融入王腾的身体之内,竟是化作一抹紫色雷霆。 In this purple thunder contains golden color of faint trace, sends out the sharp meaning, particularly strange. 这紫色雷霆之中更是蕴含着一丝丝的金色,散发出锋利之意,分外奇异。 Age gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder! 庚金紫极天雷! This impressively is the Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder that the star weapon king grasps! 这赫然正是星械王所掌握的庚金紫极天雷! Purple extremely heavenly thunder( Geng gold/metal)】: 30000 / 30000( third-order) ; 【紫极天雷(庚金)】:30000/30000(三阶); This Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder 30,000 points, achieved unexpectedly all of a sudden third-order complete.” In the Wang Teng eye reveals unusual look. “这庚金紫极天雷竟然足足有三万点之多,一下子达到了三阶圆满。”王腾眼中不由露出一丝异色。 The Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder that it seems like that the star weapon king grasps is not true weakly. 看来星械王所掌握的庚金紫极天雷属实不弱啊。 The purple heavenly thunder that this is Wang Teng obtains the second implication attribute that changes, the Lighting Attribute method increases extremely again. 这是王腾得到的第二种蕴含属性变化的紫极天雷,雷系手段再次增加。 Before saw that the star weapon king used this Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder, he coveted, now finally succeeds in obtaining. 之前看到星械王使用这庚金紫极天雷,他就十分眼热,如今终于是到手了。 It is not easy. 不容易啊。 In this heartfelt thanks star weapon king. 在此由衷的感谢星械王一下。 Everyone is the good partner, went to the battlefield together, has hit Dark Species together, weeds out the wool have nothing? 大家都是好伙伴,一起上过战场,一起打过黑暗种,薅一薅羊毛也没什么吧? The following two attribute air bubbles are the Fighting technique kinds, they change to the sensibility directly, integrated in the Wang Teng mind, then changed to a strange picture. 接下来两个属性气泡乃是战技类,它们径直化作感悟,融入到了王腾的脑海之内,而后化作一副奇异的画面。 In that picture, the mechanical clan light shadow appears together, from that appearance, impressively star weapon king. 在那画面之中,一道机械族光影浮现而出,从那模样来看,赫然正是星械王。 During he is situated in is void, the double pupil blooms the strange ray, as if can endure broken fabricated. 他立于虚空之中,双眸绽放出奇异的光芒,似乎可以堪破虚妄。 When it displays this pupil class Fighting technique, the related psychic force and Source Power circulation line appear in his within the body impressively, particularly above the head, situated in double pupil all around line, it may be said that was complex to the extreme. 而在其施展这门瞳类战技之时,相关的精神力和原力流转线路赫然在他的体内显现而出,尤其是脑袋之上,位于双眸四周的线路,可谓是复杂到了极点。 If not Wang Teng has been sensed in this manner, is unable to ascertain mystery in a short time, wants to cultivate, is difficult. 若非王腾以这种方式得到感悟,根本无法在短时间内窥破其中的奥秘,想要修炼,更是难上加难。 But at this moment, in his heart actually raised a clear(ly) to become aware immediately. 但此刻,他心中却是顿时升起了一丝明悟。 Machinery thunder Yuantong!” “机械雷源瞳!” Wang Teng talked to oneself, is pleasantly surprised seriously, never expected that mechanical clan not only has the special physique, but also has this extremely special spirit class eye pupil Fighting technique. 王腾自语了一声,当真是又惊又喜,没想到机械族不但拥有特殊体质,还拥有这种极为特殊的精神类眼瞳战技 Good, this is Fighting technique, but is not a talent. 不错,这是一门战技,而并非天赋。 The eye pupil class skill that before Wang Teng obtained was the talent, but these was actually Fighting technique time. 之前王腾所获得的眼瞳类技能都是天赋,而这一次却是一门战技 But this Fighting technique has with him 【The pupil of source nature Somewhat similar, can endure broken fabricated, points to the one skill of source. 而这门战技与他拥有的【源质之瞳】有些类似,都是可以堪破虚妄,直指本源的一种技能。 Stated differently, this Machinery thunder Yuantong Thus Fighting technique through the psychic force and Lighting Attribute strength union, one that achieves the effect of ascertaining the essence, it can be said that is unique. 不同的是,这门【机械雷源瞳】战技是通过精神力与雷系力量结合,从而达到的一种窥破本质的效果,可以说是非常独特。 To a certain extent, the strength of thunder is to truly have to endure broken fabricated, goes directly to the essential strength. 从某种程度上来说,雷霆之力确实是拥有堪破虚妄,直达本质的力量。 By the Lighting Attribute strength and psychic force union, some actually meanings.” Wang Teng looking pensive, in the heart raises suddenly a strange sensibility. “以雷系力量和精神力结合,倒是有些意思。”王腾若有所思,心中突然升起一丝奇异的感悟。 But this sensibility, very illusory, he somewhat cannot see clearly temporarily. 但这一丝感悟,非常的虚幻,他暂时有些看不清。 Faint as if held anything. 只是隐隐中似乎抓住了什么。 Right, if this Machinery thunder Yuantong The special operating system integrates him Pupil of True Sight Middle, does not know that can urge Pupil of True Sight Transforms again? 对了,如果将这【机械雷源瞳】特殊运转机制融入到他的【真视之瞳】当中,不知道可不可以促使【真视之瞳】再次蜕变?
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