AAMD :: Volume #22

#2169: This is his time! With stray cur

Chapter 2169 this is his time! With stray cur what strange/different? The backhand is a limit operates! 第2169章这本是他的时刻!与丧家之犬何异?反手就是一个极限操作! A giant blood-color altar float in void, although covers by the world different fire and purple heavenly thunder extremely, actually immovability, stands erect in void. 一座巨大的血色祭坛悬浮于虚空之中,虽被天地异火与紫极天雷笼罩,却不动如山,屹立于虚空之中。 The rich blood light blooms, this murders the blood Demon Venerable strength, it clone to control the blood god altar in the assistance blood god. 浓郁的血光绽放而出,这是弑血魔尊的力量,它在协助血神分身控制血神祭坛。 Otherwise the sole blood god clone a person of strength, decides however is unable to prevent Wang Teng and star weapon king two people of offensive. 否则单单血神分身一人的力量,定然无法阻挡王腾和星械王二人的攻势。 Above the blood god altar, blood orchid Demon Venerable appears, at this time somewhat is dumbstruck. 血神祭坛之上,血兰魔尊显现而出,此时还有些发懵。 What situation? 什么情况? Was it rescued? 它被救了? Just did that sound murder blood Demon Venerable probably? 刚刚那声音好像是弑血魔尊 Exists as the Demon Venerable levels of blood group 12 clans, blood orchid Demon Venerable to murdering blood Demon Venerable is not naturally strange, was only that sound can listen is the opposite party. 作为血族十二氏族的魔尊级存在,血兰魔尊对弑血魔尊自然不陌生,光是那声音就可以听出是对方了。 It turns the head to look immediately, really saw that murders blood Demon Venerable to cross the hands behind the back to be built on its behind, the complexion is indifferent, cannot see the least bit fight setback the appearance. 它立刻转头望去,果然看到弑血魔尊正负手立于它的身后,脸色冷漠平淡,看不出半点战斗失利的模样。 The blood god clone corners of the mouth twitched slightly, this murdered blood Demon Venerable to install one wave in this time unexpectedly. 血神分身嘴角微微抽搐了一下,这弑血魔尊居然在这时候装了一波。 Excessive! 过分了! This is his time. 这本是他的时刻。 Finally now he actually degenerates into the set-off, hateful. 结果现在他却沦为了陪衬,可恶啊。 The blood god divides in the body and mind the complaint to be full, look hidden bitterness looks to murder the blood Demon Venerable back. 血神分身心中怨念满满,眼神幽怨的看着弑血魔尊的背影。 Murders the blood, you have not died!” Blood orchid Demon Venerable surprised say/way. “弑血,你没死!”血兰魔尊惊讶道。 Joke, how the main body could die.” Murders the blood Demon Venerable light say/way. “笑话,本尊怎么可能会死。”弑血魔尊淡淡道。 Hearsay you are annihilated at an iron weapon fort defense line war, I also think that you have fallen from the sky.” Blood orchid Demon Venerable knows oneself are saved, has restored the enchanting gentle and charming appearance, hehe said with a smile. “传闻你们在铁械堡防线一战全军覆没,我还以为你已经陨落了。”血兰魔尊知道自己得救,已然恢复妖娆娇柔的模样,呵呵笑道。 Has to acknowledge, as the Demon Venerable level exists, the disposition truly non- common person may compare. 不得不承认,身为魔尊级存在,心性确实非寻常人可比。 Even if just almost the body died, at this moment it had also restored. 哪怕刚刚差点身死,此刻它也已经恢复了过来。 If common Martial Artist, feared that also immersed during just now death threat. 若是寻常武者,怕是还沉浸在方才的死亡威胁之中。 Iron weapon fort defense line unfavorable situation, does not talk clearly in a few words, the main body retreats for the time being, but to keep strength.” Murders the blood Demon Venerable light say/way. “铁械堡防线失利,三言两语说不清楚,本尊暂且退去,不过是为了保留实力而已。”弑血魔尊淡淡道。 Grass( grass)! This attire compels the suspect, pleasant to hear that said.” The blood god divides in the body and mind unable to bear complain. “艹(一种草)!这个装逼犯,说的好听。”血神分身心中忍不住吐槽。 He personally sees, almost on letter/believes. 要不是他亲眼所见,差点就信了。 Also does not know that is who by fleeing like a scared rat that star meteor revering hits, finally can only the split withdraw, now unexpectedly seems anything not to happen generally...... 也不知道是谁被星陨尊者打的抱头鼠窜,最终只能分体脱身,如今居然好像什么事都没发生过一般…… It is not good, cannot make it continue absolutely to install. 不行,绝对不能让它继续装下去了。 The blood god clone to send greetings immediately to the Wang Teng main body, must see through it. 血神分身立刻传音给王腾本尊,必须要拆穿它。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable deep looked murdered blood Demon Venerable one, when it did not plan to say anything again, together the sound suddenly from the distant place conveys. 血兰魔尊深深的看了弑血魔尊一眼,正当它不打算再说什么之时,一道声音突然从远处传来。 „Wasn't this before just like stray cur general murdering blood Demon Venerable?” “这不是之前犹如丧家之犬一般的弑血魔尊吗?” „......” “……” Void immediately one static. 虚空中顿时一静。 All vision passes on the whence to look toward the sound, the person of opens the mouth is really Wang Teng this different kind. 所有目光都不由的朝着声音传来处望去,开口之人果然是王腾这个异类。 After all also only then he dares so to have the speech with the high-rank Demon Venerable level. 毕竟也只有他敢如此跟上位魔尊级存在说话了。 However the content in Wang Teng words is actually more explosive. 不过王腾话语中的内容却是更加劲爆。 Stray cur! 丧家之犬! This high-rank Demon Venerable level exists is called stray cur unexpectedly, does it lose such miserably when the iron weapon fort defense line? 这头上位魔尊级存在居然被叫做丧家之犬,它在铁械堡防线时输得这么惨吗? Murders blood Demon Venerable hears word, immediately complexion one black, vision ice-cold looks to Wang Teng. 弑血魔尊闻言,顿时面色一黑,目光冰冷至极的看向王腾 What's wrong, I said isn't right?” Wang Teng looks straight ahead its vision, said with a smile lightly: Is annihilated, stampede, with stray cur what strange/different?” “怎么,难道我说的不对吗?”王腾直视它的目光,淡淡笑道:“全军覆没,狼狈逃窜,与丧家之犬何异?” The people complexion is strange, does this high-rank Demon Venerable level exist so pitifully really? 众人面色古怪,这头上位魔尊级存在真的如此凄惨吗? Good wants to look! 好想看啊! If they at that time on the scene were good, how the so famous scene can miss. 他们当时要是在场就好了,如此名场面怎么能够错过呢。 What a pity! What a pity! 可惜!可惜! When blood orchid Demon Venerable looks to murdering blood Demon Venerable, the look is somewhat is strange. 就连血兰魔尊看向弑血魔尊之时,眼神都是不禁有些怪异。 If ran away also even, after all life and death current, no one is able to guarantee oneself can go to confidently, running away was the elementary operation eo. 如果只是逃走也就算了,毕竟生死当前,谁也无法保证自己能够坦然赴死,逃走是基本操作。 However after running away, installs to compel here, but also was given to see through an affair, this was not awkward. 但是逃走之后,又在这里装逼,还被人给拆穿了,这不就尴尬了。 The good and evil is the high-rank Demon Venerable level exists, is in front of so many people, the face countenance is completely losing. 好歹是上位魔尊级存在,当着这么多人的面,颜面尽失啊。 Blood remnant Demon Venerable of distant place also looked at this time murdered blood Demon Venerable one, the opposite party stemmed from the middle of 12 clans the Bruch clan ranked the first, always did not place in their buddhist poem special clan the eye . Moreover the opposite party or the high-rank Demon Venerable level, the strength compared it to be stronger, usually naturally was despises to it extremely. 远处的血残魔尊此时也不禁看了弑血魔尊一眼,对方出自十二氏族当中排名第一的布鲁赫氏族,向来不将它们梵诗特氏族放在眼中,而且对方还是上位魔尊级,实力比它更强,平时自然更是对它极度轻视。 When never expected that the opposite party also has now falls to so the position, defeats to run away, exists to a Demon Venerable level, it may be said that is the huge shame. 没想到如今对方也有落到如此境地之时,战败逃窜,对一位魔尊级存在来说,可谓是天大的耻辱。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Murders in the blood Demon Venerable heart the anger almost to from the eye gush out, vision gloomy and cold is staring at Wang Teng, drinks one coldly, is wanting to say anything, was actually broken. 弑血魔尊心中怒火几乎要从眼中喷薄而出,目光阴冷的盯着王腾,冷喝一声,正欲说什么,却被打断。 Puts your grandmother's nonsense.” “放你姥姥的狗屁。” Wang Teng explodes directly drinks one, coldly said: Really thinks that you are anything, Dark Species, abuses power in my bright universe, others fear you, the young master I do not fear you.” 王腾直接爆喝一声,冷冷道:“真以为你是什么东西,一头黑暗种,在我光明宇宙作威作福,别人怕你,小爷我可不怕你。” People hears word, is flabbergasted all. 众人闻言,无不咋舌。 Wang Teng behind Li Xuesong, upright Haoge and the others dumbfounded directly, on the face the muscle twitched ruthlessly, could not bear drew back backward several steps, as if wanted to leave Wang Teng to be farther. 王腾身后的李雪松,耿浩歌等人直接呆住了,脸上肌肉狠狠抽搐了一下,忍不住向后退了几步,似乎想要离王腾远一些。 Too fearful! 太可怕了! The mouth of this fellow was too fearful! 这家伙的嘴巴实在太可怕了! The mouth of Wang Teng, can be scary. 王腾的嘴,能吓死人啊。 The Altair and Vega weapon kings are the heart shake, say my goodness. 连星械王都是心头一震,直呼好家伙。 Whom the courage of this boy did not have, unexpectedly dares such to the high-rank Demon Venerable level Dark Species speech. 这小子的胆子也是没谁了,居然敢这么对上位魔尊黑暗种说话。 Although star meteor revering murders blood Demon Venerable to reappear very much surprisedly here, but after seeing that blood god altar, in the heart is some clear(ly) becomes aware. 星陨尊者虽然很惊讶弑血魔尊能够重新出现在这里,但看到那血神祭坛之后,心中已是有些明悟。 As for the boldness of Wang Teng, he had realized, at this moment was unalarmed by strange sights actually. 至于王腾的大胆,他已经有所体会,此刻倒是见怪不怪了。 Why does not know, obviously very serious matter, to the Wang Teng mouth, actually changed flavor suddenly, dignified atmosphere as if relax relaxed many. 不知道为什么,明明很严肃的事情,到了王腾的口中,却突然变味了,凝重的气氛仿佛都松缓了不少。 On this boy roughly has a special charisma. 这小子身上大体是有着一股特殊的人格魅力。 Murders blood Demon Venerable that pale face, at this time is black like the bottom of the pot, the anger is almost impossible to suppress simply again. 弑血魔尊那张苍白的脸,此时简直是黑如锅底,怒火几乎无法再抑制。 An unprecedented anger floods in its chest cavity. 一种前所未有的愤怒充斥在它的胸腔之中。 First sees through his words, then is also speaks to interrupt its words, even insulted in it , has not placed in it the eye completely. 先是拆穿他的话语,接着又是出言打断它的话,甚至辱骂于它,话里话外,完全没将它放在眼中。 Also murders blood Demon Venerable to be angry no wonder. 也难怪弑血魔尊会如此愤怒。 At this time was the new hatreds on top of old welled up seriously together. 此时当真是新仇旧恨一同涌了上来。 Murders the blood, it seems like you have also suffered big on the body of this boy.” Blood orchid Demon Venerable looked at Wang Teng, looked at one to murder blood Demon Venerable, meaningful saying. “弑血,看来你也在这小子的身上吃过不小的亏啊。”血兰魔尊看了看王腾,又看了一眼弑血魔尊,意味深长的说道。 Nonsense, how the main body possibly suffers a loss on only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist.” Murdering blood Demon Venerable is still obstinate argumentative. “胡说,本尊怎么可能在区区一个域主级武者身上吃亏。”弑血魔尊依旧在嘴硬。 Right?” Blood orchid Demon Venerable hehe smiles, simply has not been serious its words, said lightly: „There is nothing did not acknowledge that well, the old lady just also suffered a loss in his hands, but also almost falls from the sky in this.” “是吗?”血兰魔尊呵呵一笑,根本没将它的话当回事,淡淡说道:“这没什么不好承认的,老娘刚刚同样在他手中吃了亏,还差点陨落于此。” Murdered blood Demon Venerable hears word, the anger in heart actually cooled suddenly, it looked at blood orchid Demon Venerable one, said: „Can you also strength of the war?” 弑血魔尊闻言,心中的怒火却是突然冷却了下来,它看了血兰魔尊一眼,说道:“你可还有一战之力?” Perhaps this must trouble our blood.” In the blood orchid Demon Venerable pupil the blood light flashes, looked that to murdering the blood Demon Venerable behind blood god clone, said with a laugh. “这恐怕就要麻烦我们这位血子了。”血兰魔尊眸中血光一闪,看向弑血魔尊身后的血神分身,笑呵呵道。 „......” Blood god clone somewhat to be speechless. “……”血神分身不禁有些无语。 This Demon Venerable stared at him. 这一个个魔尊都盯上他了是吧。 Murders blood Demon Venerable to be insufficient, now comes blood orchid Demon Venerable. 一个弑血魔尊还不够,现在又来一个血兰魔尊 He soon same became the fragrant steamed bun with the main body. 他都快要和本尊一样成为香馍馍了。 However, this not necessarily is not a good deed. 不过,这未必不是一件好事。 The blood god divides in the body and mind to get a sudden inspiration, bows to say hastily: Sir Demon Venerable told although, the younger generation does everything possible settledly.” 血神分身心中灵机一动,连忙躬身说道:“魔尊大人尽管吩咐,晚辈定当尽力而为。” You are very good.” “你很好。” Incense stick|Fragrant wind floats, has not waited for the blood god clone to respond, the side had/left a form suddenly, fair busy white hands build quietly above his shoulder, who is not blood orchid Demon Venerable is. 一阵香风飘来,还不等血神分身反应过来,身旁突然多出了一道身影,一只白皙无暇的玉手悄然搭在他的肩膀之上,不是血兰魔尊是谁。 His pupil shrinks, has not thought that this blood orchid Demon Venerable is seriously injured also has such strength, cannot be underestimated seriously. 他瞳孔一缩,没想到这血兰魔尊受了重伤还有如此实力,当真是不容小觑。 Hateful, this old ladies raise a rumpus to blood unexpectedly.” “可恶,这老娘们居然对血子动手动脚。” Behind, blood Rosa, Lya and other blood group Heaven's Chosen, looked at each other one at this moment, in the heart angry incomparable. 后方,血罗莎,尤菲莉亚等血族天骄,此刻不由对视了一眼,心中愤怒无比。 Blood is their, how can be bribed by age such big old ladies. 血子是她们的,怎么可以被一个年纪如此之大的老娘们染指。 What a pity they facing blood orchid Demon Venerable, do not dare to open the mouth, even does not dare to look at blood orchid Demon Venerable one, can only at heart the dark stamp thinking. 可惜她们面对血兰魔尊,根本不敢开口,甚至不敢多看血兰魔尊一眼,只能在心里暗戳戳的想一想而已。 Sir Demon Venerable overpraised.” The blood god clone not to think that blood orchid Demon Venerable will come such a move, the corners of the mouth to twitch suddenly, said. 魔尊大人过奖了。”血神分身没想到血兰魔尊会突然来这么一招,嘴角不由抽动了一下,说道。 Snort!” “哼!” At this time, light snort/hum from murdering the blood Demon Venerable mouth spread, it coldly looked at blood orchid Demon Venerable one, said: „The strength of blood god altar, the main body has been scheduled.” 这时,一声轻哼从弑血魔尊口中传出,它冷冷的看了血兰魔尊一眼,道:“血神祭坛的力量,本尊已经预定了。” „Do your one person have more than enough so many strengths?” Blood orchid Demon Venerable knits the brows, said: „During this piece is void has the blood of many source.” “你一个人也用不了那么多力量吧?”血兰魔尊皱了皱眉,说道:“这片虚空之中可是存在不少本源之血哦。” Wish makes my blood group gain the final victory, the blood of this source is anything.” Murders blood Demon Venerable to say. “想要让我血族取得最终的胜利,这点本源之血又算什么。”弑血魔尊道。 You are think that......” blood orchid Demon Venerable eye slightly bright, said scruple. “你是想……”血兰魔尊眼睛微亮,迟疑道。 This matter also needs your assistance.” Murders blood Demon Venerable slightly nodded, opens the mouth to say. “此事还需要你们的协助。”弑血魔尊微微点了点头,开口道。 Good!” Blood orchid Demon Venerable as if understood anything, on the beautiful elegant face reveals a monster to flatter smile immediately, that pair of beautiful pupil looks to all around bright universe Martial Artist, actually filled was evil and strange. “好!”血兰魔尊似乎明白了什么,绝美的俏脸上顿时露出一丝妖媚至极的笑容,那一双美眸望向四周的光明宇宙武者,却是充满了邪恶与诡异。 „...... Two seniors, does not know what you said is what method?” The blood god clone to hesitate, opened the mouth to ask: How at the appointed time can need the younger generation to coordinate?” “呃……两位前辈,不知你们说的是什么手段?”血神分身迟疑了一下,开口问道:“届时可需要晚辈如何配合?” Truly needs your coordination.” Murdered blood Demon Venerable to nod, passes message said several anything. “确实需要你的配合。”弑血魔尊点了点头,传音说了几句什么。 12 blood spirit bodies!” The blood god divides in the body and mind to congeal, from murdering the blood Demon Venerable mouth knew the method that they soon must resort, sent greetings immediately informed the Wang Teng main body. “十二血灵身!”血神分身心中微凝,已是从弑血魔尊口中得知它们即将要动用的手段,当即传音告知了王腾本尊。 The backhand is a limit operates. 反手就是一个极限操作。 Then...... 然后…… Wang Teng is also in the heart concentrates. 王腾也是心中微凝。 So-called 12 blood spirit bodies, It seems like an extremely powerful blood group method, can summon 12 blood spirit, contains the ancient blood ancestor's strength. 所谓的【十二血灵身】,似乎是一种极为强大的血族手段,能够召唤出十二血灵,蕴含古老血祖的力量。 If were really summoned by them, the consequence seriously is inconceivable. 若是真被它们召唤出来,后果当真是不堪设想。 Must prevent them. 必须阻止它们。 But he worries immediately, how should this matter inform the star weapon king they? Cannot say directly he has known the blood group must use this so-called 12 blood spirit bodies Isn't this talks nonsense? 但他立刻又犯了难,此事该如何告知星械王他们?总不能直接说他已经知道血族要动用这所谓的【十二血灵身】吧,这不是扯淡吗? Senior, this blood group Dark Species method is strange, perhaps particularly that blood god altar, they have schemed.” A Wang Teng thoughts revolution, can only remind. “前辈,这血族黑暗种手段诡异,尤其是那座血神祭坛,它们恐怕有所图谋。”王腾心思一转,只能如此提醒道。 Un.” star weapon king actually also felt not right. “嗯。”星械王其实也感觉到了一丝不对劲。 That high-rank Demon Venerable level Dark Species seems to be secure, from the beginning has not paid attention to them. 那头上位魔尊黑暗种似乎有恃无恐,从一开始就没有将他们放在眼里。 In addition, that blood god altar also made him dread very, can block their offensive unexpectedly, even even/including Ziji the heavenly thunder and strength of the world different fire is unable to shake. 除此之外,那座血神祭坛也令他十分忌惮,竟然可以挡住他们的攻势,甚至连紫极天雷和天地异火的力量都无法撼动。 Bang! 轰! What a pity murders blood Demon Venerable and the others obviously at all not to the opportunity that they responded, the blood god altar had stimulated to movement, erupts the sound of thundering, the blood red ray shot up to the sky immediately, blood-color rune/symbol Wengeng sends out the dazzling ray. 可惜弑血魔尊等人显然根本不给他们反应的机会,血神祭坛已然被催动,爆发出轰鸣之声,血红色的光芒顿时冲天而起,一道道血色符文更是散发出耀眼的光芒。 The rich blood light almost covered this trim to be void, but divergence the ray, quiet falling in that bright universe Martial Artist of falling from the sky, and even was above the Dark Species corpse. 浓郁的血光几乎笼罩了这一整片虚空,辐散而出的光芒,悄无声息的落在那一具具陨落的光明宇宙武者,乃至是黑暗种的尸体之上。 The mutation lives suddenly! 异变突生! That corpse starts witheredly, just like the trees of withering, the entire body changes to the fragment powder to dissipate in void later. 那一具具尸体开始干瘪,宛如枯萎的树木,随后整个身躯都化作齑粉消散于虚空之中。 Blood light from the corpse of that dissipation plunders a continuously, quick such as blood-color lightning, goes toward the blood god altar gathering. 紧接着一缕缕血光从那消散的尸身之中掠出,快如血色闪电,朝着血神祭坛汇聚而去。 And, is not only that corpse blood of source, scatters the source blood in void continually, was absorbed. 并且,不仅仅是那尸体之中的本源之血,连散落于虚空之中的本源之血,都被吸收了出来。 During this, lets the person of presence is falls into is panic-stricken. 这一幕,让在场之人皆是陷入惊骇之中。 Just now that blood orchid Demon Venerable makes completely the method want to absorb bright universe Martial Artist the blood of source, finally was obstructed by Wang Teng. 方才那血兰魔尊使尽手段想要吸收光明宇宙武者的本源之血,结果都被王腾阻挠。 The blood of source now that blood god altar absorption void scatters, unexpectedly so relaxed, incredible. 如今那血神祭坛吸收虚空中散落的本源之血,竟然如此的轻松,令人难以置信。 Prevents them quickly.” Wang Teng loudly shouted hastily. “快阻止它们。”王腾连忙大喝道。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Finishes speaking, bright universe Martial Artist responded immediately, launched the attack toward these blood light in abundance, tried to stop it. 话音刚落,光明宇宙武者们顿时反应过来,纷纷朝着那些血光发动攻击,试图将其阻拦下来。 However, the common attack cannot pose the too big threat to these blood light. 但是,寻常的攻击对这些血光并不能造成太大的威胁。 Even if hit the blood light, still made it disperse, later sped away to go toward the blood god altar as before. 即便是击中了血光,也只是令其分散开来,随后依旧是朝着血神祭坛疾驰而去。 These blood light as if received the protection of some strength, can disperse in the flash, reduces the injury. 这些血光似乎受到了某种力量的保护,能够在一瞬间散开,减少伤害。 However also some stronger Martial Artist make a move, under interception many blood light. 不过也有一些实力较强的武者出手,拦截下不少血光。 Even so, regarding the blood of source the trim scatters void, fish slip through 32, are not enough to affect the general situation. 即便如此,对于整片虚空散落的本源之血来说,也不过漏网之鱼三两只,根本不足以影响大局。 Wang Teng sees this, can only give up continue attack that blood god altar, took back the bright ceremonial fire, the big hand wielded, making him change to bright arrow arrows to charge into void. 王腾看到这一幕,只能放弃继续攻击那血神祭坛,收回了光明圣火,大手一挥,让其化作一道道光明箭矢冲向虚空。 ...... 咻咻咻…… The grating sound air-splitting gets up, these bright arrow arrows cut the void, accurate appearance instantaneously in the dead ahead of these blood light. 刺耳的破空声响起,这些光明箭矢瞬间划破虚空,精准的出现在那些血光的正前方。 Afterward...... 随后…… Bang! Bang! Bang! 嘭!嘭!嘭! Blood light blasting open, under the package of fire of light, these blood light was burnt down directly. 血光炸裂,在光明之火的包裹下,这些血光直接被焚毁。 The strength of Wang Teng to blood god altar is clear, therefore copes with these blood actually to be only handy, broke the protection of blood god altar directly, making him have no place to go. 王腾对血神祭坛的力量非常清楚,因此对付这些血光倒是得心应手,直接就破去了血神祭坛的保护,让其无处可逃。 Since cannot obtain, that can only destroy. 既然得不到,那就只能毁去了。 In Wang Teng heart also very anxiety, the blood of these sources, if can clone to the blood god, should be a big strength, what a pity now is murdered blood Demon Venerable to stare, can only endure suffering to burn down. 王腾心中也十分肉疼,这些本源之血若是能给血神分身,该是多大的一股力量,可惜现在被弑血魔尊盯上,就只能忍痛焚毁了。 Blood is remnant, blocks him!” “血残,拦下他!” Murdered blood Demon Venerable coldly looked at Wang Teng one, was this boy runs to go bad his good deed each time, this time cannot tolerate him absolutely again. 弑血魔尊冷冷看了王腾一眼,每次都是这小子跑出来坏他好事,此次绝对不能再容忍他。 „......” The blood remnant Demon Venerable corners of the mouth pull out. “……”血残魔尊嘴角一抽。 It witnessed savage of Wang Teng, now murders blood Demon Venerable to lose unexpectedly such hot potato, its mood all of a sudden becomes very not wonderful. 它亲眼目睹了王腾的凶残,如今弑血魔尊居然把这么个烫手山芋丢过来,它的心情一下子就变得很不美妙。 However first even/including passes through two wars, the boy should not have many strengths. 不过一连经过两场大战,那小子应该没有多少力量了吧。 If can take it, how could it not be the reward of that Sir was its. 如果能将其拿下,那位大人的奖赏岂不就是它的了。 Perhaps it can also the retrieval freedom, blood that boy also be able to resist that Sir to be inadequate certainly. 没准它还可以借此重获自由,血绝那小子难道还能抗拒那位大人不成。 Thinks of here, in the blood remnant Demon Venerable eye reveals a savage color, the figure flashes, appears in void of Wang Teng front not far away directly, a palm lays out. 一想到这里,血残魔尊眼中就露出一丝凶残之色,身形一闪,直接出现在王腾前方不远处的虚空,一掌拍出。 Bang! 轰! Huge blood red is in charge to condense instantaneously, appears sky over the Wang Teng top of the head. 一道巨大的血红色掌印瞬间凝聚而出,出现在王腾的头顶上空。 You damn!” The Wang Teng vision concentrates, coldly is staring at blood remnant Demon Venerable, if not this blood group Demon Venerable also some uses, he and blood god clone to extinguish it kills, where will also make it come out to be in the way. “你该死!”王腾目光一凝,冷冷盯着血残魔尊,如果不是这头血族魔尊还有些用处,他和血神分身早就将其灭杀,哪里还会让它出来碍事。
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