AAMD :: Volume #22

#2168: Grasshopper on a rope! Murders the blood Demon Venerable and

A grasshopper on Chapter 2168 rope! Murders blood Demon Venerable and blood god clone to arrive!( Sought subscription) 第2168章一条绳上的蚂蚱!弑血魔尊和血神分身降临!(求订阅) Void. 虚空中。 Sir Demon Venerable, we should soon arrive at the billows machine void fortress.” 魔尊大人,我们应该快要到达澜机虚空堡垒了。” A blood red altar is speeding away fast, blood god clone stands in blood group Dark Species behind, is looking at all around void, suddenly said. 一座血红色祭坛正快速疾驰,血神分身站在一头血族黑暗种身后,望着四周的虚空,突然说道。 In rear area that the blood god clone, but also is standing many Dark Species, they actually do not dare to open the mouth, cautious is looking at frontline that blood group Dark Species. 在血神分身的后方,还站着不少黑暗种,它们却不敢开口,小心翼翼的望着最前方那头血族黑暗种 Un.” “嗯。” Sits cross-legged to sit in blood god altar central blood group Dark Species opens the eye slowly, in the pupil flashes through together the dazzling blood red ray, is strange and evil, it swept around void, slightly nodded, opens the mouth saying: Blood certainly, this time many thanks you.” 盘膝坐在血神祭坛中央的血族黑暗种缓缓睁开眼睛,眸中闪过一道刺目的血红色光芒,诡异而邪恶,它扫了一眼四周的虚空,微微点了点头,开口道:“血绝,这次多谢你了。” Sir Demon Venerable was polite.” The blood god clone to show a faint smile. 魔尊大人客气了。”血神分身微微一笑。 His front blood group Dark Species, murders blood Demon Venerable impressively. 他前方这头血族黑暗种,赫然正是弑血魔尊 The opposite party escaped from the sure-kill of star meteor revering to strike initially, is seriously injured, is he makes it enter the blood god altar, when with fleeing that stretch of battlefield the blood of source finally absorbs restores its injury. 对方当初逃脱了星陨尊者的绝杀一击,身受重伤,是他让其进入血神祭坛,并用逃离那片战场时最终吸收到的本源之血修复它的伤势。 Therefore murders blood Demon Venerable to be grateful about him. 故而弑血魔尊才会对他心生感激。 This does not have the matter of means that originally the blood god clone is the plan brings other remaining Dark Species to run away alone, has not thought that met in the halfway murdered blood Demon Venerable. 这也是没办法的事情,本来血神分身是打算带着其他残余的黑暗种独自逃走的,没想到在半途遇到了弑血魔尊 No, should say that was the opposite party caught up with him directly. 不,应该说是对方直接追上了他。 The strength of blood god altar to blood group Dark Species, has the greatest attraction, in both sides are away from do not calculate that in far situation, murders blood Demon Venerable definitely to act according to its aura to trace. 血神祭坛的力量对血族黑暗种而言,有着莫大的吸引力,在双方距离不算远的情况下,弑血魔尊完全可以根据它的气息追踪上来。 In this case, blood god clone naturally can only let murder blood Demon Venerable to be on the blood god altar, is unable to keep them out it again. 这种情况下,血神分身自然只能让弑血魔尊登上血神祭坛,无法再将其拒之门外。 As for striking to kill this high-rank Demon Venerable level to exist, that chitchatted. 至于击杀这头上位魔尊级存在,那更是扯谈。 Did not say that also has other Dark Species on the scene, if runs away, is the huge disasters. 不说还有其他黑暗种在场,万一逃走一个,都是天大的祸事。 Had words to say well, the matter was not dense inadequately. 有句话说得好,事不密则不成。 Extinguishing kills the Demon Venerable level to exist is what kind of important matter, involves too in a big way, naturally wants discretely again discrete, maintains the secret of topnotch. 灭杀魔尊级存在是何等大事,牵扯太大,自然要谨慎再谨慎,保持最高度的机密。 Before the Wang Teng design buried alive blood remnant Demon Venerable, then no one knew this matter, finally he can succeed, this was one of the most important several factors. 之前王腾设计坑杀血残魔尊时,便无人知晓此事,最终他才能成功,这是最重要的几个因素之一。 Also this murdered blood Demon Venerable also more remnant than Demon Venerable the blood more powerful, at all was not the common method can strike to kill. 再说这弑血魔尊也比血残魔尊更为强大,根本不是寻常手段能够击杀的。 Exists like their Demon Venerable levels, must in a close space, have the possibility to strike to kill thoroughly, or surrenders, otherwise very big probability will escape. 像它们这种魔尊级存在,必须要在一种封闭的空间之内,才有可能彻底击杀,或是降服,否则很大概率会被逃脱。 But under rescuing murders blood Demon Venerable, does not have the advantage. 而救下弑血魔尊,也并不是毫无好处。 Now, under nourishing of blood god altar, murdered the blood Demon Venerable injury is stood firm, even also restored many strengths, entered the battlefield sufficiently again. 如今,在血神祭坛的滋养下,弑血魔尊的伤势算是稳住了,甚至还恢复了不少力量,足以再次进入战场。 Although this not meddlesome to bright universe, but is actually the optimal solution that the blood god clone to think. 虽然这对光明宇宙来说并非什么好事,但却已经是血神分身能够想到的最优解了。 At least he obtained the gratitude of murdering blood Demon Venerable, this made it in speak several words of praise for him sufficiently after the war. 起码他获得了弑血魔尊的感激,这足以让它在战后为他说几句好话了。 The unfavorable situation of iron weapon fort defense line, he and murders blood Demon Venerable unable to escape inevitably the relations, but so long as they reported iron weapon fort defense line that side situation truthfully, by him the performance in battlefield in the merit that and set up, the penalty should not be heavy. 铁械堡防线的失利,他和弑血魔尊必然是逃不开关系的,但想必只要他们将铁械堡防线那边的情况如实上报,以他在战场上的表现和所立的功劳,惩罚应该不会太重。 Moreover he also bold ideas, that is to make Dark Species also lose that side the billows machine void fortress war. 而且他还有一个大胆的想法,那就是让黑暗种也输掉澜机虚空堡垒那边的大战。 You lose me to lose everyone to lose together. 你输我输大家一起输。 Then, naturally was the law does not punish numerous offenders. 如此一来,自然就是法不责众了。 Even must punish, cannot fall on a he trivial mid-rank demon sovereign level. 就算要惩罚,也落不到他一个区区的中位魔皇级身上来吧。 This plan, is simply perfect. 这个计划,简直完美。 Therefore he should rush to the battlefield that the billows machine void fortress is, such important war, how can little result in his qualified stirring excrement......, he does not stir the excrement stick. 所以他更应该赶往澜机虚空堡垒所在的战场,如此重要的战事,怎么能少得了他这个合格的搅屎……啊呸,他可不是搅屎棍。 He is the perfect spy. 他可是完美的间谍。 Therefore, under weighs the advantages and disadvantages, the blood god clone to choose to rescue to murder blood Demon Venerable, and goes to the billows machine void fortress with it together. 因此,权衡利弊之下,血神分身选择救下弑血魔尊,并和它一同前往澜机虚空堡垒。 Therefore the blood god clone and murders blood Demon Venerable it can be said that to fit in easily. 于是血神分身和弑血魔尊可以说是一拍即合。 Because murders blood Demon Venerable also to want the merit to make reparations, it very clear as the main commander who the iron weapon fort defense line fights, now defeats, decides however must receive the penalty of demon god. 因为弑血魔尊也想要将功赎罪,它很清楚自己作为铁械堡防线一战的主要指挥官,如今战败,定然要受到魔神的惩罚。 Can rescue own means only, is goes to the billows machine void fortress, the assistance main force army gains the final victory, takes the bright universe. 唯一能够救自己的办法,便是前往澜机虚空堡垒,协助主力大军取得最终的胜利,拿下光明宇宙。 Because of this, when the blood god clone to rescue it, and after helping it restores the strength, it will feel grateful. 正因为如此,当血神分身将它救下,并助它恢复实力之后,它才会有所感激。 It also knows the unfavorable situation of iron weapon fort defense line, no wonder the blood god clone. 它也知道铁械堡防线的失利,怪不得血神分身。 Even if no this blood certainly, they will defeat miserably, he constrained two bright universes immortal levels to exist by a person of strength, but how also wanted him? 甚至若没有这血绝,他们会败得更惨,他以一人之力拖住了两位光明宇宙的不朽级存在,还要他怎么样? So the score, even its this Demon Venerable level exists, cannot discover the least bit is not. 如此战绩,连它这个魔尊级存在,都找不出半点的不是。 Let alone it favored the blood god clone extremely, relations of both sides have been very good, it will therefore not naturally vent anger in the blood god clone. 何况它本就极为看好血神分身,双方的关系一直很不错,它自然也不会因此迁怒于血神分身。 Must blame only to blame that bright universe Heaven's Chosen extremely evildoer/monstrous talent, destruction its good deed again and again. 要怪只能怪那光明宇宙天骄太过妖孽,一而再再而三的破坏它的好事。 Now murders blood Demon Venerable to hate to the marrow of the bones about Wang Teng. 如今弑血魔尊王腾可谓是恨之入骨。 Your I am also the grasshopper on same strip rope, and others of unfavorable situation of iron weapon fort defense line to me am now disadvantageous.” “你我如今也算是同一条绳上的蚂蚱,铁械堡防线的失利对我等都非常不利。” Murders blood Demon Venerable to send greetings suddenly, said slowly: Therefore the fight of billows machine void fortress is very important to your me, can make reparations the merit, then watched this war.” 弑血魔尊突然传音,缓缓说道:“因此澜机虚空堡垒的战斗对你我都十分重要,能不能将功赎罪,便看此战了。” The blood god clone vision flashes, in the heart is somewhat surprised, will be the Demon Venerable level exists, murders blood Demon Venerable actually to tell that him such words, will be true rarely. 血神分身目光一闪,心中有些惊讶,身为魔尊级存在,弑血魔尊竟然会跟他说这样的话,属实难得。 Even the situation is bad, if in the status strength not coordinated situation, will not say so the words. 要知道,即便是情况再糟糕,若是身份实力不对等的情况下,根本不会说出这般话语。 But murdered blood Demon Venerable clone to regard the grasshopper on same strip rope the blood god now, it may be said that regarded as important his strength and method extremely, will otherwise not say so the words. 而弑血魔尊如今将血神分身当成了同一条绳上的蚂蚱,可谓是极其看重他的实力与手段,否则绝不会说出这般话语。 What does Sir Demon Venerable need me to make?” 魔尊大人需要我做什么?” I need to draw support from your blood god altar.” Murders blood Demon Venerable to speak frankly passes message said. “我需要借助你的血神祭坛。”弑血魔尊直言不讳的传音说道。 Really.” The blood god divides in the body and mind to sigh. “果然。”血神分身心中叹了口气。 Can evade 1 st, does not evade 15. 躲得过初一,躲不过十五啊。 Before the iron weapon fort defense line, his being opportunistic let murder blood Demon Venerable unable to him taking advantage of the blood god altar, but the opposite party also raises this matter now, how can he reject? 之前在铁械堡防线,他取巧让弑血魔尊无法向他借用血神祭坛,但如今对方又提起此事,他又能如何拒绝? In present situation , he if rejects again, murdering blood Demon Venerable feared that must suspect he was blood group Dark Species. 现在的情况下,他若是再拒绝,弑血魔尊怕是都要怀疑他是不是血族黑暗种了。 Therefore the blood god clone makes a hesitating appearance, asked: How can Sir Demon Venerable use this blood god altar?” 于是血神分身只是做出一副沉吟的模样,问道:“魔尊大人要如何使用这血神祭坛?” You could rest assured that I will not seize your blood god altar.” Murders blood Demon Venerable as if to see his worry, smiles lightly, said: When the time comes only needs you to absorb the blood of source for me then.” “你放心,我不会夺你的血神祭坛。”弑血魔尊似乎看出他的顾虑,淡淡一笑,说道:“到时候只需你替我吸收本源之血即可。” The strength of blood god altar is easier-to-use than any blood group physique, even it Blood Luo Chansi body, It is not able the strength comparison with blood god altar. 血神祭坛的力量比任何血族体质都要好用,就算是它的【血罗缠丝体】,都无法与血神祭坛的力量比拟。 Naturally, the blood god altar and various blood group types of physique books are the relations of complementing one another, does not need to compare actually. 当然,血神祭坛和血族各种体质本就是相辅相成的关系,倒是没有必要去比较。 Therefore murders blood Demon Venerable to draw support from the blood god altar. 所以弑血魔尊才要借助血神祭坛。 Had the blood god altar, even if it is injured now, can still display the high-rank Demon Venerable level, even stronger strength. 有了血神祭坛,即便它如今受伤,也能够发挥出上位魔尊级,甚至更强的力量。 As for can display the big strength specifically, saw that the time blood god altar can absorb the blood of many sources. 至于具体能发挥出多大的力量,就看到时候血神祭坛能够吸收多少本源之血了。 So that's how it is.” The blood god divides in the body and mind to move, nods, said: Sir Demon Venerable can feel relieved, if there is an opportunity, I will absorb the blood of source as far as possible.” “原来如此。”血神分身心中一动,点了点头,道:“魔尊大人可以放心,若是有机会,我会尽量吸收本源之血。” He is also helpless at this time, can only first accept opposite party's request. 他此时也非常无奈,只能先答应对方的要求。 Do not look that murders the blood Demon Venerable tone to be friendly, once in fact he rejects, perhaps the opposite party did not have such good complexion, even possibly forced him to comply. 别看弑血魔尊的语气非常和气,实际上他一旦拒绝,对方恐怕就没有这么好的脸色了,甚至可能强迫他答应。 The rejection could not reject certainly. 拒绝是铁定拒绝不了的。 Now first promises the opposite party orally, perhaps when the time comes can also find the opportunity to socialize, like when iron weapon fort defense line general, looked how he operated. 现在先口头答应对方,到时候没准还可以找机会周旋一番,就像在铁械堡防线之时一般,就看他如何操作了。 Very good!” “很好!” Murders blood Demon Venerable satisfied nod, said: So long as the main body can perform enough merit in the war of billows machine void fortress, the unfavorable situation of iron weapon fort defense line is not anything.” 弑血魔尊满意的点了点头,说道:“只要本尊能够在澜机虚空堡垒的战事之中立下足够的功绩,铁械堡防线的失利便不算什么。” However the main body also calculates that your merit, you will not naturally be punished at the appointed time similarly.” “而本尊也会算你一份功劳,届时你自然同样不会受到责罚。” Many thanks the Sir lifts the love.” The blood god just right clone immediately reveals a gratitude, bows to say. “多谢大人抬爱。”血神分身当即恰到好处的露出一丝感激,躬身道。 Murdered in the blood Demon Venerable heart satisfied, happily patted his shoulder immediately, has not said anything again. 弑血魔尊心中顿时更加满意,欣慰的拍了拍他的肩膀,没有再多说什么。 ...... …… Billows machine void fortress, void. 澜机虚空堡垒,虚空中。 Wang Teng and offensive of star weapon king fills the big piece to be void, submerges three blood orchids thoroughly, erupts the tyrannical Source Power fluctuation unceasingly, sweeps away in all directions. 王腾和星械王的攻势弥漫大片虚空,将三朵血兰花彻底淹没,不断爆发出强横的原力波动,横扫四面八方。 The flame is dreadful, the unusual animals soar, burning down is void!!! 火焰滔天,异兽腾空,焚烧虚空!!! As powerful as a thunderbolt, invincible might like prison, suppression present age!!! 雷霆万钧,神威如狱,镇压当世!!! The tactical situation of this stretch of battlefield with magnificent described sufficiently broadly, even if some immortal levels has the fight with Demon Venerable level Dark Species, had been inferior. 这一片战场的战况足以用壮观恢弘来形容,哪怕是一些不朽级存在与魔尊黑暗种的战斗,都有所不如。 That three blood orchids cannot resist so the offensive eventually, by that thunder light and flame, can see that faintly three blood orchids are withering fast, in which strength was burnt down unceasingly, obliterates. 那三朵血兰花终究是没能抵挡住这般攻势,透过那雷光和火光,隐隐可以看到三朵血兰花正快速枯萎,其中的力量不断被焚烧,磨灭。 No matter the Wang Teng world different fire and contains the Earth Attribute attribute purple extremely heavenly thunder, star weapon king that contains the Metal Attribute attribute purple extremely heavenly thunder, is powerful incomparable, after integrating the immortal material, obliterates the blood orchid Demon Venerable immortal strength sufficiently. 不管是王腾的天地异火和蕴含土系属性的紫极天雷,还是星械王那蕴含金系属性的紫极天雷,都是强大无比,融入不朽物质之后,足以磨灭血兰魔尊的不朽之力。 Above the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, Wang Teng looks at this, in the heart is relaxing slightly, this chapter of that blood orchid Demon Venerable does not have idea. 神机赤电雷鹰之上,王腾望着这一幕,心中微微松了口气,这回那血兰魔尊已经没辙了吧。 Dark Species of mid-rank Demon Venerable level, is really hard to extinguish kills. 一头中位魔尊级的黑暗种,实在是难以灭杀。 He and star weapon king collaborates, various powerful method frequencies leave, opposite party compelling forcefully to so situation, if changes into other immortal levels to exist, feared that is unable to achieve so. 他和星械王联手,各种强大手段频出,才将对方硬生生的逼到如此地步,若是换成其他不朽级存在,怕是根本无法做到如此。 In his rear area, the wind brocade, rune/symbol Xiuyuan, upright Haoge, Li Xuesong these young generation of talents, on the face only have the exclamation at this time. 在他的后方,风锦,符秀媛,耿浩歌,李雪松这几个年轻一辈的天才,此时脸上唯有惊叹。 Before watched the fight of Wang Teng and that blood orchid Demon Venerable in the long-distance range, they then thought that very shocked. 之前在远距离观看王腾和那血兰魔尊的战斗,他们便觉得十分震撼。 But now situated in god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle conducting the back, almost it can be said that stands in the Wang Teng angle watches this fight, before that shocking feeling at all is not, can compare. 但如今处于神机赤电雷鹰的背上,几乎可以说是站在王腾的角度上观看这场战斗,那种震撼之感根本不是之前可以相比的。 They looked like personally participated in this conferring the title of prince upon immortal level and fight between mid-rank Demon Venerable levels are common, asked how many people had this to be honored? 他们就像是亲自参加了这场封王不朽级与中位魔尊级之间的战斗一般,试问几人有此荣幸? Let alone is World Lord Level Martial Artist, is the conferring nobility upon immortal level exists, feared that is is very difficult to have this qualifications. 别说是界主级武者,就是封侯不朽级存在,怕是都很难具备这种资格。 But because Wang Teng rescued their one time conveniently, instead causes them to be able personally to experience this fight, moreover this fight and finally most important time. 但就因为王腾顺手救了他们一次,反而导致他们能够亲身体验这场战斗,而且还是这场战斗最后且最重要的时刻。 That feeling, some World Lord Level Martial Artist life is not necessarily able to realize one time. 那种感受,有些界主级武者一生都未必能够体会一次。 Went out to boast for a lifetime. 出去都能够吹嘘一辈子了。 The wind brocade and in rune/symbol Xiuyuan two female eyes, all exude an extraordinary splendor. 风锦和符秀媛两女眼中,皆是不由泛起一丝异彩。 This fellow is really is different from all talents, the altitude that he stands has surpassed their these World Lord Level talents, perhaps only had the talent of immortal level rank to be able in comparison. 这个家伙真是与所有天才都不同,他所站的高度已经超出了他们这些界主级天才,恐怕唯有不朽级这个级别的天才能够与其相比了。 Not is only they, the day billows star latitude of distant place, Gallacher, Penny these talents, at this time are also somewhat speechless. 不仅是他们,远处的天澜星纬,加拉赫,潘妮丝这些天才,此时也是有些无言。 Actually from the beginning, many people think that this fight, must be primarily star weapon king. 其实一开始,很多人都以为这场战斗,必是以星械王为主。 Has not thought that from beginning to end, Wang Teng in occupied the enormous role, even has the dominant position faintly, the Altair and Vega weapon kings must occupy after that. 可没有想到,从始至终,王腾在其中都占据了极大的作用,甚至隐隐有着主导地位,连星械王都要屈居其后。 Now witnesses this war with own eyes, they realized truly the Wang Teng method is truly powerful, cannot be underestimated absolutely. 如今亲眼见证这一战,他们真正意识到了王腾的手段确实非常强大,绝对不容小觑。 Just now that blood orchid Demon Venerable words, point to Wang Teng, no matter what who can hear. 就连方才那血兰魔尊的话语,都直指王腾,任谁都听得出来。 This proves Wang Teng the great strength of method sufficiently. 这足以证明王腾的手段之强大。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! In the meantime, the deafening fulmination sound resounds suddenly, three blood orchids collapse finally completely, cannot support again. 就在此时,震耳欲聋的爆鸣声骤然响起,三朵血兰花终于完全崩溃,再也支撑不住。 In that thunder light and flame, the blood light the region that collapses from three blood orchids appears together, left Tuyou to/clashes, tries to break through Wang Teng and offensive blockade of star weapon king. 在那雷光与火光之中,一道血光从三朵血兰花崩溃的区域中浮现而出,左突右冲,试图冲破王腾和星械王的攻势封锁。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable , you have today.” The star weapon king sees this, haha said with a smile. “血兰魔尊,没想到吧,你也有今日。”星械王看到这一幕,不由哈哈笑道。 Your joint effort, is what skill!” The blood orchid Demon Venerable cold severe voice spreads from the blood light, cannot listen to the meaning of least bit monster flattering again. “你们二人合力,算什么本事!”血兰魔尊冷厉的声音从血光中传出,再也听不出半点妖媚之意。 Well, is this words that blood orchid Demon Venerable said?” “咦,这是血兰魔尊说出的话吗?” A Wang Teng very surprised appearance, opens the mouth saying: Before had my Territory Lord Level Martial Artist places in the eye? How now instead to condemn that our two did hit one?” 王腾一副十分惊讶的样子,开口道:“之前不是没有将我这个域主级武者放在眼中吗?如今怎么反而来谴责我们两个打一个了?” My Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, what virtue what can, be able to make Sir Demon Venerable attach great importance to unexpectedly.” “我一个域主级武者,何德何能,居然能够让魔尊大人如此重视啊。” „......” “……” People speechless. 众人不由的无语。 This fellow is really exasperating does not pay with a life, the murder must execute the heart, was really much. 这家伙真是气死人不偿命啊,杀人还要诛心,实在有点过分了。 Keeping on proclaiming oneself are Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, for fear that who does not know. 口口声声说自己是域主级武者,生怕谁不知道似的。 Now who also dares to treat as ordinary Territory Lord Level Martial Artist him. 现在谁还敢将他当做普通的域主级武者啊。 Goes too far!” Blood orchid Demon Venerable sharp low roars, obviously is angry, the whole body blood light erupts, wants to flush away from two people offensive. “欺人太甚!”血兰魔尊尖利的低吼一声,显然是愤怒至极,浑身血光爆发,想要从两人的攻势中冲去。 What a pity is unproductive. 可惜不过是徒劳而已。 thunder blade of star weapon king is closely associated, tight following blood orchid Demon Venerable, it just appeared in some position, contains the thunder blade then overhead of immortal strength to cut to fall. 星械王的雷刃如影随形,紧紧跟着血兰魔尊,它刚刚出现在某个位置,蕴含不朽之力的雷刃便当头斩落。 If this blade by, the blood orchid Demon Venerable on immortal material must be obliterated much. 这一刀若是挨着,血兰魔尊身上的不朽物质都要被磨灭去不少。 Therefore it can only avoid to open immediately, does not dare to meet hardly. 因此它只能立刻躲避而开,根本不敢硬接。 Just now to resist two people attacks, it has consumed the most immortal material, if now were cut several blades again, the immortal material of its within the body feared how long could not support. 方才为了抵挡两人的攻击,它已经消耗了大半的不朽物质,现在如果再被斩中几刀,它体内的不朽物质怕是支撑不了多久。 Let alone all around three world different fires and that twines the purple extremely heavenly thunder the giant mountain, is always obliterating the strength of its within the body. 何况还有四周的三种天地异火和那缠绕紫极天雷的巨大山岳,无时无刻不在磨灭它体内的力量。 That damn bright universe Heaven's Chosen, actually also has the so strong immortal strength, this is it has not thought. 那个该死的光明宇宙天骄,竟然也拥有如此强大的不朽之力,这是它万万没有想到的。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable, do not struggle, you now are the dead pigeon, had no place to go.” Wang Teng coldly said. “血兰魔尊,不要挣扎了,你现在就是瓮中之鳖,无处可逃了。”王腾冷冷道。 „To kill the main body, you also insufficiently look.” “想杀本尊,你们还不够看。” Blood orchid Demon Venerable sends out angry low to howl, in its pupil appears decidedly, as if just thinks does not count at all costs to break through Wang Teng and blockade of star weapon king. 血兰魔尊发出一声愤怒的低啸,它眸中浮现出一丝决然,似乎正想不计一切代价冲破王腾和星械王的封锁。 In the meantime, the Wang Teng complexion changes, is wanting to open the mouth, actually closed the mouth finally. 就在此时,王腾面色一变,正想要开口,却最终还是闭上了嘴巴。 Bang! 轰! A dazzling blood red flowing light from remote void but air-splitting , the vibration is void, the place visited tore a jet black space crack directly. 一道耀眼的血红色流光从遥远的虚空中破空而至,震动虚空,所过之处直接撕裂开了一道漆黑的空间裂缝。 What thing?!” star weapon king one startled, looks toward that blood red flowing light. “什么东西?!”星械王不由一惊,朝着那道血红色流光看去。 Blood is blue, you also are really distressed!” “血兰,你还真是狼狈啊!” Suddenly, the sound spread from that flowing light together, making blood orchid Demon Venerable stop the movement immediately, could not bear look toward void. 突然,一道声音从那流光之中传出,让血兰魔尊顿时停下了动作,忍不住朝着虚空中望去。 Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, that blood red flowing light bangs into Wang Teng and in the offensive of star weapon king unexpectedly directly, that mountain empty shadow vibrates, presents the potential of collapse unexpectedly, was hit by it forcefully. 下一刻,那血红色流光竟然直接撞入王腾和星械王的攻势之中,那山岳虚影震动,竟是出现崩溃之势,被其硬生生撞了开去。 All around world different fire and purple heavenly thunder also kept off by that dazzling blood light outside extremely, is unable unexpectedly its breakthrough. 四周的天地异火和紫极天雷亦是被那耀眼的血光挡在了外面,竟是无法将其突破。 What is that?” “那是什么?” The people look toward that blood light in, stares the big eye all. 众人朝着那血光之中看去,无不是瞪大眼睛。 Quick, they then saw clearly thing, impressively is a huge blood-color altar, is sending out the dazzling blood light, innumerable blood-color rune/symbol writing twines above, the mystical are unusual. 很快,他们便看清楚了其中的东西,赫然是一座庞大的血色祭坛,散发着耀眼的血光,无数血色符文缠绕在上面,神异非常。 But this blood-color altar blocked Wang Teng and offensive of star weapon king, rescued blood orchid Demon Venerable. 而正是这座血色祭坛挡住了王腾和星械王的攻势,将血兰魔尊救了下来。
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