AAMD :: Volume #22

#2167: Really fragrant! The collision of immortal strength! Blood orchid

Chapter 2167 is really fragrant! The collision of immortal strength! Blood orchid Demon Venerable, defeat!( Sought subscription) 第2167章真香!不朽之力的碰撞!血兰魔尊,败!(求订阅) All these happen in the electric light flint, unstab Li Xuesong and the others have stood firm the figure, sees this, the complexion is somewhat is strange. 这一切发生在电光火石之间,东倒西歪的李雪松等人已经稳住了身形,看到这一幕,面色都是有些古怪起来。 They even somewhat rejoiced oneself have not thrown, otherwise must certainly enjoy Wang Teng an intimate service of time. 他们甚至有些庆幸自己没有扑上去,不然肯定也要享受一次王腾的贴心服务。 That foot...... 那一脚…… The vulnerability is not big, insulting is actually extremely strong. 伤害性不大,侮辱性却是极强啊。 Could not bear sympathize with upright Haoge one second. 忍不住同情了耿浩歌一秒。 Several people look to Wang Teng, on the face show the expression that men understand, in the eye even also admired. 几人又看向王腾,脸上露出一丝男人都懂的表情,眼中甚至还有一丝艳羡。 Two beautiful women, the slightly loose loosen, I must not gasp for breath.” “两位美女,稍微松一松,我要喘不过气了。” Saw with own eyes that all around blood red whisker is shelling to come crazily, Wang Teng cannot attend to the romance in bosom, said hastily. 眼见四周的血红色触须正疯狂轰击而来,王腾也顾不上怀中的香艳,连忙说道。 Voice side drop, the wind brocade and rune/symbol Xiuyuan two people all shout one lowly, let loose Wang Teng. 话音方落,风锦和符秀媛二人俱是低呼一声,放开了王腾 The wind brocade rises with a spring from Wang Teng, is light and lively and fast, like light breeze, where also has just now the delicate appearance. 风锦更是从王腾身上一跃而起,轻灵而迅捷,就像一阵轻风,哪里还有方才娇弱的模样。 She does not dare to look straight ahead the eye of Wang Teng, is not willing to disturb him again, fell back on his rear area directly. 她不敢直视王腾的眼睛,也不愿再干扰他,直接退到了他的后方。 rune/symbol Xiuyuan looks subconsciously to her, two people vision looked at each other in the midair, saw an awkwardness from the opposite party eyes. 符秀媛下意识的看向她,两人的目光在半空中对视了一下,都是从对方眼中看到了一丝尴尬。 If carefully observes, will discover both female cheeks is slightly flood red, is extremely charming. 若仔细观察,就会发现两女的脸颊都是微微泛红,不胜娇羞。 Wang Teng does not have the time to pay attention to these at this time, all around his vision glance, instantaneously becomes ice-cold, the strength in within the body light erupts, the shadow sword in hand cuts loudly. 王腾此时并没有时间关注这些,他的目光扫视四周,瞬间变得冰冷,体内光明之力爆发,手中的暗影剑轰然斩出。 World Lord Level Fighting technique, Saint light sword secret art!!! 界主级战技,圣光剑诀!!! Titter! Titter! Tittering...... 噗嗤!噗嗤!噗嗤…… Blood red pythons were beheaded, is unable to prevent the Wang Teng bright sword light. 一道道血红色巨蟒被斩首,根本无法阻挡王腾的光明剑光。 Although is World Lord Level Fighting technique, but Wang Teng actually integrated the strength of fifth-order bright source and fifth-order friendly boundary domain, in addition in addition of bright ceremonial fire holds, this sword might is quite good. 虽是界主级战技,但王腾却是融入了五阶光明本源和五阶的融境领域之力,加上光明圣火的加持,这一剑威力相当不俗。 Buzz! 嗡! The shadow sword shivers, it withstood again should not withstanding Source Power, suddenly felt oneself possibly found fault the master. 暗影剑颤动,它再次承受了不该承受的原力,突然觉得自己可能找错了主人。 This fellow does not use it properly. 这家伙根本不正经使用它。 Where has the use shadow attribute war sword space is bright is the swordsmanship, sets at his dignity where, when really its partly god level does fight the soldier not slight temperament? 哪有使用阴影属性的战剑来施展空间系和光明系剑法的,置他的尊严于何地,真当它半神级战兵没有丝毫的脾气吗? Wang Teng has no free time to pay attention to the discontent of shadow sword, direct wisp 【The soul of divine tool Pours into the sword blade. 王腾没空理会暗影剑的牢骚,直接一缕【神器之魂】注入剑身之内。 Shadow sword immediately little darling peaceful. 暗影剑顿时乖乖安静了下来。 Uses other attribute strengths on other use attribute strengths, who makes its this master so flamboyant, although grazes a horse, it could not have withstood. 使用其他属性力量就使用其他属性力量吧,谁让它这位主人这么牛逼呢,尽管放马过来,它还承受得住。 Emma, this 【The soul of divine tool Really fragrant! 艾玛,这【神器之魂】真香! After solving all around blood red python, Wang Teng vision ice-cold, is controlling god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, goes toward that three huge blood orchid direct impacts. 解决了四周的血红色巨蟒之后,王腾目光冰冷,驾驭着神机赤电雷鹰,朝着那三朵庞大的血兰花直冲而去。 Was the time solution core issue. 是时候解决核心问题了。 He rubbish, making that scarlet electricity thunder eagle erupt the final strength. 他没有废话,让那赤电雷鹰爆发出最后的力量。 Bang! 轰隆! The sound of deafening thunder thundering resounds through together, that scarlet electricity thunder eagle who is unified by the thunder energy erupts dazzling purple thunder light immediately, and in the middle of that purple light, wipes the strange bright yellow color to reappear. 一道震耳欲聋的雷霆轰鸣之声响彻而起,那头由雷霆能量所凝聚的赤电雷鹰顿时爆发出耀眼的紫色雷光,并且在那紫光当中,一抹奇异的明黄之色浮现。 Senior!” Wang Teng loudly shouts to the star weapon king. “前辈!”王腾冲着星械王大喝一声。 Kills!” “杀!” Two people looked at each other one, without the least bit idle talk, as if by prior agreement kills toward three blood orchids. 两人对视了一眼,没有半点废话,不约而同的朝着三朵血兰花杀去。 These three blood orchids by the Wang Teng three world different hot packages, are the spent forces, after that blood red python was just now extinguished kills, it is also as if incapable of again using this method. 这三朵血兰花被王腾的三种天地异火包裹,已经是强弩之末,方才那血红色巨蟒被灭杀之后,它似乎也无力再施展这种手段。 Cry! 唳! Under the control of Wang Teng, that scarlet electricity thunder Yingjing is also sends out puts on sound of gold/metal Lieshi the crying together, resounds through void, just like the true life, this scarlet electricity thunder eagle then changes to together thunder light later immediately, goes toward three blood orchid impacts. 王腾的操控之下,那赤电雷鹰竟也是发出一道穿金裂石般的啼鸣之声,响彻虚空,宛如真正的生灵,随后这赤电雷鹰便是顿时化作一道雷光,朝着三朵血兰花冲击而去。 Next quarter, a remarkable appearance, that scarlet electricity thunder eagle in the thunder light, that clear(ly) yellow color erupted the dazzling ray suddenly. 下一刻,惊人的一幕出现,那赤电雷鹰所化的雷光之中,那明黄之色骤然爆发出耀眼的光芒。 Afterward in vision that the people shock, that clear(ly) yellow color condensed a huge mountain empty shadow impressively. 随后在众人震撼的目光中,那明黄之色赫然凝聚成一座庞大的山岳虚影。 The purple thunder fills the air beyond the mountain empty shadow. 紫色的雷霆弥漫在山岳虚影之外。 Subdue!” In the Wang Teng eye blooms the dazzling purple ray, in the mouth spreads sonic boom to drink fiercely. “镇!”王腾眼中绽放出耀眼的紫色光芒,口中猛地传出一声爆喝。 Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, that huge mountain empty shadow is then coercing the strength of suppression endless tribulation thunder , the purple heavenly thunder erupts extremely, falls in torrents from the upper air under. 话音刚落,那庞大的山岳虚影便是裹挟着无尽的劫雷之力镇压而下,紫极天雷爆发,从高空倾泻而下。 Meanwhile, three types of the world different fires also erupt, the thunder and flame interweave mutually, submerges that three blood orchids thoroughly. 与此同时,三种天地异火亦是随之爆发,雷霆与火焰相互交织,将那三朵血兰花彻底淹没。 At this moment, the scarlet electricity thunder eagle true might is appears truly. 此时此刻,赤电雷鹰的真正威力才算是真正显现而出。 Only has the flame, without the thunder, how to be scarlet electricity thunder eagle. 只有火焰,没有雷霆,如何算得上赤电雷鹰。 Now blood orchid Demon Venerable also realizes treatment that before , bone yong Demon Venerable enjoys, even must be more fearful. 如今血兰魔尊也体会了一把之前骨埇魔尊所享受的待遇,甚至还要更可怕。 This boy!” star weapon king noticed from afar that contains the purple heavenly thunder that the Earth Attribute attribute changes, in the eye exudes a strange color extremely, in the heart somewhat shocks. “这小子!”星械王远远看到那蕴含土系属性变化的紫极天雷,眼中不由泛起一丝奇异之色,心中不禁有些震撼。 Never expected that Wang Teng also grasps the purple extremely heavenly thunder that the implication attribute changed unexpectedly, moreover can utilize so the situation it. 没想到王腾竟然也是掌握了蕴含属性变化的紫极天雷,而且能够将其运用到如此地步。 From the present situation, has not lost in him. 从眼前的情况来看,已是丝毫不输于他了。 Saw with own eyes that the attack of Wang Teng has fallen, the star weapon king also refuses to admit being inferior, cannot be inferior by Wang Teng this Territory Lord Level Martial Artist. 眼见王腾的攻击已经落下,星械王也不甘示弱,总不能被王腾这个域主级武者比下去吧。 In his eye blooms suddenly the dazzling purple gold colored light glow, in the hand contains the purple heavenly thunder that the Metal Attribute attribute changes also to erupt extremely, falls from his top of the head, integrates in the blade of that innumerable thunder. 他的眼中骤然绽放出耀眼的紫金色光芒,手中蕴含金系属性变化的紫极天雷随之爆发,从他头顶之上落下,融入那无数雷霆之刃内。 In an instant, the edges of these thunder had the strange change unexpectedly, their surfaces as if covered a gold, lends the sharp aura, a appearance, void was just torn to open directly. 刹那间,这些雷霆之刃竟是发生了奇异的变化,它们的表面仿佛镀上了一层黄金,散发出锐利的气息,刚一出现,虚空便径直被撕裂而开。 Above this thunder blade had some Metal Attribute strengths, but now the Metal Attribute attribute has integrated in the thunder blade completely, making this thunder blade sharp strength more terrifying. 原本这雷刃之上只是存在些许金系力量,而如今金系属性已然完全融入雷刃之中,让这雷刃的锋锐之力更为恐怖。 But with thunder blade was covered by the golden ray, the strength of that tribulation thunder has not vanished. 而随着雷刃被金色光芒所覆盖,那劫雷之力并未消失。 However is the flash, tribulations the strength of thunder then to erupt from the interior suddenly, later makes the purple thunder in thunder blade the surfacing, twines in the thunder blade surface. 不过是一瞬间,劫雷之力便骤然从内部爆发而出,随后在雷刃表面化作紫色雷霆,缠绕在雷刃表面。 Goes!” “去!” In the star weapon king eye purple gold colored light glow to the pinnacle, his vision ice-cold looking to the front, in the mouth had spread sonic boom to drink blazingly suddenly. 星械王眼中的紫金色光芒已经炽烈到了极致,他目光冰冷的望向前方,口中骤然传出一声爆喝。 !!...... 唰!唰!唰…… Innumerable thunder Renbao shoots, gathers together the huge thunder blade light mighty current, is actually sending out the strange golden light, cut the void, instantaneous concentrated fire above three blood orchids. 无数的雷刃爆射而出,汇聚成一道庞大的雷霆刀光洪流,却散发着奇异的金光,划破虚空,瞬间攒射在了三朵血兰花之上。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bellow resounds through immediately, three blood orchid surface rich blood light were torn to open immediately, cannot resist this fearful thunder blade light. 轰鸣声顿时响彻而起,三朵血兰花表面浓郁的血光顿时被撕裂而开,根本抵挡不住这可怕的雷霆刀光。 That thunder blade light were the bombardment above the flower petals of three blood orchids. 紧接着,那一道道雷霆刀光便是轰击在了三朵血兰花的花瓣之上。 These three blood orchids under the attack of Wang Teng, have damaged heavily, now under the attack of star weapon king, has one misfortune after another, fissures appear above that tenacious incomparable flower petal immediately. 这三朵血兰花在王腾的攻击之下,早就损伤不轻,如今在星械王的攻击下,更是雪上加霜,一道道裂痕立刻出现在了那坚韧无比的花瓣之上。 Before had said that these three blood orchids are not the flowers are so at all simple, they are the genuine monster, the tenacity of body surface, endured compared with sufficiently revering the level star beast. 之前曾经说过,这三朵血兰花根本不是花朵那么简单,它们是真正的怪物,体表之坚韧,足以堪比尊级星兽了。 Is good because of Wang Teng and attack of star weapon king is also very powerful, two people, are make these three blood orchids fall into the hopeless situation with joint forces finally. 好在王腾和星械王的攻击亦是十分强大,两人合力之下,终于是让这三朵血兰花陷入绝境之中。 Senior, cuts off the relations of three blood orchids.” At this time, the Wang Teng vision flashed, suddenly loudly shouted. “前辈,斩断三朵血兰花的联系。”这时,王腾目光一闪,突然大喝道。 Li Xuesong, upright Haoge, rune/symbol Xiuyuan and the others is paying attention to the present fight at this time closely, hears word stares slightly, some do not understand the meaning of Wang Teng. 李雪松,耿浩歌,符秀媛等人此时正在紧密关注眼前的战斗,闻言不禁微微一愣,有些不明白王腾的意思。 What in that three blood orchids still has to relate unexpectedly? 那三朵血兰花之间竟还存在什么联系? star weapon king hears the words, in the eye actually erupts one group of none, it not hesitant, immediately according to the Wang Teng words, controls thunder Renzhan among the filament that three blood orchids has faintly. 星械王闻言,眼中却是爆发出一团精光,它没有犹豫,立刻按照王腾的话语,控制雷刃斩向三朵血兰花之间隐隐存在的细丝。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable felt obviously anything, three blood orchids rotated suddenly fast, as to hide relations between three blood orchids with this way. 血兰魔尊显然感觉到了什么,三朵血兰花陡然快速转动起来,似乎想要用这种方式隐藏三朵血兰花之间的联系。 What a pity Wang Teng and star weapon king has ascertained its method. 可惜王腾和星械王早已窥破它的手段。 Scoff! Scoff! Scoffing...... 嗤!嗤!嗤…… , thunder light flashes through in void in a flash, must to respond quickly, the filaments between three blood orchids finally by accurate cutting off. 一瞬间而已,雷光在虚空中闪过,快得让人反应不及,三朵血兰花之间的细丝最终还是被准确的斩断。 But in this moment, three blood orchids stagnates suddenly, seemed like destroyed the operating system, presented the down. 而就在这一刻,三朵血兰花陡然凝滞下来,就像是被破坏了其中的运转机制,出现了宕机。 Wang Teng!!!” star weapon Wang Meng however drinks greatly. 王腾!!!”星械王猛然大喝。 Ha haha...... has been waiting, gives me the town/subdues! Subdue! Subdue!” “哈哈哈……早就等着了,给我镇!镇!镇!” Wang Teng laughs, the big hand wields, the mountain empty shadow that was wrapped by the purple heavenly thunder extremely suppresses loudly under. 王腾大笑一声,大手一挥,那被紫极天雷所包裹的山岳虚影轰然镇压而下。 Meanwhile, three world different fires also changed to three dissimilar in shape and form flame giant beasts. 同时,三朵天地异火亦是化作了三头形态各异的火焰巨兽。 Azure big dragon! 青色的巨龙! Scarlet red plate snake Genki! 赤红色的盘蛇玄龟! The holy white, resembles the unusual animals of Qilin! 圣洁白色,状似麒麟的异兽! On three strange flame giant beasts, is all twining rune/symbol writing chains, just like by the god beast of seal, at this moment untied the dust-laden strength, sends out the boundless fluctuation of energy. 三头奇异的火焰巨兽身上,皆是缠绕着符文锁链,犹如被封印的神兽,此刻被解开了尘封的力量,散发出磅礴的能量波动。 They just condensed, then hits together toward three blood orchid one. 它们刚一凝聚而出,便齐齐朝着三朵血兰花一头撞去。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The terrifying bellow resounds through, under the bombardment of this strength, three huge blood orchids must unable to support finally, starts to collapse. 恐怖的轰鸣声响彻而起,在这股力量的轰击之下,三朵庞大血兰花终于要支撑不住,开始崩溃开来。 Without cut off that relation, three blood orchids can share the strength, was at the strongest condition by oneself. 若是没有被斩断那联系,三朵血兰花可以共享力量,让自身处于最强状态。 But cut off that mysterious relation after by the star weapon king, all strengths were equal to that was dispersed in three blood orchids, the strong strength also becomes weak. 但被星械王斩断了那一丝玄妙的联系之后,所有的力量等于是被分散在了三朵血兰花之中,再强的力量也会变得薄弱。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” How main body may lose to you!” “本尊怎么可能会败给你们!” Is full of the unwilling sad and shrill cry to spread from three blood orchids together, the blood light erupts, integrates in three blood orchids unceasingly, seems attempting the aspect of saving this remnantly cannot withstand broken. 一道充满不甘的凄厉叫声从三朵血兰花之中传出,血光爆发,不断融入三朵血兰花之内,仿佛正试图挽回这残碎不堪的局面。 In that blood light, a special strength integrates in three blood orchids, is sending out the immortal strength. 在那血光之中,一股特殊的力量融入三朵血兰花之内,散发着不朽之力。 Arrived at this moment, blood orchid Demon Venerable could not bear use the immortal material finally! 到了此刻,血兰魔尊终于忍不住动用了不朽物质! As this immortal strength integrates, fissure start cicatrizations above marvelously three blood orchids, the superficial scorch is even vanishing, eyeballs grew, blood-color rune/symbol writing reappear, the interconnection, changes to rune/symbol writing chains. 随着这股不朽之力融入,三朵血兰花之上的裂痕奇迹般的开始愈合,连表面的焦痕都在消失,一颗颗眼球重新长了出来,一道道血色符文重新出现,相互连接,化作符文锁链。 The blood orchid that three are just about to wither, as if must recover at this moment unexpectedly general. 三朵正要枯萎的血兰花,此刻竟仿佛要重新复苏一般。 This!!!” “这!!!” Numerous bright universe Martial Artist see this, on the face all reveals the color of shock, has not thought that was compelled the hopeless situation blood orchid Demon Venerable, can erupt so the strength unexpectedly. 众多光明宇宙武者看到这一幕,脸上皆是露出震惊之色,没想到被逼到绝境的血兰魔尊,竟然还能爆发出如此力量。 Wang Teng and can the star weapon king also beat the opposite party? 王腾和星械王还能够击败对方吗? In some people hearts is unavoidably disturbed. 一些人心中不免忐忑起来。 Star meteor revering, ram Yu, and even is other immortal levels exists, at this time looked, in the heart also somewhat tied tight. 星陨尊者,公羊裕,乃至是其他的一些不朽级存在,此时都不禁看了过来,心中也是有些紧绷了起来。 Bone La Demon Venerable coldly looks here, the vision is flashing rapidly, actually does not know that is thinking anything. 骨喇魔尊冷冷的望着这边,目光急速闪动,却不知在想什么。 Unexpectedly arrives at so the degree blood orchid Bi.” The blood remnant Demon Venerable whole face is panic-stricken, look vibration. “居然将血兰逼到如此程度。”血残魔尊满脸惊骇,眼神震动不已。 This made it think initially it had the heavily damaged by that bright universe immortal level the matter, has to acknowledge, these bright universe Martial Artist truly sometimes were very hard to deal with. 这让它想到了当初它被那个光明宇宙不朽级存在重创的事情,不得不承认,这些光明宇宙武者有时候确实很难缠。 If not deal carefully, has possibility in the sewers to capsize extremely. 若是不小心应对,极有可能阴沟里翻船。 But it exactly is a best example. 而它恰好就是一个最好的例子。 Although the injury restored much, moreover it has not fallen from the sky, but was actually therefore controlled by blood that boy certainly, the solemn Demon Venerable level exists, lost the freedom unexpectedly, ratio this more pitiful matter? 虽然伤势恢复了不少,而且它也并未陨落,但却因此被血绝那小子控制,堂堂魔尊级存在,竟失去了自由,还有比这更凄惨的事情吗? Blood remnant Demon Venerable does not dare to say this matter, so as to avoid being scoffed by the Dark Species powerhouses of various clans. 血残魔尊都不敢把这件事说出来,免得被各族的黑暗种强者耻笑。 Too was really miserable! 实在太惨了啊! Now that blood orchid Demon Venerable as if also arrives at so the position, do not look that the opposite party can reverse the aspect probably, but blood remnant Demon Venerable is very clear, when the fight has not decided the victory and defeat completely, all did not say. 如今那血兰魔尊似乎也到了如此境地,别看对方好像能够重新扭转局面,可血残魔尊十分清楚,在战斗没有完全分出胜负之时,一切都不好说。 Puts up a last-ditch struggle!” “垂死挣扎!” Another side, star weapon king and Wang Teng sees the change of that three blood orchids, but looked at each other one, corners of the mouth as if by prior agreement curve that flood taunted. 另一边,星械王和王腾看到那三朵血兰花的变化,只是对视了一眼,嘴角不约而同的泛起了一丝嘲讽的弧度。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The next quarter, during two people attacks, is has a powerful imposing manner eruption. 下一刻,两人的攻击之中,皆是有着一股强大的气势爆发而出。 That is the immortal strength! 那是不朽之力! star weapon king and Wang Teng has expected this result obviously, therefore they had integrated the immortal material during the attack, blood orchid Demon Venerable does not use the immortal material to be but actually good, if used the immortal material, then makes it have a look at anything is the double immortal strength. 星械王和王腾显然早就料到这个结果,所以他们早就在攻击之中融入了不朽物质,血兰魔尊不动用不朽物质倒还好,若是动用了不朽物质,便让它看看什么是双倍的不朽之力。 As the immortal strength erupts from two attacks, thunder blade and thunder mountain empty shadow all was just like had the sublimation and transformation. 随着不朽之力从两道攻击之中爆发而出,那雷刃和雷霆山岳虚影皆是犹如发生了升华与蜕变。 thunder blade as if changed to the peerless almighty troops, but solely is not the blade glow of energy condensation, each thunder blade send out the ice-cold and sharp fluctuation, making one dread. 那雷刃仿佛化作了绝世神兵,而不单单是能量凝聚的刃芒,每一道雷刃都散发出冰冷而锋利的波动,让人畏惧。 But mountain empty shadow that is covering the thunder, similarly becomes the congealing reality extremely, just like a genuine mountain, above the mountain full is the thunder, like mountain of the forbidden area. 而那座笼罩着雷霆的山岳虚影,同样是变得极为凝实,宛若一座真正的山岳,山岳之上满是雷霆,如同一座禁区之山。 The one who made one shock, above this mountain lends immortal aura unexpectedly, looking like during this piece was void had of innumerable years, but the corrosion of experience time not but actually. 更令人震撼的是,这座山岳之上竟是散发出一股不朽的气息,就像是在这片虚空之中存在了无数岁月之久,经历时间的侵蚀而不倒。 Suddenly, during that sincerity, the dignified, immortal aura fills the air to be void, lets all pay attention to here bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species, could not bear stare in a big way the eye. 一时间,那股厚重,威严,不朽的气息弥漫虚空之中,让所有关注这边的光明宇宙武者黑暗种,都是忍不住瞪大了眼睛。 In the meantime, a fiercer collision erupts in three attacks. 就在此时,更为剧烈的碰撞在三道攻击之间爆发。 No matter blood orchid Demon Venerable, is star weapon king and Wang Teng, their attacks had had the qualitative change, at all before is not, may compare. 不管是血兰魔尊,还是星械王和王腾,他们的攻击都已经发生了质的变化,根本不是之前可比的。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The fierce sound spreads from three attacks, the boundless strength sweeps across to open. 剧烈的响动从三道攻击之间传出,磅礴的力量席卷而开。 The strength of thunder, the strength of flame is the strength corrodes with that blood mutually. 雷霆之力,火焰之力与那血系之力相互侵蚀。 But merely is the flash, star weapon king and Wang Teng the strength of thunder, the strength of flame then got the winning side, endless thunder light and flame submerge the blood orchid that three recover. 但仅仅是一瞬间,星械王和王腾的雷霆之力,火焰之力便占据了上风,无尽的雷光与火光将三朵重新复苏的血兰花淹没。 That beautiful and powerful blood orchid, vanished in radiant thunder light and flame. 那妖艳而强大的血兰花,就这么消失在了璀璨的雷光和火光之中。 Is impossible, how do you probably have the so strong immortal strength?!!” “不可能,你怎么可能拥有如此强大的不朽之力?!!” The sound that the startled anger happened simultaneously together spreads high, finally changes to unwilling angry roaring. 一道惊怒交加的声音从从其中传出,最终都化作一声不甘的怒吼。 No!” “不!” But immediately is swallowed by that giant collision sound. 但立刻被那巨大的碰撞声所吞噬。 All bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species cannot help but looked, shocks incomparably is looking at this, in the heart is unable to be tranquil for a very long time. 所有光明宇宙武者黑暗种都是不由得看了过来,震撼无比的望着这一幕,心中久久无法平静。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable, finally...... defeat! 血兰魔尊,最终还是……败了!
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