AAMD :: Volume #22

#2166: Converging attack! After all was I withstood the institute

Wang Teng displays a powerful space suddenly is Fighting technique, lets numerous bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species is startled. 王腾突然施展出一门强大的空间系战技,让众多光明宇宙武者黑暗种大吃一惊。 Not is only the star weapon king, day billows star latitude these young generation of Martial Artist, are shocks inexplicably. 不仅是星械王,天澜星纬这些年轻一辈的武者,更是震撼莫名。 A space is Fighting technique, this is what kind scarce precious method, Wang Teng actually has, moreover from that might, at least is immortal level above Fighting technique, this was more astonishing. 一门空间系战技,这是何等希少珍贵的手段,王腾竟然拥有,而且从那威力来看,起码是不朽级以上的战技,这就更加惊人了。 Wang Teng has not actually paid attention to people's response, displays Sky Exterminating God Sword Art After the first type cuts the god, his vision then goes toward all around void glance, seeks for fish slip through. 王腾却没有理会众人的反应,施展出【空灭神剑决】第一式斩神之后,他的目光便朝着四周虚空扫视而去,寻找漏网之鱼。 After all attacks so many blood red whiskers one time, unavoidably can some oversights. 毕竟是一次性攻击这么多血红色触须,难免会有些疏漏。 Especially if that blood orchid Demon Venerable gave up the most blood red whisker in the flash, thus makes a small part escape, he is unable to hit that small some blood red whiskers is very normal. 尤其那血兰魔尊若是在一瞬间放弃了大半的血红色触须,从而让一小部分逃脱,他无法击中那一小部分血红色触须也很正常。 But Wang Teng is unhurried, a time, does not come at the worst again one time. 王腾丝毫不慌,一次不中,大不了就再来一次。 Found you.” “找到你了。” At this time, his vision flashes, sensation to existences of some blood red whiskers. 此时,他目光一闪,感知到了一些血红色触须的存在。 ! 唰! God machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle changes to the thunder light to speed away together, the shadow sword in Wang Teng hand also twines the strength of space again, cuts loudly. 神机赤电雷鹰化作一道雷光疾驰而出,王腾手中的暗影剑也再次缠绕空间之力,轰然斩出。 Bang! 轰! The space was torn, blood red whiskers appear, cut off instantaneously. 空间被撕裂,一道道血红色触须出现,瞬间被斩断。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable, you, if only then this method, then please go.” “血兰魔尊,你若只有这点手段,便请赴死吧。” Ice-cold drinks greatly spreads from the Wang Teng mouth fiercely. 一声冰冷的大喝猛地从王腾口中传出。 As if to verify his words, the world different fire of that package three blood orchids a fiercer combustion, might burn the day to extinguish immediately, makes void twist. 似乎为了印证他的话语,那包裹三朵血兰花的天地异火顿时更为剧烈的燃烧起来,似可焚天灭地,让虚空都为之扭曲。 The time, a more grating squeal spreads from three blood orchids, making many bright universe Martial Artist be incapable of resisting. 顿时间,更为刺耳的尖叫声从三朵血兰花之中传出,让不少光明宇宙武者无力招架。 However the condition of that three blood orchids was less optimistic. 不过那三朵血兰花的状况却不容乐观了。 They started the withered body surface to present the scorch, some blood red whiskers of break dissipated in the flame, the eyeball above flower petal was falls off, similarly by flame incinerator completely. 它们开始枯萎体表出现了焦痕,一些断裂的血红色触须在火焰中消散,花瓣之上的眼球更是脱落而出,同样被火焰焚烧殆尽。 The rich blood red haze flutters, actually cannot escape from three ignition of the world different fires, when are not many then changes to the nihility to dissipate. 浓郁的血红色烟气飘荡而起,却逃不出三种天地异火的灼烧,不多时便化作虚无消散一空。 Three types of the world different fires as if formed a hot territory in that piece void, prohibited all strengths. 三种天地异火仿佛在那一片虚空形成了一片火域,封禁了一切力量。 The blood orchid Demon Venerable only useful space method can work loose. 血兰魔尊唯有用空间手段方能挣脱。 But even if the mid-rank Demon Venerable level exists, is impossible to use the strength of space at will, they use their strength to affect the space forcefully. 但即便是中位魔尊级存在,也不可能随意动用空间之力,它们只是用自身的力量强行影响空间罢了。 A blood orchid Demon Venerable word has not sent seems like fermenting anything. 血兰魔尊一言未发就像是在酝酿着什么。 Wang Teng knits the brows this is not very normal, with the blood orchid Demon Venerable character, is absolutely impossible so to swallow an insult. 王腾皱眉这很不正常,以血兰魔尊的性格,绝对不可能如此忍气吞声。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz...... 嗖!嗖!嗖…… Suddenly, in void of distant place, several blood red whiskers appear, plunge several bright universe Martial Artist. 突然,远处的虚空中,几道血红色触须出现,扑向几名光明宇宙武者 Wind brocade!” “风锦!” When Wang Teng sees that several bright universe Martial Artist, vision concentrates, impressively several familiar forms, the wind brocade is its one. 王腾看到那几个光明宇宙武者时,目光不由的一凝,其中赫然正有几道熟悉的身影,风锦便是其一。 What luck is this? 这是什么运气? That blood orchid Demon Venerable is completely the random choice blood food, any bright universe Martial Artist may become its target. 那血兰魔尊完全是随机挑选血食,任何一名光明宇宙武者都有可能成为它的目标。 But originally its goal is bright universe Martial Artist of other regions, but was stopped after by Wang Teng, it can only give up, chose a region well, the result skillful happen to select the void that wind brocade and the others were at unfortunately. 而本来它的目标是其他区域的光明宇宙武者,但是被王腾阻拦之后,它只能放弃,重新选择了一片区域,结果好巧不巧正好选中了风锦等人所在的这片虚空。 Wind brocade and the others naturally become its target. 风锦等人自然就成为了它的目标。 Although wind brocade and the others can be the young generation of talent, but exists regarding blood orchid Demon Venerable such Demon Venerable level, has no difference from other bright universe Martial Artist, is the blood food. 虽然风锦等人可以算是年轻一辈的天才,但是对于血兰魔尊这样的魔尊级存在来说,与其他光明宇宙武者根本没有什么区别,都是血食而已。 A lot of bloody sweet greasy aura emit, covers these bright universe Martial Artist, making them have no place to hide. 大量的血腥甜腻气息喷吐而出,将这些光明宇宙武者笼罩,让他们无处可躲。 The wind brocade complexion changes, immediately seals up the seven orifices, and even is the whole body pore, wants to prevent the invasion of this type of aura. 风锦面色一变,立刻封住七窍,乃至是全身毛孔,想要阻挡这种气息的入侵。 But is unproductive. 但不过是徒劳而已。 „The poison of blood orchid can invade in the energetic body and blood of life, does not seal up the seven orifices or the pores can prevent. “血兰之毒”可以侵入生灵的精神体和血液之中,根本不是封住七窍或是毛孔就能够阻挡的。 The next quarter, the wind brocade and other young generation of Martial Artist is the move, within the body had the unusual condition, in their eyes appears immediately the panic-stricken color, in some people of hearts is alarmed and afraid. 下一刻,风锦等年轻一辈的武者便已是中招,体内出现了异状,他们眼中立刻浮现出惊骇之色,更有人心中已是一片惊惧。 Before these bright universe Martial Artist death shapes, they come clearly into view until now, simply should not be too miserable, no one is willing dead in this manner. 之前那些光明宇宙武者的死状,他们至今历历在目,简直不要太惨,没有人愿意以这种方式死亡。 Let alone they are the talent of all influence World Lord Level level, the bright future, has the infinite future, who can be resigned dead here. 何况他们都是各方势力界主级层次的天才,前途光明,有着无限的未来,谁又能甘心死在这里。 Is good is not common Martial Artist may compare because of them after all, some methods, can resist that reluctantly „the poison of blood orchid. 好在他们毕竟不是寻常武者可比,到底是有一些手段,能够勉强抵挡那“血兰之毒”。 Several young generation of Martial Artist various methods, go all out to resist immediately. 几个年轻一辈的武者顿时各施手段,拼命抵挡。 However their facial colors had the change, the vision struggled, in the pupil even presented capillaries, the eyeground has the light shadow of blood orchid to reappear, be at condition that one type possibly fell to the enemy momentarily. 不过他们的面色还是出现了变化,目光挣扎,眸中甚至出现了一道道血丝,眼底有着血兰花的光影浮现,处于一种随时都可能沦陷的状态。 Now is to put up a last-ditch struggle. 如今不过是垂死挣扎而已。 No! I cannot die here!” “不!我不能死在这里!” I must track down his step!” “我还要追寻他的步伐!” In a wind brocade pair of beautiful pupil appears suddenly meaning of the resolution, unexpectedly is suppressed the blood orchid „the poison of blood orchid, in her hand fought the sword to erupt the radiant azure ray, the strength of rich Wind Attribute swept across. 风锦一双美眸之中骤然浮现出一丝坚定之意,竟是压制住了血兰花的“血兰之毒”,她手中战剑爆发出璀璨的青色光芒,浓郁的风系之力席卷而出。 Bang! 轰! A microcosm empty shadow appears sky over her top of the head immediately, is filling the strength of rich Wind Attribute, just like a wind world. 一座小世界虚影顿时出现在她的头顶上空,其中弥漫着浓郁至极的风系之力,宛如一个风的世界。 Azure rune/symbol writing brand marks above the microcosm empty shadow, send out the powerful fluctuation. 一道道青色符文烙印在小世界虚影之上,散发出强大的波动。 The next quarter, in the war sword of azure sword light shoots up to the sky from wind brocade/bright hand, changes to thousand zhang (3.33 m) long, above is twining azure rune/symbol writing, changes to rune/symbol writing chains, crash-bang makes noise. 下一刻,青色剑光从风锦手中的战剑之上冲天而起,化作千丈之长,上面缠绕着青色符文,化作符文锁链,哗啦作响。 Kills!” “杀!” The wind brocade is retaining the last will, cuts to act the azure sword light, chops loudly to that blood red whisker. 风锦保留着最后一丝意志,斩出了手中的青色剑光,轰然劈向那血红色触须。 The endless wind blade sweeps across from the sword light, as the sword light wants to with that blood red whisker collide. 无尽的风刃从剑光之上席卷而出,随着剑光欲要与那血红色触须碰撞。 However, the blood red whisker has not sat waiting for death, reacted unexpectedly suddenly, in big mouth that opens, has the dazzling blood red ray to erupt suddenly, changes to the light beam to move forward to meet somebody together. 然而,血红色触须并没有坐以待毙,竟是突然做出了反应,那张开的大口之中,猛然有着刺目的血红色光芒爆发而出,化作一道光柱迎了上去。 Bang! 轰隆! The fierce bellow resounds, Wind Attribute and blood were two strengths sweep across to open immediately, sweep away the void, dazzling azure and blood red ray submerged this void. 剧烈的轰鸣声响起,风系和血系两种力量顿时席卷而开,横扫虚空,耀眼的青色与血红色光芒淹没了这片虚空。 The sword light of wind brocade was blocked. 风锦的剑光被挡住了。 Her complexion drastic change, in the eye reveals one to be unwilling, is not really able to block that blood red whisker. 她面色剧变,眼中露出一丝不甘,难道真的无法挡住那血红色触须。 Has not waited for her to think, within the body „the poison of blood orchid was unable to suppress again, is even more fierce to her influence. 还不等她多想,体内的“血兰之毒”已经无法再压制,对她的影响越发剧烈。 A blood orchid gives birth above the elegant face of wind brocade directly. 一朵血兰花直接在风锦的俏脸之上生出。 This is fearful. 这非常可怕。 Before that „the poison of blood orchid the effect on bright universe Martial Artist, was made them swallow void unceasingly „the poison of blood orchid, finally can open up this blood orchid. 之前那“血兰之毒”对光明宇宙武者的影响,是让他们不断吞食虚空中的“血兰之毒”,最终才能生出这血兰花来。 But now, just now invades wind brocade/bright within the body merely „the poison of blood orchid, has made on her face open up the blood orchid. 而如今,仅仅是方才侵入风锦体内的“血兰之毒”,就已经让她的脸上生出了血兰花。 Obviously just now invades her within the body „the poison of blood orchid is rich. 可见方才侵入她体内的“血兰之毒”到底有多么浓郁。 ! 咻! In the meantime, that blood red whisker the Source Power ray that erupts from the front sweeps across, toward wind brocade direct impact. 就在此时,那血红色触须从前方爆发的原力光芒之中席卷而出,朝着风锦直冲而来。 It must swallow the wind brocade directly, so as to avoid has the accident/surprise. 它要直接吞噬风锦,免得出现意外。 Because of impediment of Wang Teng, these blood red whiskers hunt and kill the blood food become extremely difficult, therefore they are not willing to waste the tiny bit time. 因为王腾的阻挡,这些血红色触须猎杀血食变得极为困难,所以它们才不愿意浪费一丝一毫的时间。 Good fearful strength, it seems like I could not support......” “好可怕的力量,看来我是支撑不住了……” The wind brocade is looking at that blood red whisker, in the eye many are not alarmed and afraid, but actually reveals one to be unwilling, she looks to the distant place, wants to look at that fellow one eyes again. 风锦望着那血红色触须,眼中并没有多少惊惧,但却露出一丝不甘,她不由望向远处,想要再看那个家伙一眼。 But appears in her eyes, be only radiant purple thunder light, from far to near, the speed will draw near the extreme together. 但出现在她眼中的,只有一道璀璨的紫色雷光,由远及近,速度快到了极点。 However is the flash, the wind brocade then felt that the present picture had the change, the blood red whisker vanished, only had that purple thunder sparkling photo in her eyes, that radiant dazzling. 不过是一瞬间,风锦便感觉眼前的画面出现了变化,血红色触须消失了,唯有那紫色的雷光映照在她的眼中,是那么的璀璨耀眼。 Then she discovered that she fell into during a generous warm bosom, looks up, a familiar face reflects pleasant. 而后她发现自己落入了一个宽厚温暖的怀抱之中,不禁抬头望去,一张熟悉的脸庞映入眼中。 Wang Teng!” The wind brocade muttered one. 王腾!”风锦喃喃一声。 This flower is unattractive, is incompatible with your makings.” Wang Teng puts out a hand, takes off the blood orchid on wind brocade face, said in a soft voice. “这朵花不好看,和你的气质不符。”王腾伸出手,摘下风锦脸上的血兰花,轻声说道。 Meanwhile, bright ceremonial fire during his referring, enters wind brocade/bright within the body. 同时,光明圣火顺着他的指间,进入风锦体内。 She just wants to say anything, suddenly hears Wang Teng saying: Do not revolt.” 她正想说什么,突然又听见王腾道:“不要反抗。” The wind brocade stares slightly, feels the burningly painful feeling that within the body transmits instantaneously, the delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkle, but does not have the pain snort/hum to make noise, is only slightly nodded. 风锦微微一愣,瞬间感受到体内传来的灼痛之感,秀眉微皱,但却没有痛哼出声,只是微微点了点头。 Wang Teng has not stayed, is controlling god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, speeds away to go toward void of distant place, several bright universe Martial Artist tied down by the blood red whisker, he can only make a move. 王腾没有停留,驾驭着神机赤电雷鹰,朝着远处的虚空疾驰而去,还有几个光明宇宙武者被血红色触须缠住,他只能出手。 Another side, tied down by the blood red whisker similarly, is Li Xuesong, rune/symbol Xiuyuan, upright Haoge, as well as several other bright universe Martial Artist. 另一边,同样被血红色触须缠住的,正是李雪松,符秀媛,耿浩歌,以及另外几个光明宇宙武者 Wang Teng first rescues the wind brocade, because first relations of wind brocade and he is good, secondly is because the situation of wind brocade is more critical. 王腾之所以先救风锦,一来是因为风锦的关系和他较好,二来则是因为风锦的情况更加危急。 Actually Li Xuesong, rune/symbol Xiuyuan several people situated in one, the common resistance blood red whisker, insists is longer. 李雪松,符秀媛几人位于一处,共同抵御血红色触须,倒是坚持的更久一些。 Their several people also make a move, uses the strongest method respectively, blocked the first wave of offensive of blood red whisker reluctantly. 他们几人同时出手,各自施展出最强的手段,勉强挡住了血红色触须的第一波攻势。 However now the situation is also less optimistic, above their bodies grew the blood orchid similarly, moreover , the situation also wanted to be worse than the wind brocade incessantly a moment ago. 不过现在情况也不容乐观,他们的身体之上同样是长出了血兰花,而且并不止一朵,情况比风锦刚才还要糟糕一些。 The Wang Teng vision concentrates, in the hand fights the sword to cut loudly. 王腾目光一凝,手中战剑轰然斩出。 He has not used again Extinguishes divine sword secret art spatially, That is god level Fighting technique, the consumption is huge, now on several blood red whiskers, does not need to use this Fighting technique. 他并未再动用【空灭神剑诀】,那是神级战技,消耗巨大,如今就几道血红色触须而已,没必要动用这门战技 The sword light that but Wang Teng cuts as before is the strength of implication space, arrives in front of Li Xuesong several people instantaneously, cut to that blood red whiskers. 王腾斩出的剑光依旧是蕴含空间之力,瞬间来到李雪松几人面前,斩向了那一道道血红色触须。 Titter! Titter! Titter! 噗嗤!噗嗤!噗嗤! The space strength is very without doubt strong, under the bombardments of these sword light, that blood red whiskers cut off instantaneously. 空间的力量无疑十分强大,在这几道剑光的轰击之下,那一道道血红色触须瞬间被斩断。 These blood red whiskers just resisted wave of Li Xuesong and the others the attacks, at this time erupts that blood red energy radically without enough time, was drilled spatial by Wang Teng actually. 这些血红色触须刚刚抵挡了一波李雪松等人的攻击,此时根本来不及爆发那种血红色能量,倒是被王腾钻了个空。 The next quarter, god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle arrives, Wang Teng one and had conducting the back Li Xuesong several people. 下一刻,神机赤电雷鹰到来,王腾将李雪松几人一并带到了背上。 Bright ceremonial fire one volume, then also submerges, purifies their within the body „the poison of blood orchid several people. 光明圣火一卷,便将几人同时淹没,净化他们体内的“血兰之毒”。 Perhaps knows that Wang Teng is saving them, several people have not revolted, is suppressing the pain of that ignition. 许是知道王腾正在救他们,几人并没有反抗,全都强忍着那种灼烧之痛。 Feels that „the poison of blood orchid to retreat at the visible speed, in several people of hearts is pleasantly surprised, the so hard to deal with strength, was so unexpectedly relaxed in the hand of Wang Teng is solved. 感受到那“血兰之毒”正以肉眼可见的速度退去,几人心中都是又惊又喜,如此难缠的力量,在王腾的手中竟如此轻松就解决了。 Moreover without after a while, them felt that this strange strength was purified all, simply has not left behind the least bit. 而且没过一会儿,他们就感觉到这诡异的力量尽数被净化,根本没有留下半点。 This is without doubt inconceivable. 这无疑非常不可思议。 It is well known, the strength of darkness most is hard to eradicate, but this strange strength is more fearful than the strength of darkness, was eliminated in such short time unexpectedly, does not know how Wang Teng achieves. 众所周知,黑暗之力是最难以根除的,而这种诡异的力量比黑暗之力更为可怕,竟然在这么短短的时间内就被清除,也不知王腾到底是如何做到的。 It seems like because the good deed was destroyed by Wang Teng repeatedly, in that three blood orchids spreads the sharp incomparable cry immediately, is full of the anger and hate meaning. 似乎是因为好事屡次被王腾破坏,那三朵血兰花之中顿时传出尖锐无比的叫声,充满愤怒与怨恨之意。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! Blood red whiskers explode to shoot from void suddenly, goes toward Wang Teng suddenly/violently to rush. 一道道血红色触须猛然从虚空中爆射而出,朝着王腾暴冲而去。 The quantities of these whiskers, moreover instance that is curling, is transforms the python curtus, the whole body was covered with the eyeball, performs obviously strangely. 这些触须的数量非常之多,而且在卷出的瞬间,都已是幻化成了血蟒,浑身长满眼球,尽显诡异。 The next quarter, they open the big mouth, the blood red energy gathering, toward the Wang Teng bombardment. 下一刻,它们纷纷张开大口,血红色能量汇聚,朝着王腾轰击而来。 Wang Teng has no place to hide, all around is the python curtus, can only erupt the strength of thunder, forms the defense in the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle body surface. 王腾无处可躲,四周皆是血蟒,只能爆发雷霆之力,在神机赤电雷鹰体表形成防御。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The fierce bellow also resounds through, that blood red light beam instantaneous bombardments above the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle defense cover, erupted the dazzling blood light. 剧烈的轰鸣声随之响彻而起,那一道道血红色光柱瞬间轰击在了神机赤电雷鹰的防护罩之上,爆发出刺目的血光。 God machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle is shocked immediately, falls several bright universe Martial Artist above in its Back not to stand immediately steadily, they were quite at this moment weak, sudden that in addition attacks, is unstab. 神机赤电雷鹰立刻震动起来,落于其背部之上的几个光明宇宙武者顿时站立不稳,他们此刻本就极为虚弱,加上攻击来的突然,一个个都是东倒西歪。 Wang Teng has not had what situation actually, but he feels immediately back transmits a soft feeling, but the waist was then grasped. 王腾倒是没有出现什么情况,但他立刻感觉背部传来一阵柔软之感,而后腰便被人抱住。 The tender body that brings the mild delicate fragrance pastes immediately above his body. 一具带着温润清香的娇躯立刻贴在了他的身体之上。 Moreover, the front wind brocade, at this time probably because of the reason of that Source Power impact, was post firmly on his body, closely grasped him. 不仅如此,就连前面的风锦,此时大概是因为那原力冲击的缘故,亦是牢牢的贴在了他的身上,紧紧抱住了他。 So a weaponry, lets Wang Teng this LSP is the body one stiff. 如此阵仗,让王腾这个LSP都是身体一僵。 rune/symbol Xiuyuan studies the elder sister! 符秀媛学姐! Pastes, who is not rune/symbol Xiuyuan studies the elder sister is. 身后贴上来的,不是符秀媛学姐是谁。 Front has the wind brocade, behind has rune/symbol Xiuyuan, two females took advantage unexpectedly he does not pay attention, gives he came around the converging attack. 前面有风锦,后面有符秀媛,两女居然趁他不注意,给他来了个前后夹击。 General idea/Careless! 大意了! Wang Teng sighed, has not thought to save individual, unexpectedly own pure building, taking a rash step! Taking a rash step! 王腾不由叹了口气,没想到救个人,居然把自己的清白给搭了进去,失策了!失策了! After all was he withstood all. 终归是他承受了所有。 He saves others completely stemming from a selfless heart, was selected to put in great inconvenience receives to select the grievance, the real man is adaptable to the situation, this was considered as anything, even comes is fierce, he does not bring to fear. 罢了,他救人完全是出于一片无私之心,受点委屈就受点委屈吧,大丈夫能屈能伸,这又算得了什么,就算来的再凶猛一点,他都不带怕的。 Bang! 轰! God machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle shakes. 神机赤电雷鹰又是一震。 A shadow hit from side, originally is upright Haoge, he also has not controlled oneself body, wants to support Wang Teng. 紧接着一个黑影从旁边撞了过来,原来是耿浩歌,他同样没控制住自己的身躯,想要扶住王腾 ! 啪! Wang Teng complexion one black, tramples, the diameter drops down above his face, tramples this school leader upright Haoge to the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle behind directly. 王腾面色一黑,一脚踹出,径直落在他的脸庞之上,将这位耿浩歌学长直接踹到神机赤电雷鹰后方。 School leader, was about to grasp!” “学长,快抓紧了!” What he uses is the supple vigor, will not injure to the opposite party, moreover lets its smooth landing, can hold god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle metal wing, it may be said that is intimate. 他用的是柔劲,并不会伤到对方,而且还让其顺利着陆,可以抓住神机赤电雷鹰身上的金属羽翼,可谓是贴心至极。 Does that is not because of the opposite party male, but was on him really does not have the position, two beautiful women hung on his body, where could also hold others, this school leader was really an eyesight sees does not have. 这么做并不是因为对方是男的,而是他身上实在没有位置了,两个美女挂在他的身上,哪里还容得下他人,这位学长真是一点眼力见都没有。 upright Haoge complexion becomes dark, looks up the front three people, on the face appears together the footprint. 耿浩歌面色发黑,抬起头看着前方的三个狗男女,脸上浮现出一道浅浅的脚印。 Grievance jpg 【委屈】jpg
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