AAMD :: Volume #22

#2165: star weapon king Qiangda psychic force! In young master

Chapter 2165 star weapon king Qiangda psychic force! In front of me plays the space in the young master! The shadow sword leaves! 第2165章星械王强大的精神力!在小爷我面前玩空间!暗影剑出! Wang Teng grasps 【The body of blood orchid The good and evil was the fifth-order level, with blood orchid Demon Venerable must be a level. 王腾掌握的【血兰之体】好歹是达到了五阶层次,与血兰魔尊应当是一个层次。 He is understands to the strength of that blood orchid. 他对那血兰花的力量算是非常了解的。 If above this stretch of battlefield, besides blood orchid Demon Venerable, who most knew about this blood orchid, perhaps also only had Wang Teng. 如果说这片战场之上,除了血兰魔尊之外,有谁对这血兰花最了解,恐怕也就只有王腾了。 Pitifully did not have the falling attribute air bubble.” “可惜还没掉落属性气泡。” Either is that attribute air bubble in three blood orchids, cannot see.” “要么就是那属性气泡在三朵血兰花之中,根本看不到。” Wang Teng is looking at front three blood orchids, is somewhat regrettable, if can collect the related attribute air bubble, was simpler. 王腾望着面前的三朵血兰花,有些遗憾,若是能够拾取到相关的属性气泡,就简单多了。 What a pity now even/including Xuelan the Demon Venerable form cannot see, attribute air bubble that but also collects. 可惜现在连血兰魔尊的身影都看不到,还拾取个屁的属性气泡。 He can only , helpless gives up, seriously pondered how should decode the current aspect. 他只能无奈放弃,认真思考该如何破解当下的局面。 Wang Teng, what clue can you see?” The star weapon king has not seen anything obviously, cannot bear send greetings asks. 王腾,你可看出什么端倪?”星械王显然并未看出什么,忍不住传音问道。 Allows me to take a look again.” Wang Teng spoke thoughtlessly to say. “容我再瞅瞅。”王腾随口回道。 „......” “……” Does this fellow also really have the means? 这家伙还真有办法? The star weapon king hears Wang Teng that optional tone, somewhat is accidental/surprised, has not gone to disturb him, is only in nearby peaceful waiting. 星械王听到王腾那随意的语气,不禁有些意外,没有去打扰他,只是在一旁安静等待。 Wang Teng is sizing up the present three blood orchids carefully. 王腾仔细打量着眼前的三朵血兰花。 Well!” “咦!” Suddenly, light well resounds. 突然,一声轻咦响起。 Wang Teng as if noticed anything. 王腾似乎注意到了什么。 Sees only in that three blood orchids, has probably the relation. 只见那三朵血兰花之间,好像存在着联系。 When they revolve, always the flower petal is connects, if carefully does not observe, possibly has not discovered. 它们旋转之时,总有一片花瓣是相连接的,如果不仔细观察,可能还发现不了。 Because of the attachment point of that flower petal, is only state-of-art connected, when staggers, slight also appears to the almost unobservable silk thread, until the next flower petal is connected, this silk thread will separate, then the new silk thread also appears. 因为那花瓣的连接处,只是一点尖端相连,错开时,一条细微到几乎难以察觉的丝线随之出现,直至下一片花瓣相连,这条丝线才会断开,而后新的丝线随之出现。 This causes three blood orchids to be at a connective state throughout. 这就导致三朵血兰花始终处于一种连接状态。 Although his Pupil of True Sight It is not able to see clearly the essence of this blood orchid, but the good and evil can see some external things, but that silk thread has not escaped his eye. 虽然他的【真视之瞳】无法看清这血兰花的本质,但好歹能够看到一些外在的东西,而那条丝线并未逃过他的眼睛。 Therefore, these three blood orchids are the interconnections, their energies in fact are at the interlinked condition.” In the Wang Teng mind the miraculous glow flashes. “所以,这三朵血兰花是相互连接的,它们的能量实际上处于相通状态。”王腾脑海中灵光一闪。 Since saw the silk thread, naturally also saw mobile energy. 既然看到了丝线,自然也看到了其中流动的能量。 Always links three blood orchids, their energies naturally are always in the circulation. 无时无刻联系在一起的三朵血兰花,它们的能量自然是无时无刻不在流转的。 At an energy of blood orchid, supplies three blood orchids simultaneously.” “以一朵血兰花的能量,同时供给三朵血兰花。” Wang Teng, in the eye the ray is looking pensive getting more and more abundant. 王腾若有所思,眼中光芒越来越盛。 No, is not right, in addition, these three blood orchids as if still have a more special strength.” “不,不对,除此之外,这三朵血兰花似乎还存在一种更为特殊的力量。” Right, was the poison of blood orchid in the middle of that blood orchid contained, can have the energetic illusion, at this moment I saw not necessarily real.” “对了,是那血兰花当中蕴含的血兰之毒,能够产生精神幻境,我此刻所看到的未必是真的。” In his eye flashes through together dazzling none suddenly, felt oneself have guessed nearly perfect. 他的眼中陡然闪过一道刺目的精光,感觉自己已经猜得八九不离十。 Therefore he told the star weapon king oneself suspicion immediately. 于是他当即将自己的猜想告诉了星械王。 Three blood orchid Cunzai relate, and formed the energetic illusion in that region.” The star weapon king vision flashes, nods secretly. “三朵血兰存在联系,并且在那片区域形成了精神幻境。”星械王目光一闪,暗自点了点头。 Although he cannot see what clue, but felt reasonable appearance that very Wang Teng said. 尽管他看不出什么端倪,但却觉得王腾说的很有道理的样子。 Moreover after the direction of Wang Teng, he truly detected that relations between three blood orchids, this is not false. 而且经过王腾的指点,他确实察觉到了三朵血兰花之间的联系,这是不假的。 „...... In star weapon king eye golden light hold as if as for that energetic illusion, used what method, the vision brilliant toward the three blood orchids of distant place looks suddenly greatly. “至于那精神幻境……”星械王眼中陡然金光大盛,似乎施展了什么手段,目光灼灼的朝着远处的三朵血兰花看去。 Without the reminder of Wang Teng, he has not associated to the energetic illusion above, now passed through a Wang Teng such saying, he responds immediately. 没有王腾的提醒,他还未联想到精神幻境之上,如今经王腾这么一说,他立刻就反应了过来。 Exists as the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, his method are many, then has the corresponding method of enduring the broken energetic illusion, happen to uses at this moment. 身为封王不朽级存在,他手段不少,其中便有着堪破精神幻境的对应手段,此刻正好使用。 Very powerful psychic force!” Wang Teng looks to the star weapon king, is startled slightly. “好强的精神力!”王腾不由看向星械王,微微一惊。 Is the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level of mechanical clan exists worthily, this spiritual strength has perhaps surpassed the World Lord Level category, above him. 不愧是机械族的封王不朽级存在,这股精神力量恐怕已经超过了界主级的范畴,远在他之上。 In the final analysis, he is only half World Lord Level spirit, usually is depends the psychic force is quite abundant, and can absorb the attribute, can achieve the matter that some immortal levels have can achieve reluctantly. 说到底,他只是半步界主级精神而已,平时不过是仗着精神力较为雄厚,并且能够吸收属性,才能勉强做到一些不朽级存在方能做到的事情。 The vision of star weapon king suddenly becomes dignified, even some vibration slightly, as if saw any inconceivable picture. 星械王的目光突然变得凝重,甚至有些微微的震动,似乎看到了什么不可思议的画面。 Senior?” Wang Teng called out immediately. “前辈?”王腾顿时叫道。 You have a look.” In star weapon king eye the ray flashes, looks straight ahead the Wang Teng vision, the flowing light projects together. “你看看吧。”星械王眼中光芒一闪,直视王腾的目光,一道流光射出。 Wang Teng gawked, but has not prevented that streams light/only, making it submerge in own eye directly, star weapon king naturally has no evil intention. 王腾愣了一下,但并未阻挡那道流光,让其径直没入自己的眼中,星械王自然没有什么恶意。 The next quarter, a quite strange picture appeared in his mind obviously. 下一刻,一副颇显诡异的画面出现在了他的脑海之中。 Blood orchid that three blood orchids, but had a big change. 血兰花还是那三朵血兰花,但却出现了不小的变化。 Looked like ripped the coat, revealed most real side. 就像是被剥去了外衣,露出最真实的一面。 Above the blood orchid lives blood red whiskers impressively, just like the python curtus is ordinary, finds out from the stamen and pistil. 血兰花之上赫然生有一道道的血红色触须,犹如血蟒一般,从花蕊之中探出。 Above this whisker lives strange blood red eyeballs, rumble the rotation, is looking all around void all around, making the will of the people bottom be scared. 这触须之上更是生有一颗颗诡异的血红色眼球,咕噜噜的转动着,环顾虚空四周,令人心底发毛。 Moreover, above the flower petal of blood orchid lives blood red eyeballs similarly, dense and numerous proliferating above the flower petal, almost filled up each flower petal, these flower petals become somewhat do not seem like the flower petal, was indescribable. 不仅如此,血兰花的花瓣之上同样是生有一颗颗血红色的眼球,密密麻麻的遍布于花瓣之上,几乎将每一片花瓣都填满了,以至于这些花瓣变得有些不像是花瓣,根本无法形容。 Without ripping that covers up the bystander vision the coat, these three blood orchids plant flowers, was ripped the coat by the star weapon king at this moment, these three blood orchids no longer are the flowers, but is one type...... the monster! 如果说没有剥去那遮掩外人目光的外衣,这三朵血兰花还是一种花的话,那么此刻被星械王剥去外衣,这三朵血兰花已经不再是花朵,而是一种……怪物! Genuine monster! 真正的怪物! Three blood orchids just like three living monster, spans in void, is gazing at each life. 三朵血兰花犹如三头活着的怪物,横亘在虚空之中,注视着每一个生灵。 This special is what ghost thing.” Wang Teng could not bear explode a swearing. “这特么是什么鬼东西啊。”王腾忍不住爆了一句粗口。 „......” The star weapon Wangju corner/horn pulls out, said solemnly: This should be the true colors of these three blood orchids, has not thought that this method is so unexpectedly strange, without your reminder, making him so continue, the consequence is dreadful.” “……”星械王嘴角一抽,沉声道:“这应该就是这三朵血兰花的真面目了,没想到这种手段竟如此诡异,若是没有你的提醒,让其这般继续下去,后果不堪设想。” Senior, is not a little right.” The Wang Teng vision concentrates, said. “前辈,有点不对劲。”王腾目光一凝,说道。 He opens immediately fifth-order 【The body of space, Induces all around void, immediately the complexion changes. 他立刻开启五阶【空间之体】,感应四周的虚空,随即面色一变。 What's wrong?” star weapon king see this, asked. “怎么了?”星械王见此,不由问道。 These tentacles are approaching my bright universe Martial Artist, prevents it quickly.” The Wang Teng anxious sound said. “那些触手正在靠近我光明宇宙的武者,快阻止它。”王腾急声说道。 What?!” The star weapon king is startled, carefully looks hastily, simultaneously transfers own energetic strength, induces all around void, really detected exceptionally. “什么?!”星械王大吃一惊,连忙仔细看去,同时调动自身的精神之力,感应四周的虚空,果然察觉到了异常。 But, was late one step. 但,还是晚了一步。 „!” “啊!” The pitiful yell sound continuously suddenly resounds, on bright universe Martial Artist opened up massive blood orchids suddenly, wrapped their bodies instantaneously completely, later their bodies at extremely quick speed withered, bang, changes to the fragment powder to dissipate, only leaves behind that monster different blood orchids. 此起彼伏的惨叫声突然响起,一个个光明宇宙武者身上突然生出了大量的血兰花,瞬间就将他们的身躯全部包裹了起来,随后他们的身躯以极快的速度干瘪了下去,“嘭”的一声,化作齑粉消散,只留下那一朵朵妖异的血兰花。 Damn!” The star weapon king is angry. “该死!”星械王大怒。 Wang Teng is also the complexion sinks, this time speed was too fast, he rescues radically without enough time. 王腾亦是面色微沉,这次的速度太快了,他根本来不及救援。 Without thinking delayed a while, appeared so accidentally/surprisingly. 没想到只是耽搁了一会儿,就出现了这般意外。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… In the meantime, strange sounds spread from the front three blood orchids suddenly...... are not right, said accurately, spreads from the thunder blade glow and Wang Teng of star weapon king thunder eagle. 就在此时,一道道怪异的声响突然从前方的三朵血兰花之上传出……不对,更准确的说,是从星械王的雷霆刀芒和王腾的雷鹰之上传出。 Two people attacks received the corrosion of what strength probably, the strength of thunder were being defeated and dispersed unexpectedly, in which rune/symbol Wengeng collapsed unceasingly. 两人的攻击像是受到了什么力量的侵蚀,雷霆之力竟然在溃散,其中的符文更是不断崩溃开来。 „It is not good!” “不好!” star weapon king and Wang Teng is the complexion changes, they looked at each other one, knew in the heart that cannot consume like this, immediately made the decision as if by prior agreement. 星械王和王腾都是面色微变,他们对视了一眼,心知不能这样耗下去,当即不约而同的做出了决定。 Begins!” “动手!” Drinks lightly simultaneously near two people ears crack. 一声轻喝同时在两人耳边炸响。 star weapon Wang Meng however turns the head, in the hand the sword blooms dazzling thunder light, simultaneously in the mouth spreads sonic boom to drink: Opens!” 星械王猛然转头,手中战刀绽放出耀眼的雷光,同时口中传出一声爆喝:“开!” Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, that thunder blade glow blooms suddenly the dazzling ray, later was the dispersion opens unexpectedly, changes to the innumerable thunder blade light, the bang approached three blood orchids. 话音刚落,那道雷霆刀芒骤然绽放出刺目的光芒,随后竟是分散而开,化作无数雷霆刀光,轰向了三朵血兰花。 In the Wang Teng heart moves, the spirit read the strength to surge. 王腾心中一动,精神念力涌动。 Cry! 唳! That energy thunder eagle under his control, exudes together the sound of crying, its double pupil shines the strange white flame immediately, later the flame of burning hots then erupt from its within the body. 那能量雷鹰在他的操控之下,发出一道啼鸣之声,它的双眸顿时亮起奇异的白色火光,随后一股股炙热的火焰便是从其体内爆发而出。 Sapphire colored glaze flame! 青玉琉璃焰! Ten thousand beast really spirit flame! 万兽真灵焰! Bright ceremonial fire! 光明圣火! Three types of the world different fires sweep across, respectively in view of a blood orchid, its package. 三种天地异火席卷而出,分别针对一朵血兰花,将其包裹了起来。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… Under world different fire that scalding hot incomparable temperature ignition, above three blood orchids exuded „” sound immediately, the blood red haze also fluttered. 在天地异火那灼热无比的温度灼烧之下,三朵血兰花之上顿时发出了“嗤嗤”声,血红色烟气随之飘荡而起。 Suddenly, together the strange and sharp sound spreads from the blood orchid suddenly, looks like squeal that the injured monster exudes, is sad and shrill and sharp, grating. 突然间,一道诡异而尖锐的声音突然从血兰花之中传出,就像是受伤的怪物所发出的尖叫声,凄厉而尖锐,刺耳至极。 Moreover, after this sound resounds, is sharp cry spreading continuously, later gathers one piece, just like the evil spirit to howl. 不仅如此,在这道声音响起之后,又是一道道尖锐的叫声此起彼伏的传出,随后汇聚成一片,犹如厉鬼在嘶啸。 The invisible sound wave spreads in void, quick has in bright universe Martial Artist the move, their complexion is fierce, both eyes blood red, on the forehead sticks out suddenly blue veins, but actually transfers the blood red color immediately, as if the blood vessel must explode. 无形的声波在虚空中传开,很快就有光明宇宙武者中招,他们面色狰狞,双目血红,额头上暴起一根根青筋,但却立刻转为血红之色,仿佛血管要爆开。 Kills!” “杀!” Roar!” “吼!” Kills! Kill! Kills!” “杀!杀!杀!” ...... …… Then these bright universe Martial Artist go crazy instantaneously, is attacks to go toward all around companion unexpectedly suddenly. 而后这些光明宇宙武者瞬间发狂,竟是突然朝着四周的同伴攻击而去。 Scoundrel!” star weapon king Mianse is ugly, has not thought that under their attacks, this blood orchid can also make the monster. “混账!”星械王面色难看,没想到在他们两人的攻击之下,这血兰花还能作妖。 Senior, cuts off these blood red whiskers.” Wang Teng is serious, loudly shouts immediately. “前辈,斩断那些血红色触须。”王腾面色凝重,立刻大喝道。 In star weapon king heart moves, immediately understands the Wang Teng intention, is controlling that innumerable thunder blade light immediately, cuts to three blood orchids spreads, but blood red whisker. 星械王心中一动,立刻明白了王腾的意图,当下控制着那无数雷霆刀光,斩向三朵血兰花蔓延而出的血红色触须。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… Blood red whiskers cut off. 一道道血红色触须被斩断。 His thunder is the Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder, not only the terrifying might of implication purple extremely heavenly thunder, is the strength of implication extremely sharp Geng gold/metal. 他的雷霆乃是庚金紫极天雷,其中不但蕴含紫极天雷的恐怖威力,更是蕴含极为锋锐的庚金之力。 Therefore these blood red whiskers are quite even if tenacious, cannot block that thunder blade light. 因此哪怕这些血红色触须极为坚韧,也挡不住那一道道雷霆刀光。 It can be said that the thunder blade light that the star weapon king displays, each contains the extremely strong might, the attack of common conferring nobility upon immortal level feared continually can tear, this blood red whisker is that three blood orchid differentiations, but attack, how could also to resist. 可以说,星械王所施展的雷霆刀光,每一道都蕴含极强的威力,连寻常封侯不朽级的攻击怕是都可以撕裂,这血红色触须不过是那三朵血兰花分化而出的攻击而已,又岂能抵挡得住。 As that blood red whiskers cut off, rich blood from sprays, incarnadine the big piece was void. 随着那一道道血红色触须被斩断,浓郁的血液从其中喷洒而出,染红了大片虚空。 These are bright universe Martial Artist the blood of source! 这些都是光明宇宙武者的本源之血! Wang Teng and vision of star weapon king is heavy incomparable, but they know, at this time does not think these things time, since is the war, will then decide will have the casualties, now they most should do, will eradicate that blood orchid Demon Venerable as soon as possible. 王腾和星械王的目光都是沉重无比,但他们都知道,此时不是想这些事情的时候,既然是大战,便定会有伤亡,如今他们最应该做的,就是尽早铲除那血兰魔尊 However, that three blood orchids are obviously unwilling cut off the energy origin. 不过,那三朵血兰花显然并不甘心就此被斩断能量来源。 !!...... 咻!咻!咻…… The dense and numerous blood red whiskers sweep across from the center of that three blood orchids again, submerges in the space directly, letting the person is unable to find their positions accurately. 密密麻麻的血红色触须再次从那三朵血兰花的中心处席卷而出,径直没入空间之中,让人无法准确的找到它们的方位。 These spread the source blood in void, during such as permeating was void general, fast disappearance in same place. 那些散布于虚空之中的本源之血,如渗入虚空之中一般,快速的消失在了原地。 star weapon king controls the thunder blade light to sweep across immediately void, cuts off these blood red whiskers unceasingly. 星械王当即操控雷霆刀光席卷虚空,不断斩断那些血红色触须。 Even so, has many blood red tentacles the space that is at from the distant place void to explode to shoot as before, volume to nearby bright universe Martial Artist. 即便如此,依旧有着许多血红色触手从远处虚空所在的空间之中爆射而出,卷向附近的光明宇宙武者 These bright universe Martial Artist inescapable this blood red whiskers, were just approached radically, has received that „the poison of blood orchid influence. 这些光明宇宙武者根本无法逃脱这血红色触须,刚刚被靠近,就已经受到那“血兰之毒”的影响。 The head of that blood red whisker splits instantaneously, just like the big mouth to plunge all around bright universe Martial Artist generally. 那血红色触须的头部瞬间裂开,犹如大口一般扑向四周的光明宇宙武者 But in that big mouth, bloody sweet greasy aura emits continuously impressively, this is „the poison of blood orchid. 而在那大口之中,一缕缕血腥甜腻的气息赫然喷吐而出,这正是“血兰之毒”。 In front of me plays the space in the young master.” “在小爷我面前玩空间。” Wang Teng cold snort/hum, in the hand suddenly presents a to fight the sword. 王腾冷哼一声,手中突然出现一柄战剑。 This sword is the dark color, when not dark war sword, it appears, all around void presented the distortion, the surface seems like by one group of shadows is covered. 这柄剑呈暗黑之色,但却并非黑暗战剑,它出现之时,四周的虚空就出现了扭曲,表面像是被一团阴影所笼罩。 Besides Wang Teng, few people can see clearly this to fight the real appearance of sword. 除了王腾之外,很少有人能够看清这柄战剑的真实模样。 Shadow sword! 暗影剑! Half god level fights the soldier! 半神级战兵! Before this fights the sword, was used the strength of powerful space by Wang Teng forcefully, the soul withstood should not the burden of withstanding, was good has used because of him 【The soul of divine tool Feeds, now has fully restored, can withstand the strength of space again. 这柄战剑之前被王腾强行使用了强大的空间之力,以至于器魂承受了不该承受的负担,好在他一直用【神器之魂】来喂养,如今已是完全恢复了过来,可以再次承受空间之力了。 () () Shadow sword the soul as if also felt that the Wang Teng intention, let a shadow sword tremor, exudes sound of the low sword cry. 暗影剑的器魂似乎也感觉到了王腾的意图,让暗影剑一阵颤动,发出低低的剑鸣之声。 Senior, these blood red whiskers gives me, you shield for me.” “前辈,这些血红色触须交给我,你替我掩护吧。” Wang Teng has not paid attention to the complaint of shadow sword slightly, controls the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle to speed away, while passes message loudly to the star weapon king shouts. 王腾丝毫没有理会暗影剑的控诉,一边驾驭着神机赤电雷鹰疾驰而出,一边对星械王传音大喝道。 Good!” The star weapon king vision flashed, shot a look at that strange war sword one, immediately should say. “好!”星械王目光一闪,瞥了那柄奇异的战剑一眼,当即应道。 He knows that Wang Teng has the space talent, in addition that strange war sword, could cope with the whisker of this blood orchid. 他知道王腾拥有空间天赋,加上那柄奇异的战剑,也许能够对付这血兰花的触须。 The method of this boy really emerges one after another incessantly. 这小子的手段果然是层出不穷。 Even if the star weapon king conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, has to like this capital letter clothing/taking character. 就算是星械王这样的封王不朽级,都不得不大写一个服字。 Wang Teng rubbish, the strength in within the body space surges, fights above the sword to gather in the hand, changes to together the sword light, the direct impact. 王腾没有废话,体内空间之力涌动,于手中战剑之上汇聚,化作一道剑光,直冲而起。 Cuts!” “斩!” Sonic boom drinks spreads from his mouth suddenly. 一声爆喝骤然从他口中传出。 He has not hesitated slightly, in the hand the shadow sword cuts loudly, changes to together the radiant giant sword light, later the sword glow of innumerable normal size erupt from the sword light, cut to each position in void. 他丝毫没有迟疑,手中暗影剑轰然斩出,化作一道璀璨的巨大剑光,随后无数正常大小的剑芒从剑光中爆发,斩向虚空中的各个方位。 Titter! Titter! Tittering...... 噗嗤!噗嗤!噗嗤…… In an instant, was torn void, blood red whisker expositions, then cut off to go instantaneously. 刹那间,虚空被撕裂,一道道血红色触须暴露而出,而后瞬间被斩断而去。 Really is the space method!” In star weapon king eye reveals different glow, in the heart some vibrations. “果然是空间手段!”星械王眼中露出一丝异芒,心中不禁有些震动。 This Wang Teng not only can construct space array, has powerful space Fighting technique, really cannot be underestimated. 这个王腾不但可以构筑空间阵法,更是拥有强大的空间战技,真是不容小觑。
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