AAMD :: Volume #22

#2164: Age gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder! The imaginary demon blood is blue! Does not have

Chapter 2164 Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder! The imaginary demon blood is blue! It is not able to endure broken!( Sought subscription) 第2164章庚金紫极天雷!幻魔血兰!无法堪破!(求订阅) The purple thunder leaps in the star weapon king hand, golden flowing light passes, looks like a special life body. 紫色的雷霆在星械王手中跃动,金色的流光在其中流转,就像是一个特殊的生命体。 A powerful strength fills the air from the thunder. 一股强大的力量从雷霆之中弥漫而出。 This is......” Wang Teng felt that a familiarity, in the eye revealed the strange color. “这是……”王腾感觉到了一股熟悉感,眼中露出奇异之色。 Purple extremely heavenly thunder! 紫极天雷! star weapon king also grasped the purple extremely heavenly thunder unexpectedly! 星械王居然也掌握了紫极天雷! Moreover this is also not the common purple extremely heavenly thunder, but is a purple extremely heavenly thunder that contained the attribute to change, was similar has the purple extremely heavenly thunder that the Earth Attribute attribute changed to Wang Teng that. 而且这还不是寻常的紫极天雷,而是一种蕴含了属性变化的紫极天雷,类似于王腾那拥有土系属性变化的紫极天雷。 However star weapon king purple extremely heavenly thunder is actually not Earth Attribute, but is...... Metal Attribute! 不过星械王这紫极天雷却不是土系,而是……金系 Wang Teng has fifth-order 【The body of thunder spirit, Very keen to the inductions of strength of various thunder, was very naturally clear to feel the Metal Attribute attribute. 王腾拥有五阶【雷灵之体】,对各种雷霆之力的感应十分灵敏,自然很清晰就感觉到了其中的金系属性。 Wang Teng, this is the Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder!” The sound of plump resounds in his mind suddenly. 王腾,这是庚金紫极天雷!”圆滚滚的声音突然在他脑海中响起。 Age gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder!” Wang Teng was always talking about one. “庚金紫极天雷!”王腾叨念了一句。 Good, contains purple extremely heavenly thunder that the Metal Attribute attribute changes, is the Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder.” The plump explained: You still remember that I to you have said the wind tribulation, the water tribulation, hot tribulation?” “不错,蕴含金系属性变化的紫极天雷,便是庚金紫极天雷。”圆滚滚解释道:“你还记得我跟你说过的风劫,水劫,火劫吗?” Now star weapon king grasps, is in gold/metal tribulation Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder, never expected that he can grasp this strength unexpectedly, is really inconceivable.” “星械王如今所掌握的,就是金劫中的庚金紫极天雷,没想到他竟能掌握这种力量,真是不可思议。” He thinks, only then Wang Teng can grasp the world tribulation thunder, after all this strength was too special, common Martial Artist is unable to withstand, but he discovers that now oneself possibly belittled under this day the person. 原本他以为只有王腾才能够掌握天地劫雷,毕竟这种力量太特殊了,寻常武者根本无法承受,但现在他发现自己可能小觑了这天下之人。 Can grasp the purple extremely heavenly thunder, incessantly Wang Teng. 能够掌握紫极天雷的,不止王腾一个。 In the universe the powerhouse are innumerable, no one knows that what method they can have, when is a warning. 宇宙中强者无数,谁也不知道他们能够掌握什么样的手段,当以此为戒。 So that's how it is!” “原来如此!” Wait, since star weapon king Nenggou grasps this Geng gold/metal Ziji heavenly thunder, why he didn't use before?” “等等,既然星械王能够掌握这庚金紫极天雷,他之前为什么不用?” Wang Teng thinks of anything suddenly, felt oneself were deceived, in the eye reveals a helplessness, spooky to star weapon kingly way: Senior, you really hide may be deep.” 王腾突然想到什么,觉得自己被欺骗了,眼中露出一丝无奈,幽幽的冲着星械王道:“前辈,你藏得可真深啊。” „, The card in a hand must remain finally, who card in a hand proliferation like your boy.” The star weapon king coughs, said. “咳咳,底牌总要留到最后嘛,谁像你小子一样底牌层出。”星械王干咳一声,说道。 Really is not he must conceal anything intentionally, but everyone is so, the strongest method naturally must the most essential time use, how otherwise can play the important role. 真不是他故意要隐瞒什么,只不过大家都是如此,最强的手段自然要最关键的时刻使用,否则如何能够起到至关重要的作用。 „...... Complained about me?” Wang Teng is speechless. “……怨我喽?”王腾无言。 Ok, the idle talk were not many said that began, by my purple extremely heavenly thunder, in addition your purple extremely heavenly thunder, extinguishing killed this blood group Dark Species to be enough.” star weapon king said solemnly. “好了,闲话就不多说了,动手吧,以我的紫极天雷,再加上你的紫极天雷,灭杀这头血族黑暗种应该是够了。”星械王沉声道 Un.” “嗯。” Wang Teng nods, the complexion also enforced. 王腾点了点头,面色也是严肃了起来。 Two people looked at each other one, is no longer scruple, begins instantaneously respectively. 两人对视了一眼,不再迟疑,瞬间各自动手。 Bang! 轰! The star weapon king Taiqi left hand, the purple thunder of that palm place shoots up to the sky instantaneously, inspires the strength of tribulation thunder. 星械王抬起左手,那掌心处的紫色雷霆瞬间冲天而起,引动劫雷之力。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The sound of thunder resounds through void, but in an instant, plundering the strength of thunder is the gathering comes, circles above the star weapon king top of the head, the dazzling thunder light shines from the above under. 雷霆之声响彻虚空,不过是刹那间,劫雷之力便是汇聚而来,在星械王头顶之上盘旋,刺目的雷光从上方照耀而下。 Then, star weapon Wang Meng lifts the right hand, the Lighting Attribute sword in hand erupts the dazzling purple ray. 接下来,星械王猛地抬起右手,手中的雷系战刀爆发出耀眼的紫色光芒。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Thunder fall from the star weapon king top of the head, the gathering above that Lighting Attribute sword, condensed a radiant blade light all later. 一道道雷霆从星械王头顶之上落下,尽数汇聚于那柄雷系战刀之上,随后凝聚成了一道璀璨的刀光。 This blade light purple, above the knife is appears all over the body golden traces, seems very strange, thunder light twines above the blade light, sends out the tyrannical fluctuation. 这道刀光通体紫色,刀身之上更是浮现出一道道金色的纹路,显得非常奇异,雷光缠绕在刀光之上,散发出强横的波动。 In a flash, this thunder blade light had then been thousand zhang (3.33 m) big. 一瞬间,这道雷霆刀光便已是达到了千丈之大。 Erupts the strongest attack in the star weapon king, Wang Teng has not been idling, he inspires the tribulation thunder again, making it lower, friendly being enthralled machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle within the body, making this thunder eagle whole body be wrapped by the thunder, changes to giant energy thunder eagle. 就在星械王爆发出自身最强的攻击之时,王腾也没有闲着,他再次引动劫雷,令其降下,融入神机赤电雷鹰的体内,让这头雷鹰浑身都被雷霆所包裹,化作一头巨大的能量雷鹰。 The blood light that another side, that huge blood orchid sends out had achieved the apex, dazzling incomparable, shone upon the blood red color the big piece void. 另一边,那庞大的血兰花所散发出的血光已是达到了顶点,耀眼无比,将大片虚空都映照成了血红之色。 The bloody sweet greasy aura that fills the air from the blood orchid is rich, even has congealed for the essence, during this piece is void changes to a dense mist, if were not cut off by the Wang Teng bright ceremonial fire, at this moment has proliferated the big piece to be void. 从血兰花之中弥漫出的血腥甜腻气息更是浓郁至极,甚至已经凝为了实质,在这片虚空之中化作一种氤氲的雾气,若非被王腾的光明圣火所阻隔,此刻已然扩散大片虚空。 Numerous bright universe Martial Artist alarmed and afraid is looking at that void, far away from, does not dare to approach in abundance slightly, the stretch of battlefield that Wang Teng, star weapon king and blood orchid Demon Venerable is, changed to a stretch of forbidden area unexpectedly. 众多光明宇宙武者惊惧的望着那片虚空,纷纷远离,根本不敢靠近丝毫,以至于王腾,星械王和血兰魔尊所在的这片战场,竟是化作了一片禁区。 Even Dark Species is far away quietly, vision similarly alarmed and afraid is looking at Wang Teng and star weapon king erupts the strength of thunder, simultaneously when they look to that giant blood orchid, in the eye is also reveals to dread the color. 甚至连黑暗种都悄然远离,目光同样是惊惧的望着王腾和星械王所爆发出的雷霆之力,同时它们看向那朵巨大的血兰花时,眼中亦是露出忌惮之色。 Do not look before blood orchid Demon Venerable, has not begun to them, in fact that is because it had not been compelled the hopeless situation, if really went to the having no alternative place, having a look at blood orchid Demon Venerable to treat as the blood food them? 别看血兰魔尊之前没对它们动手,实际上那是因为它还没有被逼到绝境,若是真到了别无选择的地方,看看血兰魔尊会不会把它们当做血食? Becoming to minimize losses. 趋吉避害。 Leave alone is bright universe Martial Artist, is Dark Species, this is the normal psychology. 别管是光明宇宙武者,还是黑暗种,这都是再正常不过的心理。 Although Dark Species is crazy, but they are not silly, how also possibly to rush to bring death like this. 黑暗种虽然疯狂,但它们也不是傻,又怎么可能这样冲上去送死。 This piece void suddenly becomes extremely peaceful. 这片虚空突然变得极为安静。 The blood orchid is silent, revolves in void slowly. 血兰花无声无息,在虚空中缓缓旋转。 The thunder blade light of star weapon king, the Wang Teng god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle at this moment also seems extremely reserved, as if all prestige can condense in inside, only has the slight thunderous sound at the sound, just like the plover to cry. 星械王的雷霆刀光,王腾的神机赤电雷鹰此刻也显得极为内敛,似乎所有的威能都凝聚在了内里,唯有细微的雷鸣之声在响动,犹如千鸟啼鸣。 However because of existence of this sound, is serving as contrast this piece on the contrary void somewhat peaceful. 不过正因为这声音的存在,反倒衬托得这片虚空有些安静。 After all compared with other region that fierce bellows, this sound is small, instead somewhat sets off around this region void seems peaceful. 毕竟与其他区域那剧烈的轰鸣声相比,这点声音算是小的,反而衬得这片区域四周的虚空显得有些安静。 Meanwhile, all around void atmosphere also solidified thoroughly. 与此同时,四周虚空的氛围也是彻底凝固了下来。 Wang Teng and star weapon king looked at each other one, is no longer scruple, begins. 王腾和星械王对视了一眼,不再迟疑,同时动手。 3000 thunder blade!” “三千雷刃!” Drinks greatly spreads from star weapon Wangkou in suddenly, the Lighting Attribute sword in his hand cuts loudly, thousand zhang (3.33 m) long thunder blade glow tearing is void, appears in that huge blood orchid front. 一声大喝猛然自星械王口中传出,他手中的雷系战刀轰然斩下,千丈之长的雷霆刀芒撕裂虚空,出现在那朵庞大的血兰花前方。 Cry! 唳! Puts on gold/metal Lieshi the crying sound reverberation to be void together, god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle of Wang Teng under foot moved immediately, changes to the remnant shadow, thunder light sparkles together, grazes to go toward the blood orchid. 一道穿金裂石般的啼鸣声回荡虚空,王腾脚下的神机赤电雷鹰顿时动了起来,化作一道残影,雷光闪耀,朝着血兰花飞掠而去。 Scarlet electricity thunder eagle! 赤电雷鹰! Wang Teng displays being lost in thought machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle strongest killing to incur again. 王腾再一次施展出了神机赤电雷鹰最强的杀招。 Does not have other, principal is a endurance! 没别的,主打的就是一个持久! My grass( grass)! He can also display unexpectedly again one time.” The day billows star latitude eye stares in a big way, the feeling is somewhat unbelievable. “我草(一种草)!他竟然还能再施展一次。”天澜星纬眼睛瞪大,感觉有些难以置信。 The method of this enduring ratio conferring the title of prince upon immortal level peak, displaying time was one astonishing enough, Wang Teng displayed unexpectedly continually twice, moreover time such short that is separated. 这种堪比封王不朽级巅峰的手段,施展一次就足够惊人了,王腾竟然一连施展了两次,而且间隔的时间如此之短。 How does he achieve? 他到底是怎么做到的? Source Power in within the body really vigorous to this situation? 难道体内的原力真的雄浑到了这种地步? It is not right! It is not right! 不对!不对! He is only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, even Source Power is vigorous, is impossible to go to so the situation, inevitably is the means of having rapidly restores. 他只是域主级武者,就算原力再雄浑,也不可能达到如此地步,必然是拥有快速恢复的办法。 Has saying that the day billows star latitude as Heaven's Chosen that the day billows area sacred place day billows mountain comes out, the experience a little, although cannot think how Wang Teng accomplishes, but the good and evil guessed correctly him to be able the so lasting reason. 不得不说,天澜星纬作为天澜疆域圣地天澜山出来的天骄,见识还是有点,虽然想不到王腾到底是怎么办到的,但好歹是猜到了他能够如此持久的原因。 Always felt that this fellow was getting more and more abnormal, previous time did not have such evildoer/monstrous talent to come.” The day billows star latitude felt own brain is a little insufficient, brow tight wrinkle. “总感觉这家伙越来越变态了,上次还没这么妖孽来着。”天澜星纬感觉自己脑子有点不够用,眉头紧皱。 The wrinkle as if were recently many much. 最近皱纹似乎都多了不少。 Is the trouble of worriedly causing. 都是苦恼惹的祸。 As extremely Heaven's Chosen he, was inferior suddenly, but also suppression, really worries stubbornly very much. 身为绝顶天骄的他,突然被人比下去,还压制的死死的,实在是很烦恼。 His disposition is powerful enough, mentality blasting open, has the envy, is unable to extricate oneself. 要不是他心性足够强大,早就心态炸裂,心生嫉妒,无法自拔了。 Now although also somewhat envies the envy to hate, but that is the way things should be, but also being insufficient makes him lose the reason. 如今虽然也有些羡慕嫉妒恨,但那是人之常情,还不至于让他失去理智。 Not is only the day of billows star latitude, Zhao Yang yu, Gallacher, Penny, upright Haoge these talents, are shock similarly exceptionally, they are the World Lord Level talents, very clear that strength powerful, Wang Teng can display unexpectedly continuously, really made one be flabbergasted. 不仅仅是天澜星纬,赵阳宇,加拉赫,潘妮丝,耿浩歌这些天才,同样是震撼异常,他们都是界主级天才,很清楚那种力量到底有多强大,王腾居然可以连续施展,实在令人咋舌。 Imaginary demon blood is blue!” “幻魔血兰!” In the meantime, in that blood orchid also spreads ice-cold exploding to drink suddenly. 就在此时,那血兰花之中亦是骤然传出一声冰冷的爆喝。 The endless blood light erupts from that huge blood orchid, looks like a blood red scorching sun in this place explosion, terrifying fluctuation of energy immediately from sweeps across. 无尽的血光自那庞大的血兰花中爆发而出,就像是一颗血红的骄阳在此地爆炸,恐怖的能量波动顿时从其中席卷而出。 Meanwhile, Wang Teng and attack of star weapon king has also arrived. 与此同时,王腾和星械王的攻击也已到来。 The thunder blade glow cut above the blood orchid. 雷霆刀芒斩在了血兰花之上。 Scarlet electricity thunder eagle similarly from another direction hit ruthlessly above blood orchid. 赤电雷鹰同样是从另一个方向狠狠的撞击在了血兰花之上。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The fierce bellow also erupts, Lighting Attribute Source Power sweeps away void, changes to the thunder forbidden area that region completely, the endless thunder eruption, fills the air void. 剧烈的轰鸣声随之爆发,雷系原力横扫虚空,将那一片区域完全化作雷霆禁区,无尽的雷霆爆发而出,弥漫虚空。 Everyone's vision was attracted, bone La Demon Venerable and star meteor revering is no exception. 所有人的目光都被吸引了过来,连骨喇魔尊和星陨尊者都不例外。 This war, possibly relates to the life and death that a mid-rank Demon Venerable level has, who can not pay attention. 这一战,可能关系到一头中位魔尊级存在的生死,谁能不关注。 The immortal level exists, the Demon Venerable level exists, is very difficult to strike to kill thoroughly, but since Wang Teng appears, Dark Species had lost Demon Venerable level Dark Species, now he may strike to kill a Demon Venerable level to exist again, even the mid-rank Demon Venerable level, how Martial Artist of bright universe possibly did not anticipate. 不论是不朽级存在,还是魔尊级存在,都很难彻底击杀,但自从王腾出现,黑暗种已经损失了一头魔尊黑暗种,如今他有可能再次击杀一头魔尊级存在,甚至还是中位魔尊级,光明宇宙的武者们又怎么可能不期待。 However relative, Dark Species was actually a little anxious. 不过相对的,黑暗种这边却是有点紧张了起来。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable! 血兰魔尊 That is the mid-rank Demon Venerable level exists! 那可是中位魔尊级存在啊! Now is compelled so the situation by that bright universe Heaven's Chosen unexpectedly again, thinks to plant not sense of reality, letting the person is unable to believe. 如今竟然再次被那光明宇宙天骄逼到如此地步,想想就有种不真实感,让人无法相信。 If even/including Xuelan Demon Venerable were struck to kill by the opposite party, then in this war, besides bone La Demon Venerable, but also who can contend with it? 如果连血兰魔尊都被对方击杀,那么这场大战中,除了骨喇魔尊以外,还有谁能够与其抗衡? Dark Species on the scene has not thought that will have this situation, originally did the excellent circumstance, how turn into this? 在场的黑暗种都没想到会出现这种情况,本来大好的情势,怎么就变成了这样? Is that bright universe Heaven's Chosen! 是那个光明宇宙天骄! Right, is he! 对,就是他! Since he appears, as if the situation had the reversal, making their dark side fall into the extremely passive position. 自从他出现之后,似乎情况就出现了逆转,让它们黑暗一方陷入了极为被动的境地。 Should win, after all he is the star weapon king collaborates, might as well be able to strike to kill a mid-rank Demon Venerable level.” The day billows star latitude grasped the fist, in the eye appeared a anticipation. “应该会赢吧,毕竟他是和星械王联手,未尝不能击杀一头中位魔尊级。”天澜星纬握了握拳头,眼中浮现出一丝期待。 He naturally hopes that Wang Teng and star weapon king can win, in the face of major issue of principle, his slightly envies slightly envies is anything, is not worth mentioning. 他自然希望王腾和星械王能赢,在大是大非面前,他那点小嫉妒小羡慕算什么,根本不值一提。 „The blood that compels unexpectedly used that Fighting technique orchid!” “竟然逼的血兰使用了那门战技!” During a distant place piece is void, blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable looked at that stretch of battlefield from afar, in the pupil the blood light is flashing, passed over gently and swiftly unusual look, muttered. 远处一片虚空之中,一头血族黑暗种魔尊远远望着那片战场,眸中血光一闪,掠过一丝异色,不禁喃喃自语道。 If Wang Teng here, can recognize surely, this blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable impressively blood remnant Demon Venerable! 如果王腾在这里,必定能够认出,这头血族黑暗种魔尊赫然正是血残魔尊 This move , the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level and bright universe of Heaven's Chosen that mechanical clan is not necessarily able to win.” Blood remnant Demon Venerable coldly smiles. “此招一出,那机械族的封王不朽级和光明宇宙天骄未必能赢。”血残魔尊冷冷一笑。 Buzz! 嗡! It seems like verifying its words, above that blood orchid the mutation lives suddenly. 似乎是在印证它的话语,那朵血兰之上异变突生。 The blood red ray projects the radiant light shadow, that huge blood orchid is starts to split up to bloom unexpectedly, in an instant changes to three same huge blood orchids, float in void. 血红色光芒投射出璀璨的光影,那朵庞大的血兰花竟是开始分化而开,转眼间就化作三朵相同的庞大血兰花,悬浮于虚空之中。 But scarlet electricity thunder eagle who the thunder blade glow of star weapon king, as well as Wang Teng displays, was pushed to open by three blood orchids unexpectedly forcefully backward horizontally. 而星械王的雷霆刀芒,以及王腾所施展的赤电雷鹰,竟然硬生生被三朵血兰花向后横推而开。 Three huge incomparable blood orchids assume the glyph, float in void, slowly revolving, is sending out the endless blood light, the shining four directions. 三朵庞大无比的血兰花呈品字形,悬浮于虚空,缓缓旋转着,散发出无尽的血光,照耀四方。 A fluctuation of difficult word fills the air from three blood orchids. 一种难言的波动从三朵血兰花之上弥漫而出。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” star weapon king and Wang Teng is the vision concentrates, in the heart vibrates. 星械王和王腾都是目光一凝,心中震动。 That blood orchid split up three unexpectedly all of a sudden, even also withstood/top their attack. 那朵血兰花竟然一下子分化成了三朵,甚至还顶开了他们两人的攻击。 Two people could feel, their attacks were truly fended off, is not an misconception. 两人感觉得到,他们的攻击确确实实被挡开了,并非错觉。 This indicated that three blood orchids possibly real, is not unreal. 这说明那三朵血兰花可能都是真的,并非虚幻。 At this moment, their vision are all staring at that three blood orchids stubbornly, wants to see clue, suddenly has such mutation, making in their hearts raise a anxiety. 此时此刻,他们的目光皆是死死盯着那三朵血兰花,想要看出其中的端倪,突然出现这样的异变,让他们心中升起一丝不安。 In the Wang Teng eye is glittering the purple gold colored light glow, Pupil of True Sight Has opened. 王腾眼中闪烁着紫金色光芒,【真视之瞳】已然开启。 These three blood orchids......” “这三朵血兰花……” His complexion is getting more and more dignified, by immortal level that he grasps now Pupil of True Sight, It is not able to completely understand the clue of these three blood orchids unexpectedly! 他的面色越来越凝重,以他如今掌握的不朽级【真视之瞳】,竟然无法看透这三朵血兰花的端倪! Three blood orchids were all covered by the blood light, give him a dim feeling. 三朵血兰花皆是被血光所笼罩,给他一种朦胧之感。 How long! 多久了! How long has not had this situation! 多久没有出现这种情况了! Since his Pupil of True Sight Is the immortal level level, has not had this situation again, now unexpectedly appears again. 自从他的【真视之瞳】达到不朽级层次,就没有再出现过这种情况,如今居然再次出现了。 Wang Teng sweeps a property panel immediately, the forehead jumps. 王腾立刻扫了一眼属性面板,眉心不由一跳。 Pupil of True Sight: 5500 / 100000( immortal level) ; 真视之瞳】:5500/100000(不朽级); 5500 attribute values!” “才5500点属性值!” At this time he understands finally, why his immortal level Pupil of True Sight It is not able to endure to break that blood orchid. 此时他终于明白,为什么他不朽级的【真视之瞳】无法堪破那血兰花了。 Pupil of True Sight In the immortal level level, needs 100,000 attribute values, but now these 5500 attribute values its 1/10, are equal to saying his Pupil of True Sight In fact from previous time promotes now, as before the most Elementary Level stage of immortal level. 真视之瞳】在不朽级层次,需要十万点属性值,而如今这5500点属性值连其十分之一都不到,等于说他的【真视之瞳】实际上从上次提升到现在,依旧还是不朽级的最初级阶段。 But this was he cultivates Profound bright pupil Later, Profound bright pupil Is returning nurturing to parents Pupil of True Sight, Achieves so the achievement. 而这还是他修炼了【玄光明瞳】之后,【玄光明瞳】在不知不觉间反哺【真视之瞳】,才达到如此成果。 He from the beginning Pupil of True Sight Promotes to the immortal level, in Dark World, to endure broken blood group Dark Species talent blood Starck Really Demon Transformation. 他一开始将【真视之瞳】提升到不朽级,是在黑暗世界,为了堪破血族黑暗种天才血斯塔的【真・魔变】。 At that time he also drew support Profound bright pupil The particularity, can let Pupil of True Sight Reaches the immortal level, but that time attribute value was 100 points, now has reached 5500 points, was true to promote much. 那时候他也是借助了【玄光明瞳】的特殊性,才能够让【真视之瞳】达到不朽级,但那时候的属性值不过是100点,现在已经达到5500点,属实提升了不少。 Also is Wang Teng obtains Profound bright pupil The time is not long, otherwise can also increase multi-attribute values. 也就是王腾得到【玄光明瞳】的时间并不长,否则还能提升更多属性值。 What a pity, this level Pupil of True Sight, Life and thing that although truly can endure the broken many immortal level level, but if bumps into some truly mysterious profound thing, will be hindered. 可惜,这个层次的【真视之瞳】,虽然确实能够堪破不少不朽级层次的生灵和事物,但若是碰到一些真正玄妙高深的东西,就会受到阻碍。 Now bumps into these three blood orchids, Wang Teng Pupil of True Sight Some are insufficient. 如今碰到这三朵血兰花,王腾的【真视之瞳】就有些不够用了。 He looks hastily to the blank attribute. 他连忙又看向空白属性。 Blank attribute: 14000 ; 【空白属性】:14000; ! 得! Remaining selects Blank attribute, Is insufficient, increases more than hundred points of attribute values at most, without the least bit use. 就剩下这么点【空白属性】,根本就不够用,顶多提升百多点属性值,没有半点用处。 The corner of the eye of Wang Teng almost flowed off the poor tears. 王腾的眼角差点流下了贫穷的泪水。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? Rich did very he, how fall so the position obviously? 明明很富有的他,怎么落到了如此境地? Pit father! 坑爹啊! Later must supplement one wave well Blank attribute Ok, blank attribute to time, side Henshao. 以后一定要好好补充一波【空白属性】才行,空白属性到用时,方恨少啊。 Wang Teng has to eliminate the promotion Pupil of True Sight The idea, knits the brows to look again to that three blood orchids, since is unable to use Pupil of True Sight Endures to break these three blood orchids, that then is only useful he to be right 【The body of blood orchid The understanding, can look discover a clue. 王腾只好打消了提升【真视之瞳】的想法,再次皱眉看向那三朵血兰花,既然无法用【真视之瞳】堪破这三朵血兰花,那便唯有用他对【血兰之体】的了解,看看能不能找出一丝端倪了。 Is unhurried, he can also try to find the solution again. 不慌,他还能再想想办法。
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