AAMD :: Volume #22

#2163: Shows a bright way to you! Giant blood orchid

Chapter 2163 shows a bright way to you! Giant blood orchid! The thunder of star weapon king!( Sought subscription) 第2163章给你指条明路!巨大的血兰花!星械王的雷霆!(求订阅) Above battlefield of this bright and dark collision, life and death at all not as one pleases. 在这光明与黑暗碰撞的战场之上,生死根本不由己。 Many Martial Artist had thought that entered the battlefield, possibly is unable to depart again, finally during will bury in this piece is void. 许多武者曾经想过,入了战场,可能就再也无法离去,最终会埋葬于这片虚空之中。 However can live, who wants dead. 但是能够活着,谁又想死呢。 But Wang Teng in the most dangerous time, them drawing from that blood red abyss, this is the graciousness of life, who can not thank him? 王腾在最危险的时刻,将他们从那血红色的深渊之中拉了出来,这是活命之恩,谁又能够不感激他? Wang Teng looks at people's response, gawked. 王腾看着众人的反应,不由愣了一下。 To be honest, he has saved many people above the battlefield, whom now does not even remember. 说实话,他在战场之上救过不少人,如今甚至都不记得到底有谁了。 Therefore regarding saving others this matter, he radically that what complex idea, the life-saving merely is only the life-saving. 因此对于救人这件事,他根本那么什么复杂的想法,救人仅仅就只是救人而已。 At this time regarding the gratitude of people, he is also light smiles, has not cared, immediately opens the mouth saying: „The slight effort, does not need to care.” 此时对于众人的感激,他也只是淡淡一笑,并未放在心上,当下开口道:“举手之劳,诸位不必放在心上。” Wang Teng, does attractively!” In star weapon king heart great happiness. 王腾,干得漂亮!”星械王心中大喜。 This fellow really can solve that blood orchid Demon Venerable method, he has not misread the opposite party. 这家伙果然能够解决那血兰魔尊的手段,他没有看错对方。 How does he achieve?” “他是怎么做到的?” The day billows star latitude, Zhao Yang yu, Li Xuesong, Gallacher, Penny, and even is upright Haoge, rune/symbol Xiuyuan these talents sees this, in the eye reveals the astonished color. 天澜星纬,赵阳宇,李雪松,加拉赫,潘妮丝,乃至是耿浩歌,符秀媛这些天才看到这一幕,眼中都是不由露出惊异之色。 Just now the terrifying of that blood orchid, they saw. 方才那血兰花的恐怖,他们都看到了。 They confessed that even if they bump into that blood orchid, feared that is unable to get rid of strength. 他们自认,就算是他们自己碰到那血兰花,怕是都无法摆脱其中的力量。 But Wang Teng can actually with ease its solution. 王腾却能轻松将其解决。 The move from these bright universe Martial Artist, solves their blood orchids to Wang Teng, time short that spends, they even thought that Wang Teng has not pondered, already its solution. 从那些光明宇宙武者中招,到王腾解决他们身上的血兰花,所花的时间非常之短,他们甚至觉得王腾都没有思考过,就已经将其解决了。 This is without doubt inconceivable. 这无疑非常不可思议。 How no one wants to obtain Wang Teng to accomplish. 没有人想得到王腾到底是如何办到的。 In the wind brocade eye glittered the extraordinary splendor, the corners of the mouth is exuding an attractive curve gradually, Wang Teng really can always achieve thing that the common person could not achieve. 风锦眼中闪烁着异彩,嘴角渐渐泛起了一丝好看的弧度,王腾果然总能做到寻常人做不到的事。 On him, as if no not possible these three characters. 在他身上,似乎就没有不可能这三个字。 As then in the heavenly pillar star, everyone despairs, plans to give up, however in the hand of Wang Teng, the heavenly pillar star actually gave full play to the vitality, was likely to return to the initial prosperity. 一如当初在天柱星,所有人都已经绝望,打算放弃,但是在王腾的手中,天柱星却重新焕发了生机,有望回到当初的繁荣。 This boy!” “这小子!” Bone La Demon Venerable stares at Wang Teng, in the eye is killing intent to be even more strong. 骨喇魔尊盯着王腾,眼中杀意越发浓烈。 Arrives from this boy now, has had the drastic effect on this fight repeatedly, this influence makes the result of war have the displacement sufficiently. 从这小子降临到现在,已经屡次对这场战斗造成巨大的影响,这种影响足以让大战的结果发生偏移。 Only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, can achieve so the degree unexpectedly, this child is really different kind. 区区一个域主级武者而已,竟能做到如此程度,此子果真是个异类。 This is not it wants to see. 这不是它想要看到的。 Heaven's Chosen of it seems like bright universe, has not disappointed you.” Star meteor revering tunnelled the vision of bone La Demon Venerable, light say/way. “看来光明宇宙的天骄,并未让你失望。”星陨尊者挡住了骨喇魔尊的视线,淡淡道。 „......” The bone La Demon Venerable vision stagnates, looks at front mechanical clan immortal level revering, in the heart raised for the first time an aggrieved feeling. “……”骨喇魔尊目光一滞,看着面前的机械族不朽级尊者,心中第一次升起了一种憋屈之感。 To make a move to strike obviously to kill that bright universe Heaven's Chosen personally, finally actually tied down by front mechanical clan immortal level revering, now the opposite party also speaks to taunt it, goes too far seriously. 明明很想亲自出手击杀那光明宇宙天骄,结果却被面前这机械族不朽级尊者缠住,如今对方还出言嘲讽它,当真是欺人太甚。 When I cut to kill you, will naturally attend to that boy personally.” “待我将你斩杀,自然会亲手料理那小子。” In the bone La Demon Venerable heart secret deeply inspires, cold snort/hum, no longer nonsense, kills toward star meteor revering. 骨喇魔尊心中暗暗深吸了口气,冷哼一声,不再废话,朝着星陨尊者杀去。 Bang! 轰! It the huge skeleton empty shadow moved behind immediately, in the hand the bone spear pierces leaves, suddenly, one full is the world of white bones appears in its top of the head. 其身后庞大的骷髅虚影顿时动了起来,手中骨枪刺出,突然间,一座满是白骨的世界在其头顶浮现。 This white bones world is vast, as if no boundary to be the same, in which white bones are piled up, continuous, sends out meaning of the deterioration deathly stillness, making people unable to feel existence of any vitality. 这座白骨世界浩瀚无垠,仿佛没有边际一般,其中的白骨堆积成山,连绵不绝,散发出一股衰败死寂之意,让人感觉不到任何生机的存在。 That white bones long spear/gun becomes the actual situation to be uncertain immediately, even so, a spear pierces leaves, void was torn as before, has a giant space crack. 那白骨长枪顿时变得虚实不定,即便如此,一枪刺出,虚空依旧是被撕裂,出现一道巨大的空间裂缝。 The star meteor revering vision is dignified, he felt feeling of being familiar. 星陨尊者目光凝重,他感觉到了一股熟悉之感。 When this feeling, acts to Wang Teng with beforehand this bone spirit clan Demon Venerable is exactly the same. 这种感觉,与之前这骨灵族魔尊王腾出手之时如出一辙。 His vision flashes, in the hand the long spear/gun erupts the radiant golden spear/gun glow similarly, moves forward to meet somebody. 他目光一闪,手中长枪同样是爆发出璀璨的金色枪芒,迎了上去。 Bang! 轰! Void resounds the sound of fierce thundering immediately, two spear/gun glow collide loudly in together, but the unexpected situation appears, the golden spear/gun glow of star meteor revering fails unexpectedly, shelling during was void. 虚空中顿时响起剧烈的轰鸣之声,两道枪芒轰然碰撞在一起,但是令人意外的情况出现,星陨尊者的金色枪芒竟是落空,轰击在了虚空之中。 The spear/gun glow that flash, bone La Demon Venerable condenses presented empty unexpectedly, avoided the golden spear/gun glow of star meteor revering. 那一瞬间,骨喇魔尊所凝聚的枪芒竟是出现了虚化,避开了星陨尊者的金色枪芒。 Afterward that white bones spear/gun glow again congealing reality, thorn to star meteor revering. 随后那白骨枪芒再次凝实,刺向星陨尊者。 The rapidness of this spear/gun speed, submerges star meteor revering instantaneously. 这一枪速度之快,瞬间就将星陨尊者淹没。 Too suddenly! 太突然了! Transformation between this actual situation, does not have the mark to seek, if unable to endure the broken mystery, decides however cannot block this to strike. 这种虚实之间的转换,根本无迹可寻,若是无法堪破其中的奥秘,定然是挡不住这一击的。 However since star meteor revering has experienced this move, naturally cannot silly moving forward to meet somebody, when acted a moment ago, he has made other dealing. 不过星陨尊者既然早已见识过这一招,自然不会傻傻的迎上去,早在刚才出手之时,他就已经做出了其他的应对。 Un?!” “嗯?!” Bone La Demon Venerable as if also discovered anything, looks punctures the position to that bone spear/gun, in the eye reveals a gloomy meaning immediately. 骨喇魔尊似乎也发现了什么,望向那骨枪所刺位置,眼中顿时露出一丝阴沉之意。 The form of star meteor revering was torn to open, but actually together remnant shadow, instantaneous dissipation, but his main body has been separated from that region obviously. 星陨尊者的身影被撕裂而开,但却只是一道残影,瞬间消散,而他的本体显然早已脱离了那片区域。 Bang! 轰! In the meantime, the bellow resounds in bone La Demon Venerable suddenly behind. 就在此时,轰鸣声突然在骨喇魔尊身后响起。 The form of star meteor revering appears suddenly, the long spear pierces leaves, wanting to pierce the bone La Demon Venerable body. 星陨尊者的身影猛然出现,长枪刺出,欲要洞穿骨喇魔尊的身躯。 However behind bone La Demon Venerable actually seemed like has the eye to be the same, sneers, spurs exploded to shoot from its body suddenly, welcomes long spear/gun that the rearward punctured. 然而骨喇魔尊却像是背后长了眼睛一般,冷笑一声,一道道骨刺突然从它的身体之中爆射而出,迎向后方刺来的长枪。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 嘭!嘭!嘭! During the black light sparkles, spurs disrupt, cannot resist the bombardment of that golden spear/gun glow. 黑光闪耀间,一道道骨刺碎裂,抵挡不住那金色枪芒的轰击。 But is only resisting of this flash, then enough has made bone La Demon Venerable avoid the bombardment of golden spear/gun glow, its form disappeared in same place, that huge skeleton empty shadow also moved, suddenly extended gigantic bone, the suppression under. 但只是这一瞬间的抵挡,便已足够让骨喇魔尊躲开金色枪芒的轰击,它的身影消失在了原地,那庞大的骷髅虚影随之而动,突然伸出一只硕大的骨手,镇压而下。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying pressure arrived, falls above the body of star meteor revering. 恐怖的威压降临,落在了星陨尊者的身体之上。 Opens!” Star meteor revering vision ice-cold, in the mouth spreads one to drink suddenly greatly. “开!”星陨尊者目光冰冷,口中陡然传出一声大喝。 The powerful imposing manner erupts from his body, the direct impact clouds, look like a long spear/gun, swift and fierce incomparable. 强悍的气势从他身体之上爆发而出,直冲云霄,就像是一柄长枪,凌厉无比。 In an instant, the pressure that huge skeleton empty shadow erupts was then punctured loudly. 刹那间,那庞大骷髅虚影爆发出的威压便被轰然刺破。 Bang! 轰隆! Meanwhile, the golden light also runs out from the body of star meteor revering together, later changes to together the huge empty shadow, rises straight from the ground. 与此同时,一道金光亦是从星陨尊者的身体之内冲出,随后化作一道庞大的虚影,拔地而起。 That is a huge mechanical form, is exactly the same as star meteor revering, but enlarged innumerable times, stands erect in void, does not compare that huge skeleton empty shadow small many. 那是一尊庞大的机械身影,与星陨尊者一模一样,只是放大了无数倍,屹立于虚空之中,丝毫不比那庞大的骷髅虚影小多少。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, this huge mechanical empty shadow then moved, moves forward to meet somebody toward that skeleton empty shadow. 下一刻,这道庞大的机械虚影便是动了起来,朝着那骷髅虚影迎了上去。 Two just like the giant empty shadow to collide in void immediately in one. 两道犹如巨人般的虚影顿时在虚空中碰撞在了一起。 Vibrates void, the terrifying Source Power complementary waves toward spread to open in all directions, later space cracks appear, surround around two huge empty shades, magnificent. 虚空为之震动,恐怖的原力余波朝着四面八方扩散而开,随后一道道空间裂缝出现,环绕在两道庞大的虚影四周,壮观至极。 Numerous bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species all are shock, is looking at bone La Demon Venerable and fight of star meteor revering, in the heart is unassuageable. 众多光明宇宙武者黑暗种皆是震撼不已,望着骨喇魔尊与星陨尊者的战斗,心中难以平静。 ...... …… Wang Teng shot a look at a fight of distant place, then took back the vision, looks again to that blood orchid Demon Venerable. 王腾只是瞥了一眼远处的战斗,便收回了目光,再次望向那血兰魔尊 The star weapon king surrounded. 星械王围拢了过来。 Two people all eying covetously looks at this monster to flatter incomparable blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable, killing intent in eye has not concealed slightly. 两人俱是虎视眈眈的望着这头妖媚无比的血族黑暗种魔尊,眼中的杀意丝毫没有掩饰。 The blood orchid Demon Venerable method had broken gone to by Wang Teng, now wants to strike to kill it, should not be difficult. 血兰魔尊的手段已经被王腾破去,如今想要击杀它,应该不算困难了。 Do not stare at the slave like this, the slave is afraid very much.” The blood orchid Demon Venerable look was quite gloomy, sees two people expressions, actually a look revolution, reveals a delicate gentle appearance suddenly, pretty saying. “你们不要这样盯着奴家嘛,奴家很害怕呢。”血兰魔尊的眼神原本极为阴沉,看到两人的表情,却突然神色一转,露出一副娇弱柔媚的模样,娇滴滴的说道。 „......” Wang Teng. “……”王腾 „......” Star weapon king. “……”星械王。 This manner transforms, was not the actor to be a pity. 这神态转变,不去当演员可惜了。 Old aunt, since you are so afraid, was inferior that I show a bright way to you.” Wang Teng following its words, said. “老阿姨,既然你如此害怕,不如我给你指一条明路吧。”王腾顺着它的话语,说道。 The star weapon king looked at Wang Teng one, without the stop, he wants to know what medicine that in actually Wang Teng this bottle gourd sells. 星械王看了王腾一眼,没有阻拦,他倒是很想知道王腾这葫芦里卖的什么药。 „......” Blood orchid Demon Venerable choked, then neglected old aunt directly this name, sets a very curious appearance, asked: What bright road?” “……”血兰魔尊噎了一下,而后直接忽略了“老阿姨”这个称呼,做出一副十分好奇的样子,问道:“什么明路?” Begs for mercy to us, the begging for mercy words, we could forgive your life.” Saying that Wang Teng smiles. “向我们求饶吧,求饶的话,我们也许可以饶了你一命哦。”王腾笑眯眯的说道。 „......” Blood orchid Demon Venerable immediately complexion one black. “……”血兰魔尊顿时面色一黑。 The gods special beg for mercy. 神特么求饶。 It only wants to tease at present these two, wins time while convenient, has not thought that was actually teased by the opposite party in turn. 它本来只想逗一逗眼前这两人,顺便争取一点时间,没想到却反过来被对方逗弄了。 Hateful bright universe Martial Artist! 可恶的光明宇宙武者 Perhaps is understands that is unable to get the winning side in the spoken language, clean that on the blood orchid Demon Venerable face the delicate gentle look vanishes instantaneously, changes to cold frosts, that transformation speed, lets Wang Teng and star weapon king is somewhat flabbergasted again. 也许是明白无法在言语上占据上风,血兰魔尊脸上娇弱柔媚的神色瞬间消失的一干二净,化作一片寒霜,那转变速度,让王腾和星械王再度有些咋舌。 You really think did oneself decode the main body blood orchid?” Its indifferent looks at Wang Teng, asking that teased. “你真以为自己破解了本尊的血兰花吗?”它漠然的看着王腾,戏谑的问道。 In star weapon king heart thump, was so immediately self-confident, is it possible that blood orchid not this blood orchid Demon Venerable final method? 星械王心中顿时咯噔了一下,如此自信,莫非那血兰花并不是这血兰魔尊最终的手段? „Doesn't old aunt install? I also want to accompany you to play a while again.” Wang Teng did not reply that its issue, instead asked. “老阿姨怎么不装了?我还想再陪您玩一会儿呢。”王腾并不回答它的问题,反而如此问道。 „......” The blood orchid Demon Venerable corners of the mouth pull out. “……”血兰魔尊嘴角一抽。 MMP this boy absolutely is rare and beautiful flowers. MMP这小子绝对是个奇葩。 Why will have this person? 为什么会有这种人? „Doesn't old aunt really beg for mercy?” Wang Teng does not seem to seen the blood orchid Demon Venerable complexion , to continue saying: This is we give your bright road, if you do not know the good and evil, that may do not blame us not being impolite.” “老阿姨真的不求饶吗?”王腾仿佛没看到血兰魔尊的面色,继续说道:“这可是我们给您的一条明路啊,您若是不识好歹,那可就不要怪我们不客气了。” Sufficed! Shut up!” Blood orchid Demon Venerable was mad, coldly shouts, its crisp bear Julie fluctuated, just like fast general. “够了!闭嘴!”血兰魔尊又被气到了,不由冷冷喝道,它的酥熊剧烈起伏了一下,犹如脱兔一般。 In this small spigot often you, really regarded the old aunt it, but also keeping on proclaiming made it beg for mercy, this has not paid attention to it simply. 这小子口中动不动一个您,真把它当成老阿姨了,还口口声声让它求饶,这简直就是没将它放在眼里。 No matter how said, it is the mid-rank Demon Venerable level exists, how to be daunted by Territory Lord Level Martial Artist. 不管怎么说,它好歹是中位魔尊级存在,岂会被一个域主级武者吓住。 It seems like old aunt did not accept my good intention.” Wang Teng shakes the head, a very disappointed appearance, immediately complexion suddenly cold, said indifferently: Such being the case, we delivered you to start off.” “看来老阿姨是不接受我的好意了啊。”王腾摇了摇头,一副很失望的样子,随即脸色陡然冷了下来,漠然道:“既然如此,那我们就送你上路好了。” Senior, on us!” “前辈,我们上!” Latter a few words, naturally were say to star weapon king. 后一句话,自然是对星械王说的。 „......” Star weapon king was directly speechless, added that others turn hostile quickly, this boy is also not the least bit off. “……”星械王直接无语了,还说人家变脸快,这小子也丝毫不差啊。 Although wants to complain, but he has not hesitated slightly, Wang Teng finishes speaking, he has then changed to the flowing light to run out together, kills toward blood orchid Demon Venerable. 虽然很想吐槽一下,但他丝毫没有迟疑,王腾话音刚落,他便已经化作一道流光冲出,朝着血兰魔尊杀去。 Cry! 唳! Wang Teng is also controlling god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, killed to blood orchid Demon Venerable. 王腾同样是操控着神机赤电雷鹰,杀向了血兰魔尊 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The thunder erupts, crosses void, then chops together, being relentless submerges blood orchid Demon Venerable. 雷霆爆发,横贯虚空,一道接着一道劈出,毫不留情的将血兰魔尊淹没。 Facing two people offensive, blood orchid Demon Venerable is only the passive defensive, its body surface has the rich blood light to erupt, prevents the strength of that thunder. 面对两人的攻势,血兰魔尊只是被动防御,它的体表有着浓郁的血光爆发,阻挡那雷霆之力。 But that blood light was actually torn to open unceasingly, the thunder shells immediately on the body of blood orchid Demon Venerable, making its whole body be twined by the thunder and lightning, on the fair flesh even presented the burned black color. 但那血光却不断被撕裂而开,雷霆随即轰击在血兰魔尊的身上,让它浑身被雷电缠绕,白皙的肌肤上甚至出现了焦黑之色。 The short several breath, blood orchid Demon Venerable was rumbled unceasingly suddenly/violently to retreat, distressed. 短短几个呼吸,血兰魔尊被轰得不断暴退,狼狈至极。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable was suppressed.” “血兰魔尊被压制了。” Good , my bright universe can strike to kill Demon Venerable level Dark Species this way, moreover mid-rank Demon Venerable level.” “太好了,这样下去,我光明宇宙又能击杀一头魔尊黑暗种,而且还是中位魔尊级。” Victory is in sight!” “胜利在望!” ...... …… Numerous bright universe Martial Artist see this, on the face reveals the color of pleasant surprise, in the heart shocks. 众多光明宇宙武者看到这一幕,脸上纷纷露出惊喜之色,心中震撼不已。 This blood orchid Demon Venerable is a waste is also inadequate.” Bone La Demon Venerable sees so the situation from afar, in the heart angry. “这血兰魔尊也是个废物不成。”骨喇魔尊远远看到这般情形,心中恼怒至极。 , Was all compelled so the situation by that bright universe Heaven's Chosen one after another, lost to the family/home seriously disgraced. 一个接一个的,皆是被那光明宇宙天骄逼到如此地步,当真是丢人丢到家了。 Go away!” “滚!” Suddenly, ice-cold exploding drinks the sound to spread from the blood orchid Demon Venerable mouth together fiercely, its double pupil blooms the dazzling blood red ray, is producing an inverted image respectively a blood orchid. 突然,一道冰冷的爆喝声猛地从血兰魔尊口中传出,它的双眸绽放出刺目的血红色光芒,其中各自倒映着一朵血兰花。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the blood red light beam erupts from its within the body together, shoots up to the sky. 下一刻,一道血红色光柱从它体内爆发而出,冲天而起。 Afterward a huge incomparable blood orchid condenses in its top of the head, revolving, the innumerable blood red flower petals surround slowly in all around, lends the rich bloody sweet greasy aura. 随后一朵庞大无比的血兰花在它的头顶凝聚而出,缓缓旋转,无数的血红色花瓣环绕在四周,散发出浓郁的血腥甜腻气息。 This blood orchid was too big. 这朵血兰花太大了。 Arrived covers the big piece to be void sufficiently, just like blood red islands. 大到足以笼罩大片虚空,犹如一座血红色的岛屿。 Its size even can the skeleton empty shadow that displays with distant place bone La Demon Venerable, and even is the mechanical empty shadow that star meteor revering erupts compares favorably. 它的大小甚至可以与远处骨喇魔尊施展的骷髅虚影,乃至是星陨尊者所爆发的机械虚影媲美。 Meanwhile, in that huge incomparable blood orchid erupts a tyrannical fluctuation of energy, sweeps away void. 与此同时,那庞大无比的血兰花之内更是爆发出一股强横的能量波动,横扫虚空。 Dispersing!” The Wang Teng vision concentrates, loudly shouts fiercely. “散开!”王腾目光一凝,猛地大喝一声。 Bang! 轰! The bright ceremonial fire erupts, in all around forms a firewall void, prevents the aura of this blood orchid. 光明圣火爆发,在四周虚空形成一道火墙,阻挡这血兰花的气息。 All around bright universe Martial Artist responded quickly, let alone they have been far away from this stretch of battlefield, does not dare to approach, now hears Wang Teng drank the sound greatly, was fast suddenly/violently to retreat. 四周的光明宇宙武者反应很快,何况他们早就远离了这片战场,不敢靠近,如今听到王腾的大喝声,更是快速暴退。 Wang Teng, in the middle of this blood orchid contains the extremely terrifying energy.” star weapon king Shengyin passes on the sound said dignifiedly. 王腾,这道朵血兰花当中蕴含着极为恐怖的能量。”星械王声音凝重的传音道。 Wang Teng knits the brows, he naturally also felt the terrifying energy in that blood orchid, no wonder this blood orchid Demon Venerable can also be so self-confident, originally also had such method, facing so powerful blood orchid, he does not dare to neglect, immediately asked: What method can senior have to deal?” 王腾皱了皱眉,他自然也感觉到了那血兰花之内的恐怖能量,难怪这血兰魔尊还能如此自信,原来还有此等手段,面对如此强大的血兰花,他也不敢怠慢,当下问道:“前辈可有什么手段应对?” „My actually method, but wants to eradicate the special strength of this blood orchid, perhaps also needs your me to be with joint forces good.” star weapon king silent, said. “我倒是有一种手段,但是想要破除这血兰花的特殊力量,恐怕还需你我合力才行。”星械王沉默了一下,说道。 „?” Wang Teng is very surprised. “哦?”王腾十分惊讶。 He wants to let star weapon king Peihe, by opposite party strength of note being enthralled machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle within the body of Lighting Attribute, inspires the purple extremely heavenly thunder again, could rout that blood orchid. 他本想让星械王配合自己,以对方的雷系之力注入神机赤电雷鹰体内,再引动紫极天雷,或许能够击溃那血兰花。 The words that but now hears the star weapon king, clearly have the means to deal, he somewhat is actually pleasantly surprised, it seems like really cannot underestimate the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level to exist. 但如今听到星械王的话语,显然是有办法应对,他倒是有些惊喜,看来果然不能小看封王不朽级存在。 Does not know that is what method?” He asked hastily. “不知是什么手段?”他连忙问道。 The star weapon king has not talked too much, but lifted a hand. 星械王没有多言,而是抬起了一只手。 The sound of thunder crack. 雷霆之声炸响。 One group of dazzling purple thunder appear impressively in his hands, even also sends out a golden ray continuously, especially strange. 一团耀眼的紫色雷霆赫然出现在他的手中,其中甚至还散发出一缕缕的金色光芒,尤为奇异。
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