AAMD :: Volume #22

#2162: The body of blood orchid! Life-saving! It is not good, wears

The body of Chapter 2162 blood orchid! Life-saving!...... Was not good, catches fire!!!( Sought subscription) 第2162章血兰之体!救人!不……不好,着火了!!!(求订阅) The blood orchid Demon Venerable mentality a little collapses, this bright universe Heaven's Chosen really does not fear her blood orchid unexpectedly, but also placed the nose to get down smelling on own initiative. 血兰魔尊的心态有点崩,这个光明宇宙天骄竟然真的不惧她的血兰花,还主动放在鼻子下了闻了闻。 What is more exasperating, this simply is to its provocation. 更气人的是,这简直就是对它的挑衅。 The provocation of red fruits! 红果果的挑衅! Chest fluctuating of blood orchid Demon Venerable air/Qi, a pair of snow white crisp bear as if big several points. 血兰魔尊气的胸口起伏,一对雪白的酥熊仿佛都大了几分。 The blood orchid is it most fundamental method, its given name then therefore comes, now Territory Lord Level Martial Artist does not fear, to its attack obviously big. 血兰花是它最根本的手段,它的名号便因此而来,如今一个域主级武者都不惧,对它的打击可见有多大。 Let alone is it, is the star weapon kings is very shocking. 别说是它,就是星械王都十分震惊。 Although he does not have is so easy to come under the influence of this blood orchid, but can actually be able to feel that the terrifying of that blood orchid, but just now these by the blood orchid suck dry bright universe Martial Artist of source are also a certificate. 他虽然没那么容易受到这血兰花的影响,但却能够感觉得到那血兰花的恐怖,而方才那些被血兰花吸干了本源的光明宇宙武者亦是一个证明。 Also does not know how Wang Teng does achieve? 也不知道王腾是如何做到的? Can unexpectedly not by the influence of this blood orchid. 竟然可以不受这血兰花的影响。 How even you by my blood orchid influence, others must be able to prevent my blood orchid.” The blood orchid Demon Venerable look sinks like the water, coldly says with a smile. “就算你不受我的血兰花影响又如何,其他人可阻挡不了我的血兰花。”血兰魔尊眼神沉如水,冷冷笑道。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The star weapon king detects anything, the complexion changes. 星械王察觉到什么,面色一变。 Originally that blood-color python was after just torn, is changes to the rich blood-color mist toward to scatter to open unexpectedly in all directions, but in the middle of that blood fog, presented massive blood red flowers unexpectedly. 原来刚刚那头血色巨蟒被撕裂之后,竟是化作浓郁的血色雾气朝着四面八方飘散而开,而在那血雾当中,竟又出现了大量的血红色花朵。 Withdraws quickly!” He loudly shouted to all around hastily. “快退后!”他连忙冲着四周大喝道。 These bright universe Martial Artist saw that the blood orchid spreads to come, has been the complexion big change, goes toward rear suddenly/violently to retreat in abundance. 那些光明宇宙武者看到血兰花扩散而来,早已是面色大变,纷纷朝着后方暴退而去。 How however Dark Species will make them achieve wishes, the crazy attack comes, to block the bright universe Martial Artist step. 但是黑暗种又岂会让他们如愿,疯狂攻击而来,阻挡光明宇宙武者的步伐。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bellow resounds through void, these bright universe Martial Artist cannot retrocede, can only resist furiously, attacks toward these Dark Species, hopes that can break through. 轰鸣声响彻虚空,那些光明宇宙武者后退不得,只能奋力抵挡,同时也朝着那些黑暗种攻去,希望能够突围。 What a pity, the speed that the blood fog arrives is quick, blood orchids do not know when has appeared in their side. 可惜,血雾降临的速度很快,一朵朵血兰花不知何时已经出现在了他们的身旁。 People terrified one startled, looks blood orchid that floats, complexion blanch, wants to retrocede. 众人悚然一惊,看着身旁漂浮的血兰花,面色发白,想要后退。 But actually already without enough time. 可却已经来不及了。 Before their bodies appeared, these bright universe Martial Artist same symptoms, but struggled, then falls into the delay, then uncontrolled grasps toward all around, squeezes in the mouth crazily. 他们的身上出现了和之前那些光明宇宙武者相同的症状,不过是挣扎了一下,便陷入呆滞之中,而后不受控制的朝着四周抓去,疯狂塞入口中。 Wang Teng!” The star weapon king vision is gloomy, looked hastily to Wang Teng. 王腾!”星械王目光阴沉,连忙看向了王腾 According to the Wang Teng performance, only had him to solve this blood orchid at this time, even if were a ray of hope, must try. 根据王腾刚才的表现,此时唯有他才有可能解决这血兰花,哪怕是一丝希望,也要试一试。 Refuse to abandon hope! 死马当活马医! If so many bright universe Martial Artist were affected by this blood orchid, that loss was too rather big. 那么多光明宇宙武者如果都被这血兰花所影响,那损失未免太大了。 Wang Teng is also serious, all around vision glance void, passes on the sound said: I try.” 王腾亦是面色凝重,目光扫视四周虚空,传音道:“我试试。” He has not vouched, deals with his issue dealing with the issues of others wants to be simpler, he cannot determine oneself can certainly save these bright universe Martial Artist. 他没有打包票,处理自身的问题比处理其他人身上的问题要简单很多,他并不能确定自己一定可以拯救这些光明宇宙武者 The blood orchid of this blood orchid Demon Venerable is very thorny, after all is the method of Demon Venerable level. 这血兰魔尊的血兰花还是很棘手的,毕竟是魔尊级的手段。 First collected a wave of attribute air bubble to be good.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, immediately sees attribute air bubble that around blood orchid Demon Venerable floats. “先拾取一波属性气泡好了。”王腾目光一闪,立刻看到了血兰魔尊四周漂浮的属性气泡。 Also many! 还不少呢! Also is an attribute baby. 又是一个属性宝宝。 Collects!” “拾取!” He will read the strength to sweep across immediately energetic quietly, during ascending around drawing blood orchid Demon Venerable to be void the attribute air bubble. 他当即将精神念力悄然席卷而出,拾取血兰魔尊四周虚空之中的属性气泡。 Dark Star Source Power * 38000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Half World Lord Level spirit * 24000】 【半步界主级精神】 【The body of blood orchid( fifth-order) * 15000】 【血兰之体(五阶)】 Blood orchid scripture * 12000】 【血兰圣典】 Blood orchid whip * 10500】 【血兰鞭】 Blood orchid Lingyu( melts boundary six steps) * 2300】 【血兰领域(融境六阶)】 ...... …… „The body of blood orchid!” “血兰之体!” Wang Teng passed over gently and swiftly directly Dark Star Source Power With Half World Lord Level spirit The attribute, the vision falls above the third attribute. 王腾直接掠过了【黑暗星辰原力】和【半步界主级精神】属性,目光落在第三个属性之上。 After this attribute air bubble integrates his body, immediately changes to a special energy, integrates his body most deep place, making his physique have some change. 这个属性气泡融入他的身体之后,顿时化作一股特殊的能量,融入他的身体最深处,让他的体质发生某种变化。 Wang Teng suppresses the change in within the body immediately, otherwise this blood is the strength, if overflows, definitely will be detected by many powerhouses of presence. 王腾立刻压制住体内的变化,不然这血系力量若是溢出,必然会被在场的众多强者察觉。 Quick, the transformation is completed quietly. 很快,蜕变悄然完成。 Is a special blood group physique, this blood group strange physique are really many.” His vision flashes, the corners of the mouth exuded a curve. “又是一种特殊的血族体质,这血族奇奇怪怪的体质还真多。”他目光一闪,嘴角泛起了一丝弧度。 【The body of blood orchid: 15000 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 【血兰之体】:15000/50000(五阶); Wang Teng in the heart has related clear(ly) to become aware at this time, this so-called 【The body of blood orchid In fact is one type can condense the hemorrhage orchid, thus makes other lives fall into the illusion, then absorbs these lives the strength of source, finally is used to supplement own one physique. 王腾此时心中已是有了相关的明悟,这所谓的【血兰之体】实际上就是一种能够凝聚出血兰花,从而让其他生灵陷入幻境,然后吸收这些生灵的本源之力,最终用来补充自身的一种体质。 From the bright universe Martial Artist perspective, this physique naturally is very strange. 从光明宇宙武者的角度来说,这种体质自然是很诡异的。 After all that blood orchid has the extremely special strength, can make the life fall into the energetic illusion, is hard to get rid. 毕竟那血兰花拥有极为特殊的力量,能够让生灵陷入精神幻境之中,难以摆脱。 This special strength, only has 【The body of blood orchid Blood group Dark Species can condense, is unique, other blood group Dark Species do not have. 这种特殊的力量,唯有拥有【血兰之体】的血族黑暗种才能够凝聚而出,非常独特,其他血族黑暗种并不具备。 Even, this strength can call it „the poison of blood orchid! 甚至,这种力量可以称之为“血兰之毒”! Therefore wants to get rid of the strength of this blood orchid, is the extremely difficult, common person, once falls into that illusion, basically was the dead end. 因此想要摆脱这血兰花的力量,亦是极为困难,寻常人一旦陷入那种幻境之中,基本就是死路一条了。 Only if there is extremely strong energetic method, can suppress that energetic illusion. 除非拥有极强的精神手段,才能够压制那种精神幻境。 However this blood orchid a little is very hard to deal with, is its strength can affect in the blood of life similarly, is very difficult to eradicate. 不过这血兰花还有一点十分难缠,就是它的力量同样可以作用于生灵的血液之中,很难根除。 Once by this strength invasion blood, only if suppresses by the strong strength forcefully, will otherwise perish at the scene. 一旦被这种力量侵入血液,除非以强大的实力强行镇压,否则当场就会殒命。 Even if suppresses forcefully, without aiming at the way of blood, is still very difficult to reject from the blood it. 而就算是强行镇压下来,若是没有针对血液的方式,也很难将其从血液之中剔除出去。 This is „the poison of blood orchid terrifying place. 这就是“血兰之毒”的恐怖之处。 Invaded strength in my blood and chaos star territory a moment ago, should be the poison of this blood orchid.” In the Wang Teng heart talked to oneself. “刚才侵入我血液和混沌星域之中的力量,应该就是这血兰之毒。”王腾心中自语。 Afterward he shows a faint smile. 随后他不禁微微一笑。 Obtained this 【The body of blood orchid, Moreover the fifth-order level, should be equal to blood orchid Demon Venerable, that so-called „the poison of blood orchid then does not have the secret before him again, these bright universe Martial Artist crises are conveniently solvable. 得到了这【血兰之体】,而且还是五阶层次,应该与血兰魔尊等同,那所谓的“血兰之毒”在他面前便再无秘密可言,那些光明宇宙武者的危机随手可解。 Then, Wang Teng no longer thinks, continues to absorb the attribute air bubble. 接下来,王腾不再多想,继续吸收属性气泡。 A sensibility swamps into his mind, changes to together the light shadow. 一段感悟涌入他的脑海之中,化作一道光影。 That is blood group Dark Species, the figure is enchanting, the appearance monster flatters, impressively that blood orchid Demon Venerable. 那是一头血族黑暗种,身形妖娆,模样妖媚,赫然正是那血兰魔尊 It sits cross-legged to sit in a blood red sea of flowers, the blood orchid one after another is surrounding it, is not only a whole body, sky over top of the head, has many blood orchids to linger. 它盘膝坐在一片血红色的花海之中,一朵又一朵的血兰花环绕着它,不仅仅是周身,就连头顶上空,也有着诸多血兰花萦绕。 Suddenly, on this blood orchid Demon Venerable light shadow changed, external object empty, the body that its attracts enchantingly appears slowly, sends concave-convex, the slender waist grasps gracefully, the jade leg is slender, may be called perfect. 突然,这道血兰魔尊的光影身上发生了变化,外物虚化,它那妖娆魅惑的身躯缓缓浮现,凹凸有致,蜂腰盈盈一握,玉腿修长丰腴,堪称完美。 „......” Wang Teng gawked, the vision becomes somewhat strange. “呃……”王腾愣了一下,目光变得有些古怪。 This is very bare however. 这就挺秃然的。 Before absorbed Cultivation technique sensed, has to have this condition, but few people can compare with this blood orchid Demon Venerable, by his strength in meditation, naturally can withstand. 以前吸收功法感悟之时,不是没出现过这种状况,但很少有人能够与这血兰魔尊相比的,以他的定力,自然能够承受。 Has to acknowledge, this blood orchid Demon Venerable makings appearance a little breaks the rules. 不得不承认,这血兰魔尊的气质容貌是有点犯规的。 Does not know blood orchid Demon Venerable, if knows this matter, can go crazy, chasing down Wang Teng that then goes everywhere? 就是不知道血兰魔尊如果知道此事,会不会发狂,然后上天入地的追杀王腾 However has not waited for Wang Teng to think, complicated lines appear in blood orchid Demon Venerable within the body immediately, replaced just now fluttering flags picture. 不过还不等王腾多想,一道道繁复的线路立刻出现在了血兰魔尊的体内,取代了方才的旖旎画面。 Wang Teng complexion also serious, absorbs this Cultivation technique to sense. 王腾的面色也郑重了起来,吸收这功法感悟。 Blood orchid scripture( mid-rank Demon Venerable level): 7000 / 8000( skilled) ; 【血兰圣典】(中位魔尊级):7000/8000(熟练); mid-rank Demon Venerable level Cultivation technique.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, somewhat is quite joyful, the mid-rank demon sovereign level is equivalent to the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, the rank is not low. 中位魔尊功法么。”王腾目光一闪,颇有些欣喜,中位魔皇级就相当于封王不朽级,等级已经不低了。 Cultivation technique that any reaches the Demon Venerable level, can be a peerless inheritance. 任何一门达到魔尊级的功法,都可以算是一种绝世传承。 After all can achieve existence of god level, are too really few are too few, 1 million years are difficult, but can reach the immortal level, or the Demon Venerable level, could be the apex in this universe existed, Cultivation technique of its correspondence naturally is the peerless inheritance. 毕竟能达到神级的存在,实在太少太少,百万年都难出一个,而能够达到不朽级,或是魔尊级,已经可以算是这宇宙中的顶尖存在了,其对应的功法自然是绝世传承。 But Wang Teng can obtain such inheritance with ease, this is others envies unable to envy. 王腾能够轻轻松松得到这样的传承,这是别人羡慕都羡慕不来的。 Let alone this Blood orchid scripture Obviously is that 【The body of blood orchid Practicing Cultivation technique of correspondence, without this Cultivation technique, 【The body of blood orchid The prestige can unable to display half. 何况这【血兰圣典】显然是那【血兰之体】对应的修行功法,没有这功法,【血兰之体】的威能发挥不出一半。 Now Wang Teng grasped the skilled rank this Cultivation technique, although was not too high, but regarding mid-rank Demon Venerable level Cultivation technique, is not easy. 如今王腾将这门功法掌握到了熟练级别,虽然不算太高,但是对于一门中位魔尊功法来说,已经算是非常不容易了。 Absorbed Blood orchid scripture After the sensibility, that blood orchid Demon Venerable light shadow has not dissipated, it sets out slowly, in the hand had/left a blood red long whip suddenly. 吸收完了【血兰圣典】感悟之后,那道血兰魔尊的光影并未消散,它缓缓起身,手中骤然多出了一柄血红色的长鞭。 ! 啪! A resounding reverberates in void. 一声脆响在虚空中回荡。 The long whip sweeps away, blood orchids appear, with the whip shadow across the sky, a huge python curtus jumps out suddenly, plunges bright universe Martial Artist. 长鞭横扫,一朵朵血兰花浮现而出,随着鞭影横空,一头庞大的血蟒突然窜出,扑向一位光明宇宙武者 This bright universe Martial Artist apparently does not have Wang Teng such method, he stagnates suddenly same place, as if came under the influence of blood orchid. 这光明宇宙武者显然没有王腾那样的手段,他突然凝滞原地,似乎受到了血兰花的影响。 Then has not waited for him to respond, was swallowed into the abdomen by that blood-color python instantaneously. 而后还不等其反应过来,便瞬间被那血色巨蟒吞入了腹中。 But soon, that blood-color python disappeared, is only left over that bright universe Martial Artist to be built on void above, the whole body was covered with the blood red flowers, is beautiful and strange. 但不多时,那血色巨蟒又消失了,只剩下那名光明宇宙武者立于虚空之上,浑身长满了血红色的花朵,妖艳而诡异。 Bang! 嘭! The next quarter, his body dissipates, only leaves behind blood orchids. 下一刻,他的身躯消散,只留下一朵朵的血兰花。 Ended the picture. 画面到此结束。 Blood orchid whip( low-rank Demon Venerable level): 1500 / 10000( little to become) ; 【血兰鞭】(下位魔尊级):1500/10000(小成); Unexpectedly achieved little to become rank, is actually good.” In the Wang Teng pupil none flashes, in heart slightly happy. “居然达到了小成级别,倒是不错。”王腾眸中精光一闪,心中微喜。 Also is Demon Venerable level Fighting technique deposits! 又是一门魔尊战技入账! Although is only the low-rank Demon Venerable level, but the might is actually highly regarded, and coordination 【The body of blood orchid The ability, is quite strange, the common conferring nobility upon immortal level, or the low-rank Demon Venerable level exists to fear that cannot resist. 虽然只是下位魔尊级,但威力却是不可小觑的,而且配合【血兰之体】的能力,还是颇为诡异的,寻常的封侯不朽级,或是下位魔尊级存在怕是都抵挡不住。 Is the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, or the mid-rank Demon Venerable level exists, carelessly, also possibly move. 就是封王不朽级,或是中位魔尊级存在,一个不慎之下,也可能中招。 „This Fighting technique attribute value compares that actually Perishing bone dragon breath The attribute value must be much less.” In Wang Teng heart looking pensive. “不过这门战技的属性值倒是比那【亡骨龙息】的属性值要少不少。”王腾心中若有所思。 Obviously, even if similarly is low-rank Demon Venerable level Fighting technique, the request to the attribute value is to still have a big difference. 很显然,即便同样是下位魔尊战技,对属性值的要求也是存在不小的差异。 Finally, an unusual domain appears above that blood orchid Demon Venerable light shadow top of the head. 最终,一座奇特的领域在那血兰魔尊的光影头顶之上浮现。 This domain all over the body blood red color, is filling the blood fog, then appears the blood orchid one after another, is lending the thick bloody sweet greasy aura. 这座领域通体血红之色,其中弥漫着血雾,而后浮现出一朵又一朵的血兰花,散发着浓浓的血腥甜腻气息。 The special sensibility appears in the Wang Teng mind immediately, then integrates in the middle of his memory. 特殊的感悟顿时在王腾的脑海中浮现,而后融入他的记忆当中。 Before long, Wang Teng absorbed this perfectly Blood orchid domain The related sensibility, grasps it thoroughly. 不一会儿,王腾就完美吸收了这【血兰领域】的相关感悟,彻底将其掌握。 Blood orchid domain: 2300 / 6000( melts boundary six steps) ; 【血兰领域】:2300/6000(融境六阶); Also obtained a special blood group domain actually, moreover achieves the friendly boundary six step ranks directly.” “倒是又得到了一种特殊的血族领域,而且还是直接达到融境六阶级别。” Wang Teng looks at the property panel, in the heart talked to oneself. 王腾看着属性面板,心中不由自语。 Afterward he touches the chin. 随后他又摸了摸下巴。 This Blood orchid domain Can integrate actually directly Bloodshed domain In, lets his Bloodshed domain Adds a strength again. 这【血兰领域】倒是可以直接融入【血海领域】之中,让他的【血海领域】再增添一种力量。 No matter how said that Blood orchid domain Contains „the poison of blood orchid is an unreplaceable strength, other methods are very difficult to compare favorably with it. 不管怎么说,【血兰领域】中蕴含的“血兰之毒”都是一种无可替代的力量,其他手段很难与其媲美。 Even if Wang Teng once grasped Blood poison domain, It is compared with difficult. 就算是王腾曾经掌握的【血毒领域】,都很难相比。 Two poison is not same. 二者的“毒”并不相同。 Melts the boundary six steps, the domain that this blood orchid Demon Venerable grasps is not low.” Wang Teng smiles, no longer attention. “融境六阶,这血兰魔尊掌握的领域不低啊。”王腾笑了笑,不再关注。 Hence, the blood orchid Demon Venerable strength is weeded out was similar. 至此,血兰魔尊的力量便算是被薅的差不多了。 As for the source of blood, the opposite party possibly did not have high rank that Wang Teng grasps. 至于血之本源,对方可能还没有王腾掌握的高阶。 Therefore Wang Teng is not interested. 所以王腾一点也不感兴趣。 Can only mid-rank Demon Venerable level, compare with the attribute of high-rank Demon Venerable level? 区区一个中位魔尊级而已,能够与上位魔尊级的属性相比吗? Wang Teng raised the head, looked at blood orchid Demon Venerable one. 王腾抬起头,看了血兰魔尊一眼。 „?” Blood orchid Demon Venerable stares immediately. “?”血兰魔尊顿时一愣。 This boy that what look? 这小子那什么眼神? It seems disdains, seems the provocation! 好似不屑,又好似挑衅! Why does not know, it was visited in some hearts by the opposite party unexpectedly anxious. 不知道为什么,它竟是被对方看得有些心中不安。 However at this moment, above the bodies of distant place these bright universe Martial Artist had opened up massive blood orchids, feels the strange feeling. 不过此时此刻,远处那些光明宇宙武者的身体之上已是生出了大量的血兰花,充满诡异之感。 Wang Teng!” The star weapon king could not bear urge one. 王腾!”星械王忍不住催促了一声。 Wang Teng also no longer hesitates, the big hand wields, the bright ceremonial fire sweeps across, wrapped these bright universe Martial Artist bodies instantaneously. 王腾也不再迟疑,大手一挥,光明圣火席卷而出,瞬间将那些光明宇宙武者的身躯包裹了起来。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… In an instant, blood orchids of these growth above their body then burn fiercely, changes to blood fog to run away continuously, by bright ceremonial fire burning down completely, is actually dissipated in void immediately. 刹那间,那些生长在他们身体之上的血兰花便猛地燃烧起来,化作一缕缕血雾想要逃遁,却又立刻被光明圣火焚烧殆尽,消散于虚空之中。 But in these bright universe Martial Artist within the body, same matter is happening. 而在这些光明宇宙武者的体内,同样的事情正在发生。 Under the control of Wang Teng, the bright ceremonial fire changes to continuously tiny flame, passes in their all the limbs and bones, even burns in the blood. 王腾的控制下,光明圣火化作一缕缕细小的火焰,流转于他们的四肢百骸之内,甚至在血液之中燃烧。 If unmanned control, even if the bright ceremonial fire fills the flame of meaning of light like this, still made these bright universe Martial Artist die sufficiently. 如果无人控制,即便是光明圣火这样充满光明之意的火焰,也足以让这些光明宇宙武者身亡。 But now has the control of Wang Teng, these bright ceremonial fires are not only harmless, instead has a big advantage to these bright universe Martial Artist. 但如今有了王腾的控制,这些光明圣火不但无害,反而对这些光明宇宙武者有着不小的好处。 Naturally, the pain is inevitable. 当然,痛苦是必然的。 And double pain! 并且还是double痛苦! After all burns in the body and blood, even must purify their energetic bodies, bearing the pain is inevitable. 毕竟是在身体和血液中燃烧,甚至还要净化他们的精神体,承受痛苦不可避免。 Short several breaths the time, these bright universe Martial Artist within the body „the poison of blood orchid was then eliminated all, does not remain. 短短数息时间,这些光明宇宙武者体内的“血兰之毒”便被尽数清除,丝毫不剩。 If Wang Teng has not grasped 【The body of blood orchid, To eliminate these Martial Artist within the body „the poison of blood orchid, possibly is not so simple, but since he has grasped this physique, to „the poison of blood orchid familiar is as good as blood orchid Demon Venerable, eliminates the nature not to have the difficulty. 若是王腾没有掌握【血兰之体】,想要清除这些武者体内的“血兰之毒”,可能还没这么简单,但既然他已经掌握了这种体质,对“血兰之毒”的熟悉不亚于血兰魔尊,清除起来自然毫无难度可言。 But after eliminating „the poison of blood orchid, these bright universe Martial Artist resumed the consciousness one after another. 而在清除了“血兰之毒”后,这些光明宇宙武者相继恢复了意识。 They somewhat vacant looks to all around. 他们有些茫然的看向四周。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? They not by that blood orchid influence? 他们不是被那血兰花影响了吗? Now resumes the consciousness? 如今怎么又恢复了意识? It is not right, how do their bodies have the flame? 不对,他们的身上怎么有火焰? ...... Was not good, catches fire!!! 不……不好,着火了!!! Good pain! 好痛! The feeling body is wanting! 感觉身体要着了! Martial Artist look at oneself body, after is confused, immediately detects existence of bright ceremonial fire, all lost presence of mind flurriedly, and put on the painful mask. 一个个武者看着自己的身体,在一阵迷茫之后,立刻察觉到了光明圣火的存在,全都慌乱失措,并且戴上了痛苦面具。 Suddenly wakes up to discover on oneself is burning the flame, this who is unhurried. 突然醒来发现自己身上燃烧着火焰,这谁不慌啊。 And...... 而且…… Too painful! 太痛了! The flame in the mortal body above the ignition with spirit, is not the common person can withstand. 火焰在肉身之内与精神之上的灼烧,可不是寻常人能够承受的。 They realized fortunately Wang Teng had realized pain, but actually weakens the edition. 他们有幸体会了一次王腾曾经体会过的痛,不过却是减弱版本。 In the meantime, these flame as if received the hauling of some strength, is separated from their bodies, toward some gathering. 就在此时,这些火焰似乎受到了某种力量的牵引,纷纷脱离他们的身躯,朝着某一处汇聚。 These bright universe Martial Artist stare slightly, looks to the distant place, discovered that these flame are gathering above a palm of youth, clever seems like a docile kitten. 这些光明宇宙武者微微一愣,看向远处,发现那些火焰正汇聚于一名青年的手掌之上,乖巧的像是一头温顺的小猫。 Bright ceremonial fire!” “光明圣火!” Wang Teng!” 王腾!” Was Wang Teng saved us!” “是王腾救了我们!” ...... …… Martial Artist responded finally, is looking at that youth, simultaneously felt within the body and has no existence of strength of darkness, besides a little painful, and had nothing unusually, they had anything immediately clearly. 一个个武者终于反应过来,望着那名青年,同时感受到体内并没有任何黑暗之力的存在,除了有点痛之外,并无任何异常,他们顿时明白发生了什么。 In their hearts raises immediately feeling of being survivor of disaster palpitation. 他们心中顿时升起一丝劫后余生的心悸之感。 That terrifying death shape, they had seen before, has not thought that can also live. 那种恐怖的死状,他们之前见过,没想到还能够活下来。 Suddenly, in all person hearts had meaning of the gratitude to Wang Teng, but actually does not know that should say anything. 一时间,所有人心中对王腾都是生出了浓浓的感激之意,只是却不知该说什么。 Silent, people as if by prior agreement held a fist to Wang Teng. 沉默了一下,众人不约而同的冲着王腾抱了一拳。
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