AAMD :: Volume #22

#2161: The old aunt also very well looks! Blood orchid!

The Chapter 2161 old aunt also very well looks! Blood orchid! Also no special!( Sought subscription) 第2161章老阿姨还挺好看的!血兰!也没什么特别的嘛!(求订阅) Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The void shake, the Source Power fluctuation one after another sweeps away to open. 虚空震荡,一道又一道的原力波动横扫而开。 Purple! 紫色! Blood red color! 血红之色! Two different lusters shine upon the big piece to be void, looks like has several fiercely Yang float in this void, blooms the dazzling ray, making one is unable to look straight ahead. 两种不同的色泽映照大片虚空,就像是有着数颗烈阳悬浮于这片虚空,绽放出耀眼的光芒,令人无法直视。 However what is more fearful is both sides that powerful incomparable attack. 不过更为可怕的还是双方那强大无匹的攻击。 Each attack erupts the sound of fierce thundering, lets present space fissures void, the strength of wild space also sweeps. 每一道攻击都爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声,让虚空出现一道道空间裂痕,狂暴的空间之力随之扫荡而出。 star weapon king and Wang Teng changes to two thunder light probably, suddenly/violently to rush from void comes, to attack unceasingly above that blood red mist. 星械王和王腾像是化作两道雷光,不断从虚空中暴冲而来,冲击在那血红色的雾气之上。 The bonus is this blood orchid Demon Venerable is powerful, the blood fog that this moment its body surface fills was also torn to open, gradually revealed the appearance/portrait. 饶是这血兰魔尊强大无比,此刻其体表弥漫的血雾也是被撕裂而开,逐渐露出了真容。 That is a monster flatters incomparable blood group Dark Species, lower jaw high-pitched and fine, the lip bead is exquisite, the five senses to the extreme, tiny bit do not see the slight defect fine, scarlet such as the lips of blood, is adds wipes the monster to flatter, a blood red long hair lets fall, sends the tree top slightly volume, above the monster different blood red different flower embellishment. 那是一头妖媚无比的血族黑暗种,下颌尖细,唇珠小巧,五官精致到极点,一丝一毫都不见瑕疵,猩红如血的双唇,更是平添一抹妖媚,一头血红色长发垂落,发梢微卷,妖异的血红色异花点缀其上。 Undeniably, this is impressive blood group Dark Species. 不可否认,这是一头极具魅力的血族黑暗种 Wang Teng sees many blood group beautiful women, Lya, blood Rosa, blood Dija and others is the rare beautiful woman, and has the characteristics respectively, shocking. 王腾见过不少血族美女,尤菲莉亚,血罗莎,血蒂娅等都是难得一见的美女,且各有特色,令人惊艳。 But they in makings, had been inferior. 但她们在气质上,还是有所不如。 That mature graceful bearing, the need time precipitates, even Lya, blood Rosa, blood Dija and other blood group beautiful women...... were still big! 那种成熟的风韵,需要时间沉淀,即便尤菲莉亚,血罗莎,血蒂娅等血族美女也……不小了! However this blood orchid Demon Venerable obvious is bigger. 但是这血兰魔尊明显年纪更大啊。 This is the old advantage. 这是年长的优势。 When Wang Teng sees that blood orchid Demon Venerable true colors, in the heart cannot help but had various strange ideas. 王腾看到那血兰魔尊的真面目时,心中不由得冒出了各种奇奇怪怪的想法。 „Is elder sister attractive?” “姐姐好看吗?” In blood orchid Demon Venerable heart dark anger, this boy is really hard to deal with, no wonder that bone yong Demon Venerable in the situation of dragon of control perishing bone, is defeated as before, but saw suddenly Wang Teng is sizing up it, immediately in the beautiful pupil a blood-color flowing light revolution, shows a charming smile, tender sound said. 血兰魔尊心中暗怒,这小子果然难缠,难怪那骨埇魔尊在操控亡骨之龙的情况下,依旧落败,但突然看到王腾正打量着它,顿时美眸中血色流光一转,露出一丝妩媚的笑容,娇声道。 Wang Teng, should not be confused!” The star weapon king vision concentrates, for fear that in Wang Teng move. 王腾,不要被迷惑!”星械王目光微凝,生怕王腾中招。 Old aunt also very well looks.” Wang Teng is actually complexion light nod. “老阿姨还挺好看的。”王腾却是面色平淡的点了点头。 Always thought that this blood orchid Demon Venerable misunderstood anything. 总觉得这个血兰魔尊误会了什么。 Lya, the blood Rosa such young blood group beautiful woman gives instead of taking, he also confiscates, how also to stare at an old aunt. 尤菲莉亚,血罗莎那样年轻的血族美女倒贴,他都还没收,又岂会盯上一个老阿姨。 Un, if gives instead of taking, he did not mind studies the ideal of life actually with the old aunt. 嗯,不过如果是倒贴,他倒是不介意跟老阿姨研究一下人生理想。 After all has the old advantage old. 毕竟年纪大有年纪大的好处嘛。 If by some chance will love the person? 万一会疼人呢? Old...... old aunt!?” The blood orchid Demon Venerable complexion stagnates, above that fine face wrote all over instantaneously compelled two characters ignorant, old lady misunderstood expression. “老……老阿姨!?”血兰魔尊面色一滞,那张精致的脸庞之上瞬间写满了懵逼二字,一副“老娘是不是听错了”的表情。 star weapon king Leng, suddenly some wants to smile. 星械王愣了一下,突然有些想笑。 Has not thought that Wang Teng will respond to the opposite party, it seems like does not have the confused possibility. 万万没想到王腾会如此回应对方,看来根本不存在被迷惑的可能。 Also right, although Wang Teng Territory Lord Level peak, but the psychic force is quite not as if weak, otherwise how could by one's effort control Saint level array and god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle. 也对,王腾虽然才域主级巅峰,但精神力似乎相当不弱,否则岂能以一己之力操控圣级阵法和神机赤电雷鹰。 Is the common World Lord Level peak spirit reads the master, cannot achieve so the degree. 就是寻常的界主级巅峰精神念师,都做不到如此程度。 What did you call me?” In blood orchid Demon Venerable heart angry, vision ice-cold is staring at Wang Teng, coldly said. “你叫我什么?”血兰魔尊心中恼怒,目光冰冷的盯着王腾,冷冷道。 „Isn't old aunt, right? You lived do not know that many years, being called you old aunts to call you young.” Wang Teng said. “老阿姨啊,不对吗?你都活了不知道多少年了,叫你一声老阿姨都是把你叫年轻了。”王腾道。 „......” The blood orchid Demon Venerable corner of the eye twitched ruthlessly, immediately said dumbfounded, does not know how should refute. “……”血兰魔尊眼角狠狠抽动了一下,顿时被说的哑口无言,不知该如何反驳。 Especially said is very reasonable. 特么说的还挺有道理。 But which woman can endure is called the old aunt? 但哪个女人能够忍受被叫做老阿姨? Even if Dark Species, similarly is unable to endure such matter. 哪怕是黑暗种,同样无法忍受这样的事情。 They can maintain the appearance not dead of old age . Moreover the life span is long, even other means can live several times, even if lived for several million years is not anything, why to be called the old aunt. 它们可以保持容貌不会老去,而且寿命悠长,甚至还有其他办法能够重新活几次,就算是活了几百万年也不算什么,凭什么被叫做老阿姨。 Moreover blood orchid Demon Venerable the first time is heard this name completely, before never dared some people so dissolute before it. 而且血兰魔尊完全是第一次听到这种称呼,以前从来不敢有人在它面前如此放肆。 But the first impulse is always very often big. 而第一次的冲击力往往总是很大的。 „, Wang Teng, almost resulted, if annoyed this blood group Demon Venerable, will be very troublesome.” The star weapon king coughs, passes message said. “咳咳,王腾,差不多得了,万一把这血族魔尊惹毛了,会很麻烦。”星械王干咳一声,传音说道。 Senior do not instigate, only blood group Dark Species.” Wang Teng passes message to say. “前辈不要怂,区区一头血族黑暗种而已。”王腾传音回道。 „???” star weapon king. “???”星械王。 I special...... have a bad language not to know , said does not work as to say. 我特么……有一句脏话不知当讲不当讲。 Is his instigates? 他这是怂吗? It is not right, does this with instigate what relations, the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level of his solemn mechanical clan, will also fear that blood group Dark Species is inadequate. 不对,这跟怂不怂有什么关系,他堂堂机械族的封王不朽级,还会怕一个血族黑暗种不成。 But there is good that words saying, the woman acts crazy, wants hard to deal with several times compared with the man. 只不过有句话说的好,女人发起飙来,比男人还要难缠数倍。 Especially capable woman. 尤其是女强人。 He does not want to add the difficulty that strikes to kill the opposite party. 他只是不想平添击杀对方的难度而已。 Wang Teng this boy is too young, such simple truth does not know. 王腾这小子还是太年轻啊,这么简单的道理都不知道。 Courts death!” Blood orchid Demon Venerable cannot suppress the anger in heart finally, particularly sees Wang Teng that careless appearance, it felt oneself received the insult, immediately cold snort/hum, acts directly. “找死!”血兰魔尊终于抑制不住心中的怒火,尤其是看到王腾那副吊儿郎当的样子,它更是觉得自己受到了侮辱,当下冷哼一声,径直出手。 ! 啪! A resounding reverberates in void, that blood red long whip sweeps away, the blood red monster different flowers one after another bloom in void, but is instantaneous, on dense and numerous proliferating in all around, lends the rich bloody sweet greasy aura. 一声脆响在虚空中回荡,那血红色长鞭横扫而出,一朵又一朵的血红色妖异花朵在虚空中绽放,不过是瞬间,就密密麻麻的遍布于四周,散发出浓郁的血腥甜腻气息。 Be careful!” The star weapon king figure flashes, then to/clashes toward Wang Teng, the blood orchid Demon Venerable strength cannot be underestimated, now is to contain ones anger to act, a Wang Teng person not necessarily can block. “小心!”星械王身形一闪,便朝着王腾这边冲来,血兰魔尊的实力不容小觑,如今又是含怒出手,王腾一个人未必挡得住。 In the meantime, the mutation lives suddenly. 就在此时,异变突生。 That type of bloody sweet greasy aura be richer than several times to continue before, fills the air void, all around many bright universe Martial Artist carelessly, then direct move. 那种血腥甜腻的气息要比之前浓郁了数倍不止,弥漫虚空,四周不少光明宇宙武者一个不慎,便直接中招。 Their complexion changes, the body stagnates in same place, later on the face reveals the color of struggling. 他们面色一变,身躯凝滞在原地,随后脸上露出挣扎之色。 But is quick in their facial colors is to then reappear color of the strange flushed, struggles also vanishes, even in the look also caught monster different blood red. 但很快他们的面色之中便是浮现出一丝诡异的潮红之色,挣扎随之消失,甚至连眼神中亦是染上了一层妖异的血红。 If carefully observes, will discover that in their eyes opened up a monster different flower unexpectedly. 若是仔细观察,就会发现他们的眼中竟是生出了一朵妖异的花。 Well, is quite beautiful!” “咦,好美!” Ha haha...... quite beautiful! Quite beautiful!” “哈哈哈……好美!好美啊!” I saw, I saw, is quite beautiful! Too beautiful! My, is my, I wanted...... to eat it!!!” “我看到了,我看到了,好美!太美了!我的,是我的,我要……吃了它!!!” ...... …… The crazy sound spreads from these bright universe Martial Artist mouths suddenly, the blood red rays in their eye even more dazzling, then throws toward all around, might hold anything, if shape crazy. 疯狂的声音突然从这些光明宇宙武者口中传出,他们眼中的血红色光芒越发刺目,而后朝着四周扑去,像是要抓住什么,状若疯癫。 Many have not received influence bright universe Martial Artist, is the complexion big change, in the eye reveals color with amazement, later goes toward all around suddenly/violently to retreat in abundance. 许多未曾受到影响的光明宇宙武者,皆是面色大变,眼中露出骇然之色,随后纷纷朝着四周暴退而去。 In their eyes, these affected bright universe Martial Artist anything has not caught, in void grabs thoughtlessly completely, then unexpectedly toward mouth crazy stopper, mouth Busser bulgingly. 在他们眼中,那些被影响的光明宇宙武者根本什么都没有抓到,完全是在虚空中一通乱抓,而后竟是往嘴里疯狂塞去,将嘴巴塞得鼓鼓囊囊。 Even, the mouths of some people were supported greatly,...... rip to draw finally...... split. 甚至,有些人的嘴巴被撑得非常大,最终……撕拉……裂开了。 Their mouths...... split! 他们的嘴巴……裂开了! Flesh eversion! 血肉外翻! Dripping with blood! 鲜血淋漓! That picture, is fierce and terrifying! 那副画面,狰狞而恐怖! But, on the faces of these Martial Artist reveals the color of satisfied being infatuated unexpectedly, as if could not feel that the slight ache is ordinary. 可是,这些武者的脸上竟是纷纷露出满足陶醉之色,仿佛感觉不到丝毫的疼痛一般。 This sentiment sentiment, strange! 此情此情,诡异至极! The people look at these, in the heart the chill in the air have, scalp tingles. 众人望着这一幕幕,心中寒意顿生,头皮发麻。 But this is also not most fearful, a more fearful picture also appeared quickly. 但这还不是最可怕的,更可怕的画面很快随之出现了。 Titter! Titter! Titter! 噗嗤!噗嗤!噗嗤! The sound that bodies break open resounds. 一道道皮肉破开的声音响起。 These fell into on crazy Martial Artist to grow blood red flowers unexpectedly, but first grew the mouth that the position of flowers was their is torn to open impressively, later was the cheeks, was the neck, spread downward...... 那些陷入疯狂的武者身上竟然长出了一朵朵血红色的花朵,而最先长出花朵的位置赫然是他们那被撕裂而开的嘴巴,随后是脸颊,紧接着才是脖子,一路向下蔓延…… However is instantaneous, on these Martial Artist was covered with the blood red monster different flowers, is exactly the same as that void flowers. 不过是瞬间,这些武者身上便长满了血红色的妖异花朵,与那虚空中的花朵一模一样。 This!!!” “这!!!” All bright universe Martial Artist were shocked, on the face full is color with amazement, frightened is looking at this. 所有的光明宇宙武者都是愣住了,脸上满是骇然之色,恐惧的望着这一幕。 Even in their hearts cannot help but emits a rejoicing meaning. 甚至他们心中不由得冒出一丝庆幸之意。 Close call! 好险! Almost, they like these Martial Artist, will almost be covered with the blood red flowers by so strange way whole body, then died pitifully. 差一点,差一点他们就会像这些武者一样,以如此诡异的方式浑身长满血红色的花朵,而后凄惨死去。 This was too fearful, making in their hearts be scared. 这太可怕了,让他们心中发毛。 Even if World Lord Level Martial Artist sees this, is somewhat alarmed and afraid. 哪怕是界主级武者看到这一幕,都是有些惊惧。 This is......” star weapon king complexion stagnates, in heart immediately dignified incomparable. “这是……”星械王面色一滞,心中顿时凝重无比。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 嘭!嘭!嘭…… In the meantime, that whole body is covered with the Martial Artist body of blood red flowers to explode fiercely loudly, changes to the bunch of blood fog. 就在此时,那一个个浑身长满血红色花朵的武者身躯猛地轰然爆开,化作一团团的血雾。 But in that blood fog, the blood red flowers one after another as if received nourishing, blooms the monster different ray, unexpectedly a shocking feeling. 而在那血雾之中,一朵又一朵的血红色花朵仿佛受到了滋养,绽放出更为妖异的光芒,竟是给人一种惊艳之感。 Wang Teng also saw this, the complexion changes. 王腾同样也看到了这一幕,面色微变。 Blood orchid Demon Venerable extends fair slender white hands, does to pick flowers the shape, blood red flowers then emerged out of thin air in its hand. 血兰魔尊伸出一只白皙纤细的玉手,做拈花状,一朵血红色的花朵便凭空出现在了它的手中。 It picks up that blood red flowers in the hand, closes a pair of beautiful pupil, places the tip of the nose to smell gently. 它将那血红色的花朵拈于手中,闭上一双美眸,放在鼻尖轻轻一嗅。 The blood red flowers dissipate instantaneously, change to a wisp of courage vigor to drill into its nose. 血红色花朵瞬间消散,化作一缕血气钻入它的鼻中。 Really is the delicacy!” “真是美味!” The blood orchid Demon Venerable double pupil shuts, talking to oneself of being infatuated. 血兰魔尊双眸微闭,陶醉的自语道。 Wang Teng vision ice-cold, is staring at this blood orchid Demon Venerable, these Dark Species are really not the good stubbles, treats as the blood food the life in the so strange way, seriously evilly. 王腾目光冰冷,盯着这血兰魔尊,这些黑暗种果然都不是善茬,以如此诡异的方式将生灵当做血食,当真邪恶至极。 Now was one's turn you.” Blood orchid Demon Venerable opens the monster different beautiful pupil suddenly, in the eye pupil seemed to be the blood red flowers to bloom, looks to Wang Teng. “现在轮到你了。”血兰魔尊突然睁开妖异的美眸,眼瞳之中似有血红色的花朵绽放,看向了王腾 Hiss! 嘶! Voice side drop, a blood-color python suddenly/violently to rush from that blood red monster different flowers one after another, the turnover the snake letter/believes, is exuding the sound of neighing suddenly, dashes to Wang Teng to go. 话音方落,一头血色巨蟒突然从那一朵又一朵的血红色妖异花朵当中暴冲而出,吞吐着蛇信,发出嘶鸣之声,直扑王腾而去。 This python is very strange! 这头巨蟒十分诡异! If carefully looks, will then discover it all over the body unexpectedly is by that blood red flowers combination, each Qilin armor is blood red flowers, is its eye, seems condensed by flower petal a piece by piece, disclosed a monster different feeling. 若是仔细看去,便会发现它通体竟是由那血红色的花朵组合而成,每一片麟甲都是一朵血红色的花朵,就是它的眼睛,似乎都是由一片片花瓣凝聚而成,透露出一种妖异之感。 The Wang Teng pupil shrinks, felt a huge threat from the body of this blood-color python. 王腾瞳孔一缩,从这头血色巨蟒的身上感觉到了一股巨大的威胁。 Moreover does not wait for that python to approach, the bloody sweet greasy aura that in its big mouth emits, has then headed on, drills directly toward his nose. 而且还不等那巨蟒靠近,其大口之中喷吐出的血腥甜腻气息,便已是扑面而至,径直朝着他的鼻子中钻去。 Wang Teng seals up own nostril by Source Power immediately, but discovered immediately as if has no function, that bloody sweet greasy aura as before irresistible drills into his nose, then integrates in the middle of his blood, circulation all the limbs and bones. 王腾立刻以原力封住自己的鼻孔,但马上发现似乎并没什么作用,那股血腥甜腻的气息依旧不可阻挡的钻入他的鼻中,而后融入他的血液当中,流转四肢百骸。 Even some aura drill into his chaos star territory, wants to affect the body of his energetic. 甚至还有一部分气息钻入他的混沌星域之内,想要影响他的精神之体。 Wang Teng feels the unusuality in blood and chaos star territory immediately, but he not flustered, the complexion is very throughout tranquil. 王腾立刻感觉到血液和混沌星域中的异常,不过他并未慌张,面色始终很平静。 Plays the blood, I will not fear you.” “玩血,我可不会怕你。” He looked at blood orchid Demon Venerable one, in the heart coldly smiles. 他看了血兰魔尊一眼,心中冷冷一笑。 At this moment his Blood god's body Although has not opened, but this physique always exists in his within the body. 此刻他的【血神之体】虽然并未开启,但这种体质始终是存在于他的体内的。 Except that Blood god's body Beside, he also has 【The body of blood demon, Blood Luo Chansi body These two extremely powerful and strange blood group physicals. 而且除了【血神之体】之外,他还具有【血魔之体】,【血罗缠丝体】这两种极为强大和奇异的血族体质。 To be the strength affects his blood by the blood, is no different than dream of a fool. 想以血系力量影响他的血液,无异于痴人说梦。 In the Wang Teng heart moves, his blood has a change immediately, one suddenly appears just like the small snake filament continuously, throws toward that wisp of external aura. 王腾心中一动,他的血液立刻出现了一丝变化,一缕缕宛如小蛇般的细丝突然出现,朝着那一缕外来的气息扑来。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… In an instant, just like to meet the natural enemy to be the same, that wisp of aura is then nibbled to go immediately, is unable to exist in the blood of Wang Teng. 刹那间,犹如遇到了天敌一般,那一缕气息立刻便被蚕食而去,根本无法存在于王腾的血液之内。 This spiritual invasion......” “还有这精神侵染……” In the Wang Teng heart light smiles, the sound transfers suddenly coldly, shouted in the heart lightly: Nine valuable buddhist monk towers, give me the town/subdues!” 王腾心中淡淡一笑,声音陡然转冷,在心中轻喝道:“九宝浮屠塔,给我镇!” Bang! 轰! Dazzling golden light appears in his chaos star territory, just like one golden fierce Yang, the ray is dazzling, immediately giant nine golden pagodas appear, suppression under. 一道耀眼的金光在他的混沌星域内显现,宛如一颗金色的烈阳,光芒刺目无比,随即一座巨大的九层金色宝塔浮现,镇压而下。 That wisp of blood red aura also invades the Wang Teng spirit without enough time, was suppressed instantaneously under the golden pagoda, cannot work loose. 那一缕血红色的气息还来不及侵染王腾的精神,便瞬间被镇压在金色宝塔之下,挣脱不得。 The bellow resounds. 轰鸣声响起。 That blood red aura is unable to prevent, immediately is defeated and dispersed. 那血红色气息根本无法阻挡,立刻溃散开来。 Bright ceremonial fire!” “光明圣火!” In the Wang Teng heart the thought moves again, the bright ceremonial fire also sweeps across, packages burning down the blood red aura that is defeated and dispersed continuously. 王腾心中念头再次一动,光明圣火随之席卷而出,将那一缕缕溃散的血红色气息包裹焚烧。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… , All blood red aura vanished in his chaos star territory in a flash, a trash did not have remaining, let alone became the spiritual invasion to other party. 一瞬间而已,所有的血红色气息消失在了他的混沌星域之内,连个渣渣都没有剩下,更别说对他造成精神侵染。 All these is a long story, in fact had finished quickly. 这一切说来话长,实际上很快就已经结束。 In the blood orchid Demon Venerable eye, the Wang Teng complexion has not changed slightly, the body has not had any unusual condition, this somewhat stems from its unexpected. 在血兰魔尊眼中,王腾的面色丝毫没有变化,身上也并未出现任何异状,这有些出乎它的意料之外。 Its vision sinks, always felt that some are not right. 它目光一沉,总感觉有些不对劲。 But at this time said anything is unnecessary, that blood-color python has dashed to Wang Teng, and arrived above his top of the head instantaneously, opens the big mouth then to swallow down. 但此时说什么都是多余,那血色巨蟒已经直扑向王腾,并且瞬间来到了他的头顶之上,张开血盆大口便吞了下去。 Kills!” “杀!” Wang Teng loudly shouted, controls god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle to shoot up to the sky, tribulations the thunder to gather, the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle both wings just like two blade glow to cut. 王腾大喝一声,驾驭着神机赤电雷鹰冲天而起,劫雷早已汇聚,神机赤电雷鹰的双翅犹如两道刀芒斩出。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The thunder both wings collide with that blood-color python, the strength of endless tribulation thunder erupts, spreads the sound of deafening thundering. 雷霆双翅与那血色巨蟒碰撞,无尽的劫雷之力爆发,传出震耳欲聋的轰鸣之声。 Hiss! 嘶! The blood-color python face upwards to exude the sound of long and loud cry neighing, within the body blood light erupts, wants to annihilate the edges of that two thunder. 血色巨蟒仰天发出长啸嘶鸣之声,体内血光爆发,想要湮灭那两道雷霆之刃。 I help you!” The star weapon king kills, loudly shouts, in the hand the sword erupts the swift and fierce blade glow, cut directly on the body of blood-color python. “我来助你!”星械王杀到,大喝一声,手中战刀爆发出凌厉的刀芒,径直斩在了血色巨蟒的身上。 Bang! 轰! The blade glow falls, becomes the last straw that crushes the camel, the blood-color python was torn by three attacks, dissipates, the blood red flower petal that in the unwilling neighing sound changes to everywhere. 刀芒落下,成为压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草,血色巨蟒被三道攻击撕裂,在不甘的嘶鸣声中消散,化作漫天的血红色花瓣。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Blood orchid Demon Venerable one startled, is staring at Wang Teng, loses the sound said: Why can you not by my blood orchid influence?!” 血兰魔尊不由一惊,盯着王腾,失声道:“你为什么可以不受我的血兰影响?!” „Is blood orchid?” Wang Teng puts out a hand to grasp, blood red flowers appear in his hands, he is studying the blood orchid Demon Venerable beforehand appearance, places under the nose to hear, said lightly: Is the name of this blood splash? Also no special.” “血兰?”王腾伸手一抓,一朵血红色花朵出现在他手中,他学着血兰魔尊之前的样子,放在鼻子下一闻,淡淡道:“就是这血花的名字吗?也没什么特别的嘛。” „???” Blood orchid Demon Venerable. “???”血兰魔尊 „???” star weapon king. “???”星械王。
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