ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2028: abyss Qilin beast

Among next instant that the quiet brilliance has, a huge shadow has thrown suddenly to Yun Che, shouts along with startled ten thousand li (0.5 km) Fog Sea terrifying. 幽光耀起的下一瞬间,一个巨大的黑影已向云澈骤然扑来,伴随着一声惊荡万里雾海恐怖嘶吼。 What is the world is most difficult to control and resist what? 世上最难控制和抵御的是什么? Is the instinct! 是本能! If at present is Divine Pinnacle Realm profound practitioner, even if unsurpassed True God, Yun Che is incapable of contending, but at least can think that various means empty with the winding, the spoken language socialize. After all, his body can fool the dumbfounded thing to be many. 若眼前是一个神极境玄者,甚至哪怕是一个无上真神,云澈无力抗衡,但至少可以想各种办法虚与委蛇,言语周旋。毕竟,他身上能将人唬得一愣一愣的东西可太多了。 But Abyssal Beast can be called consciousness only thing, is to the aura of life destruction instinct! 渊兽唯一能称得上“意识”的东西,便是对生之气息毁灭本能! Before it launches the attack, will not have an security or the hesitation. 它发动攻击之前,根本不会有一丝的警戒或犹豫。 After arriving at deep Yuanzhi, Yun Che has not fought with Divine Extinction Realm truly, at this moment when unexpectedly suddenly by an attack of god extremely Abyssal Beast...... strength of cover that destruction next, takes to the Yun Che's pressure and sense of desperation, as if entire Fog Sea, entire abyss depresses in the overhead. 到来深渊之后,云澈还未曾真正与神灭境交手过,此刻竟骤遭一只神极渊兽的攻击……那股毁灭之力罩下之时,带给云澈的威压与绝望感,仿佛整个雾海,整个深渊都在当头压下。 The shadow carries the strength of nightmare to flicker close to...... the Yun Che's line of sight, can only ascertain indistinctly is full of pupil the shadow of hundred zhang (333 m) fast. 黑影携着噩梦之力一瞬临近……云澈的视线,只能隐约捉摸到一个快速充满着瞳孔的百丈之影。 ! 咯! The tooth that bites fiercely sends out to want crack the sound of hit extremely seriously, the Yun Che arm horizontal, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword in the hand, the both arms resists if presently emphatically ten thousand mountains pressure, moves the sword blade, is rolling up and pushing along the strength of rule-defying Evil God, pounds ruthlessly to the shadow under duplicate. 猛咬的牙齿发出极重欲裂的撞击之音,云澈手臂横起,劫天诛魔剑现于手中,双臂生生抗拒着重若万岳的威压,撩动剑身,卷动着忤逆规则的邪神之力,狠狠砸向覆下的黑影。 Drawing Moon Returning Star! 月挽星回 ———— ———— Incomparably vast power gap, is unable to overstep in reverse order sanction of strength of Evil God as before! 无比巨大的力量差距,依旧无法逾越邪神之力的逆序制裁! The earth-shattering loud sound surges in Fog Sea, Divine Pinnacle Realm the strength of destruction is touching Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword at that moment by instantaneous counter attack, the body of straight bang god extremely Abyssal Beast. 天崩地裂般的巨响在雾海激荡,神极境毁灭之力在触碰到劫天诛魔剑的那一刻被瞬间反震,直轰神极渊兽之躯。 Roar ———— 嗷吼———— Whooshing of god Abyssal Beast distorts extremely immediately, the shadow that duplicate fell was shaken by from own huge power ruthlessly turns, flickers to non-stop fly beyond hundred li (0.5 km). 神极渊兽的嘶吼顿时变形,原本覆落的黑影被来自自身的巨大力量狠狠震翻,一瞬直飞百里之外。 Although flickers counter attack, but some power complementary waves touched Yun Che's body, he was also raised by heavily flies, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword stroke of several li (0.5 km) stopped. 虽然一瞬反震,但些许的力量余波还是碰触到了云澈的躯体,他亦被重重掀飞,劫天诛魔剑划地数里才堪堪停止。 Stops the body he is the seven orifices overflowing blood, the whole body skeleton severe pain wants instantly broken. 停身的刹那他已是七窍溢血,全身骨骼剧痛欲碎。 Facing this only completely with your reasonable god extremely Abyssal Beast, Drawing Moon Returning Star is not the strength of his only resistance, but the price is huge, and short is unable to use in this period again. Whether this time to flee, can only look at the life! 面对这只完全不会和你讲道理的神极渊兽,月挽星回是他唯一的抗争之力,但代价巨大,且短期间无法再度动用。此番能否逃离,只能看命了! He annihilates all the bloodstains of splashing down at the maximum speed, restrains aura all, but not by Broken Moon's Flickering Shadow Stealth, but drives to direct surrounding abyss dust to turn round in surrounding. 他以最快的速度湮灭所有溅落的血迹,将气息尽数收敛,但并未以断月拂影匿影,而是驱引周围的渊尘覆于身周 Under counter attack suddenly, this god extremely Abyssal Beast power and Spirit Sense will have short being defeated and dispersed, thus there is several moments to lose the goal. During this period by abyss dust Hiding, then does not have by the possibility that it discovers again. 骤然的反震之下,这只神极渊兽力量灵觉都会有短暂的溃散,从而有几个刹那丢失目标。在这期间以渊尘匿息,便有不被它再度发现的可能。 Bang! 轰! Was shaken to turn in place god Abyssal Beast to turn over/to stand up extremely, it as if still has this anger, in the mouth exuded one obviously compared with previously cruel several times roars......, but to Yun Che, that destroyed the body to want the broken terrifying pressure actually to quickly wane. 被震翻在地的神极渊兽翻身而起,它似乎还存在着愤怒这种情绪,口中发出一声明显比先前暴戾数倍的吼叫……但对云澈而言,那股摧身欲碎的恐怖威压却是骤减。 In Yun Che heart a fierce loosen. Really, under abyss dust Hiding, the opposite party was unable to search his existence. 云澈心中猛的一松。果然,渊尘匿息之下,对方已是无法重新寻觅到他的存在。 But did not have the destruction goal, not stimulated destruction instinct will make it quick get down peacefully. 而没有了毁灭目标,不被激发的毁灭本能会让它很快安静下去。 But, Yun Che's this panted for breath only maintained one instantly, dangerous aura of straight thrust soul from beyond hundred li (0.5 km) passed on to suddenly. 但,云澈的这丝喘息只维持了一个刹那,一股直刺心魂的危险气息从百里之外猝然传至。 God Abyssal Beast in anger will release loose hostility to gather in Qianzhao extremely nowhere, then pounds ruthlessly to below Fog Sea land. 愤怒中的神极渊兽将无处释散的戾气聚于前爪,然后狠狠地砸向下方的雾海大地。 Was away from hundred li (0.5 km), death threat almost split second breaks through the cranial vault. 隔着百里,死亡的威胁几乎一瞬间冲破颅顶。 Which his could also attend to what concealment aura, the drift of stars in Profound Vein universe by him insane general all urged the revolutions, performed to release, had one in body shining just like yellow lustrous jade rich profound light. 他哪还顾得上什么隐匿气息,玄脉宇宙中的星流被他疯了一般的全力催转,尽释而出,在身上耀起一层宛若黄色莹玉的浓郁玄光 Qilin temple! 麒麟圣殿! If a sparkling stone the golden palace builds in Yun Che surrounding instantaneously. 一座莹若黄金的宫殿在云澈身周瞬间筑起。 God Qilin in Qilin God Realm compared with huge palace that builds, this Qilin temple wants on is too many slightly, still the greatness of insufficient hundred feet. But is Yun Che in the peak defense that this can build in a hurry. 比起麟神境中的麟神所筑起的庞大宫殿,这个麒麟圣殿要小上太多,尚不足十丈之巨。但已是云澈在这仓促之间所能筑起的极致防御。 The defense and isolation ability of Qilin temple without doubt powerful incomparable, by the blood of stimulation of movement God Qilin, on the defense capability, must exceed Burning Heart gate Sealing Cloud Locking Sun only. 麒麟圣殿的防御与隔绝能力无疑强大无比,以麟神之血催动之下,单就防御能力,完全要胜过焚心境关封云锁日 After all...... Evil God does not excel at defending. 毕竟……邪神并不擅防御。 But to Yun Che, the Qilin temple has the flaw that makes him mind very much, when that is opens, profound light is too abundant. 但对云澈而言,麒麟圣殿有个让他很是介意的缺陷,那就是张开之时,玄光太盛。 A profound light palace stands erect there, really extremely in conspicuity. 一座玄光宫殿矗立在那里,实在太过于显眼。 Therefore, he has been attempting Sealing Cloud Locking Sun and Qilin temple union recently, creates such as the God Qilin temple like that peak defense and pattern, such as Sealing Cloud Locking Sun like that invisible colorless, and protection barrier that may release instantaneously. 所以,他最近一直在尝试将封云锁日麒麟圣殿结合,创造出如麟神圣殿那般极致防御与格局,又如封云锁日那般无形无色,且可瞬间释放的守护屏障。 Has not completed, already by dead tribulation. 只是尚未完成,已遭死劫。 Bang buzz ———— 轰嗡———— Stops the Qilin temple that the world air wave engulfed the Yun Che's sense of hearing...... on built instantaneously to change colors under the air wave suddenly, after resisted 1/10 breaths collapse, changes into the yellow afterglow completely. 湮世的气浪吞没云澈的听觉……上一个瞬间才筑起的麒麟圣殿在气浪之下猛然失色,在堪堪抵御了十分之一息后完全崩灭,化为黄色残光。 Bang! 砰! Although there is a resistance of Qilin temple, but attacks in the Yun Che body ample force is still fearful such as extinguishes the world god mallet, such as is flown by the withered leaf that the hurricane sweeps across, the consciousness falls into the blank in one piece loudly directly. 虽有麒麟圣殿的抵御,但冲击在云澈身上的余力依然可怕如灭世神槌,如被飓风席卷的枯叶般飞起,意识更是在一片轰然中直接陷入空白。 When Yun Che consciousness restores difficultly, he has fallen down, behind is one does not know that extended the long gulley. 云澈意识艰难恢复时,他已瘫倒在地,身后是一道不知延伸了多长的深沟。 The everywhere severe pain feeling is submerging under his entire body almost all nerves, in the mouth the fishy smell blood that still in rushing wells up informs in him to create heaviness how. 无处不在的剧痛感淹没着他全身上下几乎所有的神经,口中依然在奔涌的腥血告知着他内创何其之重。 This is Divine Pinnacle Realm power, even if came from the hundred li (0.5 km) away strength of edge, as before fearfully hence. 这就是神极境力量,哪怕只是来自百里之外的边缘之力,依旧可怕至此。 He already enough discrete, but cannot think in any event, this place, will be perching god extremely Abyssal Beast unexpectedly. 他已足够谨慎,但无论如何都想不到,这个地方,竟会栖息着一只神极渊兽 It seems like, is the dead boundary.” “看来,是死境。” Li Suo voice/sound one such as ordinary, does not have the mighty waves: Your injury is serious, I am also retrievable. But cannot achieve to bring back to life, sorry.” 黎娑声音一如平常,毫无波澜:“你伤势再重,我亦可恢复。但做不到起死回生,抱歉。” „......” Yun Che clenches teeth, is struggling setting out: I may not have...... dead that easily.” “……”云澈咬牙,挣扎着起身:“我可没那么容易……死。” His upper body has not supported completely, then pounds to fall suddenly. 他上身还未完全支起,便又猛然砸落。 Because of that irresistible terrifying pressure, already again duplicate pressure in his body. 因为那股不可抗拒的恐怖威压,已再次覆压于他的躯体。 With his line of sight has transferred...... that huge shadow, from oneself unexpectedly the greatness of hundred zhang (333 m). 随着他视线的转过……那个巨大黑影,距离自己竟只有不到百丈之巨。 In the soul sea, resounds the Li Suo doubtful sound suddenly: Its does aura, why with just now change how big?” 魂海之中,忽然响起黎娑的疑声:“它的气息,为何和方才变化如何之大?” „?” Is thinking of Yun Che hears word who how is separated from the dead boundary to transfer the head anxiously immediately, discovered startled, god Abyssal Beast that has so approached stands still there extremely unexpectedly, has not continued to approach again. “?”正急思如何脱离死境的云澈闻言顿时转首,愕然发现,已如此临近的神极渊兽竟只是静立于那里,没有再继续靠近。 Its aura is still fearful, but...... as if no longer previously that only had cruel destruction aura, instead is presenting one type incomparably strangely, at least should not appear in Abyssal Beast body...... chaotic? 它的气息依旧可怕,但……似乎已不再是先前那唯有暴戾的毁灭气息,反而呈现着一种无比怪异,至少绝不该出现在渊兽身上的……混乱? A fearful eye is looking steadily at his direction, but under that abyss dust corrosion strange pupil light unexpectedly in inexplicable tremor, such as by the quiet fire that the chaotic wind sways. 一双可怕的眼睛在盯视着他的方向,但那渊尘侵蚀下奇异瞳光竟在莫名的颤动,如被乱风吹拂的幽火。 It is motionless, Yun Che does not dare to excel at for a while......, but until this time, he saw clearly this only terrifying Abyssal Beast complete picture finally. 它不动,云澈也一时不敢擅动……而直到这时,他才终于看清了这只恐怖渊兽的全貌。 abyss dust duplicate body, but can recognize its outline as before clearly. The elk, its dragon, its lion, the forehead is a huge alone corner/horn...... 渊尘覆身,但依旧能清晰辨识出其轮廓。其身似麋,其尾似龙,其首似狮,前额是一只巨大的独角…… This outline, clearly is Qilin! 这个外形轮廓,分明是一只麒麟 Yun Che mind shakes fiercely, the vision stares to its eye. 云澈精神猛地一震,目光直盯向它的眼睛。 Just now in the critical dead boundary, he then felt like that this eye has the inexplicable familiarity. But this moment concentrates the eyes observes...... vertical the pupil light mutation under the abyss dust corrosion, enough Yun Che knows as before, the outline of this double giant eye pupil, clearly looked like the Qilin God Realm pupil of that pair of God Qilin. 方才危急死境之中,他便隐隐觉得这双眼睛有着莫名的熟悉感。此刻凝目而观……纵在渊尘侵蚀下瞳光异变,依旧足够云澈识出,这双巨大眼瞳的轮廓,分明像极了麟神境中的那双麟神之瞳。 could it be that...... 难道…… Yun Che thought of anything suddenly, hangs the eye to look to own body. 云澈忽然想到了什么,垂目看向自己的躯体。 Just now opens the Qilin temple hastily, he can say that urges to change to peak Qilin. At this moment, his body is still pasting the light yellow Qilin light. 方才仓促张开麒麟圣殿,他可以说将麒麟之力催转到极致。此刻,他的身上依然在流转着淡淡的黄色麟光。 Yun Che sets out slowly, that moment that until he stands up, god Abyssal Beast does not have other movements extremely again, only the pair of ash fire pupils as if tremble are fiercer, just like struggling and working loose anything that swings. 云澈缓缓起身,直到他站起的那一刻,神极渊兽也再没有其他的动作,唯有一双灰火般的瞳仿佛颤荡的更加剧烈,宛若在挣扎、挣脱着什么。 Has behind Yun Che not to probe retreat to leave, after his look fluctuates, suddenly takes a step in its direction slowly, step by step, can destroy terrifying Abyssal Beast that extinguishes to approach him to this on own initiative in a flash. 身后云澈没有试探着后退离开,他神色一阵变幻后,忽然向着它的方向缓慢迈步,一步一步,主动向这个可以将他转瞬摧灭的恐怖渊兽靠近着。 You......” Li Suo sends out an unstressed tone, stopped following voice/sound. “你……”黎娑发出一丝轻音,随之又湮下了后面的声音 The Yun Che arm lifts, endures the injury, the blood of whole body God Qilin is revolving, is releasing even more rich God Qilin aura. 云澈手臂抬起,忍着伤势,周身麟神之血运转,释出着愈加浓郁的麟神气息 The Qilin light of duplicate body also gradually becomes rich, with Yun Che approaching step by step, more and more clear maps that pair to tremble to swing in the continuous quiet pupil. 覆身的麟光也逐渐变得浓郁,随着云澈一步步的临近,越来越清晰的映入那双颤荡不休的幽瞳之中。 ten steps...... hundred...... 十步……百步…… God Abyssal Beast still has not moved extremely. Even, from its death threat instead in gradual goes pale. 神极渊兽依然未动。甚至,来自它的死亡威胁反而在逐渐的淡去。 At this time, Yun Che opened the mouth suddenly: You, also consciousness?” 在这时,云澈忽然开口:“你,还有意识?” „......” Abyssal Beast was unresponsive. “……”渊兽毫无反应。 Yun Che continued: My body, is your junior gracious gift the strength of God Qilin. He has worried guilty in you, even/including his life final desire with entrusting, saves you.” 云澈继续道:“我的身上,是你的后辈所恩赐的麟神之力。他一直牵挂与愧疚于你,就连他生命最后的愿望与托付,也是拯救你。” Right, its contour, its pupil, it to the strange response of own body Qilin light, all in proving at present this only terrifying god extremely Abyssal Beast, likely is in the God Qilin mouth that only changes to abyss Abyssal Beast...... 没错,它的外形,它的瞳眸,它对自己身上麟光的诡异反应,无不在证明着眼前这只恐怖的神极渊兽,很可能便是麟神口中那只化作深渊渊兽的…… Ancestor God Qilin! 先祖麟神 Facing the Yun Che spoken language probe continually, its disassimilation the pupil of God Qilin was still unresponsive. 面对云澈连番的言语试探,它异化的麟神之瞳依旧毫无反应。 Hence, Yun Che had confirmed, it facing the unusual condition of Qilin light, is not it is also surviving the original consciousness. 至此,云澈已然确认,它面对麟光的异状,并非是它还残存着原本的意识。 Several hundred thousand years ago, its body and Soul had then been corroded by abyss dust completely, how also possibly also to have the main body consciousness. 早在几十万年前,它的躯体和灵魂便已被渊尘完全侵蚀,又怎可能还存有本体意识。 Perhaps that can only explain is, abyss dust corroded its original consciousness, occupied its Soul, is actually not able to annihilate it...... to inscribe in God Qilin two characters, inscribes in the bloodline root instinct? 那或许只能解释为,渊尘侵蚀了它原本的意识,占据了它的灵魂,却无法湮灭它……铭刻于“麟神”二字,铭刻于血脉的根源本能? To the consanguineous Qilin light, to own descendant's protection instinct, exceeded changed into the destruction instinct after Abyssal Beast!? 对同族麟光,对自己后代的守护本能,超越了化为渊兽后的毁灭本能!? At this moment has considered without enough time are too many, Yun Che full power with rapt attention, with outstretch of his arm, together modest Qilin light directly shoots on, in between the eyebrows of abyss Qilin beast. 此刻已来不及思虑太多,云澈全力凝神,随着他手臂的伸出,一道温和的麟光直射而上,点在了深渊麟兽的眉心 This Qilin light not aggressivity, when carries his soul strength...... is touching its between the eyebrows, the soul strength then puts on its. 这道麟光并无攻击性,但携着他的魂力……触碰到它的眉心之时,魂力便直穿其身。 The abyss Qilin beast does not have the movement as before. It only need lift the claw obviously, can become the residual Yun Che destruction, staring that actually decides his body Qilin light, such as is falling into the dreamland that is not willing to wake up. 深渊麟兽依旧毫无动作。明明它只需抬爪,便可将云澈毁灭成残渣,却就这么定定的凝视着他身上的麟光,如陷入了不愿醒来的梦境。 Li Suo realized suddenly Yun Che wants to make anything. 黎娑忽然意识到云澈想要做什么。 His action, danger extremely, and nearly demented. 他的举动,极其的危险,而且近乎癫狂。 Li Suo has not made noise to prevent, has not seized the chance to take Miracle of Life to cure to recover as him. Because of Light Profound glow, might puncture this only suddenly peaceful fearful Abyssal Beast. 黎娑没有出声阻止,亦没有趁机以生命神迹为他疗愈。因为光明玄光,会有可能刺动这只忽然安静的可怕渊兽 Finally, Yun Che sought its deep pool nuclear was , the soul strength passed through to enter. 终于,云澈寻到了它渊核的所在,魂力直贯而入。 Ancestor God Qilin, once was abyss the beast of True God, in the God Qilin mouth, its once great strength, must exceed the present six country seven gods. 先祖麟神,曾是深渊真神之兽,在麟神的口中,它曾经的强大,要胜过如今的六国七神。 ...... It can be imagined abyss dust that it corrodes completely huge. 将它完全侵蚀的渊尘……其庞大可想而知。 When the consciousness enters its deep pool nuclear, institute accumulated abyss dust thick distant arrived simply did not have situation that may describe. High of the plane/level, exceeds all abyss dust that Yun Che touches to have been to until now. 当意识进入其渊核,其中所蕴渊尘之浓邃简直到了无可形容的地步。其层面之高,亦是超越了云澈至今为止触碰到过的所有渊尘 Right, abyss dust as the strength of primitive extinguishing, same has the division of plane/level strong and weak with profound strength. 没错,渊尘作为原始的灭之力,也和玄力一样有着层面强弱之分。 Life Land exists, basically is lowest plane/level abyss dust. But highest plane/level...... without doubt was the past years sufficiently primitive abyss dust that True God will swallow shortly. 生地所存在的,基本是最低层面渊尘。而最高层面的……无疑便是当年足以将真神都顷刻吞噬的原始渊尘
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