ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2029: Enemies often cross each other's path

A double-hour...... 一个时辰…… Two double-hour...... 两个时辰…… Three double-hour pass by...... Yun Che's arm to receive finally, then aspirate slightly. 三个时辰过去……云澈的手臂终于收起,然后微微吐了一口气。 Then discovered, under his entire body had been mixed the sweat of blood to soak completely. 这才发现,他全身上下都已被混合着血液的汗液完全浸湿。 The body Qilin light extinguished at this time completely. 身上的麟光在这时完全熄灭。 Lost actually the Qilin light, facing extremely near life aura, that pair of deep pool Qilin pupil released the destruction dim light instantaneously, but the strength of its destruction has not released, pupil light that just fresh palpitated fast gentle. 失却了麟光,面对极近的生命气息,那双渊化麟瞳瞬间释放出毁灭的幽光,但它的毁灭之力尚未释放,刚生悸动的瞳光又快速的和缓了下去。 Draws back.” Yun Che obviously loses the strength read lowly. “退下。”云澈一声明显失力的低念。 Facing this Divine Lord aura human, abyss God Qilin really start retreat, then fierce turning around, sweeps across the boundless air wave to vanish in boundless Fog Sea unexpectedly gradually. 面对这个只有神主气息人类,深渊麟神竟真的开始缓步后退,然后猛的转身,席卷着磅礴的气浪消失于茫茫雾海之中。 A mind heavily loosen, incomparably serious prostration feeling raids immediately, making Yun Che collapse to the ground directly. 精神重重一松,无比沉重的虚脱感顿时袭来,让云澈直接瘫坐在地。 Before the body , the white light flashes, appears the Li Suo dreamlike soul shadow. She usually handles gently strokes, accumulated Miracle of Life Light God glow leisurely cage in the Yun Che's whole body. 身前白光闪动,现出黎娑如梦似幻的魂影。她素手轻拂,蕴着生命神迹光明神芒轻缓的笼于云澈的全身。 Immediately, Yun Che heavy such as the body of mountain all of a sudden becomes such as in the clouds, even/including ignorant five senses becomes clear understanding fast. 顿时,云澈原本沉重如山的身躯一下子变得如在云端,就连浑噩的五感都快速变得清明 „Did you control to drive a horse that only by God Qilin that abyss dust corroded?” She asked in a soft voice. “你控驭了那只被渊尘侵蚀的麟神?”她轻声问道。 60%.” Yun Che to close both eyes reply. “60%。”云澈闭目回答。 Just now, he used the entire three double-hour, finally successful about 60% abyss dust its deep pool nuclear, got own Soul Imprint. 方才,他用了整整三个时辰,终于成功将其渊核中近60%的渊尘,都打上了自己的灵魂印记。 After profound beast was corroded Abyssal Beast, should still retain the original instinct and instinct to a certain extent. For example under was created the Dragon Roar wolf to be howling, when for example attack the body spot that habitually uses, for example flies to empty and movement of escaping place. 玄兽被侵蚀成渊兽之后,依然会在一定程度上保留原本的天性与本能。比如遭创之下的龙吟狼嚎,比如攻击时惯用的躯体部位,比如飞空与遁地的动作。 But God Qilin, their benign instinct myriad spirits all knows, but to the consanguineous protection will, is inherent, as if engraves in each drop of Qilin blood firmly, in each flesh and blood, the complete corrosion of even/including abyss dust, is not also able to extinguish it wiping. 麟神,它们温善的天性万灵皆知,而对同族的守护意志,更是与生俱来,仿佛牢牢刻印于每一滴麟血,每一丝骨肉之中,就连渊尘的完全侵蚀,亦无法将之抹灭。 If other god extremely Abyssal Beast, only if Yun Che can achieve to its twinkling controls to drive a horse, otherwise must be extinguished by its palm racket. But this deep pool God Qilin, the unexpectedly entire three double-hour does not leave motionless. Facing his body Qilin light, does not have any destruction desire, only has confused clinging. 若是其他神极渊兽,除非云澈能做到对它的瞬息控驭,否则必被它一掌拍灭。但这只渊化麟神,竟整整三个时辰不离不动。面对他身上的麟光,没有任何毁灭的欲望,唯有迷茫的贪恋。 Present Li Suo incomplete is not even have to the body presently, its Divine Power cannot certainly compare with the past years by far. But from her Miracle of Life, is still the present age true miracle. 如今的黎娑残缺到连躯体都无法具现,其神力当然远远不能与当年相比。但来自她的生命神迹,依然是当世真正的神迹。 His injury, to exceed the common sense the speed to heal quickly completely. 他的伤势,以快到完全超越常理的速度愈合着。 After his achievement Divine Lord Realm, Li Suo Divine Soul aura was more defined than previously several times it, Light Divine Power that can release was by far in the past. Moreover since this period of time, Yun Che has been able the faint sensation, this absolutely not Li Suo power limit. So long as she wants, cures speed also on quick...... possibly to be for him several times. 在他成就神主境后,黎娑神魂气息比之先前明晰了数倍,所能释放的光明神力更是远胜以往。而且这段时间以来,云澈已能隐隐感知到,这绝非黎娑力量的极限。只要她愿意,为他疗愈的速度还可以快上……可能是数倍之多。 So, should harm she. 只是如此,应该会有损她自身。 It is a pity that her existence, as before is only an empty remote soul shadow. If shadow posture beautiful the immortal is imaginary, is actually not able to see clearly her appearance/portrait, cannot touch her body. 遗憾的是,她的存在,依旧只是一片虚虚渺渺的魂影。影姿美若仙幻,却是无法看清她的真容,更触碰不到她的躯体。 Li Suo, when can you have to appear the entity probably?” Yun Che asked suddenly. 黎娑,你大概什么时候能具现出实体?”云澈忽然问道。 Does not know.” Li Suo however responded lightly: Perhaps thousand years, perhaps hundred thousand year. Also or which day your life or the power aura drastic change, driving my life aura evening to fluctuate.” “不知。”黎娑轻然回应:“或许千载,或许十万载。又或者哪日你的生命或力量气息剧变,带动我的生命气息一夕变幻。” With previously similar reply. Yun Che cannot bear say: You still remember own past appearance? If remembers, projection to my soul sea. Various records said that you are world female grace and talent peak, I really am curious peak to what degree.” 和先前差不多的回答。云澈又忍不住道:“那你还记得自己当年的长相吗?若是记得的话,就投影一个到我的魂海。各种记载都说你是世间女子风华的极致,我着实好奇到底‘极致’到什么程度。” Li Suo replied lightly: Look is to have presently in the different leather bags of myriad spirits face, is not essentially different. So-called is beautiful and ugly, is the life most is superficial regarding the assorted leather bag beautification, is nonsensical. Your body receives Ni Xuan and Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor power, when there is the will of ice world, abandons this and other superficial reading.” 黎娑淡淡回答:“相貌是具现于万灵面部的不同皮囊,本质上毫无不同。所谓美丽与丑陋,也不过是生灵对于各色皮囊最浅薄不过的修饰,毫无意义可言。你既身承逆玄劫天魔帝力量,当有凌世之志,摒弃这等肤浅之念。” no, no, no.” Yun Che overrules immediately: I essentially am an ordinary worldling, most likes the superficial matter and superficial thing. But even if abandons worldling this status, I do not think that this is superficial reading.” 不不不。”云澈立刻否决:“我本质上不过是一个平凡的俗人,最喜欢肤浅之事和肤浅之物。但就算抛开‘俗人’这个身份,我也绝不认为这是肤浅之念。” Said you. Your character light indifferent resembles deep pool still water, we are always also together such for a long time, regardless of I said that anything makes anything, I have not seen you to smile have gotten angry. Front a half year to the soul shadow of Ni Xuan senior, is spans era and space obviously the old friend of reunion, fierce that your mood fluctuation actually might as well I yawn.” “就说你。你的性格平淡冷漠的像一潭静水,我们也算是形影不离这么久,无论我说什么做什么,我都没见你笑过怒过。半年前面对逆玄前辈的魂影,明明是跨越时代和空间而重逢的故友,你的情绪波动却还不如我打个呵欠来的剧烈。” As the woman, you can be said as senseless to the extreme, medical skill can determine as directly heavy......, desolate! But in the past two big Creation God actually for you win badly beaten, Ni Xuan senior for your rigid ten million years. Do you feel them because of what?” “作为女人,你可以说是无趣之极,医道而言可以直接判定为重度……嗯,冷淡!但当年两大创世神却为了你争得头破血流,逆玄前辈更是为你执着千万年。你觉得他们是因为什么呢?” „......” Li Suo was unanswerable. “……”黎娑无法回答。 Pursue beautiful thing is present age the instinct of all lives, mortal or Creation God, what came saying that superficial...... also included certainly you.” Yun Che not the tone that allows Creation God to doubt: For example, if there is means to make you ten thousand years have to appear body ahead of time, but the price will create the body disassimilation, the whole piece face becomes shrivelled and ugly, don't you definitely want?” “追求美好的事物是当世所有生灵的天性,无论是凡灵还是创世神,何来肤浅之说……当然也包括你。”云澈一副不容创世神置疑的语气:“比如说,若是有个办法能让你提前万年具现出身体,但代价是会造成身躯异化,整张脸变得又瘪又丑,你肯定也不愿意吧?” Why doesn't hope?” Li Suo asked back. “为何不愿?”黎娑反问。 „......” Yun Che speechless by right. “……”云澈无语以对。 Beautiful thing......” Li Suo soft murmuring, resembled suddenly is touched some fuzzy memory suddenly. “美好的事物……”黎娑忽然一声轻喃,似是忽然被触动了某个模糊的记忆。 Yun Che: Un?” 云澈:“嗯?” My memory, in my life, most can touch ‚’ two characters happily, is a name.” Li Suo in a soft voice language, diligently is clear that to reappear in the memory name and form slowly: Her appearance, I have not been able to remember, can only recall indistinctly, sees her moment, I am believing firmly world...... on external leather bag, impossible has the ratio again happier existence.” “我的记忆,我的生命之中,最能触动‘美好’二字的,是一个名字。”黎娑轻声而语,努力的清晰着那个缓缓浮现于记忆的名字与身影:“她的样子,我已无法记得,只能隐约记起,看到她的那一刻,我确信着世间……就外在的皮囊而言,再不可能有比之更美好的存在。” Yun Che unconscious opening eye, surprised looks sinks to the memory suddenly Li Suo. 云澈不自觉的睁开眼睛,惊讶的看着忽然沉入记忆的黎娑 Is this unexpectedly...... the appraisal from Creation God of Life? 这竟是……来自生命创世神的评价? Let in this record female grace and talent peak for...... the appearance that it so touches? 让这个记载中女子风华的极致都为之如此触动的……外貌? Really has such person? She understood happy and average man is widely divergent? 真的存在这样的人?还是她理解中的“美好”和常人大相径庭? Which name?” Yun Che asked. “哪个名字?”云澈问道。 Li Suo had not replied immediately, because of that originally fuzzy name, until at this moment little clear in her memory, was actually she already the name that knew. 黎娑没有马上回答,因为那个原本模糊的名字,直到此刻才在她的记忆中一点点的清晰,却是一个她早已知道的名字。 This name read slowly from her between lips: Counter...... tribulation.” 这个名字从她的唇间缓缓念出:“逆……劫。” Eh......?” In Yun Che mouth unconscious jumping out sound. 呃……?”云澈口中不自觉的窜出声响。 She said that unexpectedly was Ni Xuan and Jie Yuan daughter's name! 她说出的,竟是逆玄劫渊女儿的名字! Also before is Hong'er and You'er separate, that world is only, after is primordial chaos history only Gods and Devils . 也是红儿幽儿分离前,那个世间唯一,更是混沌历史唯一的神魔之后。 The word of Li Suo, making in the Yun Che brain emit a guess suddenly...... 黎娑之言,让云澈脑中忽然冒出一个猜测…… In the past separated Hong'er and You'er person Ni Jie, isn't...... Li Suo? 当年将逆劫分离成红儿幽儿的人,不会就是……黎娑吧? Ni Xuan and Jie Yuan take Ni Jie for their daughters the name, since divides to take their respective surnames, will be the tribulation boundary and future that all inexorable fates the time will be willing her to reverse associated comes, Anping's life. 逆玄劫渊为他们的女儿取“逆劫”之名,既是分取他们各自的姓氏,更是期愿她能逆转伴生而来的劫境和未来的所有劫数,安平此生。 But...... 但…… She cannot Ni Jie live finally, but changed to Hong'er and You'er. 她终是未能逆劫而生,而是化作了红儿幽儿 But changes an angle, era of that various Gods all devils completely all extinction, she is successful Ni Jie lives, new life is Hong'er and You'er. 但换个角度,那个诸神诸魔尽皆绝灭的时代,她又何尝不是成功的逆劫而生,新生红儿幽儿 The injury cured finished, the consciousness no longer was also murky. Yun Che stands up, inspected one just to plant a soon universe pivot shaft fast, then after confirming was safely lossless, no longer stays, by abyss dust Hiding, always the direction went. 伤势疗愈完毕,意识也不再昏沉。云澈站起身来,快速去检查了一番刚种下不久的乾坤阵枢,确认安然无损后便不再停留,以渊尘匿息,向来时的方向而去。 With abyss dust is gradually light, surrounding Abyssal Beast also no longer becomes the threat to other party, his speed increases suddenly, non-stop flies the Fog Sea surrounding. 随着渊尘的逐渐淡薄,周围的渊兽也不再对他造成威胁,他速度陡增,直飞雾海外围。 this period of time in the Fog Sea deep place, has re-entered the Fog Sea surrounding now, actually as if with previously the entirely different world. 这段时间一直都在雾海深处,如今重回雾海外围,却仿佛到了一个和先前截然不同的世界。 Existence of abyss dust becomes clearer, is docile. Abyssal Beast within Spirit Sense range...... particularly Divine Lord and Divine Sovereign plane/level Abyssal Beast, their deep pool nuclear clear as if in own referring, so long as the thought moves, can urge, does not need to infiltrate Soul Imprint. 渊尘的存在变得更加清晰,也更加温顺。灵觉范围内的渊兽……尤其是神主神君层面渊兽,它们的渊核清晰的仿佛就在自己的指间,只要意念一动,便可驱使,根本无需打入灵魂印记。 His extend the hand, looks at own palm dull. 伸出手,呆呆的看着自己的掌心。 Turns misfortune into a blessing in front of the dead tribulation, after controlling forcefully drives a horse abyss God Qilin, his to the abyss dust control, as if also had some subtle advancement. 在死劫面前因祸得福,强行控驭深渊麟神之后,他对渊尘的驾驭,仿佛又有了某种微妙的进境。 He thinks...... can have such a day, Divine Lord Realm above Abyssal Beast may also easily control to drive a horse? 他不由想到……会不会有那么一天,神主境以上的渊兽也可轻易控驭? Also can one day, oneself consciousness moves, all Abyssal Beast within perception area then whatever urges? 又会不会有一天,自己意识一动,感知范围内的所有渊兽便会任由驱使? The Fog Sea surrounding, the aura reduction of Abyssal Beast, were many many profound practitioner aura. 雾海外围,渊兽气息减少,却多了许多玄者气息 To abyss profound practitioner, Fog Sea, without doubt is the good informed and experienced place. Because of bad environment, suppressed Spirit Sense and profound strength, only then the destruction desire, does not have pities Abyssal Beast certainly, will draw in the true dangerous situation and hopeless situation profound practitioner momentarily. 深渊玄者而言,雾海,无疑是再好不过的历练之地。因为恶劣的环境,被压制的灵觉玄力,只有毁灭欲望,绝无一丝怜悯可言的渊兽,会随时将玄者拖入真正的危境与绝境。 The dangerous situation will puncture the potential, the hopeless situation will stimulate the miracle......, when again and again preys strongly, by dead reincarnation, the bottleneck that not only the will and disposition by the temperance of again and again, firm may not shake by the impact of again and again, until will also be flushed broken. 危境会刺动潜能,绝境会激发奇迹……当一次次竭力搏杀,由死转生,不仅意志、心性会被一次次的锤炼,原本牢不可撼的瓶颈也会被一次次的冲击,直至一冲而破。 Does not know the breakthroughs of many abyss profound practitioner in the Fog Sea achievement. 不知有多少深渊玄者的突破都是在雾海成就。 Especially...... does not enter Fog Sea from half step Divine Extinction Realm to the breakthrough of true Divine Extinction Realm for a lifetime, then enormously possibly for a lifetime lie half step Divine Extinction Realm. This feared the person on such as Helian Jue, he has only visited Fog Sea of most edge, does not dare to penetrate one step, therefore knows for a lifetime impossible achievement Divine Extinction Realm. 尤其是从半步神灭境到真正神灭境的突破……一辈子不入雾海,便极大可能一辈子停驻半步神灭境。就如赫连玦这等惧死之人,他只踏足过最边缘的雾海,绝不敢深入一步,所以自知一辈子都不可能成就神灭境 Therefore when facing legendary Qilin bone spirit orchid, naturally is crazy crazy to losing the mentally confused wisdom. 因而在面对传说中的麟骨灵兰时,自然是痴狂到失心乱智。 But, is certainly big part of profound practitioner to enter Fog Sea, actually solely does not come for the experience, for deep pool stone and deep pool crystal. 但,绝大一部分的玄者进入雾海,却不单单是为了历练而来,更为了渊石和渊晶。 The deep pool stone and deep pool crystal are the abyss current money, the position, is equivalent to profound stone and profound crystal of Yun Che world, but plane/level actually compares latter high many without doubt. 渊石和渊晶算是深渊的通用货币,地位,相当于云澈世界的玄石玄晶,但层面却无疑比后者高的多。 They are by the disassimilation, or dying abyss dust concentrates, will appear in Fog Sea any place at any time. 它们是由异化,或者说“死去”的渊尘所凝化而成,会随时出现在雾海的任何地方。 abyss dust strength of non- abyss profound practitioner accumulated can control, but its deep pool stone Yuanjing of disassimilation is actually another extreme temperateness, the strength of institute accumulated not only can easily be seized, and energy plane/level high extremely, may assist in the cultivation to a great extent, as well as building of Divine Palace and profound array, may serve as the energy of profound ark profound ship directly. 渊尘所蕴之力非深渊玄者所能驾驭,但其所异化的渊石渊晶却是另一个极端的温和,所蕴之力不但可以被轻易攫取,且能量层面极其之高,可在很大程度上辅助于修炼,以及神宫玄阵的筑造,更可直接用做玄舟玄舰的能源。 abyss profound practitioner earlier cultivation rapidness of extremely Realm, the spiritual energy density and plane/level are only one of the reasons. The existence of deep pool stone and deep pool crystal is the principal factor. 深渊玄者前期境界的修炼都极其之快,灵气的密度和层面只是原因之一。渊石与渊晶的存在才是主因。 Therefore, every year has innumerable profound practitioner to enter Fog Sea, collects deep pool stone and deep pool crystal. 因而,每年都有无数的玄者进入雾海,去采集渊石和渊晶。 Deep pool stone in the Fog Sea surrounding, even the edge may also relatively collection easily. But the deep pool crystal, is to the utmost the pure deep pool stone, its shape such as the grey hazy crystal, is extremely difficult to appear. Seeks in the Fog Sea surrounding possibly is small and small. 渊石在雾海外围,甚至边缘亦可相对轻易的采集到。而渊晶,是极尽纯粹化的渊石,其形如灰朦的水晶,极难出现。在雾海外围寻到的可能更是小之又小。 But high of its value, naturally is also far in excess of the deep pool stone. When as exchange, same weight most common deep pool crystal, must equally in the deep pool stones of ten thousand times of weights. 而其价值之高,自然也远远超越渊石。作为交换物时,同等重量最普通的渊晶,也要等价于万倍重量的渊石。 In Fog Sea on the moment mutually is the dependence, next quarter turning into enemies battle, often is because discovered deep pool crystal that is refracting the gloomy crafty glow. 雾海之中上一刻互为依靠,下一刻反目成仇的厮杀,往往是因为发现了一枚折射着灰暗诡芒的渊晶。 These Divine Country dependent countries, they attach in the Divine Country condition, is every year consecrates a lot of deep pool crystals. 那些神国的附属国,他们依附于神国的条件,便是每年供奉大量的渊晶。 But obtains deep pool crystal quickest way absolutely not is the thorough Fog Sea search, but hunts and kills Abyssal Beast! 而获得渊晶最快的方式绝非是深入雾海搜寻,而是猎杀渊兽 Because of the body of Abyssal Beast, is the easiest congealment deep pool crystal place. Is high level and ancient Abyssal Beast, then more possibly has the deep pool crystal. 因为渊兽的躯体,是最容易凝结渊晶的地方。越是高等、古老的渊兽,便越是可能存在渊晶。 But some extremely powerful Abyssal Beast body, also possibly has the variation deep pool crystal. The precious and precious degree, absolutely not common profound practitioner can imagine, can only yearn during various rumor and records. 而一些极其强大的渊兽身上,还有可能存在着异种渊晶。其珍奇和贵重程度,绝非寻常玄者所能想象,只能向往于各种传闻与记载之中。 In addition, before abyss world takes shape, in huge Fog Sea buries innumerably to be buried abyss ancient times Gods and Devils. That time abyss has the earlier mutation, although bit to extinguish these Gods and Devils, but along with, or space ancient times profound tool and inheritance can actually retain in their body along, secure silent/solitary existence in Fog Sea. 除此之外,在深渊之世成型之前,庞大的雾海之中埋葬着无数被葬下深渊的远古神魔。那时的深渊已有了前期的异变,虽将这些神魔噬灭,但一些随于他们身躯、或随身空间的远古玄器、传承却得以保留了下来,安寂的存在于雾海之中。 Therefore, in this Fog Sea, hidden abyss biggest chance. Once in a while, will then have Primordial profound tool to be published, is abyss world brings surging in varying degrees. 因而,这雾海之中,亦隐着深渊最大的机缘。每隔一段时间,便会有上古玄器问世,为深渊之世带来不同程度的激荡。 The intense fighting sound transmits from Yun Che's the front, he has seen, even the vision has not skimmed flickers. 激烈的打斗声从云澈的前方传来,他早已见惯,连目光都没撇去一瞬。 BOOM! 轰隆 A giant stone cracks, the form in fierce battle presents in the Yun Che's line of sight. 一块巨石崩裂,恶战中的身影呈现于云澈的视线之中。 This is two Divine Lord Realm Third Level profound practitioner, is a black clothes of convenience concealment figure, is hunting and killing Divine Lord Realm First Level Abyssal Beast. 这是两个神主境三级玄者,皆是一身方便隐匿身形的黑衣,在猎杀一只神主境一级渊兽 The strength of absolute steamroll, is two dozens one, but making a move of these two profound practitioner do not have slight retention, on the face does not have the least bit relaxation condition. 绝对碾压的实力,还是二打一,但这两个玄者的出手却没有丝毫的保留,脸上更没有半点松弛之态。 Because that is Abyssal Beast! Does not know the fear, does not fear the pain, leaves no ground, will not escape. But in the boundless gray fog, possibly has other Abyssal Beast to jump out anytime. The contempt and lax, are no different in Fog Sea dig one's own grave. 因为那是渊兽!不知恐惧,不惧痛苦,不留余地,更不会逃跑。而茫茫灰雾之中,随时都可能有其他渊兽窜出。轻视与松懈,在雾海之中无异于自掘坟墓。 RIP!! 哧啦!! Two cyan sword light carry storm howling, from that only Divine Lord Abyssal Beast body transverse cutting. 两道青色剑芒携带暴风般的呼啸,从那只神主渊兽身上横切而过。 Abyssal Beast in berserk succeeds in giving up two sections in the midair, when falls to the ground, two sections of remnant body crazy sway from side to side, is releasing as before the strength of scary destruction. 狂暴中的渊兽在半空断成两截,落地之时,两截残躯狂乱扭动,释放着依旧骇人的毁灭之力。 two people saw this obviously, such as the thunder threw one on the left and other on the right, sword light carries the storm, Abyssal Beast that will break destroyed round number ten in a flash. 两人显然见惯了此幕,如雷霆般一左一右扑了上去,剑芒携着暴风,将断裂的渊兽转瞬摧成数十段。 Abyssal Beast that breaks to pieces is soundless, only has the strong gray fog to ascend piece by piece slowly...... is penetrating the gray fog, the one different glow passes the eye pupil slightly. 碎断的渊兽再无声息,唯有片片浓烈的灰雾缓慢的升腾着……而透过灰雾,一抹异芒微微晃过眼瞳。 That...... that is!?” “那……那是!?” The two people anxious step forwards, immediately, grey crystals of-and-a-half fist sizes presently in their lines of sight. 两人急步向前,马上,一枚半个拳头大小的灰晶现于他们的视线之中。 Deep pool crystal!” The pleasantly surprised shout resounds, but he covered the mouth immediately stubbornly. “渊晶!”惊喜的呼喊声响起,但马上他又死死的捂住了嘴巴。 At least has three jin (0.5 kg)!” Some old profound practitioner pull down voice/sound, on the face is difficult to cover excitedly. “至少有三斤!”年长些的玄者压低声音,脸上难掩激动。 Only this deep pool crystal, the tour of this Fog Sea is not empty.” Young profound practitioner grins to smile, then grasps the deep pool crystal, puts in the hand of opposite party: Senior Brother, receives quickly it, if were seen by others troubles.” “单此渊晶,此次雾海之行已是不虚。”年少些的玄者咧嘴而笑,然后一把抓起渊晶,放到对方的手中:“师兄,快将它收起来,万一被其他人看到就麻烦了。” Senior Brother actually driving back: This deep pool crystal from that some Abyssal Beast remnant bodies that you destroy, when is you.” 师兄却是将之推回:“这块渊晶是来自你摧毁的那部分渊兽残躯,当属于你。” Senior Brother!” Young profound practitioner insisted on placing in the Senior Brother hand, the smile said: Abyssal Beast is we strikes to kill with joint forces, whose without belonging said. But the precedence maintained between seniors and juniors, first surely is you, but next, I do not let absolutely, cannot reach an agreement, compared with on Senior Brother this big ten times.” 师兄!”年少玄者执意将之放在了师兄手中,微笑道:“渊兽是我们合力击杀,没有属于谁之说。但长幼有序,第一枚必当属于你,而下一枚,我可是绝对不让的,说不好,会比师兄这枚大上十倍。” Their masters have the same side, is deeply loved for the first time, is not with into Fog Sea, fully realized that is more fearful than Fog Sea Abyssal Beast, is the human nature. Also is the dependence, must cease any suspicion and greedy. 他们师出同门,感情深厚,更不是第一次同入雾海,深知比雾海渊兽更可怕的,是人性。既为依靠,就必须杜绝任何猜忌与贪婪。 Good.” Senior Brother looks the smile, no longer declines, he just about to receives the deep pool crystal, the split vision of corner of the eye touched a person's shadow suddenly. “好。”师兄面露微笑,不再推辞,他刚要将渊晶收起,眼角的余光忽然触碰到了一个人影。 He transfers the head fiercely, looked that to Yun Che that never the distant place passed over gently and swiftly. 他猛的转首,看向了正从不远处掠过的云澈 Divine Lord Realm Second Level aura, heart that and only then all alone...... he just raised immediately slow, even initiative said out loud: „Are this brothers, is it possible that all alones?” 神主境二级气息,且只有孤身一人……他刚提起的心顿时缓下,甚至主动出声道:“这位兄弟,莫非是孤身一人?” The opposite party talked, moreover and harmless, Yun Che spoke thoughtlessly to say: Yes.” 对方搭话,而且并无恶意,云澈随口应道:“是。” This place appears and disappears frequently Divine Lord Abyssal Beast, brothers all alone, feared that is extremely reluctantly. Suggested that the brothers go to some edge regions. Informed and experienced and chance is no doubt important, but heavy nature...... WU!! “此地经常出没神主渊兽,兄弟孤身一人,怕是太过勉强。建议兄弟还是前往更边缘一些的区域。历练和机缘固然重要,但都重不过性……唔!! His voice interrupts suddenly, a pair of eye pupil expands to instantaneously in a big way. 他的话音陡然中断,一双眼瞳更是瞬间扩张到最大。 Yun Che knits the brows to transfer the eye, saw impressively the cyan sword blade passes through his body from the rear area together, storm power that above carries, cruel is disturbing his five main internal organs (entrails). 云澈皱眉转目,赫然看到一道青色剑刃从后方将他的躯体贯穿,其上所携的暴风之力,残忍的翻搅着他的五脏六腑。 But grasps azure sword, Junior Brother that precisely he most trusts. 而手持青剑者,正是他最信任的师弟 He transfers the eye slowly, does not dare to believe looks at the eye of Junior Brother: You...... you......” 他缓缓转目,不敢置信的看着师弟的眼睛:“你……你……” But, in the lax line of sight, he is not mean and fierce, but is vacant of the Junior Brother face seeing, both eyes is a stretch of fearful cavity. 但,涣散的视线中,他从师弟脸上看到的不是阴狠与狰狞,而是一片茫然,双目更是一片可怕的空洞。 Hehehe!” voice/sound that teased recklessly resounded from their rear gray fog: Taste Iya? that most trusted companion back punctures certainly is very how wonderful, tch tch.” 呵呵呵!”一个肆意而戏谑的声音从他们后方的灰雾中响起:“被最信任的同伴背刺的滋味如何呀?一定很是美妙吧,啧啧。” This voice/sound, lets Yun Che figure. 这个声音,让云澈身形一顿。 But voice/sound Master, at a moderate pace goes out from the gray fog. 声音主人,也已不紧不慢的从灰雾中走出。 The look is fine-looking, the lip holds the monster to be evil, strange silver clothes vertical in this gloomy Fog Sea, is still pasting the mercury crafty glow. 相貌英挺,唇噙妖邪,一身奇异银衣纵在这灰暗的雾海,依然流转着水银般的诡芒。 Impressively yes...... 赫然是…… Meng Jianzhou! 梦见洲 He unexpectedly in Fog Sea. 他竟在雾海之中。 But unlike six months when Qilin Abyss Realm sees initially, left side of Meng Jianzhou at this moment sleeve withered heaving, an only right arm. 但与半年前在麟渊界初见时不同,此刻的梦见洲左侧袖管干瘪垂荡,只余一只右臂。 cultivation base does not have the progress, still lie half step Divine Extinction Realm. 修为则是毫无长进,依然停驻半步神灭境 At this time, Junior Brother empty both eyes restored the focal distance, his fierce loosening shook the hand of sword, the body cowers, voice/sound shivered: „...... It is not I, is not I......” 这时,师弟空洞的双目重新恢复了焦距,他猛的松开握剑的手,躯体瑟缩,声音颤抖:“不……不是我,不是我……” tch tch!” The Meng Jianzhou slanting lip shakes the head, in the double pupil is flashing Soul Absorption silver glow: As the son, how can dare to do is not at all? You must really think that is unfair to your Senior Brother, why not did suicide apologize simply?” 啧啧!”梦见洲斜唇摇头,双眸之中闪动着摄魂银芒:“身为男儿,怎能敢做不敢当呢?你要真觉得对不起你的师兄,那何不干脆自绝谢罪呢?” Sloppy spoken language, just like Devil chants in a low voice......, but that wipes the circulation in Meng Jianzhou pupil silver glow, flashed before this time in both eyes of young profound practitioner unexpectedly. 散漫的言语,宛若恶魔的低吟……而那抹流转于梦见洲瞳眸银芒,竟在这时闪现于年少玄者的双目之中。 He lifts the hand slowly, wooden language: Senior Brother, is unfair to...... my............ to apologize to you......” 他缓缓抬手,木然而语:“师兄,对不起……我这就……向你……谢罪……” BANG!! 砰!! profound energy of implosion, destroying without hesitation own heart arteries and five main internal organs (entrails). His seven orifices collapse blood, body slowly weak in place, after several breaths, is then breathless, the eye pupil that only the pair loses the light stares stubbornly in a big way, is not willing to close. 内爆的玄气,毫不犹豫的摧断了自己的心脉和五脏六腑。他七窍崩血,身躯缓缓瘫软在地,数息之后便无声息,唯有一双失光的眼瞳死死瞪大,不肯闭合。 „......” Yun Che narrows the pupil slowly. “……”云澈缓缓眯眸。 Weaving Dream Divine Country all excels at the soul strength. As Meng Jianzhou of child of God Venerate, its soul strength, Yun Che then once personally experienced when Qilin Abyss Realm. 织梦神国皆擅魂力。作为神尊之子的梦见洲,其魂力之强,云澈麟渊界时便曾亲身感受。 You......” by the Senior Brother whole face pain and despair that a sword causes heavy losses, he shivers to lift the hand, aims at Meng Jianzhou: Is you...... is you!” “你……”被一剑重创的师兄满脸痛苦与绝望,他颤抖抬手,指向梦见洲:“是你……是你!” Boisterous.” Meng Jianzhou leisurely strolling idle courtyard walked: this Young Master solved the back to puncture your person for you, you actually glowered, was really bitterly disappointing. So does not know the person who feels grateful, does remain what uses?” “聒噪。”梦见洲信步闲庭的走了过来:“本少替你解决了背刺你的人,你却怒目而视,真是让人寒心啊。如此不知感恩的人,留之何用呢?” Bang ———— ———— Has not seen Meng Jianzhou to have what movement, a great strength has rumbled in the old profound practitioner chest front ruthlessly, destroys fine powder his five main internal organs (entrails) thoroughly. 未见梦见洲有什么动作,一股巨力已狠狠轰于年长玄者的胸前,将其五脏六腑彻底毁成齑粉 Body also distant departure of the certain death, drops down into not to know that in far Fog Sea, is soundless. 十死无生的躯体也远远的飞出,直落入不知多远的雾海之中,再无声息。 But that deep pool crystal falls from his body ball, under a hauling of wisp of profound energy, light falling in the hand of Meng Jianzhou. 而那枚渊晶从他身上弹落,在一缕玄气的牵引之下,轻飘飘的落在梦见洲的手中。 He double refers to pinching the deep pool crystal, puts at present, resembles heartily in enjoys it to refract the special grey glow that. 他双指将渊晶捏起,置于眼前,似在尽情的享受着它折射的特殊灰芒。 As the person of Divine Country God Venerate, the deep pool crystal that his life cultivation consumes, is huge number that the average man has a dream cannot think. 作为神国神尊之人,他这一生修炼所耗的渊晶,是常人做梦都不敢想的巨大数字。 But, this type must come...... particularly the wonderful feeling of others hand seizing personally, has words at fingertips and writes with facility to compare can it be that. 但,这种亲自得来……尤其是从他人手中夺来的美妙感,岂是信手拈来可比。 From just obtained in the huge pleasant surprise of deep pool crystal to thrust desperate abyss profound practitioner ruthlessly, at that moment, his finger seems connecting the heaven and hell, that simply is huge enjoyment that one type infatuated even perishes. 将一个又一个玄者从刚刚得到渊晶的巨大惊喜中狠狠推入绝望的深渊,那一刻,他的手指仿佛连接着天堂与地狱,那简直是一种让人痴迷甚至沉沦的巨大享受。 At this time, he not slow revolutions pupil, to not play jokes upon the pupil light of prey to shoot a look at anxiously to another person of presence: Oh? Don't you run unexpectedly? Should you not think......?” 这时,他不急不缓的转眸,以戏耍猎物的眸光瞥向另一个在场之人:“?你居然不跑?你该不会以为……嗯?” Sees clearly Yun Che's at that moment, his vision obviously moves. 看清云澈的那一刻,他的目光明显一动。 Immediately, where he then recalled had once seen this person, pair of straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards sank immediately: Is you!?” 马上,他便忆起曾在哪里见过此人,一双剑眉顿时沉了下来:“是你!?” ———— ———— Remembers this only abyss God Qilin, remembers beforehand that only abyss Horned Dragon again, has big using!】 【记住这只深渊麟神,再记住之前那只深渊虬龙,有大用!】
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