ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2027: Fog Sea deep place

As Yun Che's continues thoroughly, the abyss dust density, had been an extreme terrifying degree. 随着云澈的继续深入,渊尘的浓度,已是达到了一个极端恐怖的程度。 Arrived suppresses a Divine Lord profound practitioner perception area to insufficient hundred feet richly sufficiently......, but this region, non- Divine Lord profound practitioner has been able to visit. 浓郁到足以将一个神主玄者的感知范围压制到不足十丈……而这个区域,也早已非神主玄者所能踏足。 Because of perching here Abyssal Beast, basically is the boundary of Divine Extinction. 因为“栖息”于此处的渊兽,基本都已是神灭之境。 In Life Land, the boundary of Divine Extinction is the innumerable profound practitioner hopes, but difficult and Realm, enters Divine Extinction Realm, is representative the body of achievement half god, sets up in abyss high. 生地之中,神灭之境是无数玄者渴望而难及的境界,一入神灭境,便代表着成就半神之躯,立身于深渊的高位。 Powerful and noble Abyss Knight, over 90% is Divine Extinction Realm. Divine Pinnacle Realm less than 10%. 强大而高贵的深渊骑士,亦九成以上皆是神灭境神极境不足10%。 But Fog Sea of this boundary, Divine Extinction Abyssal Beast is actually everywhere is, Yun Che's Spirit Sense , is terrifying peerless Divine Extinction aura, the greatness of quantity, keeping him from the heart not being startled step by step. 而此境的雾海,神灭渊兽却是遍地皆是,云澈的灵觉所至,皆是恐怖绝伦的神灭气息,数量之巨,让他无法不步步心惊。 His Divine Lord aura goes through in numerous Divine Extinction aura, appears particularly pitiful. 他的神主气息在一众神灭气息中穿行,显得分外卑怜 No wonder, the Fog Sea deep place was called as the deathtrap by abyss profound practitioner. On such as Ximen Boyun Abyss Knight like that is how noble in this world profound practitioner in the eyes powerful existence, but if loses here, feared that will be in ten breaths is remained by the dregs that will extinguish remnantly. 难怪,雾海深处被深渊玄者称作死地。就如西门博云那般的深渊骑士,在此世玄者眼中何其高贵强大的存在,但若是丢到这里,怕是十息之内就会被残灭的渣都不剩。 In addition the suppression of strong abyss dust...... feared that is legendary Divine Pinnacle Realm profound practitioner hence, do not want to support is too long. 再加上浓重渊尘的压制……怕是传说中的神极境玄者至此,也别想支撑太久。 Yun Che is still following the abyss dust rich degree vanguard, was only the footsteps is lighter, aura also restraining as far as possible. abyss dust was absorbed by him layer upon layer in the body, the whole person almost fuses together with Fog Sea. 云澈依然在循着渊尘的浓郁程度前行,只是脚步已轻了许多,气息也尽可能的收敛。层层渊尘被他吸附在身,整个人几乎与雾海融为一体。 In the half year, the control degree of Yun Che to abyss dust progresses by leaps and bounds. By the present, has been able the twinkling to transfer all abyss dust of peripheral region, even can be the medium abyss dust directly, making his soul strength spread to be far. 这半年之间,云澈渊尘的驾驭程度突飞猛进。到了如今,已可以瞬息调动周围区域的所有渊尘,甚至可以直接将渊尘作为媒介,让他的魂力传出极远。 To the control of Abyssal Beast, from initial is quite reluctant, to gradual having a familiar task and handling it with ease. Can control profound beast plane/level that drives a horse is also getting higher and higher. 渊兽的驾驭,也从最初的极为勉强,到逐渐的驾轻就熟。所能控驭的玄兽层面也越来越高。 To the control of Abyssal Beast, essentially is still to the control of abyss dust. 渊兽的驾驭,本质上依然是对渊尘的驾驭。 In the half year, Li Suo observed Yun Che's every action and every movement...... he to use every day merely for three days in the eye, then refining God Qilin gave his source strength, then used to the scary nine double-hour shortly, the source blood and source marrow and without a gap merge God Qilin. 这半年,黎娑每一天都在目观着云澈的一举一动……他仅仅用了三天,便炼化麟神给予他的源力,然后又用了短暂到骇人的九个时辰,将麟神的源血和源髓与自身无间相融 Not a wee bit repels and escapes! 没有丁点的排斥和逸散! Then in the second month, built God Qilin lineage/vein to be in sole possession, was precisely in her fuzzy memory the strongest guardian spirit technique —— Qilin temple. 然后在第二个月,修成了麟神一脉独有,且是她模糊记忆中最强的守护神——麒麟圣殿。 Although Li Suo knows him to have nihility Sacred Body that Primogenitor Goddess bestows, but does not know after all he attains the experience before Primordial Seal of Life and Death. When treating as is the Creation God cognition by time and time again close break, she is unable as before not for it deep startled however. 黎娑虽然知晓他有着始祖神亲赐的虚无圣躯,但毕竟不知他拿到鸿蒙生死印前的经历。当作为创世神的认知被一次又一次近在咫尺的打破时,她依旧无法不为之深深惊然。 But his control to the abyss dust, almost every day, has the clearly discernible advancement. 而他对渊尘的驾驭,几乎每一天,都有着清晰可见的进境。 That obviously is the strength of primitive extinguishing in the cognition is unable to be interfered with, but in the Yun Che hand, to the control of abyss dust, as if it's just... from starts to control another profound strength to be the same at first. 那明明是认知中无从被干涉的原始灭之力,但在云澈手中,对渊尘的驾驭,仿佛只是……从最初开始驾驭另一种玄力一般。 Once the beast clan were corroded Abyssal Beast, so long as that is in Fog Sea, then eternal not dying, can only be annihilated thoroughly. 兽族一旦被侵蚀成渊兽,那么只要身在雾海,便会永恒不“死”,只能被彻底湮灭。 Under the common sense, in Fog Sea, profound practitioner impossible defeats same Realm Abyssal Beast in any event. 常理之下,雾海之中,一个玄者无论如何都不可能击败同等境界渊兽 Because profound practitioner profound strength and soul strength will be suppressed by abyss dust, but Abyssal Beast will have the strength of nearly endless destruction in abyss dust, even/including wound, by the abyss dust quick repair. 因为玄者玄力和魂力会被渊尘压制,但渊兽却会在渊尘之中拥有近乎无尽的毁灭之力,就连创伤,也会被渊尘快速修复。 Therefore facing same Realm Abyssal Beast, often wants two to the possibility that three talents have to strike to kill. 因而面对同境界渊兽,往往要两到三人才有击杀的可能。 Beside Fog Sea regards as another matter. 雾海之外另当别论。 abyss dust is rich, Abyssal Beast is powerful. Yun Che's footsteps is getting more and more slow, divine sense that releases also careful. 渊尘越是浓郁,渊兽越是强大。云澈的脚步越来越缓慢,所释放的神识也越加的小心谨慎。 It seems like, this place basically was the limit.” Yun Che read lowly. “看来,这个地方基本是极限了。”云澈一声低念。 Because in that step, Spirit Sense that outside him released touched two aura that a moment ago made his Soul palpitate suddenly. 因为就在刚才那一步,他外释的灵觉碰触到了两个让他灵魂骤悸的气息 That should be Divine Extinction Realm Intermediate Stage Abyssal Beast aura. 那应该是神灭境中期渊兽气息 Divine Extinction Realm Intermediate Stage Abyssal Beast, the direct battle, he has no odds of success absolutely, but should conduct most basic controlling to drive a horse sufficiently...... that faces 1-2 times. 神灭境中期渊兽,正面交战,他绝对没有任何胜算,但应该足以进行最基本的控驭……不过那是面对1-2的时候。 If alarms its one carelessly, causes surrounding Abyssal Beast completely but to, him feared that must confess here. 如果不慎惊动其一,引得周围渊兽尽皆而至,他怕是要交代在这里。 So the place of terrifying, feared that does not know many year of no one once visited. Can by the body of Divine Lord thoroughly hence, Yun Che absolutely be the abyss history's first person , can only be only the one by one person. 如此恐怖之地,怕是已不知多少年无人曾踏足。能以神主之躯深入至此,云澈绝对是深渊历史第一人,也只会是唯一一人。 Li Suo sends out voice/sound: Is it possible that you want to look in rumor primitive dead deep pool?” 黎娑发出声音:“莫非,你想去看一眼传闻中的‘原始死渊’?” Right.” Yun Che returns said: It seems like temporarily was impossible.” “没错。”云澈回道:“不过看来暂时是不可能了。” Primitive dead deep pool, rumor situated in Fog Sea dead center, moreover huge extremely, is this abyss world abyss. 原始死渊,传闻位于雾海的正中心,而且极其之庞大,是这个深渊之世深渊 According to rumor of related primitive dead deep pool, Yun Che guessed that should not by primitive abyss of disassimilation...... Era of the Gods, that even True God can flicker to change into the nihility initial abyss! 依照有关原始死渊的传闻,云澈猜测那应该是未被异化的原始深渊……诸神时代,那个连真神都可以一瞬化为虚无的最初深渊 True death abyss. 真正的死亡深渊 Why this also more approaches this primitive dead source, abyss dust is strong. 这也是为什么越是临近这个原始死源,渊尘便越是浓重。 If continues again, if encounters Divine Extinction Late Stage Abyssal Beast, even Divine Pinnacle Realm Abyssal Beast......, once alarms, feared the opportunity of even escaping does not have. 若再继续前行,万一遭遇神灭后期渊兽,甚至神极境渊兽……一旦惊动,怕是连逃命的机会都没有。 That then nearby this, seeks a right place.” “那便在这附近,寻一个合适的地方吧。” Yun Che whispered suddenly strange words. 云澈忽然低语了一句奇怪的话。 Li Suo has the question: Right place?” 黎娑发出疑问:“合适的地方?” Yun Che had not replied, continues slow fast...... not to make him seek forward too for a long time , to continue is less than ten li (0.5 km), Abyssal Beast aura sharply falls suddenly. 云澈没有回答,继续缓速向前……没有让他寻找太久,继续前行不到十里,渊兽气息忽然锐减。 Proceeds again, Abyssal Beast within Spirit Sense range starts to be getting fewer and fewer. Gradually, when the Yun Che footsteps stop, surroundings entire 50 li (0.5 km) region, unexpectedly no Abyssal Beast aura. 再往前,灵觉范围内的渊兽开始越来越少。逐渐的,在云澈脚步停止之时,周围整整五十里区域,竟没有一只渊兽气息 „......?” Yun Che deeply knits the brows, somewhat is faintly anxious. “……?”云澈深深皱眉,隐隐有些不安。 He indeed is searching one not to alarm any Abyssal Beast peaceful place as far as possible. But here too was also peaceful. 他的确在寻觅一个尽可能不惊动任何渊兽的安静之地。但这里也着实太安静了一些。 As if bans territory that” appears suddenly. 仿佛是一处忽然出现的“禁域”。 He attaches to the sensation in abyss dust, slow proliferation to surroundings......, but except for extremely peaceful, not, no matter what what difference often place. 他将感知依附于渊尘,缓慢的扩散向周围……但除了极度的安静,并没有任何异常之处。 Probably is bestowed by heaven good. 大概是天赐良地。 Yun Che no longer hesitates, diverges abyss dust that body turns round, a red ray presently in his hands. 云澈不再犹疑,散去身上所覆的渊尘,一枚红色的光芒现于他的手中。 Li Suo knows this to wipe red light: „Before this is drops abyss, World Needle Master delivers you thing, I remember two.” 黎娑识出这抹红光:“这是落下深渊前,乾坤刺主人所送你之物,我记得有两枚。” Right.” Yun Che is in harmony with palm the red glow, extremely careful cancels the surface seal: By the space god pivot shaft and space that divine stone World Needle surplus all power engrave. Plants the space god pivot shaft here, but then, transmits by space divine stone to here based on this momentarily.” “没错。”云澈将红芒合于手心,极为小心的抹去表层的封印:“以乾坤刺剩余的所有力量所刻印的空间神枢与空间神石。将空间神枢种于此处,便可在一定范围内,以空间神石随时传送至这里。” Why can put in this place the pivot shaft?” Li Suo asked. “为何要将阵枢置于此地?”黎娑问。 Yun Che said in a low voice: Most perfect place that I conceive, is the edge in that primitive dead deep pool. But since is unable to approach, then can only back off.” 云澈低声道:“我设想的最完美的地方,是那个原始死渊的边缘。但既然无法临近,便只能退而求其次了。” Here...... was also enough!” “不过这里……也足够了!” The language falls, in the hand the red glow has dropped down the under foot. 语落,手中红芒已直落脚下。 Zheng! 铮! Space divine glow such as the crimson flower blooms generally, unfolds zhang (3.33 m) wide red profound array in the Yun Che's under foot. 空间神芒如绯红之花一般绽放,在云澈的脚下铺开一个只有丈宽的红色玄阵 profound array slow revolving, ray dark, short after two breaths, then completely vanished there. 玄阵缓慢旋转,随之光芒暗下,短短两息之后,便完全消失在了那里。 Yun Che put out with it connected space divine stone, space divine glow that really on divine stone releases had the conspicuous change, although is still gloomy, but were many several points of deep and quiet. This moment close neighbor space god pivot shaft, Yun Che even can the special space connection of faint sensation to them. 云澈拿出了与之相连的空间神石,果然神石上所释的空间神芒发生了显眼的变化,虽然依旧暗淡,但多了几分幽邃。此刻近邻空间神枢,云澈甚至能隐隐感知到它们之间特殊的空间连接。 Shui Meiyin reminded at that time emphatically, because of extremely hasty, space divine stone Yun's the strength of space are not many, and transmission distance is farther, the consumption is bigger, but can supplement. 水媚音当时着重提醒,因太过仓促,空间神石所蕴的空间之力并没有太多,且传送距离越远,消耗越大,但可以自行补充。 Moreover, because of escapes from chasing down of Mo Beichen by World Needle continually, that time World Needle Divine Power are few, can successfully engrave this space array of pivot shaft and space divine stone is extremely reluctant, space plane/level that engraves is unable to achieve high. 另外,因连番以乾坤刺逃脱陌悲尘的追杀,那时的乾坤刺所余神力已寥寥无几,能成功刻印这空间阵枢和空间神石已是极为勉强,所刻印的空间层面也无法达到最高。 Therefore when start space divine stone transmission to space god pivot shaft, is unable to achieve instant, even/including space divine stone, because of opening and maintaining to transmit profound array to remain same place. 因而启动空间神石传送至空间神枢时,无法做到瞬时,就连空间神石,也会因张开和维持传送玄阵而留予原地。 Therefore, it is not basically able to be used to escape. But...... can achieve to the temporary connections of two spaces. 所以,它基本无法用来逃命。但……可以做到对两处空间的临时连接。 Once the space god pivot shaft plants, is unable to shift. Periphery Yun Che looks all around...... from now on, here then can be he frequently the place of visit. 空间神枢一旦种下,便无法转移。云澈环顾周围……今后,这里便会是他经常踏足之地了。 Walks.” “走吧。” Yun Che turns around......, but his footsteps have not stepped, suddenly whole body one stiff. 云澈转身……但他的脚步还未迈动,忽然全身一僵。 His Soul seems like the suddenly pierced larva, the split second convulsion to the distortion. 他的灵魂像是被猝然刺穿的幼虫,一瞬间痉挛到扭曲。 The blood as if solidifies, the whole body becomes numb. His stiff nape of the neck reverses slowly, in pupil that a pair contracts peak, screens the terrifying dim light that two wipe...... opens slowly. 血液仿佛凝固,周身变得一片酥麻。他僵硬的脖颈缓缓扭转,一双收缩到极致的瞳孔中,映出两抹……缓缓睁开的恐怖幽光。 Gods...... extremely...... 神……极…… During two terrifying peerless phrases such as the nightmare consciousness in Yun Che's generally presently. 两个恐怖绝伦的字眼如梦魇一般现于云澈的意识之中。 When Qilin Abyss Realm, he once touched the Divine Extinction Realm Intermediate Stage powerful pressure. 麟渊界时,他曾触及到神灭境中期的强大威压。 On the way of thorough Fog Sea, is the sensation to does not know many only Divine Extinction Abyssal Beast fearful aura. 深入雾海途中,更是感知到不知多少只神灭渊兽的可怕气息 But, at this moment presses duplicate in body destruction aura, terrifying to almost flickers to collapse his will, even/including his vision, becomes a fuzziness. 但,此刻压覆于身的毁灭气息,恐怖到几乎一瞬崩溃他的意志,就连他的视觉,都变得一片模糊。 Perhaps so the heavy pressure, is not in Divine Extinction Realm. But is in that legend...... achieves half god peak, close to the True God god extremely boundary. 这般重压,或许已不在神灭境之内。而是那传说之中……达到半神极致,临近真神的神极之境。 So plane/level Abyssal Beast, should not appear in this region. 如此层面渊兽,本不该出现在这个区域。 It that has been dormant peacefully, Yun Che had not even detected slightly. 一直安静蛰伏的它,连云澈都丝毫未有察觉。 Until at this moment, was awakened by space divine glow. 直到此刻,被空间神芒所惊醒。 ............ ………… ............ ………… Plate Owl Butterfly?” Qianye Ying'er knits the brows to look at that stele: Probably a name...... as if not seem like the name.” “槃枭蝶?”千叶影儿皱眉看着那块石碑:“像是一个名字……又似乎不像是名字。” Chi Wuyao said slowly: This is ten thousand years ago, I am obtaining to turn the place of devil soul, an ancient times stele that seeks.” 池妩仸缓缓道:“这是万年之前,我在得到涅轮魔魂之地,所寻得的一块远古石碑。” Old, and various antiques and Devil Weapon that at that time sought are innumerable, this stele is most useless, three character difficult solutions that the most common thing, can only distinguish is also inexplicable, therefore was left unused and forgets by me.” “年代久远,且当时寻到的各种古物、魔器无数,这块石碑是最无用,最不起眼之物,唯能识别的三个字也难解莫名,于是被我闲置与遗忘。” Learns abyss six big Divine Country from Mo Beichen there, Divine Country named Owl Butterfly Divine Country. At that time had the familiarity, but because was extremely remote and fuzzy, for a while has not recalled. After Yun Che goes to abyss, I remember this indistinct familiarity to come from where finally.” “从陌悲尘那里获知深渊的六大神国,其中一个神国名为‘枭蝶神国’。当时微有熟悉感,但由于太过久远和模糊,一时没有忆起。云澈去到深渊后,我才终于想起这隐约的熟悉感来自何处。” Seeks this flagstone, has not actually attained.” “只是重新寻出这块石板,却也未有所获。” Therefore......” the Qianye Ying'er connection said: My words, what making you think of?” “所以……”千叶影儿接口道:“我刚才的话,让你重新想到了什么?” Right.” The Chi Wuyao pupil flashes the different glow: If the plate Owl Butterfly three characters is a name...... the present world never some people take the plate as the surname, but ancient times Devil Race, plate a character, letting the person is unable not to think of name of the Devil Emperor.” “没错。”池妩仸眸闪异芒:“若槃枭蝶三个字是一个名字的话……现世从未有人以槃为姓,而远古魔族,‘槃’之一字,让人无法不想到一个魔帝之名。” Plate deep Devil Emperor in four big Devil Emperor.” “四大魔帝中的槃冥魔帝。” Plate deep...... 槃冥…… Deep...... 冥…… Deep mirror!? 冥镜!? Some innumerable devil light flash in the Chi Wuyao brain, will be chaotic, fragment of no happening together strange gathered continually in one. 如有无数魔光池妩仸脑中闪动,将原本混乱不堪,毫无交集的碎片诡异的连合在了一起。 Bang buzz —————— 轰嗡—————— The rumbled acoustic shock that resounds suddenly dispersed Chi Wuyao and Qianye Ying'er train of thought. 一阵忽然响起的轰鸣声震散了池妩仸千叶影儿的思绪。 two people the sinking eyebrow transfers the eye simultaneously...... here, but Plundered Soul Realm, Yun Che North Territory for the place of emperor, who dares in this hurriedly!? 两人同时沉眉转目……此处可是劫魂界,云澈北域为帝之地,谁敢在此造次!? Acoustic source is extremely far, from Eastern.” Qianye Ying'er takes pleasure in others' misfortunes saying: Northern God Territory that it seems like Devil Empress drives a horse is not docile, such big sound, feared that is......” “声源极远,来自东方。”千叶影儿幸灾乐祸道:“看来魔后驭下的北神域也没那么服帖,这么大的动静,怕是……” Her words have not said, sound transmission jade transmits the extremely dramatic turbulence suddenly. 她话未说完,传音玉忽然传来极为剧烈的动荡。 So anxious, clearly is what important matter. 如此急切,分明是什么大事。 Qianye Ying'er knits the brows to put out sound transmission jade, immediately, Brahma King incomparably austere heavy voice/sound resounds: Reported Divine Emperor, Eastern transmits the strange loud sound, its great it shook has not always seen, absolutely not common, feared the mutation.” 千叶影儿皱眉拿出传音玉,顿时,一个梵王无比肃重的声音响起:“禀神帝,东方传来诡异巨响,其巨其撼平生未见,绝非寻常,恐有异变。” This passes message makes Chi Wuyao and Qianye Ying'er complexion in pairs change. 这个传音让池妩仸千叶影儿脸色双双微变。 Brahma Emperor God Realm...... Eastern? 梵帝神界的……东方 If the same sound loud sound...... passed to Northern God Territory unexpectedly!? 若是同一声巨响……竟传到了北神域!? Considers other without enough time, Chi Wuyao opens sound transmission profound formation rapidly: 来不及思虑其他,池妩仸迅速开启传音玄阵: Huajin, fast passes message Eastern God Territory Realm King from all walks of life, investigates thoroughly just now sound origin as soon as possible.” 婳锦,速传音东神域各界界王,尽快查清方才的声响来源。” After a quarter of an hour, the Huajin news feeds in: 一刻钟后,婳锦的消息传回: Master, this voice/sound had confirmed that does not come from Eastern God Territory, but is Eastern God Territory east. Extremely fierce sound tide initiated the beasts in varying degrees to be chaotic in Eastern God Territory most Star Realm, but in controllability.” 主人,这个声音已确认不是来自东神域,而是东神域之东。太过剧烈的音潮在东神域大半的星界都引发了不同程度的兽乱,但尚在可控之中。” Just now traces Lower Realm planet that several can touch as far as possible, discovers the sound source also to Eastern. Huajin suspected, can be possible be...... Wall of Primordial Chaos?” “方才尽可能追查了几个可以触及的下界星球,发现音源还要更加东方婳锦怀疑,会不会有可能是……混沌之壁?” Chi Wuyao and Qianye Ying'er look at each other one, saw in opposite party pupil with amazement. 池妩仸千叶影儿对视一眼,都看到了对方瞳眸中的骇然。
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